Module 01 Journal

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Digital Design - Module 01 Semester 1, 2018 Thomas Martiniello 834 955 Joel Collins - Studio 15

Week One

Reading: Zeara Polo, A. 2010. Between Ideas and Matters.

According to Zeara-Polo, the diagram does not play a representational role in the design process but provides an organisational and can have a performative quality depending on how it is deployed. Explain how Diagram is different from Signs and Symbols? (100 words Maximum)

A Diagram is different to Signs and Symbols as it is used to show relationships and to explore the performance of a space. A Diagram can be used to organise space and the movement of people and or objects within. A Sign, or Icon on the other hand represents a dynamic object which has a direct connection with what it is signifying. Furthermore, a Symbol has no connection whatsoever to its associated object, it is purely through cultural knowledge and the understanding of that Symbol that we recognise it’s intended meaning. As a result, each individual can perceive different meanings due to their own individual circumstances.


Week One

Precedent Analysis

Main Image: Photo taken of the completed pavilion. Basulto, David. Aires Mateus’ Radix Pavilion, 2012, digital image. Arch Daily. Accessed March 08, 2018. https://www.archdaily. com/267567/venice-biennale-2012-radix-aires-mateus.

3 Smaller Images: Elevations of the Rhino model completed in week 1. Note the incorrect point where the 3 ellipsoids intersect.

To model Aires Mateus’ Radix pavilion I first began by plotting the points for the 3 ellipsoids in Rhino. Once I had the correct coordinates laid out I created the solid shapes referencing the diameters from the plan. I then used bouillon difference to subtract the ellipsoids from the main solid. At this point however I noticed that the plans were not 100% true to what was constructed in real life (as seen in the differences between model images and real life image above) so I had to shift the heights and locations of the ellipsoids slightly to create a point where they all intersect. The ribbing was then completed by using an array of curves and lofting them to form surfaces.


Week Two

Reading: Hertzberger H. 2005. The in-between and The Habitable Space Between Things, from Lessons for Students in Architecture. Herzberger discuss how design should not be extreme in its functionality. Use your precedent study to explain how the pavilion allows for an appropriation of use. (100 words Maximum)

The Radix Pavilion by Aires Mateus is clearly a space without defined functionality, allowing it to be appropriated and used as desired by the occupant. The lack of formal definition, ergonomic shapes and varying heights follow Herzberger’s notion of design not being extreme in its functionality and allowing the user to define how it should be used. The pavilion has numerous thresholds inviting people into the space through extrusions from the main form. It also has overhangs and holes in the roof blurring the definition of what is outside and in.


Week Two


Aires Mateus - Radix Isometric As the Radix pavilion had most of the complex material on the underside I chose to use 2 Isometric drawings to highlight the internal ribbing as well as showing the external form of the structure. Further shadowing, hidden lines and varied line weights showing depth were then used to help pull the drawing off the page. From my initial model, I chose to focus on modeling the internal ribbing in more detail. Each rib was modeled as an individual surface rather than just lines. This is not clearly visible through the final line drawings, however I chose to shade these sections in grey to help highlight them and show the materiality of the project. Whilst modeling I learnt that some of the spaces where the domes intersected were indeed too short for adults to walk through. This influenced how I perceived circulation around the site. The waters edge also acted as an attractor, influencing peoples movements through the space. In relation to threshold, I learnt that shadows played a role in blurring the threshold of the structure as it would extend the pavilions footprint reflected onto the ground. The structure itself then played a big role in defining what was inside and outside of the structure. Overall, the key concept of the study is form versus materiality as outlined in the mass of the structure and the internal ribbing. Furthermore, the threshold is defined by the solid mass of the pavilion and the shadow it casts as there are no distinct doorways or entry points. Circulation informs us of the paths people can take through the space, thus outlining the negative spaces within the internal domes of the structure.


Week Two Diagrams

Circulation (Materiality)

Thresholds (Form)

I have defined circulation based on the materiality of the internal domes. Through this there are negative spaces created where circulation does not occur. The water edge near the pavilion also influences circulation paths as it acts as an attractor.

I have defined the threshold of the pavilion by using the form and blurred shadow cast by the main mass. The structure and its shadow define what is in and out as there are no doorways making a clear threshold.




Model Development Plan added to Rhino as a background bitmap as a guide and reference to find coordinates and dimensions. Basulto, David. Aires Mateus’ Radix Pavilion, 2012, digital image. Arch Daily. Accessed March 08, 2018.

Initial modelling and 3 ellipsoids in Rhino.

Adjusting the heights of the ellipsoids to make the bullion difference as per the plans shown above.


Elevation of original model showing the incorrect form at the intersection of all 3 ellipsoids.

Appendix Process

Plotted points and subtracted mass on Rhino.

Completed ribbing with all 3 subtracted solids shown.

Lofting between the arrayed curves and then using the trim tool to fit to the curves of the pavilion.

Exploded view of internal ribbing and external structure.


The underside of the pavilion showing the completed ribbing of 2 domes.

Testing different isometric views using make 2d command with hidden lines shown.

Appendix CE







Testing different combinations for possible diagrams.


Converting solids into lines using make 2d to then scale and export to Illustrator. 3000mm


Isometric 1:40


Thomas Martiniello - 834 955




Aires Mateus - Radix 2012


Diagram Development


Testing line weights and possible combinations on Illustrator. CE




Another combination using the subtracted solids.

Roof Roof

Inner Dome Structure

Side Wall Panels

Circulation Spaces


Side Wall Panels


Circulation paths

Thresholds (Permeability) 1:100

Developing initial threshold diagrams using colour on Illustrator.

Circulation 1:100

Developing initial circulation diagrams using patterning on Illustrator.

Thresholds (Permeability) 1:100

Testing new objects for diagrams.


Testing different parts of the isometric to highlight using grey on Illustrator.

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