News n Views Term 1 2012

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NEWS ‘N’ VIEWS Term 1 February - April 2012


On Monday 20th February this year we held our 2012

Commencement Service. This Years’ service was special for a number of reasons. Firstly, we were able to hold the service in our new MulC-­‐ Purpose Hall. This was wonderful because it meant that all of our staff and students could be there. There was also plenty of room for our parents and special guests. Secondly, we used the opportunity to officially open and recognise the Memoriam Garden. This has been built to honour those former students, staff and supporters of the College who have passed away aKer being a part of the TCC family. It was our hope that such a Cme of recogniCon would duly honour those families that have lost loved ones.

The theme for the College this year is Resilience and that was the main focus of the Commencement Service as well. The songs chosen, Blessed be Your Name and Great is Thy Faithfulness were very fiQng and supported the messages shared by Pastor Rob Furlong and our Chaplain Mr Amit Khaira. We were also blessed by a choral item presented by many of the Year 5s. Sadly, our Principal Mr Innes was unable to aVend as he was in South Africa supporCng his unwell Father In-­‐ Law. He did however send a speech, that I had the privilege of sharing. His speech encouraged us all to be resilient as we face the struggles of life. We can do this though Christ who gives us strength. Each year at our Commencement Service we take the Cme to pray for our students, the student leaders, the staff and staff leadership, the Board, parents and supporters of Thornlie ChrisCan College. We prayed that God would richly bless and provide for all in their various capaciCes within the College community. AKer the service our parents and special guests were treated to a morning tea on the lawn near the Memoriam Garden. Because the service finished early the students also enjoyed a longer recess. Mr Mike Kingsford Deputy Principal



Jake Lemmer Chairperson of Publications Staff Liason - Miss Fensom

Stephanie Brodelet and Joel Smith Sports Captains Staff Liason - Mrs Katwishi Ng’andwe

Jason Earle and Parvan Gill Chairpersons of Social Concerns Staff Liason - Mr Soo and Mrs David

Lauren Quinn Chairperson of Entertainment Staff Liason - Mrs Balding


Siobhan Hair Chairperson of Entertainment Staff Liason - Mrs Balding

Bradley Dusting and Rebecca Moore Chairpersons of Worship Staff Liason - Mrs Underwood

Zachary Seow and Tracy Derman Chairpersons of Fundraising Staff Liason - Mrs Stryder and Mrs Osservoort

Chontelle Wharton Chairperson of Publications Staff Liason - Miss Fensom

2012 HOUSE CAPTAINS From Le( to Right Joel Smith, Amberlie Evans, Michael Long, Denika Marciano, Jordan Spence, Stephanie Strong, Courtney Wallis, MaVhew Halliday, Kirtsy Isaacs, Andrea Antonello, Stephanie Broedelet JOSEPH


Captain -­‐ Andrea Antonello

Captain -­‐ Stephanie Strong

Vice Captain -­‐ Kirsty Isaacs

Vice Captain -­‐ Jordan Spence



Captain -­‐ Michael Long

Captain -­‐ Courtney Wallis

Vice Captain -­‐ Amberlie Evans & Denika Marciano

Vice Captain -­‐ MaVhew Halliday

2012 STUDENT COUNCILLORS From Le( to Right Back Row Bryan Kwok (12P), Joshua Bandi (9D), Andrew Broedelet (9MA), Brooke van der Westhuizen (9MA), Chante van den Berg (9M), Mirna Akasheh (9D), Elisa Lian (9M), Adela Widjanarko (10F), Kaitlin Barnes (10SO), Kiante Felix (10SO), Brandon Moss (11B), Jolene Kruger (11L), Chris Jordaan (10F) Front Row Daniel Fleay (12J), Cody Ryce (11B), Brianna Lampard (7E), Elijah Gunn (7E), Liam Leslie (7F), Elizabeth Pipes (7F), Callum Barr (7W), Jessikah Meyer (7W), James Olsen (8C), Nyssa McCarrol (8C), BriVany Prosser (8S), Damon Allender (8S), Thomas Koh (8G), Jennifer Waddell (12J) Absent: Skye Watson (8G), Dharshini Menon (11L), Gurpreet Mohar (12P) Head of Student Council -­‐ Jennifer Waddell (12J) & Daniel Fleay (12J)


