Price: 75/-
Vollume 1 | Issue 8 June 2015
Contents Monthly Magazine for Feed & Feed Technology
Vollume 1 | Issue 8 | June 2015
Published by BENISON Media SCO 27, 2nd Floor, Mugal Canal Market Karnal - 132001 (Haryana) Tel: +91 184 4036770
Publisher & Editor Prachi Arora
Managing Editor Dr. T.K. Walli Former Head, Dairy Cattle Nutrition, NDRI
RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT Roadmap for Ocean Prosperity
Reducing climate emissions from livestock while improving food security
INDUSTRY THOUGHTS Is Indian Poultry Industry ready for future challenges?
ARTICLE The Prospects and Challenges ahead for Indian Animal Feed Industry at 50 Years of its Existence
Nutritional Interventions for Improving Egg Quality in Poultry Layers
Business Head Vinod Kumar Saini
Designing & Marketing Ashwani Verma
Online Marketing Nidhi Virmani
Circulation & Subscription Head Sunny Kamboj
MARKET PROJECTIONS India's declining soymeal exports could drive fresh play in non GM market: Rabobank
Low corn prices increases domestic demand in US
INTERVIEW Interview with Devenish Team
PELLETPEDIA Good quality pellet results in better feed conversion efficiency
Oilmeal exports halved in May from a year ago
Dr. Dinesh T. Bhosale Former Chairman, CLFMA of India
INDIA - Demand for shrimp feed growing in India
Mr. Amit Sachdev Indian Representative, US Grain Council Dr. P.E. Vijay Anand US Soybean Export Council Dr. Suhas Amrutkar Livestock Development Officer, Govt. of Maharashtra Dr. SN Mohanty Former Principal Scientist, CIFA
EVENT COVERAGE Maize Industry gets a Lead from India Maize Summit 2015
IVPI Annual Scientific Programme 2015, Bengaluru
FEATURE Post Harvest Maize Quality Preservation and Storage
Printed by: Jaiswal Printing Press | Published by: Prachi Arora | on behalf of: Benison Media | Printed at: Chaura Bazar, Karnal-132001, Haryana | Published at: SCO-27,
Dr. Meeta Punjabi Mehta Agricultural Economist
IInd Floor, Mugal Canal Market, Karnal-132001, Haryana | Editor: Prachi Arora
Dr. Swamy Haladi Feed Additive Expert
policy is independent. Views expressed by authors are not necessarily those held by the editors. The
Dr. R Gnana Sekar Lead Consultant, GS Dairy Farm Consulting Dr. Suraj Amrutkar Assistant Professor, Dept. of ILFC, SKUAST-J, Jammu
Think Grain Think Feed is a monthly magazine published by BENISON MEDIA at its office in Karnal. Editorial data/information provided in the magazine is sourced through various sources and the publisher considers its sources reliable and verifies as much data as possible. However, the publisher accepts no liability for the material herein and consequently readers using this information do so at their own risk. Although persons and companies mentioned herein are believed to be reputable, neither BENISON MEDIA, nor any of its employees or contributors accept any responsibility whatsoever for such persons’ and companies’ activities. All legal matters are subjected to Karnal Jurisdiction.
Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 1 | Issue 8 | June 2015
ndian feed industry is completing its 50 years of existence this year. At this milestone in the history of
our feed industry, it is time to look back and take stock of the situation. If we just compare the overall growth of
Climate Change
our feed industry with the industry's growth in several South East Asian countries, then, we may hardly have any reason to smile on our progress. We must rather try to analyze the reasons as why this is so. It is true that our country has recorded a significant progress in dairy, poultry and aqua production as such. But the progress of our feed industry has not matched the progress we have made in these sectors. Had it been so, then India by now would have emerged as the top ranking feed manufacturing country in the region, with much higher
production levels from our livestock, poultry and aqua culture. Though India possesses the largest bovine population in the world and our total milk production is also highest in the world, most of the farmers engaged in dairy production mainly use traditional methods of rearing and feeding of their stock. Lack of control on the prices of feed ingredients is resulting in shooting up of the price of the compound feed further up, which the average small animal keepers can hardly afford to buy. With the aqua feed industry also the progress so far has been dismal, mainly the fish keepers being poor and using only traditional way of feeding. However, after realizing the importance of good quality feed, fish farmers are quickly shifting to scientifically manufactured feed. So is the case with dairy and other livestock owners, who are now realizing the importance of feeding commercially manufactured balanced feeds, which brings them more economic benefits. Of course, in poultry feed manufacturing, it is a different story. By and large, in
poultry production management and feeding is already been run on scientific lines. Because of this, Indian poultry sector is growing @8-10 percent annually for the last two decades. It
is likely to grow at a faster pace in near future.
The ever increasing demand for foods of animal origin in this country is posing a big challenge to the animal, poultry and aqua sector to grow at a faster rate. That puts onus of feed industry as well to step up the feed manufacture to match the nutritional needs of the producing animals. In this issue, Dr. Shirish Nigam discusses as how to meet the future challenges for the growth of Indian Animal Feed Industry. Vijay Sardana on the other hand has tried to give a road map for taking the poultry industry to next higher level.
TK Walli
Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 1 | Issue 8 | June 2015
Roadmap for Ocean Prosperity fish populations. But, the human stakes are high: ocean resources employ 260 million, feed three billion, and face grave risks. Yet, collaborative teams of scientists and economists found that if oceans were managed sustainably, within 10 years, profits could annually grow 115% to USD 51bn over today.
However, if fishery reforms are not adopted and status quo remains, the health of the oceans will continue to decline, say the scientists. Compared to this “business-as-usual� scenario, the benefits of sustainable fishing appear even more striking: globally, fisheries June 2015: Scientists of a new research could annually yield 17 million metric series say economic, nutrition and tons (23 %) more wild fish, generate conservation gains could be made from USD 90bn (315%) more profits, and the ocean in the next 10 years if the boost the amount of fish left in the global fishing industry adopts water for conservation by 112%, sustainable reforms. according to the Roadmap. Rather than dwelling on the negative The research also outlines standard decline of the world's oceans, Ocean best practices that scientists say can Prosperity Roadmap: Fisheries and lead to a positive future including Beyond explores how a transition to enacting measures to prevent sustainable resource use for example, overfishing, implementing measures to by fishing smarter, not harder can reduce fishing pressure when stocks reduce poverty while increasing become depleted, having a robust economic growth, food production, and evaluation of the status of stocks,
enforcing regulations to prevent illegal fishing and preventing a race to fish and excess capacity Scientists say the majority of countries have made a good start towards effective fisheries coastal governance, but all still need work. In addition, scientists say the Ocean Prosperity Roadmap can shows stakeholders how, where, and why we can meet today's needs, while increasing food security, livelihoods and the richness of life in the future, which will add two billion more people by 2050. These conclusions are based on models using a database of 4,373 fisheries that represent 77% of the ocean's catch. The overall collection is the result of work by The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, California Environmental Associates (CEA), the University of California at Santa Barbara (UCSB), and the University of Washington (UW). Source: Worldfishing
Sustainable Reforms: fishing smarter can increase economic growth, food production and fish population.
Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 1 | Issue 8 | June 2015
Reducing climate emissions from livestock while improving food security environmental and climate problems and threatening public health. Integrated manure management encompasses all activities associated with management of dung and urine; from excretion; collection, housing, and storage; anaerobic digestion, treatment,
Climate Change
transport to application, and includes losses and discharge at any stage along this 'manure chain'. Integrated manure management improves the use of manure for energy production and nutrients use. This reduces the emission of greenhouse gases and can improve soil quality to boost agricultural productivity. Climate and Clean Air Coalition The actions for practice change will be carried out under the Livestock and Manure Management Component of the Climate and Clean Air Coalition's
(CCAC) Agriculture Initiative. The CCAC
Reducing climate emissions from livestock while improving food security and livelihoods is a global challenge. A recent study on manure management policies and practices in 34 developing countries revealed that knowledge and awareness are key barriers for practice changes. Knowing the barriers also reveals the opportunities for change. The study is part of the Livestock and Manure Management Component, part of the Agriculture Initiative of the global Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC). In 2015 the Component led by Wageningen UR Livestock Research, supports six opportunities for practice change to showcase to key stakeholders that practice changes are possible.
revealed the key barriers for improving integrated manure management:
is a world-wide effort to reduce the emission of Short-Lived Climate
1. lack of awareness
Pollutants (SLCPs). These air pollutants
2. low levels of knowledge and missing knowledge infrastructure
have a relatively short lifetime in the atmosphere - a few days to a few
3. limited access to financial credits or decades - and have a warming effect other incentives on climate. They include black carbon, 4. ineffective policies and legislation As a result of the assessment, six opportunities for actual practice change will be carried out in the coming year. The aim is to improve manure related policies as well as farm practices with the overall objective of improving agricultural productivity while mitigating methane emissions at the same time. Integrated Manure Management
methane, tropospheric ozone, and hydrofluorocarbons. Most of them are also hazardous air pollutants with detrimental impacts on human health, agriculture and ecosystems. The Livestock and Manure Management Component is coordinated by Wageningen UR Livestock Research in close collaboration with the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization
Global Assessment
Manure is a valuable source of crop
The study assessed livestock manure policies in 34 countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. This was followed by an in-depth assessment of manure management practices in Bangladesh, Viet Nam, Ethiopia, Malawi, Argentina and Costa Rica. The assessments
nutrients, organic matter and
Institute in Bangkok, the International
renewable energy. It contains more
Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) in
(FAO), the Stockholm Environmental
components than synthetic fertilisers.
