The World Process Book

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40 other people for the next 10 hours. Where you your notepads sit right now you have big industrial machinesYou are overworked, always tired and yet you are forced to come back here each and every day. Your wage? €120 – not per hour, not per day: per month! This is how the life of 40 million people in this world looks like. Thanks for empathy.Empathy doesn’t changeathing. Acting on this empathydoes. laura Every time we buy another dress we don’t need wekim becomekassin part of this problem. But I don’t want to focus on what we are doing wrong, I want to focus on what we can do better. We humans winners, we conslaura kimarekassin tantly strive for success and want to be

the world





Tradition authenticity Creativity

Belonging Craftsmanship Regianality

“While its spirit is Dutch, the inspiration for the clothes comes from all over the world. Every designer is encouraged to travel the globe and come back with items that inspire them.”

quick scan Scotch& Soda is a dutch fashion brand founded in 1985 by Laurens Hompes. The brand is widely known for their classy, traditional, casual pieces with prints and vintage looking touches. Their garments are very rich in details, patterns and colors and should reflect the style of a true open-minded Amsterdammer. By now Scotch&Soda has over 250 stores worldwide and is sold in more than 7000 sales points.


1985 Scotch and Soda was founded in by the

dutch entrepreneur Laurens Hompes.

The wholesale brand was bought by Eric Bi- 2000 jlsma, Patrick Munsters and Joep Krouwels.

2001 The label was rebranded and relaunched a by Tom Puik, Mees Puik, and Leonard Buzz.

Scotch & Soda was acquired by the brand 2011 house Kellwood Stables.

2014 onwards: All collections are designed under the creative direction of Marlou van Engelen. Target groups: -

Classic scotch & soda: for men Maison scotch: the womenʼs line Scotch Shrunk: for boys Scotch Rʼbelle: for girls Amsterdams Blauw: The denim line Barfly: the fragrance

key values Effortlessness Practicability Comfort


Individuality open effortless Commu Details Craftsman Making you feel som Diversity Spirited B Quality Adventur


mind Storytelling unication Bohemian nship Storytelling mething Creativity Belonging comfort rous GlobeTrotter


Due deman „Maiso line

Schotch & Soda started off as a brand exclusively for men.



2008 They added a line for boys with the same pieces as Scotch&Soda just shrunken.

ine Last but not least they finally added the line for girls as a pendant to Scotch shrunk

e to the great nd they created on Scotch“ - the e for women.


2011 2010 Schotch&Soda created their own label named “Blauw“ focused on jeans and other


S XXX for amster dam

When it comes to producing denim, they emphatically avoid sandblasting - a technique used for giving denim a worn-in look, sandblasting produces silica dust that can be detrimental to workers' health if performed without suitable protective wear.) As an alternative, they use ozone and laser treatments, both of which substantially reduce water and chemical use.

& h c t o c S c u d o r P

& n o i ct Engaging in fairer trade Member of Amfori since 2013. Amfori is the leading global business association for open and sustainable trade. It is a business-driven initiative for companies committed to improving working conditions in the global supply chain. Their code aligns with international frameworks concerning human rights and labour standards, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Children's Rights and Business Principles, UN Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights and OECD guidelines, as well as the conventions and recommendations of the International Labour Organization (ILO), which are relevant to improving working conditions in the supply chain.

Choosing sustainable fabrics Balance between quality, comfort and sustainability is key when it comes to their fabrics. They source cotton from the Better Cotton Initiative (BCI), as well as organic sources. Itʻs their goal to source 50% more sustainable cotton by 2022; reaching 100% by 2025. When cotton is produced organically, it requires 95% less water. The production of organic cotton also engages fair labour practices, and nets higher prices for the cotton farmer. The Better Cotton Initiative (BCI) aims to transform cotton production worldwide by developing Better Cotton as a sustainable mainstream commodity. Whenever you purchase a cotton garment from Scotch & Soda, you're supporting The Better Cotton Initiative. You're also supporting BCI farmers, who use water efficiently, care for the health of natural habitats, reduce the use of harmful chemicals and respect the rights and

Scotch and sustainability

„Our product is only one part of the story. The other part, of course, is the people making it.“

Production Scotch&Soda state on their website that they work with 5 different factories around the world. However, during our field research where we visited multible stores and investigated their garments we found a carelabel which states that the garment is produced in Thailand, although none of the factories mentioned on their website are located there. Their 5 official factories are: c a r e l a b e l f r o m shirt in Amsterdam store

"Half a truth is often a great lie"

- Benjamin Franklin

A socially responsible code of conduct All of Scotch & Soda's production factories must sign the Amfori BSCI Code of Conduct in order for them to work together.

