August 21, 2014
Volume 10 Issue 34 3rd Quarter 2014 Week 34
Q: What did the nail say to the screw when it saw a hammer coming?
Aug 17 - Aug 23 Page 1
A: This is not a drill!
pages 1-4 Norman Breakey
pages 5-6 Paint pages 7-8
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by Janet Spencer On August 17, 1835, the first wrench was patented by Solyman Merrick of Massachusetts. Come along with Tidbits as we use tools! CAULKING GUN • Canadian Theodore Witte of Chilliwhack, BC, was pretty good at home repairs but he sure got tired of trying to smooth out putty around windows using a putty knife. One day in 1894, he was at the bakery, watching a baker put icing on a cake using a cake decorator’s gun to force the frosting into a smooth, controllable line. Why couldn’t putty be that easy? Witte went home and designed what he called a “puttying tool” that allowed putty to be applied in one continuous smooth seam. Unfortunately, the putty industry didn’t pay much attention and Witte never made much money from his invention, today known as the caulking gun. HAMMER FACTS • The word ‘smith’ comes from the Saxon word which means ‘to smite.’ In the olden days, a smith was anyone who worked with a hammer, whether he was hammering wood, metal, or stone. Thus there were blacksmiths, clocksmiths, coppersmiths, goldsmiths, gunsmiths, locksmiths, silversmiths, and so on. And since all these smiths needed a hammer, there were also hammersmiths.
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