Thunder Roads Colorado Magazine - Volume 12, Issue 2

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THUNDER ROADS® Magazine COLORADO Published by Flying Hound Press, L.L.C. 7477 W. Layton Way Littleton, Colorado 80123 720-458-3134

ABATE..................................................................... 6 Scott O’Sullivan....................................................... 7 DIY: Ethanol Free Gas............................................ 8 Dr. Januschka, D.C............................................... 10 Dallas Hageman.................................................... 12 Holiday Gift Guide................................................. 14 Skin Art.................................................................. 16 Tasty Recipes........................................................ 17 Calendar................................................................ 18 Events................................................................... 20 Ladies Up Front..................................................... 26 News Bytes........................................................... 30 Biker Friendly Directory......................................... 32 Joker’s Wild........................................................... 33 Thunder Cam........................................................ 34

EDITORS Patrick J. McCauley “5” President and Senior Editor Carrie McCauley Vice President and Editor PHOTOGRAPHERS Vickie Jo Mullin, Lead Photographer Wayne Madison David Campbell CONTRIBUTORS Adventure Hermit (Joe Trey)


Peggy Bogaard-Lapp

Motorcycle Owner: Dr. Charles E. Januschka D.C. Motorcycle: Miss Wild Photographer: Vickie Jo Mullin

Scott O’Sullivan Stump - Abate Whiskyman ADVERTISING AND DISTRIBUTION REPRESENTATIVES Greater Metro Denver Area Toby Schmidt (720)829-7954 Northern Colorado Zak Clayton (970) 301-4674 LAYOUT & DESIGN Meredith Hancock / Hancock Graphics NATIONAL FOUNDERS Toni McCoy Shearon & Brian Shearon 1528 Matlock Drive Chapmansboro, TN 37035 Thunder Publishing LLC, Offices 615-792-0040 ©2016 Flying Hound Press, LLC. All Rights Reserved. No part of the content may be reproduced without written permission. Publisher assumes no responsibility and is not liable for errors beyond the cost of space occupied by the error, slander by any group or individual, failure to produce any issue as scheduled, any and all suits for liable, plagiarism, copyright infringement and unauthorized use of a person’s name or photograph. Opinions and claims made by advertisers and authors/contributors are their own, and do not necessarily represent the policy of Thunder Road Magazine® Colorado, Thunder Publishing.

Publisher does not promote the abuse of alcohol or other drugs.

2 Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado

November 2016

Want to be a contributor or correspondent? We need contributors and correspondents for dirt bike offroad events, on-road cruiser, sport bike and adventure touring, rides, runs and rallies. Contact us today at contributors@ or 720-458-3134.

This month’s magazine brings us to the close of 2016 and the holiday season. Check out our gift giving guide for ideas for the biker in your life. If you can’t find anything that inspires you, then feel free to visit any of our advertisers for additional idea or gift cards. Don’t forget to tell them that you saw their ad in our magazine! Thunder Roads® Colorado Magazine would like to wish all of you a safe and happy holiday season!

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November 2016

Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado 3

4 Thunder Roads MagazineÂŽ Colorado

November 2016

71st Colorado General Assembly and What’s in Store for Motorcyclists Hello Concerned Motorcyclists, The elections are over and I’m getting busy preparing for the 1st session of the 71st Colorado General Assembly, which starts Wednesday, 1/11/17. The composition of the General Assembly hasn’t changed this year: the Republicans still hold a one-seat majority in the Senate (18R / 17D); while the Democrats increased their majority in the House (37D / 28R). 18 Senate seats were up for election this year producing 10 new members: 4 are actually “new” members while 6 Senators were Representatives last year. In the House, all 65 seats were up for election producing 21 new members (3 incumbents lost their seats). As of this writing, Committee members haven’t been selected yet, but I do know Senator Grantham has been selected President of the Senate and Representative Duran is the new Speaker of the House. I plan to “meet & greet” all 31 new members as soon as possible in January, plus distribute ABATE’s Legislative agenda to all Senate Transportation and House Transportation & Energy Committee members. But even before January, there’s a lot of work to do. Legislators get to introduce 5 bills each session, excluding appropriations and interim bills. The deadline for 3 of their bills is Dec. 1st for returning members and Dec. 15th for new members. That’s why it’s difficult to find someone to introduce a bill after the session starts, even as early as Jan. The response I often got last year, when I asked about introducing a certain bill, was, “I already have my 5 bills designated.” So this year we’re working on getting sponsors for bills early. Actually we’ve been actively pursuing this for a couple of months already: an Autocycle Bill and a MOST Bill will definitely be on the Legislative agenda. An Autocycle Bill was drafted for the last TLRC (Transportation Legislative Review Committee) Meeting. It was voted on and passed, so it has to be addressed in the 2017 Legislative session. Sen. Todd and Rep. Mitsch-Bush were selected as sponsors of the bill. The title and summary of the draft version are: title - “Concerning Autocycles, and, in connection therewith, modifying the definition of Autocycle and clarifying that mandatory safety belt and child restraining system requirements apply to Autocycles”; summary – “The bill amends the definition of Autocycles to explicitly exclude motorcycles, clarify that the driver and each passenger in an Autocycle ride in either a fully or a partly enclosed seating area, and eliminate the requirements that an Autocycle be equipped with air bags and a hardtop enclosure that protects occupants from the elements and can support the weight of the vehicle without harming occupants when the vehicle is resting on the enclosure. The bill also amends the definition of “motor vehicle” used in the laws governing mandatory safety belts and child restraint system use to clarify that those laws apply to Autocycles.” This isn’t the exact wording ABATE was hoping for, but it’s a start and can possibly be amended in committee. The Colorado State Patrol was instrumental in this draft as child safety in vehicles is a big concern. 6 Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado

A MOST bill will also be on the agenda, as the program was due to sunset at the end of FY 2017 and a Sunset Review was performed by DORA (Department of Regulatory Agencies). DORA did a thorough study of the MOST program through multiple agencies (CDOT, DOR, MSF, to name a few), interviewing rider ed. vendors (including observing a class) and listening to public comment. Their key recommendation was to continue the MOST program for five more years. They also reported 4 other administrative recommendations. The Sunset Bill will be introduced first in the Senate then follow the traditional process through committees and chamber votes in both the Senate and House. So there will be plenty of opportunities for discussions and possible amendments. As you probably know, ABATE’s major concern is MOST’s deviation from the original intent of the program – “The MOST Program was created to promote motorcycle operator safety training, and to increase its accessibility and affordability” (quote from DORA Sunset Review) – and using motorcyclist’s money (we fund the program through license and motorcycle registration fees) to administer the program. They’ve done away with subsidies for taking a rider ed. class and contracted with MSF (Motorcycle Safety Foundation) to administer the program. It costs over 80% of the MOST budget for MSF to administer the program, which the MOST rules say will be done in house, when statute says only 15% can be used for administration. We’ll be addressing both these issues when the bill moves forward. Those 2 bills will definitely be on the Legislative agenda this year, but I’ll be diligently looking for other issues of concern to motorcyclists. We’ll also be pursuing a resolution proclaiming May as Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Month (we tried last year but didn’t get it done as we started too late in the session) and other possible issues, such as: a Red-Light bill; an Anti-profiling Bill; Lane-Splitting or Lane-Filtering, Motorcycle Only Checkpoints; or Distracted Driving. Should be a busy year down at the Capitol and I can really use your help. Constituents can have a huge impact. Legislators really do want to hear from you. They’re definitely not experts on motorcycle issues (even though a few of them ride) so we need to contact them and educate them about our concerns and opinions. I’ll try to send out weekly updates, to ABATE Members, once session starts and action alerts, with talking points, when appropriate so you can contact your legislators. Our website ( has great information on how to do this. Personal meetings with your legislators are also a great way to express your concerns. I’m down at the Capitol a lot during session so contact me (stumpandval@ if you need help locating your legislators. Try it; you just might have some fun!!! Together, we can be a stronger legislative force down at the Capitol and preserve our freedoms to ride the way we want. Stump

November 2016

Deadly Accidents: Is Your Family Set Up to Survive Without You? liability insurance. I’m covered.” But you’re not. Liability coverage protects you only if you cause the accident and it will help you to pay for the damage you’ve caused. Your UIM coverage can cover your medical deductibles, lost wages, unpaid medical bills, co-pays, pain, suffering and more.

By Scott O’Sullivan The O’Sullivan Law Firm

This is going to be a rather grim article, I’m afraid. Sadly, in my line of work as a Denver accident attorney, I go through some pretty upsetting stretches when I meet with families of people who were killed in deadly accidents. Recently, I have taken cases for three people who died through no fault of their own in accidents involving cars and motorcycles. There is absolutely nothing that these people could have done to halt the catastrophes that took their lives. And now their families are bereft and, in almost every case, dealing with financial ruin, as well. In one case, my client was a passenger in a car. The driver of the car made a bad decision and it took the passenger’s life. The driver lived. In the second case, my client was riding his motorcycle legally and lawfully. A young girl was driving her friend’s car and took a turn that took my client’s life. In the third case, a father of three was riding his motorcycle and a car driver disobeyed traffic rules, taking this young father’s life. All three of these people died through no fault of their own! And in every single one of these cases, the negligent drivers had the bare minimum (or no) accident insurance. Worse, in two of the cases, the victims also didn’t have the proper insurance to help their families cope through this emotionally and financially devastating time. What if this happened to you? I’m positive that each of the people who died thought it would never happen to them – just like you’re thinking it will never happen to you. If they had taken the time to look at their insurance card, call their agent, and request more accident insurance, their families would be less devastated right now. So, here’s what you need to do: Get Underinsured Motorist Coverage Look at your insurance card right now. Is there a “U” on it or a “UIM?” If yes, good. If not, you need it. NOW. If you ride a motorcycle, you need no less than $250,000 of UIM because most motorcycle accidents render the rider unable to work for long periods of time. I see motorcycle accident victims lose their homes and all their property as they try to pay off medical bills with no source of income. And honestly, the more you own (cars, toys, home) the more coverage you need because those assets will be on the table when creditors come to collect for your medical bills. You may be looking at your insurance card thinking, “I have

