Research Paper
E-ISSN No : 2454-9916 | Volume : 2 | Issue : 6 | June 2016
Dr. R. K. Vipat | Vishaka Baheti 1 2
Professor & HOD of Commerce, B.L.P. Govt. P.G.College, MHOW, Distt. Indore, MP. Research Scholar, DAVV Indore, MP.
ABSTRACT India is developing as an international hub of online business. The times of change finally arrived in India. The disposable incomes, technological advances, well networked communities contributed to new paradigm shift in shopping. The customer is aggresive and ready to explore. The marketer has to understand the complexity of an exponential surge in online shopping. Demographic profile of the online shopper is important, rather critical to understand. Today all the shopping websites have all the functions in English and when it is found that in India 75% are Hindi spoken, it is difficult for them to understand the key words and all the functions properly. Even most of them are sellers as well as consumers. This study has tried to examine the impact of Hindi usage in websites on customers' retention with reference to growth in economy and approachable by all the consumers in rural areas. It is however critical to see the forest beyond the woods. The interest generated is because there are over 100 million Indian cunsumers who buy online but sometimes they difficult in understanding English so this study has suugested to Indian online companies to display the translation. There shold be an option for changing the languages. Now mostly Government websites have such language option. Convenience, scarcity of time, online comparisons have made Indian consumer buy books, apparels, cellphone, air and hotel bookings, electronic gadgets and music CD's, and many more products and services online. This paper is an attempt to understand the factors that propel online shopping behavior through the usage of Hindi language in online shopping websites. The fastest growing community of online shoppers has compelled the traditional marketer to rethink. It endeavors to find whether online shopping is the next big idea in the Indian business scene. KEYWORDS: Online Shopping, Changing Custome, Usage of Hindi, Customer Retention. INTRODUCTION India is a country of diverse cultures, languages and customs. Hindi is one of the most speaking language in India. As the era of e-commerce is booming at rapid rate. It has become the most contributing factor in GDP of India. e-commerce has covered customers and sellers in urban areas but is failing to cover rural areas just because of language. In rural areas most of the people do not understand English thus widening the distance below online shopping websites. Even the beautiful handmade crafts are made by them cannot reach for the ends of the country through e-commerce.If online shopping websites will be made in Hindi then it would prove a boon for those who are well versed in Hindi thus creating more employment for multilingual retailers and customers. Nowadays many government websites are in Hindi so that the information and lucrative schemees can reach to the number of customers. the same target will be reached by the Hindi online shopping websites. There are many Indian websites such as flipkart, snapdeal, shopclues, olx etc., if these websites promote in Hindi option no doubt these can be a better marketplace for a large number of customers and retailers. Online retailing is “a type of electronic commerce used for business to consumer transactions and mail order forms of non-shop retailing”Internet marketing (also online marketing) is a form of electronic marketing, limited to technical context and thus a tool based definition denoting the use of internet-based technologies only(Web, email, internet, extranet) for marketing.In this backdrop, India is witnessing a marked change as online shopping. E-commerce has evolved manifold in the two decade post liberalization and globalization. The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of Hindi in online shopping websites on the satisfaction level of the consumers. If this type of facility will be incorporated, definitely it will help the rural consumers to access the websites. As they are from very remote areas and also they want purchase online so it can bridge the gap between rural and urban. They can connect to every part of India. Rural consumers consist of a larger share and will contribute the economy through purchasing online. Technology as a enable of better performance and greater reach, has propelled the Indian marketer to stop and redefine strategy for exciting times ahead. Consumer shopping behavior is changing and noone wishes to miss the opportunity.An online shopper looks beyond a physical store and catalogue, Review is on the entire shopping experience and includes delivery as promised. Price considerations and discounts are a thing of the past. International best practices are the order of the day with Indian flavour. Different search engines help the experience. High speed internet connectivity, increasing number of service providers, computers at home are few other reasons for preference of online shopping. Online shopping directory ensure safer transcaction and security of consumers. But all these characteristics are without the reaching to Hindi spoken people is vague.
