Thunder Roads Colorado Magazine - Volume 11, Issue 9

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June 17th-19th 2016

2nd Annual Motorcycle Rally

Proceeds to benefit

Friend’s of Charlie’s Place which supports the local No Kill

& Ride In Custom Bike Show

101 Idaho Springs Rd. East Idaho Springs, CO. 80452

Animal Shelter

$1,000 Cash Prize

To win “Best in Show” Plus awards to win in 7 categories

ALL BIKES WELCOME Sponsored by: Havana Napa Auto Parts



Ben Marshal Band



Gin Doctors

1st & 2nd Place Prizes for each Category


One Way Ride Cold Dog Soup, Brian Parton, and More!



THUNDER ROADS® Magazine COLORADO Published by Flying Hound Press, L.L.C. 7477 W. Layton Way Littleton, Colorado 80123 720-458-3134

ABATE..................................................................... 6 Scott O’Sullivan....................................................... 9 Biker Down’s Look Twice Save a Life Ride........... 10 Key West .............................................................. 12 Tasty Recipes........................................................ 17 Calendar................................................................ 18 Events................................................................... 20 Ladies Up Front..................................................... 26 Veteran’s Corner.................................................... 29 News Bytes........................................................... 30 Biker Friendly Directory......................................... 32 Joker’s Wild........................................................... 33 Thunder Cam........................................................ 34

EDITORS Patrick J. McCauley “5” President and Senior Editor Carrie McCauley Vice President and Editor PHOTOGRAPHERS Vickie Jo Mullin, Lead Photographer Wayne Madison David Campbell


CONTRIBUTORS Adventure Hermit (Joe Trey)

Model: Bethany Holmes Motorcycle Owner: John Photographer: Vickie Jo Mullin

Bill Maddick - Veteran’s Corner Peggy Bogaard-Lapp Scott O’Sullivan Stump - Abate Whiskyman ADVERTISING AND DISTRIBUTION REPRESENTATIVES Greater Metro Denver Area Toby Schmidt (720)829-7954 Northern Colorado Zak Clayton (970) 301-4674 LAYOUT & DESIGN Meredith Hancock / Hancock Graphics NATIONAL FOUNDERS Toni McCoy Shearon & Brian Shearon 1528 Matlock Drive Chapmansboro, TN 37035 Thunder Publishing LLC, Offices 615-792-0040 ©2016 Flying Hound Press, LLC. All Rights Reserved. No part of the content may be reproduced without written permission. Publisher assumes no responsibility and is not liable for errors beyond the cost of space occupied by the error, slander by any group or individual, failure to produce any issue as scheduled, any and all suits for liable, plagiarism, copyright infringement and unauthorized use of a person’s name or photograph. Opinions and claims made by advertisers and authors/contributors are their own, and do not necessarily represent the policy of Thunder Road Magazine® Colorado, Thunder Publishing.

Publisher does not promote the abuse of alcohol or other drugs.

2 Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado

June 2016

Want to be a contributor or correspondent? We need contributors and correspondents for dirt bike off-road events, on-road cruiser, sport bike and adventure touring, rides, runs and rallies. Contact us today at contributors@thunderroadscolorado. com or 720-458-3134.


une is finally here and hopefully the crummy weather has left us until old man winter comes back this way again. This month we would like to share some things that are happening with the magazine. We now have an online event’s listing on our webpage http:// We do our best to fill it with rides, poker runs, rallies, events that we think are interesting, or that give you an opportunity to take a beautiful ride to an event. Do you know about an event that we might have missed that you think other riders might be interested in? Did you take pictures at an event that you would like to share with other riders and possibly get printed in the magazine? (All we ask that you haven’t shared your photo with too many people on social media). If the answer is yes, please contact us via the email address We are looking to expand the content of the magazine. • Do you know of a great ride, or a fantastic place to stop and grab a bite while you are on the road? • How about that perfect little hotel, motel or Inn that you stay at on a weekend trip? • Is there a topic you would like to see covered or something you think we are missing out on? • Do you have someone you think is an unsung hero/heroine in the motorcycle community that deserves recognition? • Do you know of someone with an awesome bike? Let us know about that person (even if it is you). • Remember, you don’t need to be a writer or an ace photographer to submit an article, photo or an idea to us. • Do you connect with us via social media? If so, what do you like about our page or feed and what don’t you like. Facebook: Twitter: @thunderroadsco • Do you read our digital editions? You can find our magazine online each month at: Joomag: Issuu: We are always looking for article ideas and things that interest you! We want your feedback because it is the only way we can improve the magazine for you! Please email us at: feeback@ Is there a place you visit that doesn’t carry our magazine? Give us a call or drop us an email at and tell us the name and address of the business so we can contact them about distributing the magazine at their location. Thank you for your loyal readership and don’t forget to support the advertisers that make this a free magazine each month! Please tell them that you saw their ad in a copy of Thunder Roads Colorado Magazine! Carrie

Want to make some extra money?

Full-time and part-time advertising representative wanted. No experience required. Contact us at or 720-4583134.

We want your feedback

Please email us and let us know what you think and what you want to see at or 720-458-3134.

Add your ride, rally or run to our free events listing page Send us your event information whether on-Road or off-road, rides, runs, rallies and events for all types of motorcycles and three wheelers. We will list it free in our events listing for that month! events@ or 720-458-3134.

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June 2016

2016 Colorado General Assembly Wrap Up The 2nd Session of the 70th Colorado General Assembly ended on Wednesday, 5/11/16. During this session 217 Senate Bills and 58 various Senate Resolutions/Memorials were introduced. Also, 468 House Bills and 45 various House Resolutions/Memorials were introduced. Out of all those bills, there were five of direct concern to motorcyclists that I testified at or closely observed. There was one Senate Joint Resolution that I was actively involved in. HB16-1205 was a Lane-Splitting Bill introduced by Rep. Klingenschmitt. The bill was PI’d (postponed indefinitely – effectively killed) on 2/17 in the House Transportation and Energy Committee. There was some support for the bill, but the opposition won out as the Committee Members questioned the safety aspect and the possible enforcement of the restrictions of the bill. The restrictions were that traffic must be going 5 MPH or less and the motorcyclist cannot go more than 10 MPH faster than the traffic. All was not lost though, as we learned what the opposition to the bill was and can possibly come back as a better bill in the future. SB16-123 was the bill this year that took most of my time down at the Capitol. It was a HOV/Transponder Bill. July 2015 CDOT introduced the switchable transponder needed for cars to use the HOV/HOT lanes in Colorado. Motorcycles would also need a transponder in the form of a decal put on your headlight for free access to a HOV lane. ABATE’s concern was the $35 cost for the decal and to set up an account to ride for “free” in the HOV lane. [Motorcycles are considered a high occupancy vehicle under all conditions per Federal Statute – U.S.C.; Title 23; 166 (b) (2) (A).] While looking for a sponsor to introduce a bill to correct this problem for motorcyclists, we found Sen. Lundberg’s proposal of SB16-123, which initially proposed to get rid of all switchable transponders and the requirement for motorcycles to need a decal. The bill passed the Senate Transportation Committee (4 – 1) on 2/19, but when it got to the Senate Floor for the 2nd reading, there was a lot of opposition and things changed. To make a long story short, after many meetings and another 2nd reading on the Senate Floor, the new version said motorcyclists would need to use switchable transponders but weren’t required to pay for them. A consensus among all parties involved was that motorcycles would not need transponders/decals. The bill passed 2nd & 3rd readings in the Senate and was sent to the House Transportation and Energy Committee. Executive Director of CDOT, Shailen Bhatt and Executive Director of E470, Tim Stewart were the main opponents of the bill at the 6 Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado

hearing. Prior to the hearing Director Bhatt distributed a letter stating, “Moving forward, motorcycles will not need a transponder to ride at no cost in HOV express lanes. We will start working with our partners at E470 on this solution, understanding it will take time to accommodate these changes”. So even though the bill got postponed indefinitely in the House Transportation and Energy Committee, progress was made. The issue was brought up on how long it would take to make these changes for motorcycles. While the bill was still being discussed, Director Stewart “guesstimated” about 10 months. Everyone seemed confused as to why so long. Couldn’t they just recognize a motorcycle when a license plate picture is taken and discard it? No explanation was given. Was it because the bill was still being discussed? A few days after that, Director Stewart invited 3 of us from ABATE to tour the E470 facility. It is quite an impressive operation, especially the “Command Center”. We watched as operators viewed and verified license photos then forwarded them for processing. It was here that it was explained that photos come in from all toll roads and HOV/HOT lanes. The first step would be to separate out the HOV lanes. The computer programmer said it wouldn’t take 10 months to do that, but they first had to wait for authorization from CDOT. So that’s where the holdup is right now. ABATE is still staying on top of the issue and is regularly asking for progress. SB16-175 was an E15 Fuel Bill introduced by Sen. Grantham on 3/28. The bill would have given a State Income Tax Credit to retail dealers selling E15 gasoline. Consequently it would have increased the sale of E15 in Colorado. If you read my article in last month’s issue of Thunder Roads Colorado, you’d know how bad E15 is for motorcycles, certain cars, small engines, and the environment. We don’t need E15 in Colorado. The bill was PI’d in the Senate Finance Committee on 4/14. But a larger threat exists on the National level with Federal Grants from the USDA and H.R 4673 (REFUEL Act) which would provide more for Federal Grants to expand the availability of E15. Have you heard of a blender pump? Again see last month’s article for more details (you can find the article online at and click on the May 2016 issue). Also of indirect concern to motorcyclists is SB16-122 (More Oversight of CDOT). While the bill mostly deals with bidding and reporting of transportation projects, our concern was “the requirement of the State Auditor to conduct a risk-based audit of CDOT”. I testified how this was important to motorcyclists because of the need to audit the MOST program. More on that issue in another article. The Governor signed SB16-122 bill on 4/14.

