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Research Paper


E-ISSN No : 2454-9916 | Volume : 2 | Issue : 12 | Dec 2016


Dr. Ajay Kumar Assiatant Professor, L.L.R.M.College of Education, Dhudike, Moga. ABSTRACT The study examined the construction and standardization of an achievement test in Punjabi for class ix students. In the present study, keeping the limited source of time and money only 50 school students of Moga district was randomly selected. Reliability of the test by Split-half Method was 0.60 and validity calculated by comparing the test marks with school marks was 0.90.Norms of test via percentage norms was also calculated. KEYWORDS: Construction, Standardization, Achievement test, Punjabi. INTRODUCTION Education is a human enterprise. It is a process and a kind of activity in relation to human beings. It is an indispensable instrument for stability and progress of the individual as well as society. It involves both the teaching and learning progress. Education is considered to be a consciously controlled process of producing certain desirable changes in the behavior of an individual. It is a continuous effort to develop all capacities of the child, to control his environments and fulfill his requirements. It is directed towards desirable goals which are fixed by the society according to individual and this growth leads to enlargement of physical organs and maturity of mental capacities. Every child interacts with his environments. This interaction tends to change towards better capacities. An education is both a product and a process. As a process it involves the act of learning and as a product it is what we receive through learning i.e. the knowledge, the ideas and the techniques. In a broader sense, all experiences and acts that have a formative affect on mind, character or activity of an individual are of education. Education is a process, by which society, through schools, college, institutions and universities, deliberately transmits its cultural heritage, its accumulated knowledge, values and skills from one generation to the next. Achievement is the amount of success of an individual in a specific field or area of accomplishment. It refers to what a person has acquired or achieved after the specific training or instruction has been imparted. Any systematic attempt for assessing the changes in the behaviour of an individual or individuals, qualitatively or quantitatively, is termed as an examination or a test. Tests may indicate changes needed in syllabi or in methods or materials to be used in teaching. These can be a help and guide for self improvement and better efficiency for both the teacher and the taught. Whereas by checking the results of his instruction, a teacher can improve his methods of teaching, by examining a pupil's achievement he may determine his pupil's Weakness and strong points. To test the achievement is a complicated and cumbersome process. According to Mehrens and Lehmann (1972), “Teacher made tests are frequently the major basis for evaluating the student's progress in school.” A test of educational achievement is one which is designed to measure knowledge understanding or skill in specified subject or group of subjects. The test might be restricted to a single subject or to a group of subjects. The achievement tests constitute an important tool in the school evaluation programme. It is necessary for the teacher to know how for the pupil have attained in particular subject area. The pupils differ in the attainments significant among themselves. In the school evaluation programme, various forms of achievement tests are used to measures the attainments or accomplishments of the pupils. . According to N.M. Downie (1961), “Any test that measures the attainments or accomplishments of an individual after a period of training or learning is called an achievement test.” OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY I. To prepare achievement test covering whole syllabus of Punjabi for class 9th

SAMPLE Two sample of 150 P.S.E.B ninth class students were selected by randomized of sampling from school of district Moga one sample was selected for the preliminary draft and other final administration of the test from the school of Moga District. CONSTRUCTION OF THE TEST A blue print was prepared for all the contents of class ninth P.S.E.B. Punjabi text books. Multiple test items were constructed and expert opinions were taken. The preliminary draft was conducted on a sample of 150 P.S.E.B. students of class 9th. Item analysis was done by Kelley`s (1939) to find poor items. After revising and discarding poor items final draft was prepared. ADMINISTRATION OF THE FINAL DRAFT OF THE TEST The final draft of the test was administered on 50 students of ninth class. Students were selected randomly from P.S.E.B. school of district Moga. RELIABILITY The reliability for the half test r1/2 ½ was found to be 0.42 and the reliability of the whole test thus computed was found to be .60. VALIDITY Validity of the test was found to be 0.90. For the test content validity was also established. The test items included in the test were compared with the objectives of the topics taught. It was found that there was correspondence between the items and objectives. So it can be clam that test has got content validity. NORMS A standardized test must have norms which should be the average performance of a group or groups that the examiner has taken for the administration of the final form. Norms are measure of achievement which represents the typical performance of a group or groups. Norms are used for interpreting the scores of the individual or a class. STATISTICAL TECHNIQUES USED 1) In present study, mean, co-relation, standard deviation, chi-square were used. 2) Item analysis was done by Kelly`s method to find poor items. After revising and discarding poor items final draft was prepared. Apart from that formula was also used for checking discriminating power and difficult level. 3) The split half reliability was obtained by using spearman brown prophecy formula. The percentile norms were also established by finding present ages. CONCLUSION Scores of the final from of the test were distributed into frequency distribution table. On the basis of the distribution of scores obtained the parametric statistics namely mean, co-relation, standard deviation, chi- Square, validity, reliability were worked out examine the nature of distribution of scores. The value of these measures are summarized in table.

II. To standardize the achievement test by finding out the difficulty value and discrimination inbox of each item, determining the reliability and validity of the test and establishment of the percentile norms

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International Education & Research Journal [IERJ]


Research Paper

E-ISSN No : 2454-9916 | Volume : 2 | Issue : 12 | Dec 2016

Table -1 Mean, co-relation, standard deviation, validity of distribution of scores on final draft of test Values Mean standard deviation co-relation Even










EDUCATIONAL IMPLICATIONS Achievement tests have been used for the certification and selection to assess student progress at the end of secondary school and for admission to higher education. It has been widely used in occupation and professional licensing situation as well. An achievement test is also used for purposes of guidance and counseling. It has found useful in remedial teaching programmes as well as in determining the class to which a student should be admitted into. Administration of these tests at regular intervals is helpful to teacher in knowing the kinds of difficulties faced by the pupils in learning. So finally we can say that the achievement test may use as aid in the evaluation of teaching the importance of instructional techniques and the revision of curriculum content. SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER RESEARCHES Research, as a branch of human knowledge, is never a closed book. There is always persistent need for finding solution to new problem and testing the variety of solution to other problems. There is no piece of meaningful research that does not provide clues for further investigations. The present study opens us certain avenues for further research which are briefly listed below:1) More tests can be constructed and standardized in this subject. 2) A similar study can be conducted by taking into consideration other subjects such as Hindi, Punjabi, Social Studies, and Science etc. 3) Others objectives such as knowledge, Comprehension, expression can be taken up for construction of the items. 4) This study can be conducted on C.B.S.E students. 5) Comparative study between Government and Private school students may be conducted. 6) This study can be extended to a large sample. 7) Comparative studies may be taken up to find out the various in rural and urban students. REFERENCES 1.

Best, J.W. (1982). Research in Education,4th Edition, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.


Downie, N. M. (1961). Fundamentals of measurement. Oxford University Press, New York


Good.C.V. (1958). Dictionary of Education. McGraw hill Book Company Inc. New York.


Kelley, T. L. (1939). The selection of upper and lower groups for the validation of test items. Journal of Educational Psychology, 30, 17-24.


Page, N. & Thomas, J. (1979). A study on performance in school or college in a standardized series of educational tests, Teaching Education Quarterly, 28(3), 49-77.


International Education & Research Journal [IERJ]

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