Welcoming Remarks
Dear Students,
Welcome to the AFRIYEA Golf Academy! We are thrilled to have you here with us and look forward to spending the next month with you on the greens.
At the academy, we believe that golf is not just a game, but a way of life. We want to empower you with skills that will help you succeed, not just on the course, but in life as well. We will provide excellent coaching, guidance, and mentorship to help you become the best you can be.
Our values of respect, integrity, and discipline will be the guiding principles during your time with us, and we expect everyone to uphold them. We also
Isaiah Mwesige | CEO AFRIYEAencourage you to embrace teamwork, resilience, and positivity as you learn and compete with your peers.
We hope you take full advantage of everything the academy has to offer and the vast network of opportunities that await you beyond. We are all here to support you in your journey and make your time with us memorable and enjoyable.
Once again, a warm welcome to the AFRIYEA Golf Academy! Let’s get started on an exciting and rewarding month of golf and personal growth!
Thank you
TRAINING DAYS: Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Training Fee: UGX.75,000 for new students
Training Fee: UGX. 50,000 for continuing students
Time: 9:00AM -12:00PM
Fee for End of training competition: UGX. 15,000 (includes a drink, lunch and chance to win the prizes for the best perfomers.)
Week 1 (8th-14th May)
New Children:
➡ Introduction to golf equipment, rules, and safety procedures
➡ Basic swing mechanics (grip, stance, posture, alignment)
➡ Short-game fundamentals (chipping, pitching, putting)
Progressing Students:
➡ Review of swing mechanics and short game fundamentals
➡ Shot shaping techniques (fade, draw, punch, flop)
➡ Course management strategies (reading greens, selecting shots)
Week 2 (15th-21st May)
New Children:
➡ Continue with short-game fundamentals
➡ Full swing mechanics (pre-swing routine, ball position, and follow-through)
➡ Basic game scenarios (tee shot, approach shot, bunker shot)
Progressing Students:
➡ Advanced short-game techniques (lob shot, bunker shot, flop shot)
➡ Full-swing shot shaping techniques (hooks, slices, fades, draws)
➡ Mental game (pre-shot routine, visualization, focus)
Week 3 (22nd-28th May)
New Children:
➡ Play on a 3-6 hole course, emphasizing safety and etiquette
➡ Putting games focusing on distance control and green reading
➡ Introduction to basic golf fitness exercises
Progressing Students:
➡ 9 holes of golf each day, under the supervision of coaches
➡ Pre-round routines for optimum performance, course management, and shot selection
➡ Basic strength conditioning and flexibility training
Week 4 (29th May - 4th June)
New Children and Progressing Students:
➡ 18-hole gameplay under the supervision of the
➡ Presentation of certificates of completion and potential awards ceremony. Our program is adjustable to suit students of all skill levels and needs. Coaches can monitor the progress of the learners and tailor the program to challenge them with appropriate skill drills and activities. Overall, the program should be geared towards building the students’ confidence, skills, and passion for golf.
➡ Assessment of students
➡ Parents- children competition (Second