ESU BM77 - Participant Pack

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European Students’ Union

Board Meeting 77 - Participant Pack

ESU BM 77 Malta


Dear friends and participants of BM77, It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to the 77th Board Meeting of the European Students’ Union, being hosted in collaboration with Kunsill Studenti Universitarji (KSU) in Malta. As most of you are aware, KSU stepped in to host this Board Meeting last minute, given that no other union could host us at such short notice - and for this we are incredibly thankful for the hard work that they have put into the organisation of this event over the past months. This Board Meeting will be crucial for our organisation and its future. Whilst we are aware that the agenda of the Board Meeting is a packed one, we are certain that we will manage to find common grounds and agreements and deliver policies that will continue to strengthen ESU’s position at the European and International level. The topic chosen for the seminar of this Board meeting should also remind us of a crucial part of our daily work. As student organisations, we have a crucial role in safeguarding inclusive societies, and this is exactly what the newly proposed policy paper on the Social Dimension aims to do - it aims to remind those in power that without a diverse community within our higher education systems, we have very little chance in succeeding and achieving quality higher education. This policy paper, together with the revision of the Human Rights & Solidarity Strategy and the two proposed statements will help us strengthen ESU’s position in achieving a Higher Education Community which is fit for purpose and ready for the future challenges. We hope that you are ready for long exciting days and (probably) sleepless nights, and we look forward to welcoming you in person very soon!

All the best, Robert, Gohar and Sebastian On behalf of the Hacks team

What is ESU? ESU is the umbrella organisation of 45 national unions of students from 39 European countries. ESU promotes and represents the educational, social, economic and cultural interests of almost 20 million students to all key European decision-making bodies: the European Union, Council of Europe, UNESCO and the Bologna Follow Up Group. Throughout the years, ESU has witnessed many internal and external changes while continuously developing itself to what it is right now: a professional advocacy group and capacity building organisation that is influential and recognised as an important stakeholder at the European and international level.

BM77 Theme “Solidarity and human rights in higher education. The role of student organizations in safeguarding inclusive societies.�

Organising Commitee

Naomi Attard

Head of Organizing Committee

Thomas Mifsud

Head of Public Relations, Media and Branding

May Hefny

Head of Organizing Committee and Finance Coordinator

Neil Zahra

Administrative Coordinator

Nicole Galea

Executive Assistant

Martina Farrugia

Social Coordinator and Marketing Assistant

Alex Gaglione

Logistics Coordinator

Welcome message from KSU KSU is proud to be hosting the 77th Board Meeting of the European Students’ Union in Malta. The Kunsill Studenti Universitarji has a rich history of student activism, and has been working towards the promotion of students’ rights since 1901. While student representation at a national level remains the major motivator for the Council, an ever-more connected world and numerous policies arising out of international entities and treaties mean that one can never hope to fully represent students by taking a purely local approach. KSU is proudly a full member of ESU, an entity with significant international standing, and through which Maltese students have a voice in an international forum. It is our pleasure to contribute to this international society by hosting its members organisations in Malta for a meeting of the ESU Board. Every effort is being made to ensure that the meeting in Malta is a fruitful one, and one in which everyone can taste the unique culture of the Maltese experience. I look forward to meeting you all in December.

Warm regards,

William Farrugia On behalf of the KSU Executive

What is Kunsill Studenti Universitarji? KSU is the oldest national student union in Europe and currently represents approximately 13,000 students at the University of Malta and Junior College. KSU was founded by Chief Justice Sir Arturo Mercieca in 1901, as the Comitato Permanente Universitario. Throughout the year, the students’ union takes on a very pro-active approach towards current affaris, national and international issues. It aims to work in the spirit of and to promote democratic values, transparency and equality in all aspects of student life on the islands. KSU represents all students attending the University, Junior College, Medical School – on both a national and international level.

KSU today. Although times have changed since the organization was founded, the aim of KSU remains unchanged. Although Malta has progressed greatly since 1901, this does not reduce the importance of the contribution that each and every student can give to University and society in general. KSU gives the student the opportunity not only to attend, but also to form part of University.

