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Volume 1 | Issue 11 September 2015
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EDITORIAL Monthly Magazine for Feed Technology Published by BENISON Media SCO 27, 2nd Floor, Mugal Canal Market Karnal - 132001 (Haryana) Tel: +91 184 4036770
Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 1 | Issue 11 | September 2015
he major challenge that Indian feed industry is facing is the shortage of raw materials. The present scenario
with respect to Indian feed industry is far from
being satisfactory, as the requirement of compound feed is about 60 MT, while the production is still under 10 MT per year. The
Publisher & Editor Prachi Arora
industry's estimated growth rate is 4 %, while the required growth is at least 6%. Thus, the time has come that we need to step up the manufacture of compound feed. There is a need to minimize the export of raw materials, rather instead of that, Govt should
Managing Editor
encourage the imports. This year due to global fall of soybean
Dr. T.K. Walli Former Head, Dairy Cattle Nutrition, NDRI
prices, the export of soybean cake has seen a sharp decline. We also need to modernize our feed industry by importing latest machinery used in feed milling. While there is hardly any scope for increasing
Business Head Vinod Kumar Saini
fodder production, we need to popularize the growing of hydroponics, which needs negligible land and water resource. Meanwhile it is high time that we try to popularize the fodder preservation technologies of silage making and hay making among
Designing & Marketing
the dairy farmers.
Ashwani Verma
The major roughages available for feeding of ruminants in India are crop residues, like straws and stovers. Lot more research work has
Online Marketing Nidhi Virmani
gone into improving the nutritional quality and digestibility of these fibrous and inferior quality feeds. While the biological treatment proved to be a disaster, urea ammonia treatment appeared to have a good potential, but failed to click with farmers, due to its
Circulation & Subscription Head
cumbersome methodology. Lately, the technology of crop residues
Sunny Kamboj
based densified TMR (Total Mixed Ration) appears to find favour
EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Dr. Dinesh T. Bhosale Former Chairman, CLFMA of India Mr. Amit Sachdev Indian Representative, US Grain Council Dr. P.E. Vijay Anand US Soybean Export Council Dr. Suhas Amrutkar Subject Matter Specialist, Animal Nutrition, MAFSU, Parbhani
with certain agencies involved in improving the productivity of bovine stock in the green fodder deficit areas. This novel technology developed in India is now being transferred to other tropical countries by FAO under South-South cooperation, like the one I have been associated with recently for its transfer to Bangladesh. Being a balanced feed and the technology developed in India, we need to adopt the technology of densified TMR in a big way to boost up milk production and also increase the income of resource poor farmers. One more area which needs immediate attention by animal nutritionists/researchers is, to exploit the hidden potential in the large number of Non Conventional Feed Resources (NCFR). These
Dr. SN Mohanty Former Principal Scientist, CIFA
potential feeds are seasonally used by the locals living in the vicinity
Dr. Meeta Punjabi Mehta Agricultural Economist
non conventional feeds with regard to their chemical composition,
of forests. Researchers need to produce a kind of inventory of such nutritive value, the anti-metabolites present, their detoxification and Dr. Swamy Haladi Feed Additive Expert
the levels at which these can be incorporated as such in the ruminant diets. Use of NCFR in the Indian feed industry can prove to
Dr. R Gnana Sekar Lead Consultant, GS Dairy Farm Consulting Dr. Suraj Amrutkar Assistant Professor, Dept. of ILFC, SKUAST-J, Jammu
be an important support in reducing the gap existing between feed shortage and feed availability. T. K. Walli
Monthly Magazine for Feed & Feed Technology
Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 1 | Issue 11 | September 2015
Vollume 1 | Issue 10 | August 2015
Contents Office bearers of CLFMA of India
RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT 05 Feed supplement may reduce cow methane emissions INDUSTRY THOUGHTS
06 Sustainable Animal Feeding in India ARTICLE 10 Non-Conventional Feed Resources: Rational solution for inadequate supply of feedstuff
12 Importance of Feed Based Freshwater Aquaculture in India INTERVIEW 16 Interview with representatives of CLFMA of India
Tribute to the ‘People's President' Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
EXPERT ADVICE 22 Responsible use of antibiotics in Indian Livestock Farming MARKET PROJECTIONS 24 Indian Maize situation critical due to moisture stress Awards 24 Indian Scientist awarded with First Sunhak Peace Prize
Upcoming Events
30 September 2015
21-23 September 2015
Printed by: Jaiswal Printing Press | Published by: Prachi Arora | On behalf of: Benison Media | Printed at: Chaura Bazar, Karnal-132001, Haryana | Published at: SCO-27, IInd Floor, Mugal Canal Market, Karnal-132001, Haryana | Editor: Prachi Arora Think Grain Think Feed is a monthly magazine published by BENISON MEDIA at its office in Karnal. Editorial policy is independent. Views expressed by authors are not necessarily those held by the editors. The data/information provided in the magazine is sourced through various sources and the publisher considers its sources reliable and verifies as much data as possible. However, the publisher accepts no liability for the material herein and consequently readers using this information do so at their own risk. Although persons and companies mentioned herein are believed to be reputable, neither BENISON MEDIA, nor any of its employees or contributors accept any responsibility whatsoever for such persons’ and companies’ activities. All legal matters are subjected to Karnal Jurisdiction.
Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 1 | Issue 11 | September 2015
varying amounts of the inhibitor in their
found positive effects of
Spared methane
feed and were observed at regular daily
supplement added to the feed of
energy was used
intervals over three months. Their
high-producing dairy cows reduced methane emissions by
30 percent and could have ramifications for global climate change.
partially for tissue synthesis, which led to a greater body
The findings are noteworthy because
weight gain by the
methane is a potent greenhouse gas.
inhibitor-treated cows farms because the nutrient
Organization, animal agriculture emits
requirements of high-producing dairy
44 percent of the methane produced by cows are much greater than those of nonlactating or low-producing cows," human activity. the 12-week at Penn State's dairy barns, cows that consumed a feed regimen
when the cows put their heads into feeding chambers that had atmospheric measurement sensors, and also through nostril tubes attached to canisters on their backs. If approved by the U.S. Food and Drug
Globally, according to the United Nations' Food and Agriculture
The study conducted over the course of
methane emissions were measured
said lead researcher Alexander Hristov, professor of dairy nutrition. Methane expulsion through burping
Administration and adopted by the agricultural industry, this methane inhibitor could have a significant impact on greenhouse gas emissions from the livestock sector, Hristov suggested. The team of researchers consisted of Pennsylvania State University, animal
supplemented by methane inhibitor 3-
represents a net loss of feed energy for
scientists from the Department of
nitrooxypropanol (3NOP) - gained 80
livestock, Hristov noted, adding that a
Zootecnia at the University of Estadual
percent more body weight than cows in high-producing dairy cow typically emits 450 to 550 grams per day of a control group. Significantly, feed
de Maringรก, Brazil, the agriculture research division in the Department of
intake, fiber digestibility and milk
methane produced by fermentation.
Economic Development Jobs
production by cows that consumed the
The spared methane energy was used
Transport and Resources, Australia and
supplement did not decrease.
partially for tissue synthesis, which led
DSM Nutritional Products. The
"We tested methane-mitigation compounds using animals with similar productivity to those on commercial
to a greater body weight gain by the
research was partially supported by
inhibitor-treated cows.
the company.
The 48 Holsteins in the study received
Source: PennState
nternational team of researchers
Sustainable Animal Feeding in India Dr Dinesh T. Bhosale Regional Sales Director, AB Vista - South Asia
n India, we are feeding agricultural residues after crop
utilization of nutrients present in it. !
harvesting to the cows and buffaloes. By-products of various
Use of enzymes like phytase will
industries like oilseed processing,
avoid nitrogen and phosphorus
fruit juice and breweries/distilleries are fed to the animals. Since 1947 fodder
pollution of land. !
few people say that it is not
remained stagnant at 5%. Contrary to
environmentally sustainable and
the animal feeding condition, India is
others say exactly opposite!
in the world because of huge animal
production of food crops, as the
To meet the present and future demand
fed to animals. Burning of crop
origin, sustainable feeding of the
residues needs to be strictly
animals is the need of the hour.
banned to avoid environmental
Following points should be considered:
pollution and soil degradation.
Use of silage and hay for the
should be manufactured and sold in different parts of the country.
hay is equivalent to 5-6 kg of green reduce cost of milk production and also to improve productivity of the animals. !
Unconventional feed ingredients should be used to feed the animals which will reduce load on traditional
feed ingredients like maize, jowar,
bajara and oilmeals of soybean,
mustard, groundnut, sunflower etc. !
understood !
Area specific mineral mixtures
kg of silage is equivalent to two kg of green fodder, whereas one kg of
nutrition and
animals should be promoted. One
fodder. This will help farmers to
residues of these food crops are
for milk and other foods of animal
needs be
Soil health cards is a must for each Indian farmer for sustainable
GM technology is controversial, as
production area in the country has
number one country in milk production
The relation
Use of flavors will allow use of unconventional feed ingredients.
