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Volume 2 | Issue 1 November 2015
EDITORIAL Monthly Magazine for Feed Technology
Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 2 | Issue 1 | November 2015
The burning issue
Published by
Come November and the city of Delhi is
BENISON Media SCO 27, 2nd Floor, Mugal Canal Market Karnal - 132001 (Haryana) Tel: +91 184 4036770
enveloped by a thick layer of smog, making many people to suffer from asthma and flights getting delayed. This is the time for farm fires in the states surrounding Delhi, where crop residue after rice harvesting is burnt in the field
Publisher & Editor
itself. If one takes a round of the countryside in these states during
Prachi Arora
night time these days, one would feel aghast with huge flames of inferno rising on all sides on the vast stretch of the cultivated land area. Officially there is a ban on burning straws, but farmers feel
Managing Editor
helpless because of two reasons: a) they have sufficient stocks of straw
Dr. T.K. Walli Former Head, Dairy Cattle Nutrition, NDRI
ruminants and b) they need to clear the field for sowing the next crop,
from the previous crop, i.e. wheat straw as dry roughage for feeding i.e. wheat. In the Northern region, except in Kashmir valley, farmers
Business Head Vinod Kumar Saini
carry the notion that rice straw is an inferior dry roughage than wheat straw and need not be fed to animals, where as the reverse appears to be notion of the farmers from other regions. However, technically the difference is minimal. Thus, a feed resource, which may be selling @
Designing & Marketing
Rs. 10- 12/ kg in the feed deficit areas of the country like Kerala, it is
Ashwani Verma
simply lost through burning in Northern India. But apart from feed wastage, the burning of straw pollutes the environment with gases like nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide/ monoxide and methane. Burning
Online Marketing Nidhi Virmani
also kills the beneficial soil microorganism and thus, results in reduced soil fertility. Some stringent measures are definitely needed to be taken in order to
Circulation & Subscription Head
stop this illicit practice. Worried over the high pollution levels and
Sunny Kamboj
thick smog engulfing the capital, National Green Tribunal (NGT) has
EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Dr. Dinesh T. Bhosale Former Chairman, CLFMA of India
asked Delhi and the other states encircling it, to notify steps to check the menace of crop burning and impose a fine on farmers indulging in such activities. But just putting a ban on straw burning is not enough. One needs to treat the disease, rather than treat the symptoms. More importantly, govt. should introduce mechanical field bailers/ straw
Mr. Amit Sachdev Indian Representative, US Grain Council
collectors, so that this crop residue can then be converted into a balanced feed through the technology of “Straw based Densified
Dr. P.E. Vijay Anand US Soybean Export Council
Complete Blocks�. The technology which has been developed in India and is beneficial in utilizing the surplus straw for producing nutritious
Dr. Suhas Amrutkar Subject Matter Specialist, Animal Nutrition, MAFSU, Parbhani Dr. SN Mohanty Former Principal Scientist, CIFA Dr. Meeta Punjabi Mehta Agricultural Economist Dr. Swamy Haladi Feed Additive Expert Dr. R Gnana Sekar Lead Consultant, GS Dairy Farm Consulting Dr. Suraj Amrutkar Assistant Professor, Dept. of ILFC, SKUAST-J, Jammu
feed blocks for feeding ruminants, which in turn, can cause improvement in the productive and reproductive performance of the animals. Apart from that, these blocks are easy to store and transport. Farmer's cooperatives and federations should come forward to introduce bailers and straw collecting/chopping machines at the field and then transporting chopped roughage to the factory site for its conversion to densified complete feed blocks. The blocks can be transported to feed the animals in the deficit areas to remove imbalance/scarcity in feed supply and can also be stored in feed banks to be used during emergency situations and natural calamities of floods, draught, tsunami and earthquakes.
T. K. Walli
Monthly Magazine for Feed & Feed Technology
Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 2 | Issue 1 | November 2015
Vollume 1 | Issue 10 | August 2015
Canola meal may improve productivity and efficiency in dairy cows
Yield prospects are doubtful as the Monsoon season ends with 14% deficit
Modular feed mill for better flexibility and efficiency
Smarter Feed to 'Feed' the World
14 Pelleting Tips
Indian Corn, Starch Gelatinization & Feed Processing
Feature 20 India's soybean production to touch 9 MT in 2015
10 PDFA International Dairy & Agri
25-27 November 2015
Upcoming Events
5-7 December 2015
Event Coverage
Poultry Federation of India proposes paradigm shift in poultry planning
Strengthen partnership between FAO and
6-8 February 2016
the animal feed industry to ensure feed sustainability Printed by: Jaiswal Printing Press | Published by: Prachi Arora | On behalf of: Benison Media | Printed at: Chaura Bazar, Karnal-132001, Haryana | Published at: SCO-27, IInd Floor, Mugal Canal Market, Karnal-132001, Haryana | Editor: Prachi Arora Think Grain Think Feed is a monthly magazine published by BENISON MEDIA at its office in Karnal. Editorial policy is independent. Views expressed by authors are not necessarily those held by the editors. The data/information provided in the magazine is sourced through various sources and the publisher considers its sources reliable and verifies as much data as possible. However, the publisher accepts no liability for the material herein and consequently readers using this information do so at their own risk. Although persons and companies mentioned herein are believed to be reputable, neither BENISON MEDIA, nor any of its employees or contributors accept any responsibility whatsoever for such persons’ and companies’ activities. All legal matters are subjected to Karnal Jurisdiction.
Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 2 | Issue 1 | November 2015
how much crude protein is in the ingredient but what that protein is
and University of
made of,” says Carson Callum, canola
Wisconsin supports
meal manager at the Canola Council of
use of canola meal
Canada (CCC).
over soybean meal in dairy cow diets. The research team demonstrated that
These new findings show that
acid profile.” Research by Broderick and colleagues also supports a recent meta-analysis
canola meal can replace soybean meal
diet formulation using canola
and improve the productivity of dairy
meal instead of soybean meal
Food Canada in Sherbrooke, Quebec
at the same level of dietary
by Martineau et al., 2013. Reviewing
cows. This research has recently been published in the Journal of Dairy
conducted at Agriculture and Agri-
49 different diets, canola meal
crude protein will increase
improved milk yield by 0.64 kg per day
Historically, soybean meal has been the
milk yield and milk protein
and increased protein yield when
most common protein source in dairy
content. It can also increase nitrogen
cattle production. In recent years, increased production of canola has led to a greater availability of canola meal as a protein supplement in livestock diets.
utilization, potentially lowering environmental nitrogen excretion. “Due to increases in feed costs, nutritionists will need to find alternatives in their feed formulations.