Scotch & Soda fully endorses and lives by each of the values and principles set out in the code.

The program unites more than 2,000 companies worldwide around a common code of conduct, and supports them with a step-by-step development focused system.

The factories they work with are regularly audited by independent and certified (SAAS) audit firms, in accordance with the Amfori BSCI requirements and for compliance with this code. If it becomes evident that a factory does not fully comply with the Amfori BSCI requirements, Scotch & Soda insists upon the implementation of a remediation plan. In doing so, they monitor all factories on a yearly basis, improving – if necessary – working conditions in Scotch & Soda production factories.

A transparent way of working In August 2018, at least 94% of the factories Scotch and Soda works with, scored an 'acceptable' or higher rating under the Amfori BSCI Code of Conduct. These include:


For the remaining 6%, a plan to increase these scores is already underway. These factories manufacture at least 75% of Scotch & Soda garments.

In addition to the Amfori BSCI standard, 20% of their factories comply with other important standards.

the ISO 1400, which outlines requirements for environmental management systems the SA8000, a body encouraging socially acceptable workplace practices the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) the Global Recycle Standard (GRS).

com At Scotch & soda, shop assistants are referred to as stylists, which entails that they provide a more personal service to their customers in the store.

Academy Every employee has mandatory lectures and trainings to attend at the Scotch&Soda Academy. The shopping assistants are truly educated about the garments they are selling to their consumers. This is done through their “academy” website, which is only accessible to all their employees. Here the company publishes information on what the employee needs to know about the new collection, tips on how to work with the customer and they are even informed about activities such as “morning sessions” intended to motivate and connect colleagues.

mpanies culture

It is the companyʼs goal that each and every person who works at the head office has work experience in the store, so they understand who the target group is and thus have a better understanding of what a stylistʼs job is. As a result, there is more respect between the people from the headquarters and the people who work at their stores. Employees in the store describe the culture within the company as one big family. The goal for the platform is also to make sure all the employees understand the concept of all the collections and have the same goals. The brands expectations of their stylists are that they have their personal, spontaneous approach to how they communicate with customers and have knowledge of the collection. The company embraces diversity within the company: sexuality, culturally, gender, etc.

from amsterdam from everywhere

Branding Branding in terms of details is very important to the brand and doesnʼt only make their items unique but also adds a lot of value to their products. What we noticed while their “People who feel confi- visiting Amsterdam stores is that dent about themselthere is an enormous variety in ves, donʼt need logos to labels on their products. What show the world what they all have in common is that theyʼre about. All theyʼre rich in details, yet discrete and small. This branding really does, makes it difficult to recognize a is take away peopleʼs Scotch & Soda product from far. individuality.” Storytelling through clothing : The fantasy of traveling the world and collecting memories from different cultures to create something exciting and new. They like to refer to their drops as “Stories”. There are 8 stories per year.

Creating an Experience for their costumer The stores truly function as a marketing tool for the brand, especially in Amsterdam where international tourists discover the brand and it represents its origin at its best. According to the shop assistant at the Amsterdamʼs Blauw store, the brand is already happy if they only break even each month and are able to pay the billʼs, because itʼs mainly seen as a marketing tool and not particular as a main source of income. They create a unique experience by not only the typical design of the stores (brick walls, industrial design, Amsterdam features like old street toilets as XXX for for changing rooms,..) but.also the welcoming atmosphere XXX and even the signature scent. amster amster dam dam

SDG's Sustainable development goals

„Action should include policies that improve resource efficiency, reduce waste and mainstream sustainability practices across all sectors of the economy.“ - Since Scotch&Soda is al about labels but donʻt want to show off their brand, we think that in the future they should focus their designs on Sustainability. Be proud of sustainable fashion! „With rising greenhouse gas emissions, climate change is occurring at rates much faster than anticipated and its effects are clearly felt worldwide.“ We want Scotch&Soda to life by their values and actually take actions. STOP talking START doing! We want them to take action now before it ultimateley is too late. And of course: show it and spread it. „Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainable manage forests, combat desertification and halt and reverse land degradation.“ Scotch and Soda already tries to take recourse to sustainable alternatives when it comes to their fabrics. This should be the norm, not an exception they donʻt even want to brag about.

