Thunder Roads Colorado Magazine - Volume 11, Issue 11 - September 2016

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THUNDER ROADS® Magazine COLORADO Published by Flying Hound Press, L.L.C. 7477 W. Layton Way Littleton, Colorado 80123 720-458-3134

ABATE..................................................................... 6 Scott O’Sullivan....................................................... 9 PDA Road Gear Shindig........................................ 10 Wild Ride Radio..................................................... 12 Across The Pond................................................... 14 Tasty Recipes........................................................ 17 Calendar................................................................ 18 Events................................................................... 20 TNT........................................................................ 25 Ladies Up Front..................................................... 26 Skin Art.................................................................. 28 Veteran’s Corner.................................................... 29 News Bytes........................................................... 30 Biker Friendly Directory......................................... 32 Joker’s Wild........................................................... 33 Thunder Cam........................................................ 34

EDITORS Patrick J. McCauley “5” President and Senior Editor Carrie McCauley Vice President and Editor PHOTOGRAPHERS Vickie Jo Mullin, Lead Photographer Wayne Madison David Campbell CONTRIBUTORS Adventure Hermit (Joe Trey) Bill Maddick - Veteran’s Corner


Peggy Bogaard-Lapp

Photographer: Rusty Halo Duane

Scott O’Sullivan Stump - Abate Whiskyman ADVERTISING AND DISTRIBUTION REPRESENTATIVES Greater Metro Denver Area Toby Schmidt (720)829-7954 Northern Colorado Zak Clayton (970) 301-4674 LAYOUT & DESIGN Meredith Hancock / Hancock Graphics NATIONAL FOUNDERS Toni McCoy Shearon & Brian Shearon 1528 Matlock Drive Chapmansboro, TN 37035 Thunder Publishing LLC, Offices 615-792-0040 ©2016 Flying Hound Press, LLC. All Rights Reserved. No part of the content may be reproduced without written permission. Publisher assumes no responsibility and is not liable for errors beyond the cost of space occupied by the error, slander by any group or individual, failure to produce any issue as scheduled, any and all suits for liable, plagiarism, copyright infringement and unauthorized use of a person’s name or photograph. Opinions and claims made by advertisers and authors/contributors are their own, and do not necessarily represent the policy of Thunder Road Magazine® Colorado, Thunder Publishing.

Publisher does not promote the abuse of alcohol or other drugs.

2 Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado

September 2016

Want to be a contributor or correspondent?


ello Thunder Roads Colorado Magazine readers! I believe an explanation is in order for last month’s magazine. At the end of June our July issue is due to our printer so that we can have the magazines to distribute by the first week of the month. Things didn’t go as planned and a wrench got thrown into the works. We weren’t able to finish the July issue ourselves and had to rely on some help from our network to get the issue to our printer. An extended hospital stay was in the works for me and the magazine was unfortunately forced to take a back seat to my illness. Unfortunately, there are several mistakes in July’s magazine and I would like to take the time to call them out to try to correct them. The first mistake was the credit for the model and motorcycle on the cover are incorrect. The model’s name should be Oksana Neeley and the motorcycle owner name should be Chris Neeley. The 30-day honeymoon trip Ladies Up Front article has no photos to go with the article. We will be re-printing the article somewhere down the road to give it full credit. This is a true case of not knowing what the future holds for each of us. I unexpectedly spent almost four weeks in the hospital ICU healing from emergency surgery and several complications afterward. In my case, I am extremely lucky to be alive. The EMT team that transported me to the hospital to the neurosurgeons, nursing and hospital staff are all reasons I am still alive today and for that I am truly grateful! The time in the hospital and weeks following my release were very stressful to my family (and me of course) and I am so glad that they made the decisions that they did, and that was to focus on my health. I am sure that when presented with the same circumstances you would agree that your personal health is one of the most important things you have and it would take top priority. This is just another case of “life is short”, so enjoy all of the life you get to the fullest! Carrie

We need contributors and correspondents for dirt bike off-road events, on-road cruiser, sport bike and adventure touring, rides, runs and rallies. Contact us today at contributors@thunderroadscolorado. com or 720-458-3134.

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Full-time and part-time advertising representative wanted. No experience required. Contact us at or 720-4583134.

We want your feedback

Please email us and let us know what you think and what you want to see at or 720-458-3134.

Add your ride, rally or run to our free events listing page Send us your event information whether on-Road or off-road, rides, runs, rallies and events for all types of motorcycles and three wheelers. We will list it free in our events listing for that month! events@ or 720-458-3134.

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September 2016

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4 Thunder Roads MagazineÂŽ Colorado

September 2016

Legislative Update: Transportation Legislative Review Committee and Elections

Hello Motorcyclist Enthusiasts, The Colorado General Assembly Regular Session is officially over for 2016, but the Interim Committees continue to meet throughout the remainder of the calendar year. From my experience, the purpose of the Interim Committees is to get updates and reports from various agencies and departments; tour facilities to gather first-hand information; and to discuss topics that could be brought up for legislative action in the next session. While there are nine Interim Committees, the Transportation Legislative Review Committee (TLRC) is the one of most concern to motorcyclists. The TLRC is comprised of the members of the Senate and House Transportation Committees. The Senate Transportation Committee has five members and the House Transportation and Energy Committee has thirteen members; therefore, the TLRC is comprised of eighteen total members. The TLRC is chaired by the House Transportation and Energy Committee chair in odd- numbered years and by the Senate Transportation Committee chair in even-numbered years. Senator Baumgardner is the Chairman this year. . The “official, complete” Statutory Authority (purpose) and History for the TLRC can be found at the June 10th Committee Charge Memorandum on the TLRC page or at: pacific/sites/default/files/TLRC 2016 Committee Charge.pdf. The agenda for August 1st meeting was a presentation of the Transportation Commission District Research Study pursuant to HB16-1031. The agendas for the August 31st and October 5th meetings haven’t been finalized yet, but I expect the topic of “Autocycles” to be brought up. I’ve requested it to Chairman Baumgardner a few times during session and the Legislative Liaison for the Colorado State Patrol has also brought this topic to his attention, so we’ll see if it gets scheduled. These are open sessions at the Capitol so I’ll try to keep everybody informed when I see “Autocycles” put on the agenda. Also of importance, in case you weren’t aware, 2016 is an election year! Colorado had its Primary election on June 28th. 6 Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado

For the Senate seats there were 41 candidates running (20D / 21R). Most of the districts only had 1 candidate, so there were really only 5 contested races for Senate seats. The House seats had 135 candidates running (67D / 68R). Again, most of the districts had only 1 candidate with only fifteen contested races. Actually, that made it easier for me as I only sent out questionnaires to the contesting candidates. I sent out thirty-three questionnaires and received four replies. Of course, all the candidates who replied were motorcycle “friendly”. Would you reply if you weren’t? Of those four that replied, only one of them won the primary election. FYI – one candidate won his primary by only sixty-nine votes. So now I’m getting ready to send out questionnaires for the General Election coming up on November 8th. I’m looking over the candidate lists, which contain thirty-five Senators and one hundred sixteen Representatives. If I narrow it down by deleting the districts that have one candidate running unopposed and the districts that have “landslide” candidate races (i.e. SD-33: there were 15,516 Democratic voters and 1303 Republican voters in the Primary) I will only have to send out seventy-three questionnaires. And since some of those seventy-three candidates I know to be biker “friendly” already, I might be able to cut it down even further. Actually, I plan to review all the candidates again before I send out my questionnaires. It might be beneficial to have our “friendlies” commit in writing to supporting ABATE. I’ll post my findings when I’ve compiled all my data. So what is your part in all this, other than voting for the candidates we find to be biker “friendly”? ABATE presented a seminar, “Working Campaigns and Getting Biker-Friendly Legislators Elected”? I won’t go into the entire seminar, but some of the topics presented are: Why Working Campaigns is so Important; and What is Required of Volunteers (Walking Districts; Help with Mailings; Phone Banking; Yard Signs; Helping with Fund-Raisers). I will gladly email the entire eight-page outline to anyone wanting to know more. You can contact me through Thunder Roads Magazine. So get ready to volunteer and persuade others to volunteer. Based on the questionnaires returned and close races, I’ll try to pinpoint those candidates that really need help. Even if your candidates are running in a “landslide” race, they’ll be campaigning and will appreciate and remember bikers helping out. Maybe then we’d have a little more clout down at the Capitol! Stump Legislative Affairs Officer – ABATE of Colorado

