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Excursion-Workshop for Landscape Architecture: Empty spaces. Empty buildings. Covilha 2016 (Portugal) Fundão is a Portuguese city located in the District of Castelo Branco, in the Centre region and sub-region of Cova da Beira. It is divided into 23 pariches with 700.20 km ² of area and 29,213 habitants. An important aspect of this county are the excellent local products of this region, including nuts, olive oil, mushrooms, cheese, sausages and cherry also known as „red gold“, considered by many the best in the world. In recent years, the cherry has become a hallmark of this region that produces, on average, about six tons of cherries per year. Because of that, the population created some gastronomic innovations using them like the famous Fundão´s cherry pie. That desert was first presented at the Festival called ‚Festa da Cereja de Alcongosta‘ in 2011 and was an immediate success, with more than three thousand pastels sold. Simultaneously, the pastel is now available in almost all pastry shops and bakeries of the Cova da Beira region. This Pastel is registered in the National Industrial Property Institute. To the north exit to Covilha along the EN18, there are several industries and businesses of interest to national and wood processing, granite, glass and pools, and a special investment in polishing industry of jewelery. In this area there are several hotels, restaurants and pools with tourist interest. But in our study case – Alpredinha and Castelo Novo Both cities are very similar. They are important for Portugal heritage The mountain landscape, the winding streets, typical recovered houses , make this beautiful village a nice point of interest, surrounded by other places of great beauty and strong historical, architectural and social heritage.







Area: 16,19 km² Population: 1 087 habitantes (2011). 90 hab. Density: 67,1 hab/km².

da vila e é contígua ao lar da terceira idade da Santa Casa da Misericórdia, que antigamente foi hospital.

Capelas: São Sebastião; Menino Deus; Important landmarks: Espírito Santo; Senhor da Oliveira; Santo António; Santa Maria Madalena; Santa Ca- Vias antigas em Alpedrinha e Castelo Novo tarina; Anjo da Guarda. - Capela do Leão e fonte monumental - Pelourinho de Alpedrinha Fontes: Peles; Carvalho; Tanquinho; Leão; - Teatro de Alpedrinha Páteo; Fontainha; Funda; Calvário; Santo - Centro histórico de Alpedrinha António; Meio Alqueire; Fome; Chafariz Es- Museu de Arte Sacra pírito Santo; Chafariz Novo; Chafariz D. João - Museu Etnográfico da Liga dos Amigos de V. Alpedrinha - Museu José Santos Pinto Casas Senhoriais: Casa da Comenda; Pa- Museu da Música/Casa da Familía Osório lácio do Picadeiro; Casa das Senhoras Men- Igreja Matriz des; Casa do Pátio; Casa do Barreiro; Casas - Igreja da Misericórdia - Situa-se no centro do Cardeal; Casa da Câmara.


Area: 40,51 km² Population: 406 habitantes (2011). 6 families Density: 10 hab/km².

ANALYSE Castelo Novo

Município encontra-se o edifício quinhentista dos antigos Paços do Concelho em frente a este situa-se o Pelourinho de construção Manuelino.

Important landmarks:

- Chafariz da Bica: monumento barroco, com a pedra de armas de D. João V, que - Lagareta em Castelo Novo: um patrimó- possui escadaria de acesso e um logradounio humanizado relevante sobre o ponto de ro rodeado de bancos de pedra granítica. vista da organização social e comunitária da aldeia,lagariça de provável construção - Janela manuelina: pode ser vista no edifíentre os séculos VII e VIII. cio da Associação Sócio-Cultural de Castelo Novo, na rua da Gardunha. - Aldeia de Castelo Novo: centro histórico. - Pelourinho de Castelo Novo: No Largo do


BASIC ANALYSIS I Village character

Private garden

Empty spaces. Empty buildings. Covilha 2016 (Portugal) Alpedrinha // Castelo Novo Thila Barto, Julia Müller, Isabell Huch,

Historic Layering Church

Single and groups of houses

Open green spaces

Hilly landscape



Village silhouette


Small alley


Main streets with parking spots Place


One-way streets Electricities Canalisation

New Dead vs. old Barrier-free end

INFRASTRUCTURE Abandoned vs. alive house un- / planted dark / light

Material Mix historic and new

Different types of stones refurbished (door, window)