If you DON’T have UIM, and the other driver only has $25,000 (the minimum required by the law), you will only get $25,000, which won’t even come close to covering your expenses. Get Medical Payments Coverage (MedPay) If you are seriously injured, or if you die after a long battle to live after a car or motorcycle accident, you are going to rack up significant medical expenses. If you die, your family will be left to pay those bills. Imagine losing someone you love and then losing your home, too, because you can’t pay the bills that keep pouring in after your loved one dies. That is the ultimate “insult to injury” scenario. MedPay coverage pays for first responders, emergency room bills, co-pays, deductibles, doctor visits, chiropractors, massage therapy, physical therapy... In essence, it may cover a lot of things that your health insurance doesn’t. And if you die, your family can use it to pay off the bills that may have stacked up in the medical efforts that failed to save your life. Review Your Will Another thing I’ve noticed from the recent cases I’ve taken is that nobody keeps their wills up to date. It’s just like buying UIM – people don’t think they’re going to die! But it happens every day. You need to make sure that your will provides for the people you love. Of course, estate planning is not my area of expertise but I can share some cautionary tales from the cases I’ve seen. First, if you die without a will, the state gets to decide who gets your money. Now, imagine that you have a twisted family tree, like most of us do. Maybe you married someone who had kids previously, and you also had kids, but that marriage went awry and you separated. When you die, that estranged spouse and those children could get a whopping share of your estate. Or, perhaps you created a will a decade ago and, since that time, you had a second or third child who isn’t even named in the will. That child will get nothing and you’ll have to hope that the rest of the family behaves properly and provides for that child fairly from your estate. You need to prepare your family for the possibility that you may not come home one day. Please call me or email me if you have any questions about your insurance. Scott@ or 303-388-5304.

November 2016

Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado 7

DIY: Ethanol Free Gas

Editor’s Note - This is a reprint of an article that we ran a few years ago, from Mark over at It really provides a great explanation of the Ethanol issue and a very straight forward, easy solution. As we approach the winter months, it’s especially important that our bikes aren’t left sitting with ethanol filled tanks and lines. So to that end, we offer an alternative… Mark The GoldWing Doc Thunder Roads Ohio Contributor Ethanol is the scourge of owners of motorcycles, boats, and many other gasolineoperated vehicles and implements. E10 (10% ethanol) is pretty much the only available gasoline in most of the country now, with Ethanol IS NOT intended for a few stations offering motorcycles. ethanol-free gas. And E15 (15% ethanol) is coming soon, recently approved by the EPA for 2001 and newer cars - even though the car manufacturers don’t want it, and it is not approved for use by any motorcycle manufacturer either. You can thank the ethanol lobby for that. “E15 won’t be a problem - I’ll just select my regular E10 on the pump,” you may say. Well, there is a problem - the pipes and hose of the fuel pump contain about 3/4 gallon of whatever was last dispensed - and that could be E15. 3/4 gallon isn’t much when you’re pumping 15 gallons into your car, but when you’re only pumping a few gallons into your bike, which doesn’t like ethanol to begin with, 3/4 gallon makes a big difference! What’s the problem with ethanol? The biggest problem is phase separation. Like brake fluid, ethanol is hygroscopic, which means it bonds very easily to water. If there is moisture in the air (which there always is), the moisture bonds with the ethanol. The combination of water and ethanol is heavier than gasoline, so it falls to the bottom of the gas tank, where the pickup is. Let your bike sit for any length of time, particularly with a partially-full gas tank (because the air space left will contain moisture, and will expand and contract with heat, sucking in more moistureladen air), and your tank will have a layer of water/ethanol mixture on the bottom. This is called phase separation. Guess what gets sucked into your engine the next time you start it? The water/ethanol mixture will burn in your engine, but it will burn much leaner and hotter, with the potential for 8 Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado

serious engine damage as a result. Ethanol is particularly corrosive to plastics, rubber, aluminum and fiberglass when compared to straight gasoline. If you have a vintage bike with a fiberglass tank, and are running E10 gasoline in it, the tank is likely swollen and on its way to failure as the ethanol breaks down the fiberglass. Many bikes have developed leaks and problems from swollen gaskets and failed rubber hoses and seals, all as a result of E10. When E10 is allowed to sit for a long time, particularly somewhere where air can get in, like a normal vented gas tank, the volatile portion of the fuel will eventually evaporate. What’s left is milky goo. This goo eventually hardens into an amber solid, which then cracks into tiny pieces - heading directly into your carburetor to clog jets and cause failures. Two stroke engines definitely have problems with E10: ethanol breaks down the lubrication provided by the fuel/oil mixture, leading to engine seizures! So what is the solution? Well, you can check out the web site to try to find a gas station near you that sells ethanol-free gas. Hint: many boat marinas sell ethanol-free gas, because with the added moisture in a boating environment, E10 plays havoc with boat engines. can make your own ethanol-free gas. Yes, you heard me right! Make it yourself! I never even thought about doing this, until I read the excellent article “Removing Ethanol from E10 Fuel” by Dave Searle in the December 2012 issue of Motorcycle Consumer News - my absolute favorite magazine. If you haven’t got a subscription to this magazine yet, stop reading this right now and go subscribe! I promise you won’t be sorry. I’ve using a few pictures from Dave’s article in this article. So as you can guess, you don’t actually make your own gasoline, you take regular E10 gasoline and remove the ethanol. Because ethanol boosts the octane in gasoline, I recommend you start with premium gas. Removing the The water and Ethanol ethanol from the premium will in automatically separates the process lower the octane to itself out from the gas.. the equivalent of regular gas. If you start with regular E10, you will need to add an octane booster, available at any auto store, or Wal-Mart. So how do you remove the ethanol from E10? It’s quite simple, actually - just add water! Remember, ethanol binds strongly to water. All you need to do is add some water to the gasoline, agitate to make sure it mixes well, then let it sit for a few minutes. The water will bond with the ethanol, and it will phase-separate out, falling to the bottom of the container.

November 2016

How much water do you add? Well you can’t add too much. If you don’t add enough, then it won’t remove all of the E10, and what E10 does bond with the water, will separate to the bottom of your container. If you add too much, the available ethanol will bond to the water, and the remaining water will separate to the bottom. You’ll then have three layers: gasoline on top, ethanol/water in the middle, and water on the bottom (see the picture). In Dave’s article, he used a cheap plastic separatory funnel with a small valve at the bottom, along with a 500cc cylinder for measuring the fuel and a 25cc burette for measuring water: Once filling his funnel with E10, adding water and letting it sit, the water/ethanol separated out, and could be drained using the valve: So how much water do you add? It depends on a few things, including the actual concentration of ethanol (which will vary - it’s seldom exactly 10%), and ambient temperature. Dave’s testing shows that the optimal amount of water is 2% by volume of the E10. That’s 2.56 oz per gallon, or 12.8 ounces for a fivegallon gas can. Remember that extra water will simply separate out, so two cups (16 ounces) of water in a five-gallon gas can is safe. You should use distilled water only, to avoid leaving behind any minerals or other additives that your engine may not like (does fluoride keep your carburetors clean?). The biggest problem - in what sort of container do you perform this procedure? Dave suggested a five-gallon glass or PET plastic jugs, like those that are found at fitted with stopcocks and vent tubes. My suggestion is a bit simpler: Buy a regular five-gallon gas can:

To the end of the spout, glue several inches of large, transparent PVC pipe:

At the end of the PVC pipe, fasten a valve with a compression fitting: Fill the can with E10, add two cups of distilled water, fasten the spout/ pipe/valve, shake well, then turn the gas can upside down - fit it in a sawhorse or some other fixture so that the PVC pipe is pointing straight down. You want the absolute lowest point of the gas can to be the outlet for the spout, so that all of the heavier water and ethanol/water moves out the spout and then into the PVC tubing. Wait for the ethanol/water to separate out and drop down into the PVC (you’ll see it), then open the valve slightly to drain out the ethanol/water. Once it’s drained out, turn the gas can back upright and you’re done! So do you want to do this every time you fill up your bike? Probably not. But it’s certainly doable for small batches of gasoline for use in small engines (lawn mowers, weed trimmers, any twostroke engine), to put in your bike just before putting it away for the winter (or for storage of any length of time), or for putting into devices that sit for long periods of time without being run - like backup generators. continued...

November 2016

Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado 9

Dr. Januschka, D.C.


hy is that guy wearing a Norton T-shirt on a 1970 Bonneville Triumph? Well, I’ll get to that.

According to the 1970 Triumph Bonneville 650 with its T120 engine is ‘the watermark in Triumph 650 development and the year that most people favor as the best Triumph Bonneville ever made. It is certainly one of the most sought-after today, by collectors and enthusiasts alike. They’re not only dropdead gorgeous machines with loads of history, but they’re fast and they handle great, even by today’s standards. When you think Triumph Bonneville you should consider not only its British History, but its love affair with American riders. Did you know that Evel Knievel rode several brands of bikes during his career? Knievel had often said that his Triumph was by far the best bike he ever jumped with and it is what he used from 1966-1968. Evel Knievel ‘jump started’ his public career on his 1967 Triumph when with his famous

1967 Norton850 Commando

Dr. Charles E Januschka DC

Caesar’s Fountain stunt. Then there are all of those great movies – next time you watch you will be looking for that give away Triumph seat in such films asThe Wild One with Marlon Brando who is riding his personal 1983 Triumph Thunderbird. An Officer and a Gentleman with Richard Gere riding a 750cc Triumph T140E Bonneville.