June 2016

HB16-1172 is a bill dealing with a CDOT Efficiency and Accountability Committee. ABATE’s concern comes in the statement, “The responsibilities of the committee are clarified and expanded to ensure that the committee addresses commission and CDOT accountability, specifically with respect to compliance with federal and state legal requirements …”. Again this relates to the Federal Statute on motorcycles as HOV and possibly the MOST Program. The Senate Joint Resolution of concern was SJR16-038, this would establish May as Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month in Colorado. I started looking for as sponsor in late March. Senator Tate stepped up with help from Sen. Todd, but by the time we got a house sponsor (Reps. Ginal & Sias) and all the wording straightened out, it didn’t get introduced to the Senate Floor until 4/28. It passed on 4/29 and was sent to the House Floor on 5/2. Due to it being the last few days of the session and other “more important” issues, SJR16-038 kept getting laid over until finally it was never addressed in the House. Lesson learned on my part, start with that resolution next January. Another issue ABATE was hoping would be addressed was Autocycles. Last year during a Transportation Legislative Review Committee (TLRC) meeting, Autocycles was briefly discussed and Chairman Tyler suggested it might be brought up during the 2016 session. When I addressed the issue with several legislators in late February, it was already too late to introduce a bill. The TLRC is an interim committee that meets after session and throughout the rest of the year, discussing possible issues for next year’s session and getting updates and reports from various state agencies. Sen. Baumgardner is this year’s Chairman so I’ve requested the issue be put on the agenda for this year. We’ll see, as I will try to attend the committee meetings. The issue being, there are some 3-wheeled vehicles out there (Polaris’s Slingshot, Toyota’s Elio and I-Road and even Tuk-Tuks) that are truly not motorcycles, but because of having 3 wheels, their “statistics” fall under the motorcycle category. In order to maintain accurate accident and fatality statistics (the Colorado State Patrol agrees with this) these vehicles should have their own category. Google these vehicles and see what you think, are they motorcycles? Maybe next year we’ll get some action on the issue. Lastly, ABATE is working on a questionnaire to send out to candidates for the State Senate and House seats. The Primary is June 28th, so as soon as we know who our “motorcycle friendlies” are, we’ll get the word out to help you decide who to vote for. Now would be a good time to join a State Motorcycle Rights Organization and become more legislatively active. Stump Legislative Affairs Office – ABATE of Colorado

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BRITISH MOTORCYCLE ASSOCIATION OF COLORADO Meets 1 st Saturday of every month, 10 am South Side Johnny’s 528 S. Tejon Colorado Springs, CO All makes and models of bikes welcome! Contact John @719-213-3239 or

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June 2016

Hare Scramble with Eli By Scott O’Sullivan

unharmed!” But I’m not sure Eli factors that last bit into his strategy.

O’Sullivan Law Firm


ho says lawyers can’t be rock-hopping studs?! Just when you think lawyers are stiff, boring suits, you meet Eli Ohlhausen, attorney-slashoff-road-maniac.

Eli, who is now an attorney at my firm, started his professional life in the motorcycle industry. He attended the Motorcycle Mechanics Institute in Phoenix, Arizona and, upon graduation, he was hired by a BMW dealership. In just a few short years, Eli moved from certified mechanic, to service advisor, and eventually was promoted to manager of the service department. He knows his bikes. But he’s also sort of an off-road stud. And to prove his off-road prowess hasn’t diminished with maturity (today, he’s a stellar lawyer and married to a lovely bride), he’s decided to participate in several “hare scrambles” this summer. What is a hare scramble, you ask? (I know I did.) According to Wikipedia: “Hare scramble is a form of off-road motorcycle racing that varies in distance and time, with the riders completing multiple laps around a marked course through wooded or other rugged natural terrain. The overall winner is the rider who maintains the highest speed throughout the race.” The personal injury attorney in me would like to add, “…the overall winner is the rider who maintains the highest speed throughout the race… and emerges

As Eli explained, “All the riders line up on the line, a gun blasts, and we all take off like a bat out of hell, riding for two hours as fast as you possibly can. The trickiest part comes right at the start when 50 riders go into a hairpin turn that only fits 10.” After a moment of stunned silence, I said, “Yeah, what could possibly go wrong?” Eli is planning to participate in several of the rides in the Colorado Off-Road Championship Series. The rides take place all over the state, from Trinidad to Watkins. Why does Eli like these rides? I asked him and he looked at me like I had asked, “Why do kids like candy?” He thinks the answer is obvious: fun! Clearly, this attorney has an unusual sense of “fun.” Then we got into the truth of the matter: Eli’s using the rides as an excuse to get a new bike. He didn’t put it that way, but clearly that is a major incentive for ride participation. His current ride is a KTM EXC which came as a 400cc bike but he used his mad master mechanic skills and the bike is now “bored and stroked” to 580cc. Using a foreign language, Eli says to me, “It launches a monkey on the count of 10.” (huh?) (Readers take note: he may be willing to sell this bike soon.) What kind of bike might he get? He says he’d like a KTM 450XC or 350XS. Stay tuned to learn more about Eli’s “hare-raising” activities this summer!

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BIKER DOWN’S 3RD ANNUAL LOOK TWICE SAVE A LIFE RIDE Biker Down’s 3rd annual Look Twice … Save a Life ride took place on May 14th 2016. The purpose of this ride was to help bring awareness to motorists that motorcycles are everywhere. This year’s ride took place one day before the State’s official Motorcycle Awareness day. Last year Biker Down’s President, Laurie Easton-Montoya worked to receive an official decree from the governor to establish May 15th as the state’s Motorcycle Awareness day.

end stop at Quaker Steak and Lube in Westminster, for a drawing, auction and some fun. The drawing was for the Sturgis giveaway sponsored by Scott O’Sullivan and Rich Wilson won! At first he thought he had won t-shirt or something, but was pleasantly surprised to find that he had won a trip to Sturgis on August 1st – 14th including a campground pass, an entry into all the concerts at the Buffalo chip and an RV rental.

Although the weather was a bit chilly many of the riders made the trek through the mountains to the

For more information on Biker Down please visit

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June 2016


W I T H YO U R F E L L O W C O L O R A D O PAT R I OT S A N D V E T E R A N S ! On Saturday, July 16, KYGO, The Steel Soldiers, and MillerCoors Veterans Group will team up for a charity ride and rally to benefit Freedom Service Dogs.

The scenic, 75-mile ride be gins i n Litt leto and ends a n at t Quak Plat er St te R eak ive & Lu rB be i ar nW &G est rill min ste r.

$15 for each additional passenger

For more info call 303-922-6231

Join more than 400 motorcycle enthusiasts to support the training and placement of service dogs with veterans living with PTSD, traumatic brain injury, mobility impairments, missing limbs, and other disabilities.

REGISTER ONLINE: Registration includes t-shirt, breakfast before the ride, and specials on lunch and beverages after the ride.

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here is rarely a statement like I am about to reveal that has ever been uttered from one motorcycle rider to another when sharing the exhilaration of a road trip. In fact, if you were to poll 100 riders, the statement is practically the antithesis of a good ride as defined by 99 out 100 of those riders. In fact, in 2011 I was attempting my first official Iron Butt Ride, known as a SaddleSore 1000. This is 1,000 miles in 24 hours or less. Not to be confused with the nearly as popular, BunBurner of 1,500 in 36 hours.

wanted to lean into some turns and see some places I hadn’t seen before. Fortunately, I rolled into Burns with 15 minutes to spare, and found an open Gas Station that could document my finish time by way of a time stamped receipt.

The sane rider, attempting to reach such a milestone would logically take the straightest, “legally” high speed route they could find. One such route for Colorado riders is Denver to Chicago on the wide open I-80! A scenic wonderland of tractor trailer trucks and Iowa corn! Depending on your exact starting and ending point this ride at about 1,024 miles and allows you to keep up a fairly quick pace. You can even ride out half way and come right back home if you want to save on hotel costs. All that is required is documentation and receipts to show proof of your route and your mileage.

Which brings me to the odd proposal that I uttered to a good friend regarding a recent riding opportunity. Hey, Bill, “How would you like to hop on some rental bikes and ride 200 miles in a straight line over the course of half a week, then turn around and take the exact same route back in the opposite direction?” Since we usually ride 200 miles before breakfast, or at the latest lunch on a normal day, taking half a week to cover this little ground would have been insane . . . until I presented him with one more detail. We would be riding from Fort Lauderdale down to Key West, some of the most beautiful stretch of roadway in all of the United States. Sure the only turns in our future would be the very rare gas station stop; and our floorboards might only drag pulling out of a clam shack, but we would be flanked by the sea and the sun would be shining. Looking out into the snowy Colorado night, I was able to get an easy “Yes” out of him!

Of course, when I planned and executed my ride I headed to Burns, Oregon, on my way to San Francisco. There was plenty of straight highway, but there was also plenty of the good stuff, the twisties, the turns and rolling hills. The formations that make your blood move a little faster as the adrenaline fuels your depleted body, as there is little time for food or rest. I knew I wanted to accomplish a documented SaddleSore, but I also 12 Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado

I am a big fan of long distance riding, but I appreciate the freedom of riding without a timeline. I am glad I have, officially documented an Iron Butt, but, now that it is behind me (pun intended) and I am only looking forward.

June 2016

Days later, we arrived in Fort Lauderdale. We saddled up on a couple of Heritage Softail Classics and with our postures upright and our eyes forward we were on our way. Not much more than a 100 miles had passed and we arrived in Key Largo. We were already half way done with the entire ride and it was only the first day. We enjoyed the key whose namesake was made famous by Bogart and Hepburn in 1951 by the movie that stole its name. Turning our heads to the right we were greeted by the African Queen herself, heading out with some tourists for the day. The African Queen was originally built in Lythan, England in 1912. The famous iconic vessel began as a shuttle to missionaries, cargo and hunting parties around the Belgian Congo and Uganda before catching her big movie break and eventually retiring to Key Largo in 1982. With our grueling 100 miles behind us it was time to relax with a couple of beers at one of my favorite overseas highway hideouts, the Seafarer Lodge and Resort. A collection of Robin Blue cabins all within feet of the water. It is off the beaten path and less expensive than many of the overpriced chains in the area. Hours later, only a few feet away a pelican and a manatee forgive our intrusion and gladly share their nightly sunset view with us. <Sunset_2. jpg>For dinner, we walked over to the Island Café, for some locally infused Mojitos and Ahi Tuna nachos followed by a good night’s sleep with the Ocean as the soundtrack to our dreams. Although it is hard to believe that our dreams could be the life we are living at the very moment! Our second hundred miles will deliver us to the heart of Key West. But before we get there we get to ride through one of the most unique landscapes that the United States has to offer. The Atlantic over our port hand grip and the gulf starboard over our throttles as

we passed through many seaside towns gladly offering to help you part with your money. We limit our donations to the local economy in Marathon in the form of a marina lunch at Sparky’s, being cautious not to offer any contributions to local law enforcement, by diligently adhering to the speed limits.

Soon after we approach the magnificent 7-mile bridge filled with walkers and fisherman flanked by

hungry seagulls hoping to scoop a catch. The bridge has been seen countless times in movies such as, License to Kill, True lies and the 2 Fast 2 Furious, to name just a few. With views like this there really is no reason to go anywhere fast. The last key is Cow Key off of Stock Island. Astute readers, may remember this from a previous Thunder Roads Colorado article as the place I was conceived. You could say I was returning to the scene of the crime! We are then presented with our first legitimate option to take a hard left or right since entering the keys. Turning right is the less attractive option, so left it is. Down along beach after beach for approximately 2 miles before arriving at the Southern Most point buoy. The lines and crowds make a photo with the motorcycles impossible. We continue up the road, past the famous six toed cats

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that roam the Hemmingway estate and eventually arrive at the intersection of Flemming and Route 1, officially the end of the road. We squeeze our bikes between the other visitors for a quick shot before heading north two blocks to the famous Duvall Street, where it is a New Orleans party atmosphere already in full swing. With our bikes safely parked at the Silver Palms hotel, we are ready to put on shorts and join the revelers. Key West is known for its hospitality, food and of course the famous sunsets on the pier. We spend several days enjoying what the city has to offer including visiting my brother in law’s dad’s gallery, Art Gone Wild, and enjoying a dinner with the unofficial mayor of Key West, the world famous photographer Vidal! But much like Oz, you must get out after a few days or the magical allure of the keys may convince you to stay forever. With that in mind, we head back up the coast. The same way we came because there is no other land option. We do take a slight detour through the Everglades National Park to marvel at the alligators and pose in front of the Nike Missile site. A site established in the dark of night by American forces in response to Moscow’s 14 Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado

clandestine plans to setup nuclear capable missiles during the Cuban Missile Crisis. We thank the veteran who volunteers his time sharing the history of the property and head back North to the Fort Lauderdale. Flying home in a most fortuitous upgrade, Bill and I are in complete agreement that if you have to ride in a straight line there is little doubt that the Florida Keys can be beaten by any other road in the US.

