To create innovative local solutions for waste challenge that contribute to a circular economy through youth employment and environment conservation through waste recycling and reuse.
To create employment and wealth from waste management.
Waste free environment in Uganda.
180 tons of waste produced daily in Rwenzori Region with a dysfunctional to no existent waste management interventions in Fort-Portal
65% of our soils are degraded from waste pollution losing a lot of soil nutrients that contribute to food security that feeds nations
Waste Challenges increases the risk of green house gas emissions.
180 65%
• Green Shero ltd is a social enterprise that provides both waste management services and products.
• We ensure proper waste segregation, convert bio-mas waste into organic manure/fertilizer
• Resell of plastic waste to bulk recycling companies
Why Now?
Food systems today account for more than one third of global green House Gases
Global population will increase by 25% by 2030 with increased demand of food, proper sanitaion and jobs
• Improper disposal cultures of waste in communities
• Insufficient collection, transportation, processing and recycling systems in the community.
• Improper & Unscientific treatment/ use of waste in available dumping sites.
• Poor mindsets of communities in the opportunities in the waste management business.
• Lack of hands-on skills to manage and recycle waste
• GS Organic farm fertilizer/ manure
• Plastic Waste Materials
• Waste collection and transportation services
• Training and mentorship on proper waste segregation at site for businesses and local commercial farms
Market Size:
GS organic Fertilizer
10000 local commercial farmers of coffee, tea and banana in Rwenzori Region
Plastic Waste Materials
52 bulk recycling companies in Uganda (Central) Waste collection and Transportation Service
1,000,000 businesses, schools and healthcentres in Rwenzori Region
local commercial farmers bulk recycling companies businesses, schools
Kaligirwa Bridget Kigambo Founder and Product Design
Nabimanya Annitah Finance/Accountant
James Biryabarema
Site General Manager & Soil/ Environment Expert
Christine Kabanyomozi HR/ administration Assistant
Swabri Mugera
Marketing and Branding Expert
Business Model:
• Sale of GS organic manure
• Sale of Plastic waste Materials
• Provision of Waste collection and transportation to Businesses and public spaces
• Membership subscription for member farmers for training and mentorship
Traction: 66 25 25
Tons of plastic waste collected and soild to date to 3 clients
Tons of organic waste supplied to 4 local farmers
22 05
Farmers and households trained
Cleaning campaigns and capacity building activities carried out
Pieces of art materials recycled and sold
tons of carbon emission reduced per hectare annually through reduction of plastic waste and recycling bio-mas waste SDG11
employment oppourtunities created with 5 full time staff and 25 waste collecting agents
Behavioral change and attitudes of communities to properly dispose of waste in provided labelled waste collecting bags hence SDG 12 for responsible consumption and production
• GS organic manure fertilizer | 1 tone UGX 320,000 120 tons per year UGX 38,400,000
• Plastic Waste Materials | 1 ton UGX 725,000 60 tons per year UGX 43,500,000
• 1 trip UGX 320000 per week | 48 trips per year UGX 15,360,000
• Membership subscription | UGX 60000 per farmer
• Competition: Individual waste collectors, Use of synthetic fertlizers
• Value preposition | GS products and services are affordable, reliable and we provide consistency and timeliness to all our clients
• 56% increase in Revenue generation for clients due to proper hygiene maintained and increased revenue for potential exporters of farm produce
• 60% Increase in soil quality, improved phytosanitary conditions at farm produce