News n views 2011 - 2

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NEWS ‘N’ VIEWS Term 2 May - July 2011


STUDENTS HAVE THEIR SAY “It was a night that was memorable, fun and enjoyable. I think the night was a success and the Year 12's will be able to look back on the night and smile!” Megan Johnson, Year 12 “The ball was quite amazing. Food was good and dessert was just as good. Overall a great night and exceeded my expectations!” Jarrod Street, Year 12

“This ball was the best one yet!”

“The ball was an amazing night. Lots of fun, laughs and good times. The highlight of the year and a night that all who attended will never forget“ Ben Gray, Year 12

Edwina Leung Year 12

“Good music, good food, vibe.” Josh Klenner,Year 12



“The theme for the 2011 TCC Senior College Ball Evening was Sailing

the Ships of Yesteryear. The commi?ee went “overboard” with

decoraCng the venue (Fremantle Sailing Club) with fishing nets, treasure chests, jewels and table accessories depicCng the theme.

“The ball was really interesting!”

It was definitely a night to remember! Everyone looked amazing, including the teachers! On behalf of The Entertainment and FuncCons Commi?ee, we would like to thank everyone who a?ended the Senior Ball. We hope the Year 12’s took away many memories to cherish from the night.” Michele Riley & Ariana Yardley Chairpersons Entertainment and FuncCons

Breanne Carter & Ben Gray “Belle and Beau of the Ball”

Kez Wojcik Year 12

What a great way to commence the term – a service where members of the whole College


community gathered together to remember the servicemen and women who gave their lives or were handicapped during the war so that we could live peacefully in this great Country of ours. The service was lead by our Head Boy and Head Girl, Joshua Klenner and Nathania Widjinarko, staff and other representaCves from the different schools within the College taking part in the service, including students, Trindale Fuller, Erana Steven, Danielle Gleeson, Ben Wallis, Blake Weckman, and Emily Olsen. The Year 6 Choir and representaCves from the Secondary Choir sang beauCfully “We Are The World” with Levin Lian accompanying them on the piano. We were also privileged to have two guest speakers bring to us the ANZAC message, Mr Harry Rosielle,reCred Air-­‐force Warrant Officer and Mr Stuart Holmes, a reCred Reservist. A special touch to the service was Mr Peter Hoare from the Gosnells SalvaCon Army who played the Last Post and Rouse on the trumpet. Mrs Balding


“See You At the Pole is a naConwide ChrisCan student event, where students gather to

“See You At The Pole was a huge success, I was unsure of how it would turn out but in the end it went really well. It was great to just sit down and pray about current issues, the College and just life in general with a bunch of like minded people. I think an event like that should happen more often and look forward to the future events.” Kezia Wojcik, Chairperson of Worship Committee

pray for their school. The name comes from the idea of meeCng at the school flag pole to pray, but since that wasn’t a good locaCon for us we met at the tree!, although we did sCll have the flag raised in on alternaCve posiCon. About 20 students and teachers met to pray for the TCC community one lunchCme. They prayed that ChrisCans would stand out and speak out for Jesus, that other students would come to know Jesus, that teachers would be godly role models, and that those in posiCons of leadership and decision making would be guided by God. It was a very encouraging Cme for all ChrisCans to be united and remind each other of God’s work in our College.” Mrs Underwood

“See You At The Pole was a really that school

uplifting united in


event senior



prayer works!” Lukas Frank, Chairperson of Worship Committee


The Year 9 PD day, the second for the year was run by members from Youth for Christ. The Auslife programme provided an opportunity for every student to reflect and discuss a variety of topics on Goals and Values. The discussion groups were led by young people from YFC and several Youth leaders from neighbouring churches and ex College students. The topics discussed and viewed were finding fulfilment in life, turning beliefs into values, goal sekng and the importance of a balanced life – character and skill development. There were many great reports on “It was a fun filled educational day.” Amber Mellor

the day and some excellent feedback from the leaders. Mrs Balding The Year 9 PD was a really good day giving us the opportunity of spending quality Cme with our class mates. It was a fun filled day with

many acCviCes and discussions. There was a quesCon Cme giving us the opportunity of asking relevant quesCons on either the acCviCes or the group work covered throughout the day. I really enjoyed the day and wished we could have more occasions like this throughout Year 9. Georgia Wallis

“Year 9 PD Day was great...we all got a lot out of it.” Jaycob Moylan

H T N O M E H T F O S T N E STUD “The student of the month is chosen from the student in Year 7,8,9 with the most number of Merits for that month. Taken into consideraCon is also the behaviour of the student, with the deducCon of one Merit for each blue slip incurred over the month. Students on a Step are automaCcally withdrawn from being eligible for the award.” Mrs Balding Mei Ling Lim

Elisa Lian

Bailey Barnes

Year 9

Year 8

Year 7

Student of the month for June


“...a spectacular performance...well directed and acted...”