Reflection #week1

Choosing a brand, being in a team with people I never worked with, having new teachers - the new module started off with a lot of change and new challenges. Not only did it start off with challenges, but also opportunities. Opportunities to connect, gain new friendships but most importantly gain as much knowledge as possible. And develop not only my hard- but also my soft skills. My team seems to be very motivated - which I of course like and endorse.

Motivated as we are we already visited all of the Scotch&Soda stores at the second day of our project. What we learned there left me surprised. We got unbelievably much information and everyone was extremely friendly and kind. This left me thinking: Is it all a well-trained show? Is the company really that transparent? Can you even trust brands on the information they give you? Questions I will hopefully manage to answer within the next few weeks.





72 and sunny Advertising agency Experiential design + creative technology Designing the way human experience things Meet your users Question: What can be redesigned that is being overlooked? Fair wear foundation Christian smith Human rights in supply chain - Living wage - No discrimination - Freedom Tipps: Ask questions - Think about other people - Push boundaries

workers un Collections mad lifevests collecte Question: How a changemaker industry?

Sym Symp To keep value high

unrecorded Contemporary unisex brand - key value sustainability Everything 100% organic cotton (GOTʻs certified) Never out of stock - never on sale - no seasons Visiting their production companies each month They are constantly working on improving and reusing their existing products Question: Why does a product loose 50% of itʻs value over night at the end of itʻs season?


A beautiful m Sustainable factory Company powered Core Values: Equali Question: How mi models in the fashi while keeping qual

nite de by recyceled ed in greek shores w can everyone be r in the fashion



The Fabrikant Digital fashion house Creating products without polluting the world. New virtual materials and fabrics can be created What is the difference between digital existings and the physical one when itʻs just shown digitally? Buying products prom screens/ production on demand. Question: What does wearing mean?


mess y based in Amsterdam by refugees ity, Inclusivity, Transparency, Circuality ight we creaty circular partnership ion industry, to use and reduce waste lity and revenues stable?

Acetat = used material

ACE&tate Eyewear for fair price - why have so many shoes but just one pair of glasses? Direct to consumer company Transparent chain Question: How can we distinguish brands from greenwashing from those that make real impact?

Stinky fish Holding back information: One of the store managers told us that they „donʻt want to brag“ about sustainability. So they deliberately hold back information from they consumers and only spread them through word-of-mouth advertising, which made us wonde if they do so to avoid people actually questioning them. Mixing fibers: We noticed that Scoth&Soda mixes a lot of fibers for their fabrics, even where it could be easily prevented. This makes it way harder - sometimes even impossible to recycle them. Transparency: Scoth&Soda seems to be very transparent. They have a clear code of conduct accessable on their website as well as information out their production, working conditions and brand in generell. They even state all the factories they work with on their website, but during our field research we came across a carelabel that was produced in a country thats not listed. This made us question how much of the information they offer is actually true. End of use: There is hardly any information about their end of use accessable.

Avoiding greenwash


fabric quality over environment

Working condition

Questionning their validity Transparancy

Strong band identity

Because of their strong image you would not questionning their value. We do. Convincing

End of use

no information

PRODUCTION. Is it true that you donʼt have a tech pack? If yes, how does your sampling process work? What are your biggest challenges regarding sustainability? What are you struggling with? BRANDING Why do you choose to keep your sustainability concepts private? DESIGN & SOURCING How difficult is it to achieve your goals regarding sustainability? (100% organic cotton by 2022, …) END OF USE/ SUSTAINABILITY Do you have a specific sustainability department? Are customers asking about sustainability? What happens with the clothes that are not sold? Are you aware about the SDGʼs? Are you using one or several of them? Is there anything that we could research for you? How do you see the company in 10 years?

quest ions left

futur - stricter laws and regulations regarding carbon emission - 3D-printing organs - limited charging required - physical money will become obsolete (mobile commerce) - Blockchain will reduce food waste - everything delivered by drones


10 ye 5 years

ABC News

- cure for cance - clothes will de - virtually trying - cleaning robo - artificial intell maifacture clo - only digital lib - nanotechnolo