September 2016

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8 Thunder Roads MagazineÂŽ Colorado

September 2016

Beware of Fred Loya, Take Two By Scott O’Sullivan The O’Sullivan Law Firm

In February, I wrote an article for Thunder Roads Colorado readers, warning you about Fred Loya insurance. I’d like to revisit it today because we keep discovering reasons that this company is not a good choice. Recently, we’ve received calls from accident victims who have Fred Loya insurance and they can’t get the company to return their calls! Sharon Killoran, the O’Sullivan Law Firm legal assistant, has made calls to Fred Loya on these victims’ behalf and has run into stonewall after stonewall after stonewall. And she is calling on behalf of their own clients! Imagine if you were the victim of an accident and the other driver had Fred Loya; you might literally never get a response to your claims. “I never, ever get a live person on the phone when I’m calling Fred Loya,” says Sharon, who notes that Young Americans insurance is also part of this shady company. We were recently contacted by a victim who was told by Fred Loya that he had “full coverage” but he had the bare minimum of coverage. This poor man was hit by someone who had only $25,000 of insurance, so he needed his own insurance to help pay his medical bills. However, because Fred Loya steered him wrong, he doesn’t have enough to cover his needs. Yet, he couldn’t even learn this bad news on his own because his own insurance company wouldn’t answer his calls!

Fred Loya is the worst of the worst that insurance companies have to offer. This company literally preys on disadvantaged peopleeople who see the low-cost insurance and think that they are purchasing protection. But, just like this example illustrates, Fred Loya disappears when claims are filed. If your insurance company disappears when you make a claim, that is like having no insurance at all. Additionally, Fred Loya claims to offer every kind of policy but they truly don’t; they only issue liability coverage for the bare minimum required by the State of Colorado: $25,000. This is not enough coverage. If you are insured by Fred Loya, assume that your other assets, such as your home, are at risk if you get in an accident because your policy is too low to cover most damages from an accident. If you are covered by a different, respectable company, why should you care? Two reasons: 1. Even if you have good insurance, if you get hit by a driver with Fred Loya insurance (a growing risk as the company expands in Colorado), you will likely never get what you need to cover damage and healthcare costs. 2. Our community’s at-risk populations are struggling enough as it is. We should all be angry at a company that makes life even harder for them. I urge you to get the word out today. Share this article with those you know. We must protect our community from companies like Fred Loya Insurance. Don’t forget to check your own policy in the meantime to be sure you have enough UIM – uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage – in the event that you are hit by one of these drivers with the barest minimum of insurance. Contact me if you have questions: 303-388-5304.

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PDA Road Gear “Shindig” O n Saturday, July 23rd, PDA Road Gear in Littleton held their “Shindig” to benefit The Spinal Cord Society. For those of you who aren’t familiar with the term shindig, it is large, lively party. In this case, the PDA Road Gear shindig was celebrating some great sets of wheels. The event featured appearances by some of the Hooters girls, live music, free food, a bike and car show, and a “Sound Off”.

What is a sound off you say? Well just how crisp, clear and loud can the stereo system on be on your set of wheels? PDA Road Gear is proud to say that they have been “Disturbing the Peace since 1980” by selling, installing and servicing aftermarket and original equipment manufacturer accessories for all vehicles, Hot rods, Classic Cars, Motor Homes, Boats, Limo’s, and of course, motorcycles. So many of the cars and motorcycles in the show were not only a joy to look at, but listen to as well. PDA even provided an air castle to keep the little ones entertained. Others represented at the Shindig were Alpine USA, Focal, Rocky Mountain Harley Davidson, Denver 81, JL Audio, Benders Brat Haus, Rib City, Garlic Knot, Hooters and ARC Audio. One of the most interesting set of wheels running around the PDA Road Gear Parking lot was the wheel chair that belongs to Kermit Breyer, President of the Centennial Colorado Chapter of the Spinal Cord Society. Kermit is always upbeat, fun, friendly, and seems to love to make people laugh. Kermit injured his spinal cord decades ago in an auto accident. He tends to deflect sympathy directed towards himself in favor of the many who he says have it worse than he does. Through his many years of volunteering for The Spinal Cord Society, he has met numerous paraplegics and quadriplegics who live in hideous pain day in and day out due to accidents that resulted in either a broken neck or broken back. The Spinal Cord Society has made great strides in curing spinal cord injuries, especially in cases where treatments can be administered as soon as possible after the injury occurs. The SCS feels that too many in the medical fields have opted to provide expensive care for the lifetime of the victims rather than actually provide a cure. 10 Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado

Anyone is eligible to join the SCS. Membership is only $35 per year and includes a monthly newsletter. You can get information by going to . The SCS is a 501-c-3 non-profit so membership and of course any donations are tax deductible.

September 2016

At the Shindig, Kermit was more than happy to direct you to the tent where the Hooters girls would sell you $1 tickets for drawings that took place periodically throughout the Shindig that included prizes totaling over $1,000. Some of the donated prizes were from 20 mile Tap House, Hickory House Ribs, Platte River Bar and Grill, Dad & Dudes Breweria, The Tailgate Tavern, and The

South Restaurant. Top prize was 1 free night at the Cliff House in Morrison valued at over $400. Pat Dunahay, owner of PDA Road Gear was pleasantly surprised by the number of people who attended the Shindig as this was a 1st time event, and hopes to throw another “shindig” next year. So if you missed this one, keep an eye out for the one in 2017.

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WHAT THE HECK ARE THEY THINKING?! by Dallas Hageman There is no possible way I get to do this... is there? That thought was rushing through my head when Thunder Roads Colorado approached me to be a contributing writer for their magazine; a magazine that I have been glued to for years and always await with eager anticipation for a new issue every month. I am however getting ahead of myself a little, so let me start at the beginning. My name is Dallas Hageman and I am a bike-aholic. Seriously. Like, code red. I contracted a sickness that, when infecting your body never goes away. It stays in your blood stream until the day you waltz through the pearly gates and that sickness is called motorcycles. I have got it and chances are, since you are reading this in one of the best motorcycle magazines around, you’ve got it too. The only cure is riding, and LOTS of it. Now I would love to tell you that I have been riding ever since I was in diapers but that would be a bald faced lie. In fact, for whatever reason, I never gave motorcycles a second thought until after my divorce. It was a time of change in my life—the good kind, but I was going through a phase of the blues. I remember one day driving down a local road and seeing a motorcyclist riding past me with a grin on his face that spanned ear to ear. He looked like he was having the time of his life. No cares, no worries and no commitments, which was very much unlike myself at that point in my life. “What the heck” I thought to myself, “If a motorcycle can do that for him, why couldn’t it do the same for me? I could use a change!” and thus began my love affair with motorcycles. The next day I went to the local motorcycle dealer and put down all the money in my account on a starter bike. Want to know the ironic part? Since I was unlicensed, I couldn’t even ride it home, and my house was literally five miles away! The new scoot was delivered that same day and I sat on it in the 12 Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado

garage for nearly four hours, just looking at it. Daydreaming about what this new purchase meant for my life. Where it would take me and what it would change. Little did I know that the change coming would alter my life forever. I took the riding class a week later and after the first three hundred feet on the new ride, I was hooked—for life. Over the course of the next several years I did nothing but ride. And I mean NOTHING. Sure I had to work but the second that whistle blew, I was out. I scoured maps and towns, taking notes and adding up the miles whenever the chance arose. Some trips were planned and others were spontaneous but all of them had one thing in common, miles. The miles began to add up, a lot. So much so that I had to start purchasing new motorcycles just to ensure reliability. Now once a few miles were under my belt I learned of a motorcycle run to

