Welcome to yet another edition,
To our dear esteemed readers and animation lovers welcome to our second edition of the Youth Scroll Lock that is themed “The infamous Truth” which looks at throwing more light to the avoided realities of sexual reproductive health and rights aspect for young people.

exist within a specific framework to serve others.
Together we can create a world where equality, inclusion, and body autonomy exist for everyone.
Kaligirwa Bridget Kigambo Team Chief Editor & Cartoonist Christopher Tenderi Maiso Script WriterKelvin Katunzi
editor & Cartoonist Tendo Sebastian ColouristSwabri Mugera
site editing
Ouma Vian Dominic
Design & Layout
From inaccessibility to youth friendly SRHR services and products, period shame for women, to abortion stigma and discrimination, most young women and girls are left with an option of dealing with the trauma of a forced circumstance of early motherhood, risks of losing lives and damaged reproductive systems during the processes of abortion which is fueled by brutal laws, double life standards and social norms practiced and inaccessibility to the right information to aid young people make informed choices about their bodies.
Unfortunately, body autonomy is consistently challenged by people, governments and the entire systems, we only practice autonomy by silencing the voices that say our bodies are only relevant when they
Kaligirwa Bridget Kigambo
Special thanks to INROADS for enabling and supporting “The infamous Truth” issue and to all the contributors who have shared their expertise, knowledge and time to make sure we share our opinions with you, we look forward to your honest un-sieved feedback towards the magazine and hope that you take away lessons and experiences that will contribute to creating female friendly communities for all of us.
Kanyunyuzi, instead of rushing home, why don’t we spend some more time here at the trading centre?
Kahuga, I don’t want to get into trouble with my father again.
I also don’t buy that idea because Eeeh! Your father beat you seriously the other day

But it’s what happened. We should go home.
it may not be possible for
But Kengajju, why do you like to catalyse things?
By the way, I wasn’t talking to you Kengajju so please; you can walk home alone.

Kanyunyuzi, let us stay for only one hour and you also know the benefits you get.
Wama Kanyunyuzi, let us go home please, if Kahuga wants to stay here let her stay.


���� Haha!! Thank you.

That is why I won’t stop buying soda, chips and I will always give you break money

Yes, as your boyfriend, I am going to make your dreams come true.
Kanyunyuzi, I assure you that you are brighter than the stars in the sky.
love you so much more than my own mother at home.
think I also love you.



So you think we are stupid!
called your class teacher
he told
all students
Mummy that’s
Where have you been?
I called Kahuga’s father Reverend Ruhuma and he was also worried that Kahuga wasn’t at home.

AYAYAYA daddy!!!
Kanyunyuzi, you must tell the truth or else this time I am going to beat you with a belt.

I was at
This girl thinks she is smart.
By the way, Kanyunyuzi, how did you get money for a boda boda ride? How can a boda boda drop you off at home yet we give you only 500/= a day?
I think this girl is getting spoilt. We need to handle her with an iron hand.
School compound. Break time (NEXT DAY)
Mummy I save.
Don’t even lie. Don’t even lie!
I am not lying I swear.
Anyway, let’s leave that alone because my body is paining. I was lashed with a belt.
Kengajju, if you also had a boyfriend, you wouldn’t be asking such stupid questions.
You are right; and I heard that you always spend your time around the trading centre but the day I get you. You will spend a week in police cells. Now lie down.

Eh! Kanyunyuzi, how are you able to buy us all these eats yet you are given only 500/= at home?

We are just in S2 and only 16. We still have a lot to achieve before we can get boyfriends.
Hmm? That must have been painful.
What do you mean?
Ooh sorry! My dad was also bitter but he quarrelled and it ended there as usual.
The good thing is that I had enjoyed at least.
Wow am happy for you. Yes Yes Yes.
I finally did it and I feel like a real woman.
Kengajju and your useless questions! Eh!

Kanyunyuzi, did you use protection?

Kengajju please don’t spoil my day. Kahuga, I am telling you I had the best evening because Bashir was just amazing.
Hmm! I can see the glow. I officially welcome you to womanhood. Thank you.

But am concerned for her health. There is HIV and many other diseases.

Chairman’s compound with Dr. Kiiza and Reverend Timothy Ruhuma

Reverend Ruhuma, I felt sad as we buried that 17 year old girl this afternoon. I am told the girl died from the health centre so Dr Kiiza here should be able to explain.
Hmmm? That girls
parents need to be arrested immediately.
Well, the girl was brought to the health centre after an unsafe abortion at a herbalist’s place.