The primary objective of the current study is to understand the online buying behaviour of consumers in India through Hindi use in online shopping websites. It has also made an attempt to get information about the scope of improvement in online shopping Hindi website. This study is new so none of reviews have been found to support this study. Some of the reviews are presented here to reveal the attributes of consumers which can be examined after applying Hindi in online shopping websites. Accoding to the study of Benedict et al (2001) they reveal that perceptions toward online shopping and intention to shop online are not only affected by ease of use, usefulness, and enjoyment, but also by external factors like consumer traits, situational factors, product characteristics, previous online shopping experiences, and trust in online shopping. Similarly, Bhattacherjee (2001) stated that satisfied users are more likely to continue the IS use according to their comfortability in their language. Thus, we point that adoption and continuance are connected to each other through several mediating and moderating factors such as convenience and accessibility through proper medium of language. PROBLEM STATEMENT India is emerging as an important destination in online shopping. This study is undertaken to trace the real impact of online shopping on Indian business environment through the usage of Hindi Language. It seeks to understand the factors that propel growth of online business. OBJECTIVES Ÿ To study online shopping behavior after applying Hindi while designing the websites. Ÿ
To find the factors those contribute to online shopping by usage of Hindi Language.
Hypothesis: H01: There is no significant impact of easy to access, usefulness and enjoyment on satisfaction level of the consumers by using Hindi Language in online shopping websites. METHODOLOGY a) TOOLS: Qualitative as well as quantitative method of data collection was used. Analysis was done using structured Questionnaire method to conclude the paper. b) Sample Size: 150 respondents c) Sampling Method: Random Sampling d) Sampling Place: Indore, M.P
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International Education & Research Journal [IERJ]
Research Paper
E-ISSN No : 2454-9916 | Volume : 2 | Issue : 6 | June 2016
R .882a .927b .867c
R Square
Adjusted R Square
.779 .859 .809
.778 .858 .808
Change Statistics
Std. Error of the Estimate R Square Change 6.84223 5.47501 4.47501
F Change
Sig. F Change
1742.171 279.090 245.022
1 2 3
149 148 147
.000 .000 .000
.779 .080 .089
a. Predictors: (Constant), Easy to access b. Predictors: (Constant), Easy to access, Usefulness c. Interest Rate, Easy to access, Usefulness & Enjoyment d.Dependent Variable: Satisfaction Level of the Consumers TABLE: 1.2 COEFFICIENTSA ON ON EASE TO ACCESS, USEFULNESS AND ENJOYMENT ON SATISFACTION LEVEL OF THE CONSUMERS Model
Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients
Lower Bound
Upper Bound
Std. Error
.650 .564
.016 1.072
Easy to access (Constant)
41.739 .060
.000 .952
.620 -2.042
.681 2.171
95.0% Confidence Interval for B
a. Dependent Variable: Satisfaction Level of the Consumers As shown in the tables, there is a variation between the variables under study of the Model. So, there must be some relation between the variables under study that the researcher has tried to explain with the help of the regression equation. The co-efficient are given in Table 1.1. We got three Models by step-wise regression method, which are best fitted from Table 1.2: MODEL-1 This model explains about 77.9 per cent co-efficient of determination (R2) between easy to access and Satisfaction Level of the Consumers. Y=8.336 + .564 X1 MODEL-2 This model explains about 85.9 per cent co-efficient of determination (R2) between Usefulness & Satisfaction Level of the Consumers.
