Leftism Through Zines by Ella M. and Luiza B.

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. the voice of all es of Leftism in

Before we begin, we wish to acknowledge the .Zapotec, Mixe, and Mixtec people, the original and ongoing stewards and protectors of the laud, known today as Oaxaca, Mexico, on which this zine was created. The purpose of this zine is to serve as a way to share a glimpse of leftism in Mexico and encourage you to reflect upon how you intend to move forward into the future, politically, ideologically, and environmentally. We will be Looking at the history of leftist movements in Mexico through the story o f the Mexican Revolution, the current political landscape through the Feminist Movement in Mexico, and the future of both leftist environmentalism through i!ldigenous leadership and ways of life. We encourage you to take in our perspectives and ideas on these topics but more importan ly, we hope you will 'exami e your own beliefs on these topics and be open to change.

Se las cosas no van a cnmbiar For how long will we be kept ... free? El pueblo tendra quc luchar The homes: empty. The men, Afraid of what eomcs ncx1. Whar we are could be? Los cos.as no van a cambiar


An afterthought, a rumble, a mere scar. We arc ravenous. inflammable debris El pueblo tcndra que luchar TI,c greedy tyranny has gone too Ag in. again. again, can' 1 you far. sec? S,. las cosas no van a cambiar. Arc you coming? I'II send you U1c m moirc On November 20th: we 11cc. El pueblo tendra que luchar We shall not be caught by their Pass the rifle . we have found radar the Se las cosas " " van a carnbinr key El pueblo va a luchar.

Porfirio Diaz rcnouncc.s. Madero becomes Lhc m president. Revolutionar like niliano Zapata de recognize governrncnt, proclaim l Aynla Plan, and continue revolu1ion

On July.


and CarranV,j assumes 11 presidency. an crearc an alliance again Obreg, Alvaro leads Carranza's army a, defeats villa and pm


The Mcxicnn Revolution was a 10-year long military conHict marked by violence. death, and chaos. However, despite the tensions that arose through the revolution. the movement achieved its goals and left a legacy or good contributions to Mexican society. First or all. ii established democratic structures in a country that was led for years under a dictatorship. promulgating a new constitution. allowing different political parties to exist, as well a,; promoting legitimate elections. Furthermore, it proclaimed public and free education for all, scparakd the State from the Church and religion, and it distributed some of the lands previously owned bilandowners into communal lands. When i comes to workers rights, it allowed workers to create unions, set the working hours as maximum 8, and granted workers with a day off. Although these changes were gradually implemented in Mexican society. the revolution was a key event in order for those changes to even begin. To conclude, the revolution gave voice to marginalized groups such as farmers and the working class, who kcp1 gaining more power as lhe movement developed, showing all the strength and importance 1hose sectors of society hold.

lngrid µscamilla Vargas was a 25 year old woman born in Puebla de Zaragoza, Puebla. On 8 February 2020, she was living in Mexico City, having just received her masters degree in business administration. The next day, she was dead in her own home, murdered by her own I partner. \ Jn Mexico, 10 women or girls are murdered every single day, a number that is almost triple that of20 years ago. This significant increase in femicides, almost I0% each year, has led to one of the largest feminist movements of the modem world.

For thousands of years. tl1e indigenous peoples of the land lo ay known as the Americas, mcludtng the Zapotccas, Mixtccas. and Mixes of the Oaxaca11 Sierra. have lived symbiotically with the environment and each othe1. We, humans, arc seen, not as owners of U1e land we live upon. but as stewards, children of the earU, whose rcspons,b,lity and privilege it ,s to care for her. This relationship extends to everything m the world around us, the food we cat, com, beans. and animals, are cared for and cultivated by our hands. and, in turn, they nounsh and warn, our bodies when their lives nrc l through 1 l is land. these animals, and resources are not things to be owned, bought, or sold, u, y are thing!< to cherish, protect, and hare. Likewise, the homes we live in. the communities we or a parl of. are to be cared for and passed down from one generahon lo the next. A job or career is 001 something you pursue 10 gain wealth or power. ii is something you do both for the good of your community and your own enjoyment and fulfillment. You may follow a passion for education. educating the children in your community, and, in retum, their families may farm the land 10 provide you with food. The whole world. from the land 10 the animals to the communities and people around you, everything is reciprocal. You care for it. and, in tum. it cares for you. This reciprocal relationship, sccmg the earth and U1e people who inhabit it not as commodities. but as necessary parts of a whole, means the wellbeing of the environment and the people around are just as, if not more important than your own. When ' U put your community and environment lirs1_, only the )O disintegration of inequality, climate change, and vtolencc can follow.





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We thank you for reading our work and being open to new thoughts and ideas or perhaps a new perspective on beliefs that were already there. Our intention with this work is to share our knowledge o f these perspectives but more importantly, we hope you take our small contribution to this movement and make it your own. Examine your own thoughts, ideas, experience, and personal knowledge. Listen to those around you. Reflect upon your beliefs and ask yourself how you are working towards a future you believe in. We have shared our voice with you, and, in tum, we ask that you share yours. $s\(\ 1: ti;\\ "'•

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