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Friends Events & Membership

August 2012 – November 2012

Film Festival Picasso to Warhol: Fourteen Modern Masters Film Festival Marcel Duchamp (American, born France. 1887-1968) When: Monday 27 August, 6 – 8pm Where: Theatrette, AGWA (via James St Mall entrance) Cost: Member $40/Guest $50 (inc. refreshments. Doors open at 6pm. Lecture 6.30pm, followed by film – duration approx. 30 mins) Booking: F19 Duchamp’s proposition that art could be about ideas instead of objects was a revolutionary notion that still resonates with artists today. Associated with Cubism, Dadaism, and Surrealism, his main innovation was ‘ready-made art’. In 1913, Nude Descending a Staircase No. 2, caused a furore at New York City’s famous Armory Show. Robert Cook, Curator of Modern and Contemporary Photography and Design, will deliver the APPRECIATING talk on Duchamp and his works, as an aperitif to the screening of the film, Marcel Duchamp: A Definitive Biography.


ADFAS Series 2012

A VICTORIAN SPLENDOUR; The Golden Age of British Glass (with Dr Charles Hajdamach) When: Monday 3 September, 6 – 8pm Where: Central Institute of Technology – Lecture Theatre, Building 1, Francis St, Northbridge (opposite the entry to State Library Car Park) Cost: Member $40/Guest $50 (inc. refreshments. Doors open 6pm. Lecture 6:45pm) Booking: F20 Professed to be one of the greatest periods in British glassmaking, the 19th century saw glassmakers create a kaleidoscope of shapes, colours and decorative techniques now lauded for the genius of their technical virtuosity and aesthetic sensibility. Dr Hajdamach will present evocative portraits of the glassmakers and designers, as well as the objects themselves. Dr Hajdamach is a leading authority on glass, previously a Director of Dudley Museums and Art Galleries, Broadfield House Glass Museum and the author of British Glass 1800-1814 and British 20th Century Glass.

Floor Talk Jeff Wall Photographs with Gary Dufour ❤ When: Where: Cost:

Sunday 9 September, 2 – 4.30pm Meet in The Manhattan Lounge, AGWA Member $30/Guest $30 (inc. light refreshments. Doors open at 2pm) Booking: F21

Alexander Calder (American, 1898-1976), Untitled, 1939. painted sheet aluminum and steel wire, 14 5/8 x 9 x 10 7/8” (37.1 x 22.8 x 27.5 cm). The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Kay Sage Tanguy Bequest. © 2012 Calder Foundation, New York/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York.

The Gallery’s Chief Curator and Deputy Director, Gary Dufour, is a specialist on the works of Jeff Wall, whom he has known for 30 years. Gary will introduce us to his favourite works in the exhibition and we’ll discover why Jeff Wall is widely acknowledged as one of the most inventive and influential artists of the 20th and 21st centuries. This outstanding show, a first of its kind in Australia, will close the next day. Do not miss this opportunity to learn about how Jeff Wall conceives the scenes, what are the subtle messages buried within these large scale photographic works and bring your friends (at Members prices) to the Gallery!


exhibitions in Paris, Ron is a major advocate of international cultural exchange and supporting emerging talent. A guided tour with Ron is a singular opportunity to share in his passion and superb knowledge! Continue the lively conversation afterwards at Jane Brook Estate Wines. In celebration of our generous sponsor’s 40 years of operation: sample great wines and seasonal platters at a long table lunch in the garden. An outing for art buffs and foodies alike.