Principles and Goals Although in itself KSU is a dynamic organisation and therefore it is open for change and debate, like other organisations, it finds its roots in a set of fundamental objectives on which the organisation was founded. Over the past 113 years, KSU has been working: To represent students in whatever issues concern them, whether it is on a national or international level. To serve as an official link between students and the relevant authorities. To achieve the democratisation of education in Malta. To coordinate activities with other organisations, and To cultivate an interest in students in the fields of education, socio-political and cultural issues. To pressure authorities into assuring the highest level of quality in Higher Education.

ABOUT MALTA Virtute et Constantia

The Republic of Malta is an archipelago in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, and is home to glorious prehistoric temples, medieval dungeons, meandering countrysides, dreamy shores and a thriving nightlife. With its rich history and past, Malta boasts a total of 7 ancient temples which are estimated to be the oldest free-standing structures known to man. Due to its strategic placement and plentiful harbours, Malta had been under the control of one major geopolitical power or another for most of its history. In 1964 Malta was granted Independence from the United Kingdom, and became a fully-fledged Republic in 1974; a comparatively young island-state, basing most of its burgeoning economy on tourism, manufacturing and financial services. Malta is the largest island in the archipelago and has something to offer to all nature lovers, adventurers, artists, photographers, introverts and extroverts alike. All around, the Islands' scenery and architecture provide a spectacular backdrop. The colours are striking, honey-coloured stone against the deepest of Mediterranean blues. The countryside is every explorer’s dream, as it is dotted with wayside chapels, rare plants and indigenous species. Malta has near year-round sun so whether its summer or winter, one can stroll by the sea and let their senses take in the fresh, salty breeze and the endless views of the blue waters. Mediterranean weather, attractive beaches, an all year-round nightlife, 7,000 years of intriguing history or a gastronomic delight; an adventure awaits on this tiny island!

TRANSPORT Getting around the island


Getting to the Resort from the Airport should normally take around half an hour if using a cab service, around an hour and a half if travelling by bus. Transport to the hotel upon arrival is not included, however we will providing transport for all the other joruneys and excursions throughout the BM week.

tallinja app

You can now access real time information about the bus service by downloading the new tallinja app for iPhone and Android smartphones. The app is free of charge. Use this app to locate your closest bus stop. You can also view which bus routes serve your closest stop and get to know the estimated time of arrival of buses arriving at your closest stop within the next 30 minutes. The tallinja app makes use of GPS technology where every bus transmits its current location to the central system. The system then compares the location to where the bus is planned to arrive and estimates that time of arrival on each of the 2,000 bus stops around Malta and Gozo. Download the app:

Salini Resort

Malta International Airport

Bus Routes From Airport to Salini Resort : Every 30 minutes there is a bus that takes you from Malta International Airport Bus Stop Airport 2 and drops you off in front of the Salini Resort Bus Stop Salini. This route should take around an hour and a half with a total of 13 stops.

Weather Malta’s weather during winter is notably mild when compared to our European counterparts in the north. However, the temperature does drop quite a bit during the night, and given the high humidity of an island surrounded by the Mediterranean, it would be wise to prepare thicker clothing, as well as a scarf and jacket.


Valletta Tour

2nd December Throughout the Board Meeting, the delegates will be treated to a diverse number of activities, both social and cultural in nature. A visit to the capital city Valletta, the smallest EU member-state capital, will certainly be a testament to the fact that size doesn’t matter. Walking along its grid-planned bustling streets, Malta’s culture, art and architecture will be on full display. We will top it all off with a visit to the National War Museum in historical Fort St. Elmo, one of Malta’s oldest fortifications. The day’s menu will also give you the opportunity to try some traditional Maltese cuisine.

Culture Night 6th December

In this event, delegations are expected to prepare a mini-showcase of what their country has to offer in terms of culture, food, drink, music and attire. Delegations will be assigned a small table, and are encouraged to be as adventurous and imaginative as possible. We look forward to having a taste!


