4 minute read
Tūhaitara Trust Update
great mahi and a rewarding day for everyone.
The Trust will also be participating as a community partner in the UC GEOG309 research paper again this year, with one of our rangers
Mikaela working closely with the students on an invertebrate project in the park.
Last week two of our rangers Zeta and Deane attended Braids annual braided rivers seminar in Lincoln. This was a fantastic event which consisted of a series of presentations from speakers including river care groups, Environment Canterbury, DOC, and other conservation groups. We learnt a lot of valuable information about river restoration, protecting native biodiversity and habitat, sampling practices and data, agriculture and resource management, predator control and trapping on the Ashley Rakahuri and protecting bird nesting islands.
(Photo above)
Lately we have had incidents with rubbish being dumped in the park which is really disappointing to see.
Under the Litter Act 1979 it is an offence to dump rubbish in public areas, roadsides, parks, and reserves. Please report any suspicious activity by writing down vehicle details and location and contacting Waimakariri District Council on 0800 965 468, email office@wmkgovt.nz or report the issue using Snap Send Solve.
If rubbish is being dumped on riverbeds, streams or creeks alternatively contact Environment Canterbury Regional Council on 0800 765 588 or use Snap Send Solve.
Save the date!
We will be having our next community planting day on Saturday 12 August where we will be planting tōtara and other varieties of native plants. We hope to see you there!

Instagram: tkot_ friendsoftuhaitarapark Facebook: Friends of Tuhaitara Coastal Park
Clothing Alterations & Repairs
Do you have a busted zip or pants that are too long? Or maybe a dress or skirt that needs an alteration? Call or text Paula 027 627 7212.
Dear Community Readers
At the end of Term 2 our Year 7 & 8 students were involved with United Nations Day. Each student was involved with making displays, including costumes, food and information about their country. Throughout the day the countries debated topics including refugees, climate change and a secret topic all about the war between Russia and Ukraine.
It was a wonderful day for all involved and everyone learned something from a different country’s perspective.
North Canterbury Debating Champions
Our Debating team won the
North Canterbury Primary Schools
debate competition. At the end of last term our Woodend School Debating team beat Ashgrove School in the final in front of a large crowd at Ashgrove School. at the end of last term.

The Woodend Debating Team: Kiara, Lachlan Jasmine, Keava, Indi and Jasper.
North Canterbury Korfball Champions
Our Years 5-6 korfball team participated in the North Canterbury Schools tournament.
Our team made it through the tournament unbeaten and into the finals against Rangiora Borough School with a win close 2 -1. 3 players were recognised for their outstanding play during the tournament.
Well done to Scarlett, Tyler and Harry.
Support Staff Week
At the end of last term, we celebrated support staff week. We are very fortunate to have such amazing support staff at our school and recognised them during the week for all the work, time and effort they make around our school.

Matariki Celebration Breakfast
During week 1 we celebrated Matariki with a variety of learning activities throughout the week. We celebrated Matariki with a shared breakfast for students and families on Friday followed by a special Matariki assembly where students were able to share learning from the week. We appreciate all the support received to make this event so special.
School Growth
We are experiencing considerable roll growth over most areas of the school and have just started our third new entrant class for 2023. If you have a child who is due to start school this year or next and have not as yet let us know, please go to our website and fill in the pre-enrolment for your child. www.woodend.school. nz This just helps with our planning and predictions for later this year and looking forward into 2024.

Nga mihi nui Woodend School Team
New Hours
We’re delighted to be able to offer longer opening hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 31 July onwards. On those days we’ll be open from 9am to 4.30pm. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays we’ll continue to be open from 9.30am to 3.30pm. As our volunteer numbers continue to grow, we hope to extend hours on those days as well.

Volunteering for CAB
A heads-up that we’ll be advertising for volunteers at the end of August. Training will commence in late September and continue throughout October.
We’re looking for people who are good listeners, non-judgmental, willing to learn and keep learning, and confident using a computer. We can promise an expansion of your knowledge, a great deal of satisfaction in helping and empowering a client, and a bunch of really nice people to work alongside.
If you’d like to apply, please get in touch with us for an application form. All trainees are fully supported with initial and ongoing learning plus a mentoring programme as you come up to speed with the challenges and pleasures of being a CAB volunteer.
Our Clinics
We hold fortnightly clinics that cover legal assistance, employment, budgeting and immigration queries. In addition, we have volunteers who are also Justices of the Peace, and they offer that service when they’re on duty. Please get in touch for dates and more information.
Extra support even if you’ve already done some research
Even if you’ve already done some research, we’re happy to discuss options with you and perhaps find even more information to support you. It can be very helpful to talk things over before taking action,
Our Service
Do come and see us. We trained to listen and to research. We’ll deal with anything that’s concerning you no matter how big or how small. We’re here to help.

You’ll find us at 209 High Street, Rangiora, or you can phone us on 03 313 8822 or 0800 367 222, or send us an email northcanterbury@cab.org.nz