Thunder Roads Colorado Magazine - November 2015

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THUNDER ROADS® Magazine COLORADO Published by Flying Hound Press, L.L.C. 7477 W. Layton Way Littleton, Colorado 80123 720-458-3134

ABATE..................................................................... 4 Scott O’Sullivan....................................................... 6 Adventure Hermit.................................................... 8 Behind The Lens................................................... 12 Burning Point Featured Bike................................. 14 Biker Down Winner................................................ 16 Veteran’s Corner.................................................... 17 Calendar................................................................ 18 Events................................................................... 20 Emily’s Parade....................................................... 24 Ladies Up Front..................................................... 26 Tasty Recipes........................................................ 27 Seats & Saddles.................................................... 27 Skin Art.................................................................. 29 News Bytes........................................................... 30 Biker Friendly Directory......................................... 32 Joker’s Wild........................................................... 33 Thunder Cam........................................................ 34

EDITORS Patrick J. McCauley “5” President and Senior Editor Carrie McCauley Vice President and Editor PHOTOGRAPHERS Vickie Jo Mullin, Lead Photographer Wayne Madison David Campbell ADVERTISING AND DISTRIBUTION REPRESENTATIVES Western Slope Chris Blumke (303)478-2335 Greater Metro Denver Area Toby Schmidt (720)829-7954

ON THE COVER Models: Knuckles, Kendra Daniels Motorcycle Owner: Knuckles Photographer: Vikie Jo Mullin

Northern Colorado Zak Clayton (970) 301-4674 LAYOUT & DESIGN Meredith Hancock / Hancock Graphics NATIONAL FOUNDERS Toni McCoy Shearon & Brian Shearon 1528 Matlock Drive Chapmansboro, TN 37035 Thunder Publishing LLC, Offices 615-792-0040 ©2015 Flying Hound Press, LLC. All Rights Reserved. No part of the content may be reproduced without written permission. Publisher assumes no responsibility and is not liable for errors beyond the cost of space occupied by the error, slander by any group or individual, failure to produce any issue as scheduled, any and all suits for liable, plagiarism, copyright infringement and unauthorized use of a person’s name or photograph. Opinions and claims made by advertisers and authors/contributors are their own, and do not necessarily represent the policy of Thunder Road Magazine® Colorado, Thunder Publishing. Publisher does not promote the abuse of alcohol or other drugs.

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November 2015

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elcome to November, boy does time fly when you are having fun! Anyway, as I said it is November and we have a several articles to bring you this month, including one about Thunder and Lightning Motorcycles and our most recent offering from the travels of the Adventure Hermit. There are a number of events coming in the next months to help distract us from the crowds and shopping the holiday season brings. Be sure to check Thunder Roads Colorado for upcoming events and check out our advertisers and their products and services - without them we couldn’t remain a free publication. Thunder Roads Colorado would like to thank all of you that attended and volunteered for this years’ Emily’s Parade. It was a beautiful day and the parade was well attended. Happy November and a Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours from all of us here at Thunder Roads Colorado, see you next month. Patrick “5”

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November 2015

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November 2015

Your Auto Insurance: Know How to Use It By Scott O’Sullivan O’Sullivan Law Firm

Did you know that your own auto insurance provides benefits even if you are the victim in an accident and sometimes even if you weren’t in a car? You could be walking, riding a bike or riding your motorcycle and, if you are struck by a car, your auto insurance may help pay your bills. mean:

Here’s an example of what I

I recently represented a woman who was walking home from her job. As she walked along the sidewalk, she crossed a driveway to a commercial building complex and she was hit by a truck. The driver of the truck didn’t see the woman and he dragged her 100 feet before coming to a stop! In defending her and securing resources for her recovery, we were able to access funds from the truck driver’s insurance. That step seems obvious. But we were also able to use her own auto insurance to help cover her costs. We accessed her Under Insured Motorist (UIM) coverage as well as her medical payment coverage, helping to provide her with a lot more money to pay her medical bills. (By the way, this is just another example of why you need a personal injury attorney’s help if you are ever injured by another driver. You may never know all of the places you need to look for help with your bills!) Here’s another example: I represented a person who was riding his bicycle on

Highway 285 (which I do not recommend but it is not illegal) and he was hit by a car. He was biking legally on the shoulder of the road when he was struck. We were able to use the defendant’s insurance, plus the victim’s UIM coverage to alleviate his medical bills. I’ve heard too many stories about pedestrians who are struck by cars and they face awful injuries and overwhelming medical bills. And too many times, they don’t know enough to seek funds from their own insurance company. They think, “The other guy did this to me; he and his insurance company should pay.” And while I’m on the subject, please go look at your insurance card right now and make sure you have UIM coverage. This coverage protects you if the other driver doesn’t have any insurance or not enough of it to pay for your injuries. Why is this coverage so important? Because one-third of all Colorado drivers don’t have car insurance and most drivers in Colorado only have the State minimum liability coverage of $25,000. Imagine if you’re hit by another driver and their insurance company only pays you $25,000. I guarantee that your medical bills will far exceed that amount. That’s when your own UIM coverage kicks in. Be an advocate for yourself! If you are ever the victim of another driver’s negligence, make sure to access all the coverage that you can from your own insurance company. There might be money sitting on the table just waiting for you to pick up. If you have any questions about this article, don’t hesitate to call me: 303-388-5304 or

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ADVENTURE HERMIT The Quest to the West


or many, the road less traveled is as simple as veering off of the interstate and, for a long time, this was enough for me as well. But as time went on I began to seek out more and more remote routes and destinations. I am not sure exactly where this obsession of extreme points and way-way off the beaten path travel comes from but I have a theory. I know for instance I was conceived in Key West, FL most likely sometime in August of 1969. While most of us don’t like to imagine our parents getting physical, Olivia Newton-John Style; but I know this little bit of creation trivia because I was born in April of 1970 and 9 months earlier my folks were stationed at Boca Chica Key Naval Air Station. Perhaps this is what drove me to travel further and further west, away from the scene of that crime. In an effort to uncover my motivation I have to go back to the summer of 2013. I returned to Connecticut where I was raised and hopped aboard my dad’s Kawasaki KLR650 on route to Tennessee. From there, I traveled off-road, across the country to Oregon. “All in” it was about 2 months before I returned home to Colorado traversing through twenty-eight states and just over 9,600 miles. I traveled deep into the woods, over sand, dirt and rocks before ultimately arriving in Port Orford, Oregon. Which, I thought then was the place I was looking to find. On the way I had many amazing adventures, met truly wonderful people all while nursing a

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broken right foot after a fateful decision to go bowling with some Aspens. When I arrived I truly believed I had reached the furthest point west in the contiguous United States, far from the point of my conception some 43 years earlier. After a 6-week journey, my broken foot and I were thrilled to be overlooking the Pacific Ocean from our room at the Castaway by the Sea Motel. Sadly, I soon learned that I was not in fact at the furthest point west in the Contiguous U.S.

