NEWS ‘N’ VIEWS Term 3 August - October 2011
THE WINNERS HAVE THEIR SAY Well, I thought the night was a big success it was amazing to see how much talent there is, especially within the Primary School. It was, for me, a very scary and nerve racking experience. Especially as I am normally quite shy. I thought it was amazing watching everyone show us a little bit about what they like to do. I really loved to watch Tahlia's and Touched By An Angel’s performance. It was great to just sit back and watch your peers perform.
‘Scarlet Thread’ Winners for Senior School
Samuel, Kezia and Jeffrey
Kezia Wojcik, Year 12 Member of Scarlet Thread
TCC's got talent was a great night filled with laughter, tears and lots of talent. With the house prac:cally full and the par:cipants behind the stage, Mar:n and I were ready to start the show!
Ciara Kinsella Winner for Primary School
Everybody did an absolutely great job and I couldn't be more proud! Some things were leE to the last minute but other then that it was a spectacular night! Aaron Rebeiro, Chairperson of Fundraising CommiIee
The Parliament House excursion was a good day, I was just mostly glad to miss school but it was cool especially seeing Colin Barnett Georgia Wallis
“It was fun” Josh Nieves
I think it would be fair to say that the Chapel Services so far have blown previous expecta:ons! There is a real sense of an:cipa:on about these services and the aIendance from leaders and pastors within the local community, as well as our parents, has been very encouraging. As I men:oned in our very first service, the :me we set aside for Chapel is meant to be about us doing life together the way God intended us to. Yes, we are an academic ins:tu:on, but we are a College with a difference. The difference is the focus we place on rela:onship with each other in community and also the fact that everything we do is to reflect God’s glory and to be an act of worship. What beIer way to do this than to set aside some :me on a regular basis for no other reason than to do 'church' the way it was intended. There is no set formula, no set rou:ne. The only thing we want to see achieved is an avenue where our Chris:an students are empowered in their faith and those who do not subscribe to the Chris:an faith to learn more about it, to hear from different people through their life stories about what their faith means to them, and to take a stand and say "this is how we do life here at Thornlie Chris:an College". My hope is that it would get bigger and beIer and it would cause parents, staff, students and our local community to want to get involved more in life here at the College. Mr Khaira College Chaplain
On the 12th of August, we went to the Governor's prayer breakfast along with Mrs Balding, Mr Kingsford, Mr Wise, Mr K and three Primary House Captains. The Governor’s Prayer Breakfast is an annual event where Western Australia's leaders meet to pray and fellowship with other Chris:an leaders in the community. Guest Speaker, Mr Aiona, the ex-‐governor of Hawaii, came to talk to us about prayer and his tes:mony of what God did in his life. He shared with us the Hawaiian "Aloha Spirit". The "Aloha Spirit" was basically a guide for us to live our lives in a way that shows kindness, unity, agreement, humility and pa:ence, and as leaders, we should work together to impact one another posi:vely. We were all so interested to hear how Mr Aiona overcame troubles in his life and how his passion for God pulled him through and got him to where he is today. Mr. Aiona’s message was both entertaining and provided some great food for thought. At the end of his message all of the School Captains and Prefects received a business-‐card size card :tled ‘The Aloha Spirit at Work’. This card contained a list of ‘good’ quali:es and ‘bad’ quali:es, and then the result of prac:cing these quali:es. An example was Forgiveness, where if you ‘plant’ Forgiveness, the ‘fruit of the seed’ was Unity, and the ‘harvest’ was joy. This card is a great reminder of how your ac:ons really affect the people around you. All in all, the whole morning was run excep:onally well, with remarkable service and top of the line food, but best of all, we all learnt something that we could apply to our own experience and lifestyle, to be stronger in Christ. Josh Klenner & Nathania Widjanarko Head Boy & Head Girl
The Interschool Basketball Compe::on was held at the home of the Kalamunda Eastern Suns. Our College team had been selected under the watchful eye of Mrs Katwishi. With over 60 par:cipants in the first try-‐out, she had to devise a way to reduce the number. Mr Khaira got involved over the next two and was able to cut the number down to 18. From those that commiIed to training hard through their lunch:mes, 15 were invited to aIend "training camp". Several female students also made the cut and were to be trained by Mrs Stuart and Mr Khaira in prepara:on for the Interschool carnival. 6 weeks of semi-‐intense physical condi:oning and a crash course on Basketball basics had the 3 College teams fit, healthy, and ready for a day of fun on the courts. Many of the other schools had elite level players as part of their team. In the boys compe::on, several of the teams played together on a regular basis. To cut a long story short, we were no easy beats on the day even though there were not many digits in the W column. The students had a great :me and TCC were definitely the life of the party! We represented well, showed great sports-‐person ship and walked away with our heads held high.