Chairman Baguma, as the LC 1 of this area, you need to do something to stop young girls from dying mysteriously.
We tried our best but it wasn’t enough.
But that is not a solution. This is not the first girl we bury under such circumstances.
Dr. Kizza, what solution do you have?
We need to talk about this issue of abortion!

We can’t keep on stigmatising and avoiding this topic as many girls die.
No! Girls need access to safe abortion services and they have a right over their bodies.
You are an evil wicked man Kiiza. Do you even read your bible?

The more you treat it in secrecy the more girls go for unsafe methods.
I do but that girl had been raped and since she couldn’t come to us for the safe care, she ended up at a herbalist who killed her.

Abortion is a curse, it is murder and it goes against all our Christian principles
I am going to police. Dr Kiiza needs to be arrested because we can’t tolerate this.
Hmmm? Kizza!? Are you mad!?

An abomination like that can’t be left to chance and we can’t talk about it publically.
Yes. Jeremiah 1:5, Exodus 20:13, Proverbs 6:17, Genesis 1:27, Psalms 127:3. Kiiza, how dare you speak of such wickedness?
I don’t care but am securing my daughter Kanyunyuzi’s future from people like you,
Dr Kiiza just leave us please.
You have spoilt a good evening with your ridiculous ideas
Have you cared to think about the girl child’s future?
I agree, I can’t tolerate this so please leave my compound.

Police station Morning

Chairman, we are still investigating this matter and we shall do that as soon as we have enough evidence to pin them.

Afande Regina, I need the parents of that girl to be arrested for allowing their daughter to die under such circumstances.
You should have arrested the parents as soon as the abortion happened.
It is evil and unacceptable. I also suggest you look into Dr. Kiiza as you carry out your investigations

But he is not a good doctor if he supports these things.
He seems to be in support of that crime.
Sometimes the parents have no idea of what is happening to their daughters. It is why the girls go for unsafe abortion with the hope of no one finding out because abortion is considered evil.
No, but since he supports safe abortions then he should be arrested automatically.
I don’t think we shall do that anytime soon.
Are you saying that you have evidence to pin him for carrying out that unsafe abortion?

I think we should support girls in this village instead of victimising them when they are in a desperate situation.
Yes. Many girls are running for unsafe abortions because of people like you.
Put yourself in the shoes of those girls. What if you wanted a safe abortion but you can’t get it because you will be judged and stigmatised; would you be happy?
You know what? Make sure you investigate this matter otherwise, I may be forced to write to the DPC for better assistance. I need everyone connected to this case arrested.
Hmmm? Kanyunyuzi, are you experiencing anything else?
I am dead… I am dead. I had a feeling I was but I didn’t want to believe it.
My parents are going to kill me because they expect me to become a nurse but with this, I don’t know now.
I swear I have not been feeling well lately, I even feel dizzy.
I missed my period for last month.
School classroom veranda. Morning.
Kanyunyuzi, how can you skip two lessons?

Hmmm? Kanyunyuzi, are you experiencing anything else?
Huh? Huh? Kanyunyuzi, you must be pregnant.
Yes, you are pregnant.
If the senior woman teacher did a random pregnancy test today, you will be in big trouble.
Kahuga what do you mean?
I have a solution to all this and no one will even know you got pregnant.
Kengajju don’t scare your friend. Besides she is not the only one who is pregnant.

I am also pregnant but I am not worried.
Which one again?
You should have used protection but now…
I have a solution to all this and no one will even know you got pregnant.
I know a herbalist in the neighbouring village who can solve our problems that’s why I am not worried.

I don’t agree with that. My mother says many girls are dying due to such unsafe and harmful methods.
So what do I do because my father is respected in this community and he boasts about me among his friends, how will people look at him if they see me pregnant?
Chairman, we investigated thoroughly and found out that the girl’s parents had no idea of the abortion and only found out when she had died at the health centre.
She ran away and we have no idea of where is now.
He is innocent. Actually he is helping girl’s access safe abortion care and there is a youth corner at the health centre that is helping prevent unnecessary deaths.
But don’t you think that girls have a right over their bodies and they should be able to decide what they do with their bodies?
We need to talk about this issue freely because girls have rights to access such safe and convenient options that guarantee their possibility to live a health and good life.
Police station, talking to Afande Regina

So you people think you can force that idea upon us.

Afande Regina, I don’t care. In fact I am going to make sure that girl’s family is chased away from this village for allowing such wickedness.

