Dec 16 2013

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December 2013, Issue 12-2 • 1(855)SC-TIDBITS • TIDBITS® HAS SOME

ICY INFO by Kathy Wolfe

There’s more to know about ice than just the fact that it’s frozen water. Here are the cold hard facts about cold hard ice! • About 10% of the Earth’s land mass and 7% of its oceans are covered by ice. Close to 98% of Antarctica, located at the Earth’s South Pole, is covered by ice averaging at least a mile (1.6 km) in thickness. Its ice sheet holds about 90% of the planet’s fresh water. • An ice sheet forms when snow that falls in winter does not melt entirely over the summer months. After thousands of years of this process, the layers pile up and compress into thick, dense sheets of ice. In order to be classified as an ice sheet, it must extend more than 20,000 sq. miles (50,000 sq. km). Antarctica’s ice sheet covers almost 5.4 million sq. miles (14 million sq. km), which is about the size of the U.S. and Mexico combined. At one spot the ice is 2.96 miles (4.76 km) thick. Greenland, the world’s largest island, has an ice sheet extending 656,000 sq. miles (1.7 million sq. km), about three times the size of Texas. • The size of an iceberg varies between 3.3 ft. and 246 ft. (1 to 75 m) above the sea, weighing between 100,000 and 200,000 tons. About one-ninth of an iceberg’s volume is above water. It’s very challenging to determine the shape of that portion that lies underwater. (Continues Next Page)

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by Tim Lebbon (Pyr, $17.99) Reviewed by Ealish Waddell In the near future of the “Toxic City” trilogy, London has been decimated by an act of terrorism that released a biological agent known as Evolve. Most of the population were killed instantly by the toxin, and a few who survived found themselves with new mental powers to heal, to manipulate and even to kill. To contain these frightening new abilities, the government razed the suburbs and declared London forbidden ground. When teen Jack and his friends uncover evidence that their relatives might still be alive inside the city, they risk their lives to cross the border. Instead of the empty wastes they’d been led to expect, they encounter a war zone, where scattered refugees struggle to survive, hunted not only by feral beasts and military thugs, but also by vicious members of their own kind. To his horror, Jack’s father has become one of the

latter, changed by Evolve into a villain beyond recognition. And after a bizarre encounter with Patient Zero, Jack himself begins to develop odd new abilities ... In the final book of the trilogy, “Contagion,” Jack has managed to rescue his mother and sister, but his mission in London is not over. Their friend Lucy-Anne is lost in the mutantfilled wilds of the north. Jack’s father and his gang of lethal Superiors continue their reign of terror. And the massive bomb buried under London has been triggered, counting down to annihilation in a matter of hours. As Jack urgently searches his newfound powers for solutions, he realizes that he alone may be the key to London’s future, and that it just might take everything he’s got. Energetic and fastpaced, “Contagion” is a gripping wrap-up to an intense dystopian adventure, delivering moment after moment of visceral horror right up to the shocking end. But its overall tone is one of hope amidst heartrending loss, and of people clinging to their humanity in the face of unspeakable tragedy. (c) 2013 King Features Synd., Inc.

ICY INFO (continued): • Icebergs are composed of freshwater ice that has broken off a glacier or an ice shelf, causing them to float freely in the open water. During the warmer weather of spring and summer, the formation of icebergs increases as they separate from the Greenland and Antarctica ice sheets and from other outlying glaciers. About 15,000 icebergs separate from Greenland every year, but most melt long before entering the Atlantic Ocean. Less than 400 will flow south of Newfoundland into the North Atlantic. • Iceberg Alley is the area about 250 miles (402 km) southeast of Newfoundland, Canada. This is where the Titanic struck an iceberg and sank in April of 1912. Prior to that disaster, which caused 1,500 deaths, there was no system to track icebergs and protect ships from collision. Immediately, the U.S. Navy began patrolling the waters, and the following year a permanent international system was created. • About 93% of the world’s icebergs are found in the Antarctic, and they are much larger than their northern counterparts. The largest iceberg on record was sighted in the Pacific Ocean in 1956 and measured 60 x 208 miles (97 x 335 km), with over 12,000 sq. miles (31,000 sq. km) of area, larger than the country of Belgium. In the Northern Atlantic, a 551-ft-tall (168-m) iceberg was reported in 1958, the equivalent of a 55-story building. • If all the ice in the world were to melt at the same time, the volume of all the oceans would increase by 1.7%, with a rise in sea level of 1180 feet (55 m). This would be the equivalent of the Empire State Building standing in water up to the 20th floor. (Continues on Page 8)

1. Name the Pacific Gas & Electric hit of 1970. 2. Who recorded “Jungle Boogie” in 1973? 3. Surf rock group The Chantays released which song in 1962? 4. Who wrote and recorded “First of May”? 5. Name the song that contains this lyric: “Woke up the next morning, Nikki wasn’t there. I looked all over and all I found was a Answers phone number on the stairs.” in Back☺