1st December After arriving and settling in, no time will be wasted as we head to Beachaven for a 70s disco themed party destined to bring the groove needed to kick off such a week. Make the boomer generation proud not only by vibing to their funk, but also by bringing your best to the dancefloor! Costumes will be judged, with a special prize in store for whoever goes the extra mile in outshining the next best disco ball. We can’t wait to see what you’re packing, so don’t dare try blame it on the boogie...

Gala Night

3rd December

The Gala Night on 3rd December at 21.00 will be held at the Casino Maltese. The dress code for this event is strictly Black tie, so it being such a night to remember, dress to impress! Before we dive headfirst into the official Board Meeting, a long night of delicious food, plentiful drink and funky live tunes served up by local band Lara and the Jukeboys awaits; all at a stunning venue right in the heart of the the Maltese capital.

Programme - BM77

BM Agenda Monday 2.12.19 - Valletta Campus 08:00 09:00 09:30 10:30 11:30 12:30 14:00 15:30 15:45 17:30 18:30 19:00

Breakfast Transport to Valletta Opening Ceremony Valletta Visit Valletta Visit Lunch Break TMF Session Membership Session Break European Education Area Open Organised Sessions Transport to Salini Resort Dinner

Dinner will also be served on Sunday 1st December 2019.

Salini Resort, St. Paul’s Bay, Malta

Programme - BM77

Tuesday 3.12.19 Salini Resort

08:00 09:00 10:00 11:30 11:45 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 16:15 17:15 18:30

Breakfast BM Docs - Sustainability Statement BM Docs - Future of Bologna BM Docs - Human Rights Stategy BM Docs - SD Policy Paper BM Docs - SO Amendments Break Session on ESU Finances EU Advocacy Lunch Break Women's Meeting Allyship Meeting BWSE Bologna Updates (AGs, WGs, PSGs) Break Gender Session Human Rights Dinner

Programme - BM77

Wednesday 4.12.19 Salini Resort

08:00 09:00 10:00 12:45 14:00 18:30 20:00

Breakfast BM for beginners BM sessions Lunch BM sessions Dinner BM sessions

Thursday 5.12.19 Salini Resort

08:00 09:00 12:45 14:00 18:30 20:00

Breakfast BM sessions Lunch BM sessions Dinner BM sessions

Friday 6.12.19

Salini Resort

08:00 09:00 12:45 14:00 18:30 20:00

Breakfast BM sessions Lunch BM sessions Dinner BM sessions

Code of Conduct Preamble

Participation rules

Based on the principles of equality, accessibility and respect, that ESU has given itself and agreed upon by adopting this code of conduct at the Board Meeting 68 in Yerevan, Armenia, the representatives and participants on internal and external events are expected to adhere to the points detailed below. The purpose of this document is to have guidelines that prevent unwanted behavior in the organization and also determine the process to follow up on potential breaches. The participants of each event have to assure that they are aware of the code of conduct and behave according to it. The EC is responsible for promoting the code of conduct in an appropriate way in the beginning of each event.

Actively engage in the organized activities during seminars, panel sessions and discussions as well attending as all the organized sessions, meetings, discussions and debates. Respect the timeframes given by the organizers of the event. Respect the event facilities and any rules associated with such use. Respect the environment and take care of the surroundings.

Respect towards participants Treat everyone equally irrespective of socio economic background, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, political views, reduced mobility, gender expression, disabilities or any other basis of discrimination, abstaining from any direct or indirect discrimination as well from any form of harassment.

Code of Conduct - BM77

Äż %P OPU NBLF BOZ JOBQQSPpriate jokes or remarks, based on any discriminative grounds that cause people to feel uncomfortable or discriminated against.

reserve the right to address the issue in the best way they see fit by applying one or more of the measures listed below through the set procedure.

Äż #FIBWF BOE SFBDU UPXBSET their colleagues with respect.

