Research Paper
E-ISSN No : 2454-9916 | Volume : 2 | Issue : 11 | Nov 2016
Sonia E D Souza | Rev Fr. Rudolph Ravi D'Sa 1
Assistant Professor, Department of Hospital Administration, Father Muller Medical College, Kankanady, Mangalore, India.
ABSTRACT Health care organizations are solely dependent on the human resources. Development programmes go a long way in providing job satisfaction and staff retention. The study aimed to assess the staff development programmes provided to the nursing staff. A sample size of 30 nurses working in the private wards of a selected hospital was considered for the study. A structured questionnaire was used to gather data. Data was presented in the form of Frequency and Percentage scores. The data revealed that Career planning, job enlargement and stress reduction programmes need to be focused. KEY WORDS: Staff Development Programmes, Career Planning. INTRODUCTION In any healthcare system, the success of an organization is extremely dependent on its human resources. Although there are many other factors that play a key role, a hospital must have effective employees in order to stay financially solvent and competitive. . An efficient patient care comes not only from modern equipment and drugs, but also from the workforce, a group of well-motivated nursing personnel .Job satisfaction and retention are now being considered as essential consideration in hospital work force planning and human resource management. In order to maintain this valuable commodity, organizations must be aware of employee satisfaction and retention. Many hospitals make the mistake of assuming that employees not only seek financial benefits for their jobs but also overlooks the high of intrinsic benefits of their careers. Hospitals need to invest in on-going nursing staff development in order to both keep employees and be successful. Employee development programmes plays a vital role in modern health care system. Nurses are the people who take care of our loved ones around the clock and many of the nurses even take on the responsibilities of the medical supervisors or the doctors in command, and this makes them a very important part of the medical system .Thus nurses should be provided with excellent development programmes in order to retain them in the hospital. Staff training and development is a work activity that can make a very significant contribution to the overall effectiveness and profitability of an organization. Adeniyi (1995) Companies are making huge investment on training programmes to prepare them for future needs. The researchers and practitioners have constantly emphasised on the importance of training due to its role and investment. (Tan, Hall and Boyce (2003) OBJECTIVES To assess the staff development programmes organized for nurses in a selected hospital. MATERIALS AND METHODS The research approach adopted in the study was a descriptive. A sample size of 30 nurses working in the private wards was selected using simple random sampling technique. A structured was used to collect the data regarding development programmes. Nursing staff with a minimum of 1 year of experience were being included in the study. The collected data was analysed in terms of mean and was presented in the form of tables. Table 1: Demographic profile of the nurses. N=30 Age in Years
Years of experience
1- 2
41and above
Table 1 shows that majority (90%) of the nurses were in the age group 20 – 30 years. Majority (50%) of the nurses were having 1-2 Years work experience.
Table 2: Staff Development Programmes provided for nursing staff. COMPONENTS
YES (%)
NO (%)
On the job training Job rotation Job enlargement Job enrichment Career planning Mentoring system
93.3 86.7 56.7 63.3 50 86.7
6.7 13.3 43.3 36.7 50 13.3
Workshops & conferences
Performance appraisal
Stress relief techniques
From the above table, the respondents said that they have the following development programs; on the job training (93.3%), job rotation (86.7%), job enlargement (56.7%), job enrichment (63.3%) career planning (50%). But few of them have stated that they don't have the following development programs; on the job training (6.7%), job rotation (13.3%), job enlargement (43.3%), job enrichment (36.7%) career planning (50%). Majority of the respondents told that they are getting the following development programmes; mentoring system (86.7%), workshops & conferences (83.3%), performance appraisal (56.7%), continuous medical education (73.3%). Only (30%) respondents said that they are getting stress-relief techniques, majority of the respondents (70%) said that they are not getting stress-relief techniques. DISCUSSION In the study when asked about development programmes received by the respondents. Most of them said that they are getting following development programmes,93.3% have said that they are getting on-the-job training, 86.7% said that they have job rotation, 56.7% said that they are getting job enlargement system, 63.3% said that they have job enrichment, 50% said that they are getting career planning from the hospital, 86.7% said that they have mentoring system, 83.3% said that they are getting workshops & conferences, 56.7% said that they have performance appraisal in the hospital. When asked about getting stress-relief techniques from hospital, the majority 70% said that there is no such technique in the hospital. A majority of 73.3% said that they are getting CME According to Rao6, following development programmes should be provided to the hospital staff, performance appraisal systems, training, counselling exercises, award system, job rotation, workers participation in management, career planning, and quality circles, social and spiritual program. The study showed that other than award system, workers participation in management and quality circles all other development programmes were provided by the hospital to the nursing staff. The study shows that majority of the development programmes are provided to the nursing staff by the hospital. Some of the other development programmes such as counselling services, Professional autonomy, and workers participation in management should be provided.
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International Education & Research Journal [IERJ]
Research Paper
E-ISSN No : 2454-9916 | Volume : 2 | Issue : 11 | Nov 2016
CONCLUSION Staff development programs play a significant role in the satisfaction of nursing staff, which in turn leads to nurse's retention. When employees receive relevant and valuable development programmes, they are generally happier in their jobs. When that programme is carried to the next level and becomes overall development, employees tend to feel even more valued by their employers. They are not only given the tool to do their jobs well, but they are also given opportunities to develop new skills and attain career goals.
International Education & Research Journal [IERJ]