Think Grain Think Feed May issue

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Volume 4 | Issue 7 May-2018

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EDITORIAL Monthly Magazine for Feed Technology Published by BENISON Media SCO 17, 2nd Floor, Mugal Canal Market Karnal - 132001 (Haryana) Tel: +91 184 4047817

Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 4 | Issue 7 | May 2018

And finally, an alternative to stubble burning in sight Every year, come September / October / November, and smoke fills the skies in and around Delhi due to stubble burning in Punjab, Haryana and rural Delhi. The smog levels go so high so as to reduce the visibility on the roads and leaving young and

Publisher & Editor Prachi Arora

old choking or suffering from Asthma. That time, there is a lot of noise from the concerned state governments to make every effort to find a solution to the problem. Some governments even announce

Managing Editor

punishment for those farmers, who burn their stubbles, ironically,

Dr. T.K. Walli Former Head, Dairy Cattle Nutrition, NDRI

without giving them an alternative to straw burning. And then one rain

Marketing & Designing Ashwani Verma

comes, the smog settled down and the governments too feel relaxed and sit pretty till the problem erupts again the following year. While most of the crop residues from cereal grains, pulses, and groundnut are used as dry roughages, paddy straw is less digestible due to higher silica content in its leaves. Apart from the fact, that it is less useful as a dry fodder for feeding cows and buffaloes, there is another

Subscription Head

reason as to why it is burnt in the field itself. After harvesting the paddy

Ramesh Kumar Singh

crop, the farmers from Punjab, Haryana, and UP have to prepare the field for the sowing of the next crop i.e. wheat. Harvesting the crop and lifting it manually is a labor consuming process and makes the paddy

Circulation & Subscription Head Rahul Bhardwaj

productionnot at all cost active. In the absence of any alternative, the farmer has no option but to burn the crop in the field itself. Roughly 1.5 to 2.0 tonnes of paddy straw can be generated from one acre of farmland

EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Dr. Dinesh T. Bhosale Former Chairman, CLFMA of India Mr. Amit Sachdev Indian Representative, US Grain Council Dr. P.E. Vijay Anand US Soybean Export Council Dr. Suhas Amrutkar Subject Matter Specialist, Animal Nutrition, MAFSU, Parbhani

In the existing situation, farmers mostly use “Happy Seeder”, which cuts the straw. However, in the other technique, a reaper attached to the tractor cuts the straw and spreads it across the field. A rake then collects the hay and assembles it into rows and the baler makes the bales. Today we have two technologies which can be put to use to make the crop residue like paddy straw a worthwhile agricultural byproduct. Paddy straw after collecting from the field can be used through the novel feeding technology, i.e. “Straw Based Densified Feed Blocks/ Feed Pellets”, after supplementing the straw with energy and protein ingredients along with minerals, vitamins, and feed additives. This technology can be most effective in areas where there is an acute

Dr. SN Mohanty Former Principal Scientist, CIFA

shortage of green fodder

Dr. Meeta Punjabi Mehta Agricultural Economist

biomass resource for power generation in Biomass Power Plants.

Dr. Swamy Haladi Feed Additive Expert Dr. R Gnana Sekar Lead Consultant, GS Dairy Farm Consulting

The alternative technology could be, to use the straw bales as Punjab has already taken a lead in this direction and has set up such plants which at present are generating 436.76 MW electricity in the state (The Tribune, Chandigarh). Electricity generated from biomass power plants is no doubt costlier by around 1.5 times but its other benefits are: 1) Environmental protection 2) Employment generation in rural areas

Dr. Suraj Amrutkar Assistant Professor, Dept. of ILFC, SKUAST-J, Jammu

and 3) Transmission loss minimization.

TK Walli

Monthly Magazine for Feed & Feed Technology

Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 4 | Issue 7 | May 2018

Vollume 1 | Issue 10 | August 2015


PELLETING TIPS 16 Pelleting Tips – Part I

05 Research on Phosphorus digestion in layer birds ARTICLE


08 Aquaculture andnew trends in aquafeed foryield enhancement 22 Importance of precise amino acids requirement in broiler production INTERVIEW

12 Improving the standards of feed safety with Revolutionary Technology

20 Indian Poultry Industry at a glance EVENT COVERAGE 28 Innovation at The Heart of Victam Asia 2018 EVENT CALENDAR - 30





One Year


INR 1200

INR 1800

USD 300

Three Year


INR 3300

INR 4800

USD 900

Five Year


INR 5200

INR 6500

USD 1500

19-21 April 2018

16-18 May 2018

Front Cover: -----------

Printed by: Jaiswal Printing Press | Published by: Prachi Arora | On behalf of: BENISON Media | Printed at: Chaura Bazar, Karnal-132001, Haryana | Published at: SCO-17, 2nd Floor, Mugal Canal Market, Karnal-132001, Haryana | Editor: Prachi Arora Think Grain Think Feed is a monthly magazine published by BENISON Media at its office in Karnal. Editorial policy is independent. Views expressed by authors are not necessarily those held by the editors. The data/information provided in the magazine is sourced through various sources and the publisher considers its sources reliable and verifies as much data as possible. However, the publisher accepts no liability for the material herein and consequently readers using this information do so at their own risk. Although persons and companies mentioned herein are believed to be reputable, neither BENISON Media, nor any of its employees or contributors accept any responsibility whatsoever for such persons’ and companies’ activities. All legal matters are subjected to Karnal Jurisdiction. Disclaimer : The published material and images are sourced from various websites and newspapers, and used for information purpose only, if you have any issue, please inform us at BENISON Media or Think Grain Think Feed is not liable for any claim prior to written information.


Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 4 | Issue 7 | May 2018

Research on Phosphorus digestion in layer birds Phosphorus is an indispensable

the animal, how exactly livestock process the

nutrient for humans, animals, and

valuable nutrient in their digestive tracts, and how plants. But especially livestock usually these processes can be made even more efficient. cannot satisfy their needs with only The German Research Foundation (DFG) is funding

mined as rock phosphate like salt – which has two disadvantages: The first is that global phosphorus supplies are quickly dwindling.The second is that studies by the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart, Germany, have shown that when plant-based phosphorus is processed in the digestive system, substances are produced that could have benefits for animal health. The newly founded DFG research unit “P-FOWL” is therefore using fowl as an example for looking into the effects of

this project with around 2 million Euros. A laying hen in Germany lays on average almost 300 eggs each year. This is a performance level for which the animal needs phosphorus, among other nutrients. Because the animals cannot obtain sufficient amounts of phosphorous from plant-based feed, phosphorus from mineral stores are added – stores that could be used up in the next 100 years. Even now it is increasingly difficult to reach the limited stores of phosphorus, which can only be found in a few places around the world. The quality of the mined phosphorus is becoming worse and mining it as a feed additive and fertiliser is increasingly difficult. In Europe, there are hardly any deposits, and agriculture is dependent on imports.

