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In 1928, Paul Fisk Collins jumped from a disabled plane over Pennsylvania and was saved by his parachute. On February 11, 1944, his son, Paul Liske Collins, jumped from a disabled plane near Fairbanks, Alaska, and his life was also saved by his parachute. Together, they were the first father-son team to join the Caterpillar Club, whose membership is entirely composed of people whose lives were saved by parachutes. Come along with Tidbits as we consider the Caterpillar Club! The Father of Parachutes • Leslie Irvin didn’t invent parachutes, but he did revolutionize them by packing them into backpacks. In 1922, he founded the Caterpillar Club, honoring those who had to place their lives in the hands of their parachutes. Because the parachutes were made out of silk, and the silk came from caterpillar cocoons, the Caterpillar Club was born. The club’s motto is, “Life depends on a silken thread.” • Charles Lindbergh’s life was saved by an Irvin parachute four times in two years. In 1925 he was involved in a mid-air collision and bailed out. Three months later he jumped when his plane would not come out of a spin. In 1926 he ran out of fuel and jumped. Seven weeks later he was caught in a snowstorm and bailed out. (Continued next page)

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“The Encyclopedia of Early Earth” by Isabel Greenberg (Little, Brown and Company, $23) Reviewed by Ealish Waddell

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Once upon a time there were two lovers, one from the north pole and one from the south. Across the entire length of the globe they are drawn to each other, two parts of the same soul ... and yet, they can never touch. How did this oddity come to be? That is the central question of “The Encyclopedia of Early Earth,” an entrancing new graphic novel that presents an alternate version of the time before time. Surrounding the story of the lovers is an ever-expanding circle of other tales, rippling out into a web of stories within stories. It tells of a family of bird gods, inventors and architects of the world, separate from and yet intimately entwined with their creations. It presents new versions of ancient myths and archetypes

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from religious and historical traditions, retold with just enough distance to makes the familiar narratives seem new and strange. It visits civilizations recognizable and yet alien, which love and fight and interact with each other just as humans have always done and always will do. Dreamy and thoughtful, yet also sharp and smart, this “Encylopedia” conjures visions of an ancient world merely a hairsbreadth from our own, perhaps just as real and possible as any other human-origin story. The art has a beguiling simplicity, drawn with strong lines and bold patterns that evoke both primitive etchings and the panels of modern comic books. A subtle wit pervades the dialogue and composition (the background antics of the Genius Monkeys of Migdal Bavel alone are worth the cover price). A quirky but quietly lovely work, “Encyclopedia” is a reminder and a celebration of the universality of human nature, even when separated by years, miles or realities. (c) 2014 King Features Synd., Inc.

A CLUB IS BORN • On October 20, 1922, U.S. Air Corps test pilot Lt. Harold Harris walked out to a fighter plane at McCook Field in Dayton, Ohio. The plane had been fitted with experimental ailerons the previous day and he was to test it. Harris stopped to clip on his parachute, but was annoyed to find that the straps were too tight. He traded it for a different one but found that the straps were too tight on that one as well. He decided to fly without one. After all, no one had yet had their life saved by one of the new-fangled contraptions. But suddenly Harris changed his mind and decided to wear one. • In a friendly dogfight with another test pilot, Harris was turning, diving, and zooming when his plane suddenly went out of control. He went into a dive and could not recover. When pieces of the wings started tearing away, Harris jumped. He felt for the ripcord on his parachute and pulled three times. Nothing happened. He discovered he’d been pulling his leg strap fitting. He yanked the ripcord when he was just 500 feet (152 m) off the ground— far too low for a safe jump. The chute opened, and he drifted down, landing unhurt in a grape arbor. Lt. Harold Harris was the first person ever to have his life saved in an emergency situation by a manually-operated parachute. • Harris was able to refute many myths. Many people felt that a falling human would become unconscious. Others maintained arms and legs would be pinned by the wind or would flail helplessly. Parachute trials were limited because pilots believed if someone jumped out of a plane, the sudden loss of weight would send the plane into an uncontrollable spin. • When Harris landed unhurt, one of the people who helped him celebrate his good luck was Leslie Irvin, the man who had designed the parachute. (Continues on PG. 8) 1. What happens at the 1:50 mark on the Beatles’ song “Day Tripper”? 2. Who released “Going Up the Country”? 3. Who are “Rubber Duck,” “Pig Pen” and “Sodbuster”? 4. What did the Valley People want from the Mountain People in “One Tin Soldier”? 5. Name the song that contains this lyric: “I don’t have happiness and I guess, I never will ever again. When you walked out on me, in walked old misery, and he’s been here since then.” Answers