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June 2016

Tasty Recipes All of these recipes have been kitchen tested and biker approved.

Pork Tenderloin Sandwiches with Horseradish Sauce These tasty sandwiches are a quick and delicious evening meal. Cover the tenderloin ahead of time and refrigerate for a few hours to allow the flavors from the mustard and pepper to penetrate into the meat a bit. Sandwich 1 pork tenderloin 2 Tbs Dijon mustard 1 Tbs freshly ground black pepper 2 baguettes cut into 6 equal pieces or 6 hoagie sandwich rolls Sauce 1 cup mayonnaise (You can substitute low-fat if desired) 2 Tbs prepared horseradish ¼ tsp white pepper ¼ cup of grated Granny Smith apple (peel and core before grating) 1/2 tsp dill weed Directions Sandwich Meat: Preheat the grill to 350 degrees F. Trim excess fat from pork tenderloin. Rub the tenderloin with the Dijon mustard and then roll it in cracked black pepper. Place the tenderloin on the grill for 30 to 40 minutes or until meat thermometer registers 155 degrees F. Let the meat rest for approximately 15 minutes. Slice in thin slices Horseradish Sauce: Mix all the sauce ingredients together in a bowl. Cover and chill for several hours before serving.

Make the sandwiches: Cut the bread lengthwise Place two to three layers of the tenderloin slices on each piece of bread Spread the sauce generously on the bread Add lettuce shreds, tomato slices if desired

Salted Nut Roll Bars These are a delicious blend of salty and sweet, just like a salted nut roll. During the hot months I do my baking in the morning. It is a great excuse to have something baked between breakfast and lunch. 1 1/2 cups flour 2/3 cup brown sugar 1/2 tsp baking powder 1/2 tsp salt 1/2 cup butter 2 egg yolks 3 cups miniature marshmallows 1 12oz. pkg. butterscotch chips 1/4 cup butter 2/3 cup white corn syrup 1 tsp vanilla 2 cups crisp rice cereal 2 cup salted peanuts Cream together brown sugar and butter. Add egg yolks. Mix together flour, baking powder and salt. Mix into butter, sugar and egg mixture. Press in a 9x13 pan and bake at 350 degrees F. for 12-15 minutes. Place marshmallows over baked layer and bake 2 minutes or until marshmallows melt slightly. Melt butterscotch chips and mix in butter and corn syrup. Mix in crisp rice cereal and salted peanuts. Pour over the marshmallow baked layer. Refrigerate for a short time and then cut.

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JUNE 2016

Falcon Freedom Poker Run 2016 Address: Frankie’s Too 7376 McLaughlin Rd Falcon, CO 80831 Date: Date: 6/4/2016 Time: 8:00 AM American Legion Riders Post 2008 Please come out and join our Riders group from the American Legion Riders Dane R. Balcon Post 2008 on June 4, 2016. We are a veteran’s group and this is our primary fundraiser for veteran programs we support. We will register between 8-10am at Frankie’s Too. There will be a stop that you get to shoot for your first card, if you choose (guns, ammo, and safety equipment provided). $20 per rider/ $10 for a passenger at the door. There are prizes and a 50/50 raffle. First Bike out 9am Last Bike in 3pm First Stop: Magnum Shooting Center Last Stop: Frankie’s Too If you would like to register early for a discount follow the Eventbrite link FalconFreedomPokerRunPost2008 719-270-0896 Be the Gift 6th Annual Poker Run Address: 4250 Byrd Dr. Loveland CO 80538 Date: Date: 6/4/2016 Time: 8:30 AM This is our 6th annual benefit. Registration cost is donations for the goal of repairing homes for single moms and their children. Registration begins at Time: 8:30am and the last bike out is Time: 9:30am. Events include a silent auction. Starting location: Thunder Mountain HarleyDavidson, 4250 Byrd Drive, Loveland CO 80538 Free lunch and prizes to follow at Loveland Fairground Park, 700 S Railroad Ave. Chris - - 970-691-8777 - Antique Motorcycle Swap Meet Address: 1380 S Jason St, Denver, CO 80223 Date: Date: 6/4/2016 - Date: 6/5/2016 Time: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM Free Admission Come out to buy, sell, or trade 10’x10’ booth just $20 Bring your parts, bikes, pre-1980 stuff. Buy-Sell-Trade-Bikes and Parts Call 503-705-3633 - http:// - 503-705-3633 20 Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado

2016 True Value Thunder Valley National @ Thunder Valley Motorcross Park Address: 701 S Rooney Rd, Morrison, CO 80465 Date: Date: 6/4/2016 Time: 8:00 AM The 12th Annual True Value Thunder Valley National in Lakewood, CO is Round 3 of the 2016 Lucas Oil Pro Motocross Championship. Thunder Valley Motocross Park plays host once again to the fastest racers in the world on June 4th, 2016. Be ready for a full day of pro racing beginning at Time: 8:00 am and ending at approximately 5:30 pm. 2016 is shaping up to be one of the most competitive pro motocross seasons for both classes in quite some time. Thunder Valley is guaranteed to provide a few surprises when the gate drops on what is predicted to be a deep field of competitors. Whether you want to take advantage of hillsides, trackside, chairs, or bleachers, we encourage you to explore the many places that allow for viewing 80% or more of the track. Be sure to check our website at www.tvmx. net for full event information and Like us on Facebook. This event is rain or shine. Riders for Moebius Poker run Address: 5867 N. Nevada Colorado Springs, CO 80903 Date: Date: 6/4/2016 Time: 8:30 AM A beautiful ride through the mountains of southern Colorado. Registration starts at 10:00 am at Pikes Peak Harley Colorado Springs CO. $10.00 per rider. $5 per extra rider. We leave between 10 and 10:30. Ride south on Hwy 115 to Penrose, the next stop is Florence, then up the mountain road to World Famous Bishop’s Castle, then down past Lake Isabel to Colorado City, where we find out who won the $250 jackpot. This is where the BBQ burgers and dogs are. And great raffle gifts. All proceeds go the Moebius awareness foundation. Terry Brailsford - - 719-489-2703 Freedom Fest Colorado Address: 5995 S. Santa Fe Drive Littleton, CO 80120 Date: Date: 6/4/2016 Time: 11:00 AM We will have a benefit ride followed by a concert with legendary bands starting with Dokken, Warrant, Jack Russel’s Great White and Country star Ryan Weaver! Our mission is to to help our veterans be victorious and end veteran/military suicide. 100% of the proceeds go American Soldier June 2016

Network, an amazing service member and veteran support charity and our heroes! For tickets: Follow us on Facebook! castlerockfreedomfest For those of you that have been to the Platte, The layout for this concert will be far different than anything the Platte has done! This is going to be awesome! 6 bands, awesome ride, great food, drinks and great people! castlerockfreedomfest Charley’s Ride - A Charitable Memorial Poker Run Address: Red Rocks Park and Amphitheatre 18300 W Alameda Pkwy, Morrison, Colorado 80465 Date: Date: 6/5/2016 Time: 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM Steel Horse Sisterhood RIDING TO CELEBRATE A MARINE’S LIFE, WELL LIVED SUNDAY, JUNE 5th, 2016, IN MEMORY OF Charles Rock Guthrie Major USMC Ret Life began when I joined the Marines Feb 1974 WE RIDE TO BENEFIT WHAT WAS PASSIONATE TO ROCK The Marines by helping brothers in need. Helping others who were fighting cancer This ride will benefit what was near and dear to Rock’s heart Streams in the Desert Fund (to continue what Rock began) Project Healing Waters Serving Those Who Served Fund Children’s Cancer Research Sunday, June 5th 2015 Registration and Photos 8 am to 9 am at Red Rocks Park and Amphitheatre Location TBA Kickstands up at 9 am, Last bike out at 10 am Ending celebration at High Country Harley Davidson 1 pm to 5 pm Live music, silent auction, food, getting together with friends to remember a great man Registration Cost; $20 donation per single, $30 donation per couple Extra hands $10, Extra Card $5 with a 1 card maximum at final stop SPONSORS HIGH COUNTRY HARLEY-DAVIDSON Z MOTORSPORTS For more information or to be a sponsor of this event contact us: 720-939-1954 or Kyle Doying - - 720-939-1954 events/1056050237758587/

The Thin Blue Line Memorial Wall Run Address: 2701 W. 84th Ave. Westminster, CO 80031 Date: Date: 6/5/2016 Time: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Sentinels Motorcycle Club The Thin Blue Line Memorial Run 2016 is the Eleventh Annual event that the Sentinels Motorcycle Club has done for the Colorado Law Enforcement Memorial Wall. It is also going to be the Third Annual sponsoring the Colorado Concerns of Police Survivors (C.O.P.S.). There will be a Pig Roast, Auctions, Raffles and a ride to the memorial wall. - tbl2016@sentinelslemc. com - 720-935-8913 Vintage Motorcycles Reborn 2016 Exhibition Address: Colorado National Speedway 4281 Graden Blvd Dacono, CO 80514 Date: Date: 6/5/2016 Time: 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM If you want to experience the history of motorcycling first hand then join us for the 6th annual Vintage Motorcycles Reborn 2016 charity exhibition Sunday, June 5th from 10 AM to 3 PM, at the Colorado National Speedway, 4281 Graden Blvd., Dacono, CO. Admission is free. There will be a donation bucket for Pathways Hospice and 100% of donations will go to Pathways. Take a trip down memory lane as you stroll through the exhibit and talk to the owners. We should have motorcycles from the 1920’s to the 1980’s in mint and operating condition. For general or participation questions contact Ron at wttwphoto@ If you are a true enthusiast this is a must see exhibit. Ron - - 970-7766355 26th Annual United Run Address: 4460 Forrest Hill Road Colorado Springs, CO Date: Date: 6/5/2016 Time: 10:30 AM Bikers United for America Hosted by Bikers United For America (B.U.F.A). Proceeds benefit a local person in need. $10 Per rider. Start Location the Hub Car Wash and Diner and ending at the Eagles Lodge Pikes Peak Aerie #143 1050 S. 21st Street, Colorado Springs, CO 10:30 AM Short Ride to Pikes Peak Harley Davidson 10:45 AM Memorial Wall Service inside PPHD Last bike in at 3:00 PM Barb or Sandy - (719)635-0138 or (719)3527885 Bikin’ for Berkeley, Cruisin’ for a Cure Address: The Green Mill Evans, CO 80620 Date: Date: 6/5/2016 Time: 8:00 AM Come out and join Berkeley’s Fight

