Research Paper
E-ISSN No : 2454-9916 | Volume : 3 | Issue : 3 | Mar 2017
MEASURING THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE, PERSONALITY TRAITS AND OCCUPATIONAL ASPIRATION OF INSTITUTIONALIZED ADOLESCENT ORPHANS USING ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE (ANOVA) Jyothy G Vijayan Department of Education, Mar Severios College of Teacher Education, M.G University, Kerala. ABSTRACT The objective of the study was to determine the relationship between the levels of emotional intelligence (measured by emotional intelligence inventory, Dr. S.K Mangal), personality traits (measured by personality inventory, Dr. H.J Eyesenck)and occupational aspiration (measured by occupational aspiration scale, Dr. J.S Grewal) of a random sample of a 250 institutionalized adolescent orphans from kerala. A detailed study was conducted based on their gender and locale. A quantitative survey was used for the study. Analysis of variance indicated that emotional intelligence was related to personality traits of institutionalized adolescent orphans. The implications of the study contribute new knowledge to the field of educational psychology and may be used to facilitate proactive occupational aspiration among institutionalized adolescent orphans. KEY WORDS: Emotional intelligence, personality traits, and occupational aspiration. INTRODUCTION Travis Bradberry and Jean Greaves define Emotional Intelligence as “a fluid, social ability that explains how an individual recognizes understands and manages emotions personally and with other”. Chances are that while most would agree intuitively. EQ associative thinking under line most of our purely Emotional Intelligence (EQ) the link between one emotion to another, between emotions and bodily feelings emotions and the environment. It is thinking with the heart and the body and so is thought of as our 'Emotional Intelligence' or the 'body's intelligence'. According to Allport, “Personality itself is a universal phenomenon though it is found only in individual form” A person “has many attributes characteristic of the human species, and many that resemble his cultural fellows but he weaves them all into a unique idiomatic system. Individuality in the Personality pattern is just as characteristic as is individuality in appearance. Each person is a unique and never – repeated phenomenon. Healthy development of the individual and his Personality may be regarded as one of the aims of education. Education if it is to achieve that aim has to be wellrounded and not just concerned with subject matter. Education has to be so arranged that it helps the process of Personality development. NEED AND SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY Adolescent Orphan students show difference in their Emotional Intelligence Personality and Occupational Aspirations(Choudhary,1990). The Emotional Intelligence and Personality affects the Career Aspiration of Adolescent Orphans. It has also an impact of their Social-Mental Development and their Academic Achievement. A closer analysis of the review done this area found that only a few studies were done in this area. Hence the need and significance of the study. HYPOTHESES OF THE STUDY 1) There is no significant between the levels of Emotional Intelligence on the Personality Traits of Institutionalized Adolescent Orphans 2) There is no significant difference between the levels of Emotional Intelligence on the Occupational Aspiration of Institutionalized Adolescent Orphans 3) There is no significant difference between the levels of Personality Traits on the Occupational Aspiration of Institutionalized Adolescent Orphans 4) There is no significant difference between the levels of Personality Traits on the Emotional Intelligence of Institutionalized Adolescent Orphans.
4) To find the difference between the levels of Personality Traits on the Emotional Intelligence of Institutionalized Adolescent Orphans. METHODOLOGY SAMPLE Normative survey method was found to be most appropriate in the present investigation of the Institutionalized Adolescent Orphans. The present study has been envisaged on a sample of 250 Adolescent Orphans in Kottayam, Pathanamthitta, Eranakulam, Alppuzha, and Malappuram districts. TOOLS USED To measure the Emotional Intelligence of adolescence, the investigator would use the “Emotional Intelligence Inventory”, standardized by Dr. S.K. Mangal. To measure the Personality of Adolescence the investigator use the “Personality Inventory” standardized by H.J. Eyesenck. . The investigator used a self prepared checklist for assessing Orphans Social and Mental Development METHOD ADOPTED FOR THE STUDY Methods that are employed in collecting data are highly important. The accuracy of the results of any research work depends upon the method by which the conclusions are arrived at. . Normative survey method was used for the study. It is a method of investigation which attempts to describe and interpret what exist at present in the form of conditions, practices, trends, effects, attitudes, beliefs etc (M.Rahitha, 2007). SAMPLE SELECTED FOR THE STUDY The process of sampling makes it possible to draw valid inferences or generalizations on the basis of careful observation of variables with in a relatively small proportion of the population (Kaur, 1990). Size of the sample is governed by the size of the tools to be used. Size of the sample depends on the population, sampling design, parameters used and estimated range of unreliability and an estimate of dispersion of the characteristic under investigation. The sampling method also determines the size of the sample. The sample for the present study constituted 250 institutionalized adolescent orphans belonging to different districts. The sample contains 125 boys and 125 girls adolescent orphans form 13 orphanages. The sample also divided 125 orphans from rural orphanages and 125 orphans from urban oranges. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS TO FIND THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE LEVELS OF EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE ON THE PERSONALITY TRAITS OF INSTITUTIONALIZED ADOLESCENT ORPHANS Ho:- There is no significant difference between the levels of Emotional Intelligence on the Personality Traits of Institutionalized Adolescent Orphans
OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY 1) To find the difference between the levels of Emotional Intelligence on the Personality Traits of Institutionalized Adolescent Orphans 2) To find the difference between the levels of Emotional Intelligence on the Occupational Aspiration of Institutionalized Adolescent Orphans 3) To find the difference between the levels of Personality Traits on the Occupational Aspiration of Institutionalized Adolescent Orphans Copyright© 2016, IERJ. This open-access article is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License which permits Share (copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format) and Adapt (remix, transform, and build upon the material) under the Attribution-NonCommercial terms.