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one-woman film, “La Voce Umana” (“The Human Voice”), in Italy. Based on a 1930 play, originally starring Ingrid Bergman in 1967 HOLLYWOOD received a best for ABC Stage 67, picture nod, was it is about a mid-- Robert Redford passed over as dle-aged woman well, while “Saving opened the Suntalking on the teleMr. Banks” was dance Film Fesphone to her lover completely overtival the day the looked. Hanks cur- of five years, who Academy Award is about to marry nominations were rently is working announced. When on producer/direc- another woman asked how he felt tor Ron Howard’s the next day. *** third Dan Brown about not being “White Collar” star nominated for “All “Da Vinci Code” Matt Bomer will film, “Inferno,” Is Lost,” Redford said, “I did the film once again playing be busting out all over. No, not like Robert Langdon. to get back to my roots as an actor. It will be released he did in “Magic Dec. 15. I’m not disturbed by it. There’s a lot Ron Howard’s next of campaigning film is “In going on; it can the Heart be very political. of the In our case, we suffered from little Sea,” with Chris Hemto no distribution. I don’t know what sworth, Cillian they (Roadside Murphy Productions and and Tom Lionsgate) were Holland, afraid of; they hitting didn’t want to Robert Redford spend money (pro- screens moting it). We had March 15. Mike,” but in the *** no campaigning to indie sci-fi film cross over into the Sophia Loren, 80 “Space Station 76” years young in mainstream. Holwith Liv Tyler and lywood is what it is September, conPatrick Wilson; ... it’s a business!” sidered by many in “Winter’s Tale” the last living *** with Colin Farrell, movie superstar Tom Hanks, Russell Crowe, from Hollywood’s whose film “CapJennifer Connelly Golden Era, curtain Phillips” rently is shooting a and Will Smith (out

Dust Mites Can Stir Up Allergies DEAR DR. DONOHUE: What’s all this about dust mites? Do they carry disease? How do we kill them? A baseball bat? -R.H. DEAR DR. DONOHUE: About dust mites -- I am getting nowhere with them because they are practically invisible. They crawl in and out of my mouth and on my face when I am in bed. I have

Valentine’s Day); and in HBO’s “The Normal Heart” (for which he lost 40 pounds to show the ravages of AIDS), with Mark Ruffalo, Julia Roberts, Taylor Kitsch and Jim Parsons. Bomer is prepping to play Montgomery Clift in “Monty.” Clift, Oscar nominated in 1953 as best actor for “From Here to Eternity,” survived a terrible car crash in 1956, which permanently scarred his face. As a gay man who depended on his looks, he hated his flawed face and turned to alcohol and drugs, which eventually killed him in 1966 at 45. Bomer brings melodrama skills to this role, which he acquired from “All My Children” (as Ian Kipling, 2001-2002) and “Guiding Light” (as Ben Reade, 2001-2003), and of course, “White Collar.” At 36, Bomer still makes fans hot under the collar ... white or otherwise! (c) 2014 King Features Synd., Inc.

suffered too ding, including blankets long with them. -- upholstered furniture and carpets. They can -- P.B. take up life in stuffed aniANSWER: Dust mals. Allow only washmites are hardly able stuffed toys into a visible; they’re bedroom. They prefer a smaller than warm, humid environthe period at ment, a preference that the end of this can be used to evict sentence. They them. don’t transmit Keep the bedroom cool diseases, but and dry with a dehumidithey can create fier, an air conditioner trouble for those or both. The humidity who are allergic should be less than 50 to them or their percent. Mites dehydrate waste material. The mite at that humidity. Wash all skeleton and waste prod- bedding weekly. Vacuum ucts can provoke asthma, mattresses and pillows. skin itching, eye itching, Encase them in coversneezing and dripping ings specially made from nose. Most people, how- cotton, polyester or plasever, live in blissful igno- tic. rance of the mites. They Mites don’t disappear have no symptoms. overnight. The battle Dust mites don’t bite. against them has to go on They feed on dead skin for months and months. cells, mostly cells that A victory isn’t total elimihave fallen off the body. nation, but a reduction in They don’t enter the their population. mouth. You really can’t If after all these meatell they’re around. They sures a person still suflike living in bedrooms fers allergic symptoms, -- in mattresses and bed- visit an allergist for de-

This tip will change your life when peeling eggs: After you have hardboiled your eggs, drain them and leave them in the pot. Put the lid on the pot and shake. Shake in all directions for up to a minute. The eggs practically slip right out of their shells. Just rinse and prep. -- JoAnn “I feed my kitty cat outside on the back porch, but she eats a little at a time and whenever she took a break, the ants would be all over her food. Now I serve my little princess in a teacup and saucer I found at the thrift store. I put the food in the cup, and then put a little water in the saucer. The teacup sits in the water on the saucer. The ants won’t get the food ever, because they can’t cross the water to get at it. Kitty is very happy now that she can take her time.” -- O.W. in Arkansas

sensitization therapy. *** DEAR DR. DONOHUE: I read that more heart attacks occur in winter than in summer. Why? If you dress warmly, does that protect you? -- N.C. ANSWER: Cold weather is a stress on the body and the heart. The heart has to work harder to keep the body warm by pumping more blood than it ordinarily does. That extra effort is too much for hearts not in the best of shape. Dressing warmly lessens the risk. *** DEAR DR. DONOHUE: Both my sister and I take Synthroid. My doctor insists that I take it first thing in the morning, before I have had anything to eat. He also has told me not to eat for 30 to 60 minutes after taking the tablet. My sister didn’t get any similar instructions. She takes hers at noon with lunch. Who’s right? -- L.C.


“To distinguish your keys, especially house keys that have similar stamps, simply paint the key head with different colors of nail polish. You could even add a very subtle dot of the matching polish on the key lock. Reapply as needed.” -- S.L. in Oregon Use a flat iron to iron your collar if it’s rumpled. This also works to straighten out button holes that have crimped. “To mark the end on a roll of tape, save your bread tabs. Stick one on the tape end and it will be ready and easy to start the next time. If it’s a thick tape, you can use two clips -- one at either side of the tape. This way, it won’t split on you.” -M.E. in Maryland Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, c/o King Features Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475 or email JoAnn at heresatip@yahoo. com. (c) 2014 King Features Synd., Inc.

