AYLI Brand Book

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Brand book

Carry your message

All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players: They have their exits and their entrances... William Shakespeare

Table of Contents Btand Concept Vision Mission Central theme Central value Added value Expressive value Angle Tone of voice Target audience Logo & Font Labeling Packaging Product guide Potential Collaborations

Photographer: Mariano Vivanco

brand concept “We are now, we are free, we are everything we want to be.” AYLI is an accessory brand that designs statement pieces for both men and women. Each piece communicates a personal message through the work of artists with different fields of expertise who all make statements. These include designers, illustrators, gold/blacksmiths, photographers, animators, sculptors and taxidermists. The name AYLI is an abbreviation of Shakespeare’s play “As you like it”. The play features one of Shakespeare’s most famous and oft-quoted speeches, “All the world’s a stage” which is part of the brands vision.

Photographer: Sabine Liewald

Vision All the world’s a stage, and life an avant-garde performance.

Mission Offering products that transcend gender, social and cultural barriers with a spirit of experimentation and a touch of contemporary art.

Central Theme - Carry your message The message that AYLI communicates to the consumer is: Fortune favours the bold: Do not be afraid and never hesitate to reinvent yourself through new, unexpected ways.

Photographer: Philippe Vogelenzang

Central Value - gender blending Why choose, if the best of both can be conjoined. It is all about the product suiting your personality, instead of a role-model. This open-minded approach to fashion is adopted by the target audience, brands, and designers they admire.

Functional value - unexpected The odd and the new are intertwined in AYLI’s products in an unexpected manner. The genderless approach towards AYLI’s products in combination with work the unique styles of the selected artists offer an unexpected combinations of art and fashion, and of product and individual. “Je suis mort sans surprise”


Expressive value - unrestrained The only one who can keep an individual from exploring is he himself. Designer: Jordan Askill

Angle - transcending barriers AYLI Continuously stimulates individuals to reinvent and enrich their personality by transcending all kinds of barriers.

Tone of voice - free of all fear Fortune favours the bold. AYLI commicates a clear and strong message with a bold tone of voice which intends to strengthen its reader.

Artist: Gaida Yatzer

Target Audience Unrestrained, avant-garde and fashion addicted creatives, who have no fear for the opinion of others. They believe that the only thing that can hold a person back in exploring, are his or her own boundaries. The world is a stage, and their life a perfomance. This conviction is expressed in rather subtle ways during daytime, and very strongly during the night, at parties and gatherings. Their approach to fashion is very open-minded, free from gender. The individual should transcend role-models and free the homoludens* inside him. Due of this conviction they are the first to adopt the genderless approach towards fashion from Japanese , and Japanese inspired designers. *a playfull individual

Contemporary art is seen as a reflection of society and valued for its abstract approach to intricate matters. Art does not have to be easy to digest for the viewer, as long as a part of the intended feeling or emotion comes across. The connection between art, fashion, and trends in society is a fact for them and they consciously and unconsciously send out statements through their dress.

Logo & FONT ARUAL - B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z , 1234567890 ENGRAVERS - B C D E FGHIJKLMNOP Q R S T U V W X Y Z, 1234567890

The name AYLI is writtin in ARUAL font type and is used in the following percentages: - 5% on letters from the company, - 10-15 % on packaging and pricetags. For headings Engravers MT in size 20 is used and for proza Garamond size 12. As a rule proza is 60% the size of headings.

Golden ratio: 1,618 The logo is designed according to the golden ratio, an important ratio in art in general which is burned into our brain as natural perfection.

Labeling Price tags are 5 x 3 cm and have the tagline ‘ carry your message’ on it, the most important message AYLI wants to get across. Also, the names of the artists involved, and the name of the piece are mentioned. They are made of 1mm black cardboard.

Packaging Every piece comes in a black box that gives the feeling of buying a treasure. The size of the box differs per item and is carried in four regular sizes. 15 x 15 x 10 cm , 15 x 25 x 10 cm, 20x 30 x 15 cm and 25 x 35 x 15 cm. The meaning of the name AYLI is revealed to the client the moment he buys a piece and opens the black, solid box through the use of a seal which says: ‘as you like it’. The logo on the box covers 11% of the upper surface. The paper used inside is dark blue tissue paper marbled with gold and silver. The tissue paper can vary along with the artist that designed the piece.

Product guide The pieces that AYLI designs are all unique collaborations between the brand’s design team and who innovate and make statements through their work. AYLI’s design team selects creatives and sets guidelines for material use and size of the design. AYLI keeps watch over the entire production process to make sure the pieces meet the expected high standard and are in line with the brand philosophy and each other.

AYLI choses, as an accessory statement brand, for clutches as its core product. Considering all the world being a stage, clutches offer an opportunity to carry your message to the public. All clutches are unique designer pieces.

felicity powell

Kate Mccgwire

Ismael Maghnouji

Thomas pawlik

felicity powell

Georgy Kepes

Daphne Wright

Christian Fontaine


Potential collaborations The selection of artists that AYLI collaborates with is based on sharing the brands take on fashion. All of them have a very personal style which promises beautiful and unique pieces. The creative individual combines whatever suits his personality and style, free from gender, social and cultural barriers. Fashion is closely related to art and the combination of the two is logical for AYLI’s culturally well-informed target audience. AYLI collaborates with artists such as: sculptors, designers, painters, illustrators, photographers and animators.

FElicity powell

Isaac Sellam

LIN tian miao

Source list Photography Daniel Jackson Gyorgy Kepes Jordan Askill Marco van Rijt Mariano Vivanco Philippe Vogelenzang Sabine Liwald

Sculptors Abigail Reynolds Daphne Wright Gayda Yatzer Kate MccGwire

Fine artists Desiree Dolron Felicity Powell Lin Tian Miao Raben Davidsen

Creative Director Thomas Pawlik

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