- instant information transfer (no reading time required anymore) - posibility to send emotions, feelings and, memories through the internet - contact lenses that take pictures - people are chipped/digital ID - entirely reliable on renewable energy

ears 20 years

er etect heart attacks g on clothes ots ligence used to othes braries ogy self-cleaning clothes

look "Thefuture futuredede"The pendson onwhat whatwe we pends doin inthe thepresent" present" do - Mahatma Gandhi

ks reflection #week2 After a week full of researching how the world (and especially Scotch&Soda) IS right now, the change of looking into how it WILL/could BE like was really encouraging. It made me hopeful. I gained so many new insights in the future of the fashion industry and the symposium was truly a one of a king experience. It made me think of aspects I never even considered before. Will fashion actually be digital in the future? Will we spend money on things that are not physical and donʻt really exist? I mean plenty of people also invested in Bitcoin which is also everything but physical so maybe the population might be ready for a digital fashion future sooner than expected. I truly believe that it is not too late to change the industry and it all begins with us individuals. Dear Fashion made me not only realise that I need to change my consumer behaviour but made me actually change it. The insights I gained this week showed me what big of an impact this change may have. Of course I am just one person, but together we can make change happen.


T world


The d


future m 5 years delivery by drones

self cleaning clothes

limited wat e r s u p p ly

Digi t Li b r a a l rys

cloth es detect no d physical iseases money s strict law against carbon emission

10 yea No Cancer No HIV

3D printed food

part of eu under water

no new plastic

ocean free of plastic




gender Equality

100 years

v i rtua l clothing

out of non-reneuable energy

people move to mars remote

nuclear war new countries

rich people leave earth

an o t epid her emic freezing

flying cars *wow*


implant for body

instant info transfer sending emotions through in food ternet


gfive Y

Utopia - 5 years: Humanity has inv therefore oceans will be plastic Today marks the day the last piece of plastic has finally been fished out of the ocean. Herewith the ocean is officially plastic free. Peter Heralds, founder of PFW, the company that started this programme, announced that they will start this year already with the production of their plastic island. What

used to be on ldʼs biggest pla planned to be Heralds annou the island peo only be able t should be even ordinary Fashion meets weekend there been announce


vented a plastic cleaning machine free. fashion will be genderless.

ne of the woragues is now e the dream. unced that on ople will not to life – they safer than on mainland. politics: Last e has finally es a law regar

ding fashion and gender. Starting January 1st Fashion official is a gender-neutral industry. The ordinary fashion weeks we know from the past - separated in Menswear and Womenswear are herewith obsolete and will take place as one big event welcoming and including all genders and nationalities.



ten Years



Digitalish is now officially the Exciting news in the fashion most used language on Industry: former Harvard student earth. T h e Utopia - 10 years: hu- Moritz Pail collaboralanguage based on manity will speak ted with E n g l i s h one language there- pro athlete abbrevia- fore The world will Alexander H a r t . tions be more connected Tog ether arisen f r o m and clothes will they creaw r i t i n g detect diseases. ted worldʼs first fabric a n d texting is now the universal detecting injuries and disealanguage on earth. What ses before the body can even seemed so unrealistic 10 feel them nor doctors can years ago has gotten reality detect them. Their “IGotYou” now. Critics say that the line is launching beginning of language should be similar next year. This will be a to Latin exclusively written milestone in the sports indussince it is hard to speak. Yet try. Pail says they are already the language seems to be working on an etire day to easy to learn for the majority day collection which is since Humanity is more planned to launch end of 2035. connected than ever.

g hundred years

Utopia - 100 years: The world will be one of many places of residence, therefore humanity will explore different planets and we will wear digital clothes.

What a special day it is. Today we celebrate the 5-year anniversary of the “Mars for Future” project. Since the launch of their company which makes people able to move to mars and travel back and forth within less than a day many things have happened. Not only have there been already over 40 million flights to the new planet but also people started permanently living there and building their infrastructure on mars. Soon Albert Heijn will open the doors of their first branch on mars Dirk Hammersvort the CEO of the company announced.

Also the fashion industry celebrates an anniversary today. It has been 30 years since the last item out of ordinary fibres has been produced. This reduced the yearly environmental pollution by more than 70%. Even though there have been many opponents against the introduction of the obligatory smartsuit 20 years ago, people seem to have adopted by now. This year has been the one with the most purchased holograms per person so far. New chips that allow you to store over 7.000 pieces are in the making Steve Birner the founder of “Fashion for future” says.