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HOLLYWOOD -- Why did Sam Champion leave “Good Morning America” to work at The Weather Channel? Sam, at GMA since 2006, became such an important part of the team that weather was almost his minor job. Since GMA leads the ratings, it’s unlikely he was pushed out, like Ann Curry at “The Today Show” or Al Roker, who’s on The Weather Channel in addition to “The Today Show.” The Weather Channel is a step back for Sam. Is it a coincidence Sam left less than a year since he “came out” officially and married his male partner? Just asking! Also at ABC, Katie Couric’s daytime talk show is all but canceled because of low ratings in its second year. *** Ben Affleck and

the new Spencer Tr a c y / K a t h e rine Hepburn or William Powell/ Myrna Loy team? They scored big in “Silver Linings Playbook” (for which she won an Oscar), and are currently on screen in “American Hustle,” to be followed by the “secret project” they shot in March of 2012, the Depression-era drama “Serena.” Jennifer’s Oscar win, coupled with her top-grossing “Hunger Games: Catching Fire” and Bradley’s track

wants it, and what Harvey wants, he usually gets! Channing Tatum is one busy guy. He’ll be heard as Superman in the animated “Lego Movie,” out Feb. 7. Then come June 23, he stars with Jonah Hill in “22 Jump Street,” followed by “Jupiter Ascending” with Mila Kunis, Sean Bean, Eddie Redmayne (“My Week with Marilyn”) and the most recent screen Romeo, Douglas Booth, bowing July 25. Then he’ll lend his voice again to the 3D computeranimated “Book of Life,” with Zoe Saldana and Christina Applegate, out Oct. 17. He’s currently filming “Foxcatcher,” with Steve Carell and Mark Ruffalo, in which People’s “The sexiest man alive” plays 1984 gold medal Olympic wrestler Max Schultz. With a new baby at home, keeping him and his wife up nights, small wonder he’s chosen location, location, location!

Matt Damon, who won Oscars for writing “Good Will Hunting” in 1997, are reteaming, as producers, to bring the DC comic book series “Sleeper” to the big screen. No word yet if either or both will act in the film. Hugh Jackman has completed shooting on “XMen: Days of Future Past,” as Wolverine. The highly anticipated sequel arrives May 23. Jackman has been b e f o r e the cameras with Sigourney Jennifer Lawrence Weaver in Johannesburg, South Africa, record have startsince October in ed a bidding war the science-fiction among distributors comedy “Chappy,” unlike any seen in set for a March recent years. The buzz is that Cooper 2015 bow. Could Bradley and Lawrence will Cooper and Jen- do it again! Word nifer Lawrence be on the street is that (c) 2013 King FeaHarvey Weinstein tures Synd., Inc.

In the Dark About Herpes DEAR DR. DONOHUE: I have been with my husband for 33 years, and for the past six I have been suspicious of him being unfaithful. I went to the doctor and tested negative for HIV, but I was positive for herpes 1 and 2. My husband claims I could have had this since before we met and says that he’s completely innocent. Do you think I could have had this for 30 years and not known it? It

seems rather unre- but it is possible to transmit alistic to me. -- D.F. the virus even when there are no symptoms. ANSWER: Herpes It is possible that you acviruses are a group quired the condition 30 or of common virus- more years ago. The test es that share sev- isn’t able to tell how long eral traits, one of you’ve had it. which is that they The booklet on herpes and all stay dormant in genital warts explains these the body and may two common infections cause recurrences in detail. Readers can obin times of stress. tain a copy by writing: Dr. Herpes simplex 1 Donohue -- No. 1202W, causes an outbreak Box 536475, Orlando, FL of cold sores: These of- 32853-6475. Enclose a ten come out when people check or money order (no are ill or stressed. Herpes cash) for $4.75 U.S./$6 simplex 2 usually causes Canada with the recipient’s genital lesions. About 20 printed name and address. percent of adults in the U.S. Please allow 4-6 weeks for are positive for HSV-2; delivery. many or even most of them *** don’t know they have it. DEAR DR. DONOHUE: Once you acquire HSV-2, it My husband tells me I have stays in your body forever, bad breath. I have seen and may (or may not) cause my dentist and done all recurrent disease, which the things I was told to do, most commonly looks like but there hasn’t been any a clear, fluid-filled blister. improvement. I have tried These are very infectious, many mouthwashes, with-


shopping cart or your bag, and no purchases. If after you are ready to buy, you still remember the things you ‘had to have,’ go back and make Zip-top bags are the purchases.” -essential when our M.M. in Arizona family packs for holiday visiting. We “A great storage use gallon-size bags container for fancy for the kids’ outfits -- ornaments is a liquor top, bottoms, under- box, which you can clothes, etc. -- and get for free outside each bag holds one of package stores. complete set. There They have cardis no suitcase chaos, board separators as yesterday’s cloth- that make it easy to ing goes in the bag, store glass bulbs.” -ready for laundry W.F. in New Mexico day when we get home. -- Happy “I try to buy the Traveling, JoAnn same amount of presents for each of After-Christmas my grandchildren. I sales are a great set a budget for each time to buy not only and that carries me gift wrap (look for throughout the year, solid colors that as I like to shop you can use all year early for sales. One long), holiday cards thing I do, though, is and decorations, to take into account but also next sea- the value of the item son’s winter wear. if I get a super great Things like scarves deal. I think it makes and gloves can be it fairer for the rest of great bargains. And them. I haven’t had even coats can go on any complaints!” -sale. Take advantage Grandma, via email -- especially if you have kids -- and buy Send your tips to up. Now Here’s a Tip, c/o King Features “Here is a won- Weekly Service, derful shopping tip P.O. Box 536475, that’s especially Orlando, FL 32853useful during holi- 6475 or e-mail day shopping, but is JoAnn at heresatip@ something we do all year round: Spend your first hour or (c) 2013 King Feaso browsing only. tures Synd., Inc. Nothing goes in the

out success. What more can I do? -- W.B. ANSWER: You were right in starting out with your dentist. When no oral conditions are found that produce bad breath, then the most likely cause is mouth bacteria that produce odoriferous, sulfur compounds. Let me repeat what your dentists told you for the sake of others. Brush after every meal, and brush your tongue as far back as you can. You might want to get a tongue scraper for the backmost part of the tongue. That’s where the sulfur-producing bacteria live. Keep your mouth moist by drinking water or chewing sugar-free gum. Products containing zinc have been sold since the 1970s and have gotten mixed reviews for their effect on halitosis. Listerine with zinc is one product. Another is SmartMouth. ***