phosphorus from plant sources on

plant-based feed. To compensate, farmers add phosphorus, which is

Researchers at the University of Hohenheim are now



Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 4 | Issue 7 | May 2018

working on this problem in an interdisciplinary team. “Our findings

methods to find out which bacteria contributing to

are intended to support livestock in

breaking up the phosphorus stores and what exactly

using phosphorus contained in their

their tasks are. The microbiology expert hopes: “If we

feed as efficiently as possible so that

can clarify the role of micro-organisms, then in the

less phosphorus from mineral stores needs to be added to the feed,” said the director of the Department of Animal Nutrition at the University of Hohenheim, Prof. Dr. Markus

phosphorus easier to use for animals.” Focus on laying hens and quails The research group wants to build on previous knowledge to better understand the processing of phosphorus in the intestines. For this, they have selected a particularly interesting livestock animal:

For this, though, the research team

Laying hens.

first needs to know exactly how the

Prof. Dr.Rodehutscord: “Throughout their lives, laying

valuable mineral is processed in the

hens go through significant changes in their physical

Phosphorus processing is complicated but important One reason that livestock cannot draw enough phosphorus from their feed is the complicated structure of the plant-based phosphorus reserve

development. They grow quickly and then lay many eggs before egg production decreases. This means that their need for nutrients like phosphorus and calcium varies greatly throughout their lives. Calcium and phosphorus are important nutrients for bone growth and making egg shells. Laying hens therefore need to have enough of both. This means there is a considerable demand for phosphorus with

phytate. Junior Professor Dr. Jana

the Federal Statistical Office counting around 40

Seifert from the Institute of Animal

million[KF5] [M.R.6].

Science at the University of

When breaking down phosphorus from plant-based

Hohenheim explained: “In plants, the

sources, however, different compounds can form, e.g.

phosphorus elements are bound in a

Myo-Inositol. These compounds can influence

ring structure that has to be broken

intestinal bacteria and animal well-being but have

down in the digestive tract by

thus far been subject to very little research.

enzymes. The digestive systems of

Genetics as a factor

many livestock animals such as pigs

Another insight gained from the preceding project:

and fowl are just as poorly suited for

The group supporting geneticist Prof. Dr.Bennewitz

this as that of humans.”

discovered that genes influence how well an animal

As the preliminary project microP found out, this is a serious disadvantage for the animals. Experiments with pigs showed that phosphorus deficiency negatively

long-term we could influence them to make organic


animals' digestive tracts.


The research group now wants to use high-tech

impacts[M.R.3] the responsiveness of the immune system[KF4]. The scarce nutrient is also essential for other

can break down the plant-based phosphorus. To look at this in more detail, samples from experiments with quails in an earlier project will be used. How phosphorus is released and processed and what effects it has on the animals' metabolism are additional questions that will be pursued in six subprojects in the Hohenheim livestock science research group. The group is also supported by two subprojects at the Leibniz Institute for Farm Animal

processes related to hormonal

Biology in Dummerstorf, where all findings will be

balance and energy metabolism,

brought together with a systems biology approach.

emphasized Junior Professor Dr.

The insights about links between genetics and

Seifert: “If the intestinal micro-

phosphorus processing could later benefit animal

organisms don't get enough

breeding according to Prof. Dr.Rodehutscord: “If the

phosphorus, they are less efficient at

role of genes in phosphorus processing is clarified,

processing food and the body

then it could be possible in the longer term to select

therefore has less energy.”

specific animals for breeding that have the right genes in this area.”

ARTICLE Image Source: BioTecNika

Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 4 | Issue 7 | May 2018

Aquaculture and new trends in aquafeed for yield enhancement Aishwarya Vijay, Freelancer Global demand for seafood reflects

it offers. This has influenced the demand for

on increasing emphasis on

aquafeed in most parts ofthe world.

aquaculture and consequently a

Growth Opportunities for Aquafeed Industry

steadyrise in the requirement for

Growing population around the world is a good sign for the aquafeed industry as it drives the demand for farmed fish and fish products. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, wild catch cannot fulfill the rising demand for fresh and canned seafoodacross the world. Hence, aquaculture has to be encouraged to meet the rising demand for sea/aqua foods.This factor directly influences the production of aquafeed.

aquafeed. Aquaculture is the practice of fish farming. It involves breeding, nurturing, and harvesting fish, mollusks, and various species of crustaceans and aquatic plants for commercial use. Aquafeed or

commercial fish feed is a type of


manufactured feed that provides

balanced nutrition to mariculture fish Global meat, poultry & seafood market share by product, 2016 (%) or cultivated fish. Fish farming is considered as one of the environmentally responsible practices of fishing that also builds

Meat Poultry Seafood

and rebuilds fish stalks, develops their healthy habitats, and saves endangered species.The practice of farming seafood or aquaculturehas grown exponentially over the past few decades owing to the advantages


Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 4 | Issue 7 | May 2018

Aquafeeds and Aller Aqua among others have invested heftily in developing nutritional solutions, laboratory studies and field analysis, and assessment of new raw materials and feed additives. In another instance, Aquafeed Farming Technology (AFT) is putting in special efforts to discover newer systems for both freshwater and saltwater species thriving in different water temperatures. Otherinclude feed trials, analyses, and contract feed research. Government Efforts Governments are supporting both fish farming and aquafeed industries. A number of financial assistance programs are being introduced by governments and non-governmental bodies fromdeveloping and developed countries. These programs can boost sea farming andproduction of alternative feed, shellfish farming, and offshore aquaculture. They can assist in monitoring environmental issues and inspire recirculation of the systems.For instance, the solicitation for small businesses and investment in research to encourage fish farmers by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), National Institute of Food and Agriculture in 2018. In another instance,

commercial aquaculture. These pellets and granules of fish feed are rich in nutrients required for healthy breeding of fish and other marine

investments in animal health startups— Cryoocyte and Proteon Pharmaceuticals by the Dutch venture capital fund, Aqua-Spark. Innovation and Creativity Unlike conventional aquafeed, more precision and

life,raised for commercial purposes.

technology are incorporated to develop modern fish

Since most farmed fish are

feed. Special attention is being provided to the

carnivorous, the feed used for them

factors such as the quality of raw materials, grain and

is usually a combination of meat

fishmeal quality, and quantity of binding agents and

sources with vitamins, grains, cereals, and vegetable proteins. These ingredients are generously used along with the conventional ingredients, namely, fish oil and fish meal derived from fish of pelagic zones, wild catch, and non-human grade fish.

