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Woodend - Sefton Community Board
Funding for Cycle and Walkways
Waimakariri District Council applied for Transport Choices funding from NZTA for several projects to provide people w ith more transport options. Thanks to council staff for their work, as the two projects in this area were successful:
• Woodend to Kaiapoi shared path to link with Christchurch Northern Corridor
• Woodend to Pegasus (SH1) – Shared User Path.
The Board advocated strongly for these projects, and they will now go through a two-stage process with NZTA. The first stage is to further refine and scope project proposals, before construction begins in the second stage.
Response from NZTA to safety issues raised
The Board wrote to NZTA in September 2022 about some safety issues and the reply was received in December. Some specific things asked about and the reply from NZTA (in italics) are following.
Pegasus/Ravenswood roundabout safety
Above you can read about the changes to the Pegasus/Ravenswood roundabout on SH1 that NZTA have planned. The Board asked about:
• reducing height of the roundabout - the height helps to indicate to approaching drivers the presence of the roundabout encouraging them to slow down.
• an underpass for pedestrians and cyclists to safely cross SH1 – NZTA will look into the feasibility of an underpass at the roundabout to help pedestrians and cyclists cross the state highway between Ravenswood and Pegasus
• traffic lights if an underpass was not feasible – with the proposed installation of flexible median safety barrier north of Pegasus, the roundabout would operate as a turnaround for drivers travelling south who need to turn around and travel north to get to their destination and traffic lights would make this unsafe.
Waikuku Beach Road Intersection
Improvements needed at this intersection - there isn’t a specific improvement being designed for the Waikuku Beach Road intersection in this package. However, we will continue to review the situation in Waikuku.
Next meeting
Monday 13 February starting at 5.30pm at the Sefton Public Hall. All are welcome. If you want to see what will be discussed check out the Board Facebook page or the agenda at waimakariri.govt.nz/your-council/meetings/minutes-and-agendas around the Thursday of the previous week.
Contact us - more information about the Board, and contact details for members is on our Facebook page @WoodendSeftonCommunityBoard
Have you been thinking about donating your time to a good cause this year? Matching vulnerable children in our communities with a safe and trusted adult role model, Big Brothers Big Sisters supports positive relationships that are critical to childhood development.

New Mentor, Hannah, and her ‘Little Sister’ Suzi (pictured) would love you to join our team!

Woodend Rugby Football Club

2023 Season
Senior Coaches
Wednesday's @ 6.30pm
Gladstone Park
Preseason games:
4th March Woodend vs Temuka
11th March Prebbleton vs Woodend
25th March Rolleston vs Woodend woodendrugby.co.nz
Can you find Mr Woody Woodpecker!
Mr Woody Woodpecker is hidden amongst one of The Woodpecker pages.
For fun, search for him and if you find him, please EMAIL the Editor on debs.thewoodpecker@outlook.co.nz with a high resolution photo of you pointing to the very page where Mr Woody Woodpecker is, along with your name, age and location and your photo will go in next month’s Woodpecker.
Gracebrook - HONEY
Gracebrook on the highway south of Amberley, we have HONEY 4kg bucket for $30, creamed clover $20kg, small plant nursery, Hosta’s, Hydrangeas, succulents & lots more, Open Daily txt 027 673 3330
Clothing Alterations & Repairs
Do you have a busted zip or pants that are too long? Or maybe a dress or skirt that needs an alteration? Call or text