ADIDAS adidas is taking performance tracking to the next level by introducing cutting-edge technology directly into the fabric of sportswear.

BIOCOUTURE BioCouture is t biodesign consu to produce cl generating toxi

The n Bl

PATAGONIA Patagonia leads the way in sustainable practices by encouraging responsible consumption and incentivising recycling in innovation think out of the clothing industry. the box

GROW YOUR OWN CLOTHING Imagine being able to grow yourself a new outfit. BioCouture is exploring how organisms like bacteria, yeast, fungi and algae could be harnessed to produce fabrics. The result is a completely natural, 100% compostable product. It can be dried, cut and sewn together to make clothes. Even better, it is produced without creating polluting waste — a truly sustainable future for fashion.

YEH GROUP Yeh Group pio minimise the dyeing fabric

E the worldʼs first ultancy, working lothing without ic waste.


IFIXIT is at the forefront of unconventional ideas of pushing people to sustainable consumption by encouraging DIY repairing and fixing of your belongings of every sort. They have partnered with Patagonia to create patch kits and educate the masses on general fixes like patching a jacket to changing zippers. Besides they offer plenty of video tutorials online on how to fix objects of every sort. This way they not only keep people from throwing out stuff lightheaded, but also bring people together.

next lack

P oneers innovation that helps e environmental impact of c by using less water.


STUDIO XO Studio XO is shaping the future of clothing by creating clothes that change shape, cut and colour according to the wearer's preference.

Worksho rooms As one of the first steps of our future scenario Scotch&Soda creates workshop rooms where customers can not only fix their grments if they are broken but also can recycle their old Scotch&Soda garments into something exciting and new with help of the DIY-Kit they can purchase in stores. Besides, Stylist now actually act as Tailors and don't just look like them. They are here to help you if needed. These new workshop rooms are here to connect people, emphasise the feeling of family, community and belonging, create attachement to fashion, recycle, motivate people to fix their pieces, encourage individuality and of course create experiences.


Working space

Changing rooms



refle reflec Three weeks have past and yet there is still no reply from Scotch&Soda regarding our questions. They surely have seen our message since they replied knowing that we want to have more information. But instead of replying with fear (“UNACCEPLTABLE CONTEND please be careful) they couldʼve seen it as an opportunity. We didnʼt come from a place where we want to do them dirty

– we just want deeper insights to create the best future for the brand as possible… Whatever, I them not replying just showed that they really have something to hide. Why bold back valuable information about your sustainability actions other brands would be proud to share? Maybe because they are scared of people asking questions and them not having answers so they distract with

ection ction sharing seemingly new information which was actually just held back in the past. Dreaming about what the world could be like made me really hopeful. Hopeful that together we can change something. But what it made me ask myself is: how did we end up where we are right now? How did fashion evolve into such a wasteful industry within only a couple of years? Since when goes quantity over

quality? I know, we canʻt change our past, this weekʼs research just made me curious. But what we CAN change is our future.And it lies in our hands if there even is a future. Ignoring climate change doesnʻt make it affect you less. You might not feel the change now, not yet at least. But sooner than you think you will and then it might already be too late. #week3

n The



Workshop rooms

QR H Sustainability labels

d DIY Kit Digital sampeling

Hang tag

Trying on clothes virtually



tangability Smart lenses

Future scenario f o r m

Proto typing

Step 7. Creating the cuffs

We chose to create a garmentas our prototype. We recycled old clothes and made a new garment out of them, to represent what Scotch&Soda could do in the future with the clothes their costumers bring in/ their leftovers from previous collections or even vintage pieces from around the world. This way donʻt rely on new recouses and avoid more trash being created.

be pro sustain

oud of nability

why is FAux fur fashionable but sustainability is not?