November 2015

Port Orford is arguably the western most point to offer “inside” lodging, but it is not the furthest longitudinal point in the US. To add insult to injury, I learned, that the Compass Rose B&B a measly 2.1 miles north of my location was in fact .9 miles closer to the coastline. I had just crossed the country in epic fashion, but this revelation, left me feeling unfinished. When I returned home a couple of weeks later, I set to work trying to discover how I had miscalculated my goal. It never occurred to me that there could be points further west. My focus had been on staying off road from coast to coast. Once I reintroduced pavement to the equation all sorts of places began to reveal themselves as more longitudinally western. So a year later, I was once again heading west, this time with two relativity intact and unbroken feet to continue my quest. I traveled aboard my BMW f800 along Highway 50, the Loneliest Highway in America. After a quick visit through Yosemite I headed to the famous biker-friendly Alice’s Restaurant in Redwood City, CA. The menu offered up motorcycle themed burgers and more. After inhaling a “Norton Burger” complete with Point Reyes Blue Cheese and Bacon, I headed down to HalfMoon Bay. My goal was to ride the Pacific Coast Highway (PCH) all the way up to Cape Disappointment, WA. My modest calculations assured me that this was surely the furthest point west in the contiguous U.S. I clung to the coast in hopes of rolling over every possible western longitudinal line as I headed north, just in case. In Astoria, Oregon I crossed the 4.1-mile Megler Bridge before arriving in Point Ellice near Megler, Washington. A detour I had taken the previous year after visiting Port Orford, but did not realize that I was a paltry 15 miles from the, not easy to overlook 1700-acre Cape Disappointment state park. I had finally arrived at the furthest point west in the contiguous U.S.

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Or so I had thought. It would be another few months before I actually recognized and acknowledged my miscalculation. At this point, the more geographically astute readers may be asking themselves, “How does someone with access to the Internet and who has ridden 10,000 miles across the country make such massive miscalculations?” Well, bear with me and all will soon be revealed. Ignorant to my “failure” I pitched a tent along the Pacific Ocean at Cape Disappointment State Park. After sharing my night with an incredibly curious family of raccoons I once again headed home to Colorado. I attribute my mistake to a healthy sense of denial. Deep down I believe I wanted to keep getting it wrong. What better excuse to maintain a yearly sojourn to the left coast? Californians may argue that Mendocino Point is the furthest location west. I have been there twice and while it is beautiful it maxes out at W124° 24’ 34.2 longitude. Then again, Oregonians have been know to claim Cape Blanco’s W124° 33’ 50.3989 longitude as being the absolute most western point. Sure, on a state level they can make these claims but not across the entire country. I am looking for nothing less than the furthest contiguous point west. Fast forward to 2015. The f800 has been sold and replaced by a BMW r1200GS. The goal? Ride up the remainder of the Pacific Coast Highway before veering off even further west, towards the Makah Indian Reservation. According to my most recent calculations, I cannot get any further northwest Dave Weaver in the contiguous U.S. so it seems like a reasonable 10 Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado

destination. After hammering out to McCall, Idaho to visit friends, I meander west along the Snake River through Hell’s Canyon on on-route to Walla Walla, Washington. I spent a day trekking portions of the Lewis and Clark Trail before taking a multiday break in Portland, Oregon for a few well-deserved beers and great food. When I continue on, rather than heading northwest I go northeast. Knowing I had missed my western goal on two previous attempts, I figure, as long as I am out here again, I should indulge my curiosity and do some sightseeing at Mount Saint Helens and Mount Rainier. The road up Mount Rainier definitely qualifies in the top 5 of all paved roads I have ever ridden. I end my day in Enumclaw, Washington, named after a nearby mountain. I eat at the flawlessly traditional Café Europa Restaurant. Mom, the owner, cooks everything from scratch as the kids help with the table service. Traditional Polish beers round out an amazing meal of pirogues, schnitzel, spatzle and red cabbage. When the waiter reveals to me that the town name means “Thundering Noise” I can just imagine a legion of Harley’s rolling through town, but I suspect it was named more for the storms that come over the mountain. In the morning I am finally ready to continue my way up the coast. The folks at the “Kettle” due me no favors serving a breakfast fit for 2 with left overs to spare. The chicken fried steak is amazing but I can only eat a quarter of it. As for the complementary homemade cookies they keep dropping off, despite my protests, well they end up wrapped in a napkin for later. I opt for the Tacoma route towards Aberdeen, and hold my breath, as I get closer to the dreaded I5, south of

November 2015

Seattle. Fortunately, I am on it for less than 30 miles and in just over 3 hours I am pointed due North on the 101 towards Olympic National Park. I’m in no rush since my entire route around the Olympic Peninsula is less than 300 miles. I enjoy hiking through the rain forest and walking down to several beaches, even safely passing through the vampire laden Forks, Washington. I finally arrive at the Makah Indian Reservation. Navigating from a good old-fashioned paper map, it seems I can truly ride no further northwest. I park the bike and after a short 30-minute walk on a trail impeccably maintained by the reservation, I arrive at the Cape Flattery Light House overlook. As I look across the Straight of Juan De Fuca, the international boundary between the US and the “The Great White North” I wonder if there is any possibility of accessing the 20-acre Tatoosh Island. At ½ mile off the US coastline it is officially the northwestern most lighthouse on the west coast of the contiguous United States. The islands “westof-me” location taunts me as I watch speedboats wiz between the mainland and the namesake of Chief Tatooche. However, because it is not contiguous I feel I can accept my position at approximately W124° 42’ 52 longitude as close enough to the furthest point west in the contiguous U.S. I smile take one more photo of the lighthouse and return to my bike. Perhaps the knowledge of being conceived at the furthestincorporated point southeast in the contiguous United States has been has driven me all the years to seek out the northwestern most point. Perhaps I am subconsciously trying to erase the image of my semi-clad, long since divorced parents joining giblets. Then again, it is probably just an excuse for yet another epic ride. Regardless, I am always up for being wrong and heading back out on the road! Epilogue: Well shoot! Since my visit west, I have made a new discovery. Apparently, a short 1-hour ride to the south of Cape Flattery is Cape Alva, Washington. Located at 124° 44′ 11.8″ W, it is approximately 5 seconds of longitude, or about 360-feet further west during high tide than Cape Flattery. Yes, Flattery is further from Key West. And yes, what’s five seconds among friends? Insert your own conception joke there. In the interest of science it looks like I have no choice but to return to the West Coast in 2016! I apologize in advance to my wife and kids. Darn my miscalculations!

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way that Knuckles’ nickname referred not just to the motorcycle he rode.

nuckles’ story started about 35 years ago when he first built the 1940 Knucklehead he still rides today. In those days he built and worked on Harleys in his living room, at least when he was fortunate enough to have a Jiving room. From those humble roots sprang his dream of owning his own Harley shop. His lifelong goal found fruition in 2011 when Knuckles opened Thunder and Lightning Cycles on South Broadway in Englewood. At first, a national economic recession seemed to stack the odds against him, but perseverance and his mechanical expertise proved more than a match for any world-wide financial problems. Within a few months, his business was going well and getting better every day.

Knuckles’ rough-and-tumble early years brought him little financial gain, but they did help provide the foundation, along with his Apache ancestry, for his employment as a stunt man in Buffalo Bills’ Wild West Show. The part Knuckles played in a typical performance was being shot off his horse at a full gallop and drug on his back around the arena. He dubbed this stunt the “Drag of Death.” His experiences with Buffalo Bills’ Show also brought him into friendships with famous personalities such as James Michener, Michael Ansara, Jack Elam, Robert Conrad, Jock Mahoney, Monty Montana and Harry Carey, Jr. and paved the way into films such as “Centennial.”

Much of Knuckles’ early mechanical experience came from working on his Knucklehead while “tramping” around the county. His nickname was associated with the fact he was always seen riding his Knucklehead. Tramping the highways of America on his Knuckle provided him his burgeoning mechanical experience, his keen sense of resourcefulness, as well as the nickname that follows him to this day. However, tramping is not an easy life and physical conflict is inevitable. Some attempted to alter his life style but learned the hard

Knuckles always wanted his own Harley shop. He got his foot in the door to his dream at a Harley machine shop in Arizona. While Tramping, Knuckles stumbled into Phoenix during the early 1980s and met The Pharaoh, who put Knuckles to work at his Harley speed shop. Pharaoh is an enrolled member of the Pawnee Nation of Oklahoma. Pharaoh is renowned for building very large displacement Harleys. In 1984, Pharaoh entered and won the first lronbutt Rally.