Nairobi, Tropical Agricultural Research
Despite the importance of manure,
and Higher Education Center (CATIE) in
manure management is often poor and
Costa Rica.
as a consequence, nutrients and organic matter are lost, causing
Source: Wageningen UR
Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 1 | Issue 8 | June 2015
Vijay Sardana*
The way government of India is planning to integrate Indian economy with the global economy, it is clear that every industry must plan for its future. There will be global players in India in every segment and new rules of the game will emerge.
advancements in genetic capabilities, veterinary health, poultry feed, poultry equipment, and poultry processing sectors. The productivity gains of poultry industry are reflected in relatively lower price increases in poultry meat over last five years compared to other meat products Indian poultry sector is growing at Poultry WPI (wholesale price index) has around 8-10% annually over the last grown at 12% y-o-y over 2008-2013 as decade with broiler meat volumes against 21% for overall meat products growing at more than 10% while table egg at 5-6%, mainly driven by increased basket providing an affordable domestic consumption. The production alternative for meeting protein requirements in Indian diet. capacity has responded with increased integration and large scale Domestic poultry meat production implementation of contract poultry (broiler - carcass weight) is estimated to farming. have increased from less than Poultry farmers in India have moved from rearing country birds in the past to rearing hybrids which ensure faster growth of chicks, higher eggs per bird, increased hatchability, low mortality rates, excellent feed conversion and consequently sustainable profits to the poultry farmers. The poultry industry has been supported by indigenous
1.0 million tons in 2000 to 3.5 million tons now with per capita consumption increasing from
0.8 kg to 2.8 kg p.a during same period. Table egg production is estimated to have increased from 30
billion eggs in 2000 to 66 billion eggs now, with
per capita egg consumption increasing from 28
to 55 eggs during that
period. The healthy growth in poultry output over last decade makes India one of the fastest growing major world market in the segment with future growth potential remaining strong on back of wide gap against global per capita consumption norms and favorable socio economic factors. What is the future? 2012 onwards, poultry industry is going through rough time. Last two years were tough years for the industry on back of considerable increase in production costs with feed ingredients (Maize and Soymeal) touching record highs and realizations suffering on back of oversupply in industry. For instance average production costs for a typical commercial broiler farm which was in the range of Rs. 45-50/kg in 2011 increased to more than Rs. 6570/kg now. To make things worse, broiler realizations stabilized and infact
Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 1 | Issue 8 | June 2015
What is the way forward? nosedived on back of oversupply and sporadic instances of 'bird flu' in certain geographies. There was a sizeable investment in capacity expansion especially in broiler segment and same resulted in oversupply. This significantly affected profitability of poultry farms and integrators with all the major poultry players recording losses in broiler business and shutting down of sizeable number of independent poultry farms. The efforts of key integrators in poultry industry to control supply through measures like 'hatching holidays' initiated towards fag end of the year to improve realizations and industry is expected to register much better
Industry may look united, but internally it is highly fragmented and lack of coordinated effort is hurting everyone. The continued industry wide coordination will be critical to maintain sustainable margins in the business, considering increased production costs and seasonal volatility associated with the poultry products, though long term solution lies in developing processed chicken industry with value added offerings to protect against regional and seasonal variations in prices. Large integrators as well as Government bodies are investing and promoting increased processing of poultry products (in form of frozen/chilled chicken and further
processing in form of ready to cook/eat) given increased acceptability of processed chicken in domestic market though 92-93% of domestic purchases are still through wet market due to traditional preferences. Lack of hygiene, lack of value added products and lack of consistency in currently available products is not adding any confidence to the buying behavior. Increasing penetration of QSRs (Quick Service Restaurants), continued increase in proportion of working women, changing lifestyles with preference towards convenience food and higher purchasing power are expected to provide strong growth push for processed poultry industry in long term. The sustainable profitability can only be ensured by entering into global market based for chicken breast market and other value added products. Learning from Brazilian poultry industry will be very useful to compete in the world market. Vijay Sardana* Bio-economy & Agribusiness Expert
profitability compared to last years. The deliberate attempts to control supply will result in lower volumes (in terms of broiler chick placements) though industry is projected to register healthy growth in value terms in short term, but the critical situation still exists.
Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 1 | Issue 8 | June 2015
The poultry feed market has mostly been dominating in terms of its share in the animal feed market with almost 44% share globally. But interestingly of late, *Dr. Shirish Nigam the aqua feed segment, which has been a late starter, has seen The Indian animal feed industry is completing its 50 golden years in 2015. the maximum growth out of the For the last few years the industry is three segments. Though a major
undergoing an exciting phase of growth, and this trend is expected to continue in the coming years as well. This is a sizeable and scalable industry, one which is still quite untapped and hence has a great potential to be evolved on a global commercial level. This article thus aims to highlight the achievements of this industry as well as information about what makes it worth putting resources into for the coming years while not ignoring the hurdles that might be experienced in the process. What is it about?
This is a well-known fact that the animal feed market in India is classified into three broad categories: Aqua Feed, Poultry Feed and Cattle Feed.
portion of the market is unorganized, the total size of the remaining portion which comprises the organized compound feed industry is INR 306.9 billion by value in India, and growing for the past few years with the growth rate of approximately 8%. Several factors which have been predominantly working towards this growth include the untapped potential of the market, ever increasing livestock population, growth of the end-user industries and the increase in domestic consumption of the animal products. Also, increase in the purchasing power of the population as well as favorable demographics of the country, from rural areas towards metros, are contributing to the same. The increase in disposable incomes in
the metro cities is making people consume more animal products, as dairy products as well as meat, fish and eggs, which in turn, requires more feed of better quality. This is a major factor which will drive growth in the animal feed sector. India currently has the highest buffalo population, the second highest goat and cow population and the third highest sheep population which is a clear indicator of how important a role feed market has to play in meeting the demand for feed products. Even the government has now realized the need to implement policies and schemes under its 12th Five Year Plan in the effort to improve the status of our animal feed industry and support the future demand.
Indian Market Volume Breakup by Categories 1% 5%
Poultry 33%
Cattle Feed Aqua Others
Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 1 | Issue 8 | June 2015
Clearly, the pie chart indicates that the poultry feed industry dominates in terms of market share domestically
improvement. With one of the highest livestock population, India's cattle feed industry is not really tapping the entire potential of manufacturing feed for its Looking at the different sectors animals. India is thus, an attractive individually destination for international cattle feed manufacturers to enter and meet the Poultry Feed: The growth in the growing feed demand clearly indicating poultry industry and increasing demand for chicken per person which is that the sector has high potential for further growth and replacing the huge already high in urban areas and now segment of unorganized players from having its impact in rural areas as well. this market. The cheaper availability of chicken is going to drive the poultry feed industry Aqua Feed: The aquaculture industry in
Cattle Feed: The cattle feed business is currently already growing at a whopping CAGR of more than 30% since the milk producers have now
started replacing the traditional feed with more nutritionally balanced compound feed, having realized the tangible benefits in terms of yield
India is suddenly thriving with a higher demand in the shrimp market which is leading to a sudden shooting up of growth in the aqua feed industry. There is also an increase in the demand for fish from India both domestically and internationally which requires more effort from the aqua feed market to maintain the demand for high quality fish available in India. The demand for fish is seeing a rise, especially globally, due to its high protein value, and comparatively considered to be a safer.
urbanization are complementing the same. The domestic poultry industry has seen a maturation from backyard activity to integrated poultry farming on a large scale along with the acceptance of modern technology. This is currently an ongoing process with the transformation from a fragmented sector to now a more organized one, and is further driving the industry's growth on an overall level. Since most of all the source of carbohydrates in feeds are cereal grains, a fluctuation in the prices of these greatly affects the feed prices and hence the domestic feed market. Over the past few years, feed prices had seen an uptrend backed Fish production is yet another huge by high maize prices, continued strong initiative towards ensuring food demand from the poultry sector and security. The only major concern limited supply. The prices have now currently is that majority of aquaculture been stable and are an important factor practitioners in India still depend on in driving its growth. Also poultry meat traditional feed due to its low price and is preferred over other meats since it is easy availability. This is responsible for a considered more hygienic, more slow transition towards commercial nutritious and is available at relatively feed in our country. Hence, this is the cheaper prices than the others due to opportune moment for international which the poultry feed industry in aqua feed industries or even new particular is seeing good growth. In domestic players to come and establish recent years, processed chicken themselves in the market. segment has geared up as well and is expected to grow further. The annual Factors affecting the domestic feed market and scope of new companies per capita poultry meat consumption in India has seen an increase but it is still The rising purchasing power of the one of the lowest on a global level. This Indian population, changing food is a brilliant opportunity for further habits with this and an increasing
at a faster rate. India's consumption of eggs per person is lower on average than many other developing countries despite India being the third largest egg producer in the world. There is an immense scope for improvement in domestic consumption of eggs with better awareness for its health benefits, through designer eggs and hence a scope for improvement in the poultry feed sector. Also, stable feed prices, entry of more organized players and higher integration in the poultry feed industry will drive its growth.
exposure to global cuisines are a major factor affecting the positive growth of the feed industry in India, who are now consuming a higher proportion of poultry as well as dairy products. A healthy GDP growth and the increasing
Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 1 | Issue 8 | June 2015
The graph below shows the futures prices for maize in India that is used as feed or industrial grade for the first quarter of 2015. The prices are fluctuating meagerly with an average price of aproximately Rs. 1275 indicating relative stability in the feed prices as well.
organized and imbibing better technology to make use of commercial feed because of which again the threat of new entrants is quite high. Threat of Substitutes: The only current threat in the industry is of substitution of traditional feed with compounded feed and hence unorganized market might get substituted by the organized market because of which it can be said that the threat of substitutes is high. Competitive Rivalry: With many existing players now realizing the need
The graph below shows the futures prices for soybean in India, one of the most important grains used as feed for the first quarter of 2015. The prices are seen to be fluctuating over every month with a rise seen in the month of April where it costs around Rs.3570 indicating higher feed prices as well.