All students in the Secondary School parCcipated in Clean up TCC day, on the 2nd March. This was held in conjuncCon with the Clean-­‐up Australia event held throughout Australia on Sunday 4th March. Students gathered in their Houses and each had an area of the College to pick up rubbish. We thought that this event was good as everyone was able to take from it the importance of keeping the environment beauCful for our present and future. We aimed for the whole of the Secondary School to come together to pick up as much rubbish as possible and that’s what we got! We hope that the Secondary School has learnt how beauCful our College can look if we all do our part and put our liVer in the bin! Parvan Gill & Jason Earle Chairpersons of Social Concerns


On Wednesday the 14th of March we had our College Inter-­‐House Swimming Carnival at Armadale AquaCc Centre. The carnival started with the buses arriving at the pools first thing in the morning and ran throughout the day. Judah was the ulCmate winners of the Carnival, with Joseph in second place, Levi in third place, and Reuben in fourth place. There was a prize for the person who dressed the best on the day which included the most team colour worn and effort put into an exciCng oujit. Students who came in 1st and 2nd place of each race were chosen to go through to the Inter-­‐School Swimming Carnival which took place on Thursday the 22nd of March. I would say that the overall day was a success and ran very smoothly in a sense to most students parCcipaCng in their races and filling in for others that were either absent or for students that were unable to swim on the day. The whole College was seen as a beauCful family on the day with everybody cheering and encouraging one another to only do their best. Sports Captains, Joel Smith and Stephanie Broedelet

Year group



Joshua Smith





Jordan Luckin Isobel Baverstock Brendan Kwan Jonathan Luckin Brendan McCamley Alyssa Seow

Beané De Wet


Braydon Beckley

Aiden Kwan

Sierra Scadden

Chanté van den Berg


Brendan Higgins

Harry Byrne

Hayley Cammiade

Erana Steven


Nico Kelder

Jordan Spence

Rochelle Haynes

Rachel Spencer


Daniel Fleay

Michael Long

Amberlie Evans

Maddison Davidson

Shaylen Mackay


On Thursday the 22nd of March we had our Inter-­‐School Swimming Carnival. A large number of students leK on the buses from our College early in the morning to make it to Challenge Stadium in Cme for the first race. We all knew we had quite a task ahead of us, compeCng against schools like Swan and Rehoboth that excel in swimming every year. The first races started and we held our own, achieving plenty of thirds and fourths with a pleasant first or second once in a while. All day our swimmers swam their liVle hearts out providing valuable points for Thornlie. A special congratulaCons goes to Hayley Cammiade for receiving Champion Girl for her age group. Also, to Nico Kelder and Daniel Fleay for receiving Runner Up Champion Boy for their age groups. Swan came 1st on the day with Thornlie ChrisCan College finishing 4th . However, five of our swimmers received invitaCons to swim in the NaConal CompeCCon, the Western Australian ChrisCan Schools AssociaCon because of their classy performance on the day. CongratulaCons to Daniel Fleay Year 12, Nico Kelder, Rochelle Haynes and Jordan Spence, Year 11, Hayley Cammiade, Year 10 and Joshua Smith, Year 7 for making the squad.

AWAKENING Term 1 for Awakening has been a challenge but definitely worth it. We (Myself -­‐ Bradley DusCng, and my fellow Worship CommiVee Chairperson Rebecca Moore) have had assistance from our Staff Liason; Mrs Underwood, and CommiVee members; MaVhew Wilson and Emily Olsen, and really we could not have done Awakening without their help. Awakening has had an average aVendance of 15-­‐17 Middle/Senior school students per week, which isn't a bad start for Term 1. However, I really pray that the overall aVendance would at least double by the end of the year. With Gods provision I believe anything is possible. Through Gods provision and grace, the students that aVend Awakening; as well as myself and my fellow worship commiVee members, are praying to reap the benefits of a seed planted 10 years ago!! Its Cme to reap the Harvest! God Bless Bradley DusCng