ADFAS Series 2012

LANCELOT ‘CAPABILITY’ BROWN AND HUMPHREY REPTON; English Landscape Garden Design in Changing Times 1738 – 1816 (with Mr Keir Davidson) Ron Gomboc

Film Festival Picasso to Warhol: Fourteen Modern Masters Film Festival Louise Bourgeois (American, born France. 1911-2010) When: Monday 24 September, 6 – 9.30pm Where: Theatrette, AGWA (via James St Mall entrance) Cost: Member $40/Guest $50 (inc. refreshments. Doors open at 6pm. Lecture 6.30pm, followed by film – duration 99 mins) Booking: F22 “This film is a drama of creativity and revelation. It is an intimate, human engagement with an artist’s world. It builds to a searing climactic scene, then rebounds in joy and reconciliation.” Louise Bourgeois was for six decades an influencing figure in the world of modern art. In 1982, at the age of 71, she became the first woman to be honoured with a major retrospective at New York’s Museum of Modern Art. Best known for her series of massive spider structures, Louise Bourgeois: The Spider, the Mistress and the Tangerine is a comprehensive examination of her emotionally intertwined creative process, based on conversations and observations filmed over 14 years at her Brooklyn studio and Manhattan home. Dr Ann Shilo, Senior Lecturer, School of Design & Art, Curtin University will introduce us to Louise’s world in the APPRECIATING talk before the screening.

Ar t in the Valley Gomboc Gallery & Sculpture Park

Monday 8 October, 6 – 8pm Central Institute of Technology – Lecture Theatre, Building 1, Francis St, Northbridge (opposite the entry to State Library Car Park) Cost: Member $40/Guest $50 (inc. refreshments. Doors open 6pm. Lecture 6:45pm) Booking: F24 Times of great uncertainty, followed by enormous social and economic change in Britain, influenced Brown and Reptons’ response to the English landscape. This lecture captures the period when Brown and Repton became regarded as the most important designers of the identifiable ‘English’ school of landscaping. Plans, paintings and drawings as well as modern photographs will explore the inspirations and styles of these two designers; and their importance, now reflected in renewed popularity. Mr Davidson is a landscape designer and has lectured widely and published several titles including The Art of Zen Gardening.

Chatsworth House, Peak District, Derbyshire, England. Photo: Matthew Bullen.

Ar t Walk

North Freo Gallery Walk

Sketches from a thousand shows

When: Where:

When: Sunday 21 October, 3 – 6pm Cost: Member $35/Guest $45 (inc. light refreshments) Booking: F27

Ron and Terrie Gomboc established the Gallery and Sculpture Park in the Swan Valley 30 years ago. A celebrated artist and entrepreneur Ron Gomboc is known for his memorable sculptures seen at 22 Sculpture by the Sea exhibitions and commissioned for sites all over Australia. Invited to participate as an artist and lecturer in many countries including Singapore, Japan, China, Austria, Germany, Slovenia, and recently, three

Gallery East and Perth Galleries represent some of WA’s best known contemporary artists and are both soon to close their doors. Gallery Directors David Forrest, Jánis Nedéla and Norah Ohrt will delight and intrigue us with stories looking back over twenty five years of the WA art scene; recounting the fun, the exhibitions, the artists, the dramas and the scandals! As well as introducing you to the work of the exhibiting artists Patrizia Tonello at Gallery East and Rachel Coad at Perth Galleries, expect a surprise arranged especially for Friends by a group of leading WA artists. Norah Ohrt, Director of Perth Galleries is a former President of Friends and will soon retire completely from the WA

Sunday 16 September, 10 – 2pm Gomboc Gallery & Sculpture Park/ Jane Brook Estate Wines Swan Valley Cost: Member $50/Guest $60 (inc. lunch and wine tasting at Jane Brook) Booking: F23


When: Where:

artifacts august 2012–november 2012

of the medieval past in contemporary political debate. Presented by Dr John Wreglesworth, ASA’s most popular, charismatic and engaging lecturer, this talk will take a tour through Al-Andalus and its remarkable culture, assessing myth and reality. [This is an ASA International Scholars Series lecture presented in partnership with Friends]

ASA ASA International Scholars Series Peru: More than Machu Picchu

From a series of portrait performances with a throw-away Kodak Instamatic, Gallery East 2011.

art scene. Starting out at Gallery East we will conclude the afternoon at Perth Galleries to toast and farewell with a glass of champagne! This is a unique and unrepeatable event – mark your diary now and book early.


