A matter of urban planning system in Portugal and the problems that it faces nowadays are of a big concern for the specialists and, at the same time for the educators. It is crucial to ensure that the next generations of urbanists and architects will be aware of the existing tasks and problems and will be able to solve them in the best possible way. That is why it’s necessary to provide the proper programme of studies for the architecture students, and certain excercises for practice. As for the project to be done in this semester, the participants of Urban Planning course were told to design urbanization in a certain area located in a town called Freamunde in Pacos de Ferreira, Portugal. The project was done by the groups students, preferably with at least one member capable of speaking Portuguese, if the other ones were foreigners, in order to help the others with the urbanization and planning rules written in Portuguese language. The project consisted of numerous elements and the whole process was devided into some stages. Students had to work systematically and cooperate to provide the final results, that is a new design for the plot and all documentation. This report is to feature the stages, progress and results of the students’ work on this project.
METHODOLOGY: The whole process of creating a complete design proposal for a new urbanization is quite a complex task. In order to make it easier to organize and manage, it was devided into two stages: first one theoretical and second one practical. After each of them the group should give a presentation about it for the rest of the class. The first step was to know the most important rules in urban planning system in Portugal, in order to use them later, in the second step, and also to know the plot, its localization, neighbourhood, all of the features, conditions, advantages and disadvantages, opportunities and such. To find all the information needed, students were looking into several documents of a different levels: the Municipal Master Plan to check if the plot is in an area meant for urbanization or in a rural area. Given that and being ensured, that their plot can be urbanized, they moved to the RGEU, the regional plans and rules and then to Portarias, documents of a national level. It was also necessary to find out what is the detailed situation for the plot in terms of restrictions, that was visualized on the Restrictions Map. The next step was to make some essential analysis of the plot and surrounding area to understand the typology of the buildings, functions, streets, roads, greenery and empty spaces. It was very helpful in deciding what is missing in the plot and in the nearest neighbourhood, what facilities, services, functions, elements, as well as qualify advantages and disadvantages of it in several aspects. All those information enabled students to realize the needs of the plot and to come up with the first ideas for a new urbanization in this place. Having the first stage completed, groups were supposed to give a presentation about it. The second stage considered a proper designing process and complementing required documentation for the delivery, conveyed in the same groups. Taking into account all the known rules and the plot characteristic, students were supposed to give a proposal for this place, that would provide missing facilities, create worthy and interesting space for people to use, make the most of its localization and bring this place to life. It was a long process full of discussion, but in the end our group decided on some outlines we were sticking to in further works. Those were about what shape our urbanization should be made into, what
functions should be there and how to make them accessible for all users. The ideas were being developed with some consultations with teachers during several weeks. Next, students were supposed to prepare proper documentation, calculations, plans, drawings and a report to fully present the project: the situation plan in a scale 1:1000 or higher, the synthesis plan in the scale of 1:1000 or higher, indicating in particular the modeling proposal, a plan with identifying accessible routes, a plan with identification of the transfer areas to the municipal area and a 3D virtual simulation
LOCATION: Freamunde is a parish in the municipality of Paços de Ferreira, with 4.68 km², 7789 inhabitants and density of 1 664.3 / km². Freamunde
Fig 2- Study area
a Are m2 0 4 5 4
Fig 1: Map of Portugal
Fig 3 - View from inside the plot
Fig 4 - View from Rua da Escola
Fig 5 - inside of the plot
This is an important map that can be found in the Municipal Master Plan and it tells us that our study case area is inside an urban area with level 1 of mixed use. That means we can design houses, cormmercial buildings, services, offices and also, a square. With that information, we read all the portuguese legislation and we sorted out the main rules that we would use on the project. The rules is divided in:
Article 24 Permitted activities and occupations 1 - Are allowed, by law, the residential uses, commercial and services without dominance of either, and yet the activities industrial and storage, provided they are compatible with these uses. Article 26 Depth of buildings in continuous band
1 - The maximum depth of floors for housing or services is 15 meters. 2 - The ground floor (rĂŠs-dochĂŁo), when for trade or warehouse, can reach a maximum depth of 30 meters.
Article 26 Depth of buildings in continuous band 1 - The maximum depth of floors for housing or services is 15 meters. 2 - The ground floor (rés-dochão), when for trade or warehouse, can reach a maximum depth of 30 meters. Article 27 Attachments: 1 - The attachments in public parks designed exclusively If the storage and or garage, you can only have one floor with maximum -right foot 2.20 meters. 2 - The area occupied can not exceed 10 percent of the area total lot or parcel. Article 29 Special scheme for level 1 mixed areas 1 - Maximum utilization w(construction) rate is 1.90 m2 / m2 applied to band 50 meters deep adjoining existing roads and 1.20 m2 / m2 applied to the remaining area of intervention.w 2 - The maximum number of floors is seven (ground - to - ground + six).