1970 Triumph Bonneville

The early seasons of the Walking Dead, Norman Reedus rides a chopped 1960s Triumph Bonneville. The Blob, actually the 1988 re-make of The Blob features Kevin Dillion on a Triumph Tiger. Notice the different Triumph Tiger model when he is doing the jump scenes. And if it’s more your thing, the movie Barb Wire made in 1996 has Pamela Anderson on a gorgeous 885cc Triumph Thunderbird.

Triumph Bonnevile 10 Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado

A couple of other tidbits, for you, James Dean owned motorcycles all his life and the last bike he rode before he died in 1955 was a Triumph Trophy TR5. And then there is Steve McQueen who was a former bike mechanic, in his movie The Great Escape the motorcycle he is riding is really

November 2016

a Triumph TR6 Trophy made to look like a German BMW. No wonder Triumph motorcycles are still hot after all these years. Triumph like other motorcycle manufacturers nearly left us but somehow found re-birth in today’s market. Triumph originally founded in 1887 had produced their first motorized cycle in 1902 giving it claim to one of the oldest motorcycle brands in the world. With new Business Owner John Bloor, Triumph launched a six bike lineup in 1990 and 21 years later is celebrated as a globally recognized company. So now that you know so much about this fantastic bike let’s get back to “Why is Dr. Januschka wearing a Norton Motorcycle t-shirt and sitting on a 1970 Triumph Bonneville? Well, while putting himself through Chiropractic school at Notre Dame University he bought his first bike, a Honda 750-Four, and as we say the rest is history. Or in this case his love affair with motorcycles and their history began. Classic bikes that where iconic when he was young keep the memories alive and is something that makes him feel young today. Many books on shelves where pointed out to me as I tried to keep jotting down notes from the interview. Then it finally hit me, I think most of us just like a bike for the way it looks and or the way it sounds or we like the brand name on the bike so we buy it. But Dr. J ‘s eyes flashed with something else as we talked. Each motorcycle he spoke of seemed to be a familiar friend to him. As he spoke they all came alive with imagery in my mind that I had not considered before. The history of each recognized name, and a few not so recognized, became so much more fascinating. Of course, the artwork of design has always caught my eye, but now all where offering their own uniqueness as individuals and I felt as though I was meeting them for the first time. I was being prompted to think of the journey they had taken through time. “I like to research

them, find out about them, he continued, “ really get to know about the bike and then go look for them.” “And when you find them, you begin the process of pouring yourself into them with blood sweat time and money.” “It really is like a marriage when you restore a bike, they become much more than a machine, they become your baby, you love and care for them.” Over the years, you’re not surprised for me to tell you I’m sure, that he has owned several bikes. Triumphs, Nortons, Moto Guzzis and Harleys. Of course I had to ask the big question. “But, you didn’t mention the Vincent Motorcycle.” Now his facial expression turned dreamy, resembling the face of a hunter who had finally got his tags for the season and was ready for the big hunt. You know the look, or maybe even the feeling. When you have been tracking your trophy for days – knowing, hopeful, and oh it so close you could smell the victory. Then his gaze came back and he smiled and said. “It is my dream bike.” “I have yet to find one.” After a wonderfully educational interview that truly opened my eyes even further to the beauty of motorcycles, I found that I have to admit I have over looked their histories and uniqueness of what truly makes each one so worthy of respectful admiration and as I said goodbye I was left aching for more. So I went to the big www to do some research of my own for this story. I hope you are inspired to learn more about the bike you own. All that it took to become the ride you enjoy today and gain a deeper appreciation for your steel horse motorized bike. Oh, and before I forget… the reason Dr. J is wearing his Norton T-shirt instead of his Triumph T-shirt was the Triumph T-shirt was in the washer! Lucky for us, because it made for a great conversation starter! RIDE ON!

November 2016

Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado 11

5 Project Prep Tricks to keep you from Going Bald By Dallas Hageman, Wild Ride Radio Host It is cold outside. After that statement I know what you’re thinking “Well Thank you Captain Obvious for that profound observation” --but seriously, tis’ the season of sitting inside and hating the season. It has been said “No one hates winter quite like a Biker” and believe you me, if you despise old man winter to point of plotting his death every year, then I’m right there with you. There may be, however, one positive side to all the cold and miserable ick that has become the recent landscape… and that my friend, is the possibility of revamping your ride for spring. It’s like a little gift of extra time added to the clock, thanks to the ice and snow, for you and your ride to polish and prepare for the (hopefully) warm spring to come. Now please, do as I say not as I do. I have made the unholy mistake of tearing apart (to the bare frame) my motorcycle in mid-May. Soon into the said project I began to realize that the timeframe originally thought to be do-able, ended up lasting (surprise surprise) four terribly long months- goodbye summer. This was not a good year for my bike or my hair as I was tearing it out in clumps from frustration. I have since wised up (in some areas) and my hope is, if you’re planning a small (or large) overhaul of your scoot this winter, to be able to aide you in some ways so you can avoid the same mistakes I have made. If you are planning on adding, or subtracting parts from your motorcycle this year there are a few notable things and processes to think about before getting started. Some may be small details and others may seem small but can and often do, turn into nightmares on two wheels if not executed properly. But, first things first: 12 Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado

Plan your project and grip your wallet Think about what you’d like to do to with your scoot in the coming months. Are you looking to have all the paint redone? Maybe add some ape hangers, highway pegs, new rims etc. etc.? Think about your start and finish point for the year. Make a list of all the little goodies you’d like to add on and consider the small details you will need to address to finish the project efficiently. This step may sound somewhat stupid but surprisingly not many riders even think about, let alone do this and it can end you up in debt so fast it will make your head spin. Some people start adding to the bike and find that their project is going to cost a lot more… and typically once a project begins, you can’t turn back. If you have a detailed list of what you want to do, what needs to be ordered and how much it will cost and how long it will take, you’ll set yourself up for few or no surprises. Projects are supposed to be fun, so don’t start off on the wrong foot.

November 2016

Cleanup and get to it If you plan on pulling your bike apart in a garage then clean the place out. There’s nothing worse than searching for a tool, or dropped bolt on a dirty floor covered with old Sports Illustrated’s, dead mice and D-con (yes that was the spitting image of my garage floor early on in my riding career). Have you ever been to a mechanics shop that has filthy floors and tools all over the place… yeah me neither. GOOD mechanics take their job seriously and if you are serious about a project, you’ll make a clean workspace for you and your friends (who will help out hopefully) and, of course your scoot. YOU are fit-(ment) Often someone asks a question on my radio show of what they should put on their ride to make it more comfortable. This is a landmine, kind of like getting the question from my wife “Does this dress make me look fat?” Never, under any circumstances answer that question. Ever. The reason the fitment for comfort question is so tenacious and often conversationally deadly is because each person is unique. No, I don’t mean the “my mommy says I’m special” kind of unique, I mean the “everybody is built differently” unique. For example, I have a 6’ 3” wingspan from fingertip to fingertip (yes I’m part gorilla) so when a rider with shorter arms asks me if they should put ape hangers on their ride I preface my answer with a “well you should measure first” statement. I personally like ape hangers and have had anywhere between 12” to 26” high bars, so yeah I like to ride tall, but other riders prefer the beach bar style or laid back and less aggressive look. What you need to think about is what YOU like, not someone else. Some riders see others with ape hangers and think they look great but then put those bars on their ride and hate them, ruining the riding experience. Bars, as with all other parts, need to fit with the RIDER and no one else. You are a Biker, you don’t fit in, embrace it and be yourself. Figure out what you personally need and get it. Think about parts like a shorter seat, maybe lower or higher bars, different foot pegs etc. and take measurements if needed; remember though, measure twice and buy once; some items may not be returnable and that could wind up being costly if you didn’t bother to double check your measurements. Reviews are (somewhat) helpful If you plan on buying an easy to install part it would behoove you to read reviews of the product first. In this day and age of technology and connectivity, people can purchase and review products from almonds to baby cribs, and anything in between. Some reviews are helpful and some are straight up done by people I can only assume to be part of the illuminati. Read the reviews of the product you are looking at and make your own judgment, typically they will help… typically. Do be cautious of who you listen to however. Most people are trying to sell you on one product or another and can’t be fully trusted. For example, I get a monthly publication in the mail and for the sake of anonymity we’ll say the name rhymes with B.O.G. In this recent B.O.G. magazine the Regional Manager of B.O.G. was talking about fitment and how it is important to purchase add-ons that are fit for your bike. While I do not disagree with that statement, he went on to say how he installed some aftermarket bungee cords on his B.O.G. and since they weren’t official B.O.G. merchandise,

they broke and caused him to knock his ride over. Obviously this Regional Manager of B.O.G. was trying to peddle his wares and was either not fully invested in offering any sound advice, or thought the readers were idiots. Whatever the motive behind this “advice”, if you are an individual that can’t use bungee cords, maybe you shouldn’t be on a bike (I hear they are rather dangerous)… that’s all I’m saying. So in conclusion, consider the source and make your own judgment for fit and function. After you sort out everything in your mind, pull the trigger and get the delivery guy going! Enjoy yourself So, you have made the list, cleaned up your space researched the crap out of your parts and the UPS guy is on the way… now all that’s left is to take part in the age old tradition of working on your ride. The only admonition I can give you here is to take it easy. I’m one of those people that isn’t patient, at all. I hate patience. Patience however, is exactly what you will need to do a good job with whatever you put your hands on, when working on your motorcycle. Go too fast and you might miss something and that could make the project a LOT longer, and be more expensive. Remember, left over parts are not a sign you made it better. Big projects take time and that is why you chose to do them while the white fluffy stuff is on your lawn. You have time, so don’t rush the project. If you run into problems just stop, grab a frosty beverage and think through what you are trying to do. There are a lot of helpful groups on social media and a ton of forums full of other riders just itching to offer their advice. They may help you out, and if you do it right, you’ll have time to sort through the advice and complete any project with minimal problems. Going through this I’m sure I have missed a few pointers in getting prepped for a project and you probably have some great advice of your own. Unlike the Regional Manager of B.O.G. however, I figure you know how to use bungee cords and I’d gladly welcome your input. You’re welcome to tune into my radio show each week on as we talk about this, and other motorcycle-related topics. Until we speak again, ride safe… and if you see old man winter, punch him in the face.