Until now, canola meal has traded at a
This study shows that canola meal is an
35 percent discount to soybean meal in
exceptional protein source and
markets around the world because of
alternative to soybean meal,” says Dr.
its inferior protein levels. “Canola meal has lower levels of crude
Essi Evans, of Essi Evans Technical Advisory Services Inc. “Canola meal
protein compared to soybean meal,
can be used in low protein dairy diets
which has contributed to lower feed
to support high levels of milk
inclusion rates in the past, but for a
production due to its lower protein
dairy cow, it's not necessarily about
degradation and a favorable amino
compared to other protein ingredients fed at the same level. “Research like this will help Canada's canola industry raise the value of canola meal, and it also helps dairy farms increase their overall production efficiency,” Callum says. The strategic plan of Canada Canola Council is to ensure the canola industry's continued growth, demand, stability and success achieving 52 bushels per acre to meet global market demand of 26 million metric tonnes by the year 2025. Source: Canola Council
ew research at the University of Nevada
ntibiotics have been
antibiotics for therapy, and
included in the
concomitantly, economic cost.
formulation of feed for
Therefore, alternatives to AGP are
livestock production for
urgently needed.
more than 40 years as a
The challenge is to implement new
strategy to improve feed conversion
production performances of livestock
antimicrobials as growth
and avoiding the increase of
promoters(AGP) in sub-therapeutic
antimicrobial resistant organisms. Plant
doses for long periods is particularly
extracts and purified derived
favourable for the selection of
substances are showing promising
antimicrobial resistant microorganisms. A recent survey of 128 countries reviewed the growing restrictions on the use of antibiotics as growth promoters. The survey focused on the 59 countries where restrictions exist or are likely to be implemented, including
K. N. Reddy
Natural Remedies Pvt Ltd
alternatives without affecting the
rates and to reduce costs. The use of
28 from the European Union and the top seven countries in terms of livestock production.
results for animal nutrition either from their efficacy as well as from an economical point of view. Tannins & other phyto-chemicals are plant derived compounds that are being successfully used as additives in poultry feed to control diseases and to improve animal performance. The solution to combat this growing concern is switching to Biotic Growth Promoters from Anti-biotic Growth
In the recent years, global concern
Promoters. Lot of research is pouring in
about development of antimicrobial
now on the use of plant extracts as
resistance and transference of growth promoters. There is an urgent resistance genes from animal to human need to compile the information on strains has been rising. Removal of AGP these aspects and come out with some from animal diets involves tremendous
practical application by the feed
pressure on the livestock and poultry
industry. Trials conducted at research farmers, one of the main consequences institutes may be scaled up to pilot being a substantial increase in the study and subsequently commercial incidence of infectious diseases with the associated increase in the use of
preparations need to be marked.
Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 2 | Issue 1 | November 2015
Yield prospects are doubtful as the Monsoon season ends with 14% deficit Abhijeet Banerjee, Religare Commodities
Telangana and Karnataka). Besides
ndia had a bad monsoon spell
the remaining 17 sub-divisions, to
this year, and the situation has
include agriculturally important states
affecting the soil moisture availability to
worsened after nearly 6 years.
of Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh,
the standing Kharif (fall harvested)
Deficit monsoon season has
Bihar, Maharashtra, Telangana and parts crops, deficient rains this year might affect the soil moisture and irrigation of Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and
adversely affected the Kharif
crops. The production prospect of Rabi
water availability for the upcoming Rabi
(winter planted) crops. India's Agriculture Ministry has released its First Advance Estimates of Food Grain Production for the Indian Crop Year (ICY) 2015/16 (July-June), and estimated India's Kharif grain production at 124.1 million metric tons (MMT), more than two million tons lower than last year, and seven MMT lower than the government's production target set at the beginning of the season. The Ministry of Agriculture currently estimates Kharif rice production at 90.6 MMT (against 90.9 MMT last year), corn at 15.5 MMT (against 16.4 MMT), sorghum at 1.9 MMT (against 2 MMT) and millet at crops is also lowered because of poor
Because of weak monsoon
rains during the monsoon session.
precipitation, planting of Kharif crops
be noted the first advance estimates
Withdrawal of 2015 southwest
have slowed down in
are based mostly on the planting
monsoon began from northwest India
August/September. Market sources
conditions, therefore the estimated
in the first week of September that was
expect crop loss to rice, corn and other
10.5 MMT (against 11.4 MMT). It should
roughly two weeks earlier than last year. coarse grains in the eastern states Monsoon was below normal during
(Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Jharkhand)
Despite a drop in overall monsoon
September, and most parts of the
and peninsular India (Maharashtra,
rainfall in 2015, Kharif sowing has been
country experienced a prolonged dry
Table 1: GOI Production estimates of Kharif Crops
spell from last week of August through
GOI 2015-16 First Advanced Estimates (MT)
GOI 2014-15 First Advanced Estimates (MT)
Food Grains
middle of September.
There was a revival in the rainfall in the
figures can be revised later subject to fresh crop progress and harvest reports.
third week of September and providing
Coarse Grains
most of the summer sown crops.
According to the Indian Meteorological
Department (IMD), India's cumulative
precipitation from June through
Castor seed
33.51 million bales(170 kg)
some relief to the moisture stressed standing crops, but this could not reduce the problem of yield losses in
September 28 stood 14 percent below the seasonal long-term average. The rainfall was reported normal in only 19 weather subdivisions, and deficient in
Other Kharif Crops
Source: USDA, Ministry of Agriculture
Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 2 | Issue 1 | November 2015
Table 2: Planted Area of Kharif Crops till September 24, 2015 (Area in Million Hectares) Crop
Crop Year 201516 Progressive Planting till 24Sep-15
Crop Year 2014Crop Year Crop Year 2014- Crop Year 2015- Crop Year 201415 Progressive 2015-16 15 Progressive 16 Progressive 15 Progressive Planting till 24- Progressive Planting till28Planting till31 Planting till31 Sep-14 Planting till28Aug-14 Jul-15 Jul-14 Aug-15
Coarse Grains
Source: USDA
more than last year. This was due to
than at the same time last year when
As understood from official statements,
intensified showers in June and its
the season's crops had covered 17.36
poor monsoon in the present year India
rather even distribution over some
lakh hectares. Coarse cereals have been
parts thereafter. According to latest data covered on 16.57 lh (11.19 lh). Wheat,
is faced because of El Nino weather pattern caused by Pacific Ocean
issued by the India's department of
the main Rabi food grain, has been
warming, which often enhances the risk
agriculture, Kharif sowing was complete
transplanted over 0.20 lakh hectares.
in South Asian regions. The deficit
on 103.13 million hectares, and this Summarizing, rise in sowing area of remains above last year numbers by 1.35 Kharif crops for this year is mainly million hectares. However there is little because of increase in cropping under
rainfall has resulted in drought the fourth in more than a century.
scope now of any significant increase in
pulses. Official sources say that the
Scanty monsoon showers have affected
the sowing, since the southwest
conditions in three decades, and only
monsoon has withdrawn from parts of
acreage is 12 per cent higher compared the yields of summer-sown crops, especially in the south of the country to last year. The Cotton Association of
central and northern India.
India (CAI) has lowered its 2015-16
Officially, 2015 monsoon season has
production estimate to 377 lakh bales
ended on September 30, with an overall (of 170 kg each), around 1.5 per cent shortfall of 14 per cent, worst since 2009. Currently size of the Rabi season
and post withdrawal of the South-West monsoon from parts of western Rajasthan. Kharif season crop
lower than last year. Overall cotton
productivity prospects have turned
coverage might falter by 8 per cent.
doubtful. The possible impact on the
crops is estimated above last year's. The Sugar production is also expected to
Rabi season productivity also remains
Agriculture Ministry released its first
drop this year by almost 5 per cent to
skeptical as of now. Considering these
sowing report for the Rabi season. As
27 MT and according to the Indian
aspects, necessary actions from the
on October 23, wheat and coarse cereals were sown over 28.20 lakh
Sugar Mills Association, the cane crop is government might help affected farmers as well as the nation's likely to be affected by the poor
hectares (lh), about 63 per cent more
monsoon in Maharashtra and UP.