Already such research has been done by NDDB, NIANP and veterinary colleges. Instead of inorganic mineral mixtures, organic mineral mixtures should be fed to animals as they are more environmentally sustainable. Learning from success stories of poultry sector in India, it is high time we start focusing on dairy sector with same kind of initiatives. Topics like future new protein sources, the potential use of phytogens in animal nutrition and the
Feed additives like enzymes should
possibilities of metabolonomics in
be used, which will help to extract
livestock nutrition should be discussed
more nutrients from feeds fed to
on various platforms. Attention needs
the animals.
to be given to the effects of early
Better technologies should be
nutrition on the production and
adopted to improve digestibility
metabolic processes later in life.
and application of feeding. e.g.
The relation between nutrition and
floating fish feeds not only avoid
immune response should be
wastage of feed but also
understood deeply. We should also
deterioration of water quality.
study the interaction of nutrition, micro
Pelleting of poultry feeds improves
flora and host animal.
Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, the 11th President
During these conferences he emphasized
scientists are trying different ways to
of India and a pioneer of the country's
the need of empowering dairy farmers,
improve these. Similarly, Green Feed from
space and missile programmes, passed
helping them to acquire newer but
Hydroponics system is the new way of
away on July 27, 2015.
appropriate technologies for the
animal feeding for improving animal
Born Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam sustainable development, economic growth productivity as well as their reproductive and hence growth of country's GDP. health. This would also help in saving the on October 15 1931, with a very humble background in Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu,
Dr. Kalam expressed his concern for the
Dr. Kalam became India's leading space
shortage of quality feeds and suggested,
It is high time that we integrate these
scientist, being involved in its Satellite
for increasing the supply of green
initiatives to bring prosperity to our
launching system and Integrated Guided
herbage, conservation of degraded
country. This would only happen if we
Missile Development Programmes.
pasturelands and development of
effectively integrate Agriculture &
A far-sighted architect of India's space and wastelands strategies are needed. He suggested Feeding strategies for
in succeeding in National Food Security
institution-builder and a team-builder, a
ruminants in tropics should also include
mission but would help in bringing back
visionary and a dreamer, who was always
environmental protection, through reduced
the soil fertility & improved crop
passionate about building a strong and
methane emission, apart from increasing
production. By doing so, we shall on the
self-reliant India. Dr. Kalam had a single-
the productivity of ruminants stock.
realize the dream that our beloved Ex-
minded approach in leading projects, rather his efforts brought a turning
Livestock sectors. This will not only help us
missile programmes, Kalam was an
which led to India's spectacular success,
precious resources i.e. water and land.
Improving the utilization of crop residues
President, Dr. Kalam dreamt for Indian
as feed resources is important and
point in India's space programme. The people's president had a multidimensional personality as he was also a fisherman and dairy man who believed livestock development is directly proportional to National development through Agriculture. He inaugurated 37th Dairy Industry Conference organized by the Indian Dairy Association in 2010 held in Goa and Ayurvet Knowledge Symposium in 2014 held in New Delhi.
Dr A.P.J Abdul Kalam facilitating Dr T.K. Walli at 37th Dairy Industry Conference organized by the Indian Dairy Association in 2010
Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 1 | Issue 11 | September 2015
Non-Conventional Feed Resources: Rational solution for inadequate supply of feedstuff Abhijeet Banerjee, Religare Commodities
These crop residues can be either in the
ost of us will know especially from poultry and pigs. There that India is preis a steady jump in the animal feed
form of whole straw or “Bhusa�,
dominantly an
requirements from oil cakes and meals
supplemented with some green fodder,
as well. With countries agreeing for
and as sole feed also.
country with
enhanced global trade, there has been
The limitations associated with the
a steady rise in the production and
conventional type animal feeds are
lives in villages. The livelihood of most
export of poultry as well as cattle meat
quite serious as maximum portion of
of the rural population of India
from developing countries. This, in turn,
the available grains in the country goes
depends on agriculture and animal
has raised the necessity of feed raw
for human consumption. As such, with
husbandry. It a concerning fact that
materials to be produced with higher
increasing demand for livestock
although we have about one-fourth of
products (in response to rapidly
around 70 per cent of its population
the total cattle population of the world,
growing world economies and shrinking land area), adequate feeding of animals and safeguarding their food security shall depend largely on better utilization of unconventional feed resources, that are not competing with human food. In most of the developing countries this situation is more serious where chronic annual feed deficits and increasing animal populations are common. Therefore it becomes very essential to supply feed nutrients through non-conventional feeds in the
Poultry Feed
developing countries such as India. Non-conventional feed resources we are highly deficient in various
The gap between demand and supply
livestock products. India has a huge
of all kinds of feeds and fodders is
livestock population of slightly over 340 increasing. It is worth noting that the
million, besides poultry, yet the average average area devoted to fodder production of milk and other livestock production is below 5 per cent of the
products is almost the lowest in the
total cultivated area. Also, the area
world. Studies have indicated
under permanent pastures and
malnutrition, under-nutrition or both,
cultivable wastelands is approximately
and low genetic potential of the
12.50 and 15 million hectares
animals as the key reasons for the low
respectively. It is worth to note that
productivity of livestock in the country.
total area under forests is 2.50 crore
Going by industry reports, there are
hectares roughly, while area open to
sufficient inputs which indicate a
grazing is 2.2 crore hectares. It may be consequent rise in animal feed demand, mentioned that the grazing animals are including cereals and other feeds and able to meet their forage requirements particularly proteins. While use of
from these resources only during the
cereals for feed might not be a regular
monsoon season. Therefore, the
feature, certainly there will be more
animals have to depend on the crop
requirement for protein feeds. Recent
residues or straws of ragi, wheat, paddy,
years have experienced a consistent rise barley, jowar, bajra, sugarcane trash etc. in the demand for animal products, for the remaining period of the year.
(NCFR): The feeds which have not been used traditionally in animal feeding or are not commonly used in rations, produced commercially for livestock. NCFR normally consist of a variety of feeds from perennial crops and feeds of animal and industrial origin. They can also be categorized as new sources of feedstuffs as palet oil mill effluent and palm press fiber (oil palm by-products), single cell proteins, and feed material derived from agro industrial byproducts of plant and animal origin. NCFR also includes poor-quality cellulosic roughages from farm residues such as stubbles, haulms, vines and from other agro-industrial by-products, for example slaughter-house byproducts and products processed from
Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 1 | Issue 11 | September 2015
Table 1: Major by-product feeds available from tree/crops Crop Castor Cotton Maize
By-Product Feed Castor Meal Cotton Seed Meal Maize Germ Meal Maize Bran Rice Bran Rice Husk Broken Rice Rice Straw Molasses Bagasse
Field Crops Rice
Sugarcane Cassava Wheat
Tree Crops
till now. As a result, India's animal
Scientific Name Ricinus communis L Grossypium spp Zea mays
production has been poor. Since a wide gap exists between the requirements and supplies of nutrients for feeding of animal, use of the non-conventional
Oryza Sativa
feeds could be a rational solution in this regard. But one has to acquire more information on its chemical
Saccharum officinarum
composition, nutritive value and
Tapioca Waste Wheat Bran Wheat Straw
Manihot esculents crantz Triticum aestivum L.
Cocoa Bean Haste Cocoa pod husks
Theobroma cocoa
Coconut Oil Palm
Cocos nucifera Elaeis uineensis
Coconut Meal Palm Kernel Meal Palm Press Fibre Dry Oil Palm Sludge Rubber Seed meal
Hevea brasilianensis
Sago Refuse
Metroxylon selo
NCFR need to be popularized among farmers since our farmers are not aware of a) the nutritive value of some feed sources, b) methods of efficient of integration in livestock feeding. Till now the use of NCFR has been limited mainly due to seasonal availability, higher handling and transportation (from the production
for selected crops in India Prod.
2000 Feed
13,020 1,125
Wheat Sugar*
72,446 34,092
869 829
local extension agencies in technology development for efficient utilization of
Table 2: Production, Estimated feed use & Percentage used as feed Crop
utilization and also need to involve
2030 Feed
Prod. 14,616
Prop. Prod. 14,413
2050 Feed Prop.
1.2 2.4
1,14,000 4,000 56,289 1,200
3.5 2.1
1,35,000 11,000 68,140 1,800
8.1 2.6
1,68,000 3,000
1,77,000 6,000
site to the farm) cost, lower nutritive values etc. The problem of feed shortage can be addressed by growing more fodders, propagating agro and social forestry, improving the nutritive value of crop residues apart from
24,739 17,500 70.7
24,500 72.1
Millet Barley
10,067 1,472
161 133
1.6 9
6,749 1,522
500 50
7.4 3.3
4,666 1,638
1,200 50
25.7 3.1
feed resources that can improve intake
and digestibility of low quality forages
Sorghum 8,003 Vegetable 7,456 oil/oilseed
Examining cheaper non-conventional
is the need of the hour for the feed
Note:Prod = Production in '000 tonnes; Feed = Estimated feed use in '000 tonnes; Prop: Proportion in % * Raw Sugar; **Paddy rice
utilizing other NCFRs.