to integrate and go for more commercial feed, the competition is expected to be high among the rivals who will look into reducing their costs and provide high quality feed at the same time with implementation of better technology. Animal Feed Market in the developed world Over the years, the top five countries in terms of the proportion of manufactured or industrial feed produced have been responsible for producing nearly half of all the world's
integration as well as growth in the industry offering a chance to new companies to enter the market. Similarly the cattle feed industry as well as the aqua feed industry are either largely unorganized or use traditional feed as their major product. This is a clear indicator of the scope of entry of newer companies to make the markets more organized and bring a shift from traditional feed to better commercial feed. Price, convenience, availability and the quality of feed are major factors that affect the purchasing decision of the farmers and hence affect the domestic feed market. Doing a Porter's Five Forces Analyses for the Animal Feed Industry: Bargaining Power of Buyers: The Bargaining Power of Buyers i.e. the farmers in this industry is relatively low since animal feed consists of a major portion of their costs, nearly 70% of their production costs and is one of the most important inputs needed in their
manufactured feed where the US and industry for efficient operations and profitability. Bargaining Power of Suppliers: The suppliers in this industry are the feed millers as well as the big companies that buy from the feed millers and deal with the normal consumers with their final processed products. These companies have a high bargaining power as they decide the prices at which the feed will be sold in resonance with the prices of the cereal grains that are the major ingredients to animal feed. But when we look at the feed millers their bargaining power is suppressed since the prices get decided by the bigger companies and hence they have to accept the prices at which to sell to these companies. Threat of New Entrants: Animal feed industry has very poor regulatory affairs because of which the entry level barriers are quite low and hence a high threat of new entrants. This industry also has a high scope of getting more
China top the charts. Expenditure on feed is one of the top expenditures for US farm production so much so that they spend almost 20% of their total production expenses on feed. The value of the compound feed produced annually in the US roughly ranges between INR 1798 and 2170 billion. The poultry market, the aqua feed market are all doing well and the global industry is thus benefitting from the improved global market conditions. Countries like the US have a balanced supply-demand situation in the markets because of which companies operating in these markets will benefit from the positive developments. The animal feed market for farm animals in the US has seen an average growth rate of 3.7% per year over the last five years and is expected to continue growing as the demand for meat from the consumers rises. Talking about China, their feed industry
Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 1 | Issue 8 | June 2015
seems to have consolidated at a faster pace than the rest of the world in terms of
production. Misuse
integrations and acquisitions. With increased demand for meat and meat
of antibiotics is creating
products, especially pork, China's animal feed market is expected to grow at a
and overuse
CAGR of almost 16% in the next five years, almost double the rate in India.
resistance among the
Though the number of feed mills in China has gone down, the overall production
consumers towards meat, and
capacity is expected to rise to match the growing demand.
hence this needs to be looked
This chart shows an upward trend in the growth of the revenues of the
into. Where evolution of science and
animal feed ingredients industry globally every year till 2019
technology on one hand have made
Global Animal Feeds Ingredient Market
tasks for us easier giving us improved
20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0
Revenue ($bn)
results, on the other hand they are also leading to biodiversity loss and climate change. To curb this, researchers say that the global agriculture must be transformed from a source of emission of greenhouse gases to a net carbon sink which can help reduce the risk of climate change. Limited access to the water resources and increasing competition especially from the energy sector, to gain access to the same is
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
another major challenge to the
Source: Frost and Sullivan
industry. Another major concern is that
The graph below shows how the production of animal protein has been increasing and will keep increasing over the years worldwide which also explains why the global animal feed ingredients market is also expected to grow.
in poor living conditions will not be
of animal welfare since animals reared able to provide maximum genetic potential which will result in a lower
Global Animal Protein Production by Region (MT) 1990-2020
quality of output for human consumption too. The increasing costs of raw materials and hence the pressure to reduce feed costs needs to be checked. Increased use of enzymes in this regard to improve nutrient absorption and ingredient digestibility will allow higher flexibility in using feedstuffs and also reduce feed costs while also keeping a check on the quality. Overall looking at the industry in India,
Sub-Saharan Africa North America
South Asia
Other Europe
a few things that need to be looked out FSU
South East Asia
Middle East East Asia
North Africa
South America
for include the ability to adopt the global technology to suit the local environment and getting access to the
right kind of human resource in order
to support the farmer who is currently
The recent changes in the industry can alter how livestock producers and feed
burdened with the task of handling
manufacturers operate in the market. Feed
everything without proper awareness
quality optimization and
handling more feed material with expansion in the feed
and transparency about the potential of the industry.
market need to be looked at immediately. Food contamination due to pathogens is one of the main concerns for consumers and ensuring good quality requires commitment and transparency by all the parties involved in food
*Dr. Shirish Nigam, Director
Central America and Caribbean
EW Nutrition India Pvt. Ltd.
ThinkGrain GrainThink ThinkFeed Feed--Volume Volume11| |Issue Issue88| |June June2015 2015 Think
India's declining soymeal exports could drive fresh play in non GM market: Rabobank June 2015: India's declining soymeal
create a higher premium for it in the
countries to turn to Brazil, Argentina
exports could drive a sustainable niche
near term, and bring a new market
and the US for supplies," he said.
for the country in supplying the global
opportunity for India's farmers.
Poultry is a leading form of meat protein in Southeast Asia and demand is increasing as incomes rise, driving consumption of livestock feed such as soybean meal. The region's imports more than doubled in a decade to 13.7 million tonnes in 2013-2014 and will rise to about 20 million tonnes by 2019-2020, Kumar said. Production growth in the region is constrained by a lack of additional land and water, he said."India's crop is not enough to cater to both domestic and export markets," Kumar said. Indonesia will probably buy
non-genetically modified (GM) market,
Pawan Kumar, Director, Food &
4.7 million tonnes of soybean meal in
says Rabobank in its report.
Agribusiness Research & Advisory for
2015-2016 followed by Vietnam with
The Dutch bank, released a report titled Rabobank said, "Soymeal is a vital feed commodity for the animal protein
million tonnes, according to the US
Are Drying Out' which predicts that at
industry and the reducing role of India
Department of Agriculture (USDA). Only
the current rate of decline, India's
in soymeal trade is already impacting
the European Union imports more.
soymeal exports could dry out within
trade flows globally."
Argentina is the biggest exporter of
five years. However, as exports decline
"India's quickly reducing participation
soybean meal and will probably ship 31
this could also drive a price premium
could bring about constraints on non
million tonnes in 2015-2016, according
for non GM soymeal (which India is a
GM soymeal supplies to EU and Japan
stimulate domestic production of
to the USDA. Brazil is the second largest and generate a higher premium for non with 14.5 million tons and the US ranks GM soymeal in the near term. Higher third with 10.7 million tonnes, the data
prices could stimulate more production
show. India is losing customers because
In recent times, strong growth in the
of soybeans in India - potentially
supplies are more expensive than
animal protein and dairy industries in
enabling India to carve a sustainable
global rates as a result of the crop's
India, combined with soybean
niche in the non GM market," he
non- genetically modified status and lower supply, Kumar said.
key supplier of globally) and re-
4.3 million tonnes and Thailand with 3
'Losing Steam: India's Soymeal Exports
production constraints has led to a
sharp decline in Indian soymeal
Rabobank's report further highlights
that this trend will see South East Asia
India is among the most important
become more reliant on Latin America
suppliers of soymeal and corn to South
to meet its growing need for soymeal
East Asia and also a key supplier of non
as the region's poultry, livestock, and
GM soymeal to Europe and Japan,
aquaculture industries thrive on the
which are the major markets for non
back of rising consumer demand for
GM soymeal.
these products. South East Asia's
Currently about 12% of the world's
demand for soymeal is set to grow by
soymeal production originates from
68% by 2020 and traditionally India has
conventional soybeans (non GM) but
been its largest supplier, providing 36%
the actual availability of non GM
of soymeal imports in 2008.
soymeal at the world markets is much
"Exports from India are set to decline to
smaller as the beans are often
1.2 million tonnes in the year started
comingled and cannot be separated in
October 1 and drop to negligible levels
the supply chain. Reduced availability of by 2020 as domestic demand surges India's non GM soymeal could therefore and the harvest stagnates. That'll force
The soybean harvest will probably total 10 million tonnes to 12 million tonnes annually over the next five years, yielding about 7 million tonnes of feed, Kumar said. Domestic demand for the feed has expanded by 12 per cent a year in the past decade and may jump to seven million tonnes in 2019-2020, he said. The Rabobank report further predicts that India domestic corn supply, which tripled between 2007 and 2013, will continue to grow at approximately 7% per annum, and continue to play a key role in future feed trade to South East Asia. Source: Business Standard and Internet
Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 1 | Issue 8 | June 2015
ethanol futures price for July 2015 (as on May 29, 2015) was $1.522 per gallon ($0.40/litre), equivalent to Rs.26.17/litre in India. Aug contract closed at $1.50/gallon ($0.39/litre = Rs.25.79/litre). Higher use of ethanol and its production would also mean more DDGS production and hence lower prices. Current FOB prices of DDGS are much lower and quoted at $239/MT June and down to $229/MT in Aug (US Gulf). FOB PNW indicated at $236229/MT for the same period. US Corn DDGS contains 28% protein and 5-6% oil and is good source of both protein and energy and in addition high amount of xanthophyll, which is especially helpful in giving that yellow colour to the egg yolk. DDGS prices to Vietnam and China were indicated at $300-291/Mt and $284-273/MT for the
June 2015: As per the USDA report 92% delivered to South India (At the end crop has been planted, against 88%
users point) at Rs.13400-13600/MT
done in 2014. The weather is good for
($204-209/MT). With the delay in
the sowing and growth of the plants. It
monsoon and it being not very intense
is likely to remain a weather market
in the first two weeks as projected by
from now on, but if there is any other
Indian Meteorological Department
increased end use potential in the US,
(IMD), the sowing in South India is
price may increase. Overall in the US
expected to be delayed, which could
the future prices tended to be down by
potentially increase the prices. The heat
three month period respectively, making it a desirable product for use in poultry, dairy, fish and swine feeds. Ocean freight costs remain stables and the benchmark freight US Gulf-Japan was indicated at $30/MT; PNW-Japan $16.50; US Gulf-China at $28.75/MT and PNW-China at $15.50/MT. Argentina/Brazil to China freight rates ranged between a high of $31/Mt to a low of $22/MT depending on the tonnage and the discharge. India maize prices stable, but higher
2.5% or more for the three contacts and wave in India persists, making 2015
Indian maize futures on NCDEX for last
it was reflected in the FOB prices.
summer t he most hot in 12 years as
week of May were down for the 3
July contract closed at $138.34/MT,
per the IMD report.
contracts while the spot prices in all
down 2.39% against last week close;
Low DDGS prices spur international
Sept $140.62/MT, down 2.56% and Dec
$144.87/MT down 2.54% against last
The gasoline (petrol in the US) prices
week's close. FOB prices of US Corn (US are expected to be lower, which could Gulf) were indicated at $168/MT (June) stimulate increased consumption and and down to $166/MT in Aug. Prices at
hence, more use of ethanol in the US.