But they are innocent.
And you think I care?!
Hmmm? That’s strange and where is the herbalist?
How about Dr. Kiiza?
I don’t know because I am even not sure it is mine.
Bashir, what are you suggesting we do with this pregnancy?
I only did it with you.
A beautiful girl like you must have other boyfriends.
Yes, you may have slept with other people.
You are the only one.
You said you loved me more than anything and I believed and trusted you.
Kanyunyuzi, I said all that but I wasn’t serious. I didn’t love you. You were just a moment.

What? Bashir, how could you?

Bashir is standing with Kanyunyuzi on a path
I am sorry but you also know I can never marry you.
Kanyunyuzi, you are on your own and from today, I don’t know you, you don’t know me.

Kanyunyuzi, It’s over between us.
I don’t know but Bye… BYE.
Bashir’s house.
Then at least help me somehow somewhere, you promised to…

How can you say that to me Bashir?
Where does that leave me?
Please don’t leave me, Please Bashir, come back. Bashir
Eh! It is so abrupt and late, I hope you reach well.
Sister, I have got a good job in the city and I have to leave now now because I have to start work in the morning.
Insha’Allah and Safe journey.
Don’t worry. I will reach safely.
Kanyunyunzi, what is it these days? You are sickly and lazy. Now you are late for school. Your siblings already went.

Mummy I am not going to school today.
Why? What is it? We paid all the fees.
Kanyunyuzi, what is going on?
Bashir the boda boda rider but he already denied it.
I know that and I also feel your pain but what shall we do now?
What? Kanyunyuzi what have you done?
That is why Kahuga was suggesting that I go with her to a herbalist who can help with my situation.
Mummy, I am pregnant.
That is defilement. I need to have him arrested immediately.
That is an abomination. You know it that in the African culture we can’t do that.
Your father is going to be mad about this. I don’t know how I am going to tell him.
Mummy, I can’t carry this pregnancy. I could suffer during labor and it will ruin my plans. I am not ready to be a mother. I am just 16.

Well, I am sure it will pass and you will be well.
Chairman, I need your advice because Kahuga is pregnant and yet I have been using her as a role model in my church.

By the way, have you arrested him because that’s defilement.
I wasn’t and I hate it but my hands are tied.
Don’t worry, I will repent my sins and God will forgive me.
Reverend Ruhuma, these are very difficult circumstances and these things happen so you need to accept. Let her give birth and go back to school.
But my reputation is at stake, how will people respect me after they find out my daughter is pregnant?
I doubt that. Even Kahuga won’t be the same. She may run away with the boy.
I can’t otherwise people will find out. That is why I need to take Kahuga to a herbalist in secret such that this issue is solved.

What? A man of God! I thought you weren’t interested in this.
I can’t believe what I am hearing.
But that’s the only way out.
Yes. Tinkasimire told me that he is now in the city.
Eh! Are you sure Bashir ran away?
Tomorrow I am going to the herbalist with my father.
I guess people change. Will you come along?
Eh! I thought your father preached against such.
I am not sure. I don’t have money and I also told my mum about my situation.
She is against removing it and my dad isn’t aware but if he does, am dead.
Don’t worry, I will talk to Tinkasimire to get me some money and we shall go with my dad.

But you people, that idea is harmful. There is a safer and better option at the health centre.
Anyway, what have you girls decided to do?

Kengajju, you are not the one who is pregnant so please don’t pretend to care about us a lot.
But I think she has a point though we can’t easily access safer options because the community is against the whole idea of abortion.
And what did she say?
Kidukuru Market ON MARKET Day
Abwooli, aren’t you appalled by the high numbers of teenage pregnancies?

Akiiki, at this rate, people will soon become grandmothers at 30 years.

And then there are those teenage girls who are dying because no one is supporting them with the right information on how to access safe services to end their pregnancy.
There is no need to fear.
The earlier we start talking about this; the better we shall guarantee our girl’s futures.
Your daughter can survive this whole dilemma if she came for the safe option. Herbalists are a scourge.

I understand but is your daughter ready to be a mother?
You have a lot of thinking to do.
Anyway, I don’t believe in abortion or anything to do with it.
Hmmm? Such a topic is not good for the public. We can’t discuss that here.
Well, my daughter Kengajju told me of Kanyunyuzi’s situation and since am a nurse at the health centre, I can offer some guidance.
Eh? That’s a hard question.
Okay doctor.
So, when can I go back to school?
Dr Kiiza, anything else?