Government promotes hydroponic for growing fodder amid water scarcity
With increasing water scarcity due to
shortage in green fodder. The short
frequent droughts and declining land
supply is 34% in dry fodder . The short
availability for farming, government
supply is 34% in dry fodder and 46% in
agencies are promoting hydroponic for
animal feed.
growing fodder. Grown without soil and Under the hydroponic system, seeds of using minimal water and land, farmers
maize, wheat and bajra are grown in
are also turning to this technique as the trays stacked using a structure of fodder produced through hydroponics
bamboo or iron for 8 to 10 days. Each
is more nutritional than the regular
tray is watered using foggers every
three hours, a method that reduces the
green fodder without soil in even very
According to Maharashtra's agriculture
water requirement of each tray to just
small pieces of land.
department, the state is facing a 74%
200-250 ml. The technique helps grow
Source: Economic Times
Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 2 | Issue 1 | November 2015
Paul Eijmberts, Ottevanger
ompound feed
the container module (building codes).
manufacture is undergoing range of capacities from 1- 45 t/h.
This reduces the number of shipping
a great technological
Container concept
containers that are normally required for
makeover. One of the
This unique solution provides a perfect
the shipping of a certain amount of steel
latest such technologies
installation, by significantly cutting the
for a traditional tower.
being, “Modular compound-feed
installations are available with a wide
lead time of a project and reducing the
Modular compound-feed plants are built
installations�. These installations contain
costs, without affecting performance and
in a more compact way and rarely exceed
the required process machines, based on
functionality. It consists in dividing the
a height of 10 metres. The low weight of
module that can fit the size of a 20ft
plant into modules that are each the size
the tower means that there is significantly
shipping container. The concept offers
of a standard transport container (20 ft.)
less load on the floor, and only a small
plenty of benefits, which relate to
and these container-modules facilitate
foundation is needed for the stable
engineering, pre-assembly, transport,
transport by road or ship and hence no
construction of the tower. This saves on
assembly time at the customer's site, and
unnecessary extra costs are incurred for
costs for steel, the tower, the assembly
the amount of construction equipment
special transport. Moreover, the
and above all the foundation. The low
and number of installation personnel
construction of the containers provides
height of the tower, which is assembled
maximum protection for the process
indoors, means that the tower is not
Building requirements are less stringent
installations during transport and
affected by wind and weather conditions.
for a modular compound-feed installation assembly. As these container modules than for a traditional installation and it have been officially certified, they can be
The modular construction also has the
allows a great degree of flexibility. The
used as standard shipping containers
advantage of an unparalleled flexibility.
modular character of this installation
during shipping.
The engineers can quickly and easily
design offers for modification and
combine the different modules in the
expansion of the compound-feed installation, at a later date. The compound-feed installation can be adapted to suit the requirements and growth of the company. Modular
In addition to being used for transport,
engineering phase to produce an
once the container frame arrives at its
optimum solution for the process
destination it can also be used as a steel
concerned. Whether it is production of
structure for the tower. This has also been
fish food, pet food, ruminant and poultry
taken into account in the calculations for
feeds, premixes and concentrates or even
Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 2 | Issue 1 | November 2015
modules have been placed in position, production can start in weeks, if not available. months, earlier. This reduced assembly Containerised feed mills are often built time will ultimately mean savings as centrally in a storage hall for raw materials regards the installation person and and end products. Having one's own equipment required on site for the tower has the other advantage that there realisation of the project. are great possibilities for future expansion Maintenance for such installations. Finally, the containers were designed with a view to efficient, effective maintenance. diagram is drawn which forms the basis This means that the parts that are prone for the design of the compound-feed to wear are easily accessible and plant and is optimised as per the maintenance cost is kept to a minimum. requirements of the feed miller. The compactness of the plant ensures that Production and installation various process installations can be easily Next step is to produce required machines accessed and the entire plant can be and installations, assembly at the plant monitored at a glance from the control and then testing. This means that these room. Before the design stage, a process flow
pre-assembled modules are in good
condition when it arrive at the
Modular compound-feed plants have a lot of benefits for potential customers and a virtually unlimited list of application areas. If the containerised feed mills are produced using high-quality machines, which are also used in traditional plants, it can significantly reduce the cost of the
construction site, then it is assembled and connected up properly. The modular construction, pre-assembly and test procedure ensures that installation can be assembled and commissioned more quickly. Once the
overall investment budget for the new compound-feed plant that is to be built. A lot of the advantages of this concept can be found in the overall project costs, such as the costs of the assembly, the foundation, the construction equipment, and the number of installation personnel required. Although all of the cost items referred to, are required for both traditional and modular systems, the cost of the modular feed mill is considerably lower than those for traditional plants. This is above all because of the low construction requirements for the modular concept and the more efficient construction procedure (fewer tools and fewer personnel required) as well as a greatly reduced construction time (equipment and installation personnel are required for less time and production can start earlier). The concept of 'Containerised Feed Mill' solution is already started in various fish feed plants in India. For further information please write at:
flour, a balanced solution is always
Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 2 | Issue 1 | November 2015
Dr Ranjith Reddy and Dr Tirupathi Reddy after serving Poultry sector for considerable years as employees, turned entrepreneurs with their own enterprise Sri Rajeshwara Group in 1996 with its flagship company S R Hatcheries Pvt. Ltd. Their determination to achieve, made the S R Group reach Rs. 1085 crores top line in 2014-15 from production and sales of Broiler chicks, Live Birds, Poultry feed and Layer eggs. S R group today boasts of being the highest seller of broiler chicks and poultry feed in South India and penetrating into Western and Eastern India markets. In addition to this S R Group has Professional Colleges as part of diversification and it has its own corporate office at Madapur in prestigious Hi-tech city of Hyderabad. With so much already contributed by them in the industry, here are some of the insights shared by them
Dr. G. Ranjith Reddy
with THINK GRAIN THINK FEED on the areas of challenges, concern and improvements:
Lanka at INR 28 per Kg while in India it is available at INR 33
Raw material availability and import of chiken from
per Kg. So grain production cost is to be reduced to put a
us: A challenge
Raw material is not keeping pace with growth of poultry
cap on its prices. Soya bean yield can be increased more than 2 times by using GM seeds."
industry and becoming a big challenge. Problem relates
In addition to this a bigger challenge for the Indian poultry
to the price and availability of feed resources. At present
industry is import of US chicken legs. These legs are high in
India grows only 11 million tonnes of maize and only 5
saturated fatty acids and due to lower consumption in US, it
million tonnes is available for poultry, which is not
wants to dump the same in India. Moreover, it is to be kept
sufficient to maintain the current growth rate of the
in a frozen state and in view of an inefficient cold chain
system prevalent in India, it would be a big challenge.
The counter action for this according to Dr. G. Ranjith
"Government is giving them subsidies so to offer same price
Reddy, Managing Director, SR Group is "Genetically
of US chicken legs as that of Indian producer, but it would
modified (GM) grain production should be allowed in
spoil the Indian market in the long run. In order to protect
India to solve raw material availability issue, and may be
the industry, dumping duty should be laid on it by the
at a reduced cost. Even US is exporting soyabean to Sri
Indian government," suggested Dr. Ranjith Reddy.
Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 2 | Issue 1 | November 2015
"Still, if import of US chicken legs is allowed, then the country should also be allowed to export chicken breast to US," he added. Technology and feed: concern and potential Though a lot is being talk about India the leading country in Poultry, farmers still don't have proper infrastructure for producing the best feed and feed cost is the major cost incurred by poultry farmers. In India, feed raw material availability at constant price is a big issue in itself. Like, if it is compared with Africa, there is cost difference of approximately 20% in raw material prices. Hence to produce economical and nutritious feed becomes a huge challenge. "General perception is that
Growth rate for layer sector should be 7% and for broiler sector it should be
raw material availability and higher
10%. But since last 15 years industry
prices. Government should allow
commercial feed is costlier, which is not the scenario, as economical feed is has not seen such growth because of mismatch between demand and delivered by using latest updated technologies and good formulations
drought problem, resulting the lack of
import of raw material to rescue the poultry industry from present crises
along with amended/new policies
with higher volumes. Hence the
In last 3 years only, Bird flu has been
Better policy measures could lead to
farmers should focus on management
declared more than 7 times which
(a) Improvement of infrastructure
instead of nutrition which can better
requires Zoning of the country
facilities, which in turn will help
be taken care by commercial feed,"
immediately to minimize scare in the
not only in stabilizing the price of
suggested Dr. S. Ravinder, Technical
market and to allow the exports to
poultry products in the domestic
Director, SR Group.
resume,Government should intervene
market, but will also make them
Policy measures, price regulation
to permit the preventive vaccination in
available in remote areas
and better storage: areas of
affected zones.
Every alternate year country is facing
(b) Creation of an efficient marketing channel that will help provide
remunerative prices to producers (in other words, India's marketing set-up would also grow along professional lines) (c) Increase in Soyabean and maize production, which will involve use of GM (genetically modified) seed varieties or, alternatively, necessitate to import of imported so can be the raw material (d) Increase in import of latest feed technology by reducing import duties and defining it more clearly What the future holds! Better policies and funding from public private sector can make this industry grow to leaps and bounds. With the Branding of eggs and chicken which is already at its initial state is going to make a big difference. Overall this sector of the Industry definitely holds a golden Future!
raw material if chicken fed with GM feed can be
Dr. S. Ravinder
Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 2 | Issue 1 | November 2015
Smarter Feed to 'Feed' the World Prof. G. Devegowda, Nutritionist Introduction
including India, maize is usually
“A smarter food system is more
harvested either with high moisture
productive, less wasteful and more
content to minimize damage in the
profitable�, a recent article quoted Fred
field or kept in the field for an extended
van Heyningen, who is the Global Head
period of time to dry naturally before
of Food and Agri Banking at Rabobank.
harvesting. The major Indian states that
With the increase in the world
cultivate and produce maize are
population there is a rise in the demand for meat and dairy products consumption. Although the latest United Nation study predicts a
Karnataka, Maharashtra, Telangana and
The many Advantages of High
slowdown in the rate of population
Moisture Maize:
growth, the count will still rise to 9.7
billion mouths needing to be fed by 2050.
The forecast says that the global animal
High-moisture maize has the
unfavourable weather condition. !
used as feed may result in problems like wet droppings, poor feed utilization etc. Hence the ideal moisture content i.e. below 13% should be considered for its storage. With every 1.5% increase in
the field naturally is avoided.
moisture content, maize deterioration
Gives the farmers opportunity to
will be doubled.
Indian Feed Industry is currently at
cultivate other crops, thus added
Processing of high moisture maize
$15 billion and is predicted to be
The nutrient content of immature maize
provide better nutrition to the poultry and livestock industry.
$30 billion in 5 years, as per recent
The crop is thus available at a
can be considerably different than
report by Yes bank.
cheaper price saved from drying
mature maize. It has to be kept in mind
The industry is said to be growing
and storage expenses.
that the Maize crop containing more
at a CAGR of 8%. !
There are no drying costs involved as the wait for the crop to dry on
finding ways to enrich the feed to
An estimated increase in the feed consumption volumes to 28 million
Handling of High Moisture Maize: !
mechanical drying which carries
Newly Harvested Maize: Challenge to
additional storage & processing
Opportunity India produces almost 22-23 million of Maize crop which is the principal
A limited percentage of the high moisture maize is exposed to
tonnes by 2017-18.
favours fungal growth leading to mycotoxin production, which if
avoiding difficulties associated with
carbon dioxide and water, it
advantage of harvesting early thus
increase in the demand of high quality
As the newly harvested maize is still breathing and producing heat,
more in the High Moisture Maize.
feed market will grow at a CAGR of
The energy and protein content is
4.92% during 2014-19. With the animal products, the producers are
Picture 2: Newly harvested maize having high moisture
equipment cost. !
Improperly handled high-moisture maize will result in excessive
energy source for poultry and livestock
spoilage resulting into cake and
feeds worldwide. Like many countries,
lump formation and storage losses.
than 14% moisture is difficult to grind as the hammer mill gets choked-up leading to less production of feed per unit of time. Therefore, it is recommended to use combination of old and new maize at different proportions depending upon the moisture content before grinding. For example, if maize contains 18% moisture then blends of old and new maize (75:25% ratio) is allowed to hammer mill for easy grinding. Alternatively, combination of de-oiled rice bran and new maize may also be used to minimize the choking effect. Drying for Better Quality Maize Natural Drying
Picture Courtesy of Amit Sachdev
Picture 1: Photo left and right: At the market yard in Mahboobnagar different grades of maize available and traded. All 8 heaps are of different grade and it will be difficult for the end user to price. Must be mixed averaged out and priced accordingly.
The ideal moisture content for storing maize is below 13%. It is thus essential for farmers to dry their grains by means of sun
Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 2 | Issue 1 | November 2015
quantities during harvesting season at a much cheaper price, dry it mechanically in large scale and store for their operations. Mechanical drying is a very common practice in developed countries. !
Picture 3: New maize contaminated with fungi
Use of anti-fungal compounds is another option for storage of
dry maize. High-moisture maize
to store maize for longer
must be stored in an airtight silo
(bunker, silage bags or oxygen-
Dry the maize and store it at least
limiting structure).
for two weeks after harvesting in order to reduce the non-starch
Mechanical Drying !
Mechanical driers are another
polysaccharides (non-digestible
option for drying the maize which
carbohydrates) content in the new
is recently practiced by many
commercial commodity and
High-moisture maize crop tends
poultry / livestock companies.
to ferment faster and require
These companies have the
better bunk management than
advantage to procure huge
maize for longer duration. The inclusion rate depends on the moisture content of the maize and intended length of storage. * Prof. G. Devegowda is a Nutritionist, with a Doctorate Degree in Animal Sciences from the University of Minnesota, USA.
In the upcoming issues of Think Grain Think Feed we will bring up more articles related to Feed Technology. Do write to us about new ideas that we may explore in near future and also your feedback.
Raw cotton and groundnut price may grow- JAU Report November, 2015 to January, 2016 mainly
Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and
Junagadh Agriculture University (JAU),
As per a price forecast report by the
on the back of expectation of lower
Karnataka. Besides, severe damage by
prices of groundnut and raw cotton crops
production. Add to that, quality cotton
white fly has been reported in states of
are likely to firm up during the November
has been lacking after the crop was
Punjab and Haryana.