September 2016

support POW’s and MIA’s that went from LA to DC. COAST TO COAST! Naturally, I had to do it. Something that has always been close to my heart is our veterans. I myself have not served but I know and understand that we as a collective country owe our freedom to our men and women in uniform, and I love them to death. The run, called Run for the Wall had two things that were important to me, motorcycles and veterans so this run became part of who I am. I went once, then twice and over the years have been part of it nine times. At one point I was in charge of a thirty man team called the Road Guards. Our job was security for the five mile long pack working with local state and federal authorities to get thousands of riders from one coast to the other coast in one piece. Needless to say I plan on participating in this mission until I can no longer get the bike off the kickstand.

be a part of than the biker family of brothers and sisters. Loyal, fun and always looking for that next adventure Riders are and will continue to be in my opinion, one of the best parts of humanity. Until Thunder Roads Colorado wises up and bans me from writing for them again, I will drop by from time to time and try to offer some helpful insight and ideas on how to make your ride more enjoyable and safe; until then ride safe!

In addition to adding up mileage on two wheels (which by now is around 250,000) I have always enjoyed customizing motorcycles. There is just something about turning a stock bike into a unique piece of art that gets me going. In fact, a couple of my projects have even ended up in national magazines. One of the rides I put together in my garage was sold to an actor who played a role in the Sons of Anarchy and another motorcycle sold to an Olympic Wrestler. I know... I was shocked too! My creations have always been a little “offbeat” and not for everyone, but no bike is, that is kind of the point. I have had to take a little time off from customizing since I now have the honor and pleasure of hosting the world’s largest motorcycle radio talk show called Wild Ride Radio. I have made a career working in radio and for the first four years on air, I worked for someone else. Always forced to cover things I could care less about and dealing with some bosses with fewer brain cells than my Beta fish. It didn’t take long for me to realize that if I wanted to make it in this business I had to talk about something that truly mattered to me and millions of others, in a way that no one else was doing. Thus, Wild Ride Radio was born. From its inception Wild Ride Radio has grown from a podcast created out of my basement to a talk radio show spanning coast to coast and heard by around 1.8 +/- million riders a month. Each week we cover anything and everything motorcycle related, pulling articles from magazines like Thunder Roads and deriving from some of my experiences in the saddle. We consistently create an informative outlet for riders across the nation and the globe. In addition to news and articles we have interviewed riders from the Discovery Channel, Guinness Book World Record holders and all sorts of unique and interesting people from around the world. The show can be heard over the air or on our website at and from any podcast outlet on-line. Well, that is pretty much it, now you know a little about me and where I came from and I really do look forward to talking with you and writing for Thunder Roads Colorado. It is a great magazine for bikers, which are some of the best people on the planet. I can’t think of any family I would rather

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1959 A10 Rocket 650 twin. This was BSA in her prime.


They call it “The Chase”



On a recent business trip to Alabama, I had four hours to kill before my return flight out of the Birmingham International Airport. I’d always heard about the Barber Motorsports Museum, so I thought it would be a great way to while away a few hours. Certainly better than sitting in those flat, uncomfortable chairs in the airport. When I arrived at the Museum, I was immediately awestruck by the perfectly-manicured grounds, the spotless building and the rather bizarre statuary out front depicting three oddly contorted naked men wearing capes, each riding on the axle of a motorcycle wheel. A little too artsy for my tastes, and I began to think this might be a very long four hours. But the moment I stepped through the doors of the immense building, I knew I was home. There before me, visible from the front door, were literally hundreds of motorcycles arrayed in various floor displays, stacked up on racks lining the walls, even Christmas Tree-fashion (a 3-story tall Christmas tree), all nicely lit and and tastefully presented. This was no normal museum where everything was lined up in neat rows. The building itself has four levels that line the inner walls of this huge round structure with the entire center of it open from floor to ceiling, creating a huge open space.

As it turns out, the Barber Motorsports Museum is the largest collection of classic motorcycles in the world! There are over 1,400 bikes on display!! Holy cow...will 4 hours be enough? In the end, the answer was no. It occurred to me that I should have brought my big camera. But I was traveling light this trip, so all I had was my iPhone. And while fully charged, I knew the battery life might be my limiting factor. As it turned out, I was right. In the course of the next few hours, I took hundreds of pictures of motorcycles of every type: classic bikes, racing bikes, antique bikes, movie bikes, choppers, cafe racers, modern bikes...and lots and lots of British bikes. And after all, that’s what life is all about, right? Well, maybe not for normal people, but for me, I had a hard time containing my least until my camera shut down, signaling the end of my fantasy.

A “Christmas Tree” of bikes!

1,400 bikes with lots of room to move around.

14 Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado

September 2016


While there are so many bikes there of every imaginable ilk, this being “From Across the Pond”, I will focus this article on what I always focus on: pygmy lion tamers. What?! No. Classic British Motorcycles, of course. So, without further ado, let’s see some British Iron (in order by year):

1948 Vincent Rapide Series B

1960 BSA Gold Star Clubman

1962 Surtees-Matchless road racer

1964 Royal Enfield 750 Interceptor

1968 Egli-Vincent

1968 Norton 750 Atlas

1971 BSA 750 Rocket 3 triple

1975 Triumph Trident cafe racer

1975 Norton 850


There are so many bikes at the Barber Museum that it would be impossible to convey a true sense of its magnitude on these pages. And it’s not just bikes. There are engine cutaways, race cars, memorabilia and much, much more. If you are ever anywhere near Birmingham, Alabama you must, I repeat YOU MUST go see this place. For more information on the Barber Motorsports Museum go to their website at www. And for the whole store on my visit, please go to And as always, I welcome you to visit my website www. for more eye-popping pictures, specs and history about these great old motorcycles. Article courtesy Thunder Roads Magazine Mid-Atlantic®

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BRITISH MOTORCYCLE ASSOCIATION OF COLORADO Meets 1 st Saturday of every month, 10 am South Side Johnny’s 528 S. Tejon Colorado Springs, CO All makes and models of bikes welcome! Contact John @719-213-3239 or

16 Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado

September 2016

Tasty Recipes All of these recipes have been kitchen tested and biker approved.

Buffalo Chicken Cheesesteaks

These are super simple, extra tasty and make a very quick meal. Serve with potato salad, chips or steamed vegetables. Serves 4 Ingredients: 1 tablespoon canola oil 2 large chicken breast halves 1 large onion 1 tablespoon of olive oil ½ cup prepared hot sauce like Franks 5 or more drops of extra hot sauce, like Tabasco ¼ cup butter 1 pinch of dried basil leaves 8 slices of melting cheese, I use provolone slices from the deli 4 medium hoagie buns Procedure: Preheat oven to 375 degrees In a skillet on medium heat put canola oil. Allow to heat for a about a minute. Place chicken breasts in pan and allow to sear and brown on first side (about 3 – 5 minutes). Once the breast is browned, flip it over to brown the other side. The breasts will not be cooked through at this time. Remove from pan and place chicken on a plate. Remove the pan from the burner. Cut onion in half from root to tip. Peel onion skin off. Slice onion into ¼ in slices and place into pan. Place olive oil in pan and turn heat back on medium low. Cook onions until they are just lightly caramelized. (You can do this step ahead of time and refrigerate the onions. Just heat them back up in the pan before you use them). While waiting for the onions to caramelize, place the ¼ cup of butter, two hot sauces and basil into a small saucepan. Heat to combine. Cut the chicken into ½ chunks and add them (and the juices) to the onions. Sauté the chicken with the onions until the chicken is cooked

through and no longer pink in the middle (about 5 – 8 minutes) Add the hot sauce to the chicken and onions. Stir to combine and heat for about 30 seconds. Slice the hoagies in half lengthwise, but not all the way through. Place rolls on a sheet pan lined with foil or parchment paper. Place chicken and onion mixture on the sliced hoagie. Place two slices of cheese on top of each sandwich. Place in oven and allow to bake until the cheese is bubbly.