“Mr. Willesee had created a masterpiece... A true work of art that enabled TCC’s performers to showcase their skills. As a performer, I was very pleased with how the whole play turned out. Great choice of play as well, might I add. It had humour, Indian doctors and a great storyline, what

more could you want? This play was a great chance for everyone to play a role that was slightly out of their comfort zone, taking on new accents and personas to be?er their performance. All in all, ‘Is there a doctor in the house’ was well produced, packed out theaters, and allowed students to express their ‘dramaCc’ side.” Joshua Klenner "The ProducCon, Is there a Doctor in the House was a SPECTACULAR performance! I was so glad to go and be able to watch this well directed and acted play. It was so amazing to watch and the performance blew the crowd away. We have so many talented students and staff here at Thornlie ChrisCan College and I’m glad to be able to know them" Lilli Krapljanov

“Absolutely mind blowing” William Jacobsz

“A magnificent experience...”

“I thought it was great. By the end of the show, everyone was laughing” Clarissa Widjanarko “The producCon 'Is There a Doctor in the House' was such a

great experience! It was absolutely brilliant to be apart of. Gekng to know the students in the cast, dressing up and being on stage are some memories I will never forget!” Rachel Murphy

"A magnificent experience that strengthened many relaConships and a great, fun experience all together" Aiden Chandler “I really loved being involved in the producCon as it liqed my self confidence and I also could work with lovely people and it was just amazing. It also turned out to be a ‘sold out performance’ so people must of spread the word around that it was fantasCc and came to watch it for themselves. I wish it didn’t have to be my last performance for Drama.” Chelsea Oost

“...memories I will never forget...”

INTERHOUSE CROSS COUNTRY CARNIVAL “Another successful day in our College sporCng world. The level of compeCCon amongst our students was high. Well done to every student that turned up at school and parCcipated. In the end, the following students triumphed through.”


Mrs Katwishi-­‐Ng’Andwe





Janine Jacobsz

Skye Watson


Brenden McCamley

Thomas Delalande


Chante van der Berg

Amelia Stephens


Jai McCamley

Stephen Lemmer


Nicole Utley

Anandi Labuchagne


Jaycob Moylan

Harry Byrne


Kirsty Isaacs

Rachael Murphy


Connor Marshall

Crailin McLaren


Stephanie Broedelet

Amberlie Evans


Joel Smith

Jake Lemmer


Kezia Wojcik

Catherine Dewar


Josh Tucker

Kevin Sam

“I thought it went very well, everyone who competed did a great job and it was an enjoyable day!“ Meg Johnson, ViceHouse Captain of Reuben

HOUSE CAPTAINS HAVE THEIR SAY “Well done to all the parCcipants in the Cross Country and a BIG thank you to all the guys in the house of Judah for running really well. It was great to see most of the Champion and Runners-­‐Up medallions were claimed by Judah. You guys are champs! GO JUDAH!” Jeff Bandi, Vice-­‐House Captain of Judah “My house performed above and beyond what anyone could have asked of them, Even though we didn't finish where we would have liked there was no quesConing the commitment and posiCve aktude that came from the confines of the Joseph House bay. Plus, aqer winning it for the past few years, it was about Cme we gave others a chance to taste some success.” Ben Gray, House Captain of Joseph “The day went really well thanks to all those who helped out. Everyone tried their hardest and the compeCCon was

“Joseph tried their best. All we asked for! Good job team” Stephanie Broedelet Vice-House Captain of Joseph

great. I do believe that Levi were the loudest and proudest cheerers for their house.” Mitchell Higgins, House Captain of Levi “I think Levi made an awesome effort to try their hardest on the day and I'm proud to say we came second as a result! Good job guys!” Lisa Hill, Vice-­‐House Captain of Levi

MIDDLE SCHOOL SPELL-A-THON “I thought that everyone performed really well, and I am looking forward to the next round.” James Olsen, Year 7 “I like the Spellathon because it is fun and it is pretty thrilling to be in the finals!” Elisa Lian, Year 7 “I made it to the final of the spelling competition, I made it to the 12th round and I came third overall. It was a great experience!” Katie Bilich, Year 9

“The Spell-­‐a-­‐thon was one of the highlights of English Week in Middle School. Many students crammed hard to learn words that many may not have encountered before but that is half the fun of Spell-­‐a-­‐thon. During a very edge-­‐of-­‐the-­‐seat Spell-­‐a-­‐thon championship final held during the Middle School Assembly in Week 5, a very fine ensemble of spellers ba?led it out. Despite having exhausted all 50 rounds of the compeCCon, Elisa Lian, Year 8 and James Olsen, Year 7 , held on to the very end. A new grand final was staged at the next Middle School assembly. In a tension-­‐filled hall, Elisa walked away with the Spell-­‐a-­‐thon championship of 2011. CongratulaCons to all parCcipants and winners once again for they have made this year’s championship a memorable one.” Mrs Lee