2015 to January 2016 period. The price
damaged due to diseases which may also
"In current year the cotton production and
drying to below 13% if they wish
consumption are expected to be almost same at around 33 million bales in the country, apart from last year's ending stock of about 3.5 million bales. Hence, if exports remain at par with last year, price may further improve," said Dhandhaliya. Similarly, the report suggests groundnut crops as well as growth in domestic and
push the price further. We have suggested of small variety may touch the range of Rs 820 to Rs 900 per 20 kg and bold Rs 860 farmers to sell kapas after January next
export demand for the same.
year," said Maganlal Dhandhalya,
The econometric analysis done by the research team of Department of
associate research scientist, department of 2015 to January, 2016. Currently, groundnut prices are ruling on Rs 800-860 agricultural economics, JAU.
Agricultural Economics of JAU revealed
Quoting the Ministry of Agriculture's first
per 20 kg.
that price of raw cotton to be in the range
advance estimates, the JAU report has
Meanwhile the report pegged area under
of Rs 840 to 920 per 20 kg for the said
estimated cotton production in country to groundnut during the current kharif season in India at about 3.91 million
to Rs 940 per 20 kg during November,
period which at present traded on Rs 825- stand at 33.5 million bales for 2015-16 as
hectares which was same as last year's against 35.47 million bales in previous year. The reduction in cotton production is 3.93 million hectares. Similarly, groundnut production is also estimated to be the university has advised farmers to hold raw being attributed to decline in acreage cotton (known as 'kapas') and groundnut from 13.08 million hectares in 2014-15 to same as last year at about 5.1 million 880 per 20 kg in various markets.
Apparently, based on its forecast, the
11.7 million hectares in 2015-16 as well as
tonnes, as per first advanced estimate by
their crop.
poor monsoon condition in major
Government of India.
"Price of kapas may improve during
producing states such as Gujarat,
Source : Business Standard
till January 2016 to get better return on
rise is likely to be led by lack of quality
Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 2 | Issue 1 | November 2015
Indian Corn, Starch Gelatinization & Feed Processing Dr Naveen Kumar, Delst Asia
ypical tropical broiler feed
starch has generally been thought to
drying process and are dent-free and
percentages of corn and
improve enzymatic access to glucosidic
hence less prone to spoiling (adapted
high proportions of starch
linkages and consequent digestibility. A
for harsh and hot - humid tropical
as well. Under processing
researcher reported a significant
conditions). Despite its tough exterior,
conditions using heat and moisture,
improvement in weight gain and feed
this type of corn get infested by mold
starches get gelatinized, which then
conversion in chicks fed pelleted and
and mycotoxins which is consumed by
help in binding other feed particles
reground corn that was incorporated
livestock and humans, and is a classical
together, from the ones used in feed
into a complete diet over chicks fed
example of tropical climatic challenges.
formulations. Starch gelatinization is an
similar diets with unprocessed corn.
The digestibility of corn cereal is also
The susceptibility of starch granules to
greatly influenced by the large starch
includes the diffusion of water into a starch granule, hydration and swelling, uptake of heat, loss of crystallinity of starch granule and amylose leaching. Leached amylose immediately forms double helices that may aggregate
the kernels shrink uniformly during
formulations contain high
order-disorder phase change that
to pellet binding. Gelatinizing cereal
(hydrogen bond) to each other and create semicrystalline regions. It is speculated that as the gelatinized starch cools, the dispersed matrix forms a gel or pastelike mass that may function as an adhesive or binding agent. Several research studies have associated dietary gelatinized starch both positively and negatively with pellet quality and broiler performance. However, it has been accepted now that gelatinized starch per se may affect broiler performance, apart from its contribution
enzyme action is of considerable
component, especially the ratio
importance. Digestibility of starch is
between amylose and amylopectin.
affected by many factors including the
Amylopectin is more readily digested
nature and physical form of the starch
than amylose due to its amorphous
including amylose and amylopectin
nature. In research on broiler chickens,
ratio. The susceptibility of strach to
it is reported that the terminal ileal
enzymes can be increased by
digestibility of maize starch rarely
gelatinization or by any other process
exceeds 85%. The undigested starch at
that destroys the granular structure of
the terminal ileum is assumed to be
starch. Larger granules of starch
“resistant” to digestion and presents an
gelatinize at a lower temperature and
opportunity for use of microbial
small granules at a higher one. The
enzyme supplements in maize-based
lower the moisture content, the higher
diets. Amongst the three types of
is the temperature required to produce
resistant starch found in cereals, two
types are known to be caused by
Another area of interest concerns over
inherent factors during the formation of
the fate of starch that has escaped
the grain while a third, referred to as
amylosis in the small intestine and will
RS3 is created by processing and
pass into the large intestine. Poor
storage conditions. Indian cornalso
digestibility of starch in the large
exceeds over the international corn
intestine may prove detrimental to the
average in amylose content as well as
birds, by helping proliferation, eg
RS3 factor.
Coliforms, and in combination with
Indian corn also has higher number of
pathological challenges this will lead to
corn seeds, average 450 in every 100
the characteristic wet litter. Poor
gm than the USA grain that has a range
digestibility could due to poor
of 300-350. This higher number of corn
processing of raw starch used in the
seeds in a given mass gives further
formulation of diets for high producing
challenge to cook these hard kernels
and bind them during feed pelleting, in
Indian corn is one of the oldest varieties case of inefficient or insufficient starch gelatinization. On one hand these of corn, its kernels, which has “hard as flint” shells has also been given its
physical features of local corn makes it
name as “Flint corn”. Flint corn kernels
a tough choice to gelatinize its starch
contain a small amount of soft starch
during conditioning and pelleting, while
surrounded completely by a larger
on the other hand, use of short time
amount of hard starch, which means
conditioners by most of the feed millers
Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 2 | Issue 1 | November 2015
gelatinize these high degree of
based on borrowed engineering
litter, more fines in the feed, low pellet
calculations from western world, and
durability or softer pellets and low
crystallized starches of tropical corns
moisture in the final feed.
and other ingredients, the meal
out of sheer ignorance, makes this
starch gelatinization all together a more To produce high-quality pellets , feed challenging job. These short-term millers from South Asian climatic
moisture must approach 15-16% moisture in the conditioner and the temperature of mash meal must be set to achieve at least 82.5°C. The further high setting up of conditioning temperature (up to 90-93°C) by the few feed millers are indicative of the high degree of crystallinity in local corn starch because of its dryness and low moisture. High conditioning temperature set helps the feed millers achieve the high transition temperature needed to gelatinize dried up corn, whichis otherwise difficult to gelatinize at lower temperature. The hotter the meal, the greater the degree of gelatinization realized but it also risks the loss of nutrients. To preserve this processing loss of nutrients duringfeed pelleting and conditioning, a proper
conditioners are neither able to provide conditions must strategise to gelatinize enough moisture and heat to cook and as much ingredient starch as possible. gelatinize local corn starch rich feed
High-quality pellets are not only
formulation nor enough moisture
desirable but a
transfer from the steam in the mash
must now as
meal in the conditioner.Currently most
their feeding is
steam pipeline at normally lowpressure steam must be implemented.
of the feed millers are using “short time correlated with conditioners” in India that offers only
improved broiler
15-30 seconds of conditioning time.