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The lronbutt Rally was a motorcycle competition event that launched from Philadelphia and ran to checkpoints in Bangor, Maine, then to Seattle, San Diego, and Daytona Beach, Florida and finished back in Philadelphia. Pharaoh finished the competition in 242 hours, running his 1970 Shovel head at over 150 MPH most of the 14,000 mile course. Pharaoh rode the only Harley entered in the event, and unofficially represented an entire sub-culture referred to as “Bikers.” Only 9 other competitors, including the Canadian National Champion, attempted the feat. Pharaoh finished up the 20th Century as a major hot-rod Harley builder and started the 21st Century teaching the capstone course at a major motorcycle mechanics school in Phoenix for several years, then went to directing the engine and transmission department at Titan Motorcycle of America until they declared bankruptcy. Partly because they are both American Indians as well as kindred spirits, over the years Knuckles and Pharaoh became very close friends. Pharaoh recently came to visit Knuckles at his shop in Englewood. Knuckles promptly put him to work and Pharaoh has been here ever

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influx of female riders into the family of Harley riders, which traditionally consists of mostly male riders, and decided to focus on the neglected population of Lady Harley riders. All new riders, however, are encouraged to enroll and participate in this necessary educational opportunity. Not only is this an excellent financial investment, this offering saves lives, also.

since. Pharaoh has since moved his tools and equipment into Knuckles’ shop and they are now providing high performance engine and transmission building and rebuilding services. Their pooling of talent is a winning combination for them and the public. All people, as well as businesses evolve. Knuckles and his business are no exception. Thunder and Lightning Cycles is now proud to announce they offer a one day class on how to perform basic maintenance tasks on their own motorcycles. Skills taught to students, for example, will include: how to change their own engine, transmission and primary oils, spark plugs, and light bulbs; how to adjust and maintain their own chains, belts and cables; how to maintain air filters, brakes and batteries; and most importantly, how to look for potential problems with their tires and wheels. Students will learn these tasks on their own motorcycles, not a generic Harley example. Accordingly, students will have to ride their own bike to class. Ultimately, the boys intend to establish a full curriculum, Harley-Davidson mechanics training center. Knuckles and Pharaoh have also duly noted the recent 14 Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado

An ancient philosopher once said: “A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.” Knuckles and Pharaoh are living testimony to this sage wisdom. Both have successfully navigated many years and many thousands of miles of the most dangerous highways thrown at them by life. All were ridden on their high speed motorcycle creations. All are welcome and encouraged to stop by Thunder and Lightning Cycles at 3986 South Broadway, Englewood, Colorado to say Hello to the boys and look them over, and be prepared for a pleasant, informative and refreshing experience.

November 2015

BRITISH MOTORCYCLE ASSOCIATION OF COLORADO Meets 1 st Saturday of every month, 10 am South Side Johnny’s 528 S. Tejon Colorado Springs, CO All makes and models of bikes welcome! Contact John @719-213-3239 or

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n Saturday, October 17th, hundreds people gathered at Avalanche Harley-Davidson in Denver to see who would win the 2014 Dyna Wide Glide FXDWG that BikerDown and sponsor, Scott O’Sullivan of the O’Sullivan Law Firm, have promoted since January. Over the course of the year, about three thousand people registered online and at events that BikerDown participated in or hosted. There were ten pre-qualifiers selected prior to the October 17th giveaway event and another ten qualifiers drawn from people who attended. In order of selection, the twenty qualifiers chose from a selection of BikerDown trauma kits (packed with emergency medical supplies that every rider should have) that each also held a key. In turn, each qualifier used their key to try and start the bike. It wasn’t until #17, Fred Salazar, tried his key that the winner was revealed. Fred was ecstatic to win the Harley as were all of his friends who celebrated with him.

“I would like to say thanks to Biker Down Colorado and the O’Sullivan Law Firm for my new 2014 Dyna Wide Glide that I won on October 17th. Biker Down Colorado is a great organization in the biker community and they do amazing things to help injured bikers. I always thought that these giveaways were fake but I am a true believer in Biker Down Colorado thank you so very much for what you do!” – Frank Salazar Stay tuned to see what BikerDown and The O’Sullivan Law Firm have planned for 2016! 16 Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado

November 2015

by Bill Maddick




ou wouldn’t think of a city municipal court as the most likely place a program to help assist veterans but, in fact, that is one of the things that Lakewood Municipal Court provides. In particular, with the city of Lakewood, they have sponsored the West Metro Veterans Fair for three years now (the most recent having been held on September 15, 2015) and for just over a year now they have also held a special municipal court exclusively for veterans. A driving force behind this development is Scott Heftley, Chief Probation Officer for Lakewood Municipal Court, a retired veteran of the 101st Airborne. Probation officers in Lakewood carry a case load of roughly two hundred probationers, so anything that can reduce the case load and increase efficiency is always welcome. Borrowing from a model utilized in several Colorado District Courts, Scott likewise proposed adopting a specialized court for veterans in Lakewood. A committee was formed, approval granted and now these services are provided for veterans, with Lakewood being a pioneer in implementing specialized veteran services at the municipal level. As Scott says, “We don’t just jail folks, we try the holistic approach.” And with roughly a thousand probationers registered in Lakewood, the Lakewood Municipal Court Veterans Process (LMCVP) seems to be proving itself effective. As mentioned, the third annual West Metro Veterans Fair was just held at the Lakewood Elks on September 15, 2015 and the planning and logistics for staging this event fell to a planning committee chaired by Norman Brisson, Court Administrator, Lakewood Municipal Court (and included Scott). The fair was a success with some thirty one Veteran Service Organizations serving 160 veteran attendees. The services represented ranged from homeless assistance to health benefits, from human services to jobs assistance, from personal counseling to a congressional representative’s office and from claims assistance to education; plus everything in between. Complimentary grilled-to-order brats, dogs and hamburgers were served on the Elks Club patio and fittingly, the fair began with the posting of colors and the national anthem. It then remained busy for the next four hours. No personal statistics are available, so we can only hope that every one of the veterans who attended found the program helpful and received the assistance they deserve. Perhaps the most pertinent aspect of the Lakewood Municipal Court Veterans Process is the specialized court. More serious crimes like rape, homocide, or breaking and entering go to other federal courts, but Lakewood Municipal Court sees misdemeanor cases such as open container violations, trespassing (sleeping on a lawn) and shoplifting. Every veteran will see a probation officer upon conviction with the Honorable Judge Stephan Munsinger, First District retired, as the LMCVP judge (he offered to volunteer though the Court thought it best to reimburse a judge for his time). A former chopper pilot in Vietnam, Judge Munsinger says that the purpose of this court is to, “Get out of this court and successfully move on.” And that is exactly what the Lakewood Municipal Court is providing. The court has only been in operation for a little over a year and already