“The Maths Olympiad is fun and I like working on the problems with friends!” Elisa Lian, Year 7

On Wednesday, May 18, 33 of our students competed in the first of five Math Olympiads for 2011. For some students it was the first Cme ever that they parCcipated in a compeCCon of this kind, but others


are doing it for their third year. Ten Year 6 students and another ten from Year 7 took part in the Junior Olympiad. Natalie Grasso in Year 6 and Chloe Murray in Year 7 were the top achievers. In the Senior Olympiad nine Year 8 students and four Year 9 students parCcipated

and the top achievers were Elisa Lian and Aiden Kwan, both from Year 8. CongratulaCons to all of you for doing your best and especially to the 4 top achievers. On June 22nd, students competed in the second Olympiad and the top achievers for the Junior Division were two Year 7 students: Chloe Murray and James Olsen. They both received a perfect score. CongratulaCons on this outstanding achievement. The two top achievers in the Senior Olympiad were once again Elisa Lian and Aiden Kwan, from Year 8. The next Olympiad will be on Friday, July 29, since our students only return from Holidays on July 28. The Olympiad will sCll be in modules 1 and 2, but just not on the Wednesday as always. Remember to keep pracCcing, because “PracCce makes perfect”. Also, Many students paid the $5.50 registraCon fees to parCcipate in this year’s Australian MathemaCcs CompeCCon. The compeCCon date is Thursday, August 4. PracCce papers can be obtained from your MathemaCcs teacher. Mrs Jacobsz

“Olympiad is cool. We're doing well and learning new strategies for math problem solving” Clarissa Widjanarko, Year 7 “Mrs Jacobsz is very helpful and gives us information that can help all of us. I think I am benefitting very much from this time.” Erana Steven, Year 9

YEAR 7 & 8 EXCURSION TO FREMANTLE LITERACY STUDENTS HAVE THEIR SAY “I thought the literacy centre was great.We all had a great time and learnt more about writing stories.” Clarissa Widjanarko, Year 7 “Fremantle Prison cool.” Mary Atieh, Year 8 “It was very fun and educational, the people there were nice and helpful and I enjoyed it immensely.” Elisa Lian, Year 8

WORK PLACE LEARNING “I went to AusCn Computers. While I was there I got to build a couple of computers. People were really friendly and loved to play jokes on each other. The sad thing was that I didn't get to repair any PC’s.” Stephen McLeod, Year 12 “Just by doing Work Experience you don't only do a job for two weeks, but you gain a whole lot of knowledge on the work place. You gain workplace skills and it can really help you in the future jobs. It also looks good to have four different work experience roles on your Resume when you leave school. I completed this learning experience at Carey BapCst College in the area of Physical EducaCon.” Josh Tucker, Year 12 “I went to YWAM perth and had an amazing Cme and I learnt so much about missions. The people at YWAM Perth were super nice and very welcoming.” Ariana Yardley, Year 12 “I went to the Pan Pacific Hotel in Perth and worked in the area of hospitality. It was an AMAZING EXPERIENCE and the people I worked with were very lovely. I didn’t really want to leave.” Lauren Quinn, Year 11



“I thought it was really amazing and we learnt heaps of awesome things about illustrations. The guide there showed us different ways of screening a picture. For instance; there was a knock at the door: we all drew someone answering the door but she showed us an angry tax person knocking on a abandoned refrigerator! It was epic!” Chloe Murray, Year 7


“It was great because every one had fun and we came second. Most fun I have had at school!” Bailey Barnes

Wednesday the 1st of July saw 21 Middle School boys make their way in some wet and wooly weather up to Ellenbrook to compete in the 2011 WACSSA AFL Lightning Carnival. The selected squad was made up of Year 7, 8 and 9 boys who had shown the required skills necessary to play. While