the starch further dried up and
increasing starch
retrograded by loosing the inherent
bound moisture. This drying and
cannot only help
consistent loss of moisture by corn
nutritionsits in
during storage further makes its
satisfying the
conditioning difficult in “Short Time
dietary needs of
the animal
Harsh tropical climatic conditions, dried without over formulating it up corn starch, tough corn kernels, higher number of corn grains in given
with excess
mass, wide use of short time
nutrients or feed
conditioners, wrong steam volume and
additives but can
quality going inside the conditioner,
also positively
addition of surfactants are the factors
affect nutrient
making adequate starch gelatinization a utilization, thus enhancing the difficult job for tropical feed millers. Poor starch gelatinization has proven
link to poor digestibility of feed, wet
Tropical climatic and storage conditions Improving pellet quality through of corn and other raw materials make
To efficiently
Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 2 | Issue 1 | November 2015
India's soybean production to touch 9 MT in 2015 With growing demand for soybean crop
imports on year on year basis, and
globally, India will get its place in the
formulating newer strategies to push its
9.7 million tonnes from 11.6 million
world stage of soybean producing
meal exports to ensure balance of trade.
hectares with an increase of 5.45% in
2015 output is expected to be around
As per the estimates, demand for edible
acreage and 7.7% in production, the
In a report on 'Soybean Crop Survey
oils in India is rising at the rate of 5.5%
report adds.
and Analysis 2015', Kunal Shah, Head -
per annum. Furthermore, the fall in palm
However, if the environment is not as per
Commodity Research at Nirmal Bang
oil prices and bountiful supply of
the estimate, soybean yield may drop to
Commodities said, “A crop with an
soybean from the west has taken a toll
750 to 800 kg per hectare, resulting in a
expected annual production of 9 million
on prices of soybean crop in India, while
output of 8.7 million hectares to 9.2
tonnes (in India) or even above will place also hindering exports of high grade
million hectares.
India on the global radar of production
protein meal form the country.
Due to lower rates of soybean in the
and consumption trend. This crop will
The report also revealed that in India
global markets, soybean crushers in India
influence time to time policy decisions of sowing took place on time on account of facing issues from domestic market, as timely rains, but sailing through the imports are much cheaper than undoubtedly called as golden bean.� growth plans was not as smooth as domestic prices, a soybean mill crusher government and soybean crop is
The report was presented at the Globoil
expected. Fears of drought in Central
India 2015 on September 29, 2015 in
and Western India took a toll on
Overall outlook on soy looks complex
Mumbai. The three day event was
standing crops.
and as soymeal exports will also remain
organized by Tefla's in association with
The area under soybean cultivation in
subdued owing to disparity in prices of
told Think Grain Think Feed.
India rose by more than 5% and oilseeds acreage for kharif crops rose by over 3% from 2014-15 to 2015-16. Presenting a paper on global price outlook on soybean, Dorab Mistry of Godrej International said during Globoil India that September USDA report confirmed that we (India) are going to harvest a very big soybean crop. The ability of US to get a big share of bean export demand has been hampered by the weakness of the Brazilian Real and Argentine Peso. Demand for soya oil is Kunal Shah
steady mainly due to its demand in India,
Dorab Mistry
which is likely to get stronger.
Solvent Extractors Association of India
Mistry also said that, this year Soya oil
soybean meal exported from India and
will win market share from all other oils.
Argentina. With production of soybean
Shah added that the production results
He also pointed out the increasing
in India likely to fall considerably, soy
are based on a field study soybean crop
imports in soya oil has tripled in the last
meal exports may not see a major
conducted in Madhya Pradesh,
five years. Soya oil imports during 2011-
Rajasthan and Maharashtra. The study
12 was recorded at 1.08 million tonnes
Currently, soy meal prices are in the
checked factors influencing crop
an it touched 3.55 million tonnes during
range of Rs 3050 to Rs 3100 per quintal,
productivity, domestic consumption as
2015-16. While imports of other oil
which is expected to increase to Rs 3600
well as import of soy oil and export of
segments showed a slow growth.
per quintal, during December 2015 and
bean meal and decipher the factors that
Considering the soybean production of
January 2016.
are likely to influence crop output in days 9.2 million tonnes last year with
Globoil India 2015, 16th edition of the
to come.
harvested area of 11.01 million hectares
saw participants from feed millers,
The report also said that India is facing
and a yield of 836 kg per hectare, the
vegetable oil producers across the
tremendous pressure from mounting
country and globally.
Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 2 | Issue 1 | November 2015
India resumes soymeal imports
exporter of soymeal, has entered
been the slump in global markets that it international markets as they were produced from non-genetically is still cheaper than locally produced
into contracts to import around
ones. The imports, which are mainly
modified soy seeds and hence were
10,000 tonnes, as international
coming from China and are being done
prices have dropped sharply
through traders; however this might
But, because of a sharp fall in global
ndia, which used to be a major
below domestic rates.
not yet open the floodgates for entry of markets, India's own soymeal exports slumped in 2015-16; such was the fall in rates that now buyers are preferring to purchase soymeal from abroad rather than sourcing it from local oilseed processors. India's soymeal exports have dropped by almost 62 per cent in AprilSeptember 2015-16 as compared to the same period last year, data from the Solvent Extractors Association showed. In 2014-15, India exported 0.65 million tonnes of soymeal, which was almost 3.43 million tonnes in 2012-13. India exports soymeal to south east Asian countries such as Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia besides the
Indian soymeal is selling at over Rs
genetically modified soymeal into the
neighbouring Bangladesh, Pakistan
35,000 a tonne in the domestic market,
country, as rules specify that meal
and Nepal.
while the same is available in the
produced from non-GMO soymeal can
international markets at less than Rs
only be imported into the country.
31,500 per tonne, delivered on the
Soymeal is extensively used in the
feed-meal industry as cattle feed.
Though India imposes a duty of 15 per
Indian soymeal, always commanded a
cent on imported soymeal, such has
premium of $50-$60 per tonne in the
According to USDA, numbers, China has so far exported over 1.6 million tonnes of soymeal in 2015-16, as against just 472,000 tonne in 2010-11. Source: Business Standard
Pakistan to import canola and soymeal Pakistani importers have recently purchased about 70,000 tonnes of canola (rapeseed) to be sourced from Canada or Australia, European traders
said in 1st week of November.
A full vessel consignment of about 50,000 tonnes was purchased for January shipment which can be sourced from Canada or optionally Australia, they said. Another 20,000 tonne part load was also purchased for January shipment and was likely to
also purchased about 40,000 tonnes of The country has been producing
be sourced from Canada, they said.
soymeal from Argentina, European
more of its own soymeal this year
Pakistan has been reducing imports of
traders said. The soymeal is for
following a rise in soybean imports
rapeseed/canola this year in favour of
shipment in December 2015 to
and has even started some soymeal
soybeans. Pakistani importers have
January 2016, traders said.
Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 2 | Issue 1 | November 2015
Soyameal exports look bleak as neighbours cut demand Without much publicity Pakistan, Nepal, Prices of soybean are also being traded
Maize farmers reap benefits of decreased output
Sri Lanka, Bangladesh have started
around the same level.
