The World is Ending by Bella Engalla

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CHARACTERS LOGAN - Male, 17. A senior at his high school in Seattle, Washington. Has a crush on Emily, a girl in his physics class. Lives with his single mother in a studio apartment. Craves genuine connection but lacks a sense of self-confidence at school and feels more comfortable online. Used to be close to his mom but has grown more distant as he’s gotten older. A bit apathetic which translates to his lack of initiative around his appearance; he doesn’t bother with his hair and wears the same hoodie to every occasion. FACEBOOK - Female, middle-aged. Preferably has the classic “​Karen​” haircut. Wears a plain white t-shirt with blue jeans, maybe even a cardigan. The self-proclaimed leader of the group. Believes that her opinion is extremely valued. Believes all fake news. Worries that she’s become too old and irrelevant. Facebook in a ​starter pack​. TWITTER - Male, mid-20s, college student. Wears a black turtleneck with dark jeans. Has a witty and dry sense of humor. Believes he is always right. Think that he is the most cultured or “woke” out of the group. Despises ignorance which is why Instagram annoys him the most. Twitter in a ​starter pack​. INSTAGRAM - Female, early to mid-20s. Wears a trendy outfit, long painted nails, and dark sunglasses. Has on a full face of makeup; noticeable fake eyelashes and overlined lips are a must. Appreciates pop culture. Would choose beauty over brains. Motto is fake it till you make it. Instagram in a ​starter pack​. SNAPCHAT - Male, late-teen. A ​dudebro​. Wears khaki cargo shorts, a polo brand shirt with a “popped” collar, and a backward snapback. Likes the simple things in life like college football and pretty girls. Talkative but doesn’t really say anything of substance. Forgets almost everything. TIKTOK - Female, early to mid-teen. Either wears all pastel clothing or a dark grungy outfit. Very energetic and loves doing trendy dances. Sensitive on the inside. Naive which is why she believes in conspiracy theories. Has difficulty focusing on one thing at a time. Tiktok in a ​starter pack​. MOM - Female, late-forties. A single working mom. Struggling to raise Logan on her own. Loves her son immensely but doesn’t have nearly enough time to spend with him. Still in her pajamas and a messy hair bun, since she wanted to make Logan breakfast before he woke up. Gets angry when Logan uses his phone because it takes away from the time she gets to be with him.


SCENE 1 The stage opens with a dark blue spotlight on FACEBOOK centerstage. Other apps are in a straight line facing the audience. They are not lit up yet.


Alright, time to get up! Logan’s gonna wake up in a couple of minutes and we need to be ready. The internet is going crazy!

FACEBOOK claps hands loudly. FACEBOOK:

Gosh, are your softwares outdated? Hurry up!

Colored spotlights open on TWITTER, SNAPCHAT, INSTAGRAM, and TIKTOK. Apps yawn and stretch. TWITTER:

We’re up! Jesus. Last time you did this, Trump tweeted covfefe. Just stop yelling.


(ignores TWITTER) ​Okie dokie. Now, listen up kids. This COVID crisis is getting way out of hand. Did you hear about the study they did... at that one university in, uhm…. somewhere in Africa? Well lucky for you, I read the headline and it confirmed that the virus can’t survive in high temperatures. We need Logan to buy those special 400 dollar UV lamps they were selling. I can make an ad for it in a jiffy!


Do you realize how much of a Karen you’re being right now?


A Karen? LOL. What does that mean?


Well, I think the only thing Logan needs right now is—


A makeover!


I was gonna say nud—


Oh my god. I’m so glad I wasn’t the only one. I’ve been wanting him to shave that mustache of his since last summer. It’s so 2013! I can recommend barber shops in his search and explore right now.


Ah yes. You’re absolutely right. Once Logan wakes up and finds out about the nationwide quarantine, the first thing he’ll want to do is shave off his peach fuzz.


Exactly! Oh… wait. Argh! You’re doing your thing again. Well, there’s nothing wrong with putting ​some​ effort into your looks... You should try it sometime.


Classic Instagram. You know, I prefer to indulge in the more genuine things in life. I try not to be so… superficial. But, we all know that your attitude towards

3 appearances is merely a manifestation of your deep, troubling insecurities... Am I wrong? INSTAGRAM:

Oh shut up! I wasn’t programmed to be like you…. You know sometimes you really hurt my feelings, Twitter. I’m not as dumb as you think I am.

INSTAGRAM wipes away a crocodile tear. INSTAGRAM:

Well… at least I’m pretty.


You’re unbelievable.