Fudge Brownies

Yeah, yeah, yeah ... I know. You can buy pretty good brownies in a box and have instant gratification. I guarantee you that the moment you try these you will never go back to the box kind again. I use Dutch process cocoa and the results are super fudgy and chocolaty. Perfect for a midnight snack with a big glass of milk. 1/2 cups butter 3/4 cups cocoa 3 tbsp. oil 2 cups sugar 1 1/2 tsp vanilla 4 eggs 1 cup flour 1 cup nuts (I prefer walnuts lightly toasted), coarsely chopped In a 2 to 3 quart pan, melt butter. Add cocoa and oil and stir constantly. Remove from heat and allow to cool. Add eggs, one at a time beating each egg into chocolate mixture. Stir in sugar and vanilla. Add flour and fold into chocolate mixture. Fold in nuts. Spread batter evenly in a greased 9 X 13” baking pan (it will be thick and sticky). Bake in 325° oven for 20 - 25 minutes or until brownies feel dry on top. Cool on rack and cut into squares. Keep in an airtight container. Servings: 16

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Wings-And Warriors 2nd Annual Recognition Ride 606 South Santa Fe Avenue Fountain, CO 80817 8/13/2016 9:00 AM (719) 339-3993 24th Annual Salute to American Veterans Rally Bennett Avenue between 1st & 4th Streets, Cripple Creek, Colorado 8/19/2016 - 8/21/2016 The oldest Veterans ride & rally in the West. Honoring America’s brave heroes since 1987. Including the POW/MIA Remembrance Ceremony, Vietnam Traveling Memorial Wall, Wild West Gun Fighters, Veterans Poker Run, Veterans Parade, Street Dance, Beer Garden and live music all weekend long! Vendor space available. Please Contact For Pam Or Becky 719-487-8005 29th Annual POW/MIA Recognition Ride Woodland Park High School 151 N. Baldwin St. Woodland Park, CO 80863 8/20/2016 8/20/106 Join Soldiers, Veterans and Patriots from across the USA for Colorado’s largest procession of motorcycles to roll through the mountains into Cripple Creek for the Salute to American Veterans Rally. The ride begins at the Woodland Park High School. Breakfast will be available at registration. Cost is $8 per bike, $12 two-up includes a Commemorative Ride Pin. (719)487-8005

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5th Annual Rolling For Freedom 455 US Highway 85 87, Walsenburg, CO 81089 8/27/2016 9:00 AM This event includes a parade through the town of Walsenburg that ends at the Spanish Peaks Veterans Community Living Center (Colorado State Veterans nursing home) for a Memorial Service to honor those that have lost their lives and those that are currently serving for the protection of our Freedom. After the ceremony we will have a Poker Run. Sponsored by Blue Knights, Community Banks of Colorado, Sarty’s Bar, Minit Mart, Sergeant Grit, and Max’s Restaurant. The ride starts at the Mini Mart, exit 52 off 1-25 in Walsenburg at 9:00 am. There will be a parade and a ceremony honoring the veterans which will be followed by a poker run. All proceeds will benefit the veterans and residents. (719) 989-8409 or (719) 989-7255 2nd Annual Castle Run 8/27/2016 8/27/2016 This will be our second run to Bishop’s Castle! We had a great turnout last year and hope to make it even better this year! Save the Date and make sure to come out and join us! We will be posting meet spots and times as we get closer to the run. 1st Annual American Legion Riders Post 209 Poker Run Neal Thomas Jr Centennial Post 209, 3613 Jeannine Drive Colorado Springs, CO 8/27/206 8:00 AM Sponsored by Stagecoach Inn, The Marina, and Rocky Mountain Brewery. The ride starts at Neal Thomas Jr Centennial Post 209, 3613 Jeannine Drive in Colorado Springs. Registration begins at 8:00 am and the first motorcycle goes out at 9:30 am. The September 2016

poker run will be approximately 110 miles in length with stops in Franktown, Kiowa and Colorado Springs. The ride ends with a 50/50 drawing, door prizes, an auction and more. Prizes will be awarded for high and low hand. Proceeds will help local veterans in the community events/1714543988792736/ (719) 290-3218 The Rocky Mountain Roll Poker Run Fraternal Order of the Eagles, 8651 Huron Street Thornton, CO 8/27/2016 10:00 AM Sponsored by Fraternal Order of the Eagle. The poker run starts at the Fraternal Order of the Eagles, 8651 Huron Street in Thornton. Registration begins at 10:00 am and motorcycles go out at 11:00 am. The ride ends with a raffle, barbeque, music, bike wash and more. (303) 597-0038 Ride with Autism Performance Cycle, 6570 South Yosemite Street Centennial, CO 8/27/2016 9:00 AM Sponsored by the Canyon Casino, Performance Cycle, and PascoThe ride starts at the Performance Cycle, 6570 South Yosemite Street in Centennial. Registration is from 9:00 am until 11:00 am. After the ride, there will be a bike show with prizes and vendors. The proceeds will benefit the Autism Society of Colorado. For more information call (720) 214-0794, click here to send e-mail, or go to index.cfm?fuseaction=donorDrive. event&eventID=546. index.cfm?fuseaction=donorDrive. event&eventID=546. (720) 214-0794

6th Annual CAF Poker Run In The Zone 15600 W 44th Ave, Golden, Colorado 80401 8/28/2016 8/28/2016 10:00 AM Join us for the 6th annual Poker Run, benefitting Christopher’s Angels Fund, a program of The Denver Hospice. Registration will take place at In the Zone from 10-11am with first bike out at 11am. Best poker hand wins cash prize, door prizes and more available! With lots of great door prizes to give away, a beautiful mountain ride with friends, and providing support for wonderful cause, this will be another fantastic day! The 2015 Christopher’s Angels Fund (CAF) Poker Run raised over $3,700 with 85 motorcycles. Thank you to all who supported this Poker Run for the past 5 years. Online registration is available @ Onsite registration will also be available. Susan Dane events/498826920327078/ 720-985-3949 Mac Cicak Search & Rescue Ride Poker Run 3950 Interpark Drive City Colorado Springs, CO 80907 8/28/2016 9:00 AM A memorial ride in honor of Mac Cicak, benefitting El Paso County Search & Rescue (EPCSAR). EPCSAR is a nonprofit 501C3 that is run totally by volunteers! It will be a Poker Run with lots of raffles/auction items! We will be starting at EPCSAR and will end at the Dublin House. A little info about EPCSSAR: EPCSAR provides search and rescue services primarily in the jurisdiction of El Paso County, Colorado. However, the team also responds to requests for assistance from other counties. Their members, numbering over 70 strong, serve in a variety of roles while working towards a single goal, saving lives. What They Do: EPCSAR specializes in search and rescue operations involving:•Rescue or Medical Assistance • Search for