they have been instrumental in getting four veterans off the street. As well, Scott and fellow probation officer Audrey Smith, have been known to go out of their way and personally drive veterans to any appointments they might have. Often, veterans are entitled to a host of benefits that might not otherwise be available to an average citizen, so Scott and Audrey are helping both themselves and the community if they can find VA assistance and housing for their probationers. On any given day, they might be found driving veterans to the Veteran’s Community Resource and Referral Center (at 3030 Downing), to the VA Regional HQ or to the VA hospital, all in addition to fulfilling all their other probation officer responsibilities for the court. So the moral of the story is: You know how we love to hate government, especially when they raise our taxes or when a cop gives us a ticket? You know how we love to hate bureaucrats, especially when a road doesn’t get repaired or we hear about a public official being charged with some crime like money laundering? Well, I’m right there with you on that, and rightfully so. But I was quite surprised and impressed when I followed up on an email about a West Metro Veterans Fair. Whereupon I found that the Lakewood Municipal Court has a couple of government workers who are going out of their way to aid our veterans. We all know there are good people out there, but to find a dedicated group within the court that got it off the ground and working at it day after day—well that was a revelation of something I was not expecting. Who would have thought? It isn’t a program anybody has really heard about, though admittedly, you would have to be arrested before you would come in contact with either Scott, Norm, Audrey or Judge Munsinger. In fact, the City of Lakewood may include the LMCVP as a listing in the upcoming directory, but presently it does not even have a phone number. This is a good example of veterans helping veterans and creating something that helps veterans (or others) within our government that can help and doesn’t cost more. It is for the veteran’s sake and the city’s sake and not for recognition or praise. All this is being accomplished by civil servants who have taken the initiative, who are getting it done and have done so quietly and without adding any expenditures to the budget. How often do you hear about stories of that nature? This seems like a win-win situation. I think that Scott, Norm, Audrey and Judge Munsinger deserve a commendation for their effort and for their concern about veterans. The taxpayer is definitely getting more than their worth out of these guys. But the most important thing here is that it is a victory if we can keep our veterans from winding up in court in the first place and help those veterans stay out of court in the future by getting help when they need it. If you know any veterans out there that are living on the edge, please do all you can to get them the support and assistance to which they are entitled. The Veterans Crisis line is (800) 273-8255 and is open 24/7/365. Or call the US Veterans Affairs Department regional office in Lakewood at 303-393-2802. Make the call. It could save a life or maybe even keep a veteran out of court. I’m sure that Scott, Norm, Audrey and Judge Munsinger would agree.

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Watch Football to Help Northern Colorado Biker Down

Watch Football to Help Northern Colorado Biker Down

Watch Football to Help Northern Colorado Biker Down

Watch Football to Help Northern Colorado Biker Down

Watch Football to Help Northern Colorado Biker Down


Watch Football with Northern Colorado Biker Down – Broncos Vs. Packers November 1st, 2015 6:30 PM, Meet at Thunder Mountain Harley Davidson at 4:00 PM if weather permits (970)584-6315 Glicks 1018 Mahogany Way Severance Description: Come watch the Broncos game with Northern Colorado Biker Down to win prizes and have some fun and support Northern Colorado Biker Down! Join us every Sunday during the Denver Football Season and help us raise money and awareness for injured bikers in Northern Colorado. We will met at Thunder Mountain Harley Davidson roughly two and a half hours before every game for a short ride, weather depending. If we cannot ride, we will meet at that week’s location. There will be prizes, give aways and fun for all. Veterans Appreciations BBQ November 7th, 2015 11:00am-12:30pm Website: 5001 N Elizabeth St, Pueblo, CO 81008 (719) 542-6032 The Veterans Appreciations BBQ will be held at Outpost Harley Davidson in Pueblo, Colorado on November 7th, 2015. Food! Drinks! Come on out and have a great time while supporting our veterans! Free Pancake Breakfast at Mile High Harley Davidson November 7th, 2015 9:30 AM 16565 E. 33rd Drive, Aurora, CO 80011 (303) 343-3300 Website: http://www.milehigh-harley. com/events/ The Free Pancake Breakfast starting at 9:30 AM until they are gone. It will be held at Mile High Harley Davidson in Aurora, Colorado Chili Cook Off for Vet Center November 7th, 2015 2747 Crossroads Blvd, Grand Junction, 20 Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado

CO 81506 (970) 245-0812 Website: The Chili Cook Off for Vet Center will be held at Grand Junction Harley Davidson. Please see the website for additional information. Watch Football with Northern Colorado Biker Down – Broncos Vs. Indianapolis November 8th, 2015 2:25 PM, Meet at Thunder Mountain Harley Davidson at 12:00 PM if weather permits (970)584-6315 Windjammer Roadhouse 3431 n CR 31 Loveland Description: Come watch the Broncos game with Northern Colorado Biker Down to win prizes and have some fun and support Northern Colorado Biker Down! Join us every Sunday during the Denver Football Season and help us raise money and awareness for injured bikers in Northern Colorado. We will met at Thunder Mountain Harley Davidson roughly two and a half hours before every game for a short ride, weather depending. If we cannot ride, we will meet at that week’s location. There will be prizes, give aways and fun for all.

November 14th, 2015. Show off your best chili recipe and win a gift card on us! See website for additional information. Watch Football with Northern Colorado Biker Down – Broncos Vs. Kansas City November 15th, 2015 2:25 PM, Meet at Thunder Mountain Harley Davidson at 12:00 PM if weather permits (970)584-6315 Outriders 5750 w 10th Greeley Description: Come watch the Broncos game with Northern Colorado Biker Down to win prizes and have some fun and support Northern Colorado Biker Down! Join us every Sunday during the Denver Football Season and help us raise money and awareness for injured bikers in Northern Colorado. We will met at Thunder Mountain Harley Davidson roughly two and a half hours before every game for a short ride, weather depending. If we cannot ride, we will meet at that week’s location. There will be prizes, give aways and fun for all.

Mile High Performance Workshop November 14th, 20151:00 PM 16565 E. 33rd Drive, Aurora, CO 80011 (303) 343-3300 Website: http://www.milehigh-harley. com/events/ The Mile High Performance Workshop will be held at Mile High Harley Davidson in Aurora, Colorado on November 14th, 2015. Come on out and learn how to enhance the performance of your bike! Workshop is at 1:00pm

Chili Cook Off and Holiday Toy and Food Drive November 21st, 2015 11:00 AM 16565 E. 33rd Drive Aurora, CO Website: http://www.denverharleydealer. com/ Drop off your Toy and Food Donations all week! Can you take the heat? Join us for an exciting Chili Cook Off and a Holiday Toy/Food Drive. Bring you best Chili and a new Toy for the KIds and some canned food goods.

It’s Chilly Outside Chili Cook-off November 14th, 2015 2302 Devereux Road, Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 (330) 721-1702 Website: http://www.dochollidayharley. com The It’s Chilly Outside Chili Cookoff will be held at Doc Holliday Harley Davidson in Glenwood Springs, Colorado on

Annual Turkey Fry and Toy Drive for Toys for Tots November 21st, 2015 11:00 AM (800)955-0255 Website: Come join us for a Thanksgiving feast and to donate some toys for those less fortunate. Our Annual Toys for Tots Toy Drive