DEAR DR. DONOHUE: I had a breast lump removed two years ago. After the removal, I had radiation. Everything has been going fine, except for a breast infection I got last month. Were the treatments responsible? -- A.D. ANSWER: Surgery and radiation could have caused changes in the breast that made it more susceptible to an infection. But neither was the actual cause of it. *** Dr. Donohue regrets that he is unable to answer individual letters, but he will incorporate them in his column whenever possible. Readers may write him or request an order form of available health newsletters at P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475. (c) 2013 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved

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several factors including condition and rarity. One of the better typewriter experts is Anthony Castillo, owner of TTS Business and Products, 325 Nassau Blvd., Garden City South, NY 11530. His website and email address are; and *** Q: My great-aunt recently died in MisQ: I have what I think is an old U.S. sissippi. For years she taught young Army knife, stamped “US 1918.” What students piano, and her estate includes do you think it is worth? -- Bill, Wolcott, piles of older sheet music. Should we N.Y. keep or toss it? -- Johnnie, Baton Rouge, A: One of the better references I have La. found is “American Premium Guide to A: Wayland Bunnell is an expert and apKnives and Razors: Identification and praiser of sheet music, and he stated that Value Guide,” by Jim Sargent (Krause unless you have pieces that are extraordiBooks). This might be a good place to nary, they probably would not be worth begin your search. appraising. He is willing to advise you, *** however, and can be contacted at wtarryQ: I have the World’s Fair board game Sheet music to be aware that was issued in 1964. It is complete of includes early ragtime, personality and in excellent condition. Is it worth sheets from the 1920s and ‘30s promoting keeping? -- Connie, Fargo, N.D. stars such as Al Jolson, Shirley Temple and A: According to the 19th edition of “Toys Judy Garland, and pre-1925 Irving Berlin & Prices” by Mark Bellomo, your game compositions. Most sheet music spotted in was manufactured by Milton Bradley and shops and at antique malls generally sells would retail in the $10 to $35 range dein the $1 to $3 range. pending on condition. *** Q: My dad owned a typewriter repair Write to Larry Cox in care of King Feashop and saved about a dozen older tures Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, machines that he thought were unique. Orlando, FL 32853-6475, or send e-mail I would like to find out how much they to Due to the might be worth. -- Bill, Topeka, Kansas large volume of mail he receives, Mr. Cox A: Collectors divide machines into three is unable to personally answer all reader basic periods: Pioneer, from 1874 to 1890; questions. Do not send any materials reClassic, from 1890 to 1920; and Modern, quiring return mail. all machines manufactured after 1920. As with most collectibles, values depend on (c) 2013 King Features Synd., Inc.

Q: Can you tell me when “American Idol” will be back? I’m so excited that Jennifer Lopez has returned for this next season. -Kendra W., via email A: The singing competition that started it all returns for its 13th season on Fox beginning Wednesday, Jan. 15, at 8/7c. Along with Jennifer Lopez, Keith Urban returns to lend his expertise to the judging panel. Ryan Seacrest will continue to be our fearless host, and Harry Connick Jr. upgrades his season 12 mentor status to becoming a season 13 judge. Former judge Randy Jackson will return for a few episodes as an in-house mentor. *** Q: I can’t wait to see Sting and Paul Simon touring together this spring -- Sting has always been one of my favorite artists. Until then, do you know of anything that can tide me over? -- Nina T., Omaha, Neb. A: Well, Nina, I’m sure you already know that Sting’s most recent album, “The Last Ship,” was released in September 2013. But did you know that on Feb. 21 at

9 p.m. ET on PBS, you can parties. He can be more ambitious. catch Sting on Thirteen’s “There is going to be a new big, “Great Performances”? The big character who is the King of concert was filmed this past Wessex. Wessex is a much larger year on Sting’s birthday (Oct. kingdom than Northumbria, with a 2) at a special fan-club per- much more powerful king and also formance during a 10-night a cleverer king, a king who spent run of benefit concerts where half of his young life at the court Sting performed songs from of Emperor Charlemagne. Ragnar his new album. A friend’s husband is going to be up against a very was fortunate enough to attend this formidable foe in the King of Wesevent, so I can tell you with cer- sex.” tainty it’s a concert *** that should not be Q: I need my “Portmissed. landia”! -- Susanna *** Y., Chicago Q: It seems like A: On Thursday, Feb. forever since “Vi27, at 10 p.m. ET/ kings” ended its PT, you’ll get your first season. When “Portlandia”! IFC’s will it be back? original hit comedy -- Danny J., via returns for its fourth email season with 10 allA: “Vikings” will new episodes. Fred return for a 10-epiArmisen and Carsode second searie Brownstein play son on the History host to a number of Sting Channel in Februfun guest stars this ary, and you can go-round, including count on plenty Ed Begley Jr., Steve more drama, gore, sex and political Buscemi, Kirsten Dunst, Jeff Goldintrigue. According to “Vikings” blum, k.d. lang, Kyle MacLachlan, creator Michael Hirst: “The first Jason Sudeikis and Olivia Wilde. episode of the new season will be absolutely gobsmacking. There are Write to Cindy at King Features huge dangers at the personal level Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, (for Ragnar). Certain things are re- Orlando, FL 32853-6475; or e-mail solved in conflict and certain things her at continue. The scale will be bigger. He’s gone into business now with a king. So, he can raid with bigger (c) 2013 King Features Synd., Inc.