Source: FAO
industry. Feedstuffs such as fish offal, duckweed and kitchen leftovers (i.e.,
sugar, cereal grains, citrus fruits and
Example in this case will be sweet
potato and cassava for ruminants,
Advantages of NCFR
this is an advantage as they are
and cabbage leftover), poultry litter,
able to utilize inorganic nitrogen.
algae/spirulina, leucaena leaf, local
NCFR are the end products of production and consumption that
IV. With respect to the feeds of crop
have not been used. Additionally
origin, most of it is bulky poor-
these are mainly organic and can
quality cellulosic roughages, having
be in a solid or liquid form and its
high crude fibre and low nitrogen
economic value is often very less.
contents - suitable for ruminant
Its consumption can be increased
further if converted into some
Fruit wastes like banana rejects and
usable products. It also have
pineapple pulp comparatively have
considerable potential as feed
a high sugar content therefore
beneficial from energy point of view.
III. Feed crops generating valuable
NCFR are excellent sources of
Feedstuff supply in India has been
fermentable carbohydrates.
inadequate amid low level of feeding
potato peel, carrot peel, onion peel,
brewery and distillery by-products, sisal waste, cactus, coffee parchment and coffee pulp, which are commonly used in India, can prove to be important feed resources for small and medium size holders of livestock. Use of NCFR is likely to gain more weightage in years to come, as it can fill the feed supply gap largely, in addition to ease competition for food between humans and animals and will be effective in lowering of feed cost, and contribution in providing self-sufficiency in nutrients from feed sources, available locally.
Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 1 | Issue 11 | September 2015
Dr P. Jayasankar and Dr K.N. Mohanta low-valued freshwater fish species. brief about the present status of fed
n India, the freshwater fish is
fish culture,ensuring the availability of
generally being cultured in
feed ingredients and formulated feed,
earthen ponds under the
importance of plant feed resources,
provision of fertilization and
need of feed based aquaculture,
supplementary feeding. At
optimizing the feed management
present, the average freshwater fish
strategies and feed processing
production is 2.9 t/ha and to achieve
technologies for the benefit of fish
the fish production of 8.0 MMT in next
growers, feed manufacturers,
five years, the present fish production
researchers, financial institutions and
level is to be enhanced to 4-5 t/ha. This
policy makers.
increase in fish production from the
Status of fed fish culture
existing level of 2.9 t/ha to 4-5 t/ha is
On a global basis, the fed freshwater
possible only through the provision of
fish production is 21.34 MMT, valued at
supplementary feeding. Feed is the
US$27.36 billion. More than 85.5% of
highest recurring cost in modern day
fed fish and crustacean aquaculture
aquaculture constituting about 50-60%
production was produced on the Asian
of the total production cost. By 2050,
continent in 2008 (26.9 MMT). However,
the targeted freshwater fish production
the fed fish production in India is 3.08
in India is 17.0 MMT and to achieve this MMT which accounts 9.8% of the total target, about 23 MMT of feed is global fish production (FAO, 2010). At required. The availability of fish feed
present, only 43.85 MMT of
ingredients would be the major
concentrated feeds are available in the
challenge for the aquaculturists in the
country, where as the demand for the
coming years. Therefore, the much
concentrated feed by the different
valued available feed resources must be animal husbandry sector is 142.68 used judiciously through proper feed MMT, with a deficit of about 70%. and feeding management practices. In
Farm-made aquafeed feed plays an
the present paper, we have discussed in
important role in the production of
More than 97% of the carp feeds used by Indian farmers are farm-made aquafeeds and they are the mainstay of feed inputs. At present, about 7.0 MMT of ingredients are being used for farmmade fish production. The total volume of manufactured feed sold in the country in 2010 was 60,000 t of pelleted fish feed and 3,72,000 t of extruded floating feed (Giri, 2013). Ensuring availability of feed ingredients and formulated feed The fish feed resources are mainly comprised of the by-products of the agro-processing industries and the availability of these by-products depends on the production of the main crops like oilseeds, cereals and pulses, which in turn largely influenced by the success/failure of monsoon. There is a very remote possibilityof significant increase in production of these agricultural by-products in near future as there is a marginal increase in agricultural production (oilseeds, cereals and pulses) in the country. However, during the last decade, the price of the most of the fish feed ingredients had increased significantly to the tune of 3-4 times in India.
Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 1 | Issue 11 | September 2015
quantities of floating feeds. In this
2011; Oujifardet al., 2012).
regard, ICAR-CIFA had made a
Carp is the mainstay in Indian
thorough survey on available fish feed
aquaculture. Carp being an omnivorous
resources in the country and a fish feed
fish (preferably herbivorous), can use
resource inventory in the form of a
very efficiently the plant feed resources.
book entitled “Fish Feed Resources and
Research carried out at ICAR-CIFA Farm Made Feeds� was published which revealed that the carp can grow very provides information about the well with feeding of fish meal and fish quantity available feed ingredients,
oil free diets. Several nutrient-rich plant
place of availability, chemical
products have assumed great
compositions, different antinutritional
importance for aquaculture. Proper
factors present in feed ingredients and
combinations of different plant
their amelioration measures, processing ingredients and and use of these ingredients in incorporation/fortification of deficient
feed ingredients and their use in the fish feed would be one of the major challenges in the future. So far the freshwater fish farming in India has been relying on the use of conventional feed mixture comprising of mainly the oil cakes and brans with an approximate FCR of 3.0-4.0. With the growing aquaculture production in the country, it is necessary to use the limited feed resources more judiciously by improving the feed efficiency. The fish feed ingredients are finite resources and many of these ingredients are having multiple users from other animal production systems such as dairy and poultry and therefore, it is envisaged that there will be an acute shortage of ingredients in the days to come. In order to better utilize and also to save the scarce and much valued fish feed resources, proper feed and feeding strategies are also required. The use of sinking/floating pellets must be encouraged rather than relying on use of conventional feed mixture for better feed consumption, low wastage and efficient nutrient utilization and gain. Therefore, to save the scarce and costly feed resources, emphasis must be given for the establishment of more number feed mills to produce therequired
amino acids and vitamins and minerals not only balance the nutrients but also
of prepared feed.
act upon their deficiency-compensation
Use of plant based feed: need of the
mechanism. The important plant
ingredients include wide range of oil
Fish meal is still considered the most
seed residues, cereals, millets, etc.
desirable protein source in aquaculture
These are available to a tune of 48.85
diets for carnivorous and omnivorous
MMT (2009-10) as feed concentrates in
fish, because of its high protein
India. There are nine major oil seeds
content, balanced amino acid profiles,
produced in India. These are
high digestibility and palatability, and
groundnut, soybean,
rich essential n-3 polyenoic fatty acid
rapeseed/mustard, sesame, castor,
levels. The global aquaculture demand
sunflower, linseed, safflower and niger.
for fish meal was 32% of the world
In addition, cotton seed, oil palm seed
supply by 1999 (New and Wijkstom,
and copra contributes to the edible oil
2002), 37% in 2000 (Chamberlain,
pool of the country. Other plant by-
2000), and might reach 65% by 2010
products such as sal seed, neem seed,
(Chamberlain, 2000) and nearly 70% by
mahua seed, karanj seed, rubber seed,
2015 (New and Wijkstom, 2002). The
physic nut, Indian doomba etc., are also
volume of fish meal and oil used in
some potential feed resources which
aquaculture, particularly for carnivorous could be used in fish feed. The total oilseed and oil production in the fish, is so huge that aquaculture of these species is still perceived as net
country is 33.6 and 8.4 MMT,
consumers rather than producers, and
respectively (2011-12). Madhya
this practice has raised concern about
Pradesh, Rajasthan and Gujarat produce
the sustainability of these industries.
more than half of the total oil seed
The high cost of fish meal and concerns production in India. The oil cakes residues that are produced after the regarding its future availability have made it imperative for the nutritionists
extraction of oil which constitutes
to reduce or eliminate the fish meal
around 65% of the oil seeds and are
from fish and crustacean diets as a
extensively used as protein sources in
strategy to avoid any risk on the future
formulating the fish feeds. The
of aquaculture industry. Substantial
estimated oil cake production in India is
efforts have been made around the
22.68 MMT (2011-12). Cereal by-
globe in evaluating the wide range of
products/cereals such as rice bran,
potential ingredients of plant origin
wheat bran, maize, sorghum, bajra and
(Glencrosset al., 2007; Glencrosset al.,
millets, etc. are the major sources of
Therefore, identification of alternate
formulating different fish feeds, fish feed production processes and storage
Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 1 | Issue 11 | September 2015
carbohydrate and energy in fish feed
inefficiencies (Kaushik, 2000). In case of manufacturing capacity should be
and their quantum of availability in the
over-feeding, in addition to nutrient
considered to promote feed based
country is about 6.20, 8.0, 12, 9.0, 10.37
loss, there is increased levels of farm
aquaculture (FAO, 2013).
and 2.6 MMT, respectively.
effluents. Underfeeding results lowered
ICAR-CIFA has state of art feed mill
Promoting feed-based aquaculture
growth rates and increases size
facility with a production capacity of
Globally the fed aquaculture constitutes heterogeneity in fish population as hierarchies develop. Optimization of about 75% of the current production from aquaculture. In China, more than
development and demonstrating the
90% of the aquaculture production
provision of appropriate ration sizes
students/researchers/farmers/entrepren eurs about the production of extruded floating pellets.