missing, lost, or overdue • Missing aircraft, balloon, or glider • Activated emergency locator transmitters (ELT)•Activated personal locator beacons (PLB)•Disaster operations (flood, blizzard/snowstorm, major fire, earthquake, tornado, etc. • Technical rescue/recovery, such as; high angle, ice rescue, confined space, avalanche Funding: EPCSAR is a non-profit, volunteer organization. All funding is derived from individual donations, grants and other types of fundraising. Members spend countless hours of their free time - and occasionally their work time - training and learning so that they will be ready to respond to a search and rescue operation on a moment’s notice. All donations are tax deductible. maccicaksearchandrescueride (719)641-3661 Swing for the Fences Bike and Rod Run Copper Rai, 174 S Main Street Brighton, CO 8/28/2016 11:00 AM Registration begins at 11:00 am and motorcycles go out at 12:00 pm. The ride fee is $20.00 per bike and includes one poker hand. Extra hands may be purchased at $20.00 each. All stops will be located in the northern metro area and prizes will be awarded at the final stop. The event will support a 14 year old competitive girls softball team. For more information call (303) 961-4420 or click here to send e-mail. (303) 961-4420 Four Corners Motorcycle Rally 200 E. CO Hwy. 151 Ignacio, CO 81137 9/1/2016 - 9/5/2016 Sky Ute Fairgrounds (200 E. CO HWY 151, Ignacio, CO 81137) is rally-central for the 2016 Four Corners Rally. There are not only events at the Fairgrounds, but also in Durango and the riding in the mountains. If you’re looking for a wild ride, great music and great events, the 2016 Four Corners Motorcycle Rally is hosting its 24th Annual Party in the heart of the Rocky Mountains— September 2016

Ignacio, Colorado—including activities in neighboring Durango. Nowhere else will you find the D&SNGRR Million Dollar Highway Poker Run, Motorcycle Giveaway, Best Chest in the West Wet T-shirt Contest, Loudest Pipes and LED Bike Contests, motorcycle demo rides, and a Bonfire Lighting as openers for this awesome live music and event festival. Party-goers have the option to live it up at the Sky Ute Casino Resort or kick back in their RV or tent campsite, or even explore the accommodations in nearby historic Durango. Chill in The Party’s On! Rally Central’s Sky Ute Casino Pavilion at the Fairgrounds in Ignacio between events and rock out to different live bands each day and late into the night. This year’s music headliners will be announced as contracts are placed. Check the event website for details and updates coordinator@ 970-444-2116 Thunder in the Rockies 4250 Byrd Drive Loveland, CO 80538 9/2/2016 - 9/5/2016 Thunder Mountain Harley-Davidson® is proud to present the 2015 Thunder in the Rockies Bike Rally. The 10th annua Thunder in the Rockies Bike Rally is an action packed, four-day event happening over Labor Day weekend. Located in picturesque Loveland, Colorado, motorcycle enthusiasts and hardcore bikers from all over the country love this event! Start gearing up now to check it out. This year’s highlights include: Over 45,000 people. Live music including local and national bands Competitions 100+ vendors And much, much more, can’t wait to see you here! 970-292-0400

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American Legion Riders Post 2008 Stock the Pantry Poker Run Jak’s Brewing Company, 7654 McLaughlin Road Peyton 9/5/2016 • 9:00 AM American Legion Riders Post 2008 Stock the Pantry Poker RunSponsored by High Plains Helping Hands Food PantryThe poker run starts at the Jak’s Brewing Company, 7654 McLaughlin Road in Peyton at 9:00 am. The proceeds will benefit the High Plains Helping Hands Food Pantry. For more information call (719) 2700896, click here to send e-mail, or go to events/789890637813787/. events/789890637813787/ (719) 270-0896 Support a Warrior Poker Run 5995 S Santa Fe Dr. Littleton, CO 80120 9/10/2016 • 9:00 7:00 PM The Brotherhood of Veterans 100 % of all proceeds will go to Support a Warrior$25.00 per hand / Cages welcome. Registration starts at 9:00 a.m. Last bike out @ 11:00 a.m. Free burritos for the first 200Food / Music / Prizes / Auction / Fun!!!!!Route information provided at registration 14th Annual Trappers Roll in Car & Bike Show R & M Services, 622 1st Street in Fort Lupton 9/10/2016 The bike show is being held at the R & M Services, 622 1st Street in Fort Lupton. Registration is from 8:00 am until 12:00 pm. The entry fee is $5.00 and two canned goods per vehicle. The first 50 entrants will receive a goodie bag. There will be a silent auction, spin wheel, and trophies for the judges and people’s choice. The proceeds will benefit the Cummins Care Scholarship Fund and Blessings in a Bag program. For more information call (303) 378-3107. Stillwater Ranch Stampede Poker Run Sundance Steakhouse & Saloon, 2716 East Mulberry Street Fort Collins, CO 9/11/2016 9:00 The poker run starts at the Sundance Steakhouse & Saloon, 2716 East Mulberry Street in Fort Collins at 22 Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado

9:00 am and ends in Loveland. The proceeds will benefit Stillwater Ranch equine programs to help veterans. For more information call (303) 451-8182, (303) 451-8182 8th Civilian Top GUN Riding Competition 9700 E. Arapahoe Rd. Greenwood Village, CO 80112 9/16/2016 - 9/17/2016 Patterned after the professional Police Top Gun riding challenges, the Civilian Top Gun Rider Competition is for civilians to ride their own motorcycle through a series of precision tight turns, swerves and circles without stepping a foot down or knocking into a cone. For each $20 Donation to Motorcycle Relief Project you will receive 2 chances to ride your own bike on the Ranges starting Friday at Noon and again Saturday at 8 a.m. THEN TO COMPETE IN THE CHAMPIONSHIPS ON SATURDAY YOU ONLY PAY AN ADDITIONAL $10 ENTRY FEE! Compete against top precision riders on Cruiser / Bagger & Sport Bike Precision Courses $1,000 FIRST PLACE CASH AWARDS both classes NEW THIS YEAR- Think you can ride like these guys on the big bikes? Try it out in our under 500cc class for a $500 prize. Benefitting The Motorcycle Relief Project is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that provides relief to veterans with PTSD and other injuries by taking them on structured and professionally led multi-­?day motorcycle adventure tours. 3rd Annual Cruzin for a Cause Poker Run Jakes Roadhouse, 5980 Lamar St. Arvada, CO 9/17/2016 8:30 AM The ride starts at Jakes Roadhouse, 5980 Lamar St. in Arvada. Registration begins at 8:30 am and motorcycles go out at 10:30 am. The ride fee is $25.00 for the rider and $5.00 for a passenger. Extra cards are $5.00 each. Early registration is available online and includes a chance to win $100.00. The ride will include stops in Blackhawck and Golden before ending in Arvada. Over $2,500.00 in cash and prizes will be given away. $500.00 will be awarded September 2016

for the best hand and $300.00 for the worst hand. Proceeds go to the Partner Colorado Foundation. Go to http://www. Front Range Foothills Motorcycle Safety Ride Rocky Mountain Harley Davidson, 2885 W County Line Road Littleton, CO 9/17/2016 • 9:00 AM Sponsored by Drive Smart, Rocky Mountain Harley Davidson. The ride starts at Rocky Mountain Harley Davidson, 2885 W County Line Road in Littleton. The event begins at 9:00 am. The ride will include maintenance, riding, and safety information. The ride will go along the foothills and will go through Deckers, Pine Grove, Conifer, Evergreen and Idaho Springs, Bergen Park, and will include a ride over Squaw Pass. The ride will increase awareness of the variable road conditions and other hazards encountered when riding in the Front Range foothills, and to absorb, process and share information in a manner that can help ride safer. (540) 293-2589 Ride for Habitat Greeley 115 N 8th Ave, Greeley, Colorado 80631 9/18/2016 • 10:00 AM We are having a charity Poker Run for the Greeley Habitat for Humanity on Sept 18th. Run starts at GRUMPS Cycles on 8th Ave in Greeley and Ends with Live Music and Prizes at the Windjammer Roadhouse. Along the way we will stop by Ricky Bs sport pub the Swing Station and the Canyon Grill. 100% of all funds raised are going to the Greeley area Habitat for Humanity. Registration is 10am to Noon. 970-584-9412 2nd Annual Biker in Distress Poker Run 3010 W. 29th St, Greeley, CO 80634 9/24/2016 •8:00 AM We provide help in assisting fallen bikers and their families in time of need. Cost is $20 per rider / car and $10 per passenger / extra hand. Ride ends in Windsor at the American Legion with catering by Rob Reeves Famous BBQ Pork Butt and live music by Hooligan’s Holiday. 970-371-3728

