Tidbits of Auburn, Opelika, Phenix City, Columbus, & Fort Benning

Page 1

October 9, 2014

Volume 10 Issue 41

Laptops & tV’s are Here TABLE OF CONTENTS

Q: What’s worse than finding a worm in your apple?

ISSUE 2014.41

A: Taking a bite and finding half a worm.


4th Quarter 2014 Week 41 Oct 5 - Oct 11 Page 1

pages 1-4



CheCk with us for your apartment needs! JIM CARREY



pages 5-6

by Kathy Wolfe


pages 7-8 Next to Jimmy’s Car Stereo Behind Swanson’s Diamond Center


920 Opelika Road • Auburn, Alabama

It’s National Apple Week, and there’s no better time for Tidbits to take a look at one of the world’s favorite fruits!

All Federal Workers and Retirees

• There are more than 7,500 known varieties of apples, each with its own specific characteristics and qualities. Some are tart, some are sweet. Some are meant for eating fresh, some for cooking, and still others for cider production. • The Malus domestica, the apple tree, originated in eastern Turkey. More apples are grown in China than any other nation, about half of the world’s supply. The United States is a distant second, producing about 5% of the world’s apples, while Turkey is in third place. About 70 million tons of apples are grown worldwide annually. • When the Pilgrims arrived in North America in the 17th century, they discovered crabapples, but disliked their sour and woody taste. The colonists requested that seeds and cuttings be sent from England on subsequent voyages, and North America’s first apple orchard was planted in Boston in 1625. During the early 1800s, Massachusetts native John Chapman traveled across Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois planting apple trees, and became known as Johnny Appleseed. turn the page for more!


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