2012 28auburn edition

Page 1

July 11, 2013

Volume 9 Issue 28 Credit card debt got you sizzling 3rd Quarter 2013this summer?


SKILL is walking over Niagara on a tightrope.

ISSUE 2013.28

INTELLIGENCE is not trying it!

Niagara Falls

Week 28 L OL O O O C C July 7 - July 13 N N W OW DO D Page 1 with a new credit card from

pages 1-4

East Alabama Community Federal Credit Union!

Famous Women: Maud Willard



pages 5-6

by Janet Spencer

Matches pages 7-8

We have rates as low as

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Transmission masTers

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Thomason Circle

More than 168,000 cubic meters (6 million cubic ft) of water go over Niagara Falls every minute during peak hours. It has the highest flow rate of any waterfall in the world, with a vertical drop of more than 165 feet (50 m). Come with Tidbits as we remember daredevils and fools who have gone over the falls. OVER A BARREL • Annie Edson Taylor was the first person ever to go over Niagara in a barrel. A widowed and unemployed schoolteacher, she was 63 years old in 1901 when she pulled off the stunt on her birthday. She was strapped into a harness inside an oak wine barrel padded with cushions. A bicycle pump was used to increase the air pressure inside the barrel after she climbed in. Then she was towed into the river above the falls. After the plunge, she spent 17 minutes bobbing around before assistants were able to snag the barrel and pull her to shore. Emerging dazed but unhurt, she said, “No one ought ever do that again.” She was incoherent for several days afterwards. Alas, the fame and fortune she was hoping for eluded her – perhaps because she was neither young nor beautiful – and she spent the next 20 years working as a Niagara street vendor, selling photos of herself with her barrel for a penny. She died, destitute and unknown, 20 years later. (continued next page)


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*See store for details. Offer not valid with any other offer. Management reserves the right to end offer at any time.


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