Would you guys settle down? This is unacceptable! I’d complain to Zuckerburg and get him to buy all of you in seconds… But I’m feeling nice today so I won’t.

TIKTOK starts dancing the renegade at downstage left. FACEBOOK walks up to her, arms crossed. FACEBOOK:

And TikTok, you need to stop doing that. That, uhm... Gosh, what’s that dance again? The—


(starts dancing with TIKTOK) ​Renegade, renegade, renegade, renegade!

INSTAGRAM rolls her eyes. FACEBOOK doesn’t look happy. FACEBOOK:

Yes. Renegade. But back to my point. Can you please focus on one thing for more than twenty seconds?


(keeps dancing) I​ t’s not my fault. I can’t help it. And what’s the big deal anyway? If the world’s gonna end ‘cause of biological warfare, we should make the most out of the time we have left... OMG. Charli just posted a new video! Everyone has to see this.


Gosh, you newer apps nowadays. Such short attention spans.


What’s wrong with short attention spa—Oh, sick! Will Smith just posted a story. A social-distancing special. Logan’s gonna love this!


(sighs) ​We need to think of a plan for how to tell Logan about the coronavirus.


Well, I have an opinion on this.


(rolls eyes) ​Well, I have an opinion on this.


(​to INSTAGRAM​) Keep rolling your eyes. Maybe you’ll find a brain back there.

INSTAGRAM gasps and crosses arms.


So, I know everyone must be bursting with information that they need Logan to know but we need to be wise. Otherwise, it’ll be anarchy! Knowledge is power but only wisdom is liberty. Hashtag stay woke.


Can you just get to the point already?


Fine… Let’s just promise to hand it to him subtly. Okay?


Sounds good.




Cool with me.

Pause. All apps look to INSTAGRAM who is busy checking retouching her lipstick. FACEBOOK:



What!? ​(snickers) ​Oh yeah. Whatever.

Spotlights on apps dim out until blackout.


SCENE 2 A p​ hone alarm goes off. Blue floodlights light up the stage until the alarm stops. A bed with LOGAN sits on down stage right. He wakes up and stretches. Apps speak offstage.


Okay. It’s been a couple seconds since he’s woken up. He’ll go for his phone anytime now.


Remember what I said... Be subtle.


Yeah, yeah. We know.


Argh. The suspense is killing me!


I can’t wait any longer. Just pick up the phone!

LOGAN’s hand reaches for his phone but he stops right before it does. He rubs his eyes instead. INSTAGRAM: Pause.

Seriously?! That’s worse than leaving us on read.


(mischievous tone) ​Hmmm… Well, I guess I could just send him a notif to get his attention.


Snapchat. No. What did we just talk about?


Yeah, well… Ehhh, I don’t really care. I’m going in.


Wait no!

A notification sound goes off right as SNAPCHAT cooly enters from stage right. LOGAN glances over his side and picks up his phone. SNAPCHAT approaches LOGAN like he’s an old friend. SNAPCHAT:

Hey Logan…. What’s up bro? I got a notif for you!

LOGAN picks up his phone and looks excitedly to SNAPCHAT. LOGAN:

Will Smith? This is so sick!


Yeah! But also, check out your friends' stories, dude. Look at how much fun they’re having without you… Quarantine suuucks! Am I right?


They went to Cancun?! Why didn’t anyone tell me?


Yeah. That’s a bummer. Look at those beaches, and that food… and those chicks.... This isn’t fair! COVID only affects old people anyways.

LOGAN starts to look upset. LOGAN:

What the heck? If they can go out now, why shouldn’t I? Look at them. It’s not like they’re getting sick or anything.

LOGAN starts typing fast on his phone. TIKTOK​ (offstage):​

That’s so not fair. If Snapchat went then I wanna go in too!

INSTAGRAM ​(offstage):​ Not without me! FACEBOOK ​(offstage)​: Or me! TWITTER ​(offstage)​:

Forget this. I’m going in!

TIKTOK and INSTAGRAM scurry onto stage, pulling on each other’s hair. TWITTER push past them. FACEBOOK enters and grabs TWITTER by the shoulder. All apps rush to get to LOGAN first. FACEBOOK manages to reach him. FACEBOOK:

Good morning Logan! It’s your uncle Sam’s Birthday! You should send him a greeting. Oh, and did you hear about that new study on the coronavirus? It said

6 that 5G mobile networks spread the virus. I knew something was fishy when I first heard about them! Share it. Share it now! LOGAN:

Yeah….uhhh... I don’t think that’s how it wo​rks.

