Tidbits of Auburn, Opelika, Phenix City, Columbus, & Fort Benning

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July 17, 2014

Volume 10 Issue 29

What Do You Picture Yourself Doing This TABLE OF CONTENTS Summer? ISSUE 2014.29

3rd Quarter 2014 Week 29 What do you call 2,000 pounds of Chinese soup? Won ton!

Whether you are Measure taking a trip to the beach, working in the yard, making pages 1-4 improvements around the house Bill Domm or traveling.... East alabama CrEdit, inC. ispages your 5-6 hometown Metric System lender that always puts you, the pages 7-8 customer, First!

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July 13 - 19 Page 1



by Janet Spencer On July 14, 1868, Alvin Fellows of Connecticut patented the retractable measuring tape which had a button that would lock the measuring tape in place and allow it to roll up inside the case when released, a design still used today. Fellows’ measuring tape made it easier to measure things, so come along with Tidbits as we look at ways things are measured. QUICK QUIZ: How many feet in a mile? How many ounces in a gallon? How many acres in a square mile? How much does a quart of water weigh? (Answers at the end of the issue.) RULE OF THUMB • Long ago, the width of the thumb equaled one inch, a handy measurement for carpenters and tailors. A rule of thumb came to mean any simple method that was based on practicality. • The Romans decreed the width of the thumb was one inch, and that 12 thumbs equaled one foot-length. The Latin word ‘uncia’ meaning one-twelfth was shortened to ‘unch’ and gave us our inch. An English law decreed the inch should equal the length of 3 barleycorns. • One Sunday in the year 1120, King Henry I of England lined up the first 12 men leaving church and measured the total length of their feet. He divided that by 12, and called the result the official foot. (cont’d next page)

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