REGULAMENTO MUNICIPAL PASSOS DE FERREIRA: Article 22 Use of underground construction 2 - The basement alignment can not exceed the alignment ground floor in the adjoining facades with the public highway, except -If justified situations technically by the applicant and accepted by services. CHAPTER V Urbanization and Urban Compensation SECTION I Urbanization Article 30 Collective Support Area The allotments of projects and applications for licensing or prior communication of urban operations relevant impact as the provisions of Article 17 of this Regulation shall be endowed with green spaces and collective use, infrastructures and equipments.
RGEU: Article 59 The height of any building shall be fixed so that in all vertical planes perpendicular to the facade any of its elements, with the exception of chimneys and decorative accessories, exceeds the limit defined by the straight 45° line, drawn in each of these plans from the building alignment border, defined by the intersection of the plan with the outside ground.
Article 60 Notwithstanding the provisions in the previous article, the minimum distance between building facades in which there are openings housing compartments It may not be less than 10 meters. Article 65 (Decree-Law Drafting # 650/75 of 18 November) 1. The minimum height, floor to floor in buildings for housing is 2.70m (27m) may not be the rightfoot free least less than 2.40 m (24m). 2. Exceptionally, in foyers, corridors, toilets, pantries and storage will be permissible for the ceiling height is reduced to a minimum of 2.20m (22m). 3. The ceilings free of minimum floors for commercial establishments is 3m (30M). Article 67 (Decree-Law Drafting # 650/75 of 18 November) 1. Gross areas the fires have the following minimum values:
PORTARIA N 1135/2001: Kind of occupation - In single family houses
Green spaces 28m²/fogo...
ANNEX I Sizing Parameters
Shared use of equipment 35m²/fogo...
- In collective hous- 28m²/120 m² a.c. 35m²/120 m² a.c. ing hab. hab.
Infrastructure - Parking 1 place / fire with. c. <120 m2 2 places / fire with. c. between 120 m2 and 300 m2 3 places / fire with. c. > 300 m2 The total number of seats resulting from the previous criteria is plus 20% for public parking Housing with type indication: 1 place / fire T0 and T1; 1.5 places / fire T2 and T3; 2 places / fire T4, T5 and T6; 3 places / fire> T6; The total number of seats resulting from the previous criteria is plus 20% for public parking. Housing without type indication: 1 place / fire for. m. <90 m2 1.5 places / fire for. m. f. between 90 m2 and 120 m2 2 places / fire for. m. f. between 120 m2 and 300 m2 3 places / fire for. m. f. > 300 m2 The total number of seats resulting from the previous criteria is plus 20% for public parking.
- Trade
1 place / 30 m2 to. c. with. to establ. <1000m2 a. c .;
28m²/100m² a.c. 25m²/ 100m² a.c. tra. 1 place / 25 m2 to. c. with. to establ. 1000 m2 to 2500 m2 to. c .; 1 place / 15 m2 to. c. with. to establ. > To 2500 m2. c. and cumulatively 1 place tra. heavy / 200 m2 to. c. with.
- Service
28m²/100m² a.c. 25m²/ 100m² a.c. serv. serv.
3 posts / 100 m2 to. c. serv. to estab. < 500w m2 5 people / 100 m2 to. c. serv. to establ. > 500 m2 The total number of seats resulting from the previous criteria is increased by 30% for public parking.
PORTARIA N 1135/2001: ANNEX I Sizing Parameters Kind of occupation - In single family houses
Green spaces 28m²/fogo...
Shared use of equipment 35m²/fogo...
- In collective hous- 28m²/120 m² a.c. 35m²/120 m² a.c. ing hab. hab.
Infrastructure - Parking 1 place / fire with. c. <120 m2 2 places / fire with. c. between 120 m2 and 300 m2 3 places / fire with. c. > 300 m2 The total number of seats resulting from the previous criteria is plus 20% for public parking Housing with type indication: 1 place / fire T0 and T1; 1.5 places / fire T2 and T3; 2 places / fire T4, T5 and T6; 3 places / fire> T6; The total number of seats resulting from the previous criteria is plus 20% for public parking. Housing without type indication: 1 place / fire for. m. <90 m2 1.5 places / fire for. m. f. between 90 m2 and 120 m2 2 places / fire for. m. f. between 120 m2 and 300 m2 3 places / fire for. m. f. > 300 m2 The total number of seats resulting from the previous criteria is plus 20% for public parking.
