Tidbits of Auburn, Opelika, Phenix City, Columbus, & Fort Benning

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July 31, 2014

Volume 10 Issue 31

What Do You Picture Yourself Doing This TABLE OF CONTENTS Summer? ISSUE 2014.31

Whether youThe are Smithsonian taking a trip to the beach, working in the yard, making pages 1-4 improvements around the house James Naismith or traveling.... East alabama CrEdit, inC. ispages your 5-6 hometown Root lender that always putsBeer you, the customer, First! pages 7-8

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3rd Quarter 2014 Week 31 A man visiting the Smithsonian accidentally broke a statue, and the museum keeper said to him, “That is a five hundred year old piece you have just broken!”__”Gosh! Thank goodness it’s not a new one!”



Tidbits is honoring Smithsonian Day on August 10 by bringing you some facts on this institution, home to 137 million artifacts, works of arts, and specimens. • James Smithson was an English chemist, mineralogist, and Oxford graduate who devoted his life to science, authoring 27 published papers on mineralogy. Although he had never even visited the United States, upon his death in 1829, he left his entire estate “to the United States of America, to found at Washington, under the name of the Smithsonian Institution, an Establishment for the increase and diffusion of knowledge among men.” • Smithson’s bequest was sent to the U.S. in the form of gold sovereigns filling 11 boxes, along with his personal items, scientific papers, minerals, and library. The gold was sent to the U.S. treasury in Philadelphia to be reminted, a total of $508,318. • Smithson died and was buried in Italy, and the U.S. consulate in Genoa maintained his grave site there until 1903. That year, famous inventor Alexander Graham Bell, who was a regent for the Smithsonian, traveled to Genoa with his wife to have the body exhumed. turn the page for more!


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