AWSUM Free State September Edition 2024

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How to Boost Your Child’s Academic Success: A Parent’s Guide

Building a solid foundation for your child’s academic success doesn’t happen by accident - it’s the result of consistent, focused parental involvement from the start of their educational journey. While most parents know they should be involved, many are unsure what that involvement should look like to truly support their child’s learning and growth.

To help guide you, education expert Dr. Linda Meyer shares a proven framework that is both practical and easy to implement, ensuring your child has the best chance of academic success throughout their school career and beyond.

The ABCs of Learning: Proven Strategies to Boost Your Child’s Academic Performance

In today’s competitive world, academic success has become more critical than ever. The pressure to excel is growing, both locally and globally, with increasing demands for higher education access and job opportunities. While schools play a crucial role in shaping a child’s education, parental involvement can significantly enhance their academic performance. “As parents, we are pivotal in nurturing an environment that fosters learning and growth,” says Dr. Linda Meyer, MD at IIE Rosebank College. “Especially in the foundational years, we should ensure our children receive the right support to mould and cement their approach to learning and their educational journey.” Dr. Meyer emphasizes that supporting your child’s educational development doesn’t have to be complicated. Here’s her framework to help parents build a strong foundation for their child’s academic success:



Positive Environment

“The home environment is where a child’s learning journey truly begins. Creating a space conducive to studying is essential,” says Dr. Meyer. Beyond a dedicated study space, a positive environment extends to the emotional atmosphere at home. Encourage open communication, celebrate achievements, and approach challenges with a problem-solving mindset. Children who feel supported are more likely to be motivated and engaged in their studies.

Foster a Love of Learning

Academic success is not just about grades; it’s about cultivating a lifelong love of learning. When children find joy in learning, their academic performance naturally improves. “Encourage your child’s curiosity by exploring subjects they find interesting beyond the classroom. Whether through reading, visiting museums, or engaging in science experiments at home, fostering a sense of wonder helps children develop a passion for knowledge,” explains Dr. Meyer.

Keep It Real

While encouraging children to strive for excellence is essential, setting realistic expectations is equally important. “High pressure can lead to stress and burnout, which can hinder academic performance. Work with your child to set achievable goals and break them down into manageable tasks. Celebrate every milestone, no matter how small, to build confidence and teach valuable time management and organizational skills.”

Be Actively Involved

Active parental involvement is key to academic success. Dr. Meyer stresses the importance of attending parent-teacher conferences, monitoring homework, and staying informed about your child’s progress.“Engage in regular discussions about what they’re learning at school and show interest in their assignments. Children are more likely to take their studies seriously when parents are involved and set clear expectations.” Maintaining open communication with your child’s teachers is also crucial. “Regularly check in with educators to understand your child’s strengths and areas for improvement. A strong parent-teacher partnership provides a consistent support system that can enhance your child’s academic performance.”

Encourage Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving

Critical thinking is a valuable skill that extends beyond the classroom. Encourage your child to think critically by asking open-ended questions and discussing various topics from different perspectives.“Teaching children to approach challenges analytically gives them the tools they need to succeed academically and in life,” says Dr. Meyer.

Be a Role Model

Children often mirror their parents’ behaviors and attitudes, so demonstrating a love for learning and intellectual curiosity can inspire them to adopt the same approach. “Whether you’re reading, discussing current events, or pursuing a hobby, showing a commitment to personal growth can motivate your child to embrace learning and education,” says Dr. Meyer.

Encourage Emotional Well-being

Academic success is closely tied to emotional well-being. Dr. Meyer advises parents to encourage their children to develop social skills and emotional intelligence. “Teach your child how to manage stress, build resilience, and maintain a growth mindset. Emotional support helps children thrive academically, as they’re better equipped to handle challenges and setbacks.” Building confidence is equally important. Dr. Meyer concludes, “Celebrate your child’s efforts, not just their results. Recognizing the hard work they put into their studies reinforces the value of persistence and dedication, helping them develop a resilient mindset and an understanding that effort leads to success.”

Parental involvement is essential in fostering a child’s academic success. By creating a supportive home environment, encouraging a love for learning, and staying actively engaged in their education, parents can provide their children with the tools they need to thrive academically and in life. With these strategies from Dr. Meyer, you’ll be setting your child up for success both in school and beyond.

Navigating nationwide education budget cuts: How schools can maximise resources

As South Africa faces widespread budget challenges in the education sector, schools across the country are being forced to rethink their financial strategies.

Recently, the Western Cape Education Department (WCED) announced plans to cut 2 400 teaching jobs due to a staggering R3.8 billion budget shortfall, but this is only one example of the broader financial strain affecting all provinces. Schools are now tasked with maintaining quality education with fewer resources, which makes creative solutions and efficient resource management more important than ever.