against Cystic Fibrosis by raising money and awareness for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Motorcycles and cars welcome!! 6 stopping locations, drawing/auction, great people, good food and guaranteed smiles. events/1530716977221502/ 3rd Annual Steel Horse Sisterhood Women’s Motorcycle Summit Address: Twin Peaks Lodge & Hot Springs Ouray, CO Date: 6/9/2016 - 6/11/2016 Join us at the Steel Horse Sisterhood Women’s Motorcycle Summit, June 9, 10 and 11, 2016 in Ouray, Colorado, for a weekend of motorcycle riding, women mentoring women and networking, packaged with a Photo Scavenger Hunt, Hot Springs Resorts and the Girls Out West Fest wrap up party . Tickets are limited–Register now to secure your spot and receive the exclusive Gift Bag, inspired and designed by Lady Road Dog herself (first 100 women). Tickets are limited. Sell out expected. Joan - - 608-3350852 - 8th Annual Good News Motorcycle Benefit Ride Address: 5867 N. Nevada Avenue Colorado Springs, CO Date: 6/11/2016 Time: 8:00 AM Sponsored by Mullett Excavating, Fremont Motorsports, The Boat House, Anthony Enterprises Inc., Rivers Edge Bar & Restaurant, Western Wealth, Law Tigers, 7 Stitches, Documart, and more. The ride starts at Pikes Peak HarleyDavidson, 5867 N. Nevada Avenue in Colorado Springs. Registration begins at Time: 8:00 am and the first motorcycles go out at Time: 8:30 am. All bikes are welcome. Participants may ride in the group or by themselves. The ride will go through the mountains and end with lunch and door prizes. All proceeds go to support Good News Jail & Prison Ministry and the work of Chaplain Marcus Baird, who serves the Colorado Department of Corrections. (719) 671-6479

card draw poker game will be played using the best 5 cards. Only 1 payout per registration. Entry fee is $25 and includes dinner, dance (live music), and door prizes. Bad weather day is June 12, 2016. Call the contact phone numbers if weather is questionable on run dates. (If no answer call 970-345-2760, event center) For email contacts, poster, or update information please send your email address to - 970-380-5520, 970-520-7561, 970-522-2806 Veterans Motorcycle Club, Colo. Springs, 20th Anniversary Party Address: 3754 E. La Salle St, CO Springs, CO 80909 Date: 6/11/2016 Time: 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM Veterans Motorcycle Club, Colorado Springs It’s our longest poker run of the year! The route will take you south to Penrose, then west through the mountains to Hartsel, before heading back east through Woodland Park and into COS Springs. Registration starts at Time: 8:30 am, and the last bike in will be at 4:00 pm. There will be great food, cold drinks (for purchase), music, 50/50 and a chance drawing. All proceeds raised will be donated to the McCandless Veterans Nursing Home in Florence, CO. Sick Puppy - http://www.theveteransmc. com/#!colorado-springs-co/c191h (719) 465-9527

Akron Elks 15th Annual Charity Motorcycle and Car Poker Run Address: Washington County Fair Grounds 551 West 2nd Street Akron, CO 80720 Date: 6/11/2016 Time: 8:00 AM Akron Elks Lodge #2579 Motorcycle and Car Poker Run. June 11, 2016. Registration begins at Time: 8:00 a.m. and ends at 10:30 a.m. sharp. Finish in Akron is no later than 4:30. The run is approximately 165 miles long. . Pay out for poker hands (18) and prize drawing prizes (25) will equal $7,500. A 7

5th Annual Highway Honey Memorial Ride Address: CJ’s Sports Bar 3535 Carefree Cir N, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80917 Date: 6/11/2016 Time: 9:00 AM Join us Sat June 11, 2015 as we ride remember Central Colorado Riders founder Karen Alumbaugh AKA Highway Honey. She is gone But not forgotten and we hope we see a great turnout for this memorable day, Even if you didn’t know Karen this is always a great day to ride hang with friends and create new great friendships, Everyone welcome, MC. RG, independents, and anyone who just wants to ride, no fee, just bring money for gas and lunch. Where: CJs sports bar Time: 9:00 am for breakfast and registration, KSU 10:00am ish Route: We will head west on Hwy 24 through Woodland Park with a stop to stretch and top off, then onward to Hartsell with another break, We will continue South on Hwy 9 to Hwy 50 to Canon City for Lunch, and maybe a pass thru Skyline Dr., afterwards we will head back home to Colorado Springs We ask that you attach purple and pink bandanas or ribbons to your bike and /or wear colors in attire, for those were Highway Honeys riding colors, this will be a Colorful Day!! events/1536710146645398/

June 2016

Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado 21

Top Gun Motorcycle Show Address: Jefferson County Stadium Parking Lot Southeast corner 6th Avenue and Kipling Date: 6/11/2016 Time: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Top Gun Car & Motorcycle Show Benefiting Special Olympics Colorado will be hosted at the Jefferson County Stadium parking lot (SE corner of US 6 and Kipling in Lakewood). The event is presented by the Blue Knights Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club – Colorado I & Law Enforcement Torch Run Judging begins at 10:00 AM; Awards at 12:30 PM Pre-Registration fee: $25 (postmarked by June 1st) Day-of-event Registration fee: $30 Car & Motorcycle Awards: All Years and Classes of Cars and Motorcycles are Welcome! The TOP 10 Cars and Top 10 Motorcycles will receive Awards. Specialty Awards: TOP GUN Best of Show Awards FLAME OF HOPE PEOPLE’S CHOICE *All awards will be personally presented by Special Olympics Athletes!* Twin Peaks Chapter B.A.C.A. 4th Annual Poker Run Address: 2842 SE Frontage Rd Johnstown, CO 80534 Date: 6/11/2016 Time: 9:00 AM Twin Peaks Chapter B.A.C.A. All proceeds go directly to help abused kids. There will be Live Music, Food, Fun, Drinks, Prizes and a Live Auction Ride begins at Johnson’s Corner just off I-25 on exit 254 Johnstown, CO Registration begins: Time: 9:00am Last bike out: 11:00 am $20 rider / $5 passenger Johnson’s Corner Just off I-25 on exit 254 Veterans Motorcycle Club, Colo. Springs, 20th Anniversary Party Address: 3754 E. La Salle St, CO Springs, CO 80909 Date: 6/11/2016 Time: 2:00 PM - 10:00 PM Veterans Motorcycle Club, Colorado Springs Come join the Veterans Motorcycle Club as we celebrate our 20th Anniversary in Colorado Springs with a huge party. The best’s FREE! There will be live music, great food, and cold drinks (available for purchase). All donations will go toward helping us support our veteran charities. Sick Puppy - (719) 465-9527 - www.vmc.!colorado22 Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado

springs-co/c191h Ride for Recovery Address: 5001 N Elizabeth Street Pueblo, CO 81008 Date: 6/11/2016 Harley Davidson of Pueblo The ride will go from Harley-Davidson of Pueblo to Buena Vista. When do people from all walks of life join the same TEAM? When there is an opportunity to help raise funds that are needed to support education and advocacy for children and families affected by alcohol or other drug addiction and people in long-term recovery. Faces & Voices of Recovery ,Alcoholics advocate for policies that support people seeking recovery and their families, demonstrate that people can and do get well, and speak for the millions of children and families locked in the silence, fear and isolation imposed by addiction. I have joined Ride for Recovery,– a group of men, women and youth who have made an extraordinary commitment to ride in the rally What’s a life worth, June 11th, 2016 and raise money for these very worthwhile organization. RockyMountainRecoveryCenter/ - 719293-1251 Wounded Warriors Poker Run - WYCO Freedom Ride Motorcycle Event Address: 601 E Pic Pike Road, Saratoga, WY Date: 6/11/2016 Join us for our second annual Wounded Warrior Motorcycle Poker Run- WYCO Freedom Ride! Hop on your motorcycle and ride through scenic southern Wyoming and northern Colorado while having fun and raising money for the Northern Colorado/ Wyoming Chapter of Wounded Warriors. The event begins at the Saratoga Resort and Spa in beautiful Saratoga, Wyoming when you check in and receive a punch card and a route map. There are two scenic routes this year, each with 5 stops! Punch cards are available at the front desk for $30 each and $25 per additional card. Musical performance and t-shirt are included with the purchase of a $30 Punch Card. Collect punches on punch card(s) at each stop on Saturday, June 11, 2016. Then return to the Saratoga Resort and Spa between 5pm and 7pm, where each punch card is turned in for a poker hand. Multiple prizes will be awarded--including a Grand Prize valued at $1,000.00. For each punch card purchased, your name is entered to win the Grand Prize and additional prizes. Gourmet barbecue and LIVE music performed by Pete Martinez begin at 7pm. Prize winners announced at 8pm. (Need not be present to win). Must June 2016

be 18 years of age or older to participate. 2-Night Stay Deal Available at the Saratoga Resort and Spa. Call 800-594-0178 or 307-326-5261 to book your stay or visit our website at Sarah Williams - info@ - 307-326-5261 OJ Alvarado Legacy & Remembrance Poker Run Address: VFW Pioneer Post 2121, 2514 7th Avenue Garden City, CO Date: 6/12/2016 Time: 8:00 AM Click here to view or print this flyer. Flyer opens in a new window. The ride starts at VFW Pioneer Post 2121, 2514 7th Avenue in Garden City. The event begins at Time: 8:00 am. The ride fee is $15.00 for the rider and $5.00 for a passenger. Extra hands are $5.00 each. The ride is a Legacy to OJ but includes remembrance of lost loved ones. The ride will end in Windsor. Funds raised are donated to the Semper Fi Fund and the Colorado Gold Star Family weekend. events/148875782151843/ Rampart Range Dirt Poker Run Address: Rampart Range Flat Rocks campground and Rampart Range Road, approximately 4½ miles south on Rampart Range Road off of Route #67 west of Sedalia, CO. Date: 6/12/2016 Time: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Twice a year the Rampart Range Motorcycle Management Committee sponsors a noncompetitive Poker Run for off-road motorcycles (no ATV’s) and riders of all ages. There is a short course (approximately 15-25 miles) and a long course (approximately 50-55 miles). Riders of all abilities are welcome. Prizes are awarded on the basis of the poker hand you draw at the final check point. This is a noncompetitive event and the 5 prizes awarded for each course are based on your luck in drawing one of the five highest winning poker hands consisting of five (short course) or seven (long course) total cards. The entry fee includes a gourmet meal of hot dogs and soft drinks. Serving begins at 12:00 noon. Prizes are awarded after the event is over, however you don’t have to stay to claim your prize. Those who stay around for the awards will also gain a chance at several door prizes donated by local dealerships and organizations. Monies raised from these events will help to maintain the Rampart Range area for all users. Our permit limits us to the first 600 riders, therefore we highly recommend preregistration by mail or online. If you have attended one of our events in the recent past, we’ll mail you a flyer approximately one month before the event. Registration forms are also available at local dealerships, or