WIN FOR JUDAH! Another successful day in our College spor:ng world. The level of compe::on amongst our students was high. Well done to every student that turned up at school and par:cipated. In the end, the following students triumphed through. Mrs Katwishi-‐Ng’Andwe Teacher In Charge of Physical Educa:on
Janine Jacobsz
Skye Watson
Brenden McCamley
Thomas Delalande
Chante Van Den Berg
Amelia Stephens
Jai McCamley
Stephen Lemmer
Nicole Utley
Anandi Labuchagne
Jaycob Moylan
Harry Byrne
Kirsty Isaacs
Rachael Murphy
Connor Marshall
Crailin McLaren
Stephanie Broedelet
Amberlie Evans
Joel Smith
Jake Lemmer
Kezia Wojcik
Catherine Dewar
Josh Tucker
Kevin Sam
I didn’t do the races, but it was fun watching how determined some people get when it comes to competition! It was good! They’re all amazing! Madonna Salem, Year 8
Y A S R I E H T E V A H S T STUDEN I was in the 800m and came 5th. It was fun hanging out with my friends, but I hated being in the sun. Skye Watson, Year 8 The Interhouse carnival I thought was really fun, I was in most of the races and enjoyed the carnival it was a great day! I was in the 400m, 200m, 100m and the Yr8 Levi relay. I can’t wait for the one next year. Suzi Grover, Year 8 The Interhouse carnival was sweet i enjoyed it a lot, especially hanging out with my friends. Donnah Holloway, Year 10 The Interhouse carnival was a great day with fun ac:vi:es, nothing beIer than to come together and use our God-‐given talents. Aidan Chandler, Year 11 The Interhouse carnival was exquisite! Daniel Fleay, Year 11 All in all it was a fun day and I enjoyed everyones’ enthusiasm. Amberlie Evans, Year 11 Great fun and an evenjul day. Brad Dus:ng, Year 11 It was fun to just run and chill with friends for the last House school event ever. Kezia Wojcik, Year 12
TEACHERS HAVE THEIR SAY The Mathema:cs department had a very successful compe::on, called Mathema:cs Mania, where par:cipants had to name 25 different 3-‐D shapes correctly. Noel Siau from Year 7E won a movie :cket for having the highest score, which was 18 correct answers. Congratula:ons Noel! We would also like to thank all par:cipants who tried their best. Many visitors also had lots of fun trying to complete the Pythagorean model. This model was designed by Mr DuI and constructed by Mr Peek and Mrs Fogarty. The Mathema:cs Department would like to take this opportunity to thank these teachers for their :me in building this educa:onal model for the use of all students at the College. Mrs. Jacobsz
“Open day was great!” Mr Khaira
The Open Day was a success in my view. Everything went well and the displays, interac:ons, food stalls etc. were amazing. It all boils down to the planning which was well orchestrated. Mr Majinda
All the members of staff spent heaps of :me ensuring that this year’s Open Day would be the best ever and I believe that all the hard work was shown in the displays and ac:vi:es taking place throughout the day. With the official opening of the Mul: Purpose Hall, the blessing of great weather and mee:ng many new families, the day was a success! Miss Fensom
This year's Open Day proved to be another success, with the weather holding out and the rain staying away un:l aEer 3pm! The Primary School rooms were impressive again with their many stalls and impressive decora:ons, and the Secondary School showed off their different skill areas with displays and stalls. This year we had the privilege of holding the Secondary School Art Exhibi:on in the new Mul: Purpose Hall, which proved to be a success, with many people vo:ng in our annual People's Choice Award. The winner for 2011 was Samuel Leong, with his digital piece, :tled "Injus:ce League". Congratula:ons to all the students whose work was selected for our Exhibi:on! Mrs Florisson
“...many visitors also had lots of fun trying to complete the Pythagorean model...”