International Education & Research Journal [IERJ]
Research Paper
E-ISSN No : 2454-9916 | Volume : 3 | Issue : 3 | Mar 2017
Table 1 Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) of the levels of Emotional Intelligence on Personality Traits of Institutionalized Adolescent Orphans. Source of variation
Sums of squares
Mean square
Among the means of conditions
Within conditions
Level of significance
F =2940.93/784.40=3.749 F (2,357 ) at 0.05 level = 3.03 The obtained F value 0.966 is lower than the table value 3.03 at 0.05 levels of significance. This means that there is no difference in the levels of Emotional Intelligence on the Personality Traits of Institutionalized Adolescent Orphans.
Figure 2 Mean plot of Occupational Aspiration based on the levels of Emotional Intelligence The mean plot shows that there is no difference in the levels of Emotional Intelligence on the Occupational Aspiration of Institutionalized Adolescent Orphans. TO FIND THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE LEVELS OF PERSONALITY TRAITS ON THE OCCUPATIONAL ASPIRATION OF INSTITUTIONALIZED ADOLESCENT ORPHANS Ho:- There is no significant difference between the levels of Personality Traits on the Occupational Aspiration of Institutionalized Adolescent Orphans Table 3 Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) of the levels of Personality Traits on the Occupational Aspiration of Institutionalized Adolescent Orphans
Figure 1 Mean plot of Personality Traits based on the levels of Emotional Intelligence
Source Of Variation
Sums of squares
Mean square
Among The Means Of Conditions
Within Conditions The mean plot shows that there is no difference in the levels of Emotional Intelligence on the Personality Traits of Institutionalized Adolescent Orphans
247 34903.991 249
Level of significance
F =2940.93/784.40=3.749 TO FIND THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE LEVELS OF EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE ON THE OCCUPATIONAL ASPIRATION OF INSTITUTIONALIZED ADOLESCENT ORPHANS. Ho:- There is no significant difference between the levels of Emotional Intelligence on the Occupational Aspiration of Institutionalized Adolescent Orphans.
F (2,357) at 0.05 level = 3.03 The obtained F value 0.594 is lower than the table value 3.03 at 0.05 levels of significance. This means that there is no difference in the levels of Personality Traits on Occupational Aspiration of Institutionalized Adolescent Orphans.
Table 2 Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) of the levels of Emotional Intelligence on the Occupational Aspiration of Institutionalized Adolescent Orphans Source of variation
Sums of Mean squares square
Among the means of conditions
638.855 319.42
Within conditions Total
247 34433.14 139.40
Level of significance
F =2940.93/784.40=3.749 F (2,357 ) at 0.05 level = 3.03 The obtained F value 2.29 is lower than the table value 3.03 at 0.05 levels of significance. This means that there is no difference in the levels of Emotional Intelligence on the Occupational Aspiration of Institutionalized Adolescent Orphans.
Figure 3 Mean plot of Occupational Aspiration based on the levels of Personality Traits
International Education & Research Journal [IERJ]
Research Paper
E-ISSN No : 2454-9916 | Volume : 3 | Issue : 3 | Mar 2017
The mean plot shows that there is no difference in the levels the levels of Personality Traits on the Occupational Aspiration of Institutionalized Adolescent Orphans.
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Ho:- There is no significant difference between the levels of Personality Traits on the Emotional Intelligence of Institutionalized Adolescent Orphans. Table 4 Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) of the levels of Personality Traits on the Emotional Intelligence of Institutionalized Adolescent Orphans Mean square
Source of variation
Sums of squares
Among the means of conditions
Within conditions
Level of significance
F =2940.93/784.40=3.749 F (2,357) at 0.05 level = 3.03 The obtained F value 3.74 is lower than the table value 3.03 at 0.05 levels of significance. This means that there is difference in the levels of Personality Traits on the Emotional Intelligence of Institutionalized Adolescent Orphans.
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Figure 4 Mean plot of Emotional Intelligence based on the levels of Personality Traits The mean plot shows that there is difference in the levels of Personality Traits on the Emotional Intelligence of Institutionalized Adolescent Orphans. CONCLUSIONS The major conclusions based on the findings of the study were presented below The intelligence with which we address and solve problems of meaning and value, the intelligence with which we can place our actions and our lives in a wider, richer, meaning-giving context, the intelligence with which we can assess that one course of action or one life path that is more meaningful than any other SQ essentially integrates IQ (intelligence Quotient) and EQ (Emotional Quotient). It is well known that achievement is influenced by Personality factors in students. Then fear before examination is crippling, the subject of examination may be uninteresting due to dislike of teachers, and hence failure of recall-such events happen frequently with students. There is significant relationship was found between Emotional Intelligence and Personality Traits of Adolescent Orphans. Significant relationship was found between Social and Mental Development of Institutionalized Adolescent Orphans Majority of Orphans lie in the high Social and Mental.Achievements may have certain symbolic meanings for the individuals which arouse anxiety and inhibition following it so that the individual avoids achievement itself. There should be effective steps taken to improve the Orphans Emotional Intelligence, Personality Traits and Occupational Aspiration. Much attention should be given to Social and Mental Development of Adolescent Orphans and this will certainly enhance the all round Development of the Orphans. Better library facilities including reading materials, magazines and club activities should be provided to all orphanages.
International Education & Research Journal [IERJ]