warming up, a huge storm cloud in the distance indicated this was not going to be a day for silky skills, but rather wet, messy football. And indeed the rain came, during our first game against Mundaring. Aqer a slow start, the TCC boys began to dominate the game and overcame the team from the hills by 29 points. Our second game against a big-­‐bodied Ellenbrook was a close tussle with Ellenbrook leading by less than a goal with five minutes to go. But two late goals by Jarred Shipton (thanks to some fantasCc team play from Cameron Flood) and Jai McCamley earned a hard fought 9 point win. That meant that TCC ventured into a Middle School grand final for the first Cme against Swan. And again the rain poured. Obviously Swan enjoyed the puddles more as they as they opened up a handy lead early. A final quarter fight back saw TCC draw closer, but in the end it was not close enough as Swan won by 22 points. Captain Harry Byrne led from the front and kicked three goals for the day while swapping with Braydon Beckley (who was also very good except for when there were dogs barking) between Half Back and the Midfield. Jarred Shipton became the swingman for the day, starCng up forward and kicking goals, and then moving back in the final to thwart the Swan advances. The midfield was well served by Jaycob Moylan and Jai McCamley, with Jai our leading goal-­‐kicker (4 goals) and constantly pukng his head over the ball no ma?er how many Cmes it nearly got knocked off! Steve Lemmer also proved to be a strong target up forward, kicking two crucial goals against Ellenbrook. CongratulaCons to all of the boys who pulled on the jumper to represent TCC for the day – you did the College proud! Also a huge thank you to Mrs Barnes for taking photos for the day and assisCng the coach with whatever was needed and to Connor Marshall and Josiah Laloh for their help umpiring. Mr Eikelboom


“The choice of menu, service, atmosphere was equal to a five star restaurant. Why dine anywhere else!” Mrs Balding

“For the Year 12 Food Science class, we had an assessment which required us to cater for our parents. It was a chance to display our cooking skills and give our parents the night off. We chose a 'MulCcultural' theme because we were all interested in learning different styles and techniques of cooking. It was a fantasCc night and I enjoyed every second of it!” Michele RIley “The dinner was well planned, the menu was well balanced. I can happily say a lot of parents enjoyed it and we got a lot of posiCve feedback. The night went as planned and it was enjoyable.” Meg Johnson “The MulCcultural dinner was for our parents which was an assessment which went towards our grade. It was a good night, where lots of planning went towards it -­‐ from planning the menu, who was coming and what the night was going to look like. The parents, the students, staff and Mr Heske enjoyed the night and everything turned out well.” Catherine Dewar “The Cultural Dinner consisted of our Asia inspired entrées and mains, and a European inspired dessert. The night was a big success despite the evening being placed on the night of a storm. We received great posiCve feedback about our great service, beauCful atmosphere and great food.“ Breanne Carter

MIDDLE SCHOOL CHOIR EISTEDDFOD “We were the smallest choir, so we were really surprised when we were awarded second place!” Sarah Smith, Year 7

“It was amazing and I loved it.” Samadhi Fernando, Year 7


LAST AWAKENING OF TERM 2 “...a powerful message on individuality...”

“Awakening was amazing. It was very well publicised and had a great turn out on the day. The TCC band had been hard at work pracCcing and all their efforts definitely paid off when they rocked out the College with their Cght drumbeats, great guitar licks and excellent vocals. This youthy music a?racted almost everyone in the College and kept them interested to see what it was all about. Aqer the band started Awakening off with a bang, there were some epic games organised with House points up for grabs. In the first game, contestants (picked from the crowd) had to a?empt to eat a dry ‘weet-­‐bix’ biscuit as quickly as they could, once they had finished it, they had to whistle into the microphone. This was not an easy task; the dryness of the biscuit sucked all the water from the contestant’s mouths and made it hard to swallow. The very next game was a compeCCon between four groups of two people each. Their task was to eat the enCre inside of semi-­‐hemispherical watermelon, before placing the hollowed melon on their head as if it were a helmet. The challenge got very messy very quickly and not only were the contestants having a great Cme, but the audience around them were loving it as well. The last game was organised by our College Sport Captain, Josh Tucker, and this was a good ‘ol fashion game of dodgeball. Judah and Reuben teamed up against Joseph and Levi in an epic ba?le of the houses. In the end it was Joseph and Levi that dominated the field and earned themselves points for their House. Aqer everyone had a great Cme with the games, Mr. K delivered a powerful message on individuality and not faking your true idenCty. Awakening was awesome fun; there was not one

“...they rocked out the school with their tight drumbeats...”

person there that didn’t look like they were having a great Cme. I strongly encourage people to keep coming to Awakening and those who weren’t there to make the effort to come because Awakening can only get bigger and be?er.“ Josh Klenner & Nathania Widjanarko Head Boy & Head Girl

. . . E U S S I T X E N E H T N I P U G COMIN Interhouse Athletics Carnival Open Day Year 10 Work Experience An Evening Of Music TCC’s Got Talent and much more ... !

Produced by Joshua Klenner -­‐ Head Boy & Nathania Widjanarko -­‐ Head Girl, PublicaCons Commi?ee Miss Fensom, Staff Liason, PublicaCons Commi?ee © 2011 Thornlie ChrisCan College

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