With a new format this year encouraging more interacCon at Form level and a

dedicated Cme slot every two weeks, Chapel services have been rolling along very nicely. This past term we have been fortunate enough to hear from East Coast band Selahphonic whilst on tour in WA and the tesCmony of Jack Jones, the former SAS soldier who fell into drug and alcohol addicCon and now leads a ministry called Harvest of Hope and leads the Street Chaplains here in Northbridge and Fremantle. Chapel services are targeCng core issues which affect us all and are providing a healthy forum for discussion to take place to help equip and empower us as we move forward in our faith. The menu for next term has already been set and I am excited about how God is moving in and amongst us!

Selahphonic were awesome! Can they come back...? Toshan Mohabeer, 8G

Mr Khaira, Chaplain

They were AMAZING! A brilliant and fantastic band :) Caitlin Smith, 8G

HARMONY DAY- KITE FLYING COMPETITION COMPETITION WINNERS! Three best looking kites Elizabeth Pipes, Year 7 Jason Reyes, Year 8 Rebecca Matassa and Kennington, Year 7


Three highest flying kites Daisy Nyabwonda, Year 8 Callum Barr, Year 7 In conjuncCon with Harmony Day, a kite flying compeCCon was held on the 23rd of

Consolation Prizes for those who entered the competition:

March. Students from Middle and Senior School parCcipated in this compeCCon and their kites were judged on the highest flying and the best looking. Each student created a kite symbolising something unique and as part of the criteria, an Asian inspired design. The judges and teachers thoroughly enjoyed this event and

Michael Baker, Noel Siau, Nathan Nee, Hilton Bratschi, Brayden Davis and Elijah Crowe flying Mrs Balding’s kite

hopefully this will be an annual event. Prizes were be awarded on the last day of term for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places as well as consolaCon prizes to all the parCcipants. On behalf of the organising team, we would like to thank all the teachers and the Middle and Senior Students who supported the event. Year 11 and Year 12 Indonesian students Parvan Gill, Chairpersons Social Concerns

YEAR 11 & 12 LANGUAGE SEMINAR On the 8th of March, the 2A/B and 3A/B Indonesian students aVended an informaCve seminar on Censorship Laws in Indonesia. The seminar was held in a nice restaurant “Tasik Indonesia” located in Perth City together with other 2A/B and 3A/B Indonesian students from six different schools. The conference was led by Professor David Hill from Murdoch University who informed all the students about the origin, background, history and characterisCcs of the current Censorship Laws in Indonesia. He also provided us with an alternaCve view towards the Indonesian Censorship Laws; that the Indonesian media actually possess a lot of freedom of speech. We all were really interested in what he had to say and we learnt a lot as a result. We also had the privilege to meet and speak to other Indonesian students from the other schools and exchange knowledge. AKer the seminar, we had a scrumpCous buffet lunch, which we all enjoyed. Kylie Choong & Jaimee Hoskins Year 11 students of Indonesian



This year the Thornlie ChrisCan College Senior Drama producCon is called “Run for the money!” The play is a two-­‐act mystery farce set enCrely in the living room of the large estate belonging to the late Fosdick Pemberton Floogee. The students have been working extremely hard to make this yet again another successful Drama producCon. This is one you won’t want to miss. From an Assistant Directors perspecCve, I am amazed at how much actually happens behind the scenes and how much Cme and preparaCon goes into making the producCon a success. I am personally looking forward to seeing the final performance at the Don Russell Performing Arts Centre when it all comes together. Amberlie Evans, Assistant Director

SHOW INFORMATION Venue: Don Russell Performing Arts Centre Dates: 3 May, 4 May, 5 May StarCng Time: 7.30 Tickets Available from Sindy (Parent Services 9455 1607) Standard $18 Student $12