Scotch DIY KiT

The DIY-Kit is a playful introduction to Scotch&Sodas slowly evolving strategy wich focuses on not using any new recourses. Besides it creates attachement to the garments and as leaves room for creativity. Furthermore it underlines the brands value individuality even more.

omes DIY KIT


Refle ctio #wee

e m o n ek4 Finally - we are using our hands! As much as I enjoyed the past few weeks of doing research - the prototyping was a lot of fun for a person like me who likes to have visuals in her head. I think especially now that our theory is that in 100 years there wonʻt be any actual clothes anymore we have to cherish moments life that - working with fabric, actually working with your hands instead of just using them to send impulses to a screen surface even more. The past few weeks planted a pretty clear vision in my head of a digital fashion future. But is that what it will actually be like? Will technic be so advanced that it can replace peoples urge to create and love to fashion? The touch, the smell, the stories. Might sound a bit absurd but what happens to stains? For many not having stains may sound like a problem solved but cause usually it doesnʻt happen too often and if - something very funny must have happened, I have a story to each stain on my clothes. So the stain is less stain and more a memory for me. Not that I desperately want to have stains but will fashion without mistakes be even interesting? Is our future really 100% digital? I guess we will see. For me, the realization of the possibility that physical garments may become obsolete, connected me even more with the pieces I have so far and brought back my love for sewing garments and working with ma hands and fabrics, which I thought I had lost in the past couple of months.

The w

make n


es us


Scotch and telling Stories

you don't just buy a garment – you buy a story. You don't just buy a piece from Amsterdam but actually a piece from the world.“

Garments bought by Scotch and Soda will come with a hangtag including a QR-Code. Through this QR code you can excess information about what garments the recycled garment is made of, how to treat it, how many recycling circles the individual pieces went through and who they belonged to. - Telling Stories -


From the World dam


n - From Amster ctio


ular design coll e circ

tch & Soda’s firs t Sco



- Since 1985 -


Scotch & Soda Stories

You dont only buy a garment, you are wearing stories. . . NO MiXED FIBERS

Dear S&S IF clothing could talk, I have the most romantic story to tell. I was once with my sister at the movies and a handsome guy sat right next to me, he complimented my look, but I didn’t pay much attention because I was very into the movie. After it finished, he asked me what my name was and if he could get my telephone number. 3 months later he proposed, and I can say that I am the happiest human being on Earth. This shirt is definitely a good luck charm not only it brought me a man of my dreams but it I also got a promotion while I was wearing it! So, thank you.

Dear Scoth and Soda Every time I put on a dress I feel so empowered and strong. My mummy bought me this dress for my school dance competition. I cherish it because it brings me wonderful memories, I won, I was the best dancer in school. I also got a lot of compliments from my fellow classmates, they said I look like a princess. Now I wear pretty often even though there is no occasion, this dress is very pretty, and gold and it feels good on the skin. I know that soon I will grow from this dress, but I will decently keep it as a good luck charm.

Maya, 29 years old - GERMANY

Suzie ,9 years old - U.S.A

Dear S&S I would like to show my gratitude, I bought this dress one month ago and something great happened to me recently. I have been working towards my careers for a while now, Last Friday I had to present my project in front of an audience. I am staring a start-up company and I was looking for investors, when the day came to present I felt very nervous, but wearing this dress gave me lots of confidence , because I looked good. At the end I did very well and got the funding, I couldn’t be happier because not only I succeeded in my carrier I also proved to many people that everything is possible. I cherish this dress so much and every time I wear it I feel proud and I feel successful. Ashley ,33 years old - NORWAY


circular design system

1. Costumers hand in old S&S clothes. 2. Scotch&Sodas newly invented machine scans them and collects data about cut, shape and composition. 3. The machine breaks up the different fibers of the garments and devides them. 4. The machine creates digital samples which are all 100% out of the same fiibers to make recycling in the end easier. 5. Costumers can purchase DIY-Kit, or let Scotch&Soda produce the garment.


No new recourses used


In our Utopia for Scotch&Soda in the year 2120 they will develop virtual clothing including hangtags as a response to the digitalization of the fashion industry. Fashion in general will be virtual and can either purchased online or in stores where costumers can try them on via high-tech screens and mirrors. What will set Scotch&Soda apart from ordinary brands is that they are staying true to their brands values which are creating experiences and telling stories. „In a Fashion world that is loosing its connection to the physical world, the brand will create virtual products that allow the wearer to physically feel the fabric and their products will be designed to evoke emotions. As a result, their products will become a physical experience and not just a visual product. Scotch&Sodas goal will be to represent natures beauty and keep tangability alive while staying connected with humanity and still adapting to the new world of fashion.