ASA International Scholars Series

Moors & Christians: The Contested Past of Andalucía (with Dr John Wreglesworth) When: Thursday 25 October 2012, 6 – 8pm Where: Theatrette, AGWA (via James St Mall entrance) Cost: Member $40/Guest $50 (inc. refreshments. Doors open 6pm. Lecture commences 6.45pm) Booking: F25 In 711 a Muslim army crossed from North Africa to invade Spain where it defeated Roderick, and overthrew his Christian kingdom. For centuries, most of modern Spain and Portugal were under Muslim rule. In 1492 the Catholic kings captured the last Muslim kingdom, but it wasn’t until the early 17th century that the ‘Reconquest’ was completed with the forced expulsion of Muslims from Spain. Al-Andalus, Muslim Spain, was a rich, complex and sophisticated society by comparison with its Christian neighbours. The Great Mosque at Córdoba and the Alhambra palace at Granada are iconic memorials to a vanished civilisation that extreme nationalism has tried to wipe from Spain’s historical memory. Recent tensions arising from substantial North African immigration, Islamist terrorism and a sharp economic downturn invoke different perceptions

Alhambra, Pavilion, Hall of the Mocarabes, Patio de los Leones

(with Dr John Wreglesworth) When: Friday 26 October 2012, 11am – 1pm Where: Theatrette, AGWA (via James St Mall entrance) Cost: Member $50/Guest $60 (Doors open 11am. Lecture 11.15am, followed by ‘finger food’ lunch) Booking: F25a Ask anyone to identify something Peruvian and, more than likely, they will name Machu Picchu. Admittedly, it is extraordinary in its stunning location and mysterious history, but the fabled ‘Lost City’ and its vanished builders, the Incas, are recent additions to a record of cultures that reach back thousands of years. The peoples of what is now Peru were creating ceremonial centres at the same time as the great civilisations of Egypt and Iraq. In the absence of a developed system of writing, they created rich and complex societies. We can enter their world through its physical remains: temples and tombs, jewellery and textiles, tools and weapons; and archaeologists are still making astonishing discoveries. Presented by Dr John Wreglesworth, ASA’s most popular, charismatic and engaging lecturer, this talk will explore Peru’s richest archaeological region, the northern coastal lowlands, where sophisticated pre-Columbian civilisations such as the Moche, Sicán and Chimú kingdoms flourished in an arid desert. [This is an ASA International Scholars Series lecture presented in partnership with Friends]

Film Festival

Closing Party

Picasso to Warhol: Fourteen Modern Masters Film Festival Andy Warhol (American, 1928-1987) When: Monday 12 November, 6 – 9pm Where: The Concourse, AGWA Cost: Member $55/Guest $65 (inc refreshments and live music. Doors open 6pm. Talk 6:45pm, followed by short film) Booking: F26 Back track to New York in the 1970’s, the epicentre of the Pop Art movement, with Alan Dodge AM and meet the iconoclastic, trendsetting Andy Warhol. The former Director of AGWA was there, living in NYC, when art changed forever. His APPRECIATING talk will de-code Andy Warhol’s works in the Picasso to Warhol exhibition, followed by a screening of Ten Lizes (approx. duration 30 minutes). Ten supposedly identical faces printed in black, over two rows, on canvas 5.65 metres long and 2 metres high broke the mould of traditional portraiture. Andy Warhol created this image from a photo of actress Elizabeth Taylor. Join us for a New York celebration to close this Film Festival season. Live music and refreshments included with a distinctly 1970s American theme. Don’t miss it! Supported by Comestibles. artifacts august 2012–november 2012


Guided Tour Picasso to Warhol: Fourteen Modern Masters Tour ❤ When: Where: Cost:

Sunday 25 November, 2 – 4.30pm Meet at The Manhattan Lounge, AGWA Member $35/Guest $35 (inc. refreshments & admission fee) Booking: F29 By popular demand, we are offering a tour of this exceptional exhibition. What we now call ‘modern art’ changed art forever in the 20th century. This is your chance to find out why, and how the artworks so carefully chosen for this exhibition from the Museum of Modern Art in New York are so iconoclastic. Learn so much more on this special tour with the Gallery Guides, than just walking through on your own. Entry to the exhibition is included as well as afternoon tea and your friends are invited at Members prices. The last event sold out quickly, so book early!