feed enzymes.Formulated aquafeed is being carefully produced keeping in mind the advantages and disadvantages of insect meals, bacterial meals, and other such types of raw materials in fish feed. Companies like Biomar, Dibaq Aquaculture, Ridley, Alltech Inc. etc. insist on using only the high-quality protein sources to produce fish feed. The industry is encouraging the innovators developing advanced products. For instance, the Bunge and Corbion feed

Research and Development

ingredient—AlgaPrime DHA was awarded the

There is a constant demand for

international innovator prize at the Global

creativity and innovation in aquafeed

Aquaculture Alliance's competition in 2017.

production. Along with the

Future of Aquafeed Development

development of new types of feed,

High demand forseafoodmakes aquaculture the

the industry is also looking for newer

fastest growing sector of agriculture. Rising

raw materials highly suitable for different fish types. Hence, various manufacturers are taking a plunge into R&D activities. To put this into perspective, companies like HADAS

requirement for high-quality protein sources from developing countries is anticipated to impel the production and export of aquafeed in near future. This rapid expansion comes with its own set of

Aquafeed plays a crucial role in



Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 4 | Issue 7 | May 2018

problems. Maintaining functional

for bottom dwellers and top feeding fishis a part of

diversity and taxonomy is the primary these processes. Packaging, distribution, and challenge faced by the industry

convenient storage of the feed is the top priority for

manufacturers. This is mainly due to

the fish farmers. Marketing activities are also gaining

the variedcomplexities of lifecycles of

decisive attention from feed producers to sustain the

each species cultured in fish farming.

increased competition in the industry.

This influences the compositions of

Based on the market research report published by

feed made available for the fish in

Grand View Research, Inc.; the global aquafeed

larval stage and grower stage. Hence, market is anticipated to witness steady growth in Global aquaculture additives market, by product, 2012 - 2022 (USD Million)





Amino acids









Feed Acidifiers





understanding of the digestive

near future.

physiology of the aquaculture species Amino acid is expected to witness the highest has become a priority for the companies developing new

proteins for the growth of healthy fish. Fish are

commercial fish feed.

incapable of producing synthesizing some of the

High focus on improving gut


demand through 2022 owing rising requirement for

environment and development of new products to meet the augmenting nutritional demand can create growth opportunities for

vital amino acids. Hence, the manufacturers of aquafeed are increasingly including this product in their aquafeed products, driving the demand for the product in near future. All in all, these are the exciting times for aquafeed and aquaculture businesses. The rise in research

aquafeed in the forthcoming years.

publications, development of alternative ingredients,

Advanced production technologies

and better understanding about fish lifecycles are

focusing on physical properties, and

some of the crucial factors anticipated to boost the

pellet stability among other variables

sustainable expansion of aquafeed and aquaculture

becomes crucial for advanced

in the years to come.

manufacturing processes. Use of

For the latest research on aquafeed industry please

separate physical properties of feed


Tel :+74952871354


Dr. Hari Chirakkal

Poultry diets are composed primarily of a mixture of several feedstuffs such as cereal grains, soybean meal, animal by-product meals, fats, vitamin and mineral premixes. Out of these, cereal grains serve as the major source of toxic contaminants which when ingested by the bird may cause deleterious effects on health, performance and production. Most commonly known toxic contaminants are Mycotoxins which have ailed the industry for almost six decades.


Kemin India is the market leader in providing complete mycotoxin management solution to the protein industry including laboratory services, technical services and through their products. Recently, Think Grain Think Feed conducted an interview with Dr. Hari Chirakkal, Vice President, R&D, KAI to understand more about Kemin's approach towards controlling the mycotoxin menace.

Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 4 | Issue 7 | May 2018

Improving the standards of feed safety with Revolutionary Technology Dr. Hari, please provide a brief on Kemin's mycotoxin management solutions? Mycotoxin contamination always has been a major challenge in animal husbandry. Considering the challenge that mycotoxins poses to the industry, it has been a major focus for Kemin research team to find solutions to mitigate the risk. Kemin has a multi-level support system to help our customers to manage the risk associated with mycotoxin contamination. Our Customer Laboratory Services (CLS) team tests more than two thousand raw materials and finished feed samples every year and our Technical Services Team provide on-site support to farmers and feed producers on managing the risk. In addition to that we have a range of products under the brand name Toxfin™. We have recently launched a new product, Toxfin™ 360 which contains Synthetic Tectosilicates (STS) which is a broad-spectrum toxin binder. What was the need of Synthetic Tectosilicates (STS). Tell us more about its origin story? Innovation has been one of the major driving force for us in Kemin. Development of a toxin binder product with STS is a very good example of that. In 2013, our CLS and technical team shared some interesting insights on the increasing incidences of mycotoxicosis, occurrence of some newly prevalent mycotoxins like Cyclopiazonic Acid (CPA) and Mycophenolic Acid (MPA). In addition to that we have also observed that many feed samples containing alarming levels of pesticides like carbofuran, thiram, malathion,

Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 4 | Issue 7 | May 2018

feed ingredients. It was a big challenge to find something that has a very high affinity to all important mycotoxins and routinely used pesticides. Another important consideration is safety. We can't compromise on the safety of the compounds we use in terms of its effect on the animal. In these 3 years, we have studied a large number of materials and conducted multiple in vitro binding studies, in vivo trials to come up with the best solution which fulfills all the requirements of an ideal toxin binder. Interestingly, Kemin is a pioneer in developing a more practical approach to study the binding ability of toxin binders by their unique 'bi-phasic in vitro net binding' and 'in vivo excretion' methods. You are calling it a “Revolution in toxin binding”. Can you please explain what is this technology about? How is it unique?

That is a good amount of time in research. So, why do you think it took 3 years to develop this molecule? There are several factors we need to consider when we develop a new toxin binder product. Obviously, the first one is finding a molecule that will effectively bind to the molecules we want to remove which in this case are mycotoxins and pesticides. That part is relatively easy. But it is important that the binding take place in the right conditions and changes in pH will not reverse it. In addition to that, we also should find a material that has far more affinity to the toxic compounds than the useful minerals, vitamins, and other

Please throw some light on how it is a 360degree protection? Toxfin™ 360, formulation containing STS, is a true 360-degree toxin management program as it not only has superior binding ability for the commonly found mycotoxins like AflaB1, OTA, Zea, FumB1, T-2 toxin but also for the less common mycotoxins like cyclopiazonic Acid (CPA) and mycophenolic Acid (MPA) which are also recognized by European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) as emerging threats. In addition to this, it has binding ability towards commonly occurring pesticides in maize/cereal grains like carbofuran, thiram, atrazine etc. All this with minimal interaction with nutrients like vitamins and therapeutic agents. Toxfin™ 360 is completely safe to use in animal feed. Like every other raw material used in Kemin's formulations, STS also undergoes our stringent Raw Material Risk Assessment (RMRA) program and is free from heavy

etc. entering the feed and food chain. We critically examined all the present technology used as toxin binders at that time and analyzed where they lacked in providing a complete solution. A dedicated research after three years led to the discovery of STS as a broadspectrum toxin binder with the ability to bind both mycotoxins and selected pesticides.