PNW were indicated at $176/MT for the The Environment Protection Agency three month period. Argentine corn (EPA) has projected ethanol use at 13.4 prices were at $169-174/MT; Brazil
billion gallons (50.652 billion litres) in
$167-172/MT; Black Sea at $164-
2015 and 14 billion gallons (52.92
171/MT; French corn indicated at $160-
billion litres) in 2016, up from 13.25
167/MT in the month period. Indian
billion gallons (50.085 billion litres) in
corn in Bihar is currently priced at
2014. Also this is reflective of the fact
Rs.11300/MT ($173/MT) and is being
that the corn prices are lower. The
markets moved up except Gulabbagh, as that is the only location were maize arrivals are strong. Jun contract down 1.20% to Rs.11560/MT; Jul down 1.41% to Rs.11890/MT; Aug down 0.81% to Rs.12230/MT and Sept up 1.78% to Rs.12570/MT. Spot prices iat NCDEX delivery markets in Nizamabad up 0.67% to Rs.12991/MT; Davangere up 0.19% to Rs.13475/MT; Karimnagar up 1.32% to Rs.12833/MT; Sangli up 0.36% to Rs.14100/MT ad Gulabbagh down 0.77%to Rs.11156/MT. Amit Sachdev, India Representative-U
Low corn prices increases domestic demand in US
S Grains Council
Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 1 | Issue 8 | June 2015
Nutritional Interventions for Improving Egg Quality in Poultry Layers Dr. J.P. Sehgal* and Dr. Chander Datt**
In keeping with the pace of progress, changing food habits, demand for foods of animal origin and the health problems associated certain kinds of foods, food industry is evolving itself into an exciting area of functional foods which can be defined as those providing health benefits beyond basic nutrition and include whole fortified, enriched or enhanced foods having potentially beneficial effects on health when consumed as part of a varied diet on a regular basis at effective levels. Traditionally, eggs have not been regarded as a functional food because of their perceived link with adverse effects on blood cholesterol. However, research over the last 3 decades has shown that dietary cholesterol only has a small effect on plasma cholesterol levels and has little relationship to heart disease incidence. The egg is a nutritious food and is now regarded as an excellent, inexpensive, convenient and low calorie source of high quality protein and several important nutrients such as riboflavin, selenium, choline and vitamin B12.
Public demand for food products of superior health quality has generated interest in modifying fat composition and enriching poultry meat and eggs with beneficial nutrients. Meeting consumer demands is a constant challenge for the animal based food industry. Many consumers desire somewhat distinct products with respect to safety, healthfulness, freshness, taste, color, etc. To tap this market, feed companies have developed poultry feeds to produce several designer eggs which have appeared on store shelves. Modified or enriched eggs or super eggs are those in which the content has been modified from the standard eggs. These eggs may be classified as nutritionally enhanced eggs, value added eggs or processed eggs. The most commonly
available modified eggs are vegetarian eggs and eggs with modified fat content. Vegetarian eggs may be produced from hens fed on grain based diets free of animal fat and by-product. However, modified fat content of the eggs are marketed as a reduced amount of cholesterol, less saturated fat, elevated amount of omega-3 fatty acid, higher vitamin E and iodine content. The level of cholesterol in modified fat eggs is 110 mg per egg in comparison to 253 mg in generic eggs, however, the organic and free range eggs are marketed as value added eggs. The nutritional content of the organic eggs will be equal to the generic eggs if the feed is of similar quality. Strategies for nutrient enrichment of eggs
Possibilities to claim health benefits by supplying vitamin E, omega-3 fatty acids, low cholesterol etc.
Each 100 g of egg contains 76.15 g moisture, 12.56 g protein, 9.51 g total lipids, 0.72 g carbohydrate, 56 mg calcium and 143 Kcal energy. Omega -3 (ω-3) fatty acids enrichment In the recent past, eggs have gained attention as an alternative to fish and oilseeds as a source of ω-3 fatty acids. Generally, people tend to avoid egg yolk but only yolk contains ω-3 fatty acids. The total fat content in the egg yolk cannot be altered; but its fatty acid composition can be altered by changing the type of oil used in the hen's diet. Omega-3 is an essential fatty acid with lot of health benefits. It is found naturally in marine micro algae
For nutrient enrichment of egg, the following factors should be considered
(Crypthecodinium cohnii) and fishes
(a) Efficiency of nutrient transfer from feed to the egg
some plants. Omega-3 is a building
(b) Availability of commercial sources of effective feed forms of the nutrient (c) Possible toxic effects of nutrients for the laying hens (vitamin A and D are toxic for birds at high levels)
which consume these microalgae and block for foetal development, vision and brain function. In adults, ω-3 lowers risk of heart disease and cancer of the breast, colon and prostate. Its anti-inflammatory properties help decrease occurrence of asthma and pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis. One normal egg contains only
(d) Amount of nutrient delivered with an egg in comparison with recommended dietary allowance (RDA)
diet. Flax seed (linseed), marine algae,
fish oil and rape seed oil are added to
Established health promoting properties of nutrients and their shortage in a modern diet.
50- 100 mg of ω-3 fatty acids which can be increased to 500 mg or more with dietary modifications in the hen's
chicken feed to increase the ω-3 fatty
acid content in the egg yolk. This n-3 Possible interactions with PUFA in egg yolk has decreased the assimilation of other nutrients from serum triglycerides and increased the the egg serum HDL-Cholesterol levels and also
(g) Nutrient stability during cooking (h) Effect of nutrient enrichment on appearance and taste (vitamin E, carotenoids and selenium do not affect egg taste but help prevent fishy taste in ω-3 eggs)
found to decrease incidence of atherosclerosis and hypertension. Studies show that by using designer eggs, the n-6 / n-3 PUFA ratio is decreased to about 1.5 from as much as 20 in regular eggs. This favourable
Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 1 | Issue 8 | June 2015
change in designer eggs will supply about 50% of the daily requirement of
A. Omega-3 fatty acid content (%) of total fatty acids
B. Polyunsaturated fatty acids content in regular and omega-3 eggs
n-3 PUFA to the consumers. Hence, for all especially those who don't eat fish will probably find the most in ω-3 enriched eggs in their diet. Diseases related to inadequate supply of ω-3 fatty acids in the diet The diseases associated with inadequate dietary ω-3 PUFA are as follows. The imbalance of dietary ω-6: ω-3 can cause: !
Atherosclerosis (hardening and narrowing of arteries due to deposits in arterial walls)
Thrombosis (blood clot within heart/blood vessels impeding
! ! !
blood flow) !
Arrhythmia (irregular heartbeats)
Hypertension (elevated blood pressure)
Rheumatoid arthritis (degenerative disease of joints)
Visual acuity reduced (impaired vision)
Brain development affected
with sources rich in long-chain (LC) or
(learning difficulties)
short chain (SC) ω-3-fatty acids
Cancer (breast, colon, pancreas,
increases the content of these fatty
acids in egg yolk. Omega-3 PUFA like
Atopic dermatitis, lupus, psoriasis,
alpha linolenic acid (LNA) is found in
migraine, multiple sclerosis
canola oil, soybean oil, and flaxseed,
Bronchial asthma, diabetes mellitus walnut, spinach and mustard greens. and ulcerative colitis Supplementation with ω-3 from plant
Modification of fatty acid profile of
sources results in much lower
concentrations of LC ω-3 in the egg as
The fatty acid composition of hen egg
this is due to oxidation of the alpha
yolk can be modified through
linolenic acid and its low conversion to
alterations in the diet. Feeding poultry
Table 1. Herbs and their effects on human health
Source of herb
Active principle
Effect on human health
Garlic, onion and their leaves
Allicin, allylic sulfide
Lower LDL cholesterol and anticarcinogenic
Sugar beet, grape pulp
Reduces plasma homocysteine, which damages arterial walls
Spirulina, marigold petals, alfalfa,
Carotenoid pigments
Antioxidant, anticarcinogenic
Basil leaves
Eugenol, eugenic acid
Turmeric powder
Flavonoid compounds
Antimicrobial, antioxidant
Bay (curry) leaves, Marigold petals
Antioxidants, Improves vision
Tomato pomace, grape pulp
Lowers LDL (bad) cholesterol,
red pepper
Citrus pulp
Reduces LDL cholesterol
Flax seed, canola, fish, oils insects,
ω-3 PUFA
Reduces LDL cholesterol,
hypertension, angina, atherosclerosis
Seeds, weeds, legumes, fenugreek
Increases HDL (good) cholesterol, reduces blood sugar
Fenugreek, spices Brewery waste, yeast, fermented
Quercitin, luteolin, diosgenin,
Stimulates insulin secretion,
antimicrobial, tonic
Lowers LDL cholesterol
products Brocoli, cauliflower, cabbage, radish
Anticarcinogenic and antioxidant
antioxidant, anticarcinogenic
leaves, waste
Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 1 | Issue 8 | June 2015
Herbal enriched super eggs
(nirangenin) 2-5% or chelated copper 200 ppm, organic chromium 2 ppm or In these days, many eggitarians like Roselle seeds 0.5% and many more herbal enriched eggs. Phytobiotics or herbs in chicken diets will reduce the plant-derived products containing yolk and body cholesterol levels by 10several plant secondary metabolites can be used in poultry feed to improve 25%. Moreover, these substances are the performance of hen and to produce having synergistic effect in reducing the cholesterol levels. Hence, a herbal enriched super eggs. Chicken combination of these supplements will feed can be supplemented with herbs be more beneficial. like garlic/onion leaves, spirulina, basil Increment in antioxidant level in leaves, turmeric powder, citrus pulp, eggs flaxseed, red pepper, fenugreek seeds Egg is a rich source of natural antioxidants like vitamin-E, selenium, antioxidant, anticarcinogenic properties carotenoid pigments, flavinoid compounds, lecithin and phosvitin. and higher ω-3 fatty acids etc. For These compounds will protect the fatexample, a normal egg has vitamin E soluble vitamins and other yolk lipids content of 90-100 µg/g yolk whereas herbal supplemented egg has 220-240 from oxidative rancidity but their levels are not sufficient in n-3 PUFA eggs. µg/g yolk which adds to its increased antioxidant property. Therefore, overall Hence, it is essential to increase the anti-oxidant levels in the designer eggs. health promotion in hens as well as etc. These super eggs will have a lower
LDL cholesterol, immunomodulatory,
possible health promotion in humans is possible by popularization of herbal
The advantages of enrichment of the egg with anti-oxidants include:
enriched eggs.
