Njeri Njoroge: Designing an Omni-directional Treadmill

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Process Portfolio VR Pod Purpose The Evolution of VR I strongly feel that VR is the future of gaming, however, currently, the field is not very popular due to its mediocre immersion. Despite the fact that VR headsets have advanced far enough to provide viewers with proficient, visual, immersion, the kinetic aspect of immersion has not been very focused on. Although Omni Directional treadmills have already been made, none have been made efficient, nor immersive enough for wide-scale use. From this project, I hope to gain an expanded knowledge base of mechanical physics as well as effectively combine creativity with the critical analysis of mechanics. I hope to also improve my applied mathematical skills as this project will be quite math-heavy. Lastly, I hope to improve my research-capabilities seeing as this project heavily relies on research. In addition to this, I hope to apply practical information with researched information cohesively.

Overview Driving Question How can I use my passion for applied physics to create an omni-directional treadmill?

Project summary My long-term goal of this project is to produce a physical prototype of my product and create a company around that while my short-time goal is to produce a virtual prototype. For my project, I will not quite an

extensive knowledge base in mechanical physics, be background in applied maths.

Learning Targets 21st Century Skills

S7-Creativity: Creativity is the act of bringing something into either personally (of significance only to the individual or or culture as recognized by experts)

3. Mathematical Reasoning and Modelling: Discrete Math

3a.4 Solving problems by applying principles of computatio 4. Mathematical Reasoning and Modelling: Geometry

3d.1: Using spatial visualization to model geometric structur

3d.2: Analyzing properties of shape, size, and space in art, a unique location / cultural and artistic perspective.

3d.3: Translating geometric properties to different dimensio

Summative My final product for this term will be a virtual 3D model of Excellency Table:

proficient in using fusion 360, and have a

o existence that is genuinely new, original, and of value rganization) or culturally (adds significantly to a domain of


onal and algorithmic thinking

res and solve problems;

architecture, design, or nature; making the best of the

ons and/or planes.

the Omni-directional treadmill I intend to build.

Assessment Areas for Growth 1.

Criteria Standards for Performance

Learn mechanical Engineering through 3D engineering concepts animation software through fusion 360 1. A 3D prototype of the device with each component intact should be produced 2. An understanding of engineering concepts should be demonstrated through the ability to mechanically describe each feature of the device

Using Physics and Applied Mathematics to Prove Functionality 1. Display an understanding of mechanical physics through being able to link and factor it to product design 2. Perform applied mathematics with incorporated mechanical physics concepts to prove functionality

Evidence How You’ve Met Criteria

Assessment Areas of Excellence

3D prototyping Produce a 3D virtual prototype with a clear, feasible, and logical description of its functionality (​Fusion 360 Report​) Geometric Process of Fusion 360


Learn how to use fusion 360

Applied Mathematics and Physics 2. Concise equations proving the mechanical feasibility of the device (​Non-Linear Static Stress Analysis​)


Learn applied mathematics concepts necessary in engineering

Presentation 1. Be able to explain why the product is necessary to the field of VR 2. Explain why it is better than previously invented products 3. Be able to explain future steps in the process of the product 4. Be able to explain complex and technical information in a way that people without prior physics/technical knowledge could understand


Create and present business pitch as to why this product will do well in VR industry https://docs.google.com/prese ntation/d/16FsB-CPSNj6Qe1Rc DQkImAXc77RUwOLMAp9hEsc mdxU/edit?usp=sharing

2. 3.

Learn about human-centered design Research into current Omni-directional models, and the current state of VR

Fusion 36 Investigation

Upon starting this project, it was evident that animation so This quickly brought Fusion 360 as the best candidate due websites, and relatively simple compared to other software engineering software, it was still quite complicated to lear through using Blender, so I had a foundation, to begin wit practical rather than learning through taking a course on it Essentially, my learning of Fusion occurs through actually The learning of Fusion occurred in the progression below: 1. Creating shapes with measurement specifications 2. Separating and making new components 3. Assembling components through joints 4. Navigating and selecting materials 5. Scaling the size of components 6. Assembling components with completely different d Using the youtube videos below also greatly boosted by pr Sources: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBJMgkzkaas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQNgIfjMr84 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9dcWtefQ7E

60 Report

oftware specified for engineering would be necessary. e to the fact that it was free, said to be the best by multiple e. However, as simple as Fusion 360 is compared to other rn. I, however, had prior experience in 3D animation th. Because of this, my learning of Fusion 360 was more t. y building things rather than learning how. :

dimensions rogress:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pqd_wlz9gpQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5bc9c3S12g https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HXRMzJWo0-Q https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zS8dYA_Iluc