- Trade
1 place / 30 m2 to. c. with. to establ. <1000m2 a. c .;
28m²/100m² a.c. 25m²/ 100m² a.c. tra. 1 place / 25 m2 to. c. with. to establ. 1000 m2 to 2500 m2 to. c .; 1 place / 15 m2 to. c. with. to establ. > To 2500 m2. c. and cumulatively 1 place tra. heavy / 200 m2 to. c. with.
- Service
28m²/100m² a.c. 25m²/ 100m² a.c. serv. serv.
3 posts / 100 m2 to. c. serv. to estab. < 500w m2 5 people / 100 m2 to. c. serv. to establ. > 500 m2 The total number of seats resulting from the previous criteria is increased by 30% for public parking.
ANNEX II Sizing Parameters
Types of occupation Housing a. c. hab. › 80 % a. c.
Infrastructure - Roads (b) Type Profile »9.7 m. Shooting range = 6.5 m. Walk = 1.6 m (2 ×). PARKING = [(2.25 m) (x 2)] (Optional). Boilers for trees = [(1.0 m) (X 2)] (optional).
Housing (if a. c. hab. <80%), trade and or services. Profile type ‘12m. Shooting range = 7.5 m. Tours = 2.25 m (2 ×). Parking = [(2.25 m) (x 2)] (optional). Boilers trees = [(1.0 m) (× 2)] (optional). When there is industry and warehouses.
Type profile »12.2m. Shooting range = 9m. Tours = 1.6 m (2 ×). Parking = [(2.5 m) (x 2)] (optional). Boilers trees = [(1.0 m) (× 2)] (optional).
With this map we noticed that are no restrictions inside our plot but it is surrounded by an electric line with medium tension. To know what to do with it and also know if we had restrictions because of that line, we researched the law in ‘Servidões e Restrições de Utilidade Pública’ and we conclude that we don’t have any construction restrictions, but in preparing of the preliminary draft, we must talk with the public distributor, which will give his opinion in writing telling if everything is alright ( The complete law is down bellow) We also noticed that there is a school inside a protection zone in front of our plot so it is going to be connected with our project design because it is an important infrastructure for all the neighbourhood
Servidões e Restrições de Utilidade Pública Article 2°
Decreto - Lei n° 446/76 de 05-06-19/06
1. The development plans of settlements and their expansion must always include the electricity supply infrastructure in the form of the project or draft, including access corridors for power lines of high voltage designed to feed the pellets. In preparing of the preliminary draft, it must hear the public distributor, which will give its opinion in writing. 2. If the land occupied by urbanization are crossed by power lines of high voltage, its existence must be properly checked. 3. The General Direction of Urban Development Services, before proceeding the appreciation of the plans referred in paragraph number 1, will hear the General Direction of Electrical Services, which shall deliver its opinion. It is considered as concurring opinion the lack of response within forty-five days.
Black and White Analysis is a useful material for the Urban Design Planning. This type of analysis helps the urban designer to understand better the way that one city â&#x20AC;&#x201C; town or village is structured. In our case area via the first Black and White Analysis map we can understand that the buildings are not so close constructed. Almost all the buildings have the main façade in front of the road and courtyard in the background area. Moreover, most of them have enough space for the correct ventilation and for the sun.
Via the second Black and White analysis we can recognize the way that the plots and the roads are constructed in a region. In our case area we can easy understand that this region is more organic with a lot of roads to end in front of the houses. Furthermore, the thickness of the road is not so great if we want to have road for bikes and larger walk sides.
Considering the green areas around the plot, it is clearly visible that there is a lot of unorganized greenery, not suitable for people to use for leisure purposes nor agriculture. It partially and messily fills the voids in the urbanization. There is much of it especially from the northern and southern side of the plot. Not far away a national reservation (protected area) has its place. If it all was more organized into some parks or avenues, it would give citizens a very nice and peaceful place to live. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s one of our aims to provide such spaces for different outdoor activities, walks and relaxation, as the nice green spaces are crucial for peoplesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; well-being.
As we can see on this analysis, in the nearest area of the plot there are several types of buildings which differ as far as functions are concerned. Most of the buildings are of a residential type, especially singlefamily housing, marked with yellow colour. There are a few of multi-family housing buildings as well, on the map marked with orange. In this area we can also find some polyfunction buildings in green. There is only one building of a services function, one of a warehouse/other function, and one of a public service function, which is precisely a school, placed in the protection zone. Judging on those figures, we can say that not only the density is quite small, but also there is a substantial dominance of residential function buildings, what makes most of the area of a low height in general. Other functions, like public spaces, shops or even polyfunction buildings are scarse. That makes the plot a perfect place to provide those missing functions and implement them into the neighbourhood. One important detail to consider is the nearness of the school, which causes an opportunity to combine its function with a new function introduced to the plot and create interesting public space to attract young people to spend free time there, therefore bringing the whole area back to life.