you can download and print your own PDF registration form. (Flyers are available online approximately 30 days prior to the event. If the link doesn’t work, check back later.) RRMMCPokerRunWebFlyer.pdf REGISTRATION FEE Over 12 pre-registration by mail or online (Save $5!) $25.00 Over 12 registration at Rampart the day of the event $30.00 12 and under pre-registration by mail or online (Save $3!) $7.00 12 and under registration at Rampart the day of the event $10.00 Additional poker hands * $5.00 Molly-Dharma Run Address: 5995 South Santa Fe Drive Littleton, CO Date: 6/12/2016 Time: 8:30 AM An annual event (since 2007) for Colorado Animal Shelters. A motorcycle ride to benefit Evergreen Animal Protective League in Evergreen, CO in 2016. Donate, Register or Volunteer now through June 7th FREE ride pin and breakfast burrito to first 200 Participants! *The first wave of riders will be released at 10am and the last wave will be released at 10:30am* Ride Route: Route TBA at a later date. Live Band – Food – Drinks - Prizes! After Party at the T-Bird Roadhouse 9701 W. 44th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Kirk or Ken, kenmann@ 303.548.5123 or 303.871.8290 10th Annual Molly-Dharma Run for Colorado Animal Shelters Address: 5995 S. Santa Fe Drive Littleton, CO 80120 Date: 6/12/2016 Time: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM T-Bird Roadhouse, Platte River Bar and Grill Sponsored by Thunderbird Motorcycles, Platte River Bar & Grill, and Kicked to the Curb Platte River Bar & Grill Registration begins at Time: 9:00 am with Kick stands up at 10:00 am. The last bike out by 10:30 am. The first 200 to register will receive ride pin and breakfast burrito. The ride fee is $20 for the rider or $30.00 with a passenger. Pre-registration is available through June 7th. Pre-registered riders will receive a $5.00 discount. The ride will go through the foothills and end in Wheat Ridge with a band, food, auctions and more.

Proceeds will support Evergreen Animal Protective League. Live Band – Food – Drinks - Prizes Kirk (303) 548-5123 Colorado Ride for Kids Address: Jefferson County Human Services Bldg. 900 Jefferson Co. Pkwy Golden CO 80401 Date: 6/12/2016 Time: 10:00 AM Riders on all makes and models are welcome to attend. The suggested minimum donation to ride is $40 per motorcycle. We encourage you to fundraise before the event to make a real difference to the kids. Online registration is open until noon Eastern on the Friday before the ride. Onsite registration opens at 8 a.m. and closes at Time: 9:30 a.m. The escorted ride starts at 10 a.m. sharp, rain or shine! The ride will loop back to the start point. The more money you raise, the more incentive choices you have. Get a collectible T-shirt for as little as $50 per person, plus a Ride for Kids hat at the $300 level. Depending on how much more you collect, you’ll qualify for prizes at different levels. - 800-253-6530

point only) Evergreen: Cactus Jacks, 4651 Highway 73 Ft. Morgan: Nick’s Place at The Queen, 112 W Kiowa Ave Littleton: The Shack, 151 W. Mineral Ave Pueblo: Tumbleweed Tavern 214 S. McCulloch Blvd uploads/201Date: 6/04/Scramble-2016.pdf 303-789-3264

ABATE Scramble - Statewide Poker Run Address: See event description for starting locations Date: 6/12/2016 Time: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM Abate of Colorado Pick Your Route, Pick Your Stops Play against riders all across the State Pay Out for 2 highest hands and lowest hand in the state Registration Begins at 10:00 AM Last Hand Plays at 5:00 Participants will purchase 1 or more hands at any starting point. A list of locations for obtaining a poker chip for each hand shall be provided. Participants may then return to their original starting point or any other location to have their hand dealt. Pick Your Route, Pick Your Stops - Play against riders all across the State Pay Out for 2 highest hands and lowest hand in the state Location Scramble Locations: Aurora: Scooters Bar & Grill, 13698 E Alameda Ave Berthoud: Derby Grille , 110 Bunyan Ave. (start and end only) Colorado Springs: Brickhouse Bar& Grill, 424 S Nevada Denver: Bubba Chino’s, 5595 N Federal Ave (start point only) Denver: McCoy’s, 4855 Federal Blvd (end

2016 Colorado BBQ Challenge Address: Town of Frisco 300 Main Street Frisco, CO Date: 6/16/2016 - Date: 6/18/2016 Time: 11:00 AM - Time: 9:00 PM 2016 marks 23 years of the Colorado BBQ Challenge in Frisco. The event kicks off on Thursday, June 16, with an evening of live music. The BBQ Challenge will happen Friday, June 17 from 11:00am – Time: 9:00pm and Saturday, June 18 from 10:00am – 6:00pm. Approximately 70 BBQers will compete for a variety of awards in the following categories including pork, ribs, chicken, brisket, anything goes, barbecue sauce, side dish, salsa and dessert. Each team competes for the coveted Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion titles. You don’t want to miss out on getting your own plate of this BBQ! Other BBQ favorites include the Viking Firefighter CookOff on the Viking Stage; pig races; the Kaiser Permanente Bacon Burner 6k; a Breckenridge Distillery Whiskey Tour (advance registration required); and 7 live bands. Thursday, June 16, 2016 (kickoff concert only- no BBQ) Friday, June 17, 2016 BBQ Day #1 Saturday, June 18, 2016 BBQ Day #2 (awards ceremony this day) The Colorado BBQ Challenge has sold out of spots for competing teams. You can sign up here to be placed on the waiting list. x?eventID=1799493&MethodId=0&Eventse ssionId= Hogback tickets can be purchased at ticket booths throughout the event. Hogbacks are dollar for dollar values and can be used like cash. There are no cash vendors on the street and hogbacks are good for everything from beer to BBQ to berry kabobs. Hogbacks can be used past the event at merchants in Frisco throughout the weekend. A list of merchants accepting hogbacks will be available at ticket booths and at the Visitor Information Center. Most food on the street costs between 5 and 12 hogbacks. There are food varieties from salmon and shrimp to ribs and Philly cheese steaks. Many vendors offer full plates including sides. Hogbacks tickets can also be pre-purchased online and picked up at will call (Visitor Information Center at 300 Main Street) beginning Wednesday, June 17, 2016.

June 2016

Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado 23

The NHRA Harley-Davidson Drag Racing Series Address: Bandimere Speedway 3051 S. Rooney Road Morrison, CO 80465 Date: 6/17/2016 - Date: 6/19/2016 Time: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM The NHRA Harley-Davidson Drag Racing Series will compete at tracks across the country. The majority of the events will take place in conjunction with NHRA Lucas Oil Drag Racing Series events with competition in Top Fuel Harley once again being featured at four NHRA Mello Yello Drag Racing Series events with two new stops, at Wild Horse Pass Motorsports Park near Phoenix and New England Dragway in Epping, N.H. The Top Fuel Harleys will return to the Circle K NHRA Winternationals at Auto Club Raceway at Pomona in Southern California and the NHRA Thunder Valley Nationals at Bristol (Tenn.) Dragway. The two-wheeled rockets will race at three new tracks in the Lucas Oil Series as they visit Royal Purple Raceway near Houston, Cecil County Dragway in Rising Sun, Maryland and Rockingham Dragway in North Carolina. The racers will vie for an exclusive NHRA Wally trophy awarded to winners in each category during winner’s circle activities. The season-ending champion in Top Fuel and Pro Fuel will receive a specially-designed Wally Trophy as well as a year-end bonus. The best seven of 10 races will count for points toward the year-end championship. 6/2016-harley-series-schedule/ 2nd Annual Rocky Mountain Rumble Address: Shelly/Quinn Fields - 101 Idaho Springs Rd. , Idaho Springs, CO 80452 Date: 6/17/2016 - Date: 6/19/2016 Time: 3:00 PM - 7:00 PM Rocky Mountain Rumble is a weekend campout motorcycle festival. Held in the heart of Colorful Colorado, deep in the Rocky Mountains proper; and takes place in June over Father’s Day Weekend. It’s about the love of motorcycles, good likeminded people, and the passion we all share for those machines. This event is open to all walks of life, as well as any style of motorbike. The proceeds go to Friend’s of Charlie’s Place which supports the local nokill Animal Shelter. Small town vibes, scenic rides, and good times!! Abbey - 7th Annual Fight Like A Girl Tessa Paprocki Memorial Hogs & Rods Poker Run Address: 5995 S. Santa Fe Drive Littleton, CO 80120 Date: 6/18/2016 Time: 9:00 AM Benefiting the Warriors Warehouse Redistribution Center, Inc (they provide household items, clothing and food to our Veterans in need). All Motorcycles & Cars are welcome Registration starts at Time: 9:00 am - 10:30 am $20.00 per rider - includes breakfast burritos 24 Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado

@ the Platte River Bar & the buffet @ Ugly Dog Sports Café $10.00 for the first poker hand - $5.00 for each additional hand Ride leaves the Platte River Bar & Grill @ 10:30am We will head south to O’Malley’s Steak Pub in Palmer Laker. Then will head north to Ugly Dog Sports Café located at 1345 Cortez Street, Denver, CO 80221. If you can’t make the ride, join us at the Ugly Dog for a live band, silent / live auction - $15.00 per person (includes the buffet) http://TESSARIDE.ORG Poker Run to benefit the Flying Wheels Foundation Address: 3010 W 29th St, Greeley, CO Date: 6/18/2016 Time: 9:00 AM Blue Knights IX Run to Severance to the Hideaway Grill, Go to Nostalgic Leather in Masonville over to the Beaver Den in the Thompson Canyon, up to Estes park to Nick’s restaurant for lunch, Then back down the Canyon to The New Plantation in Evans Colorado. 2nd Annual Smokin’ Skulls for Scholars Scholarship ride 15055 South Golden Road, Golden CO 80401 Date: 6/18/2016 Time: 8:00 AM Annual Fundraiser Motorcycle Ride FOR STUDENTS INTERESTED IN LAW ENFORCEMENT/CRIMINAL JUSTICE CAREER Saturday, June 18th - Registration Time: 8:00am - Last Bike out Time: 9:30am Start - Colorado Law Enforcement Memorial (15055 South Golden Road, Golden CO 80401). End - American Legion Hall (11081 Irma Drive, Northglenn CO 80233) Fee - $25 rider, $5 passenger (nonrefundable) Along with a great ride, there will be a Silent Auction, 50/50, music and more! This IS NOT a poker run. Its a nice ride through beautiful Colorado with scenic stops along the way. Ride Your Motorcycle to Work Day 2016 Everywhere Colorado Date: 6/20/2016 Ride your motorcycle or scooter on this day to demonstrate: * The number of motorcyclists to the general public and to politicians. * That motorcyclists are from all occupations and all walks of life. * That motorcyclists can reduce traffic and parking congestion in large cities. * That motorcycles are for transportation as well as recreation. * That motorcycling is a social good. Ride to Work Day was inspired by Work to Ride - Ride to Work’ marketing materials created between 1989 and 1991 by the Aero Design and Manufacturing Company, June 2016