ANSWER: It’s best to take Synthroid, the mostoften-prescribed thyroid hormone preparation, on an empty stomach and to wait at least 30 minutes before taking any food. I have to assume that your sister’s doctor is checking her thyroid hormone levels from time to time. If they’re OK, she’s OK and her medicine-taking is OK. If she has to increase her dose of the medicine because of low blood levels, then she should adopt your method of taking Synthroid. *** Dr. Donohue regrets that he is unable to answer individual letters, but he will incorporate them in his column whenever possible. Readers may write him or request an order form of available health newsletters at P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475. (c) 2014 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved


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Cookie Jar Q: I have a “Mammy” cookie jar marked McCoy. I paid $300 for it at a yard sale, and I was told it is from the 1940s. It is 10 inches high and in almost perfect condition. -- Laura, St. Charles, Mo. A: You purchased a reproduction. An authentic Mammy Cookie Jar from McCoy is a full 11 inches high. Even if it had been an old one, you nevertheless overpaid. Authentic Mammy jars generally sell in the $150 to $250 range depending on condition. *** Q I have several dozen View-Master reels that I acquired during the 1950s. Are they worth keeping? -Barbara, Watts, OK A: There is an excellent reference that should be helpful for you to determine values: “Stereo Views: An Illustrated History and Price Guide” by John Waldsmith and published by Krause Books. Most of the View-Master reels I’ve spotted in area shops and antique malls have been priced in the $2 to $5 range. As I often mention in this column, there are exceptions to every rule. For example, a package of 15 reels featuring views of the 1939 New York

Q: Can you tell me what Mark Steines has been up to lately? I miss seeing him every night on “Entertainment Tonight.” -- Sara G., via email A: Instead of seeing Mark every night, now you can see him for two hours each morning. Along with Cristina Ferrare, Mark cohosts the Hallmark Channel’s “Home and Family Show” every weekday morning from 10e/9c. I spoke with Mark recently about his new hosting gig, and he said he’s having such a great time on his new show that it doesn’t even feel like work. According to Mark: “I worked with ‘ET’ for 17 years, and I was never this close to people there because it’s just such a big operation, and you feel like you get lost in it. This is a small show with a big heart. And Hallmark believes in us. We’re the cornerstone of their daytime programming, and I love it.” And each day Mark is eager to discover what that day’s show will bring. “I used to have to go to the stars, now they come to me. And our show isn’t really

World’s Fair recently sold at auction for $175. *** Q: I began collecting glass insulators about 40 years ago, and I have managed to gather about 200 different ones. Is there a reference so I can begin determining values? -- Stan, Longmont, Colo. A: One of the better references is “Insulators: North American Glass Insulators Price Guide” by Donald R. Briel. Briel has more than 600 in his personal collection and is considered an expert in this field of collecting. You can purchase his book at Amazon.com. A group for collectors is the National Insulators Association. Contact is www.NIA.org. *** Q: I have a movie projector from the 1960s, along with a screen and a few movies. Can you put me in touch with someone who can evaluate these items for me, since I want to sell them? -- Norma, Glen Carbon, Ill. A: You left several key facts out of your letter. For example, what is the brand name of your projector, and does it show 8mm or 16mm films? If it is an 8mm projector, it is probably worth less than $50.




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Write to Larry Cox in care of King Features Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475, or send e-mail to questionsforcox@aol.com. Due to the large volume of mail he receives, Mr. Cox is unable to personally answer all reader questions. Do not send any materials requiring return mail. (c) 2014 King Features Synd., Inc.

star-based, in that regard. But when they do come on, we try to unmask that celebrity. We take them into the kitchen with us or we’ll do a DIY project with them. We’ll build something. We’ll make something. It’s always what I really wanted to do with celebrities, to see the other side of them. That’s what I like about this show.” *** Q: My sister-inlaw told me that Laura Linney recently had a baby; I didn’t even know she was pregnant! Ñ Janie F., via email


*** Q: This season of “Justified” has just been super so far. Can you tell me if it has been renewed for a sixth season yet? -- Kyle L., Baltimore, Md.

A: The hit FX show indeed has already been renewed for another season; however, its sixth season will be its last. According to FX Networks’ CEO John Landgraf, the decision had nothing to do with the show having low ratings or lack of critical acclaim. The decision was made by showrunner Graham Yost and star Timothy OlyA: Aside from phant, as Landgraf Laura’s closexplained at the est friends and Television Critics family, no one Association press knew. Laura tour: “We talked Mark Stines and hubby about it a year ago, Marc Schauer and [Graham and welcomed a baby boy named Timothy] felt that the arc of the Bennett on Jan. 8. It was the show and what they had to say 49-year-old actress’s first child, would be served by six seasons and also the best kept secret of instead of seven, and I regret2013. Since this past summer, fully accepted their decision.” she has kept a low profile, and never presented an opportunity Write to Cindy at King Features Service, P.O. Box 536475, to be photographed with a baby Weekly Orlando, FL 32853-6475; or e-mail bump. Congrats to the new par- her at letters@cindyelavsky.com. ents, and bravo for be able to keep this special time to your- (c) 2014 King Features Synd., Inc.

ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Doing something nice for others is typical of the generous Arian. But be prepared for some jealous types who might try to question one of your more recent acts of kindness. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) You’re eager to take on new responsibilities. But before you do, you might want to check out exactly what would be required of you so that you don’t face any “surprises” later. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) It might be best to put off an important decision until a fluctuating situation becomes more stable. Recently received news could help resolve a long-standing family matter. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) If you still have a problem getting that information gap closed, you might consider asking a higher authority to resolve the matter, leaving you free to move on to another project. LEO (July 23 to August 22) A family matter needs to be dealt with at the start of the week. Once it’s resolved, the Big Cat can devote more attention to that new opportunity that seems to hold so much potential. VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) Pay attention to those niggling doubts. They could be warning you not to make any major decisions until you’ve checked them out -- especially where money matters might be involved. LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) A business venture might need more of your attention than

you are able to provide. Consider asking a trusted friend or family member to help you work through this time crunch. SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) A more-positive aspect helps you get a clearer focus on how to handle your time so that you can deal with several responsibilities that are just now showing up on your schedule. S A G I T TA R I U S (November 22 to December 21) A very close friend (you know who that is!) has advice that could help you work through a confusing situation. So put your pride aside and ask for it. You’ll be glad you did. CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) A workplace situation could turn a bit tense. The best way to handle it is to confront it and deal with it openly. Doing so can help reveal the underlying reasons for the problem. AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) A colleague’s remarks appear to be especially cutting. But don’t waste your time or your energy trying to deal with the situation. You have more important things to do. PISCES (February 19 to March 20) Support for your work comes as a surprise from someone you thought was critical or, at least, indifferent. Your spouse or partner has big plans for the weekend.


Your spiritual strength often acts as an inspiration to help others make decisions about their lives.

(c) 2014 King Features Synd., Inc.

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The January 2014 Suicide Data Update has been released by the Department of Veterans Affairs, and the news is not good. Suicides are up in two groups of veterans who utilized the VA health system: young males (ages 18-24) and women. The rate of female veterans’ suicides has climbed 31.2 percent for VA users. Does that not pierce your heart?

The 2014 update took the 2012 report, which covered 2009 to 2011, and compared to the current figures. There are pockets of positive news. Taken in an overall trend, the rate of suicide among male veterans aged 3564 who utilize VA hospital programs has decreased by 30 percent, and is down 16 percent for all ages. (The overall rate among those who don’t use the VA for help has increased by 60 percent.)

Know the Signs of Senior Abuse Sometimes it takes watchful eyes to keep seniors safe. Whether it’s physical, emotional or financial abuse, or any other kind, those who come in contact with seniors can look for signs that all is not well. In banking, if you spot a senior who seems distressed and who repeatedly takes large sums of money out of an account (or changes his or her routine), that senior might be a victim of abuse




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The Little Paper Ever Read.® One thing is clear based on the figures for all male veterans: Getting help at the VA does work. If you’ve had thoughts of suicide, call this hotline number 1-800-2738255 and press 1. Or send a text message to 38255. If you have access to a computer, go to www.veteranscrisisline. net/ and you can chat online. You can read the warning signs, take a self quiz, check resources and more. If you’re near a VA facility, go there. Tell them the truth about how you’re feeling. Ask to be tested for PTSD, if you haven’t been already. Tell them

or a scam. (Seniors, don’t use the drive-up teller window. Go inside so staff can get to know you. Sign a new signature card every six months so your handwriting sample is current.) If you spot personality changes in a senior, the cause might be physical -- or it might be a result of abuse. Ask what’s going on. If a senior who used to dress immaculately is now wearing the same clothes for days in a row, ask. If a senior is no longer as sociable or doesn’t participate in previous activities, ask. If you spot bruises or injury, ask. In a caregiver or hospital situation, you might see lack of care or physical abuse. A neighbor who’s had relatives move in might suddenly change his or her routines. At home, the senior might be denied food or medicine or

you’d like to try the Hope Box, the customized cell phone app (designed by the VA in Portand, Ore., and currently in clinical trials #NCT01982773 at ClinicalTrials.gov) Your best bet is to call that hotline phone number -right now. Don’t wait. They can help you. You CAN get better. Freddy Groves regrets that he cannot personally answer reader questions, but will incorporate them into his column whenever possible. Send email to columnreply2@ gmail.com. (c) 2014 King Features Synd., Inc.

mail. If you want more information to help seniors, go online to the National Center on Elder Abuse (www.ncea.aoa. gov) or call 1-855-500-3537. Learn about the signs of abuse and what you can do when you suspect it’s taking place. Check eldercare.gov, or call 1-800-677-1116. You’ll find information on getting help for housing, in-home services, long-term care, nutrition ... and abuse. Seniors, if you think you’re being abused in any way, call the police. You don’t have to put up with abusive treatment. Matilda Charles regrets that she cannot personally answer reader questions, but will incorporate them into her column whenever possible. Send email to columnreply2@ gmail.com. (c) 2014 King Features Synd., Inc.

On Feb. 11, 1858, Marie-Bernarde Soubirous, a 14-year-old French peasant girl, claims to have seen the Virgin Mary. The apparitions occurred in a grotto of a rock promontory near Lourdes, France. Today millions of people travel to Lourdes every year to visit the grotto, whose waters supposedly have curative powers.

days, the city was a smoldering ruin. Dresden had been regarded as one the world’s most beautiful cities for its architecture and museums.