than 20%. As compared to India, the
consideration the endogenous feeding
per cent of fed fish culture is higher
rhythms of the farmed species (FAO,
The importance of supplementary feed
even in less developed neighboring
2013). To utilize the feed and nutrient
has been greatly realized in India
countries like Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. more efficiently, the fish are to be fed with standard feeding chart/table that In India, the commercial aquaculture
during mid-seventies when the
feed production is only 247283 t (2006- are developed through the intensive research efforts. 07). In semi-intensive fish farming,
at Pond Culture Division of CIFRI at
composite fish culture was undertaken Cuttack, Odisha. During the last three
provision of supplementary feeding is
Feed manufacturing technologies
decades, there is a paradigm shift in
essential to realize the maximum
Irrespective of feed ingredients used
fish feed sector. The traditional use of
growth potential of fish and also to
and the formulations applied, the
rice bran-oil cake mixture as fish feed
enhance the fish production in the
manufacturing processes and type of
has now been gradually replaced with
stipulated culture period. To achieve the feed produced can significantly affect feed performance. Generally the production target of 16-20 MMT by
nutritionally balanced extruded feeds. At present, species specific diets are
2050, the fed fish culture in India has to
farmers are more concerned about the
being developed for the different life
be raised to 3-4 times from the present
quality feed ingredients, but very often
stages of fish. In India, still only about
levels of 20% to at least 70-80%, which
they are unaware that feed processing
15-20% of the fish farmers use fish
would be a major challenges for the
has a significant effect on feed quality
feed. Therefore, there is a tremendous
researchers, extension functionaries,
and utilization. Presenting feeds as
scope for feed based aquaculture to
fish feed producers and the
simple dry or moist mixtures or as
enhance the fish production in the
administrators in the future. It is also
moist mixed feeds leads to much of the
country and also to meet the nutritional
necessary to convert 10-15% of the
feed being dispersed in the water
security of the growing population.
aquafarms of the country to intensive
column, resulting in low ingestion rates
Generally, small and marginal fish
aquaculture systems such as raceway
and high economic feed conversion
farmers that constitute the backbone of
culture, running water culture,
ratios (eFCR). Feed efficiencies can be
Indian aquaculture use mash feed for
improved by encouraging farmers to
carp culture and use about 3 kg feed
recirculatory aquaculture, etc., which
use simple extruders and compressing
for 1 kg of fish produced. It is now well
are the complete feed based
their feed ingredients into dry pellets.
established that nutritionally balanced
Likewise, improving milling and the
pelleted diet (floating/sinking form)
binding characteristics of the pellets
prepared by using different feed
reduces the amount of fines, improves
ingredients with fortification of desired
aquaculture. Optimizing the feed management
research on feed technology
feeding strategies involves the
comes through feed based aquaculture, and feeding rates, feeding frequencies, and feeding times that take into but in India, the fed fish culture is less
about 300 kg/hour for conducting
strategies The profitability of a commercial
pellet hardness and water stability,
feed additives like functional food aids,
farming operation is of paramount
improves eFCR, and results in cost
binders, growth promoters,
importance to the farmer. Adopting
savings to the farmer. Focusing on
immunostimulants, prebiotics,
appropriate feed management strategies is instrumental in ensuring
improving efficiencies in the farm-made probiotics and digestive and cellulolytic enzymes can improve the feed:gain and small-scale feed manufacturing
that feed use is optimized and that the
sectors is likely to bring significant
ratio to 1.1-1.5:1. It is the combined
highest economic returns are available
gains to on-farm feed efficiencies. The
responsibility of all stakeholders of
to the farmer (FAO, 2010). The
potential to develop public-private
aquaculture to save and better utilize
maximum growth rate of fish isattained
partnerships with farmer groups and
the much valued feed resources of the
by feeding it to satiation and the over-
associations to share resources and
country through proper feed and
improve access to improved feed
feeding management practices.
or under-feeding results feed
Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 1 | Issue 11 | September 2015
Silage concept picking up in India August 2015: Silage, a green fodder
decomposition. It is then fermented by
compacted in air tight conditions to be
adding diluted molasses and preserved
used as substitute for green fodder
for 60 days at appropriate moisture
during the lean period for livestock, is
all set to make inroad among the
“Silage is a potential fodder for livestock living in the rain shadow
The silage making is not well known
districts such as Karur. It can be an
amongst the farmers. Now, the State
alternative for the animals in the dry
government has embarked upon a
period too. All out efforts will be made
programme to popularise silage making. Farmers were very keen when the scientists of Tamil Nadu Veterinary University Training and Research Centre at Karur recently demonstrated the silage making by using repol polypropylene (silage bags). As per the latest method, cut green grass mass is stored in large sacks made from polythene. Once the bag is filled, the material is pressed to remove the air and thereby preventing
to popularise the silage making in the district,� said S. Jayandhi, Collector, after Husbandry, said the government would witnessing the demonstration. distribute silage bags and inputs N. Akila, Head, Tamil Nadu Veterinary
estimated at Rs. 2,030 a farmer. As
University Training and Research
many as 300 beneficiaries would shortly
Centre, Karur, said green grasses,
be identified for silage making in the
sorghum, maize, and various weeds
district during the current year.
could be used for making silage. The
N. Kulandaisamy, Assistant Director,
fermented silage, stored with the
Animal Husbandry, said since it had
required moisture content, could be fed potential to increase the milk yield, the department would take steps to to cud chewing animals such as cattle, sheep and goats.
demonstrate at farmers' forums.
M. Ramanathan, Joint Director, Animal
Source : The Hindu
livestock growers of the region.
Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 1 | Issue 11 | September 2015
Interview with representatives of CLFMA of India
ight from its inception CLFMA (Compound Livestock Feed Manufactures Association), which was registered in 1967, this association has been representing the Indian feed industry. It acts as a platform to promote balance feeding of animals and to resolve various issues faced by livestock industry. In an interview with Think Grain Think Feed, the
office bearers of CLFMA of India discussed the key challenges faced by feed industry today and its future scope. Below are excerpts from the interview: Please tell us in brief the role played by CLFMA over the
Poultry and dairy sectors are the major sectors contributing
years in the development of poultry, dairy and livestock
to economic development. Chicken meat and eggs are the
feed industry in India.
best source of quality protein which is basic requirement of
Mr Saraogi: CLFMA is the leading Livestock Association in
millions of poor people.
India presently with more than 240 member companies
This year, CLFMA also conducted Aqua Seminar at Kolkata
which was formed and registered in 1967. The prime
along with USSEC on the theme “Embracing Technology for
objective of CLFMA is helping the promotion of overall
Aquaculture Development� at Kolkata in the month of
animal husbandry, by promoting the concept of balanced
June'15 and created awareness amongst the participants
feeding of animals in accordance with their nutritional
about huge potential for Fisheries development in India.
requirements for deriving the maximum output from them
We also participated in the event on issues of banning
through productivity improvement.
antibiotics in Animal Feed, FSSAI regulations and its impact
CLFMA represents the Livestock Industry in various policy making forums related to Livestock Sector in
CLFMA collects, classifies and circulates Technical,
Managerial and Statistical information beside information
CLFMA provides information and education to the
on Government Policies on line, latest news and
members and farming communities by conducting
information on the website. We are generating daily
seminars in the field of Poultry, Dairy and Livestock
newsletters, which covers news related to Poultry, Dairy and
Feed Industry.
Aqua sector.
CLFMA makes representations to Central and State
What are the key challenges faced by Indian feed
Governments and submits suggestions, thus providing
industry today? The up gradation of the existing
a strong platform to voice of the Industry before the
technology in the industry appears to be very slow
State and Central Government.
process. What kind of problems do you think are being
CLFMA is organizing its annual event-Annual General
faced by the feed millers in importing latest
Meeting & National Symposium on 10-11 September in
technology? Please throw some light on these issues.
Jaipur, Rajasthan, which is expecting 500 delegates from
Mr Wange: The key challenges faced by Indian feed
Poultry, Dairy and Aqua. At the Annual Event, CLFMA will
industry are as follows:
highlight the issues of Dairy, Aqua and Feed related
uncertainty in demand
industries to the Government and other concerned body
volatility in commodity prices
scarcity of availability of talent specially veterinary
representatives and will request for the solutions as well.
During the biennial conferences organized by ANSI (Animal
on chicken meat production in India.