With the other provinces also grappling with severe budget shortfalls, schools must stretch their funds while reducing staff and operational costs. As head of the WCED, Brent Walters, explained in a recent circular, “the current number of educator posts in the Western Cape cannot be maintained.” This mirrors the difficulties faced by education departments across the country, as schools are being asked to navigate reduced teacher numbers and frozen recruitment efforts.

Schools are now tasked with maintaining quality education with fewer resources, which makes creative solutions and efficient resource management more important than ever.

In this financially challenging environment, Everything School offers a unique opportunity for schools to not only streamline their procurement process, but also generate additional funding by getting real cash back, in the form of School Bucks, with every order fulfilled. 1 School Buck = 1 Rand, making it easy for schools to maximise the value of their spending. Schools can then re-utilise their School Bucks when purchasing goods through Everything School. During these tough financial times, maximizing the value of every Rand is more important than ever. Schools can easily accumulate School Bucks. For example, by simply ordering pre-packed 2025 stationery packs for learners, schools can earn more than R50 000 in School Bucks -a critical financial boost in this time of austerity.

These School Bucks can be used to purchase essential items like 2025 learner and teacher diaries, customised workbooks, or yearbooks - all of which would otherwise place further strain on already tight budgets. Alternatively, schools can save their School Bucks for larger future purchases, such as modular classrooms or branded uniforms, ensuring that their procurement efforts support both immediate and long-term goals.

For example, by simply ordering pre-packed 2025 stationery packs, schools can earn more than R50 000 in School Bucks.

With staff reductions and fewer resources, schools are under enormous pressure to manage operations more efficiently. The challenge of sourcing suppliers, comparing costs, and securing the best deals has become a significant burden for already stretched school administrations.

Everything School simplifies this process by offering a one-stop solution for all procurement needs. From workbooks, school bags, educational toys, and classroom supplies to modular classrooms, sports equipment, and school furniture, Everything School handles everything under one roof, allowing schools to focus on what matters most—education.

According to an expert from Everything School, “Schools are in an increasingly difficult situation. With fewer staff and limited budgets, it’s becoming harder to manage procurement effectively. That’s where we come in. With our extensive network of suppliers and expertise in school procurement, we ensure that schools receive the best value for every purchase - all while earning valuable cash-back rewards.

Any school enquiries can be sent to

Congratulations to our 15A tennis team for emerging as victors in the u.15 Schools Tournament in Pretoria. They turned their fortunes around from the pool stages to beat Affies in the final 5-4. They powered past teams like KES, Waterkloof, Paul Roos, and Affies on their road to victory.



• Ethan Adams • Tumi Bahumi

• Sherwin Buys

• Nico Corbett

• Morné Cronjé

• Henru de Wet

• Arno du Plessis

• Kwanda Dyonase

• Zayne Dzingirayi

• Juan Erasmus

• Darius Erwee

• Gf Fourie

• Tian Fourie

• Daniel Grobler

• David Hayidakis

• Moses Igbo

• Tavi Kasaeke

Prefects for 2025

• Siyabonga Kenny

• Waldo König

• Andrew Koupis

• Ruben Kruger

• Thristan Maree

• Kananelo Mathe

• AJ Meyer

• MJ Nienaber

• Adem Niewoudt

• Marinus Oosthuizen

• Toriq Schambreel

• Pieter Smit

• MJ Nienaber

• Adem Niewoudt

• Marinus Oosthuizen

• Toriq Schambreel

• Pieter Smit

• Xander Smit

• Claude Steyn

• Molefe Tatane

• Gianni Tyropolis

• Benjamin van der Berg

• Jan Hendrik van der Linden

• Juvayne van Wyk

• Luke Visser

• Matthias Visser

• Bernard Wessels

• Luke Wolhuter


Dednam wen


WOW Spelfees

Die volgende leerders het deurgedring na die Vrystaat-kampioenskappe:


Baie geluk aan die volgende seuns wat gekies is vir die Vrystaat 7’s Rugbyspanne. Olerato Saul en Marnus le Roux is gekies vir die o.12 span en Jayden Ontong en Stiaan le Roux is gekies vir die o.13 span.

Olerato Saul Marnus le Roux
Ethan Mouton Muller Human Thato Moroeroe Allison Esbend Wihan van Eck Lenelle Gainsford Iné Otty Miané J v Vuuren
MC Smit Miané vd Westhuizen Francois Lamprecht Iwan de Kock Isabel Wessels Zanicke Bartheil Boinelo Nkokoto Dunay Boshoff
Liam Buchler Mandri Kruger
Alexis Sithole Mia Erasmus
Jayden Ontong Stiaan le Roux
Graad 1 Graad 2 Graad 4
Graad 3
Graad 5
Shuan Dednam


Congratulations to Chris Goosen (Grade 12) on his excellent achievement in the SAICA Accounting Olympiad. Chris finishes 3rd in Motheo district, and 7th in the province.