On Feb. 15, 1950, Walt Disney’s animated feature “Cinderella” opens in theaters. Disney’s full-length animated feature films began in 1937 with “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.” Disney had risked On Feb. 12, 1912, $1.5 million of his Hsian-T’ung, the own money on the last emperor of venture. China, is forced to abdicate. A provi- On Feb. 14, 1962, sional government President John F. authowas established in Kennedy his place, ending rizes U.S. military 267 years of Man- advisers in Vietchu rule in China nam to return fire if and 2,000 years of fired upon. Kenneimperial rule. The dy was acknowlformer emperor edging that U.S. was only 6 years forces were inold. volved in the fighting, but he wished On Feb. 16, 1923 to downplay any in Thebes, Egypt, appearance of inEnglish archaeolo- creased American gist Howard Carter involvement in the enters the sealed war. burial chamber of the ancient Egyp- On Feb. 10, 1996, tian ruler King Tu- after three hours, tankhamen. The world chess chamchamber was vir- pion Gary Kasptually intact, with arov loses the its treasures and first game of a the perfectly pre- six-game match served mummy against Deep Blue, of King Tut un- an IBM computer touched after more capable of evaluthan 3,000 years. ating 200 million moves per second. On Feb. 13, 1945, Kasparov was ultithe most contro- mately victorious versial episode in and bested Deep the Allied air war Blue with three against Germany wins and two ties begins as hun- and took home the dreds of British $400,000 prize. bombers descend on Dresden, Ger- (c) 2014 King Features Synd., many. With two Inc.

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1. Is the Song of Solomon in the Old or New Testament or neither? 2. What Canaanite commander did Jael kill by driving a tent peg through his head? Sisera, Joash, Ishmael, Pekah 3. In 1 Kings 3, who solved a custody dispute by proposing a child to be cut in half? Samuel, David, Solomon, Iddo 4. What Persian queen refused to display her beauty at the court of King Ahasuerus? Esther, Abigail, Deborah, Vashti 5. The daughters of Jerusalem said they will make borders of gold with studs of “what”? Salt, Silver, Souls, Sins 6. How many suicides are recorded in the Bible (KJV)? Zero, 1, 7, 19


Q: I’ve always been active, and I don’t eat any more than I used to, but year after year (I’m 65 now) I gain a few pounds! Why does that happen? -- Elsie K., Fort Wayne, Ind. A: There are a lot of possible explanations. Your metabolic rate may have slowed, in large part because you’re not expending as much physical energy as before. Take a look at time spent exercising and simply moving around (that accounts for a lot of calories burned). And your eating habits may have changed. Have you gotten tired of cooking, so you’re eating prepared foods or going out? That amps up calorie intake right away. You also may be insulinresistant and not know it, which can make you vulnerable to an increased appetite and packing on a few pounds. Ask your doctor to check and see if any other health issues are affecting your weight. But if there are no hidden factors, your weight gain may have to do with the color of your fat. A new study reveals that as we age, our brown fat -- that’s the good kind -becomes less thermogenic, generating less heat, burning fewer calories and becoming less effective at helping to regulate insulin use and glucose uptake; all of that makes it harder to lose and easier to gain weight. Another result: an increase in stores of white fat around your belly and thighs. This type of fat contributes to inflammation, insulin resistance, dementia and heart disease. But you’re never too old to achieve a younger RealAge by preventing or reversing age-related weight creep. The key is to increase aerobic exercise and, especially, strength training. You’ll decrease insulin resistance, burn disease-promoting visceral belly fat (white) and -- this is the really cool part -turn some of your white fat brown (or at least beige). Our suggestion: Sweat at least three times a week for 60 minutes: Try walking (every 10 minutes, kick in


an intense pace for 2.5 minutes), swimming, cycling, jogging or playing tennis. Do strength/muscle building two to three times a week for 30 minutes with stretch bands and hand weights; or combine aerobics with muscle-building in a kickboxing or spin class. Q: Are dental X-rays harmful, and are they necessary? -- Jessie J. Reno, Nev. A: Depending on your age (kids may need them more often) and whether you have a lot of decay or bone loss (that affects older folks), your dentist will suggest when and how often you need X-rays. A full set of dental X-rays is appropriate if you haven’t been to the dentist in more than a year. They let your dentist see things that aren’t apparent when doing a standard exam and cleaning, such as the extent of gum disease, bone decay, decay under fillings or caps and even tumors. The risks from dental Xrays have decreased, and they now deliver the lowest dose of radiation of any medical X-ray. Two to four images of your back teeth expose you to about 0.005 millisieverts of radiation. Nonetheless, if you’re going to be zapped, you should be given (not offered? ask for it!) a lead bib and a thyroid shield/collar to wear. Generally, pregnant women should skip any X-rays if possible. By comparison, the average North American is exposed to 3.1 millisieverts from the environment annually. Various estimates conclude that 50 percent to 97 percent of this background radiation comes from natural sources (cosmic rays, radon gas and radioactive atoms in the upper atmosphere). The rest may come from nuclear power plants, nuclear medical facilities and procedures, leftover pollution from nuclear bomb tests and other sources. We understand your concern about a lifetime’s accumulated exposure to radiation. That’s a valid point, but there are bigger sources of exposure that you can control (like opting for MRIs instead of CT scans, if possible). If having a dental X-ray every couple of years reveals an infection or disease -- periodontal disease can damage your heart and worsen diabetes -- we think the rewards far outweigh the risks. *** Mehmet Oz, M.D. is host of “The Dr. Oz Show,” and Mike Roizen, M.D. is Chief Wellness Officer and Chair of Wellness Institute at Cleveland Clinic. Email your health and wellness questions to Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen at youdocsdaily(at sign)sharecare.com. (c) 2014 Michael Roizen, M.D. and Mehmet Oz, M.D. Distributed by King Features Syndicate, Inc.