The actual modeling of the VR occurred in four consecutiv 1. Outlining base geometry 2. Modifying base geometry to fit product specificatio 3. Assembling modified components 4. Choosing physics appearance and materials (The more in-depth exploration of this stage is below)

(unrendered model)

ve stages:

ons and create components


Learning how to use Fusion 360 was more difficult than w things like recreating spatial dimensions on the software fr to me. However, assembly of the objects was the hardest p simply take 2 hours. The major things I observed as to why the assembly was m 1. I was repeating the same process over and over agai was assembling the door to the main body, I noticed creating issues however I continued doing iterations underlying problem. Eventually, I realized the probl transferred it into a rigid joint, the problems resolve 2. Creating the spherical 3D track was difficult at first the exact proportions and spatial dimensions as that to did it through using the mold function of Fusion. 3. I was trying to assemble things with completely diff flat shapes. I figured, however, that I just need to ad assemble it to other components. This simple iterati was cut into 5 minutes

what it appeared to be at first glance. There were some rom what I had envisioned in mind, that came quite easy part and took me an entire week where it could have

much more difficult than it should have been: in despite it failing every single time. Specifically, when I d that applying a rotation joint to the piston ends kept s of the same exact thing rather than recognizing the lem was applying an animation to the joint, as soon as I ed. t because I did not know how to create an opening with t of the door for the main body. I, however, figured how

ferent geometric properties like spheres with hexagonal dd a flat surface to the base of the sphere in order to ion made it such tthat what took me 2 hours trying to do

Geometric Proce The Geometric process of using Fusion 360 would be the

ess of Fusion 360 most tedious learning process of it all.

The process would first begin with a sketch entailing the b

The second step would be extruding the object, thus giving based on the geometry I was trying to create

basic width and length measurements

g it height. I would choose the face I want to extrude

I would then form my extruded shape using the form-func the base shape into whatever I wanted it to be. This process above was especially vital to my journey in d from basic platonic solids. I would say learning and maste Fusion 360 because constructing or designing anything is The base shapes would go on to form components that I w ability to translate a visualization from my mind into a pro

ction where I could essentially further shape and modify

design the pod as it allowed me to build the components ering this process is incredibly pertinent beyond all else in all about manipulating the base shapes. would later use joints to assemble. I am confident that my oduct shows that I have sufficiently mastered Fusion 360.

Non-Linear Static Introduction

Fusion 360 has a multitude of analyzers and functions that object that would normally be replicated with a physical o was able to understand some concepts from the mechanica manually(through calculations and observations). To conf Static Stress analysis had to be performed due to the fact t proportional to the output force nor will it engender a set b expected to perform different motions, which in turn will c Furthermore, due to the fact that the pod is essentially a sp flat object; the points that a person will step on at any poin Investigation:

Before encountering these analyzers of Fusion 360, I only behavior; but only in the algebraic sense rather than in phy I knew the general information regarding Non-Linear Beh output is not proportional to the change of the input​ and gr

c Stress Analysis

t asses that mechanical capability(or lack thereof) of an object. Through these specific functions and analyzers, I al engineering processes that engineers usually perform firm the structural soundness of the VR Pod, Non-Linear that within the treadmill, the input force will not be behavior. This is due to the person within the pod is cause differing structural responses of the main body. phere placed on a relatively wide, structurally suitable, nt will not be uniform.

y had a rudimentary understanding of non-linear ysics. haviour such as it​ is a system in which the change of the raphic visualization of it.

In Algebra, non-linear behavior is represented in parabola previously knew that these types of graphs are used to line However, as I looked into non-linear behavior in the conte the amount of thermodynamic and static stress on differen analysis cannot be computed manually without a physical determine the dynamic stress that different points on the o The methodology I took towards rapidly learning a rudime explaining it then reading scientific reports of this behavio

as, hyperbolas, and generally most curved line. I already early represent non-linear behavior like the graph above. ext of mechanical physics, I learned that it is more about nt points on the object. I quickly realized that this type of model as sensors and transducers would be necessary to object were experiencing from one single load. entary understanding of this was first watching videos or.

Such links that I used inlcude: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-1-4899-205 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0cxvnbKDEw https://www.forbes.com/sites/quora/2018/04/12/what-is-th eory/#2d2af5943f9d

From this small but sufficient understanding of Non-Linea property of the model(sphere) would cause result in Non-L


The Non-Linear static stress analysis function creates a stu with nonlinear behavior. Equations regarding the non-line however the function allowed me to omit this as the softw




ar behavior, I was able to hypothesize that the geometric Linear behavior towards loads.

udy that shows how weight affects the object and material ear behavior of the object could have been performed ware automatically does it.