Cross Country

Two of our cross-country athletes competed in the Cross-Country Free State Champs held on 3 August at Kovsies Cross Country Track and qualified for the Athletics South Africa Cross Country Championships to be help on 7 September. Jaylynn Seclave (left) placed first in the boys u.14 4km with a time of 13 minutes and 4 seconds. Ruan Smith (right) qualified for the Junior Men 2 km with a time of 7 minutes and 3 seconds.

Every dark cloud has a silver lining! On a very challenging day, this u.14B team ended in a tie against Paul Roos and thus manage to end their season undefeated! Congratulations, guys!


Podiumpret Nasionaal

D’hon Piechaczek Gr 1, neem deel aan Podiumpret Nasionaal. Hy word aangewys as kategoriewenner vir Afrikaanse lees voorbereid en eindig algeheel 2de.

Liewan Claassens het deelgeneem aan die Nasionale Finaal van Podiumpret. Hy behaal ‘n 3de plek in die kategorie: Voorbereide Lees Gedig.

Robert Rijkheer het deelgeneem aan die jaarlikse

Shoto Champs karate kompetisie in Bloemfontein.

Hy het die volgende plekke behaal:

• Kata Ope

Afdeling - Goud

• Super KataGoud

• Kata seuns 12-13

jaar - Goud

• Kihon KumiteSilwer

• Span KataSilwer

• Span Kunitesilwer

Nathan Herbert, tenniskaptein en Grey Primêr se nr 1 speler, het die afgelope naweek aan die Interprovinsiale tennistoernooi in Pretoria deelgeneem. Nathan het op die nr 1 posisie vir die Vrystaatspan gespeel. Nie alleen wen Vrystaat die toernooi nie, maar Nathan word na afloop van die toernooi ingesluit in die SA skolespan.

D’hon Piechaczek
Liewan Claassens
Robert Rijkheer
Nathan Herbert
Jaylynn Seclave and Ruan Smit
Chris Goosen


Baie geluk aan die o.11 Sewes Rugbytoernooi wenners! Ons is trots op julle.

o.11 Sewes Rugbytoernooi wenners

Junior ligawenners

Cradock Tennistoernooi

Tennistoernooi – Die dogterspan behaal ‘n tweede plek.

Dansgroepe presteer by die Revista Danskompetisie


Hoofleiers van 2025

Janicka Eksteen
Cervi Botha
Zianca Minnie
Iané van Heerden
Charl-André Prinsloo
van Heerden Devantè Claassen
Christiaan Kotzé Hoofseun
Flanegan Altus Grobbelaar Matthew Durow
Lana van Deventer
Alwyn Olivier
Ruan Kriel
Joalize Melville
Bernard Kruger
Stefan van Niekerk
Jandré Vermeulen, Philip Vermeulen, Johan Labuschagne, Nathan Nel (afrigter), Tommie Wessels, Wilhelm Bester (afrigter), Wian Olivier, Frederich Bredenkamp, Mason Jordaan en Wian Visser. Afwesig: Diân Pretorius.
Voor: Lumé Olivier, Mariaana Spamer, Elria Pretorius (Spanbestuurder), Ruwan van Niekerk, Ivan van Tol. Middel: Emma Spamer, Kara de Villiers, Janco van Rooyen, Zayden Venter. Agter: Emmerike van Niekerk, Minieke Steyn, Jeandré van Rooyen, Wihan van Tol.
Theo Hellawell, Daniel Senekal, Xander Strauss, Arno van den Bergh, Janco Gertenbach, Marco van der Walt.


Die volgende dogters het op 10 en 11 Augustus aan die SuidAfrikaanse kampioenskap in OosLonden deelgeneem en soos volg presteer:


• Lea Cilliers 3de

• Munay Uys 3de

• Z’ney Piechaczek 7de

• Chani Britz 8ste

• Tené Venter 11de


• Lea Cilliers 2de

• Munay Uys 3de

• Chani Britz 6de

• Z’ney Piechaczek 7de

• Tené Venter 10de


Biathle en Triathle

TSA se IPT Tenniskampioenskap

Lika Claassens, Mandie Claassens en Genevieve Goodchild het vanaf 9-11 Augustus die Vrystaat Tennisspan verteenwoordig by die TSA se IPT tenniskampioenskap in Pretoria.

Die Vrystaatspan het die titel