November 2015

provides gifts for hundreds of children each year. $8 suggested donation for Toys for Tots or bring an $8 value new unwrapped toy for your ticket through the line for a Thanksgiving Feast with us! See the website for additional information. Downtown Boulder’s Switch on the Holidays 1300 Block of Pearl Street, Boulder, CO November 22nd, 2015 5:00 p.m. Website: https://www.boulderdowntown. com/light-up-the-holidays/events/switchon-the-holidays The popular pedestrian thoroughfare crowds with people as live music fills the air and Santa counts down to the grand illumination of the street, courthouse and star atop Flagstaff Mountain. Afterward, head to the ice rink for more family activities. Holiday performances by the Boulder Chorale lead up to the grand illumination of the Boulder County Courthouse and the Pearl Street Mall, with a special appearance by Santa himself! Then stick around for FREE visits with Santa until 7:00 p.m. 35th Annual RMH-D Turkey Run November 22nd, 2015 2885 W. County Line Road Littleton, CO 80129 9:30 AM (303)703-2885 Website: http://www.rockymountainhd. com/ Registration is from 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM at the dealership SNOW, RAIN, OR SHINE! We will have 50/50, Door Prizes, Food and TONS of fun! Call Rocky Mountain HarleyDavidson for more information! Watch Football with Northern Colorado Biker Down – Broncos Vs. Chicago November 22nd, 2015 11:00 AM, ride after the game if weather permits (970)584-6315 Washington’s 132 Laporte Ave Ft Collins Description: Come watch the Broncos game with Northern Colorado Biker Down to win prizes and have some fun

and support Northern Colorado Biker Down! Join us every Sunday during the Denver Football Season and help us raise money and awareness for injured bikers in Northern Colorado. We will met at Thunder Mountain Harley Davidson roughly two and a half hours before every game for a short ride, weather depending. If we cannot ride, we will meet at that week’s location. There will be prizes, give aways and fun for all. Pueblo Parade of Lights Pueblo, CO November 28, 2015 Website: http://www.puebloparadeoflights. com/ This event is a well-established holiday tradition in Pueblo. Cheerful onlookers bundle up in coats, hats and mittens to watch nearly 100 lighted floats, antique cars and marching bands pass by. Following the parade, Santa will be available to visit with children. Watch Football with Northern Colorado Biker Down – Broncos Vs. New England November 28th, 2015 Time: 6:30 PM, Meet at Thunder Mountain Harley Davidson at 4:00 PM if weather permits (970)584-6315 Tilted Kilt 610 9th Ave, Greeley Description: Come watch the Broncos game with Northern Colorado Biker Down to win prizes and have some fun and support Northern Colorado Biker Down! Join us every Sunday during the Denver Football Season and help us raise money and awareness for injured bikers in Northern Colorado. We will met at Thunder Mountain Harley Davidson roughly two and a half hours before every game for a short ride, weather depending. If we cannot ride, we will meet at that week’s location. There will be prizes, give aways and fun for all. Catch the Glow Holiday Celebration and Evening Parade Estes Park, Colorado November 27th–29th, 2015 Website: events-calendar/special-events/catchthe-glow-holiday-parade/ The annual “Catch the Glow” parade the day on November 27 caps a day November 2015

of full activity in downtown Estes Park. With holiday music broadcast outdoors throughout the town helping set the scene, visitors can interact with strolling animal characters, enjoy free hayrides and visit with Santa Claus throughout the day. Daytime activities begin at noon; parade begins at 5:30 pm. All activities are free. On Saturday, November 28, don’t miss Santa’s Workshop being held at the new Estes Park Events Complex! Santa will be at his workshop to entertain kids with many fun hands-on holiday themed activities! Kids can see the Catch the Glow Parade floats up-close, decorate kid-friendly trees, create their own gingerbread house from the candy construction station, ride in the barrel train, get creative at Santa’s construction work station, and much more! Greeley Lights the Night Parade Greeley, CO November 30th, 2015 Website: http://www.greeleydowntown. com/blog/events/greeley-lights-nightparade-and-lincoln-park-tree-lighting Bring the family downtown for a whole day of holiday fun November 30th. You can start with the Holiday Open House from 10 to 5. Over 20 businesses participate in our “Downtown Bingo” game. Get at least 10 of the required downtown stamps on your card and enter to win the grand prize worth over $1,000! Businesses will have special events like cookie decorating, bead making, live mannequins, a children’s book signing and more. Be sure to stop by the UCCC and visit the Festival of Trees too. At 5:30 enjoy the Greeley Lights the Night Parade. Over 40 parade entries all decked out in holiday lights will travel north on 9th avenue from 15th street to 7th street in the heart of downtown by Lincoln Park. Stake out your spot early! Immediately following the parade gather with the revelers in Lincoln Park. We’ll announce the parade winners, sing a few carols, and the Greeley Parks Department with flip the switch to turn on the beautiful Lincoln Park tree lights. Habitat for Humanity will be there with their decorated playhouse and will be serving cider, hot chocolate and cookies. It will be one of your last chances to buy raffle tickets to win the playhouse for your family! Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado 21


Country Christmas and Parade of Lights Holyoke, CO December 7th, 2015 Website: http://www.holyokechamber. org/home/events Experience the delight of the season, small-town-style in the northeast Colorado town of Holyoke. The most popular activity of the night is the Parade of Lights, which features floats decorated according to the annual theme. There are contests for best float, tree and window display. Children can give their wish lists to Santa at the Vets club where the local fire fighters serve up a hot chili supper. Night of Lights in Gunnison Main Street, Gunnison, CO December 4th, 2015 Website: http://www. Gunnison’s historic downtown lights up for the holidays each December as well. Bonfires will warm your tootsies and hot cocoa will warm everything else, while an art walk and live entertainment. Some of the activities include a contest for best lighted displays, bonfires for roasting marshmallows and warming up along the way, booths for hot cocoa and other free treats, and local entertainment groups at various downtown venues. Santa will arrive at 6:30 p.m., escort the crowd to the community tree lighting, and greet children at the Elk’s Lodge. Denver Parade of Lights Downtown Denver, CO December 4–5th, 2015 Website: Begin your holiday season at the spectacular 41st Annual Parade of Lights. The two-mile parade route in Downtown Denver is the stage for Colorado’s brightest holiday tradition. The free holiday event features marching bands, floats, Santa and of course lights! Arrive early so you can claim your spot to watch the impressive floats, festive marching bands, diverse dancing groups and local celebrities take over the streets of downtown. If you aren’t up to braving the cold weather, you can always watch it 22 Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado

broadcast on 9NEWS! Lighting of Breckenridge Breckenridge, CO December 5th, 2015 Website: Activities include holiday carols sung by the Summit Choral Society, a Race of the Santas starting on Breckenridge’s Main Street, lighting of the trees, a Bernese Mountain Dog Parade, and Santa visits the Barney Ford Museum. Grand Junction Parade of Lights Downtown, Grand Junction, CO December 5th, 2015 Time: 5:00 – 7:00 PM Website: signature-events/paradeoflights/ Historic Downtown Grand Junction celebrates 30 years of the Parade of Lights with more than 100 lighted floats from local organizations, businesses, performers and youth groups. Make sure you show up early for the Winter Festival starting at 11:00 AM to purchase holiday goodies and crafts. Leadville Parade of Lights Leadville, CO December 5th, 2015 Ambling down Harrison Avenue in Leadville, floats depict a variety of popular holiday tunes and Santa and Mrs. Claus ride in the parade to the Lake County Courthouse, where they will visit with kids, listen to Christmas wish lists and pose for photos. Area businesses are competing in a holiday decorating contest, so the whole city sparkles for the occasion. Festival of Lights Parade Colorado Springs, CO December 5th, 2015 Downtown Colorado Springs is the place to be for the 31st annual parade and lighting ceremony. Floats, highschool marching bands, groups on horseback and Santa Claus himself bring the holiday spirit at this family favorite.

com Help bring a smile to a child’s face, please see the website for more information. Line up begins at 9:00 am and all bikes must be ready by 10:00 am. The ride leaves at 11:00 am. The ride fee is 1 new unwrapped toy to be donated to the kids at Children’s Hospital. Riders may pre-register at any Denver Metro Harley-Davidson dealers. Watch Football with Northern Colorado Biker Down – Broncos Vs. San Diego December 6th, 2015 Time: 2:05 PM, Meet at Thunder Mountain Harley Davidson at 11:30 AM if weather permits (970)584-6315 Glicks 1018 Mahogany Way Severance Description: Come watch the Broncos game with Northern Colorado Biker Down to win prizes and have some fun and support Northern Colorado Biker Down! Join us every Sunday during the Denver Football Season and help us raise money and awareness for injured bikers in Northern Colorado. We will met at Thunder Mountain Harley Davidson roughly two and a half hours before every game for a short ride, weather depending. If we cannot ride, we will meet at that week’s location. There will be prizes, give aways and fun for all.