Even as the cotton farmers were a
processing soyameal, used as poultry
The government last year increased
worried lot over non-availability of benefits under the merchandise exports minimum support price (MSP) to their from India scheme (MEIS) to 5 per cent hard-earned produce, the farmers who from 2 per cent to boost soyameal
had cultivated maize were reaping
exports, though it did not help much as
riches with good market price due to
annual shipments declined. Under
huge demand for the product.
MEIS, exporters get to import goods
The maize farmers were getting a
duty-free up to the value of the benefits.
whopping Rs. 1,520 per quintal against
The government has a limitation of
the MSP of Rs. 1,325 per quintal. Maize
increasing benefits and resultantly,
is sold at not less than Rs. 1,450 per
exporters have not sought any
quintal in any market yard in
intervention from the commerce
Karimnagar district.
ministry. However, to reduce the domestic prices of soyabean so that dependence and affecting India's trade to the extent that exporters see no future in the business. “Exports look bleak at the moment unless until domestic soyabean prices drop,� said D N Pathak, executive director of Indore-based Soybean Processors Association of India (SOPA). The country exported about 10.5 lakh tonnes of soyameal in the marketing year ended September 30, he said. "Spot prices of soyabean, the main raw material to make soyameal, have gone up to more than Rs 3,500 per 100 kg from about Rs 3,250 in a month, according to the industry body data. Prices need to fall to about Rs 2,900 per quintal if soyameal export has to be viable," said Mr. Pathak. High prices have made India uncompetitive against cheap supplies from Argentina and Brazil, the world's two major producers. Companies in countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh are importing soybean at cheaper prices and processing at their own facilities to manufacture soyameal, Pathak said. Even direct purchase of soyameal from Argentina is cheaper than India, he said. Soymeal from Argentina is available at about $375 a tonne, inclusive of freight costs while the India-manufactured product costs about $ 500 a tonne.
India again becomes competitive in international market, SOPA has sought a
As soon as the maize crop arrives in the market, the traders purchase the crop like hot cakes by paying more than the MSP. Though the crop has just started
ban on futures trading of the commodity. In a letter to Sebi chairman U K Sinha, SOPA's chairman Davish Jain, said last week that a few speculators have been `rigging' future trading in soyabean for their advantage, which has made its processing unviable. "The net effect of this speculation-driven price rise is that the soybean industry is suffering from huge disparity in crushing. More than 50
arriving into the market, the sales are
per cent soyabean crushing plants have
very good compared to last year.
already closed down due to this
Due to the huge demand, the Markfed
speculation- driven price manipulation
has also not entered into the market to
by a few unscrupulous operators,� the
produce maize. The traders have
letter said.
procured more than 7,207 quintals of
Jain said there should be no futures
maize in the Karimnagar agricultural
trading in a commodity that is in short
market committee till date during this
season by paying more than the MSP.
India's soyameal exports have dropped
Due to prevailing drought conditions,
to 1.1 million tones in marketing year
the maize was cultivated in only 49,524
2014-15 from a record 4.8 million tonnes
hectares against the normal area of
in 2010-11, according to US department
cultivation of 56,090 hectares. But, the
of agriculture (USDA) data. The USDA
farmers reaped riches following the
estimates India's meal exports at 1.7
dismal production.
million tonnes this year. India exports
Agricultural department sources said
soyameal to South East Asian countries
that there was huge demand for the
such as Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia
crop in poultry and other sectors due
besides neighbouring Bangladesh,
to less produce. They hoped that the
Pakistan and Nepal.
prices would further increase in the
Source: Financial Chronicle
coming season due to the shortage.
and cattle feed, cutting their import
ThinkGrain GrainThink ThinkFeed Feed--Volume Volume22||Issue Issue11||November November2015 2015 Think
Poultry Federation of India proposes paradigm shift in poultry planning Poultry Federation of India (PFI), a national level Association, having more than 1200 members from all sectors of poultry industry, organized successful Annual General Body meeting on August 30 in Gurgaon. The event was attended by more than 250 delegates from Poultry industry. Hon'ble Union Minister of State for Agriculture, Dr. Sanjeev Balyan was the Chief Guest of the occasion. Sh. Om Prakash ji Dhankar, Cabinet Minister for Agriculture Haryana State and Mr. Krishan Lal Pawar, Cabinet Minister for
Chartered Account for PFI, Mr. S. S.
shared his views on the economy related
Transport Haryana State, were Guest of
Katyal (from S. S. Katyal & Co) for
aspects of the industry. The concern was
Honour, and Mr. Mahipal Dhanda, MLA,
preparing the Balance Sheet.
ban on cages and its devastating effects
was special guest invited to grace the
Mr. Shyam Kumar, Vice President (HQ),
on Indian Poultry industry.
thanked all sponsoring companies for
The session was followed by
PFI is playing a major role in the
their financial support to PFI in
presentation by Mr. Vijay Sardana. He
development and growth of the poultry
successfully organizing 27th AGM.
shared the role of poultry industry in
sector from last 27 years. For next term,
The event was followed by a technical
providing employment opportunities to
new Executive Committee of PFI was also seminar session chaired by Dr. Shabbir announced during the AGM. Mr. Ramesh Ahmad Khan. Chander Khatri is the President of PFI, Dr. SK Khanna, one of senior doctors of
Mr. Sanjeev Gupta is the Vice President,
rural farmers and offering best low cost nutrition for child-malnutrition and better women health.
the industry, laid his emphasis on the
According to Mr. Sardana, poultry
Sh. Ranpal Dhanda is the Secretary, Mr.
disease outbreaks in broiler production.
industry needs major policy review and
Ashok Seth is the Treasurer. In order to
He stressed the importance of good
support to face emerging global
discuss the relevant issues faced by
management and hygiene practices,
competition and to enter global markets
poultry sector, Mr. Vijay Sardana was
good water management practices and
under make in India mission.
nominated as its advisor.
an efficient way of production of broilers. He emphasized the need of
Retiring President, Mr. Satish Pal
Dr. JL Vegad, one of the senior most
technological upgradation and skill
enlightened the achievements and
doctors delivered on Proper vaccination
development for complete value chain of
developments of the Federation for the
schedules and changing viral strains. He
succeeded to be a part of committee
outbreaks on farms.
(NDDB) and other similar boards.
Dr. Devinder Hooda, an eminent speaker,
It was also discussed that Poultry
poultry industry. On behalf of poultry last term and recent developments in the presented the importance of maintaining industry, he also requested to create lawsuit for ban of cages. The federation Indian Poultry Development Board in line proper bio-security on farms for with the help of all associated people, with National Dairy Development Board enhanced FCR and less chances of viral which will frame a new set of guidelines for caging system for poultry birds. Mr. Ramesh Chander Khatri, Secretary, presented PFI Annual Report. "PFI has regularly taken up several initiatives to create huge employment space and upliftment of the rural population," he said. Mr. Ashok Seth, Treasurer, presented audited statement of accounts for the year 20142015. He thanked the
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Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 2 | Issue 1 | November 2015
Task force to provide suggestions
Following the session, Sponsoring
multi stakeholders advisory body, should
and policy recommendations to
companies had their share of time for
be created to advise poultry farmers in
Central government as well as State
their product presentations among
India and study the emerging issues at
governments to develop poultry
delegates. Later, PFI presented
Kissan credit care for poultry
mementoes to Poultry Associations,
guidelines, equipment standards, food
farmers should also be explored
Poultry Press and sponsoring
safety guidelines etc with global expertise to avoid wrong decisions.