November 2016

Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado 13

Holiday Gift The Recycle Clock

made from a recycled steel motorcycle rotor, mounted on a smoke colored back. 95% recycled materials, practically one-of-a kind. Other styles and special orders available. $135.00 http://www.recycleclocks. com/product.php?id=386

These deerskin gauntlet with fringe

Edgevale North Coast Shirt Jacket

Equal parts jacket and shirt, providing a barrier from wind and is also water resistant. A perfect crossover that is made for Colorado, and made in U.S.A. $138.00

and velcro tab , 40 grams of Thinsulate from Han Motogear are a fantastic gift for the holidays. $34.99. Color: Black Sizes: XXS – XL Check out their other items for sale at

How about a concealed carry purse?

Detail Accent Lights

The perfect way to make your bike stand out. Easy to install, and works with android or IiPhone. Adjustable patterns and can be synched with brake lights. $275.00

14 Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado

Made of the PU leather, with a big silver buckle on the floral flap that snap close with a Cut-out floral design on the front with embellishments and a zippered pocket on the back to conceal the handgun (9.5 x 6.5). You can find this purse, and many other items at One Bad Bitch http://

November 2016

Giving Guide Those Were the Days, A Motorcycle Memoir Read

She rides, so she needs to look good too!

about one man’s personal journey of traveling alone in the summer of 1970. An exceptional account of his adventures across America to the Pacific Ocean. By Edward A. Walls $10

A lined beanie, gaiter, coffee

mug, or patch to show the sisterhood from Steel Cowgirl

makes a great stocking stuffer. $4.00 - $20.00

The shirt that says it all -

Personalized Motorcycle Print -

Available in men and women sizes. $14.00 http://etsy. me/2f9B44K

a totally unique gift idea, with a motorcycle image and Est. date on burlap. Frame optional. $18.00

Bluetooth Speaker - Fast mount and portable, MP3 technology connects to your iPhone or android to provide the perfect soundtrack while you ride. $39.00

AO Coolers saddlebag soft cooler

For those short or long trips, keep your drinks and snacks chilled and ready for your destination. Leak proof liner, 15 can capacity. Doubles as a duffle bag. $54.00


Don’t know what they might like? A gift certificate/card is always a perfect gift.

November 2016

Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado 15

16 Thunder Roads MagazineÂŽ Colorado

November 2016

Tasty Recipes All of these recipes have been kitchen tested and biker approved.

Chewy Ginger Cookies These yummy cookies are a delicious alternative to gingerbread men for the holidays. I have been known to eat them with a little bit of orange or lemon curd or for breakfast with coffee. 2 1/4 cup flour 2 tsp Baking Soda 1/4 tsp salt 1 tsp ground cinnamon 1 tsp ground ginger 1/2 tsp cloves 3/4 cup butter (1.5 sticks) 1 cup packed brown sugar 1 large egg 1/4 cup molasses 1/4 cup granulated sugar for rolling Makes 36 cookies Heat oven to 350 degrees. Mix the first 6 dry ingredients together with the room temp butter. Mix until in all resembles brown sugar, then mix in the brown sugar. Blend in the egg and molasses until thoroughly combined. Roll into Tablespoon balls and coat in granulated sugar. Place on parchment lined cookie sheet, 2 inches apart. Bake 10-12 minutes. Test your first batch to get the desired chewiness. Every minute longer will result in a crispier cookie.

Bittersweet Chocolate Snowballs

Divide the dough into quarters, wrapping each with plastic wrap, and chill in refrigerator until firm, about 2 hours. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Line cookie sheets with parchment paper or silicone liners. Place each sugar in a separate shallow dish. Remove portions of cookie dough from refrigerator one quarter at a time. Divide dough into 1-inch balls. Roll each ball in granulated sugar and then in confectioners’ sugar to coat completely. Place cookies 2 inches apart on prepared (cooled) baking sheets. Bake, one cookie sheet at a time, until cookies flatten and tops form cracks, about 12 to 15 minutes. Remove from oven and place baking sheets on wire racks to cool. Store in an airtight container, between layers of parchment or wax paper for up to 1 week.

Florentine Lace Cookies

These cookies can be formed around a wooden handled spoon to form a tube. Allow them to cool and fill with buttercream or cream cheese frosting. 1/2 cup ground almonds (about 2-oz.) 5 Tbs unsalted butter 1/4 cup firmly-packed light brown sugar 2 Tbs granulated sugar 2 Tbs light corn syrup 1/3 cup all-purpose flour 1 pinch salt 1 tsp pure vanilla extract Makes approximately 36 cookies Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Position two oven racks in the middle and upper third of oven. Line two cookie sheets with parchment paper. In a food processor, grind almonds finely; measure out 1/2 cup and set aside. It is also possible to buy ground almonds for use in this recipe. In a medium saucepan over low heat, heat the butter, brown sugar, granulated sugar, and corn syrup until the butter melts and the sugar dissolves, stirring often. Increase the heat to medium high and, stirring constantly, bring mixture JUST to a boil. Immediately remove pan from the heat and stir in flour and salt until incorporated. Stir in ground almonds and vanilla extract. Drop batter using a teaspoon, 3-inches apart, on prepared cookie sheets (about 1/2 dozen cookies per cookie sheet). Prepare all your pans of cookies at this time even though you are only going to bake 1 or 2 sheets at a time. Bake cookies until evenly light brown, approximately 8 to 10 minutes until cookies spread, become thin, and take on a deep golden color. If you are using 2 cookie sheets switch top to bottom and back to front at 5 minute mark to promote even baking. Cookies will begin to spread 6 minutes into baking time. Line wire cooling racks with plastic wrap. When cookies are done baking, remove cookies from oven and, as soon as they’re firm enough to lift off baking sheet (which will take just a few minutes), use a wide spatula to transfer them to prepared cooling racks to cool completely. Allowing cookies to cool slightly on cookie sheets will also cause them to flatten out more.

What can I say about these cookies, except YUM! Chocolatey and delicious! You can add a little bit of peppermint extract or some finely crushed peppermints for a little twist. 4 oz. unsweetened chocolate, melted and cooled 1-1/2 cups all-purpose flour 1/2 cup unsweetened Dutch process cocoa powder 2 tsp baking powder 1/4 tsp salt 1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, room temperature 1-1/3 cups light-brown sugar, firmly packed 2 large eggs 1 tsp hazelnut or vanilla extract 1/3 cup milk 1 cup granulated sugar (for rolling) 1 cup confectioners’ sugar (for rolling) Makes about 4 dozen cookies In a medium size bowl whisk together flour, cocoa, baking powder, and salt until well blended. In a large bowl, beat butter and brown sugar with an electric mixer on medium high speed until light and fluffy, 3 to 4 minutes. Add eggs and hazelnut extract; beat until well combined. Add melted chocolate and beat until blended. With mixer on low speed, alternate adding flour mixture and milk until just combined. November 2016

Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado 17

Christmas Day FIrst day of Hanukkah


Downtown Santa’s Shopping Quest Downtown Ft. Collins 12/1/2016 - 12/11/2016 Downtown Santas Shopping Quest is an ongoing holiday event in Downtown Fort Collins between 30-35 local businesses. Each store will have a personalized, named Santa in their store. To complete the quest, patrons will make their way to each store to find the names of the Santas. Participating stores will provide a Santa Quest sheet to fill out. Explore Downtown Fort Collins participating stores in search of Santas with a gold star! Find a minimum of 17 names of the Santas housed in retail shops across downtown to be entered to win a $300 or $200 Downtown Gift Card. Find the names of all 34 Santas and be entered in an additional drawing for one of two $500 Gift Cards. Once the list is filled out, participants submit their Downtown Santas Quest Card at one of the participating businesses for a chance to win 1 of the 4 great prizes! The Grand Prize winner will also be able to play Santa and select a local charity from a DBA approved list-to be on Santa’s Gift List to receive a $500 donation! The Santas will be out from November 25 - December 11, and the drawing will be on December 16. Please stay tuned for a list of participating businesses in mid-November. http://

the time spent with your child is unique to them. Times: 11am to 4pm, Christmas Eve, 11am to 3pm. Pictures $10 for the first one, $5 each additional. Sponsored by Champion Windows event/santas-cabin/ Santa at Larimer Square 1430 Larimer St., Denver, CO 80202 12/01/2016 - 12/24/2016 See description for times Throughout December, Santa will be visiting Larimer Square on the weekends in Lincoln Hall, in between Eve and Victoriana. Saturday: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM, Sunday: 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM Winters Market Old Colorado City 2408 W Colorado Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80904 12/01/2016 - 12/24/2016 Every weekend in Bancroft Park through Christmas Eve, beginning November 26th Join us in Bancroft Park every weekend after Thanksgiving through Christmas Eve for Winter’s Market. Tons of vendors to entertain you. See our Victorian Santa in the Cabin. Have your picture made. Eat delicious cakes and treats from Grammie’s Desserts. What treasure will you find for that special someone for Christmas? Come join us! event/small-business-saturday/ 719-385-5940

Santa’s Cabin Bancroft Park 2408 W Colorado Avenue Colorado Springs, CO 80904 12/01/2016 - 12/24/2016 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM Beginning November 26th, every weekend through December 24th. Join us every Saturday and Sunday at the Bancroft Park Cabin in Old Colorado City, starting on November 26 and going through December 24th for pictures with Santa. Our Victorian Santa will be your children’s favorite. Trained and educated in meeting the special needs of any child, he was voted by parents as being their pick of local Santa’s in the Colorado Springs area. Come join us and get your picture made, have some fun, and be entertained while you wait. Special pricing can’t be beat, and