Abwooli, make sure that she drinks a lot and eats and in case of any side effects they can be managed so we are here ready to help.
Dr Kiiza’s work place

Kanyunyuzi, since you have swallowed the first tablet, you will swallow the remaining tablet after 48 hours.
After 2-3 days of rest because your hormones will be coming back into balance so you will feel tired.

It will take 4 to 6 weeks for her normal menstruation to return.
And bring her after 4 weeks for review to ensure that the process was successful.
I will do that. Doctor, I am surprised everything has happened so fast and well.
Well, it’s that easy and I assure you, it is effective and harmless.
I can see that.
I am glad you have been brave enough not to go to a herbalist.
I am glad you chose her future first and her reproductive health rights as well. That is good and keep it up.
It wasn’t an easy decision.
I know. Kanyunyuzi, you need to be more careful and avoid getting pregnant again.
I will do so Doctor.
Okay doctor.
Kahuga at a witch doctor’s Shrine
I am also wondering.
The most important thing is that the pregnancy is out so don’t worry

Jaja, you said the bleeding would stop but it is not.
I think you need to take her to a hospital for further medication.
I am sorry but I have to go.
Kahuga can’t even open her eyes. What did you do?

Go where? Come back here! Jaja come back!
But my daughter is not responsive.

Abwooli, I heard you were at the health centre today, what were you doing there?
Okay, have you heard of what has happened to Kahuga?

She is hospitalised at the health centre in critical condition. Don’t be surprised to hear she has died.
What happened?
Well, Kanyunyuzi wasn’t feeling well so we went there.
Well, I am glad we are safe from that.
I am going there in the morning to see but from what I heard, there is a herbalist involved.

Well, we were at the health centre and got the safe abortion method
I can’t believe this. You did what? Oh my God! This is unbelievable… NO, NO, NO, NO,!
But she is okay and the procedure Dr Kiiza did was safe.
Are you mad? Abwooli youover stepped your boundariesand I am annoyed with you.

What do you mean yet Kanyunyuzi could be next in such a saga?

I am sorry but it had to be done.
What? You mean Kanyunyuzi was also pregnant.

Please don’t over react. The children are asleep and the neighbor’s could hear.

And for Dr Kiiza… The good thing I am meeting him tomorrow.

You should have called me for authorisation.
But Abwooli wanted it to be private and quiet.
Chairman, I am innocent. I only did my best to help the situation.

I am sorry you feel bad about this. Is Kanyunyuzi experiencing any problems?
She is fine and well. It’s like she never had an abortion.
Ask Dr. Kiiza because I don’t know anything anymore.

I think you can see that it is a safer option.
And I regret it. How will I face the church on Sunday? How?
Kahuga may never be able to have children because the herbalist damaged her uterus.

Unfortunately we are referring Kahuga to the general hospital for management.
Reverend, how is Kahuga today?

You are dead… dead to me and I won’t ever forgive you for this.
Eh! That’s sad.
Don’t worry Reverend you were simply being misled. If Kahuga had come here all this would have been avoided.

I think this issue of abortion needs to be talked about more. The secrecy around it is what is making many girls die or suffer.
And news has spread all over the village. I am so ashamed. People have started discriminating me.
Eh! This is unbelievable.
You mean Kanyunyuzi was also pregnant?!
I also agree.
Yes, but my wife chose to come here and Kanyunyuzi is well.
I agree because Kanyunyuzi is well.
I agree with you. We need to call for a village meeting where we can talk about abortion and be able to allow girls access safe abortion services without any discrimination.
Let me inform my publicity Secretary. This issue is important and I have realised that I have been wrong all along.
I agree
Free educational webinars
girl audiences across the developing world.
We can’t stigmatise it any longer and Chairman I suggest you think about involving the whole community in this issue

SpunkGo is an all-girls global organization that provides free Life Skill webinars to young women across developing countries and has 5000+ members across 20 countries. They focus on getting established women speakers to discuss topics like leadership , entrepreneurship , social impact, and digital technologies. These webinars are meant to expand the horizons of girl audiences and a step towards greater women’s empowerment. The organization got themselves crowdfunded by a New York body called IFundWomen.com and has a strategic tie-up with the world’s largest speaker organization Key Note Speakers. As a result, they bring for free ,speakers, who usually charge huge fees ,to these young women worldwide.
The founder of SpunkGo is a 14year old high school student in Dubai called Netra Venkatesh. She has ,with 30 girls across 20 countries ( who call themselves Ambassadors ) built SpunkGo to become a successful organization serving its noble purpose. Recently SpunkGo was judged amongst