When I performed the study, the result I got was a singula behind the singularity was that the point in which I placed with 200N(due to the fact that Fusion 360 does not have fi I quickly realized that my assumption regarding the cause 1. In a spherical object no point is weaker than anothe 2. Aluminum is actually stronger than Fiberglass

After exercising critical analysis to solve this predicament support conduction this type of Analysis on spheres and th of the singularity, as I initially thought it would be the poi

arity. Initially, I made the mistake of assuming the reason d the load was too weak on the software to carry a load iberglass so I substituting with Aluminium). was quite wrong both physically and geometrically as: er

t I realized there was no solution as Fusion 360 does not herefore always results in singularities. to find the source int in which the load was applied, however, was not

surprised with this outcome due to the fact that the object an impossibility on the software. It, therefore, makes sense


When I began this 3D, I made the mistake of building it us I converted it ft which made it larger than my intended 7ft approximately 20

Original Measurements(Before scaling down) Upper Hull: A=1.515E+04 ft^2 (1407.7 m^2) LL=437.3 ft (133.3 m) Lower Hull: A=9686.2 ft^2 (899.9 m^2) LL= 357.8 ft (109.1 m) Inner Hull: A= 2.319E+04 ft^2 (2154.8 m^2) LL=357.8 ft (109.1 m) Door: A=4324.1 ft^2 (401.7 m^2) L=358.5 ft (109.3 m)

is spherical therefore even finding one defined point was e that it resulted in a singularity.

y Scaling

sing millimeters. Eventually, when I was done building it, t diameter measurement by a scale factor of

Cushion Door: A=3223.9 ft^2 (299.5 m^2) LL=396.9 ft (121.0 m)

Glass Window: A=1117.9 ft^2 (103.9 m^2) LL=116.3 ft (35.5 m) Piston Component: Length: 5.7 ft (1.8 m) - Hole: Radius=0.5 ft (0.2 m) - Cylinder: Radius=0.5 ft (0.2 m) Area=6.1 ft^2 (0.6 m^2)

Post Scaling Measurements

The measurement was scaled by 0.02187 except the last tw my intended measurements. Upper Hull: A=​101.005​ (30.78 I’m Hytten t urge 6324m^2) LL=​9.564​ ft (2.915 m) Lower Hull: A=​211.837​ ft^2 (64.56791m^2) LL= 357.8 ft (109.1 m)

wo components which I did not scale, but rather resized to

Inner Hull: A= 154.611ft^2 (47.125m^2) D=7.0152ft LL=7.825ft (2.38506 m) Door: A=​94.568​ft^2 (​8.785​m^2) L=​7.84​ ft (​2.39​ m) Cushion Door: A=70.5ft^2 (​6.55​ m^2) LL=​8.68​ ft (​2.6462​ m)

Glass Window: A=​3.142​ ft^2 (0.9576816m^2) D=1 ft

Piston Component: Length:1 ft - Hole: Radius=0.5 inch - Cylinder: Radius:0.5 inch ft (0.2 m) Area=​14.14inch^2 Height=4 inch


When I complete the physical model of the VR Pod, it bec I would have to determine: 1. The static stress of the Pod 2. The static friction and maximum capability for effic 3. The acceleration momentum+the resultant momentu

Before beginning the calculations, I had to research into th the treadmill body required such as: 1. Which is the strongest 2. Which has the highest Specific Heat Capacity 3. Which has a lower density per strength


came very clear that to complete substantiate my product

cient dynamic movement um

he different variations of fiberglass and choose the type

From this criteria, it was evident that the clear choice would be S-2


(S-class Fiber Glass properties)

Materials: Fiberglass Measurements: Inner Hull(1 Inches Thickness) Upper and Lower Hull: (½ Inch Thickness) Strength:4750 Mpa PV Measurements C: Inner Spherical track: (1.8mm)

OmniWheels for Dynamic Movement: 2 inch diamete


https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WRQhoxt2m80M-Ya https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kdGddkq1D2bAX-K https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ejoLyXQTga8GzCHh https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OAqJREhHhPVi-O6

Calculation Products: Angular Momentum PVC=222,046lbsft^2 S^-1 Moment of Inertia PVC=52lbftS^2


a-Cwt37ubi0nwKmLlj/view?usp=sharing KdLADoFXngU_1C09h1/view?usp=sharing hv2YMXs6v6GQ0dR0B/view?usp=sharing 698zqIIWxWSaR8wMde/view?usp=sharing

150lb person Angular Momentum=1,107,868.05 150lb person friction on PVC=18Nm 150lb person Linear Momentum=346Nm^2 Linear Momentum PVC=76Nm^2 PVC Friction on Inner hull=3.412Nm^2 Tensile Strength+Pressure The pressure of Treadmill body on base+ 841.87Nm

https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/16FsB-CPS dit?usp=sharing


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