'Lost Diamonds' by Tiana S. (THINK Global School)

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what can I

get you? Mr. Julius?

Yes, nice to meet you.

Black coffee

My contact told me you had a story about child soldiers? He said it was a story that needed to be shared.

Orange juice

c ar hil u e dr en vu niq t o ln u e l r m er y t ecr il ab o be u ita l em f t ca itm ry e an o he us en ph d tio ir e n im ys al m ic at al ur it y.

Would you mind sharing?

Yes, I would like to tell everyone my story...

In 1991

The war started

Diamonds were the fuel and the fund

Everyone wanted them

A rebel group arose called the revolutionary united front (RUF)

Made the government corrupt

Blood was shed

And the diamonds were renamed blood diamonds

At 12 years of age, in 1996, after my father left to fight the war

news came of approaching Ruf groups

My mom held my brother, then held me and said‌

Take your brother to the forest, you know where to go. wait for me there. I love you.

And we left, just like other children in the village

We waited for a day

And a night

By the next morning she still had not come, so we went to her

But when we got to our home village, we knew everything went wrong

And then we saw we had no where to return to

We had no where to go but we did not stay

brother I am hungry

Me too

we had no family, no home an no place to belong. we were no one

A day later, We found a small farm

Do you think they have food?

They have more than us

We stole from a poor household They don't have very much

Take some of it

The next day we found a village

We slept on the streets

And took food from unatended houses

One day, the RUF came and took all the orphans sleeping on the streets

They led us to the forest with guns pointed at our backs

you take that one

That was the last time i saw my brother

our words ere...

Get in

Your words here... Brother!

Your words here...

I didn't notice how many of us were in there until we came out

Rule number one, no crying

You are now part of the small boys unit

They gave us 6$ USD ak 47 Taught us how to shoot

And prepared us for the front lines

Just like every other child soldier

Obedient. nondeserting. easily manipulated. don't take bribes. don't negotiate. merciless.

They gave us drugs, such as cocaine and heroin before fighting

It gave us courage, made us think less of our actions I am lucky I am male, I would not have gotten out of that situation had a been a female

Our leaders made young girls their "wives" and abused them metally and physically

I lost my identity, I lost my humandy

I took other peoples lives, i could feel mine leaving

In 2001 the war ended. Child soldiers such as myself were taken away from the battle field. we were put into rehabilitation and eventually foster families.

My family and my home was taken because of the war. them I was taken along with my childhood and innocence. I lost my humanity and my life was leaving me. I was being poisoned by all the lives I took and i didn't even know it. the united nations children's fund made a change in my life. they gave me everything back. to me and countless others. For me it was over. then i was told there are 21 other countries with child soldiers. it has not ended.

Bibliography, ! Works,Cite, , Beah,!Ishmael.!A!Long!Way!Gone:!Memoirs!of!a!Boy!Soldier.!New!York:!Farrar,! ! Straus!and!Giroux,!2007.!Print.! ! ! "Facts!About!Child!Soldiers!|!Human!Rights!Watch."!Facts&About&Child&Soldiers&|& & Human&Rights&Watch.!N.p.,!n.d.!Web.!20!Apr.!2014.! ! <http://www.hrw.org/news/2008/12/03/factsUaboutUchildUsoldiers>! ! "Foday!Sankoh:!Sierra!Leone's!Rebel!with!a!Cause."!Infoplease.!Infoplease,!n.d.!Web.! ! 17!Apr.!2014.!<http://www.infoplease.com/spot/sankoh1.html>.! ! "Sierra!Leone!Profile."!BBC&News.!N.p.,!n.d.!Web.!17!Apr.!2014.! ! <http://www.bbc.com/news/worldUafricaU14094419>.! ! "Sierra!Leone!Country!Profile."!BBC&News.!N.p.,!n.d.!Web.!15!Apr.!2014.! ! <http://www.bbc.com/news/worldUafricaU14094194>.! ! UN!General!Assembly,!Universal!Declaration!of!Human!Rights,!10!December!1948,! ! !217!A!(III),!available!at:!http://www.refworld.org/docid/3ae6b3712c.html! ! [accessed!18!April!2014]! ! University,!Princeton,!and!Monique!Ramgoolie.!"Prosecution!of!Sierra!Leone's!Child! ! Soldiers:!What!Message!Is!the!UN!Trying!to!Send?"Princeton&University.! ! Trustees!of!Princeton!University!©!2014,!27!Oct.!2010.!Web.!20!Apr.!2014.! ! <https://www.princeton.edu/jpia/pastUissuesU1/2001/>.! ! , Works,Consulted, , "UNICEF!U!SOWC05."!UNICEF!U!SOWC05.!N.p.,!n.d.!Web.!17!Apr.!2014.! <http://www.unicef.org/sowc05/english/conflictfeat_sierra.html>.! ! "Child!Recruitment!by!Armed!Forces!or!Armed!Groups."!UNICEF.!N.p.,!n.d.!Web.!17! Apr.!2014.!<http://www.unicef.org/protection/57929_58007.html>.! ! "The!Child!Soldiers!of!Sierra!Leone."!BBC&News.!BBC,!n.d.!Web.!17!Apr.!2014.! <http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/programmes/global_crime_report/investigat ion/soldiers1.shtml>.! ! "Côte!D'Ivoire!|!United!Nations!Office!of!the!Special!Representative!of!the! SecretaryUGeneral!for!Children!and!Armed!Conflict."!United&Nations&Office&of&the& Special&Representative&of&the&SecretaryGeneral&for&Children&and&Armed&Conflict.!N.p.,!

n.d.!Web.!17!Apr.!2014.!<http://childrenandarmedconflict.un.org/countries/coteU divoire/>.! ! "Sierra!Leone!|!WeOwnTV!|!International!Collaborative!Media!Project!Promoting! SelfUexpression."!WeOwnTV&International&Collaborative&Media&Project&Promoting& Selfexpression.!N.p.,!n.d.!Web.!17!Apr.!2014.!<http://weowntv.org/projects/sierraU leone/>.! ! "SierraLeoneCivilWar.com."!L&Sierra&Leone&Civil&War.!N.p.,!n.d.!Web.!17!Apr.!2014.! <http://sierraleonecivilwar.com/>.! ! "UNICEF!U!SOWC05."!UNICEF&L&SOWC05.!N.p.,!n.d.!Web.!17!Apr.!2014.! <http://www.unicef.org/sowc05/english/conflictfeat_sierra.html>.! ! "Watch!Unicef!Negotiate!the!Release!of!a!Child!Soldier."!YouTube.!YouTube,!30!Dec.! 2012.!Web.!17!Apr.!2014.!<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBbanMr2OaE>.! ! ! ! !

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