Holiday Market and Tree Lighting Ceremony Winter Park Resort 12/01/2016 12:30 PM - 5:30 PM Join us for our first ever Holiday Market at Winter Park Resort on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. After a day of skiing, stop by from 12:30-6:00pm to visit our Holiday Market. Vendors will vary from local crafts, holiday treats, and more! Between 3:305:30pm, visit the Village for more holiday fun with carolers and a visit from Santa followed by the seventh annual lighting of the Villages’ beautiful holiday tree! 12:30-6:00pm - Holiday Market open 3:30-5:15pm - Santa visits the Village Gazebo 5:15-5:30pm - Tree Lighting Ceremony Visit our website soon for more details including the Holiday Market vendors! If you are interested in being a vendor contact Britney Magleby at bmagleby@

20 Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado

November 2016

Britney Magleby events/details/holiday-market-and-treelighting-ceremony-32769 970-726-1565 9 News Parade of Lights 16th Street Mall, Denver, CO 80202 12/2/2016 See Description for times Begin your holiday season at the spectacular 42nd Annual 9NEWS Parade of Lights. The two-mile parade route in Downtown Denver is the stage for Colorado’s brightest holiday tradition. The FREE holiday spectacular features marching bands, ornate floats, and, of course, a special appearance by Major Waddles the Penguin and Santa! Grab your hot chocolate and ear-muffs, this year is going to be better than ever! The two-mile parade route in Downtown Denver is the stage for Colorado’s brightest holiday tradition. The FREE holiday spectacular features marching bands, ornate floats, and, of course, a special appearance by Major Waddles the Penguin and Santa! Grab your hot chocolate and ear-muffs, this year is going to be better than ever! Friday, December 2, 2016 at 8 p.m. Saturday, December 3, 2016 at 6 p.m. Zoo Lights 12/2/2016 - 1/1/2017 See Description for times and website for more information Zoo Lights will span through 70 acres of Denver Zoo’s campus, with nightly entertainment, animal encounters, Santa meet-and-greets and, of course, illuminated animal sculptures that swing through trees, jump across lawns hide in bushes and appear in places where they’re least expected. Running December 2 until January 1, is one of Denver’s most anticipated events, which is a great opportunity for folks of all ages to enjoy the holidays or kick off the New Year with family, friends and colleagues. Daytime admission including membershipdoes not include Zoo Lights. Denver Zoo will close at 5 p.m. gates close at 4 p.m.-and reopen at 5:30 p.m. for Zoo Lights. 720-337-1400

13th Annual Festival of Trees Grand Park Recreation Center Fraser, CO 12/2/2016 4:00 PM - 8:00 PM Fraser River Valley Lions Club 13th Annual Festival of Trees will showcase Holiday Trees and Wreaths decorated by local Grand County Non Profits. Trees will be for sale in a silent auction format and winner’s tree may be delivered the following day by the Lions Club. In addition, Santa will visit and will take back ideas to the North Pole. FRVLC also has a raffle for a special package of goodies. Last year it included sleigh rides, Sunspot dinner and much more-And of course don’t forget the dessert auction with desserts provided by many of our local restauranteurs! DELICIOUS! FREE event for everyone! Bob Boynton events/details/13th-annual-festival-oftrees-12-02-2016-31007 Old Colorado City Art Walk Old Colorado City West Colorado Ave. Colorado Springs, CO 80904 12/2/2016 5:00 PM Hunter-Wolff Gallery at Old Colorado City Visit Old Colorado City’s ArtWalk featuring hundreds of artists for the 11th year on W. Colorado Avenue, the first Friday of April through December. Hundreds of art pieces may be viewed for purchase in dozens of art galleries and studios. Colorado Springs’ largest concentration of galleries is found within three city blocks along West Colorado Avenue, between 23rd and 27th Streets. Visit Arati Artists Gallery, Chavez Gallery, Colorado Creative Co-Op, Cucuru Gallery Café, Hunter-Wolff Gallery, Febra’s, The Laura Reilly Art Gallery, Running Wolf Gallery, The Squash Blossom, Thunder Mountain Trading Co., 45 Degrees Gallery, 503 | W, and other exhibit locations such as Roscos Coffee House. Pick up your ArtWalk brochure at any location. 56th Annual Georgetown Christmas Market 6th and Rose St., Georgetown, CO 80444 12/3/2016 - 12/11/2016 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM The 2016 Georgetown Christmas Market will be held the first and second weekends of December and admission is FREE. Christmas Market features an outdoor European marketplace with handcrafted gifts in addition to Georgetown’s charming year-round shopping experience. Beautiful and unique shops showcase Christmas

ornaments and decorations, Victorian items for the home, art, Colorado wine, rare books, jewelry, exquisite clothing, antiques, and gifts. The Market will also feature food vendors in addition to our fabulous local restaurants. Please visit for more information on local businesses. christmas-events.html Lights of December Parade Pearl St., Boulder, CO 80302 12/3/2016 6:00 PM In its 29th year, spectators will enjoy floats created and decorated by local businesses, churches and civic groups. Crowds will enjoy marching bands, lit fire engines, holiday carolers and much more. The grand finale includes an appearance by the jolly old man himself - Santa Claus! In its 29th year, spectators will enjoy floats created and decorated by local businesses, churches and civic groups. Crowds will enjoy marching bands, lit fire engines, holiday carolers and much more. The grand finale includes an appearance by the jolly old man himself - Santa Claus! Participate in the parade: The number of parade entries will be limited to 50 and will be assigned on a firstcome-first-served basis limit one entry per group). The deadline to sign-up is Monday, November 14, 2016. Complete the entry form here. The cost to participate is $250 for a Commercial/Business entry and $45 for a Non-profit/Community Group entry. Entry fees must be paid by check or credit card over the phone. Checks should be made payable to Downtown Boulder, Inc. and may be mailed or dropped off at 1942 Broadway, Suite 301, Boulder, CO 80302. Shield The Tree Toy Ride 12/3/2016 1:00 PM 802 Quari Court Aurora, CO 80011 Sponsored by The Salvation Army, Aurora Towne Center, and CMA CROSS Roads Chapter As part of the Angel Tree efforts, Salvation Army has partnered with members of a local motorcycle club to host a toy ride from the Salvation Army location on Quari & E.6th Ave to the mall that will be escorted by the Aurora Police Department. Everyone is welcome to join in on the ride! There will be a tree outside of the food court entrance and those participating in November 2016

the ride will drop off their toy as they enter the food court breezeway in hopes of “burying the tree” with toys. Visit the stationary Angel Tree located inside the mall on the lower level by Victoria Secret to select a tag that lists items you can purchase for the toy ride. All proceeds will go to The Aurora Salvation Army to fill the Angel Tree orders for Christmas. For more information call (619) 708-7203 First Annual MRP Fundraiser & Auction 12/3/2016 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM 7375 S Fulton St, Centennial, Colorado 80112 Join us December 3 for the first annual Motorcycle Relief Project fundraiser which will be held in the beautiful showroom at Performance Cycle of Colorado in Denver. Motorcycle Relief Project is a 501c3 nonprofit that takes veterans with PTSD and other invisible injuries on 5-day therapeutic adventure bike retreats. Not only will you be supporting a great cause, you’ll also have the chance to see some rare and historic motorcycles on display including a Ducati TT1 factory race bike and an original unrestored 1917 Indian. Plus you’ll get to meet special guests like Carl Reese, world recordholder for fastest motorcycle ride from LA to NYC; Erin Sills, 19-time land speed recordholder including 219.3 mph on a BMW S1000RR; and Deena Mastracci, world recordholder for longest motorcycle ride by a new licensee (11,000 miles in 30 days starting from the DMV parking lot). Most importantly, you’ll get to hear from several of the veterans who’ve been through our program about how it impacted them. There will be dozens of great auction items available to bid on, including one-week beach vacations in Hawaii and Belize; a classic original 1991 BMW R100GS Paris/ Dakar; a 5-day self-guided adventure bike tour and rental from Colorado Motorcycle Adventures; and an off-road skills class, bike rental and off-road tour from RawHyde Adventures. If you have any goods or services you’d like to donate to the auction to help fund our work to support veterans, please let us know. Tickets are $20 each or you can sponsor a table for 10 for $200. Get your tickets today!

Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado 21

The Children’s Hospital Toy Run 12/4/2016 8:00 AM Santa leads a convoy of present bearing motorcycle riders to deliver donated toys to The Children’s Hospital located in Aurora. It’s that time of year again! The 2016 Children’s Hospital of Colorado Motorcycle Toy Run is right around the corner! Aurora Fire Rescue, Aurora Firefighters Local 1290 and the Aurora Firefighters Chapter of Wind and Fire Motorcycle Club are once again collaborating to make this a great event. If you would like to ride in the event you will need to be at Aurora Sports Park (18601 Sports Park Dr, South side of Colfax Ave east of Tower Rd) at 08:00 that morning. The first motorcycles should arrive at the hospital a few minutes after 11:00. Riders have the option of parking their bikes and walking into the hospital or dropping off their toys and leaving. Toy Donations: If you want to donate but can’t attend please drop your toy by Station 11 (2291 S. Joliet St. 80014 On Iliff, just east of Havana) or Fire Headquarters (Aurora Municipal Center, 4th floor: 15151 E. Alameda Parkway Aurora, CO 80012). The children and the hospital are grateful for all donations but have found that the older patients (12-19 years old) tend to receive fewer gifts. If you choose to give this year please consider a gift for these older children (gift cards are great!) or follow the link below and pick something from the wish list (generated by the patients). Please avoid blankets and stuffed toys because most of these cannot be given to the patients. community/donate-volunteer/donate/inkind/donation-wish-list/ The Children’s Hospital Toy Run After Party 12/4/2016 12:00 pm-4:00 pm 16565 E. 33rd Drive Aurora, CO 80011 Santa is leading a convoy of present bearing motorcycle riders to deliver donated toys to The Children’s Hospital located in Aurora. Join Mile High HarleyDavidson at the after party for food, beer, and free live music from Dixie Leadfoot & The Chrome Struts! COST $15: includes a meal and a beer or soda. Additional beer $2 each. If you would like to ride in the event you will 22 Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado

need to be at Aurora Sports Park (18601 Sports Park Dr, South side of Colfax Ave east of Tower Rd) at 8:00 that morning. Pre-registration for the ride is available at Mile High Harley-Davidson from now until the day before the event. The first motorcycles should arrive at the hospital a few minutes after 11:00. Riders have the option of parking their bikes and walking into the hospital or dropping off their toys and leaving. Then riders can ride to Mile High Harley-Davidson of Aurora for the after party. ****Children’s Hospital wish list - https:// donate-volunteer/donate/in-kind/donationwish-list/**** Big Joseph Toy Run (Colorado Springs) 12/04/2016 11:00 AM Action Cycles & Leather 2605 Delta Dr, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80910 The oldest Toy Run in Colorado Springs is back again SUNDAY DECEMBER 4th. Coffee and Donuts will be provided. ONE UNWRAPPED TOY PER RIDER Toys will be given to the children of STATE HOSPITAL CHILDRENS WARD and GRANDPARENTS RAISING GRANDKIDS. Kids range up to 16 yrs old For info: Pete Blair - 719-339-6241 Snow Date: Dec 11 This is a Must do event, all Bikes and riders welcome as well as cages. Also encourage those who don’t ride to come out and check out the beautiful bikes that will be on the ride on this day, bring in a toy and drop it off, the more toys we got puts MORE smiles on those young faces come Christmas day!! events/1789971201272181/ 31st Annual Toy Run A Righteous Ride V Twin Motors 2881 S. 31st Ave. Greeley, CO 80631 12/4/2016 12:00 PM - 8:00 PM 31st Annual Toy Run! Meet at A Righteous Ride at Noon, leave at 1:00 for the New Plantation in Evans. Bring a toy, see friends, have fun. It’s that easy. events/1003888859722413/

November 2016

8th Annual Wine, Chocolate and Cheese Festival Ouray Community Center 320 6th Avenue Ouray, CO 81427 12/10/2016 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM A fun night of swing music and dancing and tasting Colorado Wine, Chocolate and Cheese and shopping all to support Weehawken Creative Arts 11th Annual Sleigh Riders Motorcycle Toy Run 2501 35th Ave. Greeley CO 80634 12/18/2016 10:00 AM Start making plans to join us for the 11th year of the Sleigh Riders Motorcycle Toy Run. If you have been with us before, you know this is one of the most fun events around. If you have never done this run, don’t miss it. Most all the details are the same in years past. Staging begins at 10:00 AM at the John Elway dealer in Greeley (address above with map) and the police escort parade ride leaves at 12:00 PM. The first 300 that show up on motorcycles will receive a FREE ride patch and t-shirt. YOU MUST BRING AT LEAST 2 TOYS TO RECIEVE THE TWO FREEBIES. (The more toys are better) ALL riders are required to bring at least one toy to ride in the run. For every toy you donate, you will get a raffle ticket to win prizes at the after party. So, the more toys you bring, the better your chances at winning some stuff at the end. (Toys will be collected at the end of the run so keep them strapped on your bike.) After party starts at 12:30 PM at Ricky B’s in Windsor with live music from Physco X, great prizes to give away and just a lot of fun in general. Don’t forget, for every toy you donate, you get a raffle ticket towards winning prizes including the John Elway signed football that he does specifically for this event. Sponsorships are available at a very affordable price. We are also looking for good prizes to giveaway so if you have an interest or know someone who is, please email John Elway Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram

6th Annual Christmas Light Parade Main Street Alamosa, CO 81101 12/16/2016 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM Celebrate the holidays with Alamosa’s festive light parade down Main Street! See tractors, cars, bicycles and floats lit up for the celebration of Christmas! Lots of fun for the whole family! Dawn Honeycutt k=view&vmode=e&format=html&eid=1063 719-589-9444 Feeding the Defenders of Freedom 12/17/1026 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM Lincoln Park, Greeley CO This is a Holiday Veteran Stand Down, giving our Veterans a hot holiday meal and getting them coats, clothing, blankets, and other items for the long cold winter ahead. Located in Greeley but all Veterans are welcome. Contact Zak at ccep9401@ or My phone (970) 584-6315 with any questions. Wreath’s Across America 12/17/2016 Each December on National Wreaths Across America Day, our mission to Remember, Honor and Teach is carried out by coordinating wreath-laying ceremonies at Arlington National Cemetery, as well as over 1,100 additional locations in all 50 U.S. states, at sea, and abroad. To sponsor a wreath http://www. To find a Cemetery Downtown Santa’s Shopping Quest Various Stores Downtown Fort Collins 12/01/2016 - 12/11/2016 See Description for Details Downtown Santa’s Shopping Quest is an ongoing holiday event in Downtown Fort Collins between 30-35 local businesses. Each store will have a personalized, named Santa in their store. To complete the quest, patrons will make their way to each store to find the names of the Santas. Participating stores will provide a Santa Quest sheet to fill out. Explore Downtown Fort Collins participating stores in search of Santas with a gold star! Find a minimum of 17 names of the Santas housed in retail shops across downtown to be entered to win a $300 or $200 Downtown Gift Card. Find the names of all 34 Santas and be entered in an additional drawing for one of two $500 Gift Cards. Once the list is filled out, participants submit their Downtown Santas Quest Card at one of the participating businesses for a chance to win 1 of the 4 great prizes! The Grand Prize winner will also be able to play Santa and select a local charity from a DBA

approved list-to be on Santa’s Gift List to receive a $500 donation! The Santas will be out from November 25 - December 11, and the drawing will be on December 16. Please stay tuned for a list of participating businesses in mid-November. downtown-santas-shopping-quest 29th Annual Last Brass Monkey Run 5450 Valley Highway, Denver, CO 12/31/2016 10:00 AM 4:00 PM ABATE of Colorado Join us for food, 50/50 Drawing, Door Prizes, Kid Friendly Games, Adult Games & the Famous Last Brass Monkey Run Brass Nuts Waiver Sign In and Starting Points from 10:00 - 11:00 AM North: Rocky Mountain Saloon 4329 Colorado Highway 66 Longmont, CO 970)0905 South: Big Train Family Restaurant 3050 N. Nevada Avenue Colorado Springs, CO 719-4738218 East: Flying J Truck Stop I-70 Exit 285, 16751 East 32nd Avenue, Aurora, CO 80011 303)366-7600 West: In the Zone 15600 W. 44th Avenue, Golden, CO 80401 303)279-3888 The Grizzly Rose opens at 11:00 AM ABATE members $15, Non-members $20 Join or renew your membership at the event and get in for $10! http://abateofcolo. org/event/29th-annual-last-brass-monkeyrun-2/2016-12-31/ 303-789-3264

Like always…. This is a 21 and over show NO EXCEPTIONS!!! events/333396607001583/ Harry’s Roamers Motorcycle Club 51st Annual Ice Races at Rainbow Falls Mountain Trout Park Between Deckers and Woodland Park on Highway 67 1/8/2017, 1/15/2017, 1/22/2017, 1/29/2017, 2/12/2017 Sign up begins at 6:00 AM – 8:00 AM Races start at 9:00 AM Studded tire classes Pro 0 – 300 bike, open Pro Bike, Speedway, Quad Pro Studded, Sportsman Bike and Quad (Cash Payback) Powder Puff Class – Quad, 0 – 300 Bike, Open Bike A & Open Bike B, Master Bike 40+, Novice Bike, Vintage Open Bike (1975 and older), Amateur Quad Studded A, B & C, Mini Quad Studded (Max 150cc, minimum age 10 Years) ***maximum 250 studs per quad*** Bare Tire Classes Quad Classes 4X4 Sport, 4X4 Utility Quad 2X4 – A, B & C (90cc and Under minimum age 5 years) Bike Classes Bare A, B 3rd wheel, Mini Bike A (150cc or less, 14 years max), B (50 – 80cc, minimum age 5 years, 10 years max) Visit our Facebook page for Ice Status and updates HarrysRoamersMC/


6th Annual Kilt Nyte Out / Halfway to Ren Faire, Post Holiday Bash 1/7/2017 at 7:00 PM – 1:00 AM 11964 Washington St, Northglenn, Colorado 80233 Attention all Rennies, Pirates, Rogues, Scoundrels and Scotsmen. (Scots-persons) The holidays are over and it’s time to let loose and party down to start the New Year. Join in one and all for the 6th Annual Kilt Nyte Out / Halfway to Ren Faire, PostHoliday Bash!!! Featuring 2 Great bands; Potcheen and headlining Celtic Legacy, a.k.a. Kiltic with special guest appearance with Batavia-Fusion Belly Dancing between performances. The musical entertainment will include Iris & Rose. Ren Faire garb, Steampunk, Pirate Attire and of course the KILTS!!!! Are highly recommended but not required. So we look forward to seeing all of you on Saturday January 7th 2017, at @Cheers starting at 7:00pm. First act will take stage about 8:30pm.

27th Annual Super Show & Swap Meet 3650 N Nevada Avenue Colorado Springs, CO 10:00 AM March 4 - 5, 2017 Sponsored by Mortgage Solutions Financial Expo Center, RMC Distributing, and Law Tigers The swap meet will take place at the Mortgage Solutions Financial Expo Center, 3650 N Nevada Avenue in Colorado Springs. Doors open at 10:00 am. General admission is $10.00 per person. Seniors will be admitted for $7.00 and children 12 and under get in free with an adult. In addition to the swap meet there will be a bike show, charity auction, tattoo competition, food, live music and more. Vendor fees are $120.00 for a 10X10 space. The fee to enter a motorcycle is $25.00 per bike. Bikes will be judged and prizes and trophies will be awarded to winners. For more information call (719) 487-8005 or go to for more information.