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of Greenville


CATERPILLAR CLUB (cont’d) • Irvin had been experimenting with parachutes and trying to convince people to use them. Irvin was the first man to voluntarily jump out of a working aircraft with a parachute. He did it to prove that manually operated parachutes could work, and he made his point when he landed with only a broken ankle, when most people thought he was jumping to his death. The Air Corps immediately ordered 300, and Irvin found himself in the parachute business. • When his lawyer filed papers, Irvin’s name was misspelled as ‘Irving.’ Irving Parachutes made Irvin a wealthy man by the time he reached the age of thirty. • After Harris jumped from his plane, men at McCook Field collected souvenirs of the incident: pieces of the crashed plane, the used parachute, and photos of Harris next to the wreck. They displayed the items proudly in their tiny museum. A newspaper reporter wrote an article and suggested that they start a club for people who owed their lives to a parachute, and the Caterpillar Club was born. • It was only a few weeks later when a second man qualified to join the Caterpillar Club. Lt. Tyndall jumped for his life when his aircraft’s wings tore off. Tyndall volunteered to keep the records of the Caterpillar Club. For the next 17 months Harris and Tyndall were the only members of the club. But in 1924, a stunt jumper dove out of an airplane with six chutes on, intending to open one right after the other in an airshow exhibition. The first five failed when they became entangled, and it was the sixth reserve emergency parachute — an Irvin chute — that saved his life. • The first British man to enter the Caterpillar Club was a man named Scholefield. Two years later he was killed when his plane went down while he unfortunately was not wearing a chute.

Continues on Pg 11)

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Q: I’ve heard plenty of my neighbors complain about being stuck inside this winter and unable to do much outdoor maintenance work. Well, I’ve been around long enough to know there’s plenty of work to do inside, too. Think you can remind folks about some important stuff they could be doing while waiting for the weather to break? -- Oldster Stan, Buffalo, N.Y. A: Stan, that’s very true. While being stuck indoors can be maddening, there are plenty of smaller home-maintenance tasks to take care of -- even if it’s too cold or snowy to get out to the home-improvement store. Here are a few: Descale your coffeemaker or electric kettle: Check the manufacturer’s cleaning instructions online, but in most drip brewers you can flush several ounces of white vinegar through the system, rinsing thoroughly with clear water. Clean your dishwasher: Remove any parts

that can be lifted out easily, such as racks, utensil holders, wash arms and filter. Soak smaller parts in a sinkful of vinegar-water solution and wipe down the racks, dishwasher interior and the door seal. Rinse and replace all the items, then run the empty dishwasher through a cycle to finish. Clean the garbage disposal by adding a few ice cubes and lemon peels and cycling it. Rinse with running water. Clean the wash tub of your clothes washer by filling it with hot water and one quart of white vinegar. Let it agitate for a minute and then pause the cycle so that the water sits for an hour; then resume the wash cycle to rinse. Vacuum the space your clothes dryer where the lint filter sits. Inspect the dryer vent for lint buildup and remove any lint you find. Tighten the hardware on cabinets and drawers -- knobs, handles and hinges. Check child- and pet-proof latches and outlet covers, and replace any that are broken. Vacuum out the heat registers in each room, being sure to replace the floor vent covers immediately afterward so pets don’t accidentally crawl in. Change the air filter on your heating system (you knew I’d get that one in here). Rotate houseplants, shifting them to new locations to vary the air and light they receive.

HOME TIP: Take a tour of your home and make note of as many improvement or maintenance tasks that you can find. Then create a schedule to tackle a few of them at a time. Send your questions or home tips to ask@ thisisahammer.com.

(c) 2014 King Features Synd., Inc.


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Turn Old Crayons Into Valentine Art If broken and worndown crayons are showing up in drawers, backpacks, art-supply tubs and even the car, don’t throw them out! Instead, collect them all in a box and recycle them into fun Valentine art for the heart. You and your school-age kids can mold some clever designs when you melt down the old and create new, attractive and useful heart-shaped crayons -- perfect for tucking into classroom valentine envelopes for something extra, or for eye-catching toppers on wrappedup valentine gifts. Here’s how: 1. Remove the paper wrapper from crayons in your favorite Valentine’s Day colors such as shades of red and pink. Let the kids break the crayons into pieces and put them into piles according to the colors. 2. Put the pieces, according to color, in small, heat resistant glass jars, such as empty baby-food jars. 3. With adult help, fit a small rack inside a saucepan, and place the jars on the rack. Fill the saucepan with enough water to cover 1/2 inch of the jars. Heat the water until the crayons melt. Keep an eye on them at

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all times. 4. An adult should carefully pour the melted wax into a plastic candy mold tray (available at craft and kitchen-supply stores in a variety of heart shapes. You might even find X’s and O’s). Or, use ice-cube trays that come in heart shapes. The wax will harden quickly and pop out of the mold easily. You could put the tray in the freezer, or outdoors if you live in a cold climate, for a few minutes to speed up the process. For added effect, pour a contrasting color into the mold after the first layer of wax has hardened. This will produce a two-tone crayon. Now, try out a new crayon heart on a piece of paper and discover that it really works. Make multiples and share them with family and friends for Valentine’s Day. *** Donna Erickson’s award-winning series “Donna’s Day” is airing on public television nationwide. To find more of her creative family recipes and activities, visit www.donnasday. com and link to the NEW Donna’s Day Facebook fan page. Her latest book is “Donna Erickson’s Fabulous Funstuff for Families.” (c) 2014 Donna Erickson Distributed by King Features Synd.