the top 50 projects under the HSBC sponsored NextGen program and Netra has been invited to be a speaker at various submits, latest being the 24hr World Women’s submit.
Past speakers have been a girl who set up an app for refugees when at Columbia University , an advertising professional who taught the girls how to advertise on social media , a woman entrepreneur in Saudi Arabia who set up a tennis academy for girls in Jeddah, a wellness professional who spoke about the power of being positive and the founder of Evolvin’ Women who empowers women in Africa by training them on hotel management and helping them find jobs in the hotel industry worldwide. Recent interesting webinars have involved the CEO of Running Start , an organization that helps women run for office in the US , a social entrepreneur who helped Maori women set up businesses in New Zealand, a young girl who is building satellites as Space Director in Kyrgyzstan and speakers with experience at Microsoft , United Nations , World WildLife Fund
Netra Venkatesh
and CISCO. Each webinar imparts learning and expands the horizons of attendees by real life experiences which are meant to both educate as well as inspire its attendees. Due to challenges of online connectivity, SpunkGo Lifeskill webinars as they are called, are also recorded, and replayed across the world.
What started as a social media conversation is now a global organization with 5000+ women members. SpunkGo has a special emphasis on education in a safe and private environment from home in Afghanistan where young women have unique challenges. SpunkGo recently opened chapters in Pakistan and SriLanka.
Shows that in today’s world, with little in terms of capital, a few 14-20 years old girls can make a big difference with just their creativity and determination. And their journey has just begun …

Kanyunyuzi, I am glad you are back to school.

Have you heard any news of Kahuga

Surely, I can’t imagine the pain she will feel when she finds out she can never have children.
My father said she is on oxygen at the regional hospital so we need to pray for her.
By the way, I heard Tinkasimire flee his home and he is in hiding.Kengajju, thank you for the support and constant visits.
I am glad you have learnt that lesson. Anyway, you don’t seem bothered by the rumors and gossip among the girls in our class.
Kengajju, I will never ever get in a relationship before I finish my education.

Indeed. I can now pursue my goalswithout fear. I have learnt my lesson soI will make sure that I encourage othergirls to also seek for the right method.
I don’t really care about whatpeople say and think. I havea right over my body and it isnot a subject for debate.
Exactly, your body, your choices and that’s your power.
I want to champion this cause by starting a school club.
Hmmm? That is a wise idea. What will this club do?
I am glad to hear that.
It will be a free space where girls and boys can talk about issues of sexual reproductive health and rights. I believe this will solve many problems girls face.
You are right. After this, let us go and meet the senior woman teacher about your idea of starting such a school club. She can be our patron.

I want to thank all of you for coming for this village meeting where we need to discuss the issue of abortion and how we can reduce on the deaths of our girls. I have been wrong by hating this topic but then we need to save girls and they also have rights. We need the secrecy, stigma and discrimination of this topic to stop today.
I therefore want to invite Afande Regina to enlighten us more on the implications of the law on this issue such that we leave this place unbiased and more enlightened.

Thank you

Afande Regina. I also implore all of you to please support your daughters and let them be free to access any services they want and guide them.
Thank you Chairman. First of all I want to thank you all for coming. Before I get into the law, I want to encourage parents to support their girl’s sexual and reproductive health rights. This is one way of guaranteeing them a good future. They need access to quality health services that are tailored to meet their day to day needs.
I was ignorant but I have seen the light. I urge all of us here not be afraid of this subject because I am tired of attending burials of girls on this village.
The constitution of Uganda Article 22 subsection 2 states that “No person has the right to terminate the life of an unborn child except as authorized by law; unless it is done by a licensed and registered physician to save a woman’s life or preserve the physical or mental health of the woman. The national policy guidelines and service standards for sexual and reproductive health rights by ministry of health lays out a number of specific cases in which girls have rights to seek an abortion including rape, sexual violence, incest and any other reasons. When we get to the penal code act section 142, it deems an attempt to procure an unlawful abortion is punishable by imprisonment of seven years and whoever aids this can be imprisoned for up to 3 years. This means unsafe abortion is illegal. Thank you for listening to me.
We work with young people affected by HIV/AIDs, poverty, disabilities to exploit their talents and abilities to full potential.

We nurture evident innovative solutions to empower our communities to improve and support each other towards independent sustainable lives.

This Edition of the Youth Scroll Lock was supported by