May 22, 2014
Volume 10 Issue 21
What Do You Picture Yourself Doing This TABLE OF CONTENTS Summer? ISSUE 2014.21
Whether youCREEPY are taking a trip to the CRAWLIES beach, working in the yard, making Pg 1-4 improvements around the house DAN AYKROYD or traveling.... East alabama 5-6hometown CrEdit, inC. is Pg your lender that alwaysSNAILS puts you, the 7-8 customer,Pg First!
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2nd Quarter 2014 Week 21 May 18- May 24 Page 1
Q: Did you hear about the two bed bugs who met in the mattress? A: They got married in the spring.
They creep, they crawl, they scuttle. This week, Tidbits studies up on the good, the bad, and the ugly of creepy crawlies of the world. • What makes a creature an insect? In order to be classified as an insect, it must have three body parts (the head, thorax, and abdomen), six jointed legs, two antennae, and an outside skeleton. That counts out spiders and centipedes! There are 1,017,018 known species of insects in the world, but experts feel there might be another nine million that haven’t yet been discovered. Ninety-five percent of all the animal species on Earth are insects. • Insects are divided into 32 orders, with beetles as the largest order. There are 125 different families of beetles, and half a million different species. Did you know that one out of every four animals on Earth is a beetle? In fact the world’s largest insect is a beetle found in South America, the longhorn beetle measuring 9.85 inches (25 cm). The world’s heaviest insect is also a beetle, the African Goliath beetle, which can weigh up to 3.4 oz. (96 grams). … turn the page for more!
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