PREFECT RETREAT The Prefect Retreat held in February is about providing the Prefects for 2012 with some leadership Training. The day commenced with Breakfast at the Dome followed by a day back at the College with some Leadership training. MaV Lance from Youth For Christ ran some teamwork and leadership acCviCes and spoke on how to be a leader from a Biblical perspecCve. Mr Innes also spoke to them on Leadership from a College perspecCve. This was followed by some planning for the coming year under the guidance of Staff Liaisons. AKer that it was fun Cme at the beach and Kallis’s for tea. It is always great to see the students and share Cme with them in a social situaCon. With this bunch of enthusiasCc leaders, 2012 augers to be a great year. Mrs Balding Staff Liason, Prefects


Once again, the Year Nines enjoyed a Personal Development day at Woodman Point where the focus of the day was Teamwork and Co-­‐operaCon and an opportunity for them to get to know other members of the House as they parCcipated in the acCviCes. It was great day and a second Personal Development Day will be held in Term Two at the College. Mrs Balding


TCC entered for the first Cme in the Sunsmart Metro Schools Tennis Classic. Five Year nine boys were chosen to represent the College in the Boys Herbert Edwards Cup for Years 8 & 9 boys. This was an exciCng venture and the following students are to be congratulated, firstly, on being selected in the team and secondly, for reaching the Preliminary Finals, which they were narrowly beaten by ChrisCan Brothers College (CBC). Stephen MaVhews (Captain) Eugene Koh (Vice Captain) Calvin Moss, Zac Caspersz and Cameron Flood played fantasCc tennis throughout the day with matches played in the iniCal pool, against Modern School, Applecross Senior High School, Mount Lawley Senior High School and Corpus ChrisCe College. They were certainly a credit to the College. Special congratulaCons to Stephen MaVhews who never lost a match both in the singles or the doubles. The tournament commenced at the Belmont Park Tennis club and we then had to move to the State Tennis Centre to play in the finals. Mrs Balding Staff Liaison for the Tennis

It is wonderful to see so many students taking advantage of the Study Café held on a Wednesday afternoon after school. The Study Café provides students with an opportunity of completing Homework, assignments and research with the bonus of extra help from the staff and Year 12 Prefects. Numbers are growing by the week with around 50 attending.


YEAR 7 BIBLE EXCURSIONS Our Year 7 Biblical Studies program is called ‘PLUNGE’. It’s called that because we want to throw the Year 7s into the deep end! Not because we want them to drown, but rather because we want them to learn about the Bible in all sorts of different ways – videos, games, acCviCes, art, sculpture, mulC media, discussions, music and the like. Being at a ChrisCan School, oKen we think we’ve heard everything in the Bible a million Cmes before. But PLUNGE aims to teach the familiar stories in new and creaCve ways so that we can all learn new things about God and what he’s done for us in Jesus. Once a month the Year 7s go on an excursion to Thornlie Church of Christ. We hope this means that students who’ve never been to church can see that it’s not that scary! When they arrive staff from the church and YMA are there to welcome them and play some get to know you games. Then there is oKen a video or music clip, and then some story telling. On the most recent excursion the church was turned into the Old Testament Temple, and in small groups the students explored all the different aspects of the temple to find out what they meant. One of the most moving acCviCes was puQng our hands in red paint, as we learnt about how the Israelites had to sacrifice an animal for their sins. The red paint represented blood, the death of one life in the place of another. We then washed our hands thoroughly, as we were reminded that God washes our sins clean away, so that we are stand completely forgiven when we trust in Jesus. Mrs Underwood, Biblical Studies Teacher

STUDENTS GET THEIR SAY! I like that we get a lot of Cme just to ask quesCons about God. I also like when we do acCviCes that link into bible verses and how it’s just a good environment all focused on God. Natalie Grasso, 7F The Bible excursions were very interesCng because we always learnt new things about God. Jazmine Young, 7F I enjoy the Bible excursions because of how the people at the Church talk about how God created the world and that he is our Father in Heaven. I love hearing the story of when God created the world but the thing I don’t like is how Adam and Eve disobeyed God and how sin came into the earth. We do all of these acCviCes that involves stories of the Bible. It’s really fun, I enjoy BIble! Courtney LiVlefair, 7F I love going on the BIble excursions because I love learning about God and following His way. Nadia ACeh, 7W I found the excursions interesCng and fun. We play a few games and watch a few videos that allow us to learn more about God. Jessica Meyer,7F