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ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Careful, Lamb. Don’t let your generous nature lead to some serious overspending as you contemplate your holiday gift-giving. Your social life kicks off into high gear by week’s end. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) A positive attitude helps you weather annoying but unavoidable changes in holiday plans. Aspects favor new friendships and reinforcement of existing relationships. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Demands on your energy level could be much higher than usual as you prepare for the upcoming holidays. Be sure to pace yourself. Friends and family will be happy to help. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Don’t allow a suddenly icy reaction from a friend or family member to continue without learning what caused it -- and what can be done to restore that once warm and caring relationship. LEO (July 23 to August 22) A relationship seems to be unraveling, mostly from a lack of attention. It might be a good idea to ease up on whatever else you’re doing so you can spend more time working to mend it. VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) New facts emerge that not only help explain the recent rift with a trusted colleague, but also might provide a chance to wipe the slate clean and make a fresh start in your friendship. LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) A family member’s personal situation is, fortunately, resolved in time for you to get

back into your hectic round of holiday preparations. An old friend might bring a new friend into your life. SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) Pace yourself in meeting holiday pressures and workplace demands to avoid winding up with a frayed temper and a Scorpian stinger that lashes out at puzzled kith, kin and colleagues. S A G I T TA R I U S (November 22 to December 21) A financial matter requires close attention. Also, news from a trusted source provides the means to help sort out a long-standing state of confusion and put it into perspective. CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) This is a good time to reinforce family ties. Make it a priority to assess and resolve all outstanding problems. Start the upcoming holiday season with a full measure of love. AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) Don’t be pressured into a so-called solid-gold investment. Wait until the holiday distractions are over. Then take a harder look at it. You might find that the “gold” is starting to flake off. PISCES (February 19 to March 20) A former friend might be trying to heal the breach between you by using a mutual friend as an intermediary. Best advice: Keep an open mind despite any lingering bad feelings. BORN THIS WEEK: You have a way of saying the right thing at the right time. Your friendships are deep and lasting.

(c) 2013 King Features Synd., Inc.

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Operation Gratitude Reaches Milestone On Dec. 7, Operation Gratitude reached a significant milestone: It sent the one-millionth care package to service members around the globe. That meant sending more than 100,000 individually addressed care packages each year, accomplished with the aid of hundreds of volunteers in Van Nuys, Calif. The lucky recipient of the one-millionth package didn’t just get a box full of high-value gifts,

entertainment items and hand-written letters of appreciation -- the service member will come home to a new Ford F-150 pickup truck. During the past 10 years, OpGrat has grown as more and more volunteers have stepped forward to help, and the reach of the packages has expanded. It now includes veterans, first responders and Wounded Warriors, as well as active-duty personnel in hostile areas. How can you help? It costs $15 to mail each package. Consider making a $15 tax-deductible donation four times a

Eat Nuts, Live Longer For years, my doctor has been trying to steer me away from peanut butter and toward other nut butters, like almond and cashew, saying they were more nutritious. Recently, I discovered that a major manufacturer has come out with a line of cashew and almond butters that don’t have all that oil floating on top. I grabbed one of each and compared them to my usual brand of peanut butter Ð and found no appreciable difference between the types! Calories, proteins and total carbohydrates


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(864)962-7600 year to OpGrat, to coincide with their quarterly mailings. You can donate online at its website -- -or you can send a check to: Operation Gratitude 16444 Refugio Road Encino, CA 91436 You also can keep an eye on its activities www.; and www.facebook. com/OperationGratitude. If you’re crafty, check the website for instructions on how to make handmade scarves, paracord bracelets (sent to first responders) and bandana coolties for the packages. If you’re part of a group, look for fundraising ideas or assemble Care Kits to go in the individual packages. Write

all were very similar. And now there’s even more reason to stick with what I like, which is peanut butter: A 30-year Harvard study of nearly 120,000 professionals that looked at consumption of nuts in the diet. Here’s what it learned: “Increased nut consumption is associated with a reduced risk of major chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.” The more times per week the participants had nuts, the lower their mortality rate. “Those who consumed nuts seven or more times per week had a 20 percent lower death rate.” It was the same for peanuts and tree nuts, like pistachio, walnut, almond, hazelnut and cashew. And that isn’t all. The findings jibed with other studies done in the U.S., U.K. and the Netherlands. Granted, the researchers couldn’t

letters of appreciation to go in each package. Check the website for the list of most-needed items, as these change from time to time. Contact OpGrat at 262-6747281 for shipping instructions, as the address above isn’t for shipments. It took from 2003 until now to ship 1 million packages. Let’s help OpGrat cut that time in half for the next million. Freddy Groves regrets that he cannot personally answer reader questions, but will incorporate them into his column whenever possible. Send email to columnreply2@ (c) 2013 King Features Synd., Inc.

explain exactly why this is so. Do people who eat nuts exercise more? Do they follow a healthier diet? (It was found that nut consumption caused less weight gain and was associated with smaller waists and less risk of obesity.) Therefore they don’t specifically say “eat nuts, live longer.” But there is a correlation, no matter how it works. Try putting crushed nuts on your salads, yogurt and cereal, or spreading nut butters on crackers or toast. Or just eat them by the handful. Matilda Charles regrets that she cannot personally answer reader questions, but will incorporate them into her column whenever possible. Send email to (c) 2013 King Features Synd., Inc.