Not Your Mama’s Pressure Cooker The recent cold weather sparked a yearning at my house for a nice pot of pinto beans with a side of spicy, jalapeno cornbread. The problem was that I hadn’t pre-soaked my beans. The solution -- my new Fagor pressure cooker. Previously, I had been afraid to use a pressure cooker, mainly because of the way the older models were designed. My mother’s pressure cooker rattled, hummed and blew out fragrant puffs of hot steam like a metal dragon. I’ve heard numerous urban legends about pressure cooker explosions, food-splattered ceilings and ruined dinners. Fortunately, the newer models are virtually fool-proof, sleekly designed and easy to use. The modern pressure cooker is a hermetically sealed pot that heats water or other liquids to a temperature of about 250 degrees F. This is a far higher temperature than you can reach by cooking in an ordinary pot, because the temperature of food is limited by the boiling point of water (212 F). A pressure cooker can reduce cooking time by a factor of three to four. Here’s how it works: The liquid starts boiling and some of it changes to steam, which causes a mixture of air and steam to be released via the safety valve. Once all the air is released, pressure builds up in the pot. When the desired pressure is reached, the heat is turned down to a level where it maintains the proper pressure, and no more steam will be released. If the pressure gets too high, the valve will release steam to prevent the pot from exploding. Modern pressure cookers have a back-up pressure release, which comes into action if the safety valve gets obstructed by the contents of the pot, such as soup or stew. The secret of the mod-

ern pressure cooker is in the lid, which usually is fitted to the pot by a bayonet lock. It contains a rubber ring and at least one safety valve. The safety valve not only releases air and steam, but has an indicator that shows the built-up pressure. Usually, there are two pressure levels to choose from: The first mark for foods that don’t need much pressure, such as vegetables and fish; the second, more commonly used, is for practically anything else, such as potatoes, curry or meat. My recipe for Risotto with Mushrooms and Peas combines traditional risotto cooking techniques with the speed and efficiency of a pressure cooker. For more information about pressure cookers, go to www.fagor. com.

RISOTTO WITH MUSHROOMS AND PEAS If you use one of the other types of Italian risotto rice -- Baldo, Violone Nano or Carnaroli -- instead of the traditional Arborio, you’ll need to cook it for 5 to 6 minutes under pressure rather than 4 to 5 minutes. 1 tablespoon olive oil or butter 3 slices bacon, diced 1/2 cup finely chopped onions 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 2 cloves garlic, diced 1 1/2 cups Arborio rice 1/2 cup dry white wine, sherry, dry vermouth or aged white balsamic vinegar 3 1/2 cups chicken or vegetable broth 8 ounces sliced portabella mushrooms 8 ounces white mushrooms 1 cup frozen sweet green peas 1/2 cup grated Parmesan, plus more to pass at the table 1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg 2 tablespoons chopped

Puzzle & Trivia Answers BIBLE TRIVIA ANSWERS:

1) Old; 2) Sisera; 3) Solomon; 4) Vashti; 5) Silver; 6) 7


1. On the original master and early releases, the tambourine/ guitar was erased. The glitch was “fixed” by splicing in another piece of the song. 2. Canned Heat, in 1968. The song was based on the 1928 “Bull Doze Blues.” 3. Three truckers on CB radio in C.W. McCall’s novelty song, “Convoy,” 1975. 4. The treasure buried under a stone. The Mountain People were willing to share. The Valley People preferred to wage war to get it. 5. “Since I Don’t Have you,” 1958, by The Skyliners. Whether it’s the lyrics or the melody, or a combination of the two, true ‘50s fans consider this one of the best heartbreak ballads of all time. It still gets airplay and was used in “American Graffiti,” Lethal Weapon 2” and “Happy Days.”

parsley, for garnish 1. Heat oil or butter in a 2 1/2-quart or larger cooker. Add bacon and cook over high heat until bacon is crispy, about 3 to 4 minutes. Remove bacon to paper towels to drain. Add onions, salt and pepper to oil and cook over high heat for about a minute, stirring frequently. Stir in garlic and the rice, taking care to coat the rice with the oil. Cook for 30 seconds, stirring constantly. 2. Stir in wine or balsamic vinegar. Cook over high heat until rice has absorbed the liquid, about 30 seconds. Stir in 3 cups of broth and the mushrooms, taking care to scrape up any rice that might be sticking to the bottom of the cooker. Lock the lid in place. Over high heat, bring to high pressure. Reduce heat just enough to maintain high pressure, and cook for 4 minutes. 3. Turn off the heat. Quickrelease pressure by setting the cooker under cold running water. Remove the lid, tilting it away from you to allow the steam to escape. 4. Set cooker over mediumhigh heat, and stir vigorously. The risotto will look fairly soupy at this point. Boil while stirring every minute or so, until the mixture thickens and the rice is tender but still chewy, 1 to 4 minutes. Stir in the peas when the rice is almost done. (If the mixture becomes dry before the rice is done, stir in the extra 1/2 cup of broth.) The finished risotto should be slightly runny; it will continue to thicken as it sits on the plate. 5. Turn off the heat. Stir in the bacon, Parmesan and nutmeg. Serve immediately, garnished with a little parsley, if desired. Pass extra Parmesan at the table. (Additional pressure cooker information provided by the Encyclopedia Britannica, www.britannica.com.) *** Angela Shelf Medearis is an award-winning children’s author, culinary historian and the author of seven cookbooks. Her website is www.divapro.com. Recipes may not be reprinted without permission from Angela Shelf Medearis.