The Year 7’s have been on excursions for the last term to Thornlie Church of Christ. On our second excursion we learnt a very valuable lesson... We learnt this through trying to fix a broken cup with only 8 band aids. Zoe Wilson and I attempted this, but didn’t exactly succeed. We named our cup Charlie and learnt, once you are broken you can’t be fixed without God’s help. Beane de Wet, 7W I LOVE the activities we did like putting a mug back together with band was FUN! Jordan Luckin, 7W We have been focusing on the topics of “Made and Break”. We have been working in our PLUNGE books and learning more about our relationship with God. The activities have been fun! Lauren Kennington,7W

YEAR 10 SOSE EXCURSION - PERTH HILLS On Wednesday the 7th of March, the Year 10’s went on an excursion to the Perth Hills Discovery Centre. Arriving at around 10am, they were warmly greeted and ushered into the classroom. AKer learning about the unique features found around the hills area through a slideshow, the group departed on a long walk through the bush lands around the NaConal Park to experience the different trees, plants and wildflowers all naCve to Australia. Soon, it was Cme to put theory into pracCce. The group was tasked to idenCfy different plant species and take ground tests on a secCon of bush land. This ‘hands on’ acCvity was certainly a value-­‐adding experience for the Year 10 fieldwork studies. AKer an hour, the group proceeded to another highlight of the excursion, the wild animal encounter. Pupils were shown different Australian ‘wildlife’ such as the Red Tailed Black Cockatoo and the famous Kangaroo. Some even had a chance to cuddle these naCves, a golden opportunity for those who do not get a chance to go out into the bush or outback too oKen. This excursion to the Perth Hills Discovery Centre was an enjoyable experience and certainly one the year group will not forget. Mr Soo , SOSE Teacher

JEWELS FUTURE FREE DRESS DAY FUNDRAISER On Wednesday 21st of March (Secondary) and Wednesday 4th of April (Primary) a Sports themed Free Dress Day was held. Students turned out in footy apparel, cricket gear, basketball shirts, soccer shirts, netball uniforms and even a paintball camouflage ‘get up’ to name just a few. A winner was chosen for the Best Dressed for the day and we couldn’t go passed the enthusiasCc and well dressed, in all white, our cricket player Jake Lemmer from Year 12. He received a $7 canteen voucher. Students this year were asked to contribute $2 instead of the gold coin donaCon, so that we as a College Community would be able to make a much bigger difference to the families and children Jewels Future supports. At present, it costs just over $20,000 a year to provide for the school and the orphanage. This includes wages of teachers, uCliCes, food and school equipment. We were able to raise $455 just from the Secondary School from this event, which is double what has been achieved in the past. The Primary School figure hasn’t yet been calculated. Although it is only a drop in the ocean compared to the total amount that needs to be raised, as they say: ‘every liVle bit counts’. It is also important for students to learn to be generous and servant-­‐hearted just like our saviour. Thank you to all those who parCcipated. Mrs Stryder, Staff Liason for Fundraising

PRAWN CRACKERS & SMENCILS! Students slaved over a hot wok to make prawn crackers which were sold on Tuesday 3rd of April, to raise funds for the Year 6 Sydney Canberra Trip. We raised $183. Thank you to the Primary School students who showed the most support and enthusiasm for this event. Also, thanks to Mr Cochrane and Mrs Shannon for graciously lending us the use of the commercial kitchen. Smencils, those fabulously scented 100% recycled lead pencils were an absolute hit with the Primary and Secondary students. We sold 350 pencils at $2 each and were able to raise $375 for the Zimbabwe Mission Trip in September. Thanks to all those who supported this event. There will be more sold in Term 3 aKer Open Day if you missed out.

. . . 2 M R E T N I P U COMING Easter Service Annual College Senior School Ball Anzac Service Athletics Carnivals ...and much more!

Produced by Jacobus Lemmer & Chontelle Wharton Media Department, PublicaCons CommiVee © 2012 Thornlie ChrisCan College

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