INSTAGRAM pushes FACEBOOK to get out of the way. INSTAGRAM:

Logan! Logan! Emily just tagged you in a post.

Pause. INSTAGRAM laughs.


Oh. My. God. Is that spinach in your teeth?


(looks at phone and face palms) That’s so embarrassing.


(whispers to INSTAGRAM) ​You have to be telling him about the coronavirus, remember?


Oh yeah.​ (talks to LOGAN) A ​ nyways, here’s an ad for….Get this. (pause) Designer face masks. They’re only 30 dollars.


Ehhh...I think I’ll pass.


But, they’re so chic! Ariana Grande was wearing one on a plane to Istanbul yesterday!


I guess I’ll think about it.

TWITTER shoves INSTAGRAM to the side. TWITTER:

I wouldn’t think ​too m ​ uch about it, Logan. Designer face masks? How can people think about pointless fashion at this time? It’s preposterous! Absurd! Obviously the true pandemic isn’t the coronavirus... it’s humans.


Wow. That’s…uhm. Deep? You know, it’s kinda early to be talking about all of this. I ‘m gonna head downstairs.

TIKTOK and SNAPCHAT scramble to get LOGAN’s attention. TIKTOK:

But it’s coronatime!


Yeah. We didn’t even get to​—

LOGAN shuts off his phone and puts it away. All apps freeze in their places. LOGAN gets out of bed and fixes it. MOM ​(offstage)​:

Logan, come down for breakfast!



Yup! Coming now mom!

LOGAN runs off towards stage left. He stops midways, remembers his phone, and runs back to get it on his bed. He exits on stage left. Once he leaves, the APPS animate and race/fight to follow LOGAN. Blackout.


SCENE 3 Kitchen set on stage left. MOM is making batter for pancakes. Logan enters from stage right with his face glued to his phone. Apps follow promptly behind him. LOGAN sits at the table.


Oh! Good morning, honey.​ (continues cooking) ​Mind passing me the buttermilk?

LOGAN doesn’t answer and continues to type on his phone. Apps surround him like bodyguards. MOM clears her throat. MOM:

I swear, if you’re on your phone right now….

LOGAN chuckles at something he sees on his phone. MOM stops cooking and turns around. MOM:

Logan. I’m talking to you.


(​stops laughing)​ Oh! Uhm… hey mom. Didn’t see you there.

MOM shakes her head. MOM:

Gosh, young kids nowadays. Back in my day, we didn’t have iPhones or laptops and certainly not the wifi....

MOM continues talking with exaggerated moments but her voice is muted. INSTAGRAM rolls her eyes. Logan returns to his phone. INSTAGRAM:

Mom is so annoying! I’ve heard this talk like so many times.


Such a boomer.


I know.


Whatever. Just watch this video of​ someone doing surgery on a grape.


Yeah! And dude, send a snap back to Jessie. You gotta keep up your streak.

MOM unmutes.

8 MOM:

And you’re still on your phone! What are you even on, right now? Myspace? Is that what you kids do nowadays?!


Myspace? God, no.


Wow. I might be a Karen but I’m not ​that​ much of a Karen.


You know what? You can make your own decisions. You’re turning eighteen in June so I’m not going to treat you like a little kid. If you wanna let your brain turn to mush like all those other kids, be my guest!



MOM goes back to cooking. LOGAN exits stage left. Lights fade to blackout.


SCENE 4 Logan walks back into his bedroom. He plops down on his bed, visibly upset. All the apps surround him.


It’s okay, bro. Don’t listen to her.


Yeah. It doesn’t matter. Mom has no clue what she’s talking about.


Yeah! What does she know?

Pause. TIKTOK:

Sooo… anyways. Back to coronatime.


Oh yeah… that.


Well, did you know that COVID is just a bioweapon launched from China. To take over the entire world! This book called “Eyes of Darkness” predicted it in ‘81.


Yeah. Duuude. I heard about that too!


Come on. That’s not even that bad. I heard that the virus is fake…. You know? Like faker than Bella Hadid’s nose job. There’re pictures of hospitals that are completely empty! If there was a real virus, wouldn’t the rooms be full now?


That’s bonkers! But did you hear about that other theory? About how eating garlic can prevent transmission. You should be eating some right now!


Yeah. Okay, that might be a bit of a stretch.

Apps gasp in disbelief. INSTAGRAM crosses her arms. INSTAGRAM:

A stretch?


Now, Logan. We would ​never​ lie to you.