Colorado Tattoo Convention & Expo 2016 National Western Complex - 4655 Humboldt St, Denver, CO 80216, Denver, CO 9/30/2016 - 10/2/2016 10:00 AM - 9:00 PM Tattoo convention for National, Regional & Local Artist Live Body Art Modification by over 150 Tattoo Artists, Live Body Art Modification Demonstrations, over 20+ competition categories for Best Body Art, Tattoo Art, Tattoo Flash Contest & exhibition throughout the weekend. Colorado Barber & stylist battle 2016 over 20+ barber battle competitions categories for local, regional and national professionals and students in friendly competition to see who the best Barber in Colorado. Custom CarShow, Lowrider, Rockabilly, Hot Rod and Custom Motorcycle event. Live concert performance set on 3 stages, Performances by National & Local Artist performing live Rock; HipHop, Punk, Old-school, Rock’a’billy DJ’s spinning live throughout the weekend. Art gallery pavilion displaying local subculture media Live Graffiti Demonstration Professional Ring for Lucha Libre battles & MMA Exhibition, Burlesque, Pin-up Fashion Show, Modeling Competition, Top Pole Dancing Competition. Freak Show & Side Show Entertainment Award & Trophy presentations. Symposium on body art modification techniques & new technologies and industry advances in the field of tattooing and body art modification, company and shops demonstrations, safety techniques

classes for new and old artist, tattoo supply vendors, general merchandise vendors, apparel & accessories vendors. (720)481-5690 3rd Annual Suicide Awareness Poker Ride 9/17/2016 Interstate 25 at Exit #135 Ft. Carson Gate 1 Colorado Springs, CO 80902 Fort Carson ASAP, American Legion Post 38 and ALR Post 38 have teamed up together so we can bring awareness of Suicide, also educate our community and our Veterans. The challenge is to close the gap that is between the Military and the civilians so that there are no Veterans left behind. If we can educate our Veterans on how to identify and where they can take or send our Veterans, we have a better chance of saving lives and knock the number of suicides down. If we can save one life, we are helping. 34th Annual Oktoberfest & Car / Motorcycle Show – Brush 500 Clayton St, Brush, CO 80723 9/23/2016 - 9/24/2016 Starts Friday 6:30 PM, Saturday 9:00 AM Friday, September 23, 2016 6:30 pm – Cruise-In, 100 block of Clayton Street 6:30pm – 8:30pm – Music, hamburgers, chips and drink – FREE for those registered or those that register Friday evening.$3.00 for the public or anyone who wants to

bring an old car or motorcycle, but not register for the Car/Motorcycle Show. Come and see the cars & motorcycles as they “cruise in” to the street! Saturday, September 24, 2016. Dates & Times: Dog Show Contest | 9-10 am Reg., 10am Show, 10:30am Awards Live Local Entertainment | 10am to 3pmMain Street Festival – Food, Crafts, Games | 10am to 5pmCar/Motorcycle Show | 10am to 4pmMotorcycle Show and Shine | 10am to 4pm – 100 block of Clayton Street Beer Garden | 10am to 11pmLive Polka Band | 7pm to 11pm under the Beer Tent Activities include: Kids Games Oktoberfest entertainment dancers Sidewalk Sales Craft Booths Food Booths Entertainment Traditional Beer Garden Sidewalk Chalk Festival Arts, crafts, food, and games. There is something for the whole family! German apparel strongly encouraged to wear. Lederhosen, dirndl dresses, German hats, pins, t-shirts, etc. Live entertainment with scheduled performances throughout the day. Dog Show 2 categories of prizes Best costume or best trick People’s choice award Car/Motorcycle Show Plaques awarded to Top 20 – voted on by participants Best of Show – voted on by participants Best of Show – voted on by spectators event/34th-annual-oktoberfest-carmotorcycle-show-brush/2016-09-23/ (800)354-8659 (303) 597-0038


Let us know about it and give us your story and pictures by emailing us at

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Wendy’s story truly spoke to me. When I heard of her journey with breast cancer I was struck by how she does not seem to be allowing the disease take over her life, she is fighting with every ounce of strength she has. I decided to publish her story because of my own experience with a life threatening illness that struck suddenly at the end of June (2016). Her story is an inspiration to me and that regardless of what happens to me I will keep fighting and keep doing what I love because that is what makes me feel alive!! — Carrie McCauley


y love for motorcycles began in the summer of 1980. Our nation was in dire straits financially at that time and I found the love of riding as I was spending my summer in Wyoming with my cousins. I was ten and we lived in the outskirts of the reservation so there wasn’t a whole heck of a lot to do out there except get into trouble, which of course we did because we were kids. My uncle found us a mini bike and he fixed it up and he taught us how to ride. Pretty soon he found another one and my cousin and I spent nearly all of our days riding the mini bikes with other kids who had talked to their parents and were gotten mini bikes to ride too. We built a little track out there and we would jump the river and the little creeks in that area. We would ride up and down the highways just thinking that we were just like Evil Knievel and we all tried all kinds of stunts. Who could jump the farthest and who could take their hands off of their handlebars at various times, but my love for riding started with those mini bikes and we rode them every summer. During the summer of 1986 I lost a dear friend in a motorcycle accident and I stopped riding then and for years I would not get back on a bike, the memories were too painful. Then, one day I had a friend ask if I wanted to grab some therapy in the wind, I said yes and I have been riding ever since. My journey has been a long one and in December of 2015 I was diagnosed with stage 3 invasive ductal carcinoma--in layman terms stage 3 breast cancer. So far I have gone through 33 rounds of chemotherapy and I have a surgery scheduled to remove the remaining mass of the cancer in my left breast. Unfortunately, last week I had a biopsy on my throat and they found a lump that came back 26 Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado

September 2016

and, I also have a rare form of thyroid cancer in addition to the breast cancer. I have the surgery scheduled and I will have surgery to remove both masses. This has been a character-building experience and has taught me humility and to look around and see the beauty in things and to be thankful for everyone that has been on this journey with me. I could not have done so without them and I am blessed with the people that I have met and they have all touched my life in ways that I never thought possible. It is not always easy to stay positive in this situation and it is very easy to let yourself get down. I just try to remember that it is okay to cry and it is also okay to be angry. Just like it is also okay to be happy and sad. I just keep trying because you have got to keep kicking and keep dancing and be thankful for everything. The wind therapy, the dance therapy and the ink therapy I am not a victim and this does not get to claim me!!!! It gets a shell since I am not containable! The saying that gets me through is this one....... FUCK CANCER! I AIN’T YOUR BITCH!!! Wendy LaMaster Photography by Vickie Jo Mullin