On Jan. 2, 1811, Timothy Pickering, a Federalist from Massachusetts, becomes the first U.S. senator to be censured when the Senate approves a motion against him. Pickering was accused of violating congressional law by publicly revealing secret documents. On Dec. 30, 1862, the U.S.S. Monitor sinks in a storm off Cape Hatteras, N.C. Just nine months earlier, the ship had been part of a revolution in naval warfare when the ironclad dueled to a standstill with the C.S.S. Virginia (Merrimack) -- the first time two ironclads faced each other in a naval engagement. On Jan. 5, 1920, the New York Yankees majorleague baseball club announces its purchase of the heavy-hitting outfielder George Herman “Babe” Ruth from the Boston Red Sox for the sum of $125,000. The deal paid off as Ruth went on to smash his own home run record in 1920, hitting 54 homers.

an underground tunnel and only discovered that the war was over by reading it in the newspaper. On Jan. 3, 1967, Jack Ruby, the Dallas nightclub owner who killed the alleged assassin of President John F. Kennedy, dies of cancer in a Dallas hospital. The Texas Court of Appeals recently had overturned his death sentence for the murder of Lee Harvey Oswald and was scheduled to grant him a new trial. On Jan. 4, 1974, President Richard Nixon refuses to hand over tape recordings and documents that had been subpoenaed by the Senate Watergate Committee. Nixon would resign from office in disgrace eight months later. On Dec. 31, 1984, Bernhard Goetz, the white man dubbed the “subway vigilante” after he shot four young black men on a New York City subway train, turns himself in at a police station in Concord, N.H. Goetz claimed that the men, all of whom had criminal records, were trying to rob him and that he had acted in self-defense.

On Jan. 1, 1946, on the island of Corregidor, in Manila Bay, 20 Japanese soldiers approach a lone soldier -- literally waving a white (c) 2013 King Feaflag. The soldiers tures Synd., Inc. had been living in

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1. Frozen (PG) animated 2. The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (PG-13) Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson 3. Out of the Furnace (R) Christian Bale, Casey Affleck 4. Thor: The Dark World (PG-13) Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman 5. Delivery Man (PG-13) Vince Vaughn, Chris Pratt 6. Homefront (R) Jason Statham, James Franco 7. The Book Thief (PG13) Sophie Nelisse, Geoffrey Rush 8. The Best-Man Holiday (R) Monica Calhoun, Morris Chestnut 9. Philomena (PG-13) Judi Dench, Steve Coogan 10. The Dallas Buyers Club (R) Matthew McConaughey, Jennifer Garner

1. The main Christmas story is paraphrased from what two New Testament books? Mark/John, Acts/Romans, Matthew/Luke, Jude/ Revelation ? 2. Approximately how old was Jesus when the wise men (Magi) arrived with their gifts? 1 day, 2 weeks, 2 months, 2 years 3. Where did the angel Gabriel appear to Mary saying, “Blessed art thou among women”? Nazareth, Tyre, Ninevah, Gazi 4. In what city of Judaea was Jesus born? Damascus, Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Gezer 5. Who plotted to kill the baby Jesus? Archelaus, Herod, Pontius Pilot, Caesar Augustus 6. How many times does the word “Christmas” appear in the Bible (KJV)? Zero, 1, 2, 7?

VICODIN RECLASSIFIED; ORGAN DONATION BY MICHAEL ROIZEN, M.D., AND MEHMET OZ, M.D. Q: I have chronic back pain, and I’ve been taking Vicodin for about a year. Why are the rules changing about how it is prescribed and how often I have to see the doctor? -- Henry G., Evanston, Ill. A: Let us explain. Vicodin, a combination of the powerful opioid pain reliever hydrocodone bitartrate and acetaminophen, is being reclassified as “possibly” highly addictive and prone to abuse, and will now be considered a schedule II drug. The current rash of abuse of prescription drugs has made it important to establish more control over how Vicodin is dispensed. Drug-related overdoses are now the leading cause of accidental death for Americans ages 25 to 64 (60 percent of drug overdoses in 2010 were from prescription drugs). In 2010, Vicodin was the most prescribed medication in the U.S.; 131 million prescriptions were filled. So, instead of allowing your doc to call the pharmacy to renew your prescription every six months, these changes mean you’ll have to see your doc in person for a new written prescription, and you’ll hand deliver it to the pharmacy every three months. For people with legitimate health issues -- like you, Henry -this should make little difference. You’ll continue to get the medication you need to control pain (true, with a little more effort). But seeing your doc every three months when you are taking a potentially addictive drug and have a chronic condition is better health care anyway. It’s hoped that many people with chronic back pain will try physical therapy again, so they can relearn or retry core muscle strengthening. That way, this new regulation may help some people, maybe many, to get rid of part or all of their chronic back pain and its limitations on their life. So we see no problem with tightening the Vicodin reins a bit and making prescribing doctors more hands-on. Good doctors won’t mind. And you shouldn’t mind the slight in-


convenience, either. Chances are you’ll wind up with better treatment. Q: I’m ambivalent about signing an organ donation card. What do you think about the practice? -- Katrina D., Springfield, Va. A: Organ donations happen about 13,000 times a year (6,600 come from cadavers and around 6,000 from live donors), and in 2009 they accounted for around 23,000 organ transplants. But there’s a waiting list of more than 120,000 people looking for a new kidney, heart, liver or other organ. And around 6,570 people will die this year waiting for a transplant. Fortunately, changes in the way of classifying and crossmatching kidneys (there are 93,000 people in the U.S. waiting for a new one) will now let more people get transplants. Researchers discovered more than 85 percent of so-called high-risk transplanted kidneys were still functioning after 2.4 years. So the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has decided that the “high risk” designation may not apply to as many potential donor organs as was thought. That should make more organs available. Even though lists are getting shorter, you can still help. Live donors can give a kidney, a partial liver, a lobe of a lung, (rarely) part of the pancreas and bone marrow. The National Living Donor Assistance Center can provide funds for travel and basic expenses, especially to people who otherwise could not afford the costs of live donation. Or, if you’re one of the 90 percent of Americans who say they support organ donation but haven’t done anything about it, you can check off the box on your driver’s license that identifies you as an organ donor for when you no longer need them. Eventually we’re hoping organ regeneration will be what’s used in place of transplants to repair a heart and even restore brain cells or neural circuits. A windpipe has already been successfully “grown” and implanted. Researchers in Japan recently used stem cells to produce a tiny version of a human liver that they successfully implanted in a mouse. But until then? We should all contribute to organ donation as we can or want. *** Mehmet Oz, M.D. is host of “The Dr. Oz Show,” and Mike Roizen, M.D. is Chief Wellness Officer and Chair of Wellness Institute at Cleveland Clinic. Email your health and wellness questions to Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen at youdocsdaily(at sign) (c) 2013 Michael Roizen, M.D. and Mehmet Oz, M.D. Distributed by King Features Syndicate, Inc.