Recommendations on how to attract companies for all their support. investment and create employment Mr. Ricky Thaper, Convener, PFI
Among various discussions, below are
through poultry sector under 'Make
delivered formal vote of thanks and
in India' program
appreciated the support of all
Advisory Council for Trade, as an apex
global level like animal welfare
the workable suggestions presented to Hon'ble Minister:
It was proposed that government should
dignitaries in making 27th AGM a
Create National Poultry
create Task Force to study these issues
grand success. He expressed his thanks
Development Board with a
with Poultry Federation of India as lead
to all the sponsoring companies for
representative for poultry sector. Hon'ble
their generous support. All the
Create advisory task force to review
Minister agreed to the proposal
delegates enjoyed the musical program
all the issues faced by poultry sector submitted by PFI and asked to provide in changing ground reality details to take issues forward.
and dinner.
Centre expanding ration-balancing programme for livestock To counter the ill-effects of climate
media and all other available sources
like oil cakes, seasonally available
change from livestock and cattle, the
to popularise the programme to
green fodder. However, it has been
Centre is working on expanding its
ensure that methane emission from
found that the quantity of nutrients
ration-balancing programme to
livestock is brought down
fed to the cattle is either less or more
ensure cattle get the right diet. This,
considerably," said Union Agriculture
than required, which not only impacts
officials said, would not only help in
Secretary, Siraj Hussain.
milk production, but impacts their
lowering the enteric methane emission The programme is part of the
in the evening followed by cocktails
from cattle by as much as 20-30 per
Centre's multi-pronged strategy to
Officials said it has been found that a
cent, but will also help in increasing
lower greenhouse gas (GHG)
balanced diet fed to animals leads to
milk content and enable growers to
emission from the agriculture sector.
a 15-25 per cent
get maximum yield from livestock.
Punjab and Haryana, where burning
increase in net daily income for
In sheep, for example, research has
of straw in fields is most rampant,
growers per animal. Studies done by
shown that using leaves of a
has already imposed fines, while
the Indian Council of Agricultural
particular tropical tree at an
other states might soon follow suit.
appropriate level with ragi led to a 20- Agriculture contributes to around
Research (ICAR) and other institutes on the long-term impact of climate
25 per cent drop in methane emission. 17.6 per cent of the total GHG
change on the country's agriculture
The ration balancing programme is
emitted from India, of which 18 per
showed that in the coming years, it
already on with the help of the
cent comes from paddy cultivation,
could also pull down the country's
National Diary Development Board
23 per cent from soil management
milk yield by 1.8 million tonnes per
(NDDB), but the same is now being
and 56 per cent from livestock.
year by 2020 and the maximum
planned to be expanded to cover
Presently, most farmers feed their
impact would be on livestock
more areas and enrol more farmers.
animals based on traditional
numbers in Uttar Pradesh, Tamil
"We plan to extensively use the
knowledge and prevailing practices
Nadu, Rajasthan and West Bengal.
Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 2 | Issue 1 | November 2015
Strengthen partnership between FAO and the animal feed industry to ensure feed sustainability FAO and the International Feed Industry private sector to support the FAO Federation (IFIF) held their 14th annual
strategic goals. At the same time, Mario
meeting at FAO Headquarters on 12-13
Sergio Cutait, IFIF Chairman, pointed out
October 2015 to strengthen even
that FAO strong efforts to reach out the
further their long standing
private sector have made a tangible and
collaboration and take up the challenge positive difference in the FAO/IFIF of addressing issues which are critical if
already longstanding collaboration.
the safety and sustainability of feed and “Together with the dedicated colleagues food are to be ensured. Guaranteeing
at the FAO, we have achieved very
sustainability, feed safety and quality,
important milestones, including the
reducing the use of antimicrobial in the
publication of the FAO/IFIF Feed Manual
livestock sector and adhering to
of Good Practices for the Feed Industry ,
international standards, were all item
the organization of nine International
discussed by the delegates from the
Feed Regulators Meetings and of five
address feed and food safety in the
feed industry worldwide (among others
Global Feed and Food Congresses” Mr.
context of the Codex Alimentarius.
Livestock, as well joint the efforts to
European Union countries, USA, Brazil,
Cutait added.
China, South Africa, Turkey, Australia
The recent adoption of the 2030
partnership and this meeting
and India), representing over 80
Sustainable Development Goals, which
addressed a number of critical issues
percent of global compound feed
marks a turning point in the global
“FAO and IFIF have a long standing
of common interest, such as the need community's approach to development, for capacity development to ensure agreed that sustainable and responsible was recalled and it was stressed how feed safety. FAO is committed to work feed production requires a strong the partnership is particularly aligned with the private sector and feed collaboration among all stakeholders is with 17th Goal “Strengthen the means operators and believes that they can essential. of implementation and revitalize the valuably contribute to make the Animal feeding plays a leading role in global partnership for sustainable livestock and food sectors more
production and the FAO officers, that
the global food industry and feed is the development” and its specific points.
responsible and sustainable to achieve
largest and most important component
Joel Newman, new IFIF Chairman, elect
important goals such as public health,
to ensure the sustainable production of
for 2016 2017, emphasized that for
and animal health and welfare” said
safe and affordable animal proteins.
the years ahead IFIF is committed to
Daniela Battaglia, Livestock
World compound feed production is
continue to support the FAO initiatives Development Officer at the Animal
fast approaching an estimated 1 billion
on capacity development for feed
Production and Health Division of the
tonnes annually. Global commercial
safety, the LEAP partnership and the
feed manufacturing generates an
Global Agenda for Sustainable
Source: FAO
estimated annual turnover of over US takes place in more than 130 countries and directly employs more than a quarter of a million skilled workers, technicians, managers and professionals. In addition, around 300 million tonnes of feed is produced directly by on farm mixing. During the meeting, Ren Wang, FAO Assistant Director-General for Agriculture and Consumer Protection, highlighted the importance of partnering with the
$370 billion. Commercial production
Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 2 | Issue 1 | November 2015
Poultry India Date: 25-27 November 2015 Venue: Hitex, Hyderabad, India Email: Web:
AFMA Forum Date: 1-3 March 2016 Venue: Sun City, South Africa Email: Web:
Saudi Poultry Show Date: 25-27 November 2015 Venue: Riyadh International Convention & Exhibition Center, Riyadh-Saudi Arabia Email: Web:
AgraME Date: 13-15 March 2016 Venue: Dubai International Exhibition Centre Email: Web:
JANUARY International Production & Processing Expo Date: 26-28 January 2016 Venue: Georgia World Congress Centre, Atlanta, Georgia, USA Email: Web:
Aqua India Date: 29-30 January 2016 Venue: Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India Email: Web:
Feed Tech Expo Date: 6-8 February 2016 Venue: NDRI, Karnal, India Email: Web:
VIV MEA Date: 15-17 February 2016 Venue: Abu Dhabi Email: Web:
Ildex Vietnam Date: 23-25 March 2016 Venue: Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Email: Web:
FIAAP / VICTAM Asia 2016 Date: 29-31 March 2016 Venue: Bangkok, Thailand Email: Web:
APRIL GFFC Date: 18-20 April 2016 Venue: Antalya, Turkey Email: Web:
JULY 2nd International Conference on Livestock Nutrition Date: 21-22 July 2016 Venue: Brisbane, Australia Email: Web:
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