Nutrition Society of India) and ANA (Animal Nutrition
Feed industry is generally considered as a simpler technology
Association), CLFMA of India interacts with the researchers
industry and hence latest technology is adopted at a slow
to bring the problems of the industry to their notice and in
pace. But since last decade the scenario has started changing
turn, try to get newer technologies which have potential for
in a positive manner and now companies are investing heavily
the industry to take up.
in upgraded technology even importing international
Now, India ranks first in livestock population in the world
technology, which has resulted in better efficiency and other
and it plays an important role in the national economy as
value benefits.
well as in the socio economic development by augmenting
Latest technology investments are observed better in Aqua
family incomes and generating gainful employment in the
feed industry compared to poultry and dairy feed, where a
rural areas, particularly for the landless, small and marginal
major share is still using traditional technology. Reason for
farmers. With its 1.2 billion population and 8% GDP growth
slow investments is high capital expenditure i.e. 30-40%
rate, India is rapidly emerging as one of the biggest markets
higher in case of imported technology. A large number of
in the world. Livestock sector contributes approximately 4% to GDP and 27% to agriculture GDP.
players are still operating at small to medium level. Another challenge is accessibility of timely service and spare
Mangesh Wange Dy. Chairman
Dr K. Rathnam Dy. Chairman
parts, if international companies can bring their gowdoun for spare parts in India it might bring more confidence of the investors i.e. Indian feed miller.
is still lacking in India. Quality raw material become a major challenge for the industry. Companies like Godrej are already having quality
The industry is improving but still at a lower pace. There is still lot more scope of improvements. According to a recent report on Indian feed industry, published by Yes Bank, the industry is poised to be doubled in next 5 years, up to 30 billion USD. What is your take on that and what kind of growth do you visualize in dairy sector? Dr. K. Rathnam: Current cattle feed production is about 7.3 million tons whereas requirement as per cattle population of the country is 67 million tons. Estimated growth of feed industry is 4% while the demand is 6%. In order to sustain the current milk production as well as future estimated production, nutrition can play an important role and hence feed becomes critical. Several factors which drive the feed industry are: !
shrinkage of cultivable land
shift in agricultural produce
milk productivity enhancement
increase in cross bred and high yielding animals
Dairy sector is poised to grow at 6% CAGR for the next 5-10 years, achieving 200 million metric tonnes by 2020 from a current milk production of 140 million metric tonnes. There is huge scope for providing good quality feed to maintain this growth and health of animals.
Dr Dinesh Bhosale Former Chairman
specifications and price-vale equation is already in there in the system. While Feed Industry has been lately talking
Companies are investing heavily in upgraded
about optimizing production, which also includes the import of raw materials, in the southern part of India there seems to be an over production of fish feed. In view of that, what kind of initiatives are being taken by CLFMA to increase the acceptability and the purchase of compound feed by fish farmers in other parts of the country.
international technology
Dr Bhosale: CLFMA of India has always supported level playing field for imports and exports of raw materials. We have never opposed exports of raw
for better efficiency and other
materials from India and at the same time we have also asked Government of India to allow imports of raw materials. That helps to keep prices of raw materials in domestic market in alignment with International markets. As Andhra Pradesh is leading state in commercial freshwater fish feed production, all investments in floating fish feed production took place in
value benefits.
Andhra Pradesh. Due to this, there is overcapacity today. Only 40-50% of total installed fish feed production capacity is utilized. Present scenario is
What are the problems faced by Indian feed industry with special reference to raw material availability?
after making feed in Andhra Pradesh, it is sold in
Mr Wange: Standard raw material is major
in other states as well and reduce impact of
challenge. Proper material handling and storage
transport and other cost.
other states. Feed millers should come forward to make future investments of fish feed production
Amit Saraogi Chairman
Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 1 | Issue 11 | September 2015
M.S. Mahesh and Dr S.S. Thakur Dairy Cattle Nutrition Division, ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute
uminant livestock are typical herbivores with multicompartmental stomach having unique ability to utilise fibrous plant feedstuffs by means of fermentative digestion brought about by an array of reticulo-rumen microbial enzymes. However, in order to increase
productivity from dairy animals we have made good progress through selective breeding for the genetic upliftment of best dairy traits in cows.
As a result of that, nutritional requirements to match high dairy merit
Dr S.S. Thakur
M.S. Mahesh
demands feeding of more concentrate-
for green forage production is not
Types of by-product roughages
based ration rather than relying only on
expected to expand beyond its present
produced in India
forages. Such a system is most successful level (4%) due to pressure on human
Worldwide total crop residue
in the developed world under intensive
food production, and there is deficit
availability has been estimated to be
rearing. In developing country like India,
supply of concentrate feeds to the tune
3.8 billion metric tons with cereals
the progress that could be potentially be
of 30% in India. Therefore, the only
contributing 74%, sugar crops 10%,
achieved is partly constrained by a huge
available solution would be to utilise
legumes 8%, tubers 5% and oil crops
deficit in feed resources, both, the green
abundantly available crop residues like
3%. Asia alone contributes to more
straws, stovers, hulls, husks and other
than 45% of global straw production.
forages as well as concentrate ingredients. Indian dairying has been witnessing an
related by-products judicially for ruminant feeding, which are otherwise
annual growth rate of 3-4% with a total
considered to be wastes, and thereby
milk production of 140 million tonnes
contributing towards sustainable feed
in 2014, while the demand by 2050
production for the country. In this
would be as high as 350 million tonnes.
context, the present article briefs about
Meeting the future demand will only be various types of fibrous roughages possible if dairy animals are properly available, their composition and means fed commensurate with their nutritional to improve their nutrient utilisation requirements. Cultivable land devoted within the for ruminant system.
Availability of crop residues in India has shown a constant increasing trend since last 10 years i.e. from 467.50 million tonnes in 2005 to 517.65 million tonnes in 2010 and 574.06 million tonnes in 2015. It is further projected to increase up to 637.53 million tonnes by 2020. Simultaneously, it has been projected that crop residues will contribute to >70% of feed budget for Indian livestock by the year 2020. The major
Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 1 | Issue 11 | September 2015
agro-residues in terms of volumes
straw accompanied with poor
in terms of protein content, digestibility
generated in India (in million metric
availability of energy from untreated
and hence nutritive value. These are
tons, MMT) are found to be rice straw
straw is due to covalent bonding
also rich sources of minerals mainly
(112), rice husk (22.4), wheat straw
between lignin and carbohydrates
calcium and can be considered as
(109.9), sugarcane tops (97.8) and
(cellulose and hemicellulose). Lignin
maintenance type of feeds.
sugarcane bagasse (101.3). This shows
shields the carbohydrates from
The available crop residues can be
the relevance of crop-residue based by- microbial and enzymatic attack in the product feeding for sustainable
rumen, thus acting as cementing
livestock production.
material in the cell wall. In addition to
Theoretically, if 100% energy of these
poor digestibility of straw, the lower
byproducts (mainly cereal straws) is
content of crude protein and the
utilised, it can yield up to 10 MJ ME/kg
absence of other essential nutrients
DM. Unfortunately, only 60% of this
(minerals and vitamins) limit its use in
energy is available to the animals as the the ration of productive animals. digestibility of straw varies between 40- However, by-products from legumes 60% depending upon the variety and
(legume straw, haulms etc.) have
type of straw. This poor digestibility of
excellent fodder value and are superior
classified into following four categories (see Table 1 for compositional details): 1.
Fine (slender) straws: Rice, wheat, oat and finger millet straw
Coarse straws: Sorghum (jowar), pearl millet (bajra), maize and small millet straw
Haulms of legumes: Pulses and groundnut haulms
Others: Sugarcane tops
Table 1. Composition (% DM) of various available by-product roughages for ruminant feeding in India By-product Areca leaf sheath Barley straw Black gram straw Chickpea straw Coffee pulp
Scientific name Areca catechu Hordeum vulgare Vigna mungo Cicer arietinum
Coffee hull Cotton straw Cottonseed hull Cumin (jeera) residue Fennel residue Finger millet (ragi) straw
Eleusine coracana
Groundnut shell/hull
Arachis hypogea
CP: crude protein; CF: crude fibre; EE: ether extract; NDF: neutral detergent fibre; ME: metabolisable energy
How to improve feeding value of fibrous roughages? Fibrous crop-residues also known as lignocellulosic feeds though available in plenty, are not used to their fullest potential
Groundnut haulm
mainly because of poor voluntary intake (1.5-2% of body weight) and digestibility (40-45%). These are characterized by
Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 1 | Issue 11 | September 2015
small to medium scale farmers of the
Crop residues
country. Pretreatment
Chemical methods This involves use of chemicals like strong (sodium and potassium
Physical - Soaking - Grinding - Pelleting - Boiling - Steaming under pressure - Gramma irradiation
- Sodium hydroxide
- Particle size/chemicals
- Calcium hydroxide
- NaOH/pelleting
hydroxide), urea-ammoniation and
- Potassium hydroxide
- Urea/pelleting
white rot
other oxidising chemicals. Though
- Ammonium hydroxide
- Lime/pelleting
- Anhydrous ammonia
- Chemicals/steaming
- Urea/Ammonia
- NaOh/temp
- Addition of
sodium hydroxide (NaOH at 2-4% level) is more effective in increasing
- Sodium carbonate
digestibility of straws up to 75%, its use
- Sodium chlorite - Chlorine gas
is associated with serious
- Sulphur dioxide
environmental pollution besides
high fibre, low protein (3-6%) and low energy (45%) contents. A small increase in digestibility by 3-5% units has been observed to bring about almost 20% improvement in animal performance. Therefore, different treatment methods have been tried with varied degree of success, which are as follows. Methods to treat crop residues for improved utilisation
Table 3. Effect of various treatments on apparent digestibility of organic matter of wheat straw in cattle Apparent digestibility of Treatment organic of straw matter (%) Chopping 45
sodium ions. Calcium hydroxide (4% at 50% moisture for 90 days), on the other hand is a safe alternative which poses no threat to the environment. Lime (5% at 60% moisture for 3 weeks) treatment is also effective in enhancing
digestibility up to 60%. However, the
Pelleting (20 mm)
most useful and widely accepted
Chopped wet straw with 4% urea
treatment method is urea-ammoniation
Chopped straw with 3% ammonia
technology. Fertiliser grade urea at the
Chopped straw: Urine mixture (1:1) 52
rate of 4 kg is dissolved in 40 L of water
Among the several methods of physical
Chopped straw with 5% NaOH
and sprayed on 100 kg of chopped
treatment, soaking in water, chopping,
Pelleted straw with 2% NaOH
straw spread over polythene sheet,
are common. Chopping can be achieved by hand-operated or motor
required nutrients similar to that of
mixed uniformly and stacked air-tightly
total mixed ration (TMR) feeding.
with another polythene sheet for a
Fine grinding and pelleting of straws
driven chopping machines (toka).