Over all model summary shows the value of multiple correlation coefficient of Easy to access R=0.882, Usefulness is R=.927 and Enjoyment is R=.827, it is the linear correlation coefficient between observed and model predicted values of the dependent variable, Its large values indicate a strong relationship. R2, the coefficient of determination is the squared value of the multiple correlation coefficients. Adjusted R2=0.779, .859 and .809 respectively. These values are significant which show that overall strength of association is noteworthy. The coefficient of determination R2 is 0.779; therefore, 77.9% of the variation in Satisfaction Level of the Consumers is explained by Easy to access . The coefficient of determination R2 is 0.859; therefore, 85.9% of the variation Satisfaction Level of the Consumers is explained by Usefulness. The coefficient of determination R2 is 0.809; therefore, 80.9% of the variation Satisfaction Level of the Consumers is explained by Enjoyment.
Y=8.336 + . 564 X1+.391 X2 MODEL-3 This model explains about 80.9 per cent co-efficient of determination (R2) between Enjoyment & Satisfaction Level of the Consumers. Y=8.336 + . 564 X1+.391 X2+.740 X3
The calculated F value (1052.342, 298.000, 297.000 respectively) is greater than the tabulated value at .000 level of significance. Hence, the null hypothesis that there is no significant impact of shopping behaviour (Easy to access, Usefulness and Enjoyment on Satisfaction Level of the Consumers is rejected at 5% level of significance. ANOVA is used to exhibit model's ability to explain any variation in the dependent variable. ANOVA table exhibits that the hypothesis that all model coefficients are 0 is rejected at 1% as well as 5% level of significance which means that the model coefficients differ significantly from zero. In other words we can say that there exists enough evidence to conclude that slope of population regression line is not zero and hence, Interest Rate, Easy to access, Usefulness and Enjoyment are the predictors of Satisfaction Level of the Consumers. FINDINGS & CONCLUSIONS Most respondents felt that their shopping increases due to easy to access, usefulness and enjoyment when they found any kind of websites in their language comfort. It is more time saving when the language is in Hindi as in English they need more time to understand and interpret. Shopping is considered as a leisure activity. They don't mind spending more time on shopping. Consumer characteristics play an important role in the consumer's decision to shop online. Convenience oriented consumer are the most potential online buyer since they value the convenience of shopping at home as a large motive for purchase (Swaminathan et al.1999).
The survey points that the most important source of information is friends and family. They gather information from their friends and family members about a particular product. The word of mouth and reference is the prominent marketing strategies used by retailers and manufacturers due to such attitude of the Indian consumers. Indian consumers also believe in getting the firsthand experience of the product hence gathering information from the store and shop attendant is also considered major source of information. Electronic media is rapidly gaining importance. Internet is the least recognised source of Information due to lack of awareness and uncomfortability in language.
International Education & Research Journal [IERJ]
Research Paper
E-ISSN No : 2454-9916 | Volume : 2 | Issue : 6 | June 2016
Han (1996) in his study concluded that the internet usage skill and familiarity with computers can affect consumer information search through the internet. Besides the demographic factors, consumer perception of “ease of use”, “usefulness”, and “enjoyment” also significantly influences their attitude toward shopping on the Internet (Ratchford et al., 2001; Alba and Hutchinson, 1987; Eastin and LaRose, 2000; Marakas et al., 1998; Bandura, 1994;Dabholkar and Bagozzi, 2002; Dabholkar, 1996). CONCLUSION Online shopping has become extremely popular over the last decade. Utilized mostly by the "Net- Generation", this service is extremely convenient. Although online shopping can be very convenient and beneficial there are also some potential problems that can arise. Consumers have been seen to exhibit different buying behaviors when shopping online than when they are shopping in a physical store. After applying statistical techniques it was found that there is a significant impact of easy to use, usefulness and enjoyment on the satisfaction level of consumers throught he usage of Hindi language..This makes it imperative that retailers study the behaviours of consumers and make changes in order to remain profitable and successful. The overall results prove that the respondents have perceived online shopping in a positive manner. This clearly justifies the project growth of online shopping. The results can also be used by various organizations to identify their target customer segments. The findings suggested that the language should not become a barrier for those who wish to be apart of the online Indian websites. REFERENCES 1.
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International Education & Research Journal [IERJ]