This is a revolution because it is completely different and unique from all conventional technologies currently present in the market. STS, unlike any other material, is synthesized by a defined chemical process. This process allows us to design the material with desired porous structure, with a uniform pore size of 5Å and other characteristics. For example, the synthetic process also allows to functionalize the molecule with Bronsted and Lewis acidic sites, this optimizes the charge distribution on the surface and in the pores of STS which gives it a better binding efficiency. Also, the interaction taking place are of preferentially hydrophobic in nature confirmed by thermodynamic studies.



Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 4 | Issue 7 | May 2018

metals, dioxins and PCBs

breeder birds, at the time when the problem is at

contamination (as per guidelines of

its peak i.e. in monsoon season and when newly


harvested maize is used in commercial feed. It is

The research behind STS sounds

now being used by breeder farmers, major

very convincing on paper and in

integrators and commercial feed producers in

the lab. Is it being accepted by

South Asian markets as a year-round program.

customers as a viable solution?

Toxfin™ 360 since its inception has helped to raise

What is the feedback from the

the standards of feed safety in more than 500,000


MT feed ensuring 160 million healthy chickens.

Finally, please throw some light on what the future beholds for the prevalence of active ingredient STS) in July 2016 in mycotoxins and other contaminants which may the South Asian market. Currently, it enter feed and food chain? is being considered as one of the In recent years, there has been a major shift in most preferred toxin binders in the climatic conditions worldwide. This has brought in South Asian market and we have some serious concerns regarding mycotoxins and grown our market share in toxin pesticide usage in crops. As on date, there is binder market significantly with this probably a dozen of mycotoxins which are product. Since its launch, we have considered as a threat to animals and humans. As received extremely good feedback there are more than 1000 mycotoxins identified, from the market. Farmers who were their emergence in future is not something otherwise ailed with the toxicity and unexpected. This requires companies like Kemin consequent production drop have and feed producers to be prepared and act on the seen a tremendous improvement in problem in advance and take it as a responsibility to provide safe feed and food to animal and performance of the bird. Toxfin™ humans. 360 has delivered excellent results in


We launched Toxfin™ 360 (with the


Nutreco's investment in an Indian IoT startup, Eruvaka In a one of its kind strategic investment in an Indian agri-tech startup, Netherlands based global leader in animal nutrition and aqua feed Nutreco has led Series B investment in IoT startup Eruvaka. Agriculture focussed impact investor Omnivore which has earlier invested in the startup in 2013 also participated in this round. Nutreco's Chief Innovation Officer, Viggo Halseth with join Eruvaka's board following the deal. Both sides did not disclose the quantum of investment made in the startup as part of this deal. Omnivore Founding Partner Mark Kahn said, “Global agribusiness majors are recognizing that they need to look at startups in India to find the next generation of technologies for small and medium farmers globally." Eruvaka is a Vijayawada based startup founded in 2012 by Sreeram Raavi. The

company's IoT based products allow farmers to actively monitor pond parameters and remotely control automated equipment which reduces farming risk while increasing feed efficiency and shrimp growth. Nutreco which is a wholly owned subsidiary of SHV Holdings N.V, a family owned multinational, will pick up 25 percent stake in Eruvaka and will also strike a commercial partnership to help scale the startup's IoT solutions across Asia and Latin America. The Netherlands based major has operations in 32 countries and owns two global brands including aqua feed brand Skretting and animal nutrition brand Trouw Nutrition. Nutreco CEO, Knut Nesse said, “Eruvaka's products complement our shrimp feed business and will help us further build scale across Latin America and Asia.” The company's aquaculture division, Skretting will work directly with Eruvaka to implement the latest technologies in precision farming initially in Latin America. Eruvaka's technology will be incorporated into AquaSim, Skretting's suite of customized performance tools. Source: economictimes


Vietnam to increase soybean imports 15% in 2018/19: USDA Vietnam imports of soybean are set to increase 15% to 1.9 million tonnes in the next marketing year as a changing diet spurs strong demand for feed in the livestock and aquaculture sectors and pushes crushing rates up, according to the USDA. The figures are up from the 2017/18 marketing year imports of 1.65 million tonnes. This increase comes as Vietnam soybean production has been falling in recent years due to low yields and the continuing decline in growing area as aquaculture feed. Feed output in 2017-18 was 30 million farmers switch to more profitable crops. tonnes, according to the report. “Soybean production continues to fall well below the demand from the food, and livestock and aquaculture feed sectors,� the report said.

The USDA forecasts 2018-19 soybean crush in Vietnam at 1.35 million tonnes, up from 1.2 million tonnes in 2017-18, as both of the country's crushing facilities are expected to increase production.

Vietnam's total feed production for 2018-19 is forecast to increase to 30.9 million tonnes, of which 24 million is animal feed and 6.9 million is

In 2017-18, the United States was the leading soybean exporter to Vietnam due to competitive prices, the report said.

Source: Agricensus


PELLETING TIPS Image Source: Youtube

Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 4 | Issue 7 | May 2018

Pelleting Tips – Part I M Kanagaraj, Catalyst Techvisor Private Limited Pelletedfeed is an outcome of several sub process offeed milling process. The pellet feed quality and feed mill productivity depend on those sub process of the feed milling. True indicator of feed quality and feed mill productivity is shown in figure 1.The mission of every feed mill should be achieving and maintaining those indicators. This article focuses on the factors influencing both Feed quality and Feed mill productivity.


Various feed ingredients like corn, corn gluten, soybean meal, wheat, wheat bran, rice polish, rice bran, de-oiled rice bran, peanut meal, cotton seed meal, coconut meal, fish meal, meat cum bone meal, molasses etc. are used to get the nutrient

! Pellet Durability

Index (PDI) ! Nutritional specification

Feed mill Productivity

requirements of the animal. The raw materials are selected based on the animal specific,market specific and most importantlycost specific parameters. Major portion of these ingredients are

Feed Quality

Figure 1:

Before discussing the topic of Pelleting tips, a good understanding of the feed milling process is important. Feed formulation is the key planning action of feed milling process. Nutritionists around the globe constantly striving to achieve optimum nutrition with minimum cost by using modern tools and technologies. Researchers are continuously working on to find alternatives raw materials.