Chopped straw or threshed wheat straw may decrease digestibility due to faster passage through gut and may not be mixed with green fodder and little
increasing kidney load to excrete excess
Physical methods
grinding, steaming and densification
hydroxide) and weak alkali (calcium
concentrates and soaked in water is a
economical. Coarse grinding is
popular farmers' practice commonly
recommended for utilisation of maize
known as 'sani' preparation, which is an
cobs for cattle feeding. Steaming is
effective way of delivering almost all
particularly useful for improving quality
Table 2. Inclusion level of certain crop residues in complete feeds for improving ruminant productivity By-product Level in complete feed (%)
of sugarcane bagasse in the sugar factory. However, densification of straw along with green fodder and concentrates in the form of 'densified complete feed blocks' is useful in
Cotton straw
increasing bulk density, ease in
Cottonseed hull
transporation (decreases volume by five
Saw dust
folds) and can be stored for future use
period of 3-4 weeks. This has the additional advantage of enriching straw CP from 3-4% to 11-14% besides increasing intake and digestibility. Despite such benefits, majority of farmers are skeptical in adapting this simplest yet beneficial technology. Physico-chemical methods It involves combination of physical and chemical treatments. Many methods are tried but none has seen successful implementation at the farm level. A comparison of influence of different physical treatments along with digestibility is presented in Table 3.
particularly during drought situation.
Biological methods
Several crop residues can be utilised
As about 70-80% of cell walls of cereal
Sunflower heads
effectively by incorporating them in
straws are unavailable to rumen
Sunflower straw
complete feed blocks (Table 2). There is
microbial digestion, biological
a need to design the simple feed block
treatment aims at selectively degrading
machines suiting the requirements of
lignin by various microbes mainly
Sorghum straw Sugarcane bagasse
Rice straw Wheat straw
40-50 50
basidiomycetes white-rot fungi. Though maize cobs mixed with jaggery, mineral
folds compared with their low quality
there is an improvement in digestibility
mixture, salt and other ingredients
counterpart. More and more of such
by 10-15% with many fungi, inherent
improved milk performance of cows in
experiments on various crops duly
organic matter loss as well as lack of
a Co-operative Milk Producer Society,
considering quality of by-products
field level transformation of
thereby economizing the cost of
(nitrogen content, digestibility, fibre
cumbersome laboratory cultivation of
production (The Hindu, July 26, 2015).
and lignin content etc.) could actually
fungi through solid-state fermentation
Future perspectives in utilising crop
bring about an improvement in
limits its adaptation by farmers.
livestock productivity.
Supplementation of critical nutrients
Plant breeding and selection of
Majority of cereal straws are deficient
superior cultivars having highest
Dairy farming in India thrives largely on
in many nutrients and are unable to
straw/stover/haulm quality with respect crop residues and other fibrous by-
serve even for maintenance of
to digestibility, nitrogen content
products, as it helps in keeping the
livestock. For instance, on a complete
without affecting grain yield could be a
input feed cost on the lower side.
straw ration, a growing calf may lose
potential area to be considered in
Improved utilisation of crop residues
body weight of about 150 g per day
improving feeding value of crop
will have a great implication in
while upon feeding urea treated straw,
residues (Table 4). Several recent
enhancing dairy production by
it can gain a daily weight of 150 g.
experiments (ILRI, Hyderabad) have
Aproviding improved feed security and
Therefore, straw-based diets need to be clearly demonstrated variation in supplemented with other feedstuffs to quality of crop residues as affected by obtain maximum productivity.
of feds for livestock. Furthermore,
the type of cultivar. For example,
Following types of supplementation are commonly grown cultivars of commonly done in straw-based feeding groundnut was demonstrated to differ system. 1.
Catalytic supplementation Eg. urea molasses mineral blocks
thus, partially mitigating mismatch between requirements and availability quantitative estimates of various crop residues and other fibrous by-products
in haulm quality in terms of nitrogen
should be made up- to- date, both at
content by two folds, in vitro
state level as well as at country level.
digestibility (10% units) and
Besides that, suitable methods to
metabolisable energy (3 MJ/kg) which
improve their feeding value must be
resulted in nitrogen balance of 6-11
popularized as per regional availability,
Eg. slowly degradable proteins
grams per day in growing sheep. This
for improved ruminant production in
Substitutional supplementation
shows that high quality haulms can
Eg. green forages (legumes and
improve animal performance by two
References are available on request
Moderate supplementation
non-legumes) tions can also be done by means of 'protein banks' through good quality tree leaves (Leucaena, Gliricidia,
Table 4. Future perspectives for utilising fibrous roughages as digestible ruminant feedstuffs Area of future technology
Plant breeding
- Selection of high yielding varieties with high nutritive value of straw with better palatability
Moringa etc.) at the farm level. Critical
- Redesigning of grain crop cultivars with superior straw/stover quality under 'food-feed crop research' without affecting grain yields
nutrient supplementation has the benefit of improving rumen function by fulfilling CP needs (7-9%) and thus
- Consideration of leaf: stem ratio in crop selection
increasing microbial protein synthesis. Alternatively, straws can be mixed with
animal organic wastes to form wastelage that can be a valuable feed
- Use of lignin degrading enzyme mixtures (ligninase, laccase, feruloyl and p-coumaroyl esterases etc.)
resource during scarcity periods. About 40 kg of cow dung or poultry droppings, 10 kg molasses, 1 kg
- Improvement of performance of anaerobic fungi in the rumen
mineral mixture and 0.5 kg salt are mixed in 22 L of water, sprayed over 48 kg of chopped straw, and ensiled for 6 weeks anaerobically. Recently it was reported that ground
- Use of lignin degrading fungi (white rot fungi), reduction of treatment time and organic matter loss
Physical treatment
- Fractionation into leaves and stem fractions
Chemical treatment
- Nitrogen containing substances with high improvement in nutritive value and increase in N-content of straws
Catalytic and moderate supplementa-
Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 1 | Issue 11 | September 2015
Responsible use of antibiotics in Indian Livestock Farming Kerry Keffaber DVM, Veterinary Medicine and Practice Advisor, Elanco Animal Health
think we can all agree it's in
everyone's best interest to have access to effective antibiotics for people and for animals. It's critical for public health and
Uses necessary for assuring animal health
resistance “a mounting public health
Uses that include veterinary
problem of global significance.” The
oversight The second report (No. 213) is the
vital for livestock production and
how' component. It provides a
animals, they'll become less effective
animal well-being.
roadmap for implementing those two in humans.
That's why it's also important for
principles by addressing issues such
Table 2: Affected by FDA guidelines
those of us in animal agriculture to
as product labeling.
demonstrate we're doing our part to
The third report (CFR 558) aims to
Shared use (Medically important for human use) Drugs deemed 'important for human medicine” and used by both animals and humans, eg: ! Penicillins ! Cephalosporins ! Ouinolones ! Fluoroquinolones ! Tetracyclines ! Pleuromutilin ! Macrolides ! Sulfas ! Glycopeptides ! Others
food safety. In pursuit of those
streamline procedures while
objectives, labels of certain classes of
providing greater oversight.
antibiotics - those used in both animals and people -will be transitioning. In 2012, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration put forth plans to change the way antimicrobials are
FDA fears that if certain antimicrobials are overused in
protect antibiotic effectiveness and in modernize the VFD (Veterinary Feed doing so, help maintain confidence in Directive) process. It's an effort to
reasons. The FDA calls antimicrobial
used in poultry and dairy cattle and other production animals. Three documents provide the details: Guidance for Industry No. 209, Guidance for Industry No. 213 and Veterinary Feed Directive 21 CFR 558. The first one (No. 209) is the “what” component. It establishes the key principles: The use of medically important antimicrobial drugs in food- producing animals should be limited to:
The FDA is taking these steps to protect public health. On that front, it's the right policy for the right
Table 1: Unaffected by FDA guidelines Animal use only Drugs used exclusively in animals: ! lonophores (narasin) ! Polypeptides ! Carbadox ! Bambermycin ! Orthasomysin (Avilamycin) ! Quinoline
Human use only Drugs used exclusively in humans: ! Daptomycin ! Glycylcyclines ! Mupirocin ! Mycobacterium anti-infectives
Therapeutic uses (still allowed under veterinary supervision) ! Treat animals diagnosed with an illness ! Control the spread of illness in a herd ! Prevent illness in healthy animals when exposure is likely Production uses (No longer allowed) ! Enhance growth or improve feed elficiency
Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 1 | Issue 11 | September 2015
When the FDA released these reports, certain products are used will change.
can be made for drugs that are used
the agency said it was pursuing a
In modern poultry and livestock
exclusively in animals (such as
“voluntary approach” for compliance.
production, antibiotics are used in four ionophores, see table).