a Minnesota based manufacturer of motorcycle riders clothing. In 1992 these items inspired motorcycle magazine editor Fred Rau to write an editorial calling for a national ride to work day. The first annual Ride to Work Day event was proposed in Road Rider magazine (now titled Motorcycle Consumer News) in the May 1992 issue. Colorado State HOG Rally 2016 Address: Telluride, CO Date: 6/23/2016 - Date: 6/25/206 The 2016 Colorado State HOG Rally will be held in Telluride , CO There will be Music, Vendors, Activities, Multiple choices in Lodging, Restaurants and more! For more details on a list of Scheduled Activities, Registration details, Directions, Lodging Information, Common FAQ’s and more, please visit the website below. 720-641-8161 2nd Annual Cruisin’ Address: 8101 S. Shaffer Pkwy, Littleton, CO 80127 Date: 6/25/2016 Time: 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM 2XTREME Foundation The 2XTREME Foundation is proud to present the 2nd annual Cruisin’ Motorcycle Ride! Reserve Your Spot Now • Tickets Go On Sale: April 1st – June 11th • Ticket Price: $50 per bike (Includes Complimentary Breakfast) • Check-In: From Time: 8:00-Time: 8:30am • Location:8101 S. Shaffer Pkwy, Littleton, CO 80127 • Cruisin’: Waves of 8-10 Bikes Begin Departing at Time: 9:00am, Suitable for All Riders, Beginner to Advanced • Just Joining Us for Breakfast? You Can Show up in Sedalia at 11:00am (Address Will be Sent in Confirmation Email) Join us for a Motorcycle Ride, Rally and Breakfast through the Southwest Denver foothills! Our ride is long and will traverse straightaways, curves, inclines and declines, pass through a few spectacular vista views as well as get off the beaten path. Invite your family and friends to come support the community and the family programs that 2xtreme Foundation provides! This unique experience will grant you the opportunity to contribute to helping these young men find success, as well as gain a deeper understanding of 2xterme’s process and purpose. This gorgeous route follows roads you may know, and some we hope are new for you! Suitable for all riders, beginner to advanced

Colorado Hookers 5th Anniversary Surgery Snuggler Run Address: 3834 Tennyson St. Denver, CO Date: 6/25/2016 Time: 10:00 AM Colorado Hookers Colorado Hookers 5th Anniversary Surgery Snuggler Run- To Benefit the Denver Health Pediatric Surgery Snuggler Program. June 25th 2016. ALL VEHICLES are welcome. Ride Day Registration 10-11 a.m. at the Berkley Inn- 3834 Tennyson St. Denver, CO., 303-495-3508. $25/Rider $15/Passenger. Ride Pins available day of ride for $5 each. Quantities are limited. *Ride Pins free with Pre-Registration on May 21st at Rpck’ in R Bar- 2035 S. Sheridan 3-8 p.m. Stop for Egg Hunt and delicious lunch at Smokin’ Dave’s & Taphouse 228 Main St., Lyons (303) 823-7427 .....with a stop in Nederland for gas then.... .....through Boulder & on to festivities at Hoppers 10051 W. 48th Ave., Wheat Ridge (303)233-1331 .....including raffles, live auction, giveaways, free buffet, prizes, and lots of fun-lovin’ Hookers!!!! events/629630510533583/

Twin Peaks. Poker Run begins at Twin Peaks Flatirons Mall Registration: 10:30 - 11:30am with Kick stands up at 11:30am Map and stops to be announced and provided at will call/registration. Final stop: Twin Peaks Arapahoe Road - (800) 838-4797

16th Annual Tejon Street Bike Fest Address: Tejon Street between Kiowa and Vermijo, Colorado Springs, CO Date: 6/26/2016 We take over downtown Colorado Springs with bikes, babes, concerts, contests, guys and grub! Ride-in bike show, vendors, charity poker run, bikini contest, and a beer garden with live music all day long! For vendor space or bike entries, contact Pro Promotions. Pam or Becky (719) 487-8005

5th Annual Rock the Canyon Motorcycle Rally Address: 39522 Fruitland Mesa Road Crawford, CO Date: 7/8/2016 - 7/10/2016 Time: 12:00 PM Skooterz & Shooterz Nestled on a 35 acre ranch in a breath taking spot of Crawford, Colorado, our rally is a 3 day motorcycle rally, Beautiful rides through the Gunnison, Black Mesa, Grand Mesa and more are rides you will never forget and all within minutes of our rally! Rough camping for tents, toy haulers, motor homes etc. Tons of our very own smoked beef smoked beef (from our pasture), chicken and other homemade food items, vendors, tattoo artists and more! Live Music, Silent Auction, Free Vendor Space and Lots More Benefits the Western Slope Center for Children - a Child Advocacy Center, providing services to child sexual abuse victims and their families in a supportive environment that reduces trauma and promotes dignity, justice, and healing. There will be multiple rides, a silent auction, a and a charity ride. The charity ride will benefit the Western Slope Center for Children. Live Music all Weekend!! Jamie Hunter - - (602) 663-0799 or (970) 921-5362

JULY 2016 First Annual Hot Rod Car Show and Motorcycle Poker Run Address: Twin Peaks Flatirons Mall 299 E. Flatirons Crossing Broomfield, CO 80021 Date: 7/4/2016 10:30 AM - 4:00 PM Cops Helping Soldiers All proceeds to benefit Cops Helping Soldiers. Please visit CopsHelpingSoldiers. org for more information Hot Rod Show at Twin Peaks - Flatirons Mall Registration: 10:30am limited to first 200 Hot Rods Show: 10:30am - 1pm with awards at 2:00 PM The Time Banditz from 11am - 2pm at Twin Peaks Flatiron Hot Wings eating contest, prizes and more! Come see the beautiful girls, grab a cold one and let the girls wash your bike while you meet some of our Heroes! The winner of the Hot Wing eating contest will receive a $50 gift certificate presented by

2016 Rigs in the Rockies Rally Address: Delta County Fairgrounds 403 S 4th St, Hotchkiss, CO 81419 Date: 7/7/2016 - 7/9/2016 The United Sidecar Association proudly announces the 38th National Rally in Hotchkiss, CO, Rigs in the Rockies! There will be free tent camping and free, no hookups, RV parking on the fairgrounds property for the rally. The rally will start on Thursday July 7th with camping available for early arrivals on the fairgrounds starting Wednesday the 6th. Members: $39.00, Non-Members: $49.00, Children 13-17: $24.00, Children under 13 are free. (Family members pay member prices.) Preregistration ends 5/31/2016 and prices will go up $5.00 at the rally.

maybe 2 wishes!!! It will be another great ride this year! Ride for the Stars was founded in 2005 to raise funds for the children of the Make-A-Wish foundation. Each summer we assemble riders and drivers from all over to participate in our annual poker run and silent auction. Starting this past year we included a pre-ride bake sale to raise funds to support the ride. And it seems that each year we are gaining more participation. In the past 3 years we’ve raise enough to grant 2 wishes for the children (see our home page for this year’s recipients). Please visit the Facebook event page for up to date information Breaking Silence Benefit and Poker Run 2016 Address: The Hideout Patio Bar & Grill 1903 East Lincoln Avenue, Fort Collins, CO 80524 Date: 7/9/2016 Time: 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM Breaking Silence Poker Run is a motorcycle event designed to bring awareness to our community about local sex trafficking and child exploitation. Sex trafficking is the fastest growing criminal activity in the world. A person can sell a kilo of cocaine one time in a single transaction but a child can be sold over and over in a day. Last year in Colorado 59 teens were rescued becoming the fourth ...largest bust in our nation. We believe by bringing awareness to our communities we will no longer be silent and tolerate these crimes against children. We must shine light on this issue. The more we know the stronger we will fight to break free our youth’s loss of innocence. Our Breaking Silence Poker Run can help bring awareness that is desperately needed. An abolitionist in 1812, William Wilberforce, once said, You may chose to look the other way, but you can never again say that you did not know.

Ride for the Stars/Make A Wish Address: Hero’s 16070 E Dartmouth Ave, Aurora, CO 80013 Date: 7/9/2016 Time: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Here we go again! Time to ride for a big wish

BreakingSilencePokerRun Red, White and Blue Run Address: 14730 W. Colfax Avenue Lakewood, CO Date: 7/9/2016 Time: 9:00 AM Mile High Harley Davidson, Miller/Coors, Jack Daniel’s, Low Down, and The Jesters Domain The ride starts at Chick-Fil-A at the Colorado Mills Mall. Registration begins at Time: 9:00 am and the first motorcycle goes out at 10:00 am. The ride fee is $20.00 for the rider and $10.00 for a passenger. Extra hands are $5.00 each and up to 5 additional cards may be purchased for $1.00 each. The 130 mile ride will go through though the Colorado Mountains with stops in Nederland, Central City and Pine. The ride will end in Aurora with a silent auction, raffle, giveaways, live music, hotdogs and more. This is a poker run that will benefit Homes for our Troops. For more information call (720) 207-7113 or click here to send e-mail. events/501811723324052/

June 2016

Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado 25



iding season is in full swing now and this month’s Ladies Up Front highlights some rides and events that support women centric charities. For additional details on these rides please see the event’s page online or visit the link listed on the event for start times and locations. Be the Gift Ride – June 4th, 2016 This ride benefits “Be the Gift”. This non-profit provides homes repairs for single moms and their children at no cost to them. They restore the homes to be full function as well as enhance the overall appearance to improve value within the neighborhood. The first priority is a focus on safety issues. Last year approximately 75% of the homes required repairs that address health needs such as mold, poor air circulation and unsanitary polluted carpet contributing to respiratory illnesses.

Special Victims Unit, Mariska Hargitay founded the Joyful Heart Foundation in 2004 to help survivors heal and reclaim their lives. Over the last 11 years, Joyful Heart has evolved into a national organization that is paving the way for innovative approaches to treating trauma, igniting shifts in the way the public views and responds to sexual assault, domestic violence and child abuse, and reforming and advancing policies and legislation to ensure justice for survivors. NO More - is a unifying symbol and campaign to raise public awareness and engage bystanders around ending domestic violence and sexual assault. Launched in March 2013 by a coalition of leading advocacy groups, service providers, the U.S. Department of Justice, and major corporations, NO MORE is supported by hundreds of national and local groups and by thousands of individuals, organizations, universities, and communities who are using its signature blue symbol to increase visibility for domestic violence and sexual assault. Breaking the Silence Benefit and Poker Run – July 19th, 2016

We know that “service changes the server” and Be the Gift organizes and facilitates home repair projects for individuals and organizations that help to fulfill their goal of community involvement and team building. We connect those who want to help with those who need help.