Our case study area is in the middle of the city. This area has an access to the local roads; in the distance of 2 km we have an highway A42 and around our case study area we donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have any bicycle path. On the close area are parking spaces which are exactly next to the lane of road. As we can see in the map on the right, the red road is a highway, in yellow is the region roads and in black the local roads.
We could notice that our study area is set in a long block without roads cutting it. That is a negative point for the area because to have access to the other side of the block the driver needs to go all around it and, the most important, for the pedestrians is even harder because they have to walk to much. Trying to change that giving more use for the area, security and more paths possibilities for inhabitants, our first attemp was to bring the existing roads inside the plot as we can see on the map above. We also noticed a small existence road on the right edge of the plot, but it is very narrow and is impossible to go out of it because the ending of the street is blocked with a lot of trash, as we can see on the pictures bellow
+363.00 +364.00
In this map, existing area, we could notice that our topography is not hilly and the inclination is very comfortable to walk.
Bringing the sunrounding roads inside the plot
DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT: Basically, the plot that we were given to elaborate is quite small, and we decided that was reasonable to part it with a car road going through inside of it. Nevertheless, it was desirable to have an access for cars in case of emergency and for better communication with residential buildings. Thus we opened the southern part of the plot with a circuiting road to make a conection to the other side of the plot as explained before on the roads analysis. As for the car parking places, we located them on the outside edge of the plot, for them to be easily accessible from the roads and not disturb pedestrians inside the plot. Moreover, we thought about making the roads of the same level as pedestrian roads for safety. Our main idea for the communication inside and around the plot was based on axes extended from the existing roads outside the plot in order to make a relation between it and the surroundings. The pattern that we used to organize the space considering lawns, paths, squares is based on geometrical shapes: a circle and triangles. That enabled creating interesting moments in the plots appearance. We did some zoning as well: we thought about what type of space and building was missing there: service, open public space, some space for the school in front of a plot, greenery of a leisure and aesthetic purpose. Given that we placed those functions where it fitted the most, combining them with previously mentioned shapes: open squares covered with two kinds of superstructure: grass and two types of concrete paviment, with a small cafĂŠ building facing the school, commercial/offices in the South with a few of leisure gardens in front of them and with a stony square decorated with some fountains suitable for children playing with it. Lastly, we placed two housing buildings at the back of the plot, which seems to be more peaceful, with close grassy areas for inhabitants to use and the small quiet square between the housing. All the spaces are in fact public and free to enter for everyone. We added greenery and paths and cycling roads on the edges of the plot as well as inside, linking it all together into one consistent
whole, remembering to curtain more peaceful places with trees and to provide the pedestrians the most convenient and interesting way to walk throughout the plot. We took into account the fact that the surrounding edificies are mostly not that tall, and we designed buildings in our plot up to the three floors to match with it integrating with the typology of neighborhood. AREAS - FUNCTIONS:
CONCLUSION: After all the analysis and considerations, we think that our project is a suitable solution to this plot. In every design, is important to understand the surrounding area, all the relations, conections and all of it need to be examined carefully, because is not just a urban and architecture design, is a undertanding of the development of the city and needs of the residents. Everything needs to be thought together as a organism that can’t work without the other functions Of course in every cities there are differents lifestyles, and in our case the inhabitants appreciate slower pace of life, staying in safe and calm places. That is why we decided that the best way to carry about their needs was to formate urban interiors in which people would feel good and be close to nature also. Residents should feel more connected and to have positive associations with the place they live. The composition of our square will fulfill the pro-social functions, encouraging people to interact and not just people that lives there, but also from the visitors and for the people who would come to work or enjoy the services offered in the plot. All areas are connected. We notice that there are many empty spaces in the surrounding area and also in some portuguese cities, so we wanted to prevent wasteland formation and give more life, movement and different possibilities for activities in every hour of the day, because that is also important to give more security for the place. PICTURES REFERENCES: Fig 1: from https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freamunde; last acess on 26/05 Fig 2: from https://www.google.pt/maps/place/R.+da+Escola,+Freamunde/@41.2931951,8.3402284,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0xd248d311435daf1:0xaaf8199957d276d3!8m2!3d41.293191 1!4d-8.3380397, last acess on 26/05 Fig 3: Taken by Arq.to João Sá Fig 4: Taken by Arq.to João Sá Fig 5: Taken by Arq.to João Sá