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BRITISH MOTORCYCLE ASSOCIATION OF COLORADO Meets 1 st Saturday of every month, 10 am South Side Johnny’s 528 S. Tejon Colorado Springs, CO All makes and models of bikes welcome! Contact John @719-213-3239 or


Let us know about it and give us your story and pictures by emailing us at

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Classy N’ Sassy Biker Babes Classy N’ Sassy Biker Babes was founded by Sherilyn M. Whistler back in mid 2015. She has been riding her own Harley for nearly twelve years. Looking for a unique and special type of group, she decided to create her own. Classy N’ Sassy Biker Babes also known as CNSBB to its members is a unique group of lady riders and honey huggers. No we don’t discriminate! We welcome lady riders, regardless of what you ride, Harley, V-Star, Spyder, or others. We welcome honey huggers because they get knots in their hair, bugs on their face and enjoy the ride as much as the lady riders do.

for women in general. Calling yourself a Bitch isn’t edifying. It’s accepted as funny and cool. But is it really? We believe in being known for your intelligence, your personality, and your morals instead.Who you are, not what you look like. It’s about not compromising what you truly believe in, to not feel like if you don’t, you won’t fit it. Not true. Our ladies have Class, Sass and they rock. They ride hard, they share their experiences and hope you will share yours.

Our site is not a site that pushes any kind of religion it is neutral accepting of all faiths and lifestyles. It’s about keeping Several ladies in our group used to it positive. It’s about giving women a safe ride and due to illness or finances no place to be real, to be honest, to be open longer can. Does that mean that the biker and of course brag about their bikes, SHERYLYN - GROUP OWNER mentality is not still in their soul? No. Once tattoos, family and fur babies (I don’t mean you have been bitten by the wind, it is in hairy children but the 4 paws ones) and you and cannot be tamed whether you ride in the front or our ladies from all over world, agree. More women want to the back. You want to know “what’s a honey Hugger”? She’s connect on a more mature level. Our ladies share stories, the beautiful lady who rides on the back. Many lady sites some fun, some personal knowing the feedback will always exclude you ladies... but CNSBB does not. be positive. Sherilyn spent many years in ministry ministering to women of all backgrounds and the one thing she learned was that we ALL need to be validated; we need to be acknowledged, built up and edified. We need to know our questions aren’t stupid or silly, that it’s okay to be bad ass one day and emotionally broken the next. We need to know that we can be proud of who we are, regardless of our shape. That is why in this group nudity and degrading posts are not allowed. It is not what defines us. This is not about being a prude, it is about taking back respect

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We profile everyone before we accept their request to join. We don’t want the typical drama. Life throws it at us every day in our work, our marriage, our home life, finances, so who needs to get onto a ladies site and get more? Nobody. If your profile is full of cussing, degrading posts and negativity – we aren’t the site for you. It’s not about judgment or being “prudish” but it is about maintaining the integrity of the site as it was created to be. Positive, edifying, no backbiting and keeping it clean. You never have to hurry and shut down your page when someone walks by

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you and you are on our site. First, we are a sisterhood that wants a positive environment for lady bikers. We have new riders who put their struggles, fears and testimonies on our site. We also have riders who basically came out of their mothers womb on two wheels. What an awesome mixture of ladies that someone can always connect to you, your circumstance or story. Some of Our ladies agree... Pamela - Colorado: I’m a loner. I tried other lady groups and was turned off by all the drama and backbiting. I stumbled upon CNSBB and found women looking for what I was, that female connection with a passion for motorcycles. I love CNSBB and all the women who make it what it is. Cathy - Wisconsin: Some of the drama in other groups is more than I can handle. The jealousy and competition is just abhorrent to me. In this group we lift each other, not push down. I love this group. If we need to vent, talk about life good or bad, it’s safe here. These ladies are the most caring, loving bunch of women I have ever met. Shannon - Texas: I was always a tom boy but when I saw ladies riding I knew I wanted to do it. When I joined this group I started to comment and chime right in, reading your comments and stories. I feel like I know so many of you and just want to hug you all. I know you have my back and because of it you ladies have encouraged me to face my fears. This sisterhood is like nothing I have seen before and I just love it. You are all my sisters and that’s the way we roll.

Meg - Maryland: Bikes pull us introverts out and this group celebrates each other’s successes. I’m a jeans & t-shirt kind of girl but this sisterhood is built off bikes, trust, and respect with all ages. This group knows more about me than even my best childhood friend. Daisy - Ohio: I wear the patch of CNSBB because the ladies on here truly care about you and the things you might be dealing with in life. There is always support, an Internet hug or prayer telling you that it will be okay. I don’t feel so alone anymore. Brenda - Oklahoma: I love this group & how it has grown. Sherilyn and her admin team keep everything running smooth. What great friends and wind sisters I have made here. Thank you for having me. These are just a few of the comments from our over 1125 ladies on this site which grows daily. We have women from all over the world that support each other. We are a closed group for women only, your posts are safe. We do not accept women who have a joint Facebook account with their husbands so that men will not have access to our posts. We are Ladies only. Please create your own account if you wish to join our group and have a joint account with your husband. Being a newer group that is not as well known as a lot of other female groups, we are just getting organized. We have a strong presence in several states but so far Colorado is the most active. We meet up for lunches, rides and ice cream. We have dinners and we are gearing to make 2017 a very active year.

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Our heart, like many other organizations, is community service. We had an awesome experience taking toys and clothing to Children’s Hospital in Broomfield this summer. Next year we are hoping to do tea house rides, overnight trips, dinners, community service events and just good old fashion sisterhood get togethers. If you wear another groups patch it does not exclude you from our sisterhood. If you would like to be a part of a uplifting lady biker group, please join with us. This group has a fantastic admin team who are Rebecca Gabbert-Klatt (CO) Mary Lou Mattioli (PA) Shannon Montooth-Price (TX) and Lea Tharp (IL) and Sherilyn (CO). The final touch that makes it so marvelous is all the ladies who join are welcomed by so many wind sisters. We strive so that everyone feels like family. Our ladies are truly what makes this group

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so awesome. A special heartfelt thank you to Bernadette Oney-Tallman who believed in this group enough to create this opportunity to share it in Thunder Roads Colorado Magazine. We are women who are strong, we are women who have weaknesses, we are proud, we are insecure. We are young and we are older. We ride our own or we hold on tight. What we all want is to be accepted for who we are, to be respected, appreciated and to be acknowledged for our abilities, skills and talents. That comes with knowing that your sisters all over the world are striving for the same thing. WE ARE CLASSY N’ SASSY BIKER BABES and we show up on a Steel Horse flashing only our confidence and maybe some bling bling. Sherilyn M Whistler “Hwy Lady”

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News Bytes THE AIM/NCOM MOTORCYCLE E-NEWS SERVICE is brought to you by Aid to Injured Motorcyclists (A.I.M.) and the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM), and is sponsored by the Law Offices of Richard M. Lester. If you’ve been involved in any kind of accident, call us at 1-(800) ON-A-BIKE or visit www.ON-A-BIKE. com. NCOM BIKER NEWSBYTES Compiled & Edited by Bill Bish, National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM) ELECTION CYCLE “We love the bikers,” exclaimed presumptive Presidential GOP nominee Donald Trump in remarks made during the 29th annual Rolling Thunder POW/MIA motorcycle run held Memorial Day weekend in Washington, D.C., months before the general election. Wearing a red “Make America Great Again” hat, the bluntspoken New York real estate mogul and television celebrity told the crowd about seeing large numbers of bikers at his campaign events, including a group called “Bikers For Trump” ( Chris Cox, a biker from South Carolina who founded BFT, had met with The Donald who told him “we’re his favorite demographic.” Stressing his desire to strengthen the military and improve how veterans are treated, the Presidential-hopeful found a receptive audience. “I’m not a huge biker, I have to be honest with you, O.K.?” lamented Trump to the throng of motorcyclists gathered at the Lincoln Memorial last May, “I always liked the limo better.” “I don’t ride motorcycles,” the candidate told another biker at a Trump Rally in Ohio, “but if I’m elected, I’ll fix all the potholes”; and he’ll soon get the opportunity to make good on his campaign promise. On Tuesday, November 8, 2016 America voted Donald J. Trump to be the 45th President of the United States, and although he’s not a quintessential “motorcycle guy”, his running mate is. Vice President-elect Mike Pence is a motorcyclist himself and has participated in numerous charity rides in his home state of Indiana, where as governor he supported bikers’ rights and worked closely with ABATE of Indiana. DISTRACTED DRIVING LEADS TO BIGGEST SPIKE IN TRAFFIC DEATHS IN 50 YEARS When distracted driving entered the national consciousness a decade ago, the problem was mainly people who made calls or sent texts from their cell phones. The solution then was to introduce new technologies to keep drivers’ hands on the wheel. Innovations since then, such as car Wi-Fi and a host of new apps, have since led to a boom in internet usage in vehicles that safety experts now say is contributing to a surge in highway deaths. After steady declines over the last four decades, highway fatalities last year recorded the largest annual percentage increase in 50 years, rising to the highest level since 2009, and 30 Thunder Roads Magazine® Colorado