Breaking Silence Poker Run is a motorcycle event designed to bring awareness to our community about local sex trafficking and child exploitation. Sex trafficking is the fastest growing criminal activity in the world. A person can sell a kilo of cocaine one time in a single transaction but a person can be sold over and over in a day.

We at Be the Gift believe that everyone has a dream and desire of doing something significant with his or her life. We are connecting every day ordinary people with an opportunity to do extraordinary things by facilitating acceptance, compassion, kindness and change in their community through home repairs for single moms.

Last year in Colorado 59 teens were rescued in the fourth largest bust in our nation. We believe that by bringing awareness to our communities the issue will no longer be silenced. We must shine a light on this issue. The more we know the stronger we will be at fight sex trafficking.

Steel Horse Sisterhood Summit - June 9th, 2016 - June 11th, 2016 Inspiring Women on Motorcycles - From the woman who rides her own motorcycle, no matter the make or model, to the woman thinking about riding her own motorcycle, to the male and female co­riders who enjoy the lifestyle as a passenger rider you are invited to learn, laugh, and celebrate at the heart of the 2016 Steel Horse SIsterhood Summit in Ouray, CO. The Steel Horse Sisterhood Charities makes the Women’s Motorcycle Summit, The Summit Challenge, and Charitable Giving a reality through event registrations, donations, and corporate sponsorship. The charities supported this year are: Grace After Fire – Needing to expand our program through teaching, developing, and listening to the woman Veteran and her needs upon returning home. We commit to assisting in her transition back into family life, achievements in the work place, and her pursuit of happiness. Joyful Heart Foundation - Inspired by her role on Law & Order: 26 Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado

Our Breaking Silence Poker Run can help bring awareness that is desperately needed. An abolitionist in 1812, William Wilberforce, once said, “You may choose to look the other way, but you can never again say that you did not know.” Sister’s Centennial Motorcycle Ride – July 15th, 2016 This coast to coast ride commemorates the 100th anniversary of the motorcycle trip taken by Adeline and Augusta Van Buren’s historic ride across the United States from New York to San Francisco. The cross-country motorcycle ride for women, scheduled for July 3-23, 2016 with opportunities to register for day rides. “Local riders can now join us for one to three days, sharing the road and the event experience with us, without a three-week commitment.” The day rider option includes riding with the “main” group of riders, a route sheet of the day’s ride, rider support, dinner with the group and a commemorative T-Shirt. This registration option is for a maximum of three days. Riders wanting to join the event or four or more days would need to register differently. The day rider option does not include tolls, fuel, hotel rooms or entry fees to museums or other venues.

June 2016

The extended family of the Van Buren sisters will be on the ride, including Adeline’s grandson Dan Ruderman, great-granddaughter Sofié Ruderman and great-grandson Skyler Ruderman. Nieces and nephews of the Van Burens will also be on the ride, including Robert Van Buren, great nephew of the sisters as well as his daughter Sarah Van Buren, great-great-niece of Adeline and Augusta. Women, and men, have many shorter-duration options for participation, including attendance at the Launch Party in Springfield, MA, July 4, 2016, and the Grand Finale Party in San Francisco July 23rd. There is a Meet & Greet registration option in Carson City, NV, July 22nd, where riders can join with the crosscountry participants and travel the final leg of the trip with the group over the iconic Golden Gate Bridge and into San Francisco.

which provides temporary and permanent housing for the over 500,000 homeless female veterans in the United States. Women’s Coalition of Motorcyclists - An organization providing funding for motorcycle train-the-trainer scholarships that will help enlarge the number of female instructors and coaches for road, dirt and track. If you would like more information on any of these events or the charities they support please visit their websites for additional information. If we missed your ride, please make sure you contact us here at the magazine and we will ensure that we include it in the event’s listing online and in one of our future issues.

There is an offer to start in Colorado Springs and take the fully guided tour to San Francisco. You can register now or you may sign on Thursday, July 14, 2016, for the final ten days of the Sisters’ Centennial Motorcycle Ride as a fully supported and guided tour. Friday, July 15, 2016 we ride up Pikes Peak. The tour fee includes ride guides, chase vehicle support, luggage service, all hotel bookings, two meals a day and other special amenities. These riders are invited to attend all community events as well as the Grand Finale Party. Price is for double occupancy (if you do not have someone to share a room with we suggest that you network on our Facebook page to find a roommate.) Please email INFO@SISTERSMOTORCYCLERIDE. COM for single occupancy rate. All registrations include donations to the two charities Final Salute Inc. - A national women’s veterans’ organization

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June 2016

Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado 27

28 Thunder Roads MagazineÂŽ Colorado

June 2016

by Bill Maddick


Improvements in VA Health Care In wake of all the negative publicity that the VA health system has garnered in recent years (veterans dying while waiting for appointments, delays and lawsuits against the new hospital construction, fudging records of veteran appointments, backlog of claims, etc), it shouldn’t be a surprise that the VA has been doing all it can to improve their image. Sadly, none of the VA’s upper level management has ever been disciplined or convicted for any of these failures, rather they always seem to just get transferred somewhere else. The remarkable improvements can be directly attributed to the nurses, doctors and staff on the floor along with a willingness of the VA to actively seek patient and community input. Just as a medic would cover a wounded soldier with his own body under fire while administering first aid on the field, the doctors, nurses and staff of the VA system are showing the same courage in implementing change for our veterans in the face of adversity. During a conference of the Association of Health Care Journalists, held in Cleveland on April 8t h, Dr. David Shulkin, the VA’s Undersecretary for Health, announced the following measures; “We are working to rebuild the trust of the American public and more importantly the trust of the Veterans whom we are proud to serve,” Dr. Shulkin continued; “We are taking action and are seeing the results. We are serious about our work to improve access to health care for our nation’s Veterans. We want them to know that this is a new VA.” In particular, Dr Shulkin outlined a new initiative called “MyVA Access,” as a top priority for the Veterans Health Administration (VHA), which was introduced by VA Secretary Robert McDonald in 2014. MyVA Access is a declaration from VHA employees (doctors, nurses & staff) to the Veterans they care for. It is a call to action and the reaffirmation of their core mission to provide quality care to Veterans and to offer care as soon as possible to Veterans how and where they desire to receive that care. The initiative ensures that the entire VA health care system is involved in the transformation of the VA into a Veteran-centered service organization. The plan incorporates some ambitious goals such as same day access to mental health and primary care services when it is medically necessary. As a practicing physician, Dr. Shulkin currently sees Veterans needing same-day appointments at the VA Medical Center in Manhattan. At present, 34 VA facilities offer same-day appointments. The VA is hoping to be able to offer same day appointments when it is medically necessary at all of its medical centers by the end of 2016. Dr. Shulkin also introduced a new smart phone app called the Veteran Appointment Request App. This app allows Veterans to view, schedule and cancel primary care and mental health appointments, track the

status of an appointment request and review upcoming appointments. It is currently available in 10 locations and has received positive feedback from the vast majority of Veterans using the app. The VA expects to make the app available to all Veterans by early 2017. Other efforts underway include a website enhancement that will allow Veterans to check wait times in real time where ever they live--this includes new and existing patients and a new, easy-to-use scheduling software program. The new program is being piloted at 10 sites and is expected to reduce scheduling errors and enhance the VA’s ability to measure and track supply, demand and usage. As a disabled veteran who receives health care from the VA here in Denver, I’ve observed the following initiatives: The implementation of Telehealth. This is a conference call, generally between a remote location and a health care center, used to diagnose when a doctor may not be present with the veteran. In 2015, the VA reported 2.14 million Telehealth visits covering 677,000 veterans. An increase in outpatient clinic locations. Increased clinic locations including the Golden location (the one closest to me) is one of the small additions of the 2.2 million square feet of outpatient clinical support facilities the VA added in 2015. Implementation of the Veterans Choice Program. The Veterans Choice program allows veterans to select care in the private sector if they can’t schedule an appointment with their regular provider. There were 3 million authorizations for Veterans Choice visits in 2015. This doesn’t mean that other initiatives haven’t been incorporated here locally, but these are the ones which I can speak of through my personal experience or those of others. In my opinion, the key ingredient to these improvements is the MyVA commitment of VA employees to the veterans they care for. This hasn’t been some top-down executive mandate intended to garner press reports and present only as a public image that we’ve been conditioned to accept all too often (our new VA hospital debacle being a case in point). Rather, these initiatives have been designed and implemented from the ground floor up. During the Vietnam conflict, 15 Army medics and 4 Navy corpsmen received the Medal of Honor. That kind of valor is still alive and well on the floor of VA clinics and hospitals throughout the nation. It is the doctors, nurses and administrative staff, who interface with veterans daily that have taken the initiative to improve the care veterans receive. It is their commitment to us, in the face of a difficult environment, that is making a difference.

June 2016

Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado 29

News Bytes THE AIM/NCOM MOTORCYCLE E-NEWS SERVICE is brought to you by Aid to Injured Motorcyclists (A.I.M.) and the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM), and is sponsored by the Law Offices of Richard M. Lester. If you’ve been involved in any kind of accident, call us at 1-(800) ON-A-BIKE or visit NCOM BIKER NEWSBYTES Compiled & Edited by Bill Bish, National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM) NCOM CONVENTION ROLLS INTO ATLANTIC CITY Odds are, it may not have been the largest Convention ever, but you can bet it was the largest venue, as nearly a thousand biker rights activists from across the U.S. converged at the sprawling Harrah’s Resort in Atlantic City, New Jersey for the 31st Annual NCOM Convention, May 5-8, 2016. For more than three decades over Mother’s Day weekend, the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM) has provided a platform for diverse factions of the motorcycle community to come together in the spirit of unity and teamwork to address issues of mutual concern, such as pursuing Biker Anti-Profiling legislation; supporting Save the Patch litigation; and reviewing Freedom of the Road victories & defeats; as well as attending seminars on Holding Effective Fund Raisers, Organizational Effectiveness, and Law Enforcement Interaction. A Safety & First Aid seminar was hosted by Master Motorcycle Trainer Christine Firehock of the Kickstart Motorcycle Training Series, followed by Sr. EMT Instructor Dick “Slider” Gilmore’s popular life-saving presentation “The Golden Hour – How to Save a Biker’s Life”. Special Meetings were on the weekend’s agenda in support of NCOM’s many outreach programs for Women In Motorcycling; Clean and Sober Roundtable; National Sport Bike Association (NSBA); and Christian Unity Conference, in addition to the Confederation of Clubs General Patch Holders Meeting, U.S. Defenders Program, NCOM-Legislative Task Force Meeting, and A.I.M. Attorneys Conference. During the Silver Spoke Awards Banquet on Saturday evening, several honorees were recognized for their contributions to “Improving The Image of Motorcycling”, including; MEDIA: Jimmy & Pat Kay of Two Wheel Thunder TV; LEGAL: William Swatek, AIM Attorney for Alabama; ENTERTAINMENT: Singer/Songwriter Arlo Guthrie; SPECIAL RECOGNITION: NCOM Christian Unity, and Bill Foley, former NCOM Board Member from ABATE of Pennsylvania. NCOM’s highest honor, the Ron Roloff Lifetime Achievement Award, was presented to Louie Nobs, Liaison for NCOM Christian Unity. Next year’s 32nd Annual NCOM Convention will be held May 1114, 2017 at the Silver Legacy Resort & Casino, 407 N. Virginia St., 30 Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado

