June 26, 2014
Volume 10 Issue 26 2nd Quarter 2014 Week 26 June 22- June 28 Page 1
TABLE OF CONTENTS If flying is so safe, why do they call the airport the ‘terminal’?
ISSUE 2014.26 FLIGHT pages 1-4
DOUGLAS McCURDY pages 5-6 BAIL-OUTS pages 7-8
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Don’t Walk A Tight Rope... We Want To Help You!
by Janet Spencer On June 25, 1953, Horace C. Boren became the first passenger to fly around the world on commercial airlines in less than 100 hours. Come along with Tidbits as we take flight! EARLY PIONEERS • The Wright brothers were not the first people to fly a plane. Seven years prior to their 1903 flight, Samuel Pierpont Langley’s 16-foot (4.8 m) plane travelled three quarters of a mile (1.2 km) and stayed aloft for a minute and a half. The Wright’s claim to fame was that they made the first flight that carried a human. Langley’s plane was unmanned. • The world’s first fatal airplane crash occurred in 1908 when a propeller broke, sending the aircraft plunging 150 feet (45 m) to earth. The pilot escaped with a broken leg, but the single passenger, Lt. Thomas Selfridge of the U.S. Signal Corps, was killed on impact. The pilot was Orville Wright. • Many people mistakenly think Charles Lindbergh made the first transatlantic flight. Actually, he made the first solo transatlantic flight, but many other transatlantic flights were made prior to his May 20-21, 1927 solo flight. For instance, there was Capt. John Alcock and Lt. Arthur Whitten Brown who flew a converted Vimy night bomber from Canada to Ireland on June 14 & 15, 1919. turn the page for more!
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