! Feed

Manufacturing Cost (FMC) ! Tons per Hour (TPH) ! Specific Energy

bigger in particle size and some of them are of finer particle size. Hence the particle size reduction is an essential process in feed milling. The nutritionist selects the raw materials based on the nutrient requirements of the animal and the best formulation is arrived at with least cost linear programming. This recipe is transferred to feed mill as a starting point of the process. From this point onwards, the feed quality and feed mill productivity,

Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 4 | Issue 7 | May 2018

pellets. The final process in feed millingwithdraws the heat and moisture from the dense mass and forms shaped mass. This is called the finished pellet feed. The following series of points focus on preparatory processes before pelleting process itself !

Batching or proportioning


Grinding or particle size reduction


Mixing of ration


Conditioning of ingredients


Cooling of compound feed

Batching or proportioning The feed plants are globally designed in two ways

The first step of feed milling is blendingof various raw materials as per the recipe. The grinding process is necessary since some of the raw materials are of biggerparticle size. The outcome of the first process is mash or meal form of feed. The purpose of second process of feed milling is to soften the mash or meal feed through heat and moisture. The output of this process is conditioned mash feed. Third process compresses the softened mash feed and form a dense mass, which is at higher temperature from ambient temperature. It is also called hot



post grinding

In pre-grinding process flow, the grinding is done before the batching process. In this design big particles in formulation like maize and other grains only passed through Hammer mill. Theoretically, there should be less specific energy (kW/T) in Hammer mill. This should be validated in each feed mill. In post-grinding design, the grinding is done after batching. In most of the cases, all raw materials are passed through Hammer mill. Either way, the plant is designed, the accuracy and repeatability of batching system is the key to achieve optimum nutrition designed by the nutritionist. The modern batching system is a weighing system consists of load cells and signal processing unit controlled by a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). Basically it is a Measurement System like Verniercalliper, NIR etc.Hence the system should be checked and corrected periodically. It is highly recommended to useStatistical tool to monitor the batching system performance. Challenges in Batching Variation or error in batching system leads to deviation of nutritional values of finished feed from formulated values. This leads to either nutrient concentration or dilution. Improper nutritional concentration causes direct financial loss to the

Figure 2: The snap shot of feed milling process is given below

all depends up on the proper feed mill operation.




Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 4 | Issue 7 | May 2018 Image Source: AgWeb

organization. The nutritional dilution may cause poor animal performance and, in a way, financial loss to the farmer.


dosing gate of raw material bins and slide gates of batching bin (bin on load cells) creates error in batching process. The air pressure of pneumatic line and wear and tear in slide gates should be

Critical check points in Batching

checked periodically and take corrective action if

1. Calibration


Periodical calibration of all batching, weighing and metering systems of the feed mill minimizes the variations in measuring system. Most importantly, the calibration should be carried out to the Maximum Scale Reading (MSR) or till the measuring range of the design. The data should be recorded in Calibration register. The variation between set quantity and actual quantity should be studied batch on batch and plot it in a Run chart. It helps to identify the abnormal variations#and presents the true random variation##

3. In-flight quantity This is another very important factor in batching process. In-flight quantity is the amount of raw material in suspension after stopping dosing screws, before it reaches the batching bin. This amount depends on design of dosing screw pitch. The screw pitch is designed based on the bulk density of raw material. The equipment supplier designed the dosing screw pitch based on assignment of certain raw material in certain bins. In operation, interchanging of bins to be avoided because it will create variations in batching. Note: # - Abnormal variations – which is from external sources and indicates that the process is out of statistical control

2. Malfunctioning of slide gate of bins ##- True random variation – which is intrinsic to Leakage at slide gates is a common the process and will always be present. problem and unnoticed in many

This is the part-I of the column contributed by M

feed mills.Slide gate operating

Kanagaraj who is an expert on feed milling, for any

conditions should be monitored

further details he can be reached

periodically. Because leakage at


Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 4 | Issue 7 | May 2018

Speciality feed ingredient for partial replacement of fishmeal

Image Source: AgWeb

US agribusiness giant Archer Daniels Midland is broadening its product offering in aquaculture with a highprotein feed ingredient that can serve as a partial fishmeal replacement. Speaking at the recent Aquaculture America show, John Bowzer, a research scientist with ADM Animal Nutrition said that the company's new Proplex T feed ingredient can replace some use of fishmeal in the right life stages of fish for carnivorous fish like salmon. Plant proteins are often low in key amino acids such as methionine and threonine that Proplex T, created from dried fermentation biomass, can deliver as a partial fishmeal replacement, he added. Salmon and similar species have specific requirements that feed ingredient suppliers like ADM are working to produce fishmeal and fish oil alternatives for, Stephanie Block, a research manager with the company said. “Being a high protein and a highly digestible feed ingredient, it helps producers meet their amino acid requirements for fish that have very high protein and high amino acid needs,” she said of Proplex T, which the company plans to sell globally.

feed makers normally supply through fish oil. In 2016, ADM launched DHA Natur, a dried algae biomass rich in docosahexaenoic acid, known commonly as DHA. DHA Natur is a highly-concentrated, non-genetically modified, vegetable source of DHA that's derived through a controlled fermentation process that allows heterotrophic algae to be produced more efficiently than phototrophic algae. In aquafeed, ADM said recently that it will build a new feed-premix facility in Xiangtan, in Hunan Province, central China, and announced the addition of aquaculture feed production lines at its existing Nanjing complex in Jiangsu Province, eastern China. “Population growth and higher disposable incomes are continuing to support increased animal protein—and thus animal feed—demand in China,” said Brent Fenton, president of ADM Animal Nutrition.

“Our new Xiangtan feed-premix facility—our fifth animal feed plant in the country—will position us to continue meeting this increased demand in the central part of the “We have registrations in many part of country, and the addition of four aquaculture feed lines the world and we're pursuing additional at our Nanjing plant will offer us entry into the growing registrations so this is intended to be a Chinese high value specialty aquafeed market,” he said. global product” she said. The Xiangtan plant will have the capacity to produce 120,000 metric tons annually of premix, concentrate, animal-complete, and fish-complete feeds, said The feed ingredient launch comes as the global race to develop fishmeal and ADM.The new plants will add to ADM's network of animal nutrition facilities in China. fish oil alternatives is heating up, spurred on by a desire to reduce reliance on forage fish stocks such as Peruvian anchovy.