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30th Annual Children’s Hospital Toy Run Sunday, December 6th, 2015 2885 W. County Line Road, Littleton, CO 80129 9:00 AM Website: http://www.rockymountainhd. November 2015


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November 2015

Thunder Roads Magazine速 Colorado 23

The 10 Annual Emily’s Parade th


Photos by Carrie McCauley, David Campbell

his year marked the 10th annual Emily’s parade which fell this year on September 27th. The official totals for the parade this year were 1484 motorcycles with 593 passengers and 275 volunteers. Police departments representing Jefferson County, Aurora, Golden, Parker, Wheatridge, Arvada and Denver were on hand to keep the motorcyclist safe during the trek up the mountain from Columbine High School to Platte Canyon High School. The first Emily’s parade was arranged 10 years ago. Frank DeAngelis said that he had heard Peter Boyles talking about the possibility a parade that could be taking place on the radio and he got in contact with John-Michael and himself, and the first Emily’s parade was held on October 7th, 2006, a short ten days after the tragedy at Platte Canyon High School. This year’s parade also coincided with Colorado’s First Responder’s Appreciation day. Tim Gregg, a neighbor of John-Michael and Ellen, and the father of one of the hostages in the classroom with Emily, worked to create the Colorado First Responders Appreciation Day. September 27th has been adopted as First Reponder’s Appreciation Day in Alabama, Alaska, Delaware, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Wisconsin and Wyoming. The tradition of the balloon release was also started 10 years ago in memory of all the people who have lost their lives in the face of school tragedy and violence. Before the balloons were released retired Columbine high school principal Frank DeAngelis said: “As those balloons go up, think about what we can do to make the world a better place, because that is why we are all here.” This year’s balloon release was slightly more emotional than the previous years because this year’s event was held nine years to the day that Emily tragically lost her life. “The foundation was started in the face of tragedy, but we can choose our response when confronted with tragedy. We lost Emily in 2006 and in 2009 we began a program working with schools. The standard response protocol.” Although the parade had been taking place for three years, the foundation did not retain the funds from the parade until 2009. When they decided to create the foundation John-Michael said “We didn’t 24 Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado

realize how big the vacuum was when we started to it. As we started to roll this out we were thankful of the structure.” “We started humbly, tentatively. The very first school district was Jefferson County. When I presented to Jefferson County they talked about piloting. They called me a week later and said ‘we aren’t going to pilot this program in Jefferson County, we’re going to implement it’” John-Michael told TRCO “That was pivotal” The Emily’s parade sells challenge coins each year, but there is a black nickel version that is struck and is not available for purchase and is given by John-Michael. This year the black nickel version was presented to Karen Jones and Eileen Doolan who have been behind the scenes of the parade each year. John-Michael is frequently presented with challenge coins, his first was from Jefferson county sheriff Ted Mink. It is an honor to be given a challenge coin and John-Michael has received many throughout the years of working with the foundation. Along with the people waving and cheering, the motorcyclists were treated to a fantastic view of the fall colors on the ride up US285 this year. Once they arrived at Platte Valley High School they were welcomed by the volunteers cooking and giving out hamburgers, hotdogs and sloppy joes. This year the flight for life landed in the same place it did nine years prior with the nurse Peter Werlin who took care of Emily after the shooting. The motorcyclists were encouraged to go and visit Peter and the flight for life crew. So many people work tirelessly on that day and far in advance of the event. The foundation has volunteers that worked on the first event and still participate in the Emily’s Parade each year. “We try to honor the riders.” Is what John-Michael said to Thunder Roads Colorado when we asked him about the parade. The foundation helps schools and organizations all over the country teaching about the Standard Response Protocol.

November 2015

There are many examples, but the SRP helps thousands upon thousands of lives. John-Michael went to Oklahoma and assisted in conducting an exercise with over 900 people including students, staff, and first responders. While they were waiting to start and there were a couple of girls that pointed at the Standard Response Protocol posters and said, You know that there are somethings that adults don’t want to talk about; until that poster went up; now we talk about it. John-Michael said; “Kids need to know you have a plan”, Ellen echoed that thought by stating “Talking about it scares the parents, not the kids.” The artwork for the posters, cards, handouts, and the presentation is the same that is given to both students and staff. The standard response protocol is constantly improving because John-Michael is “Out there, absorbing and reformulating”. The Standard Response

Protocol addresses a “tough subject that is non-threatening to schools, staff, students and parents”. “Emily gave us a voice, with that voice she told us what to say, I Love U Guys” John-Michael Keyes

November 2015

Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado 25

Ladies up Front has been a fixture in our magazine for more than a year now. The idea for the column was sparked by an international Facebook group with over 20,000 women members (sorry guys, no men allowed) and growing like crazy. Here is a place where women share stories, pictures of their motorcycles, ask for support and vent their frustrations of being a woman rider. The advice, sympathy, prayers and good thoughts flow freely between women regardless if they are old friends or have never met each other. We wanted this column to be where women riders (both on the front and on the back) could share stories and advice. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the ladies who have shared their stories to date of their motorcycle journeys. We are going to continue the personal stories, but in the coming year you will also see a few new things added in this column. Ladies Up Front would like to ask our readers what they would like to hear about. Please tell us what you would like to see here! •

Do you want to hear about ladies riding clubs (both MC and RC)?

How about lesson’s learned?

Skill advancement?

Motorcycle maintenance?

Tips on packing for travel?

• Your favorite gear or what you couldn’t live without? We would love to hear from you and your thoughts and ideas! Contact us at Carrie McCauley

26 Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado

November 2015

Tasty Recipes All of these recipes have been kitchen tested and biker approved. This month’s recipes are some of my favorites for the holidays when we are invited as guests for dinner. They are delicious and always a hit!

PUB CHEESE If I am asked to bring an appetizer for a holiday meal this is one of my favorites. Inspired by the cheese spread at the Golden Bee, I created this recipe after a few visits to the Broadmoor in Colorado Springs. 1 1/2 lbs sharp cheddar cheese (I use the extra sharp cheese) 6 Tbs unsalted butter 1/3 cup mayonnaise 1 1/2 tsp Worcestershire sauce 1/4 tsp hot sauce, such as Tabasco 1 1/2 Tbs dry sherry 2 tsp dry mustard 1 1/2 Tbs fresh lemon juice Put the butter and half the cheese in food processor; pulse for about 5 minutes. Add remaining cheese and all other ingredients and mix until smooth, do not over process the mixture or the cheese and butter will begin to separate. Chill for at least 4 hours. Serve with crackers, flatbread or cocktail bread.

WHIPPED POTATOES These potatoes are absolutely fantastic! They are a great way to amp up the normal mashed potatoes at a holiday dinner. 12 medium potatoes, pared and quartered 1/2 cup butter or margarine 1/2 cup half-and-half 2 tsp salt 1/8 tsp pepper 2 tsp salt 2 Tbs grated Parmesan 3/4 tsp paprika Cook the peeled potatoes in boiling salted water to cover until tender; drain. Beat potatoes, butter, half-and-half, 1 Tbs of Parmesan, salt and pepper until smooth. Spread potatoes in buttered baking dish, 13 ½ x 8 ¾ x 1 ¾ inches. Potatoes can be prepared to this point 4 hours in advance; cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate. Heat oven to 350°. Mix remaining 1Tbs cheese and paprika. Sprinkle over potatoes (uncover if you have refrigerated them). If you have refrigerated your potatoes increase your baking time to 35 to 40 minutes. Bake until potatoes are golden, 25 to 35 minutes if you have not refrigerated them.

