Pitch deck v3

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one world, full of stories




The World’s first digitally interactive time capsule, capturing the essence of the “user-generated content generation” in the form of a viral ,online 30 day content submission event, ending with the display of this content to the world. The idea being to create a captive audience in a viral event, to then transfer onto

WORLD RIGHT NOW? WRN is game changing, disruptive, social media platform designed to provide discernible news related, user-generated content via an innovative digital platform. WRN is designed as an antithesis to futile social media content that dominates most popular platforms, creating instead, a mature platform, where the stories that matter can be told by the people and for the people that are shaping our WORLD RIGHT NOW. The WRN concept will be delivered in two key stages starting with a unique, launch event, (The Time Capsule) unparalleled in its nature and secondly by providing the ongoing platform (The Story Capsule) designed to be powered by aggregated user-generated, news content.

the on-going platform.

STORY CAPSULE (B) The World’s first, dedicated social news portal aggregating all the relevant media connected to any story, redefining the way we seek out and hear about the news and stories that surround and impact our lives. It’s news designed and defined by the public, breaking down the barriers, which divide us, and creating an intelligent medium and resource through which this news can be accessed, devoid of censorship and hidden agendas which often dominate traditional news outlets, digital or otherwise.


To create a powerful tool to empower the voices of everyone who has a story to share, and encourage a new way to understanding the important things which matter around the world through the information which is shared by the stories, news and opinions which shapes the way we think, and the things we do.





Founder, Ideator and CEO

Chief Technical Officer

Chief Creative Officer

PROBLEM & OPPORTUNITY We live in a new generation where humanity’s greatest desire is to belong and connect. We share what we love and it reminds us what we all have in common. Yet the way we consume stories and news has not changed for centuries.

The millennial generation are less likely to consume stories and news from the current media outlets

There are millions of stories and news items which go unreported and untold

News organisations are owned by a handful of corporations and are monopolistic in nature

The news agencies don’t provide democratic perspectives and opinions on stories which matter

The public have consumed stories and information based on how the media has wanted them to do so

Headlines and stories are created to sell newspapers, and attract subscriptions on digital formats

Stories circulated are often heavily influenced by agenda, and don’t always give us the full picture

News agencies selectively show news stories we should see and not see

The WRN Story Capsule aims to redefine the way we share by making the user the key driver in setting the agenda of the stories and the news we consume. Through this transparent and democratic process we really get to see what matters to us in our World Right Now.

WHY WRN WRN’s aim is to give the power of voice back to the people, through their words, pictures, videos, tweets – connecting their experiences and stories to everyone for us to learn, share and embrace what is common in us all. We will do this by:

Breaking down the barriers of information in social networks and giving people the opportunity to connect

Being the first place where people share their news and story media, providing every possible angle to the story

Giving people a powerful platform to share their stories, and news items in any media format

Giving people all around the world an opportunity to consume stories and news from anywhere and anytime

Aggregating all relevant media content relating to any story or news in one place so that it’s easy to consume

Providing a platform which is free from bias, agenda and any form of editorial censorship (excl sensible community moderation)

HOW DO WE GET USERS? WITH TIMECAPSULE A unique opportunity to capture a snapshot of the World Right Now through the user generated content generation.Our curiosity to find content is limited to our knowledge on subject matters and search engines, usually limited in social media to our immediate networks. Time Capsule opens the content landscape beyond immediate barriers like social networks and traditional media outlets, but mostly is representative of a specific period in time.

Capture user generated content through social media and other user web interation

Peak of the Web 2.0 Generation – Perfect time to capture global internet user behaviour and interaction

A static reference point of internet behaviour curated for all time in one place to be marvelled on for generations

The most unique manifestation of content ever on any website in the world, with smart data and search functionality

REGISTER AND SHARE The Viral Campaign This will represent the beginning of the Time Capsule campaign launch, and the attempt to create viral event subscription. The premise of which is to encourage users to participate in the event, by beginning to prepare the content that they will look to upload on to Time Capsule. The PR, marketing and viral campaign will commence 30 days before THE EVENT.

