Tidbits of Auburn/Opelika

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February 2, 2012

Volume 8 Issue 05 1st Quarter 2012 /MaNager New OwNer Week 5

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USED CARS / ISSUE 2012.05 REFINANCE Fun & Unusual Holidays


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Q: Why is Christmas just like a day at the office? A: You do all the work, and the fat guy with the suit gets all the credit.



To people outside of the United States, several of our holidays may seem peculiar. Imagine a foreign person arriving here during our Halloween celebration, for instance. Crowds of people dressed in frightful costumes and wandering the streets looking for candy might appear like an instance of mass insanity to an outsider. All over the world, people conduct similarly unusual (and fun) celebrations. Below, Tidbits explores just a few. • Have you ever thought to yourself, “There just aren’t enough holidays where grown men cavort in diapers?” No? Well, Japan has a similar holiday for you anyway. On January 14, people in Japan celebrate The Naked Festival where men gather in loincloths (not actual diapers, thankfully) and galavant all over the city until the clock strikes 12. At midnight, they gather in a Shinto temple to observe another interesting tradition, attempting to catch bits of wood dropped from overhead by a local priest. Catch one and it means good luck for an entire year! turn the page for more!

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