Decreased susceptibility to lipid peroxidation
Prevention of fishy odour to the product
Designer foods could be a good source of antioxidants in human diet
Prevents destruction of fat-soluble vitamins
Prevents denaturation of natural fat-soluble pigments
Promotes the overall health of the consumers
Reduction in cholesterol content
Even though the dietary cholesterol is insignificantly correlated with the serum cholesterol levels, the consumers are scared of high content of cholesterol in eggs. A large egg contains about 250 mg of cholesterol and chicken meat contains about 60 mg per 100 g. Research towards lowering egg cholesterol has centred mostly on dietary and pharmacological interventions. Chromium, copper, nicotinic acid, statins, garlic, basil (tulasi), plant sterols, n-3 PUFA supplementation to chicken feed will reduce the yolk cholesterol levels significantly. The cholesterol contents can be reduced upto 110 mg by giving flax seed, methi and chromium containing diet. Similarly, dietary linseed oil level of 24% or fish oil (body oil and not liver oil) 1-2% or garlic 0.5% or basil 0.3% or spirulina 0.2% or bay leaves 0.5% or nicotinic acid 200 mg/kg or neomycin 10 ppm or statins of yeast 0.5-1% or guar gum 1%, grape seed pulp/tomato pomace (lycopene) 2-5% or citrus pulp
For designer egg production, vitamin E and organic selenium can be added as anti-oxidants at levels of 200-400 mg/kg and 0.1-0.3ppm, respectively. Besides these, other anti-oxidants as chemicals and herbs may be added to prevent oxidative rancidity. Vitamin-E enriched designer eggs Vitamin E enriched eggs can be produced by feeding hens on diet high in vitamin E. The higher contents of vitamin E can be obtained by supplementation of poultry feed in the form of natural sources found in butter, milk, vegetable and nut oils. The extra
addition of vitamin E in the diet of hens leads to the following advantages: !
Vitamin E reduces free radicals in blood
Decreases risk of cancer and ageing process due to the reduction in the formation of the free radicals formation
May reduce the risk of heart disease since it is an antioxidant
Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant that results in delay of the development off odours
Immunomodulating egg production The eggs naturally contain certain specific compound like lysozyme (G1globulin), G2 and G3 globulin, ovomacro globulin, antibodies etc. The globulin antibodies are natural antimicrobials and immunostimulants in the egg that can be utilized in the cure of immunosuppressed patients like AIDS patient. Chicken egg is abundant in antibodies like "IgY" which is cheaper and better than mammalian immunoglobulin "IgG". The IgY level in the egg can be increased by dietary manipulations. The functional feed rich in ω-3 fatty acids and anti-oxidants itself will increase the IgY level in the egg. Herbal supplementation will further boost the IgY level in the egg. Among the herbs, Basil leaves (Tulasi) at 0.3-0.5 % dietary level is having the highest ability to boost the IgY level in the egg. Other herbs like rosemary, turmeric, garlic, fenugreek, spirulina, aswagantha, arogyapacha etc. also possess immune-modulating properties. Pigment enrichment of yolk and skin The color of the yolk is a reflection of its pigment content. Natural carotenoid pigments like carotenes, xanthophylls, cryptoxanthin, zeaxanthin, lutein present in alfalfa, corn gluten meal, blue green algae - spirulina, marigold petal meal and capsicum will impart rich yellow and orange colours to the yolk. Some of the pigments are having vitamin A activity. Most of these natural pigment sources are used in feeds at 1-5% levels to
Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 1 | Issue 8 | June 2015
potassium iodide i.e., KI at the @ of 5
The major advantages of the
mg of their feed level increases the
combination of DHA and anti-oxidants in
iodine content from 26 to 88 μg in 60 g
the egg yolk are:
hen egg and does not affect the
Vitamin E, lutein and Se protect DHA from oxidation during absorption and metabolism thereby preventing a 'fishy' taste formation
Egg yolk lipids are necessary for the efficient absorption of vitamin E and lutein in human intestine (6 g lipids in the egg yolk is sufficient amount of lipids needed for an efficient absorption of vitamin E and lutein in the human intestine)
performance of the hen. Selenium enriched designer eggs: Now a days, selenium enriched eggs
It assists in preventing muscular degeneration It is responsible for attractive colour of yolk It acts as antioxidant and anticarcinogenic agent Lutein safeguards retina
selenomethionine and the trace mineral
Pharmaceutical designer eggs cure ailments in human beings
of functional seleno-proteins which is
Researchers are producing genetically modified chickens through the genetic manipulation which are capable of producing certain pharmaceutical compounds and those compounds can be harvested through eggs like insulin which are used for treatment of diabetes. The hen, like all animals, produces antibodies to neutralize the antigens (viruses, bacteria etc.). These antibodies circulate throughout her body and are transferred to egg as protection to the developing chick. Specific antigens are now being selected and injected into hens to develop antibodies against them. In future, designer eggs may be produced which shall result in a range of antibodies for treatment against snake venoms to the countering of microorganisms which cause tooth decay.
are available in about 25 countries in the world. Selenium content of eggs can be easily modified by the supplementation of organic selenium rich feed to the hens. Selenium exists in the eggs mainly in the firm of
is an important constituent of a number 3. mandatory for normal health. Selenium deposited in eggs can decrease the incidence of cancer in humans and may
Lutein interacts with vitamin E and phospholipids while improving egg yolk's anti-oxidant potential and egg storability
help in betterment of semen quality in
The poultry sector is the most advanced sub-sector of the livestock sector in India probability of successful conception. and it has remained competitive due to Iodine-enriched designer eggs: In adoption of the most modern developing country like India, Africa, production technologies including China and in many other countries of breeding, feeding and management the world, some people are suffering systems. Over the last decade, designer from iodine deficiency diseases, eggs especially ω-3 enriched eggs have therefore, iodine enriched eggs could made substantial progress into be a good source of iodine in human supermarket shelves in developed diet. A typical egg of this type includes countries as well as in developing approximately 700 μg iodine. Eggs countries like India. The ability to enrich enriched with iodine can also reduce eggs with ω-3 PUFA, vitamin E and plasma cholesterol in humans and selenium have provided the local egg laboratory animals. However, these eggs industry with a unique opportunity to may not be effective when used in low produce an innovative, premium quality fat and low cholesterol diet by and value-added product for the hyperlipidemic people. There are some domestic and export market. Continued investigation in the areas of efficiency of indications of anti-inflammatory and Trace mineral enriched designer eggs anti-allergic properties of such eggs. To dietary nutrient transfer, sensory Trace minerals can also be enriched in evaluation and product stability are avoid this situation, apart from iodine, needed if significant improvements in designer eggs. Among these selenium, the eggs should be enriched with the health quality of foods available to iodine chromium and copper have vitamin E as well. been tried. This can be achieved by the Development of an egg enriched with the consumer are to be made. Nutrient dietary manipulation of hen's diet. Omega-3 PUFA, selenium, carotenoids enriched poultry eggs and meat can thus play an important role as functional food These trace minerals are very important and vitamin E for consumers. If we want to develop an for human health because the By manipulating the feed of laying hens, industry with modified or enriched eggs deficiency of these trace minerals lead it is possible to enhance the levels of Se, it is utmost important to consider the to development of certain deficiency vitamin E, lutein and DHA. A single safety and quality of such products. Such disease. Normally, a hen egg contains designer egg could, therefore, contain types of eggs hold a very good promise almost about 53 μg iodine/100g of 50% of the RDA of Se, 100% of the RDA as functional foods. their edible portion, which is the 33% of of long chain n-3 PUFAs, and 150% of Dr. J.P. Sehgal* and Dr. Chander Datt** the approximate dietary intake. the RDA of vitamin E. It would also However, supplementation with
sub-fertile men and enhances the
supply 1.91 mg lutein.
Dairy Cattle Nutrition Division
increase the yolk colour. Turmeric powder at 0.5 kg along with red chilli powder at 1 kg/tonne of feed not only improve the yolk colour but also act as anti-microbial agents and anti-oxidants. The beneficial effects of pigment enrichment in the yolk include:
National Dairy Research Institute (NDRI)
Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 1 | Issue 8 | June 2015
Interview with Devenish Team
evenish Nutrition provides leading edge nutritional solutions for the intensive livestock sector. The company goes beyond nutrition by working collaboratively with customers throughout the supply chain in order to produce high quality products from farm to fork. Devenish has its presence in India for close to a year now and Dr. Alcorn was in Bangalore in April, delivering a talk for IVPI's Annual Scientific Program. Think Grain Think Feed caught up with him and his colleagues to know more about his talk and company's goals in India. Below are excerpts from the interview: TGTF: Could you please share the reason behind your
TGTF: Dr. Jones, TGTF extends warm welcome to
first ever visit to India Dr. Alcorn?