Poster numer I is about the basic analysis. First the typicall village/town structure and the landscpae was analysed. Important things were the character of the village with the typicall layering of the houses in the hillls, the historic character like the chapels and churches and the tower „Castelo Novo“. Then the infrastructure of the villages was analysed. For example they have different kinds of streets, like lanes, paths, big streets and squares with parking spots. The infrastructure also includes the electricity above the streets and houses and the typicall canalisation which is very present next to the streets and in front of the doors from the houses. Then we analysed the material and nature. The village and houses were most of the time build out of stones from the region, but they also had new materials like concrete and steel. These materials were often mixed so that the appearance was a mixture between old and new. The last analysis was about the empty spaces and empty houses in the villages. There were abondoned industry and houses, gaps between the existing houses and holes in the roofs. The appearance of the villages is most of the time mixed and diversified.

Different styles

MATERIAL // NATURE Abandoned house just the walling

Gap between houses


Waste land Industrial ruin

Historical Castle „Castelo Novo“

Hole in the roof

Empty house

Industrial ruin with its typical way/ watersystem


䐀䔀䴀䄀一䐀 䄀一䄀䰀夀匀䤀匀 䤀䤀 DEMAND


For the demand analysis we got three different kinds of services. First there are the basic services with I Groceries, II Service and III Social. These are all the points you need to feel comfortable at a place where you live and to have all the necessarities for living. The second services are the additional services. Named Extra. With I Culture, II Communication and III Ecology. These points you don‘t need to live there, but they make you feel more comfortable and bring more life to the village. Number three is the special service with I Market, II Community and II Sports. These are additional services which brings more variety and quality to the life of the inhabitants.



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Excursion-Workshop for Landscape Architecture: Empty spaces. Empty buildings. Covilha 2016 (Portugal) Alpedrinha // Castelo Novo Thila Barto (UBI), Julia Müller (TU Berlin), Isabell Huch (TU Berlin)


To Do


In most of the small villages the basic services like grocery stores, bakeries, daily services like postoffices, ATMs and a healthcare system are missing. This is different from village to village. To keep the people there you need to offer the basic services. Additional to this it’s necessary to offer extra services like cultural activities, communication spots and some ecological places. To make a village more unique and attracitve for the inhabitants and for tourists it would make sense to offer special hotspots. These could be markets and festivals hosted by the local inhabitants of the villages, to strengthen the community with e.g. workshops for young and old and an exchange programms for the inhabitants. An extra special hotspot would be the offering of sport activities like biking, hiking and matches between different villages.

Problems and Solutions



Alpedrinha BASIC (existing)

EXTRA (existing)

SPECIAL (existing)

Castelo Novo









(planned, schematic distributed) (planned, schematic distributed) (planned, schematic distributed)

(existing) (existing) (existing)

(planned, schematic distributed) (planned, schematic distributed)


(planned, schematic distributed)

To Do

Analyse which basic services are already available in the villages and where they are located. Discover what’s missing in each specific village with the cooperation from the inhabitants. Evaluation of the results. Finding spots and empty spaces which can be reactivated or filled with the different kind of demands (Basic, Extra, Special).


Markets and Festivals: „Cherry-Blossom Festival“, „Community Market“ (offering of handmade things), „local fruits and vegetabes of the region“ etc. Community: The exchange between inhabitants (learning from each other, workshops, social events like computer courses, cooking classes etc.). Sports: Hiking and biking routes, Meeting spots on the route in the village like cafés, Sportclasses, Matches and exchanges between different villages from the region

In most of the small villages the basic services like grocery stores, bakeries, daily services like postoffices, ATMs and a healthcare system are missing. This is different from village to village. To keep the people there you need to offer the basic services. Additional to this it’s necessary to offer extra services like cultural activities, communication spots and some ecological places. To make a village more unique and attracitve for the inhabitants and for tourists it would make sense to offer special hotspots. These could be markets and festivals hosted by the local inhabitants of the villages, to strengthen the community with e.g. workshops for young and old and an exchange programms for the inhabitants. An extra special hotspot would be the offering of sport activities like biking, hiking and matches between different villages.

Problems and solutions

Analyse which basic services are already available in the villages and where they are located. Discover what’s missing in each specific village with the cooperation from the inhabitants. Evaluation of the results. 10 Finding spots and empty spaces which can be reactivated or filled with the different kind of demands (Basic, Extra, Special)








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