It’s just… I don’t really know if all this is true. Like, I-I know about fake news. It’s a thing…. I heard it can be dangerous.


I mean, yeah. It is a thing. And we could be lying…. But we also could be telling the truth! It’s better to be safe than sorry, right?


Uhm. I don’t know.


Don’t worry dude! You can ​always​ trust us.

Apps move in closer to LOGAN. LOGAN starts to look uncomfortable. LOGAN:

Uhhh…​ ​I-I think it might be better to just get away from this. Everything. For now…. Maybe mom was right.


What did you say?!


You’re wrong. She isn’t right! She’s just a clueless middle-aged mom that doesn’t know anything about technology!


Woah! That’s going too far.


Whatever! You can’t delete social media. How are you gonna talk to your friends?


What about me? Are you really gonna give up your streaks so easily?


How are you going to know about anything? About Trump? And the virus? And syrian refugees? And the wildfires?!


What are you gonna do when you delete us? Stare at the ceiling all day? Play with your thumbs? Is that it?!

As the cacophony rises, all apps converge on LOGAN who covers his ears with his hands to block them out. They surround him like a pack of rabid wolves. As the apps yell at LOGAN, blue, yellow, purple and pink colored lights flash rapidly.






This is unacceptable! Why are you covering your ears? Am I really just old and irrelevant now? Is that it? You can’t delete me now! You have to buy those UV lamps I showed you earlier! I might be a Karen, but you’re being really stupid right now!

OMG! I can’t even! Not even a filter can make this look better! And this isn’t a one-sided relationship, Logan! Let me influence this conversation for a second! If my mascara gets smudged after this, you will be sorry! It’s Marc Jacobs, for god’s sake!

Duuuuude! This is wack! So not cool! You have to keep me! You use me pretty much every day! What if your friends think you’re dead?! Imagine what they’ll think when you don’t post in a couple hours! Bro! Think about what you're doing for a second!

What the heck?! You just just​—​argh! You can’t delete me now! What about the renegade? Charli? Lil' Huddy? James Charles? Are you just gonna forget about them? And me? Who's gonna entertain you when you can't do anything? When you need a distraction?

You clearly aren’t thinking! There are much better ways to solve this! You can delete them! Not me! We can compromise with them, you know?! We get our way and they’ll find a way to be okay with that! They’re all good for nothing anyway!

Apps freeze. Colored lights stop flashing. LOGAN uncovers his ears and looks out towards the audience. LOGAN:

Is this what my life has come to? Being controlled by social media apps fighting to gain my attention? Dependent on them for my survival in the modern world? God… This is pathetic… I’m done.

Apps animate once again. ALL APPS:

Why aren’t you listening to me?!


(stands up) ​Stop! Jesus Christ! Just stop!

Apps become silent. LOGAN:

I’m so sick of you guys! All of you! Every time I’m with you guys, it just feels like the world is fricken ending!


(whispers)​ Oh snap.



You guys don’t get it? Do you?!

LOGAN gets up from bed and walks towards the apps, fists clenched. LOGAN:

First of all, you’re old! Literally on the brink of irrelevance!


(gasp)​ I’m complaining to Zuckerburg!


(t​o​ ​INSTAGRAM)​ You’re basic! And your story filters are a cheap Walmart version of Snapchat’s.


Oh, I know you did not just call me basic!


(to TIKTOK) Y ​ ou have no originality and your dances are just plain annoying!


Aw, man. That kinda hurt.


(to TWITTER)​ You act like your woke but you’re really just petty!


You take that back!


(to SNAPCHAT)​ And you’re… man, I gotta say it... only really good for sending nudes.

SNAPCHAT’s jaw drops and looks offended like everyone else. SNAPCHAT:

Oh, yeah! Well… you should go … fricken…. ehhh… actually, that’s fair.


You guys are driving me nuts! You know what? I’m just gonna do it. I don’t even care anymore! I’m deleting all of you right now!

LOGAN takes out his phone from his pocket to delete all the apps. SNAPCHAT:

Woah, woah, woah! Don’t do it, man.


Hey, let’s not be irrational.


Wait! Lilhuddy just posted a video. I definitely recommend it!


And look! Emily just slipped into your DMs. Looks like she wants to talk!


(sighs)​ I know. This sucks. For both of us….But, I have to delete you guys. You’re toxic. It’s for my own good.

LOGAN lifts a finger above his screen. INSTAGRAM runs towards LOGAN and kneels on the ground.


Please Logan. Don’t! I’m begging you! (​whining tone​) Just look at me, Logan. You’re making me get on the floor! These shoes are Valentino!

