Tidbits of Auburn, Opelika, Phenix City, Columbus, & Fort Benning

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July 24, 2014

Volume 10 Issue 30 3rd Quarter 2014 Week 30 TABLE OF CONTENTS ISSUE 2014.30 Unusual Islands pages 1-4

Did you hear about the writer who was stranded on a desert island with only an unsharpened pencil? He was there three weeks writing in the sand but his entire story was washed away! How pointless!

Raymond Burr


pages 5-6



by Patricia L. Cook

pages 7-8

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When islands are mentioned, many people think of Hawaii, the Caribbean islands or even Iceland. In this Tidbits, we’ll explore a few unfamiliar islands; some fictional and some that are not even surrounded by water! • Sicily Island, Louisiana is not a tropical island, or surrounded by an ocean, sea or lake. It is surrounded by Deer Creek on the north, Bayou Macon and Tensas River swamp on the east, Bayou Louah and Lake Lovelace on the south and the Ouachita River to the west. • Three exploring brothers, Richard, Thomas and George Lovelace, settled in the area in the 1760’s. They loved the beautiful scenery and lay of the land and named the area for the Mediterranean Island of Sicily. • Popular Catahoula Curs were developed as a canine breed at Sicily Island. The dogs were bred from the Lovelace brothers’ Dalmations and Indian dogs in the area. They were named for Catahoula Parish. • Napoleon Bonaparte, one of the most famous military leaders in history, is credited with the Louisiana Purchase. Due to its French heritage, Louisiana has parishes instead of counties. Napoleon was exiled twice: to Elba Island in the Mediterranean and later to St. Helena Island in the southern Atlantic. turn the page for more!

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