2 minute read
We are super-delighted and thankful for the support of our two new sponsors: Justin Hartley from Ray White Pegasus Morris & Co and Ravenswood Developments Ltd. Their support, along with that of New World Ravenswood, enabled us to run the two significant events late in 2022 and will assist with the running of the Community Cuppa events over the next few months.
We also thank The Good Home Pegasus for their ongoing support over several years. There were many giveaway prizes at the end of year events, thanks to the following local businesses: The Good Home, Super Liquor, Brick Mill Café, Flat White Café & Bar, Three Llamas Café & Coffee Roastery, 79 Impresso Café, McDonalds and Bumble Bums. Thank you all so very much!
Special thanks to our team of volunteers who helped with the end of year events on top of their assistance with Ronel’s Community Cuppa throughout the year. You are an awesome team and we truly couldn’t do it without you!
The hugely successful Waiora Links Community Trust Launch Lunch held at the Woodend Community Centre on 30 November attracted 83 guests including social service organisations, local community groups, local businesses, Council staff and elected representatives. Karakia were read by students from both Woodend School and Pegasus Bay School and former Mayor David Ayers cut the cake in recognition of him having suggested the name “Waiora” which was adopted by the Trust.
On 14 December a Combined Christmas Community Cuppa was held at the Woodend Community Centre and attended by around 50 local residents. A highlight was the very impressive Kapa Haka performance from 30 Woodend School students. Santa and the Mayor were also in attendance (see photo below right).

Below: Some of the guests at the "Launch Lunch" event.
We are looking for additional volunteers to help with the Ravenswood/Woodend Community Cuppa on the 3rd Monday of the month, if you can help, please contact our Secretary at waioralinks@gmail.com or phone/text 0274 310 803
Ronel’s Community Cuppa for Pegasus Residents
10.00am, Wednesday 8th February 2023
All Pegasus Residents Welcome!
Both events at Pegasus Community Centre, 8 Tahuna St, near Flat White Café Guest Speakers – Free Morning Tea – Meet new people!

Ravenswood/Woodend Community Cuppa
10.00am, Monday 20th February 2023
All Ravenswood & Woodend Residents Welcome!
Waiora Links Community Trust
Email: waioralinks@gmail.com
FB: Waiora Links Community Trust
St Barnabas Update
Happy New Year to you all! After the wonderful celebrations of the Christmas season, January is always a quiet month and for many, a time to rest and reflect.
Here at St Barnabas, our groups and activities also close down for the month; we also offer one service on Sunday only, which is the 9.30am. Now as we move into February, it is time for our activities and groups to re-start – so we look forward to welcoming you back to them in this New Year.
And if you haven’t been involved before, you’re so welcome to join us. We also have an exciting change to introduce.
Starting on 5 February, we will be offering a service at 11am each Sunday.
Called ‘Generations’, it has developed from the 4.32 service which will not be resuming this year. ‘Generations’ will have a somewhat different format than the 4.32 had, however it remains open to all ages, whilst being principally aimed at families with children and an emphasis on child participation. It will be followed each week by a light lunch.
The more traditional 9.30am service remains unchanged -and the welcome at both services, the 9.30am and the 11.00am., is warmer than ever!
We’d love for you to come along and enjoy a service with us – in the meantime, keep enjoying this summer weather!
Relay for Life North Canterbury
Relay for Life North Canterbury, Saturday 1 April, Dudley Park, Rangiora.
Be part of the magic, fundraising crucial funds for the Cancer Society.
To register or for more information https://relayforlife.org.nz/ northcanterbury
Speech Therapy
Children & Adults -reasonable rates
027 358 2106 – 03 423 3808 speechmarknz@gmail.com