The FDA plans to evaluate progress
Like many animal health companies,
three years after final publication and 1 consider further actions as
Treat animals diagnosed with an
Elanco has publicly announced its
intention to fully comply with the
warranted.” Guidance for Industry No. 2. 213 was finalized in December 2013.
Control the spread an illness in a
FDA guidance. It's Elanco's
responsibility to help ensure that
Now the clock is ticking.
From an industry perspective this might not seem ideal. However, these steps are important to allow the responsible use of medically important antibiotics for prevention, control and treatment of animal diseases with veterinary oversight. These steps also go a long way toward protecting long-term access to antibiotics. The voluntary approach was wise for all parties. It gives everyone time to understand the policies, figure out how to comply with them and
Prevent illness in healthy animals Enhance growth or improve feed
humans as well as the safety of the
food supply. Understanding where
The FDA says that “medically
the industry is headed led to Elanco
important” antibiotics would still be
efforts for a recent FDA approval of
available for those first three uses
narasin for swine.
under the supervision of a
Moving forward, Elanco will make
veterinarian. But they could not be used for the fourth option: enhancing growth or improving feed efficiency
investments in innovative alternatives that could lessen the reliance on antibiotics while preserving the
(see table). (Medically important” refers to drugs considered important for therapeutic use in humans.)
antimicrobials are used responsibly to protect the health of animals and
efficacy of antibiotics for humans, animals and food safety. When antibiotics are used, we want to ensure there is appropriate veterinary
determine the most efficient process
Note that prevention remains an
oversight and that they are used
for transitions.
appropriate therapeutic use of
The industry is not going to lose all feed- grade antibiotics. But the way
antibiotics as determined by a veterinarian. It's also important to clarify that performance claims still
To learn more about antimicrobial resistance, please visit:
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Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 1 | Issue 11 | September 2015
Indian Maize situation critical due to moisture stress in production areas Corn and DDGS prices down in US While the harvest of corn in US has started in some areas, the price of corn have started to decline as well. The crop condition remains good and 69% in good to excellent condition and is stable for last two weeks now. On last 28th August the Dec corn closed 0.57% lower than last week's close and was at $152.12 per MT; Sept down 0.55% to $142.98/MT and Mar down 0.58% to $147.63/MT. The premium for Sept FOB price was 0.70 per bushel over Sept contract and for the next three months FOB prices it was ranging between 0.70-0.74 per bushel over Mar contract and the US Gulf (FOB) prices were ranging between 171-177/MT and FOB price at PNW was ranging between $181-186/MT for the period Sept-Dec 2015 delivery, making this prices one of the lowest. Against this Argentine corn was indicated at $152-157/MT and the same for Brazil. Black Sea corn was indicated at $171-176/MT and French corn at $189-191/MT. Indian maize situation is a little precarious and even though GOI has predicted no drought (average deficiency until last week was 12%, which is just on the brink), but most of the maize areas in South India particularly have not received much rains and this is evident from the
district rainfall map shared by Indian
Meteorological Department (IMD) last week. Areas of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh have suffered the most and the seed sales in this area are down by 30 70%. Farmers in many areas have decided to leave the land fallow and will now grow possibly pulses in Rabi and the soil moisture is critical. While farmers who have irrigated land have sown maize, but it is still critical that these farmers will need to use pumps to provide irrigation in the absence of
any rains, which is likely to increase the
sure DDGS prices are toned down and
cost of production of maize in the
it makes sense to use DDGS as a source
areas. In many areas the crop is stunted
of protein and energy to the extent
and is not likely to give much
possible in poultry, dairy and aqua
production. The new crop is likely to be
feeds. Prices have been indicated at
delayed by at least three weeks and
$197/MT (FOB US Gulf) and $194/MT
supplies will be slow.
(FOB PNW) and the delivered prices to
Overall prices are moving up, especially
Vietnam and China were indicated at
in the maize production areas and
$257/MT and $234/MT respectively.
Nizamabad, price were up by 1.61% to
Over the last couple of weeks the
Rs.14991/MT; Davangere up 2.15% to
freight rates have remained more or
Rs.15450/MT; Sangli up at Rs.17000/MT less stable and the benchmark US Gulf and Gulabbagh up by 1.59% to
Japan rates are indicated at $36/MT; US
Rs.14240/MT. Future price too have
PNW-Japan at $19/MT. US Gulf-China
been moving up, Sept up 2.53% to
at $33.5/MT and PNW-China at
Rs.13720/MT; Oct up 0.72% to
$18/MT. Argentina-Brazil to China
Rs.13910/MT, Nov stable at
freight rates have been indicated in the
Rs.13560/MT and Dec at Rs.13400/MT.
range of $25- $33.5 depending on the
Low corn prices in the US have made
destination and discharge rate.
Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 1 | Issue 11 | September 2015
Indian Scientist awarded with First Sunhak Peace Prize for excellent work in Aquaculture
Dr Modudunga Vijay Gupta
August 2015: Dr. Modudunga Vijay
an international fisheries research
Gupta, Indian agriculture scientist was
institute under the Consultative Group
recently awarded the first Sunhak Peace on International Agricultural Research Prize which he shared with the
(CGIAR) based in Penang, Malaysia.
President of Kiribati Islands Anote Tong. Starting his career as a scientist in Dr Gupta has done great work in
Indian Council Agriculture Research
aquaculture in India, Bangladesh and
over three decades ago in Kolkata, Mr
several Southeast Asian countries.
Gupta worked in Laos, Vietnam,
Mr Gupta, 76, shared the USD 1 million
Bangladesh, the Philippines, Thailand
prize with President of Kiribati Islands
pursuing his belief that the aqua
Anote Tong in Seoul.
technology which can provide food
Billed as an alternative to the Nobel
security and improve livelihoods of
Peace Prize, the awards were presented
rural poor.
by South Korean religious leader Dr
"I believed throughout my career that
Hak Ja Han Moon, the wife of late Rev
all the advanced fish farming
Sun Myung Moon, who instituted the
technology which we created in
awards to recognise and highlight the
laboratories should be taken to people,
work of individuals making big efforts
then only it can make a difference to
for the betterment of the people.
their lives," said Mr. Gupta.
Hailing from Bapatla in Andhra Pradesh, "There can be no peace without food security in the world. You cannot talk Mr Gupta, a biologist, was also the recipient of the World Food Prize in
peace to a hungry man," he added.
2005 for development and
Regarded as a rebel within the ranks of
dissemination of low-cost techniques
the agricultural scientist community in
for freshwater fish farming.
India, Mr Gupta mostly worked with the
Before his retirement, he served as the
UN and agriculture related international
Assistant Director General at WorldFish,
organisations in different countries.
Advanced fish farming technology created in laboratories should be taken to people, to make a difference
ThinkGrain GrainThink ThinkFeed Feed--Volume Volume11||Issue Issue11 11||September September2015 2015 Think
Sharp Decline in Oilmeal exports August 2015: Exports of oilmeal
tonnes in the corresponding period last
declined sharply by 86 per cent to
year. South Korea is a major importer of 1.12 lakh tonnes last year.
18,410 tonnes in July 2015 from 1.32
Indian oilmeals.
Exports of rapeseed meal fell 90 per
lakh tonnes in the same period of the
During April-July 2015, South Korea
cent to 8,645 tonnes. Soymeal
previous year. The decline was mainly
imported 3.06 lakh tonnes of oilmeals,
shipments dropped 86 per cent to a
due to a record fall in shipment of
Thailand 13,558 tonnes, Vietnam
record low of 928 tonnes, the
soyameal, according to industry body
95,972 tonnes and Taiwan 19,671
association said.