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by Bill Maddick


The Fourth Annual West Metro Veterans Fair On September 20, 2016, from 13:00 hours until 17:00 hours, the fourth annual West Metro Veterans Fair will be held at the Elks Lakewood Lodge #1777, 1455 Newland Street, Lakewood. The purpose of the fair is to connect as many veterans as possible with the largest selection of veteran related vendors and service groups as possible. And this year there will be 39 vendors attending. You wouldn’t think of a city municipal court as the most likely place to find a veteran’s charity but, in fact, this event has been sponsored and organized by Lakewood Municipal Court, which has also pioneered the Lakewood Municipal Court Veterans Program (LMCVP). The LMCVP provides a special court for veterans and their unique situations. A driving force behind this development is Scott Hefty, Chief Probation Officer for Lakewood Municipal Court, himself a retired veteran of the 101st Airborne. Probation officers in Lakewood carry a case load of roughly two hundred probationers, so anything that can reduce the case load and increase efficiency is always welcome. Borrowing from a model utilized in several Colorado District Courts, Scott likewise proposed adopting a specialized court for veterans in Lakewood. A committee was formed, approval granted and now these services are provided, with Lakewood being a pioneer in implementing specialized veteran services at the municipal level. As Scott says, “We don’t just jail folks, we try the holistic approach.” And with roughly a thousand probationers registered in Lakewood, the Lakewood Municipal Court Veterans Process (LMCVP) seems to be proving to be effective. Last year, 160 veterans attended the West Metro Veterans Fair. And the planning and logistics for staging this event fell to a planning committee chaired by Norman Brisson, Court Administrator, Lakewood Municipal Court (and included Scott). The fair was a success with some thirty one Veteran Service Organizations serving 160 veteran attendees. The services represented ranged from homeless assistance to health benefits, from human services to jobs assistance, from personal counseling

to a congressional representative’s office and from claims assistance to education; plus everything in between. Complimentary grilled-to-order brats, dogs and hamburgers were served on the Elks Club patio and fittingly, the fair began with the posting of colors and the national anthem. It then remained busy for the next four hours. No personal statistics are available, so we can only hope that every one of the veterans who attended found the program helpful and received the assistance they deserve, and we can also hope that even more veterans will be served this year. So the moral of the story is: You know how we love to hate government, especially when they raise our taxes or when a cop gives us a ticket? You know how we love to hate bureaucrats, especially when a road doesn’t get repaired or we hear about a public official being charged with some crime like money laundering? Well, I’m right there with you on that, and rightfully so. But I was quite surprised and impressed when I followed up on an email I received in the spam folder about a West Metro Veterans Fair. Whereupon I found that the Lakewood Municipal Court has a couple of government workers who are going out of their way to create something special for our veterans. I guess I must have known that there are always good people out there, but to find such charity in the court system was a major attitude adjustment for me. Who would have thought? At the least, I feel that Scott and Norm deserve a commendation for their effort and for their concern about veterans. The taxpayer is definitely getting their worth out of these guys. But more important; it’s a victory if we can keep our veterans from winding up in court in the first place. So if you might know any veterans out there that are living on the edge, please do all you can to get them the support and assistance to which they are entitled. The Veterans Crisis line is (800) 273-8255 and is open 24/7/365. Or call the US Veterans Affairs Department regional office in Lakewood at 303-393-2802. Make the call. It could save a life or maybe even keep a veteran out of court. I’m sure that Scott and Norm would agree.

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News Bytes THE AIM/NCOM MOTORCYCLE E-NEWS SERVICE is brought to you by Aid to Injured Motorcyclists (A.I.M.) and the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM), and is sponsored by the Law Offices of Richard M. Lester. If you’ve been involved in any kind of accident, call us at 1-(800) ON-A-BIKE or visit NCOM BIKER NEWSBYTES Compiled & Edited by Bill Bish, National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM) H-D CEASES SALES OF PERFORMANCE DEVICES THAT ADD TO AIR POLLUTION Without conceding, Harley-Davidson will pay $15 million in fines and penalties to settle a federal lawsuit brought by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) accusing the American motorcycle-maker of selling illegal performance devices that increase pollution. Under terms of the settlement on Thursday, August 19, 2016 Harley is to stop selling its “Screamin’ Eagle” Pro Super Tuners by August 23, and to buy back and destroy all such tuners in stock at its dealerships. H-D must also deny warranty claims if owners continue to use the “illegal devices.” The consent decree resolves government allegations that Harley-Davidson sold roughly 340,000 “super tuners” since 2008 that, once installed, cause motorcycles to emit higher amounts of certain air pollutants than what the Milwaukeebased manufacturer certified to the EPA. According to the EPA, the modified settings increase power and performance, but also increase the motorcycles’ emissions of hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides. Harley did not admit liability, and said in a statement it disagrees with the government’s position arguing that the devices were designed and sold to be used in “competition only.” The Motor Company said the settlement represents “a good faith compromise with the EPA on areas of law we interpret differently, particularly EPA’s assertion that it is illegal for anyone to modify a certified vehicle even if it will be used solely for off-road/closed-course competition.”

Cruden, head of the Justice Department’s environmental and natural resources division. The EPA has been investigating after-market part emission issues for more than five years. In 2012, Suzuki Motor Corp paid an $885,000 fine to EPA for selling 25,458 ATVs and dirt bikes because they were built to allow for the installation of an after-market part that increased horsepower and emissions. CALIFORNIA LEGALIZES LANE SPLITTING, GOVERNOR SIGNS BILL INTO LAW California has become the first state to formally recognize lane splitting as a legal maneuver for motorcyclists, as Governor Jerry Brown signed Assembly Bill 51 into law on Friday, August 19, 2016. The legislation does not specify rules for lane splitting, but simply a) defines lane splitting as “driving a motorcycle, that has 2 wheels in contact with the ground, between rows of stopped or moving vehicles in the same lane, as specified”; and b) authorizes the California Highway Patrol (CHP), in consult with other agencies and organizations, to “develop educational guidelines relating to lane splitting in a manner that would ensure the safety of the motorcyclist, drivers and passengers.” Lane splitting has long existed in a legal gray area in California, without being expressly prohibited nor allowed, but permitted by law enforcement. The CHP published educational guidelines on lane-splitting in 2012, but regulators later ruled the agency had no authority to make public policy. The bipartisan bill, sponsored by Assembly members Bill Quirk (D-Hayward) and Tom Lackey (R-Palmdale), passed unanimously through the state Senate 38-0 and the Assembly 74-0 and essentially clarifies that the CHP does in fact have the authority and permission to devise guidelines for splitting lanes. Many studies have found proper lane splitting to be safe, and the practice of “filtering” through traffic to reduce congestion is legal in much of the world. RESTRICTING ETHANOL LIMITS IN AMERICA’S FUEL

An EPA spokesman said that the vast majority of these tuners were used on public roads, and the sale of such “defeat devices” violates the federal Clean Air Act. Harley was also accused of selling more than 12,600 motorcycles that were not covered by an EPA certification that ensures a vehicle meets federal clean air standards.

NCOM Board Member Dave “Animal” Reid (Touring Groups Liaison to the National Coalition of Motorcyclists) recently reported that; “I sent a letter to my congresswoman about the EPA’s desire to increase the ethanol content up from E-10 to E-15, and what it might do to all manner of small and air cooled motors.

“Given Harley-Davidson’s prominence in the industry, this is a very significant step toward our goal of stopping the sale of illegal after-market defeat devices that cause harmful pollution on our roads and in our communities,” said John

She responded, saying that a congressman from Texas had introduced a bill that would prohibit the EPA Administrator from introducing anything greater than 9.7% into the fuel supplies.