Diar y Date Picasso to Warhol: Fourteen Modern Masters When:

Monday 3 December 2012 – Exhibition closes

CELEBRATE Friends Christmas Party When: Where: Cost: Booking:

Sunday 9 December AGWA Members $30/Guests $40 F28

Celebrate this exciting year of art and community at our closing event for 2012 with volunteers and Friends, in the Gallery. This evening of good cheer, live music, tempting festive fare and refreshments is a highlight on the Friends’ social calendar. See you there!

Alan Dodge AM, former Director of AGWA, is the guest speaker at the closing event of the Picasso to Warhol Film Festival on 12 November.

BOOKING DETAILS ONLINE: Select your events at TELEPHONE: (08) 9492 6750 POST: fill in the booking form (available for download from our website or on the reverse of the mailing sheet that came with Artifacts) and post with your payment to: Friends Ticketing, PO Box 48, Northbridge WA 6865. CONDITIONS Bookings are essential, limited and subject to availability. Payment is required upon booking, and prices include GST. Valid Concession/ Seniors ID and Membership Cards must be presented when purchasing concession memberships and making members bookings. Confirmation: All bookings are recorded on a door-list, with booking and event confirmed via TryBooking, email or phone call within seven (7) days of the event. Cancellations: Seven (7) full days notice of an event is required to qualify for a refund or credit. Membership fees are non-refundable and non-transferable. Conditions: The right is reserved to add, withdraw, reschedule or substitute artists/ lecturers and/or vary advertised programs, prices, venues, seating arrangements and audience capacity. The rights of booking and admission is reserved and is subject to Friends terms of admission, copies of which are available from Friends on request. Privacy Statement: The Friends of the Art Gallery of Western Australia respects information privacy. For details of our full privacy policy please contact the Friends office.

Left Christmas Party 2011

© 2012: the artists, authors, the Friends of, and the Art Gallery of Western Australia. Copyright for all images and works is owned by the artists or their representatives.


artifacts august 2012–november 2012

Be a Part of the Art Six Reasons to Join Friends Present your current Membership Card to enjoy these Benefits:

EXHIBITIONS • Discounted entry to the MoMA series and other special exhibitions at the Art Gallery of Western Australia • Preferred queuing, pre-sale tickets, special offers and discounts


The Friends of the Art Gallery of Western Australia instantly connects its members with a vibrant arts focused community, exciting and educative cultural events, and provides support for the State Gallery and its growing Collection. Established in 1976, Friends has a long history of contributing to the acquisition of new works for the State Art Collection, providing an insider’s view of the Gallery, drawing its members into the world of art in ways that go beyond just visiting and viewing. Membership of Friends entitles the holder to a feast of benefits including reciprocity at the National Gallery of Australia in Canberra, at all other State Galleries and with other cultural organisations in WA and elsewhere. A major benefit of joining the Friends is the extensive program of events offered, often providing exclusive access to exhibitions, galleries, artists and visiting industry experts. Friends’ activities cater to a diverse range of creative and cultural tastes, educational, informative and fun, and we welcome all new art-loving members. Friends receive Artifacts magazine three times a year, full of art news and information about our event program. We highly recommend supplying your email address to receive the extra event details and regular updates, like special offers that pop up during the MoMA series. This month we are delighted to announce new added benefits such as discounted tea and coffee at the Gallery café, Caffissimo, and also some exclusive offers at the Gallery Shop. If the membership benefits alone don’t fully satisfy your desire to connect with the Gallery there are also opportunities to engage more intensively through the Friends Volunteer and Ambassador programs. Contact us today for more information or fill out the form in this edition of Artifacts, and we look forward to welcoming you as a Friend of the Art Gallery of Western Australia! For more information visit; call 08 9492 6750 or email