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ICY INFO (continued): • Water freezes from the outside in, expanding as it freezes. Tiny air bubbles are trapped in the water as it freezes, and the air is pushed to the center of an ice cube, which is shy cubes have cloudy, opaque centers. Ice cubes made from tap water have more air content, making them cloudier. If you want your ice cubes to be perfectly clear, start off with hot water, which has less air than cold water from the faucet. Or use bottled water, boiling it briefly before freezing. • When can you trust walking on ice? Ice with a thickness of two inches (5.1 cm) will support the weight of a man. Ice that is four inches (10.2 cm) thick will support that man on horseback. • Hail forms inside strong thunderstorm clouds when those clouds with updrafts pick up water droplets and carry them above the freezing level. Hailstones measure between .2 inch (5 mm) and 6 inches (15 cm) in diameter. In North America, “Hail Alley” is where hail is most common, that area where Colorado, Nebraska, and Wyoming meet. Cheyenne, Wyoming is the continent’s most hail-prone city, with about 9 to 10 hailstorms during the time from May to September. Vivian, South Dakota recorded the U.S.’s largest hailstone in July, 2010, with a diameter of 8 inches (20 cm) and a weight of 1.93 lbs. (0.88 kg). The world’s largest fell in 1986 in Bangladesh and weighed 2.25 lbs. (1 kg), and was about the size of a cantaloupe. That deadly storm killed 92 people. • What’s the difference between ice and dry ice? Regular ice is frozen water, while dry ice is frozen carbon dioxide. Dry ice is much colder, with temps below -108 degrees F (-78 C). Carbon dioxide does not go through a liquid state as it cools from gas to a solid state, and it also doesn’t melt. Rather, it changes directly from a solid into a vapor. pg.11

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Broken Windowpane Is Easy to Replace Q: During a recent party, there was a bit of an incident in the kitchen, and one of the panes in the window above the sink was shattered. I removed the bits of glass and covered the empty space with cardboard, held in place with duct tape. How easy is it to replace just the pane of glass? -- Candace G., Ithaca, N.Y. A: Replacing a single glass pane is a pretty straightforward job, one that can be accomplished quickly once you have the supplies and tools at hand. You’ll need, of course, a replacement pane of glass. Because the original pane was shattered, the exact dimensions need to be figured out. Do this by measuring the width and height of the frame. Then, subtract 1/16 inch from each side -- this will allow a bit of space for the new glass to expand and contract in changing temperatures. When cleaning up the broken glass, did you save the small metal tabs or spring clips that were spaced around the frame? If so, keep them around to reuse; otherwise, you’ll need to buy replacements. The metal tabs are called glazier’s points and are used in wooden frames; the spring clips are used in metal frames. These help hold the windowpane snugly in place. Head for the hardware store with measurements

in hand. Most stores will sell precut windowpanes in standard sizes that match or nearly match your measurements; otherwise, they can cut the glass to your specified size. Make sure you have the following on hand for the repair: Window putty (also known as glazier’s putty), a putty knife, glazier’s points or spring clips (for metal frames), a wire brush, steel wool, fine-grit sandpaper and a soft cloth. Remove the cardboard and tape patch and clean up the frame to prepare it for the new pane. Take out any remaining points or clips and carefully scrape away the old window putty. This may be the most time-consuming part, as the putty may have hardened and adhered to the frame. Be patient and work carefully. Once the old putty is removed, wipe the frame clean. Then add a new line of putty by forming a ball in the palm of your hand, then rolling it out into a long, thin line about the width of a pencil. Press this line of putty around the edge of the frame on the side on which the new pane will be attached. Insert the new pane of glass, pressing it against the new putty. Hold it in place with one hand, and with the other hand, insert glazier’s points or clips. Points should be placed every 8 inches around the frame and pressed into the wood using the putty knife or a similar tool. Clips can be placed in existing holes in the metal frame. Use a little more putty to secure the pane on the side closest to you, by dabbing it into areas where the glass touches the frame. Scrape away excess with the putty knife. Clean excess or spilled putty from the window and the frame using the putty knife and a wet cloth. Let the putty dry and cure for about four days before painting. HOME TIP: Wear heavy work gloves to protect your hands when removing or cleaning up pieces of broken glass, especially when prying shards loose. Send your questions or home tips to My e-book, “101 Best Home Tips,” is available to download on Kindle! Pick it up it today for just 99 cents. (c) 2013 King Features Synd., Inc.