Devenish in India. Could you please shed light on the
Dr. Alcorn: Well, back in July last year Dr. Swamy Haladi
history of Devenish?
joined Devenish Family with the responsibility of setting up
Dr. Jones: Devenish Feeds was initially founded in 1952 in
the company in South Asia. Dr. Haladi is an Executive
Ireland, but in relation to its current offering, it started in
Member of IVPI (Institute for Veterinarians in Poultry
1997 through a management buyout from the current
Industry), a Bangalore based non-profit organization
Devenish Group executive Chairman, Owen Brennan.
working towards redefining the role of veterinarians in the
Devenish provides innovative nutritional solutions and
poultry industry. They held their Annual Scientific Program on April 25th coinciding with “World Veterinary Day”, and Devenish was invited and further requested to provide someone to speak on the topic “Nutritional Innovations to Bridge the Gap between the Genetic Potential and Current Performance of Poultry”. Initially my colleague Dr. Jones was
skilled and experienced team of experts in nutrition, animal husbandry, feed manufacture and veterinary advice. Devenish is the largest independently owned manufacturer of premix, creep and speciality products in the UK. The Group has expanded rapidly in the last 17 years, growing
unable to travel due to a family emergency, and he asked
from a turnover of £5 million with 23 staff to a turnover in
me to deputise. So that is the story behind my first visit to
excess of £150 million and 300 staff. The Group has 6
India. My sincere thanks go to everyone I met who were so
manufacturing sites across the UK, Ireland and US as well as
uniformly kind and hospitable. I hope to have the
offices in Dubai and India and is exporting to over 25
opportunity to visit again in the near future.
countries worldwide.
TGTF: Thank you Dr. Alcorn. That's interesting. Please
TGTF: Thank you Dr. Jones. It is interesting to note the
share the key points you discussed during this program.
global presence for Devenish, especially in the
poultry, ruminant, pig and companion animal sectors. World class tailored and specialist advice is provided by a highly
scheduled to deliver this paper but unfortunately he was
Dr. Alcorn: Well, the key points I made were:
technical expertise to their customer base in the intensive
to Asia can be described as “delayed”. What are your
The genetic advances in poultry have been immense
thoughts on this and also could you please share the
and that this imposes a great challenge in ensuring
company vision for India?
nutrition of birds closely matching their requirements.
Dr. Jones: It is true that although many companies have
There is no room for “Lazy Nutrition”.
conducted business in Asia for many years, Devenish
Because of the numbers of animals involved, even small
Nutrition International, which serves all markets outside the
improvements can yield immense overall benefits. Due
UK, Ireland and US, was only established in late 2012. We
to the background variation, it could be difficult
have moved quite quickly to establish a team right across
however, it is imperative to determine if the changes
the Asian and Middle Eastern market.
that are being made have significant benefits. To do
Although our entry into Asia could be described as being
this accurately is vital, so as not to reach false
delayed, we believe that we have a world class offering that
conclusions. During my presentation I discussed the techniques used in our business to achieve valid results. 3)
emerging markets. Given the vast potential, your entry
I finished by describing a number of advances in
will resonate with, and appeal to the market across Asia and specifically India. As you have said, the market here is vast, and there are still plenty of opportunities to develop significant business. We are confident that our Devenish
nutritional concepts found to be of value specifically:
Programme can and will improve the performance and
A. Rigor and accuracy in the design of diet and feed
profitability of producers here.
program; B. Targeting multiple dietary substrates with
We have a member of our team based full time in India
enzymes; C. Maintenance strategies for intestinal
alongside other team members supporting customers in
this market, and as the business grows,
TGTF: Dr. Swamy, you have vast experience in Indian as well as global animal
so will our team. As well as our premix
industry. Please provide your thoughts on what are some of the changes
offering, we have a range of innovative
that can help Indian poultry industry and how Devenish can help in that
products and solutions that offer a range
of benefits including gut health
Dr. Swamy: India, being home to the second largest human population in the world, has done a great job so far in making sure that majority of her people don't go to bed hungry. The same, however, cannot be said in providing people the right kind of protein and other essential nutrients. India holds Number 2 position in egg production and Number 3 position in broiler meat production in the world. In spite of this tremendous achievement, per capita consumption is only 58 eggs and 3.85 kg broiler meat. This clearly explains we are around 3 times behind what is recommended by health organizations.
development, early bird nutrition and digestion and absorption enhancement that will add real value to producers here. We work with some of the largest companies in the industry right across the world and have added real value to their business and we intend to do the same in India. We are quite confident that we can improve performance as we've developed the Devenish App to show producers the financial benefit that adopting the Devenish Program could bring. This is available on both the Apple and Google play app stores.
There are two ways in which we can increase production of poultry products. One is increasing the bird placement and the other is improving the efficiency of production. Given the growing scarcity of raw materials and natural resources, we need to emphasize on the second option. We need to be open minded and try the innovative methods to enhance efficiency of poultry production. Obviously, another key area we need to work is on improving the safety and traceability of poultry products so that we can not only export products but also enhance local acceptance.
Left to Right : Dr. Eilir Jones, Dr. Swamy Haladi and Dr. Mike Alcorn
Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 1 | Issue 8 | June 2015
Good quality pellet results in better feed conversion efficiency Optimal feed intake throughout
information about the quality of
growing period results in profitable
crumbles at feeding pans. Crumble feed and reported. Chicks fed crumbles with
broiler production. Optimal feed intake
is certainly best for the chicks, but
depends on various factors like
empahsize on the quality of crumbles is environmental conditions, diet, nutrient equally important and that quality can density and physical feed quality. In be measured in the terms of durability
quality crumble have been observed high excessive fines may have relatively underdeveloped gizzard, which may functions as a transit rather than a grinding organ.
turn, the optimum feed intake has a
of crumbles. Soft crumbles coming out
Several researches which compare the
significant impact on broiler growth. To
of soft pellets tend to create too much
feeding efficiency of mash, pellets, and
ensure maximum utilization of energy,
dust that poses multiple disease and
reground pellets, have confirmed that
protein and other nutrients, a right
developmental challenges, apart from
broilers growth response was lost when
proportion of these nutrients is
performance issues in young ones.
pellets were reground to mash. Though
necessary, which results in optimum growth in birds. The first few days of
Figure 1 Good Crumble Feed Produced on DMX-7 Program
growth after hatching represents a greater percentage of a broiler's lifespan than during the subsequent growth period. Therefore, it is more important that the bird be given every opportunity to get off to a good start. Early feeding always has a major impact on overall development of the bird. Feed intake is also a determining factor in immune development, intestinal development and muscle development. If any of these are not developed properly in early stage of life, in most of the cases the bird will not grow to its
fine ground particles or coarse
affected by pelleting, but the diet fed as
particles, there is preferential selection
intact pellets had approximately 30%
by chicks for crumbles than the fines
more calories of productive energy. It
present. The fines in the crumble feed
has been observed that result was due
could make the digestion very viscous
to less energy consumption to eat
and severely impact the intestine, which pellets compared to mash. In a feeding may increase the incidence of gut
trial, chicks fed mash spent about 103 minutes of 12-hour day eating, while
Crumble is a type of feed prepared by
feed intake and lower weight gain.
with pellets it was only 34 minutes.
pelleting of the mixed ingredients and
Excessive fines in the crumbles during
Research and practical findings on
then crushing the pellet to a
early days of chicks may also tend to
commercial farms has often indicated
consistency coarser than mash.
result in poor development of gizzard
that farms with good quality pellets
Recently this form of feed has become
and digestive functions.
were always better than when the feed
The gizzard is a muscular organ that
that was fed as mash or had a high
popular in broiler production during early chick phase, due to its convenience of feeding and better body weight gain during first few days
Metabolisable Energy (ME) was not
diseases, apart from resulting in lower
full potential.
While few researchers confirm issue of
of the life cycle. Several reports also support the fact that chicks fed with crumbled starter diet consume more feed, show highest weight gain and offer better FCR.
reduces the particle size of ingested
percentage of fines, and ultimately
foods and mixes it with digestive
resulting in better feed conversion
enzymes. The mechanical pressure
applied in grinding by the gizzard may exceed 585 kg/cm2. The development of digestive tract of poultry, especially the gizzard, is known to be influenced by crumbles quality, particle size and
While the performance of feeding
fines, which is evident in chickens at 7 crumbles to chicks appears to be highly days of age. Greater gizzard promising, there is very less research development and lower gizzard pH in work and field communication reports
7-day old chicks fed with high quality available, which could give documented crumbles compared with those poor PelletPedia is a monthly column contributed by Dr. Naveen Kumar to discuss the problems of feed industry. Please share your views and problems at
Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 1 | Issue 8 | June 2015
Oilmeal exports halved in May from a year ago June 2015: Oilmeal exports more than
just 18,017 tonnes (89,883 tonnes) in
meal meets Chinese standards, China's
halved in May to 83,221 tonnes against
April and 14,046 tonnes (8,226 tonnes)
quality watchdog, the General
1,69,607 tonnes as high oilseed prices
in May. Adding to industries woes, the
Administration of Quality Supervision,
forced companies to cut down on
domestic demand for oilmeal has
Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ),
thanks to heavy speculation in the
plunged after the outbreak of bird flu in said in a statement. which lakhs of birds were culled by the Chinese imports, however, have since government. This apart, the unusually fallen sharply due to an expansion of its hot weather in most parts of the domestic crushing industry, driving country has killed lakhs of chickens imports of rapeseed and reducing across states. demand for meal, which is used as a South Korea remained the largest buyer protein rich feed ingredient for fish of oilmeal from India importing 179,569 farming. tonnes (161,241 tonnes) consisting Indian meal would compete against 87,275 tonnes of rapeseed meal and Canadian rapeseed meal, whose price 92,294 tonnes of castor meal. It was
futures market, said BV Mehta,
followed by Iran and Thailand shipping
was about 20% higher in 2011, said the
Executive Director, SEAI. The high
in 9,050 tonnes (63,115 tonnes) and
China National Grain and Oils
operational cost and lower realisation
11,391 tonnes (42,550 tonnes),
Information Centre (CNGOIC).
from oil and meal is affecting the
China's imports of rapeseed meal are
The overall export of oilmeals in the first two months of this fiscal was down 36 per cent at 265,859 tonnes (418,052 tonnes), according to recent data released by the Solvent Extractors' Association of India. Soyabean crushing has come down drastically due to sustained disparity and high prices in the domestic market,
industry at large and availability of
Rapeseed future looks bright
seen at 150,000 tonne during 2015-16
edible oil for consumers, he added.