UPLOAD AND SUMBIT The Event - 30 Day Period The event for content submission is limited to 30 days to give every registered user enough time to create or collate the content they wish to submit to WRN. Any type of relevant content in the form of pictures, videos, audio, tweets, music, blogs etc will be encouraged for submission. Relevant themes will be provided to users to ensure a diversity of response such as: “What do you Love right now?” “What do you Hope for right now?” “What makes you Happy right now?” etc. By generating these thought provoking themes we hope to generate significant diversity of content and from all parts of the world and in many languages. At the end of the event – no further content will be accepted.

EXPLORE AND CONNECT The World’s First Digital and Interactive Time Capsule The end of the 30 day period will mark not the end of WRN but the beginning and the making of history on the internet. The anticipation of the build-up and manifestation of content, will shortly after the event be disclosed to registered and unregistered users of WRN. This will mark the period where users will be able to interact with all content on the landscape.

Content arrangement and collage stitch based on Geo-location, file type, subject matter, trends User landscape interaction and User engagement roll out Execution of WRN merchandising and other Commercial Opportunities

STORY CAPSULE The Story Capsule will launch not more than 90 days after the event has completed, and present the World, its first socially generated news and story platform. The Story Capsule will begin with the captive audience of the Time Capsule, and will hope to generate significant conversion of Time Capsule participants to engaged Story Capsule users.

CREATING THE HYPE The key to generating an interest in WRN will be about creating hype about a once only event which will stand for generations. The strategy for creating the hype will require clinical execution.

LOCAL INTERNET EVANGELISTS These individuals will be the local and territorial WRN ambassadors ensuring the word is spread all around the world, drumming up interest, attracting local PR, recruiting other evangelists, keeping contact with headquarters and reporting on progress and feedback on local campaigns. These LIE’s will also be instrumental in the post launch date, assisting with content moderation and post launch activities.

PR AND VIRAL MARKETING WRN will work with Top PR and digital marketing agencies to seed the concept to influential journalists in all media to create the initial buzz. Combined with this a number of viral campaigns will be launched on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and every social network, this is expected to create and drive user registration.

STRATEGIC ALLIANCE’S The affiliation and creation of strategic alliances will enhance the credibility of the campaign and provide a strategic acceleration for the pre-launch activities. Strategic alliances with certain brands will not only enable sponsorship, but could offer strategic support for some of the activities.




4 BILLION CONSUMERS OF NEWS AND STORIES IN TRADITIONAL MEDIA OUTLETS WRN only aims to capture a significant audience of the global social media market, however even if it reaches 10% of this market that would equate to over 170 million users, who are either contributors or consumers.

The estimated revenues generated by news corporations through various media channels represent hundreds of billions of Dollars every year in advertising and other content licensing revenues A user base of this magnitude would certainly be a major influencer not only in the social media landscape but in the world media industry.

BUSINESS MODEL The commercial opportunities with WRN in both the Time Capsule and Story Capsule lie in the creation of world first concepts with mass user engagement. The nature and rollout of both concepts will attract the following commercial opportunities:




Advertising around content in Time Capsule

from commercial Partners in Time Capsule

T-shirts/Certificates/ Posters/wristbands etc

DATA LICENSING Valuable content, generates valuable data and information which could be monetised

CONTENT LICENSING Story Capsule will license crowd generated content on a revenue share with content creators


PHILANTHROPIC CAUSE WRN is dedicated to giving something back to some of the World’s most dire causes which are free of political or religious bias. WRN will aim to highlight humanitarian causes such as Poverty, Aids, and Education and use the platform to raise awareness and funds aid for such causes.


JULY 2012 Initial Idea



Idea Refinement and team assembly

Completion of Visual Conceptualisation

JANUARY 2014 Completion of Business Plan and commencement with Prototype development

JANUARY 2014 Fundraising

WHAT WE NEED Seeking the best investors in the World Right Now so we can make this happen

SAMEER MAHOMED +44 (0) 7715266786 sam@worldrightnow.com

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