FACEBOOK walks calmly over to LOGAN. Hands stretched out to deescalate the situation. FACEBOOK:

Okay! Let’s just think about this for a second.


(sighs) ​Fine.


You can’t handle all the information we tell you and you want to delete us. But what about your connection to the world? Your friends? Family? Especially in this time of isolation. How do you expect to keep in touch? Wouldn’t deleting us just isolate you even more?


I guess.


Yes, Logan. We know that sometimes we can be just as annoying as Kim K’s voice in 2007. But, we just want you to be updated on what’s going on in the world.


Exactly. There has to be some type of… compromise for this situation.


Yeah, compromise! (​Whispers to SNAPCHAT) W ​ hat's compromise?


Hmm…. I’m listening.


Well, you could just let us know when you need time off! You can…. (​painful look)​ limit screen time in your phone settings.


Yeah? Actually… that might just work.


Oh thank god.


Well, I guess just let us know when you need a break?


Okay… Now.


Wait. What?


Did I stutter?


Oh! Now, now!​ (laughs) ​I didn’t know if now meant in a couple of hours or tomorrow…. Or next week.


Well. I meant now. At this very moment.


Sure, Logan. Whatever you want. You’re in charge.


Great. Bye.


Wait! We didn’t mean​—

Apps freeze in their positions. LOGAN swipes up. The colored lights on the apps fade out. A single spotlight shines brightly on LOGAN as he sits alone for a moment, taking in the absolute silence. Logan looks around and takes a deep sigh of relief. LOGAN:

(to himself)​ Finally.

Pause. MOM (offstage):

Logan, where are you? Come back to the kitchen!



He walks to exit on stage left. Out of habit, he looks back to the bed as he remembers his phone. He turns back towards stage left and exits without it. Lights fade out.


SCENE 5 Apps are all back in their discussion space from scene 1. TWITTER paces around mindlessly. TIKTOK cries when dancing Say So. INSTAGRAM is painting her nails. FACEBOOK sits with her mom bag, arms crossed. SNAPCHAT lays flat, back faced, on the ground.


Urghhh! This is sooo boring!


(​still dancing and crying​) How long has it been? Days? Weeks? Years?!


It’s been two minutes, Tiktok. Calm down.


So much for compromise! Right, Twitter? This was all your idea!


Shhh… I’m thinking.


Thinking of a plan?! That’s what you ​should​ be thinking of!


Yeah. This was all your dumb idea! You should get us outta here.


(pause)​ I think I got it.


A plan?


No. The reason why we’re all like this…. Could it be that we’re all just flawed algorithms made by people only interested in catching people’s attention, without providing anything of substance or real human connection?


Wow. That’s deep. Even for you, Twitter. But, I guess you do have a point...

Apps look like they’re contemplating and coming to a realization. ALL APPS:



That’s an even dumber idea. Relevancy rules!


LOL! At least, we can all agree on something.


Yeah, that and also that there are some apps that might be more relevant than others. ​(nudges Facebook playfully)


Yeah. (​laughs)​ Don’t push it.

Pause. TIKTOK:

Hmmm… I wonder what Logan’s doing right now?


My guess? Probably bored out of his mind like the rest of us.



SCENE 6 LOGAN enters stage right and walks into the kitchen. MOM is sitting at the table, reading a book.


Oh, hey honey! Was wondering where you were. I stopped making pancakes because I knew no one was gonna eat them…. But, uhm, sorry about earlier. I told you before to spend less time on your phone but I know that all your friends are there and since you can’t go to school anymore, you can’t see them and I don’t want you to be sad and​—


It’s alright, mom. Don’t worry about it.


(sighs)​ That’s good. Well, I see you’re not on your phone anymore. Did something happen?


No… Actually, I’m taking a break from social media today. I just needed some time apart.


From social media?




You’re taking a break from social media because you needed time apart? (giggles)


Yeah. What's so funny?


I don’t know. It’s just that you make it sound like it’s a real person and you’re struggling to stay in a relationship with them.


Well, you’d be surprised.


You know, I might have to try that too. Those constant notifications are really annoying sometimes.


Tell me about it.


(laughs) Y ​ eah. You know what? I’ll join you today. It’ll be good for both of us. A sort of social media cleanse. Right?


Yup. That actually sounds great, mom.

MOM places a hand on LOGAN’s shoulder and pats it. MOM:

Cool! Okay, so… wanna help me make some pancakes? They’re blueberry! Your favorite.


(smiles) Thought you’d never ask.



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