China will lift a ban on Indian rapeseed
(June/May), down 25% from a year
Soyabean meal exports
meal imposed three years ago due to
earlier. Total demand in China is
In spite of five per cent reward rate
quality concerns, China's quarantine
projected at 10.8 million tonne for the
under new Exim Policy and rupee
authority said recently.
year, according to a CNGOIC estimate
depreciation, the export of soyabean
Both countries had signed a sanitary
published in May.
meal is at a historic low and touched
protocol and agreed to ensure Indian
Source: Business Standard and Reuters
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Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 1 | Issue 8 | June 2015
Weak Rupee Boosts Q1 Shrimp Exports To US May 2015: India's shrimp export to the
tonnes during March. The Indonesian
Aggressive Vietnam
United States for the January-March
government has announced its goal to
Interestingly, in a message to its
quarter have registered a 15.27 per cent increase seafood exports by 300 per increase to 24,188 tonnes over
subscribers, the Vietnam Association of
cent by 2019. Sources indicated that
tonnes, aided by a weak rupee.
Seafood Exporters and the devaluation of the Indian rupee had Producers has asked its shrimp helped push shrimp exports to the US exporters to lower prices or stand to
India faces stiff competition from other
last year.
lose the US market to India and
major exporters such as Indonesia and
Weak rupee
Indonesia. Stating that the price of
Ecuador in the American market.
“One hundred rupees was around $1.60 shrimp shipped to the US averaged
Indonesia, which has been aggressive
last year. Today, it is around $1.56. The
corresponding period last year's 20,983
with its shipments, topped the charts as devaluation had made seafood exports
$13/kg in 2014, a 15-year high, the Association has said that the lower
the largest supplier to the US for the
attractive,� said a seafood products
prices offered by both India and
March quarter with exports of 27,979
exporter, requesting anonymity.
Indonesia would destabilise exports
tonnes, up 16 per cent over
Indian exporters shipped 99,566 tonnes from Vietnam.
corresponding period last year.
of shrimp to the US, worth $1,269
Shipments from Ecuador to the US were million, between January and up 4.62 per cent at 23,414 tonnes for
November 2014.
India offers shrimp at $11 a kg, said the official, adding that though shrimp prices in general were firm during the
Though this was lower than the exports third quarter of 2014, they were lower than the extremely high rates recorded American nation in the third slot for Q1, in the same period of 2013, when the March quarter, placing the South
behind Indonesia and India, according
85,799 tonnes of shrimp was exported,
in 2013.
to the US trade data.
the official pointed out that it had
Export prices also slid during the
In fact, for the month of March, India
helped place India as the leading
October-December 2014 period, he
was relegated to the third slot in the US shrimp exporter to the US.
added. Vietnam's sales to the US
market as Indonesia and Ecuador
market slid 47.55 per cent year-on-year
Indonesia was in the second place
during the same 11 months with 94,524 to 3,194 tonnes. For the first quarter, Vietnam exported 12,264 tonnes to the dominated the American shrimp market tonnes, whereas Ecuador exported exported more shrimps. Indonesia
with 9,618 tonnes, followed by Ecuador
85,184 tonnes to the US and was
US, down by 23.72 per cent.
at 8,951 tonnes and India with 8,629
ranked third.
Source: Business Line
INDIA - Demand for shrimp feed growing in India June 2015: After the introduction of Penaeus vannamei, the shrimp feed
Avanti are the market leaders and
meat meal and soybean meal vary in
together they sold an estimated
quality, and prices for them fluctuate.
great change. New companies entered
500,000 tons of shrimp feed in 2014.
companies expanded.
Most of the good quality raw materials Some shrimp feed companies, however, are exported. Imports of animal meal are only using 50% of their production are not allowed, and the import tax for
Approximately 25 aquafeed companies
production of aquafeeds in 2014 was
soy, corn and wheat by-products range Feed mills also explore ways to increase from 30 to 40%. Some raw materials feed sales and market share with such as squid meal, krill meal and fish
estimated at 1.25 million metric tons of
incentives and discounts. Farmers are
fish and shrimp feed. Shrimp feed
attracted by quality feeds, good feed
production was approximately 600,000
conversion ratios, healthy shrimp and
tons, and fish feed production was
successful crops.
are active in Indian market. The total
1.8:1. Domestically produced fishmeal,
business in the country underwent a the feed business and existing feed
Feeds. CP Aquaculture (India) and
650,000 tons. If all the smaller feed mills Shrimp feeds have crude protein levels were included in this survey, the total ranging from 32-38% and fat levels of feed production in 2014 would have been more than 1.5 million tons.
5-6%. Some companies have produced extruded sinking pellets for shrimp, but
The major shrimp feed companies are
they have not been very successful.
CP Aquaculture (India), Avanti Feeds,
Feed companies focus on growth rates.
Godrej Agrovet, Growel Feeds, The Waterbase, Grobest Feeds and Nexus
In the field, shrimp farmers are getting feed conversion ratios from 1.4:1 to
solubles are difficult to procure and are very expensive. The hatchery feed business is growing in India. Multinationals such as Zeigler Feeds (USA), INVE (Belgium), Biomar (Denmark) and Nutreco (Norway) sell hatchery feeds in India. The demand for good quality shrimp postlarvae, especially specific pathogen free (SPF) postlarvae, is high. Source: Aquafeed
Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 1 | Issue 8 | June 2015
Maize Industry gets a Lead from India Maize Summit 2015 Even in Asia, the rapid increase in maize acreage in the last decade is an indication that it is winning the battle as compared with rice, the staple food. The Asian region will see itself as a major global player in the near term. In India too, it has been consistently growing in recent years. As Asia's agribusiness and food processing industries and economies continue to grow, the opportunities for the use of maize as food, feed, fodder and in industry will also increase signifi¬cantly. The growing needs of The Maize industry got together on its & Indore are actively using the NCDEX the poultry sector, the expansion of maize seed sector and increasing apex platform to discuss the growth platform. In the Forwards segment interest by consumers in nutritionally strategy and competitiveness as a alone, the Exchange has registered 4100 tonnes of trades out of which
enriched and specialty maize products
maize and maize processing industry.
4070 tonnes has already been
indicates the growing potential. In
Over 200 delegates representing the
entire value chain of Maize including farmers from across the maize producing states like Bihar, Punjab, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, etc. came together on 9-10 April to ponder over all-inclusive solution-oriented discussion for betterment of maize industry in the country and the region. Inaugurating the “India Maize Summit
Mr. Samir Shah, MD & CEO, NCDEX said “While there is considerable
with a broader aim of economic
scope for product related
improvement in the maize value chain.
improvements, there is also an urgent need to address integration challenges faced by the industry.
2015” jointly organized by commodity
exchange NCDEX and industry body
exchanges play a
FICCI, Harsimrat Kaur Badal, Hon'ble Union Minister for Food Processing Industry highlighted the government's priorities for maize and maize processing industry. This is the third consecutive year that NCDEX and FICCI have taken this initiative to provide a global platform to entire maize value chain; including policy makers and trade participants to discuss opportunities and challenges prevailing in industry. NCDEX is the leading online national platform for Maize in India. The recent launch of Maize Forwards on NCDEX has received a good response from maize traders, FPOs and millers among others. Participants from maize trading hubs like Purnia, Delhi, Sangli
such scenario, it is important to build a competitive supply chain of maize
critical role in acting as a platform that industry can access for integrating the value chain as well as offsetting the risk it is exposed to.” Maize is the most widely distributed crops of the world and ranks first in the world production followed by
measure to boost the productivity of
wheat and rice.
Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 1 | Issue 8 | June 2015
IVPI Annual Scientific Programme 2015, Bengaluru
On the occasion of World Veterinary
Health Pvt. Ltd), talked about the
R.B. Singh, UK Veterinarian Dr. Mike
Day, Institution of Veterinarians of
innovative seminars that are conducted
Alcorn and Dr. Sandeep Shastri were the invited speakers.
Poultry Industry(IVPI) organized the
by IVPI, which have excited and inspired
Annual Scientific Programme 2015 on
many veterinarians.
Poultry as an opportunity to address
25th April, at Hotel Sheraton, Bengaluru.
In his presidential address, Professor
mal-nutrition Padma Vibhushan Prof. M.S.
Welcoming the August gathering Emcee
R.N.S. Gowda welcomed and
of the program Dr. Rajeevalochan,
acknowledged the patronage of poultry
Swaminathan sent the video recorded
Executive Director (Quadragen Vet
farmers, entrepreneurs, press and the
message on the key note speech
Poultry potential and performance gap
poultry veterinarians to IVPI and its
Nutritional Security- Contribution of
- at a glance
activities. He highlighted IVPI as a
Poultry'. In his address, Dr. Swaminathan
! !
2nd largest egg producer in the
common platform to discuss the
focused on the importance of poultry
world with 73 billion eggs per annum
challenges of poultry sector and
products in diet of vast section of our
3rd largest broiler producer in the
providing timely solutions in the fields of
population. He emphasized that “under
world with 4.6 million tons of meat
breeding, management, nutrition &
or mal-nutrition is one of the huge
per annum
health care.
concerns in the new born which leads to
With market size of Rs.90,000 crores
IVPI has been an integral part in the
many problems in later life like reduced
Annual growth rate is 12% in broiler
growth of poultry sector, by working
cognitive abilities, impaired brain
closely with various associations and
functions, and vulnerability to many
and 6% in layer sectors !