Active Legitimacy

Äż 3FTQFDU UIF EJGGFSFOU NVMUJcultural backgrounds of their colleagues and reflect on the own behavior. Äż 1SPBDUJWFMZ DSFBUF BO JODMVsive welcoming atmosphere for all of the participants, during both formal and inforNBM QBSUT PG UIF FWFOU Äż /PU use demeaning or abusive language towards other participants. Äż 8F BSF FNQIBTJ[JOH IFSFJO that this list is not exhaustive and that the violations of the Ethical Guidelines might happen outside of the frames given by this Code of Conduct.

Rules of Procedure %FQFOEJOH PO UIF HSBWJUZ PG the behavior, the EC in accordance with the ad hoc committee (see below)

Any of the participants witnessing the breach or the victim her/himself may report the matter to one of the two persons specifically entrusted to that role for that particular event. These are designated by the EC for every event and are bound to discretion towards the reported matters. The trusted persons need to be briefed by the equality coordinator before being assigned to be able to handle sensitive situations adequately. The two persons will be announced at the beginning of the event and should reflect the participants’ diversity. The person informed immediately informs the second trusted person. This does not apply, if one or both are involved in the breach.

Code of Conduct - BM77

Afterwards the EC and the Equality Coordinator are informed about the fact that there has been a breach and an ad hoc committee needs to be put in place. However, in case it was not the victim itself reporting the breach, the trusted persons must not forward any information before consulting the perceived victim.

The Acting Procedure Upon the briefing, the EC has to set up an ad hoc committee balanced with regard to region, gender and other relevant parameters of four (4) persons within two (2) hours. If the breach is reported to the EC outside of the official parts of the event, the EC has to set up the ad hoc committee during the first two (2) hours of the next meeting day. The ad hoc committee is bound to discretion and obliged to handle the issue brought up with the utmost care. The ad hoc committee is chosen by the EC including one representative of the EC, the Equality coordinator and two (2) representatives from member unions not involved in the conflict.

At least two members of the ad hoc committee will be of a different gender. The ad hoc committee will immediately look into the report, consult the acting parties and bring a decision whether there has been a breach of the Code of Conduct or not. If the ad hoc committee decides, there has been a breach of the Code of Conduct, it will immediately decide upon enacting one of the below proposed measures, on their free estimation of the most appropriate reaction to the breach. The ad hoc committee informs the involved parties. The EC is to be informed directly after the information of the involved parties in writing, including the time of the briefing. This procedure should not take longer than 24 hours, if possible. The decision making process within the committee needs to be unanimous. If the situation requires it, the decision of the ad hoc committee will be read before the beginning of the next session of the event.

Code of Conduct - BM77


Right to Appeal

Äż 4QPLFO XBSOJOH UP UIF QFSQFUSBUPS JO RVFTUJPO Äż 8SJUUFO XBSOJOH UP UIF QFSQFtrator read before the beginning of the next session of the event in question; Äż 3FNPWBM PG UIF QFSQFUSBUPS from the session/event in question; Äż 0GĹšDJBM &46 MFUUFS UP UIF sending organization of the perpetrator; Äż 3FTUSJDUJPO PG QBSUJDJQBUJPO in future ESU events of the individual breaching the code.; Äż "MMPX UIF JOKVSFE QBSUZ BMTP if no individual was harmed) to make a statement before the next session; Any other measure not mentioned here, in agreement with the Executive CommitUFF /P QVCMJD BDUJPO NVTU CF taken without the consent of the injured individual or party.

If the perpetrator (or their /64 JO RVFTUJPO PS UIF injured party, feels that the EC decision is wrongly based, whether on fact or principle, they must send in an appeal in writing to the EC or the trusted person within twelve (12) hours. After receiving the appeal the EC puts a second ad hoc committee in place. The same rules and procedures as outlined above are to be followed. Excepted the Equality Coordinator all the other members need to be different from the first one.

CONTACT DETAILS In case of any emergency requiring urgent medical attention, one should dial the EU-wide 112. If it is not urgent, the Resort has a GP on call 24/7. Should the need arise, delegates are advised to contact KSU’s International Office: +356 79686896 Naomi Attard +356 99447407 May Hefny

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