STUDENTS HAVE THEIR SAY Open Day was really fun. I was just hanging out with my friends most of the :me and we had heaps of fun. The Green Room was preIy exci:ng too. Clarissa Widjanarko, Year 7 The Open Day was well presented and 98.5 was there! AWESOME! Bradley Dus:ng, Year 11 All the work put into Open Day really paid off -‐ the College looked great and we were able to show everyone how amazing we are! Emily Olsen, Year 10 Open Day was very crea:ve and fun this year! Madonna Salem, Year 8 Was really good to see so many awesome things happening at the school! Kezia Wojcik, Year 12 Open Day was really cool! Tahlia Pinci, Year 10
I went to a Childcare center, It was a good experience and gave me a beIer
understanding of the workplace and working with kids. I liked working with the babies and seeing a smile on their face when I walked in everyday. The thing that I disliked was that I caught a bad flu once work experience was over. I also disliked the work hours I had, I thought they were very :ring and exhaus:ng.’s an experience that I’ll never forget...”
Kaitlin Moffat I went to Carey Bap:st College as a Primary School Chaplain. I spent :me with the kids, ran an aEer-‐school program, volunteered to take over the sport classes and helped out at the Primary youth called "Oxygen" that runs
every fortnight for Year 5-‐7. I might be going with them to the orphanage in Bali which is a project opera:on for the primary school. I disliked the fact that work experience was only for a week as I loved everything about the program because I finally made up my mind that I wanted to go and study Psychology or Social Working. Jolene Kruger I went to Jandakot Flight Centre and I serviced and repaired planes. I liked it because of the people I worked with, because they were funny. I learnt that a plane called the King Air can fly from
I went to Carey Baptist College to teach pre-primary’s. It was awesome and I found it so welcoming and the school was such a great environment to be in. Tahlia Pinci I went to The Magistrate Court for work experience. I really enjoyed work experience as I got to do many tasks and meet many employes from different departments in the court house. I would consider it as an amazing experience as I was given the opportunity to watch criminal and civil cases. Dharshini Menon I went to Perth CLC and I worked in the Media Department. It was such a great experience picking up tips and tricks from the producers and designers there. Everyone I worked with was super lovely and its an experience that I'll never forget. Rachel Murphy
Jandakot to Bali for $3000 AN HOUR! All the aircraEs there can fly anywhere within Australia. There is the Royal Flying Doctor Service, the WA Police Air Wing, scenic tours, pilot training and helicopter pilot training. Bailey Kirkby
“...I loved everything about the program...”
Work experience was sweet! I got to work with kids in Kindergarden through to Year 6. I was the assistant Maths Coordinator, which basically means I had to help the Maths Coordinator to teach the less able kids and create course outlines for the Math classes. I enjoyed working with the kids, and the experience was really fun. Donnah Holloway I went to Mount Pleasant Bap:st Community College where I designed different posters, screens and signs and made a College promo video. I had a really good :me because the people I worked with were so welcoming and willing to help me. It was a really good experience and I hope I can do more of the same type of work in the future. Emily Olsen
YEAR 11 & 12 SKILLS EXPO STUDENTS HAVE THEIR SAY The Career Expo was great, it was good to have a look around and it was great geqng all the cool sta:onery! It really helped give me a beIer idea of where I want to go aEer gradua:on. Kezia Wojcik, Year 12 Definitely worth going to! Heaps of informa:on from different TAFE's and Universi:es! A fun and enjoyable :me! Brad Dus:ng, Year 11 The Career Expo was a great place with lots of valuable informa:on that helped me to pursue my career. Aidan Chandler, Year 11 It was a good experience to be able to see what the different TAFE's and Universi:es are offering, and we met Danny Green. Rebecca Moore & Lauren Quinn Year 11
YEAR 10 DRAMA EVENING On the 11th August, 2011 the Year 10 Drama Classes put on an evening of plays for parents and staff of the College. The evening was a huge success with both the audience and performers enjoying the experience. Performing in front of a ‘live’ audience is, perhaps, the most important learning tool for any young actor or actress. If Thursday night is any indica:on, the future of Drama at Thornlie Chris:an College is in very safe hands. A wide range of theatre styles were on display including farce, tragedy, comedy and Shakespearian. Thanks to all the parents and staff who aIended (and the coffee van), for without your support we would not have had such a wonderful evening. Mr Willesee Teacher In Charge of Drama