This comes as Bunge and Cargill also expand fast in aqua feed. Cargill has snapped up EWOS, the Norwaybased salmon feed group, as well as bolstering its ADM is known as one of the “ABCD” big shrimp feed production in Ecuador with a joint venture with a local player, Naturisa. Cargill is also looking to four of agricultural commodities produce omega 3 oils from canola seeds, for use in trading, along with Bunge, Cargill and aqua feed. Louis Dreyfus.ADM offers feed ingredients that can offer protein in fish Bunge has teamed up with algae specialist TerraVia to feeds as well as supply omega-3s that produce a product to replace fish oil in feed.

Fishmeal, fish oil alternatives

Source: undercurrentnews



Ricky Thaper

Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 4 | Issue 7 | May 2018

Indian Poultry Industry at a glance Ricky Thaper, IB Group & Poultry Federation of India

Status of Poultry Industry in India


country stands at 22 million tonnes. The Indian poultry sector is valued at INR 1 lakh cr or USD 15.38 India with a population of 1.25 billion bn. people is highly focussing on “Development� i.e. Good Food, Better In coming years, poultry production and Health & Living conditions for consumption in India is predicted to grow due to everyone. With the increase in the various factors such as a shift in food habits, incomes, people can now afford urbanization, increasing awareness of balanced better nutrition and hence, since last nutrition etc. The broiler meat consumption pattern two decades the demand for eggs shows that around 62 percent of meat is consumed and chicken is growing. in major 10 cities and rest of the consumption comes from other cities with a smaller percentage from The recent data of the year 2017 villages. states that the egg production in India is 75 billion and the broiler production is 4.2 million tonnes per annum. The growth rate of layer market is 6-7 percent per annum and broiler market is 8-10 percent per annum. Approx. 75 percent of egg production is contributed by commercial poultry farms, remaining comes from household/backyard poultry. Total poultry feed production of the

Growth opportunities and challenges India is leading with 10 percent in the poultry growth followed by Brazil with 7 percent, the USA with 2.1 percent and China with 2 percent. Recommendation of National Institute of Nutrition suggests per capita consumption should be 180 eggs and 11 kg meat while actual consumption is 61 eggs and 3.9 kg chicken meat. There are many challenges like transportation, waste management, use of green energy, disease diagnosis

Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 4 | Issue 7 | May 2018

etc. that might affect the further growth of the sector. Land scarcity is another major issue in India while some Animal Welfare Organizations are proposing a ban on cage rearing, Indian poultry farmer finds it difficult to rear the birds in open range units. Disease outbreak in India In the year 2006, bird flu first hit the Nandurbar district of Maharashtra and another major outbreak was in West Bengal in the year 2008. The infection caused by was H5N1, a subtype of the Influenza A virus which affected the 13 districts of West Bengal. The recent outbreak of AI in the year 2017 was found in Karnataka.

additives which may check the spread of highly pathogenic avian influenza. Apart from feed additive use as supplements, a nutritious and balanced diet of birds is also critical for better immunity and optimal production. With increasing awareness, the pressure of regulatory challenges and animal welfare issues may shift the preference of the farmers to preventive health care. Good hygiene and biosecurity measures need to be maintained at the farm all the times. The following measures can be implemented for effective disease control: Immunomodulators and antioxidants such as vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin C, selenium, zinc etc. have been useful in reducing the severity of Avian Influenza (AI).

Preventive use of acidifiers and probiotics is strongly recommended to boost immunity and fighting secondary infections due to E. coli which is the most common secondary bacterial infection. The state governments and the Acidifiers also reduce the potential of E. coli, Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries of Government Salmonella and Clostridium by disrupting biofilm production. of India play an important role to Integration in Poultry operations control such outbreaks of bird flu. In

Poultry Associations in India There are several poultry associations in India like Poultry Federation of India (PFI), Compound Livestock Feed Manufacturers Association (CLFMA), National Egg Coordination Committee (NECC), Indian National Federation of Animal Health (INFAH), Broiler Coordination Committee (BCC) and likewise. The associations also play an important role by regularly guiding the farmers, creating awareness among consumers and presenting industry requirements to the government, promoting egg consumption on various occasions etc. Animal Health The most valuable type of products in the animal health sector are nutraceuticals (60 percent), biological/vaccines (25 percent) and medicinal feed additives (15 percent). The present research is majorly focused on the use of certain feed

A paradigm shift is taking place in broiler sector operations where farmers are opting for integration to remain protected from market uncertainties. The model ensures better profitability also leading to improved farm management and FCR, and production of good quality chicken. Major integration companies are also expanding with new processing plants and product outlets. Food Processing in India Various industry reports suggest the market size of Indian food industry is expected to cross USD 540 billion in 2020 from USD 193 billion in 2016, the sector is growing at 12 percent per annum. The government states that the farm to kitchen chain is going to change in India, like elsewhere, with increased agricultural production, better storage facilities, more food processing and changing consumer food preferences. At present only approx. 10 percent of the agricultural produce is processed in the country which presents the huge market potential of India. Government schemes like FDI (foreign direct investment) allowance in food processing sector, cold chain etc. would support the further development of the processing sector hence Poultry processing sector. Under the policy initiatives of the Indian government towards doubling the income of farmers by 2022, poultry sector is going to be a major contributor. As it is most organized of all agricultural sectors in India, with increasing demand for egg and chicken in the country, it will further evolve into a vibrant and modern industry.

any such cases, advisories are issued and teams of experts are deputed to the affected areas to assist in control and containment measures as per Office International des Epizooties (OIE) guidelines.


ARTICLE Image Source: Biinform

Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 4 | Issue 7 | May 2018

Importance of precise amino acids requirement in broiler production

Mahmoud Farahat, Olam International


In modern intensive poultry production systems, feed cost represents about 70% of the total production costs. After energy, protein represents the second costly nutrient in poultry diets. Typical commercial broiler diets contain 23.0, 21.0, and 19.0% crude protein during the starter, grower, and finisher periods respectively. However, the recent broiler dietary specifications indicate that these levels of crude protein arein excess to that of the actual requirements. The excess of absorbed amino acids aredegradedinliver and converted to uric acid, which is then excretedout via kidney through urine.This degradation of excess protein/amino acids has some disadvantages such as unnecessary increase in the diet cost, which lowers the producer's profits, overload on the

bird's kidneys and excess nitrogen excretion in the manure, which increases the ammonia concentration in the poultry's internal environment, as well as increases the emission of nitrous oxide into the atmosphere to cause environmental pollution. Research finding indicates that poultry feed should contain a balanced level of essential amino acids in addition to adequate level of crude protein to supply the bird with optimum requirements with respect to non-essential amino acids as well. Once the bird's essential amino acid requirements are met in an ideal pattern, the crude protein level could be lowered by 11.5% without hindering the bird'sproductive performance. To formulatebalanced diets for broilers, we need to supplement the diets with the syntheticamino acids, which are available in commercial form such as DlMethionine, L-lysine, and L-threonine. L-Valine, and LTryptophan. Typical commercial poultry diets usually contain Dl-

Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 4 | Issue 7 | May 2018

Ideal amino acid profile of broiler chickens Feeding period

Starter 0-14 d

Grower Finisher Starter 15-35 d + 35 d 0-10 d

Amino acid

Hubbard, 2010












Meth. + Cys.



































































































Phe + Tyr











Methionine, the essential amino acid, is the first limiting amino acid in poultry diets. Methionine content in raw plant materials particularly soybean meal is insufficient, therefore, a commercial synthetic methionine must be added to poultry feed. Lysine is the second limiting amino acid in corn-soybean diets in poultry. Corn is low in lysine, therefore, to meet the lysine requirements for poultry, highprotein ingredients such as soybean meal and animal by-product meals are mixed with corn. However commercial synthetic L-Lysine becomes available at economic price, which help in lowering the protein requirements and improving the profitability without loss of feed quality. L-Threonine is the third limiting amino acid in most poultry diets. The commercial form of L-Threonine become available at reasonable price and provided the nutritionists with a tool that allows them to economically balance dietary protein and meet the amino acid requirements of today's high-yielding birds.

Ross, 2014

Starter Grower Finisher 0-10 d 11-22 d + 23 d

All periods

Cobb, 2012

Ajinomoto, 2015

With further research and refining, the commercial availability of L-Valine and L-Tryptophan could allow the nutritionists to balance the amino acid content of poultry feeds and meeting the amino acid requirements of the high-yielding birds without causing an imbalance in other amino acids, and significantly reduce the nitrogen excretion in the environment through further reduction in the crude protein level.

Methionine and L-Lysine. By lowering the crude protein level by 1-1.5% we should supplement the diets by DlMethionine, L-Lysine, L-threonine. With further lowering in the diet crude protein we should add L-valine and LTryptophan.

Grower Finisher 11-25 d + 26 d



Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 4 | Issue 7 | May 2018

Bühler's new center opens in China


Bühler officially opened its Asia-Pacific Manufacturing and R&D Center on April 26, a ceremony that included customers and stakeholders representing 32 nations from six continents.

The green field facility is the latest addition to Bühler's global supply chain and service network. The manufacturing plant meets the highest Swiss quality standards for the global animal feeds and grain logistic markets.

The ceremony was kicked off by Liping Shao, general manager of Bühler Changzhou, who told the audience that “the factory covers an area of 26.6 hectares. The 140,000-square-meter workshop will be Bühler'scenter for feed, pet food, animal nutrition equipment and the manufacturing process.”

“Twelve years ago, in February 2006, we started our journey to success here in Liyang when we created Bühler Changzhou,” Stefan Schieber, CEO of Bühler, told the audience. “This investment has been fruitful as today China is a significant growth market for Bühler. By following the old principle that to cross a river you need step from stone to stone, we were able to outgrow the market in China and in Asia consistently every year and become the No. 1 supplier in China and in Asia for the feed industry.”

The ceremony was part of a three-day program that started with a Networking Throughout the event, Bühler leadership asserted that Day and ended with visits to three Asia is a key part of its global strategy. livestock, aquaculture and premix “This region has seen tremendous growth in the past plants in the region. years, and we are confident we will see further growth,” The facility includes a comprehensive said Dieter Voegtli, president of sales and services at animal nutrition R&D Application Bühler. “Also, our strong manufacturing base in China Center that covers 5,200 square meters will further expand Bühler's global supply chain, which is spread over four floors. It is operated why we have established this brand-new manufacturing by around 15 Bühler employees facility.” operating two pilot plants. One of them Shao Liping explained that the facility is not only is devoted to the development of feed equipped with the most advanced Bühler machines but production processing technologies is operated with the most modern production and the other is focused on grain management systems. logistic applications. These pilot plants “To better meet the global feed industry's need, which is will facilitate basic technology research becoming more efficient, ecofriendly and safer, and to and development as well as meet the Bühler Group's long-term strategic goals in collaboration with customers for the feed industry, we have built this smart and ecocustomized solutions. In addition, the friendly factory to provide better service to our R&D Application Center will serve as a customers all over the world,” Liping said. major animal nutrition training center The programming was filled with talks, half in Chinese, for customers and Bühler employees. half in English, by six leading figures and thought leaders in the global grain and feed industry. Over the final hour of the educational sessions attendees had a choice between 10 breakout sessions. Topics included sustainability, grain cleaning solutions, dust explosion risks and countermeasures, feed safety and other topics.

The facility includes a comprehensive animal nutrition R&D Application Center that covers 5,200 square meters spread over four floors.

The three-day event ended with visits to three livestock, aquaculture and premix plants in the region. From its vast customer network and many feed lines in operation, Bühler selected three plants to provide its guests profound insights into the Chinese feed industry. Source: soslandpublishing


Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 4 | Issue 7 | May 2018

Image Source: Institute of Aquaculture

Vietnam-a bright spot for International feed companies


South Korean conglomerate the CJ Group early this year announced the opening of its new CJ Vina Agri Feed Production Plant in northern Ha Nam province; its fifth animal feed plant in Vietnam. It is also completing construction of a sixth plant, in southcentral BinhDinh province, as part of its expansion strategy in animal feed production. “The CJ Group is committed to maximizing its investments to achieve the Great CJ 2020 targets in its medium and longterm plans, with revenue reaching USD 100 billion globally,” said Mr. Chang Bok Sang, Chairman of the CJ Group in Vietnam. “And Vietnam is a bright spot in achieving that goal.”

year established Vietnam as a main manufacturing hub, with the majority of FDI flowing into the manufacturing and processing sector, representing 44.2 percent of all FDI, or USD 15.87 billion. Japan and South Korea have led in FDI into Vietnam over recent years and the CJ Group has been among the leading investors, with aggressive business expansion activities around the country recently, especially in agriculture and manufacturing and processing.