Solvent Extractors' Association.
tonnes. Iran imported 9,050 tonnes of
Source : The Hindu
High prices of soyabean resulted in a
oilmeals during April-July 2015, a
sharp drop in crushing of oilseeds by
decline of 92 per cent, as compared to
Chart: Oilmeal importing countries
mills. Also, South Asian countries reduced their purchases. Exports of soybean meal stood at 18,017 tonnes in April; 14,046 tonnes in May; 2,098
Quantity (tonnes) 300,000
tonnes in June; and just 928 tonnes in July 2015. “The capacity utilisation is at the lowest,
and many plants are closing down due to disparity in crushing and exports,”
the association said. During April-July, exports of oilmeals declined by 35 per cent to 4.92 lakh tonnes from 7.58 lakh
South Korea
Soybeans Edge Up, But Near 6-Year Low On China Fears August 2015: US soybeans edged
the losses overnight,” said Andrew
higher on Tuesday, rebounding off a
Woodhouse, grains analyst at Advance
more than six-year low, although fears
Trading Australasia. “The market must
of a rapidly cooling economy in China,
realise that China will still need grain.”
the world's largest buyer of the oilseed,
Analysts also noted some support from kept gains in check. Corn rose 1 percent a supply disruption in South America. as prices hit a near two-week high, Argentine farmers started a five-day
supported by forecasts for smaller than
crop sales strike on Monday, part of an
expected U.S. production.
election-year push in the world's No. 3
Wheat extended two-day gains to
soybean exporter to change policies
nearly 2 percent despite the U.S.
that they say have killed profits under
Department of Agriculture pegging the
outgoing President Cristina Fernandez.
progress of the spring wheat harvest
The USDA pegged 63 percent of the
above market expectations. Chicago
soybean crop at good to excellent
Board of Trade November soybeans
condition, matching analyst
rose 0.5 percent to $8.78-1/4 a bushel,
expectations. December corn rose 1
having closed down 1.7 percent in the
percent to $3.84-1/2 a bushel, after
previous session when prices hit a
gaining 0.7 percent the session before.
contract low.
The four-day Pro Farmer Midwest crop
Front-month soybeans rose 0.4 percent
tour forecast an average U.S. corn yield
to $8.96-1/2 a bushel, having closed
of 164.3 bushels per acre, enough to
down 1.3 percent in the previous
produce a 13.323 billion-bushel crop,
session when prices hit a low of $8.74 a
the third-largest ever. The forecast was
bushel the lowest since March 2009.
below USDA's Aug. 12 estimate of 13.686
“Ultimately we are seeing a reaction to
billion bushels, with average yield projected at 168.8 bushels per acre.
The USDA says 69 percent of the corn crop is good to excellent, in line with market forecasts. December wheat rose 1 percent to $5.13-1/4 a bushel, having closed up 0.8 percent on Monday. The harvest of the U.S. spring wheat crop is 75 percent complete, the USDA said, 7-percent higher than analyst forecasts. Source: Financial Express
Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 1 | Issue 11 | September 2015
Indonesia allows some corn imports from deals done before ban August 2015: Indonesia is accepting
manage production, traders said.
some imported corn from deals struck
"Given the lack of availability of
before a recent government ban on
large volumes of local corn, big
shipments of the grain used in feedmills,
mills that need 50,000 to 100,000
although arrivals will likely dwindle later
ton of corn every month will find
this year, traders said.
it hard to get such large supplies
The Southeast Asian country, one of
from the domestic market," a
Asia's key corn buyers, stopped issuing
trader said.
import permits for corn used by
Indonesian feed meal prices, and
feedmills in July amid a broader push
as a result poultry prices, are set
for food self-sufficiency, stoking worries
to climb as the government curbs
among traders that the government
corn imports. Its food self-sufficiency
3.5 million tons a year ago, according to
may clamp down on arrivals scheduled
drive has already stoked concerns
the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Its
for August and later.
about inflation in the price of rice, beef
imports have nearly doubled from 1.7
Indonesian feed millers have booked
and other staples.
million tons in 2011/12.
about 500,000 tons of mainly Brazilian
"Millers haven't booked much after
Feed makers have been snapping up
corn for delivery between August and
October as not many are willing to take
shipments of cheap corn available in
October at around $196-$197 a ton,
the risk," said another trader, adding
the global market, forcing some
including cost and freight. U.S. corn
that only few corn deals had been
Indonesian farmers to export the grain
futures are now trading close to $150
signed in the last one week.
to the Philippines. Indonesia has sold
per ton.
Indonesia, one of Asia's fastest growing
close to 200,000 tons of corn to the
In the absence of imports, large
feed grain markets, is forecast to import Philippines so far this year.
Indonesian feedmills will not be able to
3 million ton of corn in 2015/16 versus
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Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 1 | Issue 11 | September 2015
Fodder security for milk security Shortage is not this year's challenge. It
water. For high performing cows that's
is there from last fifty years now. Land
150 litres of water every day if you
bajara and rice. Although it contains
under fodder production has remained
reduce the amount of water you reduce
less nutrients it is essential for animals.
stagnant at 5% of total agricultural land the amount of milk a cow produces.
harvesting of grains like wheat, jowar,
Urea treatment of straws can be done
in these years, but number of animals
Enough water can also increase milk
have grown every year. Growing
production by 10%.
I will encourage farmers to buy
urbanization has put more pressure on
Animal needs green fodder, dry fodder
compound feeds from good reputed
reduction in land for farming.
and concentrates or compound feed for companies. Compound feed is
Farmers have two choices either crib
their maintenance, growth and milk
about fodder shortage and sell the
production. Ideally every cow or buffalo carbohydrates, protein, fat minerals and
to improve its protein content.
balanced feed for animals and gives
animals or send them to Chara chavani
should get 15-20 kg of green fodder; 5- vitamins. If farmer is feeding raw
of Government or we can think
8 kg of dry fodder and 2-5 kg of
materials like cottonseed cake and
creatively and make feeding program
compound feed/concentrates. In
brans, many a times it's not balanced in
for the animals as per their nutritional
sugarcane growing areas, farmers feed
all nutrients and adulterated raw
requirement and get maximum
sugarcane tops to animals after selling
materials is a common problem.
production. I will ask farmers to prefer
sugarcane to factories. I strongly
One kg of feed should be given for
second choice. So let's understand how
recommend to feed whole sugarcane
maintenance. Half kg of feed should be
to feed our animals in this calamity.
after chaffing to animals which will be
given for every liter of milk produced.
Government should promote fodder
cheapest green fodder available today.
Feed supplements like rumen buffer,
production on land available with
But don't forget to feed good quality
bypass fats and live yeast should be fed
Forest Department, Indian Railways and chelated mineral mixtures with it. Indian army. In addition, all gram
Silage should be prepared from green
to animals to improve nutrient utilization which will help to keep
panchayats should cultivate fodder on
fodder like maize which can be kept for
animals healthy and to increase milk
common land available around their
whole year and fed to our animals. Hay
villages. Every farmer should grow
should be made after drying fodders
During this calamity, farmers should not
fodder crops on 20% of their farmland
like berseem, lucerne and it can be also
neglect feeding calves, pregnant animals
and 80% of food or cash crops. After
kept for whole year and fed to animals.
be available for feeding to the animals.
and growing animals. To promote Residues from beer factories/distilleries, awareness about fodders and feeding of vegetables which are not fit for human animals, “Fodder Yatra� is launched.
The first step is to make water available
consumption and fruit juice making
to the animals. Ideally, there should be
factories should be fed to animals.
Vahangaon, Baramati, Mehud, Sangli,
24 hours water accessibility in the cow
Green fodder can also be grown by
Satara and Hinjewadi and is expected
shed. Milk contains 85% water and for
using hydroponic technology at farm
to interact with around 1000 farmers.
every litre of milk produced a cow
Fodder Yatra will be organized in other
needs to drink at least three litres of
Dry fodder like Straw is available after
parts of Maharashtra in next two
harvesting of crops, crop residues will
Farmers meeting is to be conducted at
months. Without fodder security, we
can't promise milk security to people of
Maharashtra! So let's join hands together and help our farmers to feed their animals. Animal Husbandry Department has many schemes for fodder production, processing (to make silage and hay), storage and utilization. Farmers should contact local veterinary doctors to get all information about various available schemes. To know more about Fodder Dr Dinesh Bhosle interacting with farmers at Sangli
Yatra, please contact Dr. Dinesh Bhosale at
Think Grain Think Feed - Volume 1 | Issue 11 | September 2015
Aqua India 2016 Date: 29-30 January 2016 Venue: Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India Email:
CLFMA Symposium 2015 Date: 10-11 September 2015 Venue: Jaipur, India Email:
Livestock Asia 2015 Date: 21-23 September 2015 Venue: Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Malaysia Email:
SPACE 2015 Date: 15-18 September 2015 Venue: RENNES Fairgrounds, FRANCE Email:
Globoil India 2015 Date: 28-30 September 2015 Venue: Renaissance Mumbai Convention Centre Hotel, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India Email:
FEBRUARY VIV MEA 2016 Date: 15-17 February 2016 Venue: Abu Dhabi Email:
MARCH AgraME Date: 13-15 March 2016 Venue: Dubai International Exhibition Centre Email:
Ildex Vietnam Date: 23-25 March 2016 Venue: Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Email:
OCTOBER ILDEX Indonesia 2015 Date: 08-10 October 2015 Venue: Jiexpo, Jakarta, Indonesia Email:
FIAAP / VICTAM Asia 2016 Date: 29-31 March 2016 Venue: Bangkok, Thailand Email:
AQUACULTURE EUROPE 2015 Date: 20-23 October 2015 Venue: Rotterdam, NETHERLANDS Email:
Pneumatic Conveying of Bulk Solids - UK Date: 17-19 November 2015 Venue: Kent, United Kingdom Email:
Poultry India 2015 Date: 25-27 November 2015 Venue: Hitex, Hyderabad, India Email:
To list any industry event related to Grain & Feed industry please write us at
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