• Discounted tickets for all Friends events • Bring one guest at member price to one smaller Friends event per year • Attend one free smaller Friends event per year

ARTIFACTS MAGAZINE & E-NEWS SUBSCRIPTION • Receive Artifacts magazine three times a year and regular email updates to keep you posted on events, floor talks, tours and studio visits. • Receive email updates from the Art Gallery of Western Australia

LOUNGE • Access to The Manhattan Lounge. Open 10am to 5pm every day, except Tuesday; 10am to 8pm on Wednesdays (except when a private function is booked). Sealed take-away meals and drinks may be enjoyed in the Lounge.

RECIPROCAL BENEFITS Membership offers reciprocal benefits with fellow galleries, museums and arts organisations throughout Australia: • National Gallery of Australia Canberra • Art Gallery of New South Wales • National Gallery of Victoria • Art Gallery of South Australia • Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery • Queensland Art Gallery • Friends of the Western Australia Museum • Friends of the Western Australia Government House • Friends of Western Australian Symphony Orchestra • West Australian Opera Lovers


Caffissimo, the Gallery Café – 15% off tea and coffee Gallery Shop – 10% discount and special offers Jackson’s Drawing Supplies – 10% off materials Jane Brook Estate Wines – 10% off at the cellar door Luna Paradiso Cinema – 10% off film screenings WA Museum Café and Gift Shop – 10% off Artproof Print North Fremantle – 10% off printing

Top Friends and Gallery volunteers in the new Manhattan Lounge, where all our members are welcome. Front L-R: Annie Silberstein, Fiona Johnson. Back L-R: Hannah Jago, Ben Cusmano, Allan Green, Kay Campbell, Colin Mildon. Photo: Tony Nathan.

artifacts august 2012–november 2012

Membership Form Membership to Friends

1 Year

3 Years

Individual $60


Joint 1 year





Family (2 adults 2 children) Concession 1 year


$ 95

Joint Concession



Concession = Pensioners & Health Care Card Holders Member Name: Joint Name: My Address: Postcode Contact Phone: Email Address: I’d like to receive email updates from



Introduce a Friend and get $10 off your own membership! Gift Membership

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Member Name: Joint Name: Member Address: Postcode Contact Phone: Email Address: Payment Details Cheque Friends of the Art Gallery of Western Australia Credit Card (Number Below)

Free Ticket Current Friends members, who introduce two new financial members during September ’12, will receive a free ticket to the Picasso to Warhol: Fourteen Modern Masters exhibition. With five more spectacular MoMA exhibitions coming to AGWA over the next three years and the wealth of Friends events to enjoy, your friends will be glad of your encouragement. (Not available in conjunction with any other promotion.)

Card No: Expiry Date:


Authorised Amount: $ Card-holders Signature: Card-holders Name: Card-holders Phone: Temporary Card No Issued: Deliver with payment to the Friends desk at AGWA or post to: Friends, PO Box 48, Northbridge, WA 6865

Exclusive MoMA Offers for Friends at the Gallery Shop • Purchase the official catalogue of Picasso to Warhol: Fourteen Modern Masters for just $20 (normally $29.95). • FINK Design has collaborated with AGWA to produce a limited edition Heart Brooch and Neckpiece, to celebrate the MoMA series. Made in Australia these stunning pieces, hand finished in anodised aluminium, are exclusive to AGWA. For Friends only at $80 each (normally $99). Above Opening of the Film Festival and ADFAS Lectures. Photos: Maxine Murray

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