Food giant CJ CheilJedang, a subsidiary of the CJ Group, last year announced it would invest nearly USD 63 million in an integrated production base applying advanced technology at Ho Chi Minh City's Hiep Phuoc Industrial Park. Once completed in July, the complex will include a processing facility, a research and development (R&D) center, and a food safety control system. It will cover a total area of 66,000 sq m and produce 70,000 tons of food per year. The opening of Intensive investment CJ's two new animal feed plants also expresses its Vietnam has attracted large amounts of ambition in the competitive industry in Vietnam. foreign direct investment (FDI) from Its expansion in Vietnam is expected to push the South Asia, totallingUSD 35.88 billion in 2017, Korean group's food business revenue to USD 700 an increase of 44 percent year-on-year million by 2020. and a record for the last ten years. Last Thailand ranked second after Singapore among ASEAN

Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 4 | Issue 7 | May 2018

The company faced challenges in 2017, however, with product prices falling below production costs throughout the year, especially in pork production, which accounts for a significant proportion of its business structure. Meanwhile, its aquaculture production achieved better results than in previous years, as it did better in disease control. According to Mr. Nguyen Xuan Duong, Deputy Director of the Department of Livestock Production at the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the animal feed industry has maintained double-digit growth over the last two decades, with output jumping from 400,000 tons in 1993 to more than 23 million tons in 2016. Vietnam is today the leading country in ASEAN and the tenth in the world in animal feed production. Supportive policies The Vietnamese Government is pushing to improve the country's investment environment, building a creative government, listening to enterprises, and expressing a willingness to remove barriers and encourage the development of production and business, according to Mr. Suwanposri.

investors in Vietnam last year, with 47 newly-registered projects and total registered capital of USD 713 million. C.P. Vietnam has been one of the largest long-term Thai investors in Vietnam since it arrived in the country 20 years ago. As one of the leading producers of animal feed, breeding animals, livestock farming, and food processing, the company now has eight production plants around the country: four livestock feed plants, three fish feed plants, and one corn drying plant.

Regarding the livestock production sector, the Law on Livestock Production is being reviewed and critical changes are expected, promoting the development of industrial production, environmental protection, and disease control. “We firmly believe that the government is working hard to ensure the investment environment is smooth,� Mr. Suwanposri said. Hurdles to overcome Mr. Suwanposri said the most significant challenges in livestock development in Vietnam are controlling disease outbreaks, the limited land area for animal husbandry, and accessing raw materials for animal feed production, which are still being imported to a large extent. Source: VN Economic Times

Fish feed producers in Indonesia are preparing to raise their prices to keep up with the growing cost of raw material and a strengthening of the US dollar against Asian currency, the Indonesian news service industry reports. The cost of soybean meal, vitamins and the dollar appreciation are reported to have added 5.4% to Feed Indonesia's production costs, a top executive is

quoted as saying. The South Korean-owned company is prepared to raise its price by about 3.8% by May 1 as a result. Soybean prices have risen over 10% so far this year, impacted in part by a drought in Argentina, the world's third largest soybean producer, the article notes. Indonesia maintains 18 aquaculture feed producers, including 13 owned by domestic investment companies and five by foreign investment companies, the article notes. Source: undercurrent

Price pressure on Indonesian fish feed producers



Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 4 | Issue 7 | May 2018

Innovation at The Heart of Victam Asia 2018

This was the early verdict of visitors, conference delegates and exhibitors alike. The exhibition and series of accompanying conferences were held at the Bangkok International Trade and Exhibition Centre (BITEC)from March 27 – 29, 2018.


FIAAP Animal Nutrition Conference 2018


Petfood Forum Asia 2018


Global Milling Conference with GRAPAS Asia 2018


GMP+ Feed Safety Assurance


World Feed Industry Perspectives Conference 2018

The different conference organisers stated that the delegate attendance was good and that the delegates have The visitors were pleased at the number of exhibitors, the wide range of products on appreciated the quality of both the speakers and their papers. display, especially the newly launched products and also the high quality of the exhibition stands and the professionalism of the show staff.There were 228 exhibitors and co-exhibitors from 33countries present.

Victam International, the event organisers, also arranged the World Feed Industry Perspectives Conference. Speakers from IFIF (Ms. Alexandra de Athayde), Dr. Eckel Animal Nutrition GmbH & Co. KG (Dr. Bernhard Eckel), the Thai Feed Mill Association (Mr. BoonthamAramsiriwat), the In all there were, over three days,6,987 Vietnam Feed Association (Mr. La Van Kinh) and Feed Latina visits from 67 countries. A high proportion (Mr. MarcioCeccantini) and the Department of Livestock of the visitors were from outside Thailand, (Mr. KittiKoobkaew) addressed the audience of senior in fact 45%. These figures clearly international executives from the internationalanimal feed demonstrate that the event is Asia's industries. international showcase for the feed and During the Network Reception the winners of the coveted grain industries. GRAPAS Innovation Awards were announced. There were


The newly introduced business matchmaking program helped exhibitors and visitors get the most out of the exhibition. The program focused on high quality meetings and consisted of a combination of an online tool, which allowed exhibitors and visitors to plan their appointments very efficiently and a personal approach by our matchmaking consultants. The conference delegates also confirmed the quality of the papers presented at the numerous conferences. The conferences had extensive programs which were well received. The conferences were as follows: 1.

Aquafeed Horizons Asia 2018

three winners: the GeelenCounterflow Electrical Dryer, Henry Simon' Rollermill of Satake and the Atta Process with PesaMill from Bühler. The VICTAM newsroom reported semi-live from the show floor to allow those that couldn't attend to still be part of the action. Speakers, visitors and exhibitors were interviewed about their expertise and the news crew made running reports about the event. Check out our YouTube channel, Victam International, for all the reports. Upcoming events: The next event organised by Victam International BV is VICTAM International 2019 from June 12 – 14, 2019 in Cologne, Germany. Please find more information about our events at The next VICTAM Asia event will be from 24 - 26 March 2020.



Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 4 | Issue 7 | May 2018

MAY Feed Additives Asia Date: 16-18 May 2018 Venue: Millennium Hilton, Bangkok Email: Web:

Dairy, Livestock and Poultry Technology Exhibition Africa Date: 20-22 June 2018 Venue: Kenyatta International Convention Center, Nairobi, Kenya Email: Web:

JUNE Poultry Information Exchange and Australasian Milling Conference 2018 Date: 03-05 June 2018 Venue: Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre, Queensland, Australia Email: Web:

AquaVision Date: 11-13 June 2018 Venue: Stavanger, Norway Email: Web:

JULY Indo Livestock 2018 Expo & Forum Date: 04-06 July 2018 Venue: Jakarta Convention Centre, Jakarta-Indonesia Email: Web:


International Feeds & Nutrition Course improved Schothorst Feed Research Date: 11-15 June 2018 Venue: the Inntel Hotels in Zaandam, near Amsterdam Email: Web:

SPACE Date: 11-14 Sep 2018 Venue: Parc-Expo of Rennes, France Email: Web:

VIV Europe Date: 20-22 June 2018 Venue: Jaarbeurs Utreach, the Netherlands Email: Web:


To list any industry event related to Grain & Feed industry please write us at


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