SWEET POTATO SOUFFLÉ This is easily one of the most requested dishes I make for the holidays. It is like having a pie without the crust and the candied orange rinds are delicious! This recipe earned me the nickname of “crash” by Patrick. I allegedly had sweet potatoes all over the place including (allegedly) the ceiling of the kitchen the first time I made this recipe. With that said; I have some advice for you, do not whip the potatoes and egg yolks on anything but low until everything is incorporated. 1 cup toasted chopped pecans 1 large 40 ounce can of sweet potatoes or yams in syrup 1/2 cup melted butter 1 cup packed brown sugar 6 fresh eggs separated 1 Tbs lemon peel grated 1 cup orange juice 1 whole orange peel candied (recipe follows) 1/4 Tbs ground cinnamon 1/2 tsp nutmeg 1 tsp ginger 1 tsp vanilla Drain and lightly rinse the sweet potatoes. Mash and whip the sweet potatoes. Add the butter and ¾ cup of sugar. Separate the egg yolks and egg whites Beat the egg yolks and add them to the potato, butter and sugar mixture a small amount at a time (see above reference to “crash”). Add lemon zest, orange juice and spices to the whipped sweet potatoes. Fold in 1 cup of toasted chopped pecans. Stiffly beat the egg whites. Fold the egg whites into the whipped sweet potatoes. Pour into a well greased and sugared soufflé dish. Sprinkle top of mixture with candied orange peel and ¼ cup of brown sugar. Bake in moderate oven at 350 degrees for about one hour. Serve hot and while it is still “poofy”.


One orange 1 ½ cup of granulated sugar 1 cups water Peel oranges and cut into strips. Carefully remove the white off of the oranges. In a small saucepan place all of the water and 1 cup of sugar. Put orange peels into water and sugar mixture. Boil on medium high for 10 - 15 minutes. Place 1/2 cups of sugar in small bowl. Remove orange peels from water and dredge in sugar.

November 2015

Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado 27

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November 2015

November 2015

Thunder Roads Magazine速 Colorado 29

News Bytes

NCOM BIKER NEWSBYTES Compiled & Edited by Bill Bish, National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM)

MOTORCYCLE INDUSTRY PURSUES INTELLIGENT BIKES The motorcycle industry recently took a major step toward the “connected bike” when three major OEMs announced the launch of a Connected Motorcycle Consortium (CMC), with Yamaha, BMW and Honda entering into a joint agreement to accelerate the development of intelligent bikes, whose technology development and inclusion in the greater mobility picture have lagged behind the connected-car movement. Industry officials made the joint announcement at the 2015 ITS World Congress in Bordeaux, France, and the newly formed organization follows the 2014 signing of a far reaching Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) by all members of the European Association of Motorcycle Manufacturers (ACEM) stating that connected motorcycles will be available for sale within the next five years incorporating smart safety devices that speak with each other across brands and products. The CMC will focus on sharing information and technology to get Cooperative-Intelligent Transportation Systems (C-ITS) applications onto powered two-wheelers by 2020, and the three manufacturers are encouraging other motorcycle OEMs to join the consortium in an effort to standardize C-ITS protocols across the motorcycle industry. “In order to speed up more motorcycle-specific safety developments, we intend to cooperate to promote a successful implementation of C-ITS in motorcycles and scooters,” said Honda’s Tetsuo Suzuki. “The next logical step is to enter into a cooperation dedicated solely to the challenges relating to powered two-wheelers,” added Takaaki Kimura, of Yamaha. “Our aim is to promote a timely and comprehensive use of cooperative ITS systems in powered-two wheelers offering the potential to improve safety. We therefore encourage other companies to join us,” said Prof. Dr. Karl Viktor Schaller, of BMW Motorrad. ITS technologies offer the potential to further increase safety, security and efficiency in all transport systems, in particular for motorcycles. Future systems development will further integrate V2V features, in particular interoperable networked wireless communication between vehicles to enable road users to make coordinated and informed decisions about their route as well as allowing safer maneuvering in busy urban environments. DOJ CREATES NEW COUNCIL TO COMBAT “ANTIGOVERNMENT VIEWS” “Americans motivated by anti-government views and racist ideologies” will be the focus of a new Department of Justice position to coordinate investigations into violent homegrown extremism. Assistant Attorney General John Carlin, head of the department’s national security division, told a George Washington University audience on October 14, 2015 that 30 Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado

while the international terror threat occupies the public attention, federal officials remain just as concerned about the prospect of violence from Americans motivated by antigovernment views and racist ideologies. “We need to make sure we have the mechanisms in place so that we can continue to remain just as focused on the domestic terrorism threat while addressing the international terrorism threat,” Carlin said in a question-and-answer session following a speech at the university. The new “Domestic Terrorism Council” will work with U.S. attorneys nationwide “to identify trends that can be used to help shape a national strategy.” The new council should not be confused with another new department previously created by former AG Eric Holder, the DOJ’s Domestic Terrorism Task Force which also focuses on “anti-government extremism.” SURVEY CONFIRMS THAT BIKER PROFILING IS A NATIONAL EPIDEMIC The National Motorcycle Profiling Survey that began October 1st is already beginning to show some strong early trends confirming that motorcyclist profiling is a prevalent and widespread problem, and is expected to yield some very interesting and telling statistics which can assist motorcyclists in recapturing our rights base across the country. The questionnaire posted on Survey Monkey is intended to provide a clearer picture of motorcycle profiling from a national perspective through a thorough and comprehensive series of specific and detailed questions. One very interesting statistic shows that 84.5% of the nearly 1,400 surveyed so far feel that being a biker has a negative impact on their civil rights, and report that riding a motorcycle places them under a higher level of scrutiny from both law enforcement and business owners. Importantly, this is not just a club issue, as 41.5% of those surveyed were independent riders and wear no identifying logo or emblem. Still, some independents from groups like the Legion Riders, ABATE, and VFW have reported being discriminated and profiled due to their patches and other attire. “The initial results are very informative and are starting to paint the picture we have been seeing in our community for a long time,” said David “Double D” Devereaux of the Motorcycle Profiling Project (, “but this time our legislative representatives, who aren’t familiar with the motorcycle community will be able to see it too.” The National Motorcycle Profiling Survey, created by the North Florida Confederation of Clubs and sponsored by the MPP, will provide invaluable insight into the issue of motorcycle profiling in America as we move towards an effort to pass a national motorcycle anti-profiling law. Your input will provide an important piece of evidence in the

