behind the wheel
It IS Your Business
he TIADA Conference and Expo has traditionally been where the members meet to conduct the “business of the association.” In fact, for over 75 years the association has met in some form or fashion to elect officers, change bylaws, set the legislative agenda, review the budget, and basically take care of association business. This is also when the association usually names its quality dealer of the year and hands out other awards to recognize those worthy of recognition. So, what happened to all that this year? As you already know, TIADA held its first ever virtual conference and in the planning the officers and past presidents of the association all agreed that holding the business of the association and handing out awards jut wouldn’t be the same virtually. This led us to postpone or delay those activities until the association could meet in person. In fairness, when that decision was made, everyone’s money was placed on this pandemic being lifted no later than September or October and things would be back to — can we even say “normal” anymore? As the days flew by, it started to become obvious “normal” was further away than we expected. As an association we continue to monitor the situation and
by Jeff
make new decisions along the way. Recently, it was decided to postpone naming our quality dealer of the year until next year. This falls in line with the decision NIADA made as well as every other state association. We will also postpone our Hall of Fame recipient for one year (oh the anticipation). However, we have a scholarship winner whom you can meet on page 26 and we will be announcing our Independent Award winners later this year. The bylaws and legislative committees meet virtually, and while the bylaws committee proposed no changes to the bylaws, the legislative committee did recommend a few. We will look for a time and method in early October to present those proposed changes to our members, get final input, and set our legislative agenda. The election of officers has been indefinitely postponed. Our current officers will stay in office until we can meet again in person. That could be in the next four or five months, fingers crossed, or it could be on Sunday, July 25, 2021 at our next annual conference. Hey, I want to give everyone something to look forward to. Put that date in your calendar, it’s less than a year away and I will see you then.
...the officers and past presidents of the association all agreed that holding the business of the association and handing out awards just wouldn’t be the same virtually. 46
T e x a s
D e a l e r
September 2020