Paula 027 627 7212.
Gracebrook - KNITS
Gracebrook beautifully knitted jumpers pure NZ wool, Guernsey, Fair aisle or cabled, natural colours to choose from, baby sets to adults, we will knit to order txt 027 673 3330
Lawn maintenance
Mowing, spraying fertilising and scarifying.
Call Hamish 027 349 7986
Want 1/8th advertising space?
That’s this size! mail Debs on: debs.thewoodpecker@outlook.co.nz
This young man is our great grandson Leo Appleton aged 6yrs, Pegasus, who found Woody, sent in by Jan Cairns. Kate Nihoniho aged 7yrs, Tuahiwi, found Woody! Dad tried to help but it was Kate who had the eagle eyes! Sent in by Antony Nihoniho.
My daughter Willow van de Vondervoort, aged 8, Pegasus found the sneaky Mr Woody Woodpecker! Sent in by Jemma van de Vondervoort. Mekura Tyro, aged 10yrs and Malia
Tyro aged 8yrs Tyro from Pegasus found Mr Woody. Sent in by mum Ninon Kirchner.
My daughter Sadie Ruthven, aged 8yrs, Rangiora who found Mr Woody Woodpecker. Sent in by dad Caleb Ruthven.
Our son, Kahu Roberts aged 12yrs, was very excited to find Mr Woody from a previious issue while we were getting haircuts at Woodend Hair. Sent in by Raina Roberts.
Eva Georgeson, age 5yrs, Woodend found Mr Woody, sent in by Julia Martin.
Daniel Botha, aged 9yrs, Pegasus found Mr Woody after a loooong search. Good job hiding him! Sent in by Sarie Botha
Top Row: Daniel, Eva, Kahu
Middle Row: Willow, Leo, Kate
Bottom Row: Sadie, Mekura, Malia

Woodend Methodist Report
WELCOME TO 2023 – Hope everyone is feeling refreshed after the Christmas / New Year period and getting back to normality now February is already upon us. Woodend weekly church service is held Sundays at 9am everyone welcome. our minister Is Darryn Hickling phone 022 675 7391 email minister.rangioramethodist@ gmail.com Office hours Tuesday and Thursdays 10am to 1pm and Wednesday 9.45am to 1.45pm. Our new complex is finally up and running. There is another article elsewhere in Woodpecker detailing hire charges and what is available. You can hold small or large gatherings eg classes, tutoring, concerts, interviews, conferences, clubs etc. – for any enquiries please contact Kaye at the Rangiora Trinity Office, 176 King Street, Rangiora, 3133448 or email rangioramethodist@gmail. com Rangiora Trinity office hours are Tuesday 10am to 1pm, Wednesday 9.45am to 1.45pm, Thursday 10am to 1pm. The whole complex was used for the first time to celebrate the life of Woodend icon Dawn Sanders who unfortunately lost her life while crossing SH1 in the Woodend Village earlier in January.
The monthly movies will recommence on Wednesday 1 February at 1pm. The movie will be ‘Once in A Lifetime’. Based on a true story, the film chronicles the relationship of a teacher with teenagers who have long since dropped out of the school system. This teacher of Leon Blum high school at Créteil (Val-de-Marne), decides to enter a national competition titled “Children and adolescents in the Nazi concentration camp system’. Initially tumultuous and frustrating, the atmosphere quickly evolves as they meet with a survivor of the camps and increasing intensity during a visit to a museum dedicated to this period of history. This experience will change their lives. Entry will be a gold coin donation. Afternoon tea will be provided.
The movie programme for the rest of the year is as follows:
• March ‘Friends for Life’
• April ‘The Great Escape’
• May ‘Jewels’
• June ‘Definitely Maybe’
• July ‘The Help’
• August ‘The Irish R.M.’
• September ‘Kenny Rogers’
• October “Shiloh”
• November ‘America’s Sweethearts’ On 19 February the combined Rangiora / Woodend Parish is holding a Church Picnic at Woodend Beach. All welcome. For details contact the office 313 3448 or rangioramethodist@ gmail.com
Saturday 4 March 9am to midday the Parish is holding a Plant Sale at Trinity Methodist, King Street, Rangiora. Sunday 5 March at 9am there will be a Church breakfast at Woodend Methodist instead of holding the usual Church Service. Our Minister Darryn Hickling is to be the guest speaker giving us an insight into his career which has taken him on interesting different paths.
The formal opening of the new complex is to be held on Sunday the 12 March at 9am community welcome to this. come and view the complex for yourself and meet our church family.