November 2015

News Bytes

overall pattern of profiling, and will assist those fighting at both the state and national level for your right to ride and your lifestyle, so please get involved and pass this survey along to every biker you know… https://www.surveymonkey. com/r/?sm=nFhBGtZx2K9m3xbn3pkZtA%3d%3d ETHANOL-FREE FUEL Looking for ethanol-free gas? The website Pure Gas (www. is a definitive listing of gas stations that sell pure, ethanol-free gasoline, and currently lists 10,159 locations in the U.S. and Canada. “Many cars, motorcycles, boats, aircraft and tools have engines that run worse, or have parts that deteriorate, when run on gasoline that contains ethanol. In addition, ethanol leaves residue on valves and other parts that can hinder performance,” claims the site. The website doesn’t get into the political side of ethanol in gasoline, and this site does not sell advertising or seek sponsors. You just click on your state or province to find out in your city those where you can fill up with pure gas without ethanol, and your search provides a list of 100 ethanol-free gas stations sorted nearest to furthest. The site also allows visitors to add new stations or remove existing ones. You can save the Pure Gas website URL address on your phone or tablet to use the listing while traveling, or Pure Gas apps are also available. U.S. DUTY ON JAPANESE MOTORCYCLES TO BE LIFTED UNDER TRADE AGREEMENT The United States will remove a tariff levied on Japanese motorcycles with engine displacements of over 700cc under the recently agreed Trans-Pacific Partnership trade pact, according

to Japan Times, and the 2.4% duty will be eliminated five years after the multilateral trade deal takes effect. The United States, Japan and 10 other Pacific countries reached a broad agreement in early October to establish a free trade bloc covering 40 percent of the global economy. For Japan, the new trade initiative will eliminate 99.9% of tariffs on industrial products within the TPP zone. Japan has exported about 120,000 motorcycles with engines of 251cc or higher annually to the U.S. market in recent years. Honda Motor Co., the world’s largest motorcycle maker by volume, and Yamaha Motor Co., compete with local rivals such as Harley-Davidson Motor Co., which mainly focuses on motorcycles with engine displacements of over 600cc. The U.S. government imposes no tariff on imported motorbikes with engines of 700 cc or lower. Japanese motorcycle makers are trying to beef up sales in the United States and Asian markets to offset flagging demand in Japan, where sales dropped to about 410,000 units in 2014 from a peak of 3.28 million in 1982. Following the broad agreement reached at ministerial talks on Oct. 5, the 12 member nations of the TPP will need to finalize the text of the treaty for formal approval in their respective countries ahead of final ratification. In addition to the U.S. and Japan, the ten other TPP members are Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore and Vietnam. QUOTABLE QUOTE: “The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.” Albert Einstein (1879-1955) Nobel Prize-winning German-born physicist

November 2015

Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado 31


PDA Roadgear 1600 W. Mineral Ave. Littleton, CO 80120 (303)761-6022 (800) 766-3955 UniqCycle Sounds PO Box 271093 Ft. Collins CO 80527 (888) 864-7721 AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR

C & T Tire 228 S Link Ln. Fort Collins CO 80524 (970) 224-0700 LEATHER GOODS

Beavers Den Leather 9019 W. Highway 34 Loveland CO 80537 (970)669-2320

The Hall Law Firm P.O. BOX 795 La Veta, CO 81055 (719)742-3614


Pikes Peak Harley Davidson 5867 N Nevada Ave Colorado Springs CO 80918 (719) 278-2300 MOTORCYCLE TRAINING

Bluecreek Motorcycle Training 3333 Regis Blvd #6 Denver CO 80221 (303) 947-6011 Roy Hansen Motorcycle Testing 1800 Airway Avenue Ft. Collins CO 80524 (970) 690-8846 MOTORCYCLE REPAIR/SERVICE/PARTS

EM Leather 13980 East Mississippi Aurora CO 80012 (303) 337-6690

EXP Motorsports 3301 W. Hampden Ave. Sheridan Co 80110 (303)688-4401

Twin Peaks Leather 5655 Olde Wadsworth Blvd Arvada CO 80002 (303) 432-1047

Thunder & Lightining Cycles  3986 S Broadway, Englewood, CO 80113 (720) 287-1670


Curtis Walton Law Firm 13984 West Bowles Avenue Littleton, CO 80128 (720) 323-9729 Law Tigers 4828 South College Avenue Fort Collins, CO 80525 (800)529-8443 32 Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado


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Bruce’s Bar 123 1st St Severance CO 80546 (970) 686-2320 Sunshine Café 1856 Colorado Blvd Idaho Springs CO 80452 (720) 203-4878 Sweetwater Pub and Grill 9975 Wadsworth Pkwy Unit N2 Westminster CO 80021 (303) 420-1004 WOMEN’S APPAREL

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Church in the Wind 2411 Alcott Street Denver CO 80211 (720) 635-2897 November 2015

People often complain about the police, but you rarely hear about the positive things they do, such as this incident involving a biker and a frozen carburetor. Last January on a bitterly cold winter’s day, a North Dakota state trooper on patrol came upon a motorcyclist who was stalled by the roadside. The biker was swathed in heavy protective clothing and wearing a full-face helmet to protect the face from the cold weather. “What’s the matter? asked the Trooper “Carburetor’s frozen,” was the terse reply. “Pee on it. That’ll thaw it out.” “I can’t,” said the biker. It’s an issue.” “OK, watch me closely, and I’ll show you.” The trooper unzipped and promptly warmed the carburetor as promised. Moments later the bike started, and the rider drove off, waving. A few days later, the local State Troopers’ office received a note of thanks from the father of the motorcyclist. It began: “On behalf of my daughter Jill...” _____________________________________________________ The football Coach noticed that his star tackle, “Boner”, had so many women hanging around that he couldn’t possibly handle all of them. So one day he asked Boner “Just what the hell is your secret, kid?” Boner replies, “Well, Coach, whenever I’m about to have sex, I always whip it out and bang it on the dresser like a hammer. That numbs it up, and I can screw ‘em till they beg me to stop!” The Coach went home early one day and went to the bedroom. He heard his wife in the shower. Seeing a window of opportunity, he tore off his clothes and started bangin’ the hell out of his “wanker” on the dresser. His wife stuck her head out of the shower and yells out, “That you Boner, baby?” _____________________________________________________

suddenly remembers that it’s his daughter’s birthday. He pulls over to a Toy Shop and asks the sales person, ‘How much for one of those Barbie’s in the display window?’ The salesperson answers, ‘Which one do you mean, sir? We have: Work Out Barbie for $19.95, Shopping Barbie for $19.95, Beach Barbie for $19.95, Disco Barbie for $19.95, Ballerina Barbie for $19.95, Astronaut Barbie for $19.95, Skater Barbie for $19.95, and the most popular; Divorced Barbie for $299.95’. The amazed father yells: ‘It’s how much?! Why is the Divorced Barbie $299.95 and the others only $19.95?’ The annoyed salesperson rolls her eyes, sighs, and answers: ‘Sir..., Divorced Barbie comes with: Ken’s Audi A-8, Ken’s Malibu Beach house, Ken’s Danzi Z33 Race Boat, Ken’s Designer Furniture, Ken’s Screamin’-Meanie Platinum Computer, all of Ken’s new Platinum credit cards, and a custom key chain made with Platinum dipped dangling Ken’s Balls. _____________________________________________________ A Flight Attendant was stationed at the departure gate to check tickets. As a man approached, she extended her hand for the ticket and he opened his trench coat and flashed her. Without missing a beat....she said, “Sir, I need to see your ticket, not your stub.”

What do you do with 365 used condoms? Melt them down and call it a very Goodyear. _____________________________________________________ A biker’s greatest achievement was his brood of six kids. He was so proud that he continually called his wife: “Mother of Six”, which pissed her off to no end. But he kept referring to her as “Mother of Six” no matter where they went. At end of a poker run, he shouted across the bar, “Hey, “Mother of Six”, you ready to go home?” His irritated wife screamed back: “Anytime you’re ready, “Father of Four”!” One day a father gets out of work and on his way home he

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Photographers: Carrie McCauley, David Campbell, Vickie Jo Mullin 34 Thunder Roads Magazine速 Colorado

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November 2015

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36 Thunder Roads Magazine速 Colorado

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