topia Hologram

tangibility Base








Future store Experience

T o l a e T a s w s t m f b w s Imagine you are trapped in this room withw




This week really put teamwork to a test. I h on a project as long as this one is. It definite week really put teamlike since we all had the This same goal through work to a test. I have to say I all worked well together. wethisall neverI feel worked like in a team big onwe a project long as this each of us focused on what areasbest at in is. It definitely brings This way we were able to one achieve an end pro some challenges with it but I always room for improvement and I would feel like since we all had the s sentation has passed andsame I feel like with th goal through the entire project which is doing well, wean we have every right to be proud of one all worked well together. I feel scenario we ended up with and feel like we h like we all could learn from to achieve their goal. It is abou one not anotheralways while still each of focused on what we are best a metimes about acceptingus its structures at in order to get results the fect position in it. It is about making itonyou, highest level. This way we best version of itself. Inwere a fashion world able to achieve an end th world what can you add to actually add of. to Of i product we are all proud sed about fighting the bad and what we don hwhat keeps us going and eliminating the ba


have to say I never worked in a team this big ely brings some challenges with it but I feel course there is always room for improvement and I would still h the entire project which is doing well, we change about 100 things but the presentation has passed and I l could learn from one while feel like with the amount of effort we another put into our project we still happy level. have every to rightget to be proud of one another. I am really n order results on the highest with thewe future scenario ended up with like we hadthere is oduct are allweproud of.and Offeel course a really good strategy or Scotch&Soda to achieve their goal. It still butbut the preis not change always aboutabout creating 100 a newthings abstract future e sometimes amount ofaccepting effort we put into about its structures and how it willour be likeproject and finding your perfect position inhappy it. It is about makingthe it you, future nother. I am really with making it not only better but making it the best version of had a really good strategy or Scotch&Soda itself. In a fashion world that is losing its connection to the phyutsical creating a you new abstract world what can add to actually add to it.future For me crea-but soa newit future is notbe focused fighting the badyour and perndtinghow will likeabout and finding what we donʻt - it only is about better adding what but we lovemaking and what it the making it like not keeps us going and eliminating the bad on the way. #TheWorld hat theyou physical madeismelosing realize - Youits canʻtconnection solve problems with to negativity, it.have For methem creating a new future not focuto actually create a is change. to fight with positivity nʻt like - it is about adding what we love and ad on the way. #TheWorld made me realize

The w

make mak

g l e l . s t e a e l d e


kes es

me do


ban sewing on letters


Imagine you are trapped in people for the next 10 hours sit right now you have big in overworked, always tired a come back here each and ever per hour, not per day: per mon million people in this world l thy. Empathy doesn’t change pathy does. Every time we b need we become part of this p focus on what we are doing what we can do better. We hum tantly strive for success a the best in everything. Why

n this room with 40 other s. Where you your notepads ndustrial machines. You are and yet you are forced to ry day. Your wage? €120 – not nth! This is how the life of 40 looks like. Thanks for empae a thing. Acting on this embuy another dress we don’t problem. But I don’t want to g wrong, I want to focus on mans are winners, we consand want to be the best and is it that somehow respec-


Imagine you are trapped in this room with 40 other people for the next 10 hours. Where you your notepads sit right now you have big industrial machines. You are overworked, always tired and yet you are forced to come back here each and every day. Your wage? €120 – not per hour, not per day: per month! This is how the life of 40 million people in this world looks like. Thanks for empathy. Empathy doesnʼt change a thing. Acting on this empathy does. Every time we buy another dress we donʼt need we become part of this problem. But I donʼt want to focus on what we are doing wrong, I want to focus on what we can do better. We humans are winners, we constantly strive for success and want to be the best and the best in everything. Why is it that somehow respecting and treating our environment right seems to be excluded from this urge to succeed? As Ghandi once said „ Be the change you want to see in the world“. So dress like the change you want to see in the world. Companies produce what we buy so itʼs about you – one dress at a time: A dress – a change.

Sources Brand research SDGʼs The next black Future mapping Field research: Visiting Stores: Scotch&Soda Maison Scotch Scotch kids Blauw Interviews: Store Manager Sales Person Stylists Magazines: Fashion Stories - November issue Others: Scotch&Soda Academy form Scotch&Soda Collection Leaflet

4 W y o f d p T t t A E n d w b t

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