Main non-vegetarian food item for 68% Indians. 3.5 kgs meat and 58 eggs per capita consumption per annum. ICMR recommended per
! !
policy makers, actively participating by
diseases. This is due to poor intake of
organizing relevant and timely scientific
important micro and macro nutrients,
programs intended to empower the
like proteins, vitamins, minerals etc. Therefore, it needs to be addressed
capita intake of poultry meat is 10.4
poultry farmers and veterinarians for the
kg and 180 eggs.
past two decades. The scientific program
holistically, and poultry industry is one
Current gap in consumption is 6.9
was aptly titled 'Bridging the gap
such opportunity wherein the egg and
kgs poultry meat and 122 eggs.
between the genetic potential and
meat are bestowed with all such micro
Industry have generated 5 million
performance of Indian Poultry' to discuss and macro nutrients to overcome mal-
jobs, moderate increase of 500 grams
the issues scientifically. Great
nutrition”. He concluded “I hope that the
more in consumption will lead to 45
personalities like Padma Vibhushan Prof.
conference, being held on World
thousands additional jobs.
M.S. Swaminathan, Padma Bhushan Dr.
Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 1 | Issue 8 | June 2015
Veterinary Day, will address how the
United Kingdom made three key points
Members of NECC, prominent members
veterinarians help in safeguarding the
to the audience;
of Poultry Press. To name a few, Mr.
health and productivity of poultry while
MCR Shetty, Mr. Manjesh Kumar, Mr
addressing the means to achieve the
The genetic advances in poultry have been immense and that this
Nanda Kumar, Mr R Laxmanan, Mr
zero hunger challenge”. He wished a
imposes great challenge in ensuring
Sunder Rajan, Mr Ramesh Babu, Mr.
great success to the scientific program
nutrition closely matches
Raghav Rao, Mr Vasant Kumar, Mr.
and the best returns for all the
requirements. There is no room for
RajendraThorat, Mr. Sanjay Brhmankar,
veterinarians on the special day.
“Lazy Nutrition”.
Mr KG Anand, Mr. MRI Magdum, Mr.
Because of the numbers of animals
Balasubramaniam, Dr. Venkat Ram
Alleviating nutritional challenges
involved, even small improvements
Reddy, Dr. Mahesh, Dr. Raghavendra Bhat
reference to poultry
can yield immense overall benefits.
and Dr. Sanjay Gavkare.
Padma Bhushan Professor R.B. Singh,
Due to the background variation, it
IVPI Life Time achievement Award was
one of the authorities on the subject of
can be difficult, however, to
presented to Dr. M V. Nayak for his more
Livelihood, Food, Nutrition and
determine if the changes being
than four decades (1962 to 2005) of
Ecological Security spoke at length on
made have significant benefits. He
dedicated contribution to the progress
growth rate in human population,
discussed the techniques used in
of poultry industry in the country. Dr.
especially the increase in urban
our business to achieve valid and
Nayak was one of the first veterinarians in the country to have experience in
through animal protein with special
population, and its impact on hunger
accurate results.
and micro nutrient deficiency. Majority of 3. the world's hungry population lives in
He also gave a number of advances
poultry disease diagnosis and treatment.
in nutritional concepts found to be
After completing 22 years in the
Asia which means that poultry industry
of value specifically: A. Rigor and
government, he took voluntary
has huge potential and role in alleviating
accuracy in the design of diet and
retirement and joined different private
hunger and meeting micro-nutrient
feed program; B. Targeting multiple
entities like India Poultry farm, Pioneer
needs of this huge population.
dietary substrates with enzymes; C.
Hatcheries, etc where his field of
He also reiterated that the policy
Maintenance strategies for intestinal operation extended to the whole of south India and Maharashtra. This health.
scenario of the government needs to be strengthened which over the years have
You are the Message
reduced the budget allocations to the
Professor Sandeep Shastry, Pro Vicelivestock production of which the poultry Chancellor of Jain University, gave an has majorly affected. At the end, he inspiring talk on “You are the Message”. stressed that the poultry industry need
His speech and anecdotal sharing of
to brace itself to meet the demand in
experiences was mesmerizing. He
production in the coming years.
insisted the gathering to own up what
Nutritional innovations to bridge the
we do, fully involve and enjoy whatever
gap between genetic potential and
we do and to be innovative in our lives.
current performance
The distinguished dignitaries included
Speaking on the subject, Dr. Mike Alcorn, Members of IVPI, Members and office Group Director Research, Technical and
bearers of Poultry Breeders' associations
Sales at Devenish Nutrition Limited,
of South, West and Central India,
program was facilitated by Dr. Puttannaiah. Dr. Aravind Bhat Memorial Best Veterinarian of the Year Award was given to Dr. V.B. Bhaskar Rao who provided more than three decades (1979 to till date) of services to poultry industry across the states of AP, Telangana, Karnataka and Maharashtra. He founded Akash Hatcheries in 1990 and since then has been serving the sector with his techno-commercial expertise. This program was facilitated by Dr. Anjan Goswami of Kadakeshwara Group.
Soy Partnership Summit to be held in Indore As an annual feature, USSEC will be conducting the “Soy Partnership Summit 2015” on the 23rd and 24th July 2015. The event expects a gathering of 300 delegates from the entire soy stakeholder chain comprising soy crushers, soy traders, animal feed millers, aqua feed millers, consultants, policy makers, trade associations of soy and animal feed industry. Since its conception in Hyderabad in 2009, the summit has grown in popularity, size, quality and reach. For the last three years, the meeting has been conducted in Indore, considered to be the soy hub of India and has grown by 20-25 percent each year. As soy has become critical as a raw material, everyone is worried on what the future holds for this important commodity. It is an integral part of feed businesses and stakeholders look forward to this event to discuss problems, seek opportunities and find solutions.
Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 1 | Issue 8 | June 2015
migration (along with spontaneous heating) due to day and night temperature differential in the stored mass is the main culprit for mold infestation that triggers the spoilage process during storage. And that is the reason why drying of maize and installation of dryers at Mandis to reduce the moisture of maize is being talked so often these days. Unfortunately, dryers are too expensive and their availability and accessibility to the maize growers and stockers are very limited.
India needs to enhance its maize production in two ways, first by
supply chain of food and feed
expanding acreage and second by
processing industry and have huge
increasing yield per hectare. But in
negative economic impact on maize
addition to that we need to do some
selling prices.
lateral thinking and adopt some
The productivity of poultry industry has
innovations, which can address this
remarkably gone up over the last 25
challenge. Thus, we must try to stop
years, today we produce 2.5 kg broilers
Though in recent years the private players are making quality storage storage of maize, which in the case of capable of producing excess of 330 scenario enthusiastic in India, dearth of maize is as high as 6%. Hence some eggs in 52 weeks of laying. Since this basic infrastructure is certainly original thinking should be done right decades maize or grains rendered unfit adding more woes to grain storage. In at the outset of storing grains itself. for human consumption has been order to save ourselves from the We all know that molds like Aspergillus quietly used for animal consumption by situation of slow progress in creating contaminate maize almost immediately the feed industry. With increased scientific storage and curb the burden during storage. It is moisture in the poultry productivity, the consumption on the state exchequer, we may need to maize, which sparks the fire with the of contaminated maize is no more an re-address the problem differently. This help of environmental conditions like option to the livestock industry, as may be achieved by decentralizing and temperature and humidity. The immunity (disease resistance) of farm storing grain in a more sustainable, cost contamination also triggers pest animals is almost all time low. effective manner and at a more Incorporating contaminated maize in infestations and the biodegradation fundamental level, especially at the the livestock ration is giving the animal problems. Aspergillus excretes toxins farmer level, where moisture is yet to growers a nightmare of disease like Aflatoxins in the maize during be moving out by holding it inside the outbreaks, vaccination failure and storage, which is of greatest concern, endosperm itself with the help of carcass condemnation. because of its potential carcinogenic deliquescent salts technology. effects on humans and animals. With Higher moisture content (free water) in Dr Naveen Kumar, Business Director South growing food safety concern, Aflatoxins the maize and the ensuing moisture Asia, Delst Global
the loss incurring during post-harvest
are closely monitored throughout the
What is the way out then? Is there any solution? The solution lies in deliquescent technology. This is a technology that is used currently in inducing rainfall. It helps grains to retain moisture and thus stops moisture from exuding out of the endosperm, thus nipping the bud of mold formation right before it could start even. Not only this, prevention of migration of free water absolving all requirements of pest management. Thus we tend to save around 6 % of what we could have lost, by introducing this technology which is absolutely organic & non-toxic. It is drinkable rather and available at a cost exponentially lesser than what we keep investing in mold inhibition, aeration, silos, fumigation and what not.
at 35 d of age and white egg layers are
Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 1 | Issue 8 | June 2015
Global Grain Food & Feed 2015 Date: 18-20 June 2015 Venue: JW Marriott, Pune, Maharashtra, India Email:
CLFMA Symposium 2015 Date: 10-11 September 2015 Venue: Jaipur, India Email:
JULY Soy Partnership Summit Date: 23-24 July 2015 Venue: Indore, India Email:
Indo Livestock Expo & Forum 2015 Date: 29-31 July 2015 Venue: Grand City, Convex Surabaya, Indonesia Email:
3rd Global Milling Conference Date: 19-20 August 2015 Venue: Hyderabad, Telangana, India Email:
5th International Grain Conference Date: 19-20 August 2015 Venue: Hyderabad, Telangana, India Email:
Grain Tech India 2015 Date: 21-23 August 2015 Venue: Bangalore International Exhibition Centre, Bangalore, India Email:
Livestock Asia 2015 Date: 21-23 September 2015 Venue: Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Malaysia Email:
SPACE 2015 Date: 15-18 September 2015 Venue: RENNES Fairgrounds, FRANCE Email:
Poultry Feed Quality Conference Date: 3-4 September 2015 Venue: Bangkok, Thailand Email:
20th European Symposium on Poultry Nutrition Date: 24–27 August 2015 Venue: Prague, Czech Republic Email:
OCTOBER ILDEX Indonesia 2015 Date: 08-10 October 2015 Venue: Jiexpo, Jakarta, Indonesia Email:
AQUACULTURE EUROPE 2015 Date: 20-23 October 2015 Venue: Rotterdam, NETHERLANDS Email:
NOVEMBER Poultry India 2015 Date: 25-27 November 2015 Venue: Hitex, Hyderabad, India Email:
To list any industry event related to Grain & Feed industry please write us at