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Folks of both our Confederation of Clubs (COC) and ABATE inquired about the bill, and I’ve tracked it in the U.S. House of Representatives - it’s fresh and has quite a list of co-sponsors, so with other changes happening in the world, with the bipartisan support it seems to have, it may see some forward movement.” That measure, House Resolution 5180, was introduced on May 10, 2016 by U.S. Representative Bill Flores (R-TX) “to alleviate the ethanol blend wall under the renewable fuel program,” and has been referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce. H.R. 5180 currently has 103 cosponsors from both sides of the aisle. The bill effectively circumvents the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) mandates for increasing levels of ethanol in our gasoline, capping the level at E-10, stating “the Administrator shall not determine any renewable fuel obligation for a calendar year that would result, directly or indirectly, in the introduction into commerce in the United States of a total volume of ethanol contained in transportation fuel that is greater than 9.70 percent of the total volume of gasoline projected to be sold or introduced into commerce in the United States for such calendar year.” ILLINOIS OKAYS BLUE-DOT TAIL LIGHTS “Blue Dot” tail lights, so-called because a blue crystal mounted in the center of the red lens cover emits a violet hue when actuated, have become popular with motorcyclists for both customization and conspicuity, but most states’ traffic codes specify that a tail light must be red in color, and therefore they are illegal. Supported by ABATE of Illinois, House Bill 4105 amends the Illinois Vehicle Code to “Provide that motorcycles may be equipped with a blue light or lights of up to one inch in diameter located on the rear of the motorcycle as a part of the motorcycle’s rear stop lamp or lamps,” and was signed into law by Governor Bruce Rauner on July 22, 2016, becoming effective January 1st.

RIDERS AND DRIVERS NOW HAVE OPTION TO “RIDE ON RED” IN PENNSYLVANIA Motorcyclists and motorists in Pennsylvania will no longer have to wait at a traffic light that is locked on red, as Governor Tom Wolf signed into law a bill sponsored by Rep. Stephen Bloom (R-Cumberland) that allows drivers of all vehicles the option to proceed with caution through an intersection when a traffic signal is unresponsive, only after exercising due care as provided by law. “If the vehicle detection system fails to recognize the vehicle and the driver has come to a complete stop, the driver must then make sure it is safe to continue, and only then would they be able to lawfully proceed with caution through the intersection,” Bloom explained to FOX43 News in Harrisburg, PA. Originally intended only for motorcycles, which often fail to trigger traffic lights due to their smaller size, Senate Bill 1267 was expanded to apply to all vehicles. Deemed “Ride on Red,” Bloom added that the goal of the legislation is to solve practical problems while ensuring safety. “This law does not give drivers a free pass, but ensures a safe and legal option to avoid the danger and inconvenience of being trapped in perpetuity at a locked red light,” Bloom said. “This issue is more common than many people realize, especially on rural roads or during late hours when long periods often elapse before a heavier vehicle comes along to finally trip the unresponsive light.” Signed into law on July 20, 2016 as part of Act 101, the new law takes effect 60 days after the bill-signing, near the end of September. QUOTABLE QUOTE: “In any free society, the conflict between social conformity and individual liberty is permanent, unresolvable, and necessary.”

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PDA Roadgear 1600 W. Mineral Ave. Littleton, CO 80120 (303)761-6022 (800) 766-3955

Curtis Walton Law Firm 13984 West Bowles Avenue Littleton, CO 80128 (720) 323-9729

UniqCycle Sounds PO Box 271093 Ft. Collins CO 80527 (888) 864-7721

Law Tigers 4828 South College Avenue Fort Collins, CO 80525 (800)529-8443


Biker Inner Circle (888) 498-2123

O’Sullivan Law Firm 600 Ogden Street Denver, CO 80218 (303) 388-5304


EM Leather 13980 East Mississippi Aurora, CO 80012 (303) 337-6690 Biker Brad’s Motorcycle Apparel and Accessories 12543 N Hwy 83 Suite 208 Parker CO 80134 (303) 841-7727 Moses Leather Company 759 Horizon Drive Grand Junction CO 81506 (970)433-7319 Twin Peaks Leather 5655 Olde Wadsworth Blvd Arvada CO 80002 (303) 432-1047

Roy Hansen Motorcycle Testing 1800 Airway Avenue Ft. Collins CO 80524 (970) 690-8847 MOTORCYCLE REPAIR/SERVICE/PARTS

EXP Motorsports 3301 W. Hampden Ave. Sheridan Co 80110 (303)688-4401 G.R.U.M.P.S 115 N 8th Ave Greeley CO 80631 (970) 353-1166 Thunder and Lightning Cycles 3986 S Broadway Englewood CO 80113 (720) 287-1670

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September 2016


Motorcycle Transport Specialists https://www.facebook. com/motorcycle.transport. specialist/?fref=ts CO (720) 329-4514 PLACES OF WORSHIP

Church in the Wind 2411 Alcott Street Denver CO 80211 (720) 635-2897 RESTAURANTS AND BARS

Sunshine Café 1856 Colorado Blvd Idaho Springs CO 80452 (720) 203-4878 Wild Bill’s Saloon 6762 Lowell Blvd Denver CO 80221 (303) 428-7843 WOMEN’S APPAREL

One Bad Bitch Denver CO 80129 (888)244-9299 HAN Motogear 9349 Black Mountain Dr, Conifer CO 80433 (303) 356-8691

List your business here for as little as $30 a month! CONTACT US AT or (720) 458-3134

for more details.

WE’RE DIFFERENT IN THE SOUTH……and we like it that way and aint about to change. Aint is an actual word and essentially means “no way in hell”. A possum is a flat animal that sleeps in the middle of the road. There are 5,000 types of snakes and spiders and 4,998 of them live in the South. If it grows, it’ll stick ya. If it crawls, it’ll bite cha. Onced and Twiced are words. For is pronounced fer. It is not a shopping cart, it is a buggy! Jawl-P? Means, Did you all go to the bathroom? People actually grow, eat and like okra. Fixinto is one word. It means I’m going to do that. There is no such thing as lunch. There is only dinner and then there’s supper. Iced tea is appropriate for all meals and you start drinking it when you’re two. When a Southern woman says “well, bless your heart, sugar”, she either really means it or she’s literally telling you that you’re a dumb-ass twit. “There’s a story there” means someone has a really juicy past. The word jeet is actually a question meaning, ‘Did you eat?’ You don’t have to wear a watch, because it doesn’t matter what time it is, you work until you’re done or it’s too dark to see. We fly the American flag alongside the Southern flag with equal pride. You don’t Push buttons, you Mash em’. Ya’ll is singular. All ya’ll is plural. All the festivals across the state are named after a fruit, vegetable, grain, insect, or animal. You only own seven spices: salt, pepper, garlic powder, mustard, hot sauce and ketchup. The local papers cover national and international news on one page, but require 6 pages for local high school sports, the motor sports, and gossip. You believe that the first day of deer season is a national holiday. You know what a hissyfit is and if the young-uns throw one in a store, they’ll know the meaning of “wear the hide off your tail”. Fried catfish is the other white meat. We don’t need no dang Driver’s Ed. If our Mama says we can drive, we can drive! There’s unique names to designate town areas; “

ing Cat’s Holler”, “Squirrel Tail Ridge”, “Dogs Humpin’ Ciff”, “Shotgun Waterin’ Hole” or “Bucksnort Hill”. Even if you aint from the South, when you visit us, you dang sure will be talkin’ like us by the time you git on down the road back yonder to home. Bye Bye now; y’all come back real soon, ya’ hear? My dog sleeps about 20 hours a day. He has his food prepared for him. His meals are provided at no cost to him. He visits the Dr. once a year for his checkup and again during the year, if any medical needs arise. For this he pays nothing, and nothing is required of him. He lives in a nice neighborhood in a house that is much larger than he needs, but he is not required to do any upkeep. If he makes a mess, someone else cleans it up. He has his choice of luxurious places to sleep, He receives these accommodations absolutely free. He is living like a king and has absolutely no expenses whatsoever. All of his costs are picked up by others who earn a living. I was just thinking about all this, and suddenly it hit me like a ton of bricks ~ My dog is a damn Congressman! _______________________________________________

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September 2016

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