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Swedish Meatballs for the Holidays My great-aunt Ina had no children of her own, so we always included her at holiday gatherings, where we played endless rounds of Boggle and Scrabble, and did lots of eating. She’d win the games and then happily drift into the kitchen to make her Swedish meatballs, a recipe passed on to her from her immigrant parents more than a century ago. Now that she is no longer with us, we find ourselves reminiscing about her when we pull out her recipe for our Christmas Eve smorgasbord. As we do, I root around in the fridge for eggs, beef and pork, then Mom gathers spices from the cupboard. Without a word being spoken, we both have similar thoughts, remembering Aunt Ina, and others who gathered around the warm kitchen in Christmases past. Heirloom recipes and special traditions make the holiday season bright for families everywhere. “And they help us slow down,” says 42-yearold Blake Christiansen, an energetic fourthgrade teacher and father of four active kids under 11. “Traditions aren’t fast-moving. They call us to put our super-busy lifestyles aside and come together to do something that matters. When we prepare Grandma Signa’s Julgrod (a Norwegian rice pudding), it gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling. Wow! I’m passing along something from my heritage while connecting with the most important people in my life. It’s real, and that’s what counts.” Find a pause in family life to celebrate your unique traditions this month. And if you are in need of a new one, I am sharing great-aunt Ina’s Swedish meatball recipe with you. We serve ours with lingon-

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berry sauce on the side, but you might prefer topping them with your favorite gravy or even a spicy barbecue sauce! Let’s get rolling ... AUNT INA’S SWEDISH MEATBALLS 1 pound lean ground beef 1 pound ground pork 1 egg, slightly beaten 1/2 cup milk 1 cup breadcrumbs or cracker crumbs 1 large onion, grated 1 clove garlic finely chopped 1 tablespoon parsley finely chopped 1 teaspoon ground allspice 1 1/2 teaspoons salt Pinch of pepper Here’s the fun: 1. In a large bowl, let your child mix ingredients thoroughly for several minutes. Shape into firm 1-inch balls. Aunt Ina dipped her fingers in a bowl of cold water to make it easy. 2. Arrange on two rimmed c o o k i e sheets. Bake at 350 F for about 30 minutes until lightly browned, rotating sheets halfway through. Makes 48 meatballs. Alternate method: Place in an ovenproof frying pan with melted butter. An adult should fry them on medium heat, turning occasionally for 10 minutes until lightly browned. Bake in a 350 F oven for 10 minutes. *** Donna Erickson’s award-winning series “Donna’s Day” is airing on public television nationwide. To find more of her creative family recipes and activities, visit www. and link to the NEW Donna’s Day Facebook fan page. Her latest book is “Donna Erickson’s Fabulous Funstuff for Families.” (c) 2013 Donna Erickson Distributed by King Features Synd.

Hearty Soup Keeps Winter Chill at Bay For many people, the cold weather is a reason not to exercise outside or not to exercise at all. However, it is possible to get a great workout outdoors this winter, as long as you exercise caution and dress properly. Exercising in cold weather can put extra stress on the body. It is important to consult your physician if you have a medical condition that puts you at risk before starting a new outdoor regimen. The two conditions you have to worry about are frostbite and hypothermia. Frostbite is the freezing body tissue. It occurs most often on fingers, toes, ears and face. Symptoms of frostbite include pain, numbness, tingling and burning of the affected site. Hypothermia occurs when the core body temperature drops to below 95 degrees F. Symptoms include chills, fatigue, drowsiness, slurred speech, intense shivering and loss of coordination. The right clothes are your first line of defense. Dress in layers. The first layer should be a thin synthetic fabric such as polypropylene, which helps draw sweat away from the body. The next layer should be fleece or wool to help insulate the body. The top layer should be waterproof to help keep heat from escaping and keep moisture and wind out. It’s also important to protect areas of the body prone to frostbite. A thin pair of gloves under a heavier pair will protect hands. Thermal socks will help protect the feet. It may be necessary to purchase shoes a half size larger to allow for the thickness of the socks. Don’t forget a hat or headband to protect your

ears. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids. Dehydration is not just a risk in the summer. When sweating and increased breathing occur, in any type of weather, dehydration is a possibility. It is particularly important to warm up properly for cold weather workouts. The body tends to stiffen more easily in cold weather. Do a short warm-up activity to help prevent injury. Remember that shoveling snow can be a good workout, but also can take a toll on people who are not used to heavy lifting. Take the same precautions you would for any other hard outdoor workout, because that is exactly what it is! After your winter workout, you can warm up with a hearty bowl of Kale and Potato Chowder. With potatoes replacing the cream traditionally used in chowder recipes, this is a fast, economical and healthy soup that will keep the chill away until spring. KALE AND POTATO CHOWDER

Add onions, salt, pepper and poultry or Italian seasoning; cook until onions are tender, about 3 to 5 minutes. Add garlic and the tomatoes, and cook for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add the potatoes, water and broth to the soup pot. Bring the ingredients to a boil and reduce to a simmer. Cook until potatoes are almost done, about 10 minutes. 2. Remove 2 cups of the potatoes along with some of the liquid. Place the potatoes and liquid into a blender. Carefully loosen the top of the blender to allow air to circulate, and cover the top with a dish towel to prevent the hot liquid from exploding out. Start blending on the lowest setting, and gradually increase to medium and then high. Blend until the potatoes are smooth. 3. Add the potato mixture, kale, carrots and kidney beans to soup pot; stir to combine. Continue cooking for 10 to 15 minutes until kale and carrots are tender. Taste and add more seasoning as needed. Serve in soup bowl along with side salad of fruit or leafy greens, and whole-grain crackers or bread. Makes 6 (1-1/4 cup) servings. (Additional information provided by Tammy Roberts, Nutrition and Health Education Specialist, Bates C o u n t y, University of Missouri Extension.) *** Angela Shelf Medearis is an award-winning children’s author, culinary historian and author of seven cookbooks. Her new cookbook is “The Kitchen Diva’s Diabetic Cookbook.” Her website is To see how-to videos, recipes and much, much more, Like Angela Shelf Medearis, The Kitchen Diva!, on Facebook and go to Recipes may not be reprinted without permission from Angela Shelf Medearis.