STUDENTS HAVE THEIR SAY What a great day this was! I truly thought this day was grand! The Boost juices were great and winning the 4x100 relay with my girls 3rd year running was AWESOME! I think Thornlie did great..2nd isn’t too bad for the overall points but we s:ll won on handi-‐cap. Amberlie Evans, Year 11 The interschool carnival was awesome! Tahlia Pinci, Year 10 The interschool was great to watch, our school did a great job in all of the events and luckily the weather was really nice. Thanks to all of the people who helped out and made the carnivals, great days! Suzi Grover
PREPARATION FOR 2012 ZIMBABWE TOUR Slum weekend was incredibly fun. I had an awesome :me just being outside and talking to people and learning things about them I never would have known. I built some awesome friendships. The horrible food and sleeping on cardboard boxes seems hardly important compared to the fun we had doing challenges and devo:ons with each other! Kirrilie Braun Slum weekend was amazing as it taught us to be grateful for the things we had Dharshini Menon
Highlights -‐ Gelling together as a team and working together to finish tasks given. -‐ Devo:on :me was good as it gave me a greater understanding of the bible passage that I was given. -‐ Challenges that we were faced with were both challenging and fun. Lowlights -‐ The food Sudza was my main lowest point. -‐ The hunger we went through both days was very bad. -‐ People ea:ng nice and delicious food from outside of the slum made me very hungry. -‐ Throwing up due to lack of food. Jordan Spence
“OUTSIDE THE FRAME� ART COMPETITION Congratulations to some of our Year 11 & 12 Art students who won awards at this year's Outside the Frame Art Exhibition at Armadale Shopping Centre. Well done! "Injustice" was awarded Highly Commended in the drawing category; Samuel Leong's piece "Injustice League" was awarded 3rd place in the digital media category; and Nathania Widjanarko's piece "My Place" was awarded 2nd place in the lino block prints category. Well done to those students! Samuel Leong has since been approached by a member of the public offering to purchase his work, after seeing it displayed in Armadale. A special mention to Lisa Hill and Talitha Stevens for having their artworks entered. Mrs Florisson Teacher In Charge of Art
Our 2011 Senior School Art Exhibi:on was held in conjunc:on with Open Day this year, and we had the privilege of displaying our work in the new Mul:-‐Purpose Hall. The Design and Technology departments joined us as well, with tex:les pieces from Mrs Shannon's classes, and Woodwork pieces from Mr Peek's classes included in the exhibi:on. Our official opening was performed by Mr Peter Abetz, Liberal Member for Southern River, and we had a large number of parents, staff, students, friends and ex-‐ students in aIendance on the Thursday night. Breanne Carter has been approached since our Open Day display, by a parent interested in purchasing her work. It has been a very exci:ng and produc:ve year for the Art Department, so well done students! Mrs Florisson Teacher In Charge of Art
MALAYSIAN CULTURAL TOUR The Malaysian Cultural Tour was the first of its kind, an interna:onal tour, the main emphasis being understanding the culture of Malaysia and Singapore; the way of life, tradi:ons and the educa:on systems in these countries. Two teachers, Mrs Helen Balding and Mrs Eliza Ghani and nine students; Chontelle Wharton, Rebecca Moore, Parvan Gill, Zachary Seow, Bryan Kwok and Marc Fritzsch from Year 11 and Kirsty Isaac, Andrea Antonello, MaIhew Wilson from Year 10, par:cipated in the tour. The tour was planned for nine days from July 9 to July 17, the first week of the school holidays and the fully packed i:nerary not only provided the students with the ability to discern the socio economic culture and understand the various ethnic groups living in these ci:es, but the visits to the schools provided students with the basis of comparing their school environment with that of their peer groups notwithstanding they are from completely different backgrounds and in that process, most importantly they discover themselves. No doubt the experience that such a tour provides is invaluable, one that each one of them will never forget. Mrs Ibu Ghani
