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Dragon Stone Paving Ltd

Happy new year to you and your whanau, we hope you are enjoying the amazing weather and have had a well-earned break over Christmas. We are refreshed and looking forward to the year ahead – we plan to continue to look after one another. ☺
WHAT IS A HEALTH IMPROVEMENT PRACTITIONER (HIP)? – Hi my name is Cara, my knowledge and experience can help with: - * Managing thoughts, feelings and behaviours * stress, anxiety, depression or feeling down * coping with loss * sleep problems * drug and alcohol problems * family or relationship issues, domestic violence and parenting * chronic pain * living with the side effects of illness and health conditions * navigating gender identity, sexual orientation. My appointments are fully funded and 30-minutes long. I work Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays and look forward to meeting with y ou for a chat.
VASECTOMY – Dr Roger Dehn offers “No Scalpel Vasectomies”. He is experienced in this specialist procedure. Book an initial consultation with reception. Your health insurance may fund this procedure.
MELANOMA – NZ has the highest rate of mortality from Melanoma . Check your moles for changes prior to the summer time with PMC. We recommend getting a full mole check regularly. If you are concerned about 1 or 2 moles which have changed an earlier and quicker appointment can be offered. Your health insurance may subsidise this appointment.
ADVANCED CARE PLANS - Living well your way with increasing health needs can take some planning for the future. Advance care planning is the process of thinking about, discussing and writing down your wishes about the type of medical care and treatment you want to receive in the future including end of life care.
GRIEF AND LOSS STEPS – Join Cara and Molly in March (date to come) group session to navigate and support the challenges grief and loss can bring short and long term. If interested in pre-booking please leave your details at reception.
KEEPING US ALL WELL- We continue to require everyone coming into the practice to wear a mask as per the government’s directive. For peace of mind, you may wish to wait in your vehicle – that is absolutely fine. Please just call us on your arrival with your details of vehicle. We will continue to screen patients and operate a “streaming” process – again this is for your protection, as well as our staff. This means you may be required to be seen differently i.e., in vehicle, in outside or inside treatment rooms should you have cold/flu/covid symptoms.

In a medical emergency, and if acutely unwell don’t hesitate to dial 111.
52 Pegasus Main Street, Pegasus Town Ph 03 920 4060 www.pegasusmedicalcentre.co.nz

How are those New Year’s resolutions going?
We all love having a fresh start and every New Year we all go through the same motions to change things by setting ourselves goals. We have the best intentions but unfortunately life tends to get in the way. Many of our resolutions fail because work? Firstly, your goals should be smart — and also SMART! Specific. Your resolution should be absolutely clear. Measurable. Decide mechanisms to track your progress to keep you focused. The Strava app is useful to do this, as is your personal parkrun profile page. they’re not the right resolutions. Perhaps it’s too vague, or unattainable, or maybe you don’t have realistic plan to make it happen.
At parkrun we always see a healthy bump in participant numbers at the start of the year, and indeed this year has been no exception. In the past month Pegasus parkrun has had over 100 parkrunners six times. But every year we see these number lessen as life gets in the way of our aspirations. So, what can you do to make things

Achievable. Be realistic. Make sure you can actually reach your goal. Relevant. Does this goal matter enough? Are you passionate enough to keep working at it even in the depths of Winter?
Time-bound. Set yourself milestones on the road to your goal and celebrate them!
Every person has struggled to make new year’s resolutions and maintain them. If you have had a bad track record in keeping your resolutions in the past, do not beat yourself up too much. There is still hope. What sets success and failure apart is you! parkruns are free, non-competitive, social 5K events where you can walk, jog, or run at your own pace. It’s for everyone - no matter your age, background, experience level, fitness level or gender.
If your resolution is about getting into better shape in 2023 then Pegasus parkrun can help!
Pegasus parkrun happens every Saturday at Motu Quay by Lake
Pegasus. Registering with parkrun is completely free (no catches!). It is a very friendly, supportive, and non-pressured environment. You don’t have to interact with anyone if you don’t want to – but it’s a great place to meet likeminded people from all walks of life.
Does this sound like something you might like to try? Check out our Facebook page (search for ‘Pegasus parkrun’), or have a look at our web site at ‘parkrun.co.nz/pegasus’. We are friendly!