(c) 2014 King Features Synd., Inc., and Angela Shelf Medearis

Advertising/Distribution call (864)962-7600 ● 1(855)SC-TIDBITS ● publisher@upstatetidbits.com Caterpillar Club (cont’d) • S.L.G. Pope bailed out when the rudder gave out. He was only 800 feet (244 m) off the ground when he jumped. He yanked on the ripcord again and again with no result— then discovered he’d been pulling the string holding a pencil to the knee pad that he scribbled flight data on. He was only 300 feet (91 m) off the ground when he found the ripcord. The chute opened barely in time to save him. Pope was the first Royal Air Force pilot whose life was saved by a parachute. His friends sent a telegram: “Congratulations. Forwarding clean pair of pants.” • When World War II hit, the demand for parachutes skyrocketed and Irvin’s factory went from a pre-war output of 100 parachutes per week to nearly 1,500. Applications for membership in the Caterpillar Club shot up, and at the parachute factory a huge bulletin board held pictures and letters from pilots who owed their lives to Irving Parachutes. By the end of 1943 there were over 27,000 members, with a hundred or more applications arriving daily. One pilot wrote: “I am going to name my son (when I have one) Irvin as it was due to one Irvin in particular that I am alive enough to woo, marry, and get me a son.” • Irvin himself witnessed the effectiveness of his parachutes when the crew of an American bomber bailed out near his factory while he was watching. He drove to where they were floating down, and five minutes later the two lucky pilots were in his office being signed up for the club and toasting their luck with the inventor’s whisky. • Leslie Irvin agreed to give a gold pin to every person whose life was saved by one of his parachutes. At the end of World War II the number of members with Irvin pins had grown to over 34,000 though the total of people saved by Irvin parachutes is estimated to be 100,000.

part of the 16th century that a French surgeon named Ambroise Pare began tying off the broken blood vessels with cord. That’s pretty much what surgeons do today. It was famed cultural anthropologist Margaret Mead who made the following sage observation: One of the oldest human needs is having someone to wonder where you are when you don’t come home at night. If you’re like the average American, you will eat about 150 bananas this year -- 26 pounds worth. Up until the 1500s, the accepted way of dealing with a patient who was hemorrhaging was to cauterize the wound, often with boiling oil or red-hot irons. It was in the latter

It’s been estimated that a million pigeons live in New York City.


who signed into law the legislation that created the Secret Service. That very night, he was assassinated. Those who study such things say that on the 13th of every month, triskaidekaphobia causes a loss of $83 million to American business due to absenteeism from work and other disruptions.

When pop star Christina Aguilera is on tour, she insists on having a police escort. She hates to be In the United States, stuck in traffic. more babies are born on Oct. 5 than on any other Next time you’re heading day of the year. If you to Illinois, you can stop off do the math, youÕll find in Metropolis and visit the that New YearÕs Eve is 9 self-declared birthplace months and 5 days before of Superman. In honor that. of their hometown super*** hero, the citizens erected Thought for the Day: a 15-foot bronze statue of ÒShow me a hero, and I him on Main Street. will write you a tragedy. -- F. Scott Fitzgerald It was Abraham Lincoln (c) 2014 King Features Synd., Inc.

“I wanted to fit into an amazing costume that I wore when I was 18…






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Chicken Soup This hearty and good-for-you soup will satisfy and soothe on even the chilliest days. 1 tablespoon vegetable oil 1 (1-pound) jumbo sweet onion, finely chopped Salt Pepper 1 1/2 pounds (2 large) fennel 1 pound carrots 12 ounces (2 large) Yukon Gold potatoes 8 ounces (4 large) celery stalks 1 bay leaf 1 1/2 pounds bone-in chicken thighs, skin removed 1 1/2 pounds bone-in chicken breasts, skin removed 1 quart lower-sodium chicken broth 1 tablespoon packed fresh dill leaves 1. In 12-inch skillet, heat oil on medium-low. Add onion and 1/8 teaspoon salt. Cook 15 minutes or until golden brown and tender, stirring occasionally. 2. While onion cooks, trim and cut fennel into 1/4-inch-thick slices. Cut carrots in quarters lengthwise, then into 3-inch-long pieces. Cut potatoes into 1/4-inch-thick half-moons. Thinly slice celery. 3. In 6-quart slow-cooker bowl, evenly spread carrots, potatoes, fennel, celery and bay leaf. Arrange chicken pieces on top, pressing into vegetables; sprinkle with 1/2 teaspoon each salt and freshly ground black pepper. Spread hot onion over chicken. Add broth, cover immediately with lid, and cook on LOW 6 hours. 4. Stir in dill. Transfer one-third of vegetables, 1 chicken breast and 1 chicken thigh to container; refrigerate up to 3 days. Divide remaining vegetables among serving bowls. Remove meat from remaining chicken and divide among serving bowls. Stir 1/4 teaspoon salt into soup. Ladle over vegetablechicken mixture. Serves 4. Each serving: About 315 calories, 7g total fat (1g saturated), 101mg cholesterol, 1,115mg sodium, 29g total carbs, 6g dietary fiber, 33g protein. For thousands of triple-tested recipes, visit our website at www.goodhousekeeping.com/recipefinder/. (c) 2014 Hearst Communications, Inc. All rights reserved

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