Touring around Singapore and Malaysia whilst sharing my cultural heritage with friends and teachers has been an absolute thrill for me, not only due to the amusing effects of culture shock but also because my Dad had tagged along with us (whom I am also extremely proud and thankful for helping organise and consolidate the whole trip). Every single one of us had great fun every where we went, whether it was threading through Singapore's busy streets, having a feast with my family, riding on the backs of Asian elephants or exploring the crowded night markets of Melaka. Visi:ng the Singaporean and Malaysian schools were great experiences too in the sense that it gave us a chance to get a feel and understand the everyday lives of other teens around the world. Although I cannot pin-‐point my favourite experience during the trip I must say that the day at the Universal Studio theme park and our :me in Kuala Lumpur had to be the most memorable, mainly because we had so much fun exploring. Overall, the trip had been a great success for us...I only wished it lasted longer! Zachary Seow, Year 11
The trip to Malaysia and Singapore was an amazing experience. I met some great people over there as well as getting to further know the other students on the trip. The food over there was great especially the Chicken Rice. There were many great moments on the trip so many that I could not name them all. Our mascot Boston, The Lobster popped up at every opportunity, whether it be while people were sleeping, in peoples food and even breaking his leg and getting it sown back on. It is a trip that I will remember for the rest of my life. Matthew Wilson, Year 10
MALAYSIAN CULTURAL TOUR Singapore was the cleanest country I have ever seen, it was beau:ful and the people were so friendly, and we made many friends everywhere we went especially at the school Pungoll. The cultural food in Singapore and Malaysia was delicious and so different from anything I eat at home but aEer a while we all missed the western food. Malaysia’s streets were very busy with traffic especially the motorcycles. When we went to Chinatown and it was such a great experience to try to bargain, everyone became so good at it, but it was a bit difficult to get the hang of it. It was very crowded and there were stalls everywhere, where all the shop keepers tried to get us to go into their stalls. My favourite thing about going to Malaysia and Singapore, apart from the shopping would have to be being amongst different cultures and religions, I met Indians, Malays, Sikhs and many more people from different cultures. I learnt a lot of interes:ng facts about them. My other favourite experience was going to the elephant sanctuary and feeding the elephants and riding them it was awesome and I would never forget it. I encourage all students to go on this Malaysia trip in the future because it will be an unforgeIable experience and it certainly will assist me in understanding the language in the future and maybe speak it a liIle beIer. Kirsty Isaacs, Year 10 The Malaysian tour of 2011 was one of the best experiences in my life so far. The things we saw on the tour and the people we met were just amazing. Everyone and everything that we did on the trip will be in my memory for the rest of my life. The trip was filled with fun ac:vi:es and also educa:onal ac:vi:es (even though they were always interes:ng as well) ... we went to visit schools in Singapore and Malaysia, both school were very different to the schools here in Australia, and yet they were both also completely different from each other even though there was no water between them. No maIer where we went, we would use any of the language skills that we learnt to this point to try and make conversa:on with the people we met over there (even if it was simple, short words/sentences). My favourite part of the trip wasn’t the theme parks, cave or markets, but it was the way I got to know the other members of the trip. I can definitely say I have made some life-‐ long friends on this trip, and I was able to be my complete self with all of them. This is what made the trip so enjoyable, because everything and every experience we had there, we would make it one to remember and enjoy with each other. I would like to take this :me to thank everyone who made this trip possible, Mrs Balding and Ibu G and Mr. Kenny Seow, and the parent commiIee. Andrea Antonello, Year 10
Produced by Joshua Klenner -‐ Head Boy & Nathania Widjanarko -‐ Head Girl, Publica:ons CommiIee Miss Fensom, Staff Liason, Publica:ons CommiIee © 2011 Thornlie Chris:an College