the numbers so far this year are even worse. In just the first six months of 2016, highway deaths have already jumped 10.4%, to 17,775, from the comparable period of 2015, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). The fatality rate for the first half of 2016 increased to 1.12 deaths per 100 million miles driven, up from 1.05 for the same period last year; but the number of miles travelled have only increased 3.5%. NHTSA says recent reports suggest this uptick in fatalities is due in part to increasing use of electronic devices leading to more distracted driving. Alarmed by these statistics, the New York Times reports that the Department of Transportation (DOT) has outlined a plan to work with the National Safety Council (NSC) and other advocacy groups to devise a “Road to Zero” strategy, with the ambitious goal of eliminating roadway fatalities within 30 years. A second, related effort would speed up the introduction of autonomous-driving technologies that many safety experts believe can potentially prevent accidents by removing distracted humans from the driving equation. A TECHNOLOGICAL SOLUTION TO ETHANOL DEBATE None of the estimated 22 million motorcycles or ATVs in the United States are approved by the EPA to operate on ethanol blends higher than 10% (E-10), which can damage smaller engines when E-15 gas remaining in the fueling line at the pump is inadvertently introduced into the customer’s fuel system, so NHTSA’s resolution to this unwanted mixing is to require a 4-gallon minimum fuel purchase at blender pumps to adequately dilute the higher ethanol fuel. But a more technological solution was suggested recently during a podcast involving a representative of the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA), a group that represents the Ethanol industry and advises the EPA on polices which decide how much of the different types of gasoline are made available at gas stations around the United States. During a discussion of ethanol-blended fuels on Clutch and Chrome’s ‘Another Motorcycle Podcast’ (, “we learned (from Robert White of the RFA, a longtime motorcyclist) of a mechanical solution being developed that would prevent the accidental mixing of fuel by the very blender pumps at the heart of the minimum fuel purchase proposal.” The new solution, which is reportedly being developed outside of the ethanol industry and is currently in the patent process, would prevent any fuel from being stored in the fueling hose. This would allow for users to only pump the fuel they want, and prevent accidental misfueling. “Obviously, the product needs to come to market and make its way onto pumps at the different gas stations,” reports Clutch and Chrome, “but this opportunity appears to be the best solution for a difficult problem.”

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“BAD BIKER” GUN TARGETS Motorcycle riders are being portrayed as “Bad Bikers” worth shooting at and aiming to kill by police and others in firearms training, as Baker Targets markets a target bearing the image of an outlaw on a motorcycle. “Bad bikers need to be terminated!,” advertises Baker Targets to the general public, highlighting red dots printed on the practice target that indicate “high value” shots to cause maximum damage to the bike and rider when shooting. The Florida-based target company quickly responded to an outcry from concerned motorcyclists by taking the “Bad Biker Targets” off their website and discontinued offering them for sale. MICHIGAN BILL INCREASES PENALTY FOR RIDING WITHOUT PROPER ENDORSEMENT Unlicensed riders in Michigan will face higher fines under legislation signed by Governor Rick Snyder on Wednesday, November 9, 2016. “This bill stiffens the penalty for operating a motorcycle without the proper endorsement, helping to ensure both motorists and motorcyclists stay safer on Michigan’s roads,” Gov. Snyder said. House Bill 4651, sponsored by the late state Rep. Julie Plawecki (D-Dearborn Heights), increases the penalty for operating a motorcycle without a motorcycle endorsement on the operator’s driver’s license from $100 to $500. This is the first Public Act to bear the name of Rep. Plawecki, 54, who passed away in June from an apparent heart attack while hiking. The measure is now Public Act 318 of 2016. “HAVE A GOOD RIDE III” TO HELP REDUCE MOTORCYCLE ACCIDENTS IN CALIFORNIA As more Californians choose motorcycles for work, weekend getaways, and entertainment, the California Highway Patrol (CHP) is increasing its focus to keep motorcyclists safe. The number of victims from motorcycle-involved collisions in

CHP jurisdiction has increased every year since 2013, and to address this problem the CHP has implemented the “Have A Good Ride III” (HAGR III) program to promote motorcycle safety and awareness. From October 1, 2016, through September 30, 2017, the goal of the HAGR III grant is to reduce the number of motorcycle-involved fatal and injury collisions, and the number of victims of these collisions. “With a combination of grant-funded education and enforcement efforts, we strive to raise awareness and reinforce the concept of sharing the road in order to save lives,” CHP Commissioner Joe Farrow said. “In regions with higher numbers of motorcycle incidents, CHP officers will increase motorcycle safety enforcement operations. Motorcycle traffic safety education campaigns, including the “May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month” and a summer safety campaign by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), will be conducted at appropriate venues. The campaigns will promote the use of properly approved helmets for all riders, raise motorists’ awareness of sharing the road with motorcyclists, and urge riders to refrain from actions most commonly identified in motorcycle-involved collisions, such as speeding, improper turning, and driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs.” Throughout the HAGR III campaign, the CHP will work with the California Department of Transportation to display “Share the Road – Look Twice for Motorcyclists” on changeable message signs on state highways. - Confederation of Clubs - South Dakota - Messiah’s Road Warriors MC QUOTABLE QUOTE: “Conformity may give you a quiet life; it may even bring you to a University Chair. But all change in history, all advance, comes from the nonconformists. If there had been no trouble-makers, no dissenters, we should still be living in caves.” ~ A.J.P. Taylor (1906-1990), British historian and journalist

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PDA Roadgear 1600 W. Mineral Ave. Littleton, CO 80120 (303)761-6022 (800) 766-3955

Curtis Walton Law Firm 13984 West Bowles Avenue Littleton, CO 80128 (720) 323-9729

UniqCycle Sounds PO Box 271093 Ft. Collins CO 80527 (888) 864-7721

Law Tigers 4828 South College Avenue Fort Collins, CO 80525 (800)529-8443


Biker Inner Circle (888) 498-2123

O’Sullivan Law Firm 600 Ogden Street Denver, CO 80218 (303) 388-5304


EM Leather 13980 East Mississippi Aurora, CO 80012 (303) 337-6690 Biker Brad’s Motorcycle Apparel and Accessories 12543 N Hwy 83 Suite 208 Parker CO 80134 (303) 841-7727 Moses Leather Company 759 Horizon Drive Grand Junction CO 81506 (970)433-7319 Twin Peaks Leather 5655 Olde Wadsworth Blvd Arvada CO 80002 (303) 432-1047

Roy Hansen Motorcycle Testing 1800 Airway Avenue Ft. Collins CO 80524 (970) 690-8847 MOTORCYCLE REPAIR/SERVICE/PARTS

EXP Motorsports 3301 W. Hampden Ave. Sheridan Co 80110 (303)688-4401 G.R.U.M.P.S 115 N 8th Ave Greeley CO 80631 (970) 353-1166 Thunder and Lightning Cycles 3986 S Broadway Englewood CO 80113 (720) 287-1670



or E-mail us at:

32 Thunder Roads Magazine Colorado ®

November 2016


Motorcycle Transport Specialists https://www.facebook. com/motorcycle.transport. specialist/?fref=ts CO (720) 329-4514 PLACES OF WORSHIP

Church in the Wind 2411 Alcott Street Denver CO 80211 (720) 635-2897 RESTAURANTS AND BARS

Sunshine Café 1856 Colorado Blvd Idaho Springs CO 80452 (720) 203-4878 Wild Bill’s Saloon 6762 Lowell Blvd Denver CO 80221 (303) 428-7843 WOMEN’S APPAREL

One Bad Bitch Denver CO 80129 (888)244-9299 HAN Motogear 9349 Black Mountain Dr, Conifer CO 80433 (303) 356-8691

List your business here for as little as $30 a month! CONTACT US AT or (720) 458-3134

for more details.

A husband and wife who worked for the circus went to an adoption agency. Social workers there raised doubts about their suitability. The couple produced photos of their 50-foot motor home, which was clean, well maintained and equipped with a beautiful bedroom for the child. The social workers raised concerns about the education a child would receive while in the couple’s care. “We’ve arranged for a full-time tutor who will teach the child all the usual subjects along with French, Mandarin and computer skills.” The social workers expressed concern about a child being raised in a circus environment. “Our nanny is a certified expert in pediatric care, welfare, and diet. In addition, there are 17 other children who travel with their circus parents.” The social workers were finally satisfied. They asked, “What age child are you hoping to adopt?” “It doesn’t really matter, as long as the kid fits into the cannon. ____________________________________________________

Floor 5 - These men Have Jobs, Love Kids, are Drop-dead Gorgeous, Help with Housework, and Have a Strong Romantic Streak & Sexual Prowess. She is so tempted to stay, but she goes to the sixth floor, where the sign reads: Floor 6 - You are visitor 37,456,512 to this floor. There are no men on this floor. This floor exists solely as proof that women are impossible to please. Thank you for shopping at The Husband Store. Attention: To avoid gender bias charges, the store’s owner opened The Wife Store just across the street. The first floor has Wives That Love Sex. The second floor has wives that Love Sex, Have Money of Their Own and Prefer Beer Over Expensive Mixed Drinks. The third, fourth, fifth and sixth floors have never been visited. Proving men truly aren’t that hard to please, after all. Who knew? ____________________________________________________

A store that sells new husbands has opened for Christmas where a woman may go to choose a husband. Among the instructions at the entrance is a description of how the store operates: You may visit this store ONLY ONCE! There are six floors and the value of the products increase as the shopper ascends the flights. The shopper may choose any item from a particular floor, or may choose to go up to the next floor, but you cannot go back down except to exit the building! So, a woman goes to The Husband Store to find a husband. On the first floor the sign on the door reads: Floor 1 - These men Have Jobs She is intrigued, but continues to the second floor, where the sign reads: Floor 2 - These men Have Jobs and Love Kids. ‘That’s nice,’ she thinks, ‘but I want more.’ So she continues upward. The third floor sign reads: Floor 3 - These men Have Jobs, Love Kids, and are Extremely Good Looking. ‘Wow,’ she thinks, but feels compelled to keep going. She goes to the fourth floor and the sign reads: Floor 4 - These men Have Jobs, Love Kids, are Drop-dead Good Looking and Help With Housework. ‘Oh, mercy me!’ she exclaims, ‘I can hardly stand it!’ Still, she goes to the fifth floor and the sign reads:

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