in Reno, Nevada. For further information, contact NCOM at (800) ON-A-BIKE or visit MARYLAND GOVERNOR SIGNING ANTI-PROFILING BILL INTO LAW Hundreds of bikers descended on the State House in Annapolis on Thursday, May 19, for a historic bill signing ceremony with Governor Larry Hogan signing only the second Motorcycle Profiling measure in the country into law in Maryland. The motorcycle anti-profiling legislation passed unanimously through both chambers of the legislature, and without opposition from law enforcement, and emulates anti-profiling legislation passed in the state of Washington in 2011. HB785/SB233, passed 47-0 in the Senate on 4/4 and 137-0 in the House on 4/7, requires a specified statement condemning motorcycle profiling to be included in police policies and require training of officers on “motorcycle profiling,” defined in the legislation as “The arbitrary use of the fact that an individual rides a motorcycle or wears motorcycle-related clothing or paraphernalia as a factor in deciding to stop, question, take enforcement action, arrest, or search the individual.” HIGH PERFORMANCE RACING MODIFICATIONS NEED PROTECTED Bowing to political pressures and public outcry, the federal EPA announced on April 15, 2016 that it would remove provisions from proposed regulations that would have prohibited street-legal vehicles, including motorcycles, from being modified for racing. But regardless of the Environmental Protection Agency backing off this issue at this time, Congress is considering bi-partisan legislation in both the House and Senate to guarantee that vehicles can continue to be modified for competition on the track. HR 4715 & S 2659, the RPM Act (Recognizing the Protection of Motorsports Act of 2016), would ensure that the American tradition of modifying vehicles into dedicated racetrack competitors is not only continued for today, but will be protected for future generations of race fans as well. CONGRESS ACTS TO CURB HIGHER ETHANOL BLENDED FUEL In response to recent Congressional legislation promoting the use of E15 gasoline (HR 4673 REFUELAct), members of the U.S. House of Representatives have co-sponsored a measure to prevent the EPA from further forcing the controversial fuel onto the U.S. marketplace. E15 contains 50% more ethanol than previously-approved E10 gas, and has not been approved for use in motorcycles, ATVs and other small engine applications. In fact, even its inadvertent use can invalidate manufacturer warranties and cause damage. HR 5108 (the “Food and Fuel Consumer Protection Act of 2016) was introduced May 10, 2016 by U.S. Rep. Bill Flores (R-TX) “to alleviate the ethanol blend wall under the renewable fuel program.”

June 2016

News Bytes

Specifically, the bipartisan bill would cap the ethanol content of fuel at 9.7%, and would also effect the EPA’s Renewable Volume Obligations under the Renewable Fuel Standard. Under proposed RFS volume requirements for 2017, the EPA calls for 18.8 billion gallons of biofuel next year, representing a nearly 4% increase despite lower demand for higher ethanol blends. HR 5108 would also ensure continued availability of ethanol-free gasoline for older motorcycles. EUROPE’S CHANGING EMISSIONS LAWS WILL CHANGE MOTORCYCLES Your favorite bike may be influenced from afar. “This year promises to bring a record crop of new and updated models from virtually every manufacturer thanks to wide-ranging law changes coming into force thousands of miles away in Europe,” according to Motorcyclist Magazine. “Those changes might not directly affect us, but given the way bikes are developed with global sales in mind many of the new models being developed to meet the latest European regulations are sure to be coming here too.” On January 1, 2016, a whole new set of rules was adopted across Europe. “Regulation (EU) No 168/2013” makes significant changes -- in particular to exhaust emissions limits but also to things like braking systems and electronics. Tests for noise levels have also been changed. The emissions limits are of course much tighter; called “Euro 4,” the new limits reduce the permissible levels of carbon monoxide, unburned hydrocarbons, and oxides of nitrogen in exhausts. Previously America’s rules on emissions were tougher than Europe’s, but now in order to pass the Euro 4 tests new bikes are being fitted with much larger exhausts and kits that include charcoal canisters to reduce evaporative emissions.

“Next year we’ll be seeing a lot more things like that,” predicts Motorcyclist author Ben Purvis, explaining that “While the rules were passed into law back in 2013 and came into force at the start of 2016, their implementation is staggered to give manufacturers a chance to adapt.” Since January 1st, all newly launched models have needed to comply to be legally sold in the EU. But the more important date is January 1, 2017, because that’s the deadline when existing models must also come into line, though manufacturers can apply for a two-year extension. What else is changing? Emissions aside, the big change is that in Europe all bikes over 125cc will have to be fitted with ABS while smaller bikes will need to have either ABS or a combined braking system. There are also changes to the lighting rules, with daytime running lights becoming mandatory as well as US-style side reflectors. Europe is the closest to America in terms of the types of bike that are popular, but while Americans consume less than a half million motorcycles a year, riders in the EU purchase well over a million. Like lower emissions exhaust systems, economies of scale will likely dictate that even what’s not legally required in the states -like ABS -- will become standard equipment on increasing numbers of our U.S.-imported bikes, as it won’t make sense for manufacturers to build different versions just to suit a relatively small number of American customers. Unfortunately, Regulation (EU) No. 168/2013 also provides for the next-generation “Euro 5” emissions tests, tougher still, and the deadline for their implementation is less than five years away, beginning with 2020 new models.

June 2016

Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado 31


PDA Roadgear 1600 W. Mineral Ave. Littleton, CO 80120 (303)761-6022 (800) 766-3955 UniqCycle Sounds PO Box 271093 Ft. Collins CO 80527 (888) 864-7721 INTERNET RADIO

Biker Inner Circle (888) 498-2123 LEATHER GOODS

EM Leather 13980 East Mississippi Aurora, CO 80012 (303) 337-6690 Biker Brad’s Motorcycle Apparel and Accessories 12543 N Hwy 83 Suite 208 Parker CO 80134 (303) 841-7727 Moses Leather Company 759 Horizon Drive Grand Junction CO 81506 (970)433-7319

Twin Peaks Leather 5655 Olde Wadsworth Blvd Arvada CO 80002 (303) 432-1047 LEGAL

Curtis Walton Law Firm 13984 West Bowles Avenue Littleton, CO 80128 (720) 323-9729 Law Tigers 4828 South College Avenue Fort Collins, CO 80525 (800)529-8443 O’Sullivan Law Firm 600 Ogden Street Denver, CO 80218 (303) 388-5304 MOTORCYCLE TRAINING & TESTING

Roy Hansen Motorcycle Testing 1800 Airway Avenue Ft. Collins CO 80524 (970) 690-8847 MOTORCYCLE REPAIR/SERVICE/PARTS

EXP Motorsports 3301 W. Hampden Ave. Sheridan Co 80110 (303)688-4401 G.R.U.M.P.S 115 N 8th Ave Greeley CO 80631 (970) 353-1166

YOU SAY YOU DIDN’T SEE YOUR EVENT IN OUR MAGAZINE? Let us know about your event by emailing us at 32 Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado

June 2016

Thunder and Lightning Cycles 3986 S Broadway Englewood CO 80113 (720) 287-1670 MOTORCYCLE TRANSPORT

Motorcycle Transport Specialists https://www.facebook. com/motorcycle.transport. specialist/?fref=ts CO (720) 329-4514 PLACES OF WORSHIP

Church in the Wind 2411 Alcott Street Denver CO 80211 (720) 635-2897 RESTAURANTS AND BARS

Sunshine Café 1856 Colorado Blvd Idaho Springs CO 80452 (720) 203-4878 WOMEN’S APPAREL

One Bad Bitch Denver CO 80129 (888)244-9299

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“Rhino” woke up to go to the toilet in the middle of the night and noticed a confirmed sexual predator living in the neighborhood sneaking through his next door neighbor’s garden. Suddenly his neighbor came out from nowhere and smacked him over the head with a shovel, killing him instantly. He then began to dig a grave with the shovel. He went back to bed contemplating what he was going to do about this.

pocket, took out his check book, wrote a check for $3,000, put it into his father’s coffin, and took the $2,000 cash. He later went on to become a politician. ________________________________________________ This is the story of the young female student flying in a two seated airplane with just the pilot.

His wife said, “honey you’re shaking, what’s wrong?”

He has a heart attack and dies.

Totally astonished Rhino said ‘You’ll never believe what I’ve just seen’ that bastard next door doing…..he still has my f***ing shovel”!

She, frantic, grabs the mike and calls out a frantic May Day.


“May Day! May Day! Help me! Help me! The pilot has had a heart attack and is dead and I don’t know how to fly. Someone help me! Please help me!”

Dezi was outside pulling weeds on a hot summer day when her husband; Lanny, walked up and asked her what they were having for supper. Irritated by the thought of him sitting in the air-conditioned house while she labored away on the weeds, Dezi answered, “I can’t believe you’re asking me about supper right now! Pretend I’m out of town, go inside and make supper yourself!”

She then hears a voice on the radio saying: “This is Air Traffic Control and I have you loud and clear. I will talk you through this and get you back on the ground. I’ve had a lot of experience with this kind of problem. Now, just take a deep breath, stay calm and everything will be fine! Now give me your height and position.” She then says: “I’m 5’4” and I support Brad Pitt for President” “O.K.” says the voice on the radio, Repeat after me: “Our Father, Who art in Heaven”

So Lanny went back in the house and fixed himself a big steak, potatoes, garlic bread, and a tall beer. Dezi walked in just about the time he was finishing up and asked, “Where’s my dinner?” “Wth? I thought you were out of town.” ______________________________________________________ A father told his 3 sons when he sent them to the university. “I feel it’s my duty to provide you with the best possible education. You do not owe me anything for that. However, I want you to appreciate it. As a gesture of appreciation, please each put $1,000 into my coffin when I die.” And so it happened. His sons became a doctor, a lawyer and a financial planner, each very successful financially. When their father’s time had come and they saw their father in the coffin, they remembered his wish. First, it was the doctor who put ten $100 bills onto the chest of the deceased. Then, came the financial planner, who also placed $1,000 there. Finally, it was the heartbroken lawyer’s turn. He dipped into his

June 2016

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PHOTOGRAPHERS: CARRIE MCCAULEY 34 Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado

June 2016

June 2016

Thunder Roads MagazineÂŽ Colorado 35

36 Thunder Roads MagazineÂŽ Colorado

June 2016

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