4 cups chopped fresh kale, stems removed 1 1/2 tablespoons olive oil 1 medium onion, diced 1 1/2 teaspoons salt 1 1/2 teaspoons ground black pepper 1 tablespoon poultry seasoning or Italian seasoning 4 cloves garlic, diced 1 (14-ounce) can diced tomatoes -- no salt added, with liquid 4 large baking potatoes, diced with skin 3 cups water 2 cups low-sodium chicken broth 1 large carrot, sliced into thin rounds 1 (15-ounce) can kidney beans, drained and rinsed (c) 2013 King Features Synd., Inc., and Angela Shelf Med1. In a large pot, heat the oil. earis

Puzzle & Trivia Answers BIBLE TRIVIA ANSWERS:

1) Matthew/Luke; 2) 2 years; 3) Nazareth; 4) Bethlehem; 5) Herod; 6) Zero


1. “Are You Ready?” The band was forced to change its name to PG&E after pressure from the utility company by the same name. Ironically, most people in that area of California call the utility company PG&E. 2. Kool & the Gang. The song was used in the film “Pulp Fiction.” 3. “Pipeline.” The group of high-school students scored a No. 4 placement on the Hot 100. 4. The BeeGees, in 1969. 5. “Darling Nikki,” by Prince in 1984. This was the explicit song that drove Tipper Gore, wife of Vice President Al Gore, to go before Congress to ask for warning labels on records with violent or sexual material or that were about drug use. The Parents Music Resource Center was born. There were 15 songs on its original list.


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ICY INFO (continued): • The word “ice” doesn’t always refer to water that has frozen into a solid form. It can also refer to an air of unfriendliness or animosity, when the atmosphere turns to ice. It can be a snack of shaved ice flavored with sweetened juice. The term can also mean flashy diamond jewelry or a smokable form of an illegal methamphetamine. As a verb, to a hired assassin, it’s slang for killing their victim and to a baker, it’s what they do to a cake. To a hockey player, it’s their skating surface as well as the act of shooting the puck out of defensive territory and far into the opposing team’s territory. If you’re too busy at work to take any time off, you put your vacation on ice when you postpone it. If you’re in an awkward social situation and no one is speaking, you might break the ice by offering the first remarks. But be careful about offensive remarks – they might put you on thin ice, meaning you’re in a difficult situation. • A glacier forms when multiple snowfalls occur over many years, even centuries in mountainous or polar regions. Glaciers form only on land, and flow very slowly across the land, powered by gravity, altering the shape of the Earth, creating valleys, morasses, crevasses, and changing landforms. Not surprisingly, the world’s largest glacier, Lambert Glacier is located in Antarctica.

It was beloved American pianist and comedian Jimmy Durante who made the following sage observation: “Be nice to people on your way up because you meet them on your way down.”

a barrel. His daring came at a cost, though; he spent six months in a hospital, recovering from injuries due to his feat. He later went on publicity tours, recounting his experience and posing with the barrel that took him over the falls. He was on one such tour in New Zealand in 1926 when he slipped on an orange peel, injuring his leg slightly. The leg became infected, necessitating an amputation -- which still didn’t save him. He died two months later, the daredevil felled by a citrus rind.

of every 10 ears of corn grown in the United States actually ends up being eaten by people. The other eight are destined to feed animals and to be made into ethanol gasoline. If you’re like more than half of all Americans, you’d be willing to live in a haunted house -- provided you didn’t have to pay rent. There are those who say that actor Johnny Depp is afraid of clowns. *** Thought for the Day: “This country has come to feel the same when Congress is in session as when the baby gets hold of a hammer.” -- Will Rogers

Famed markswoman and exhibition shooter Annie Oakley was born the daughter of Quakers, who gave her the name Phoebe Those who study such Ann Moses. things say that fully 10 It was in July 1911 when percent of the country’s todaredevil Bobby Leach tal income is due to orgabecame the second per- nized crime. (c) 2013 King Features son (and the first man) to go over Niagara Falls in You might be surprised Synd., Inc. to learn that only two out GPS for your business! All Demographics, in one Must-Read Publication



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Easy Christmas Stollen Ricotta cheese adds richness and moisture to this sweet bread. 2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour 1/2 cup sugar 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder 1/4 teaspoon salt 8 tablespoons butter or margarine (1 stick) 1 cup ricotta cheese 1/2 cup candied lemon peel or coarsely chopped red candied cherries 1/2 cup dark seedless raisins 1/3 cup slivered blanched almonds, toasted 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/2 teaspoon freshly grated lemon peel 1 large egg, lightly beaten 1 large egg yolk 1. Preheat oven to 325 F. Grease a large cookie sheet. In large bowl, combine flour, sugar, baking powder and salt. With pastry blender or two knives used scissor-fashion, cut in 6 tablespoons butter until mixture resembles fine crumbs. With spoon, stir in ricotta until mixture is moistened. Stir in candied lemon peel, raisins, almonds, vanilla, grated lemon peel, egg and egg yolk until well-mixed. 2. Turn dough onto lightly floured surface; gently knead dough 2 or 3 times to mix. With floured rolling pin, roll dough into 10-inch-by-8-inch oval. Fold oval lengthwise almost in half, so that edges do not quite meet. 3. Place stollen on prepared cookie sheet. Bake until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean, about 1 hour. Transfer to wire rack. Melt remaining 2 tablespoons butter and brush over warm stollen. Cool completely. Makes 12 servings. Each serving: About 298 calories, 14g total fat (7g saturated), 67mg cholesterol, 211mg sodium, 38g carbs, 7g protein. For thousands of triple-tested recipes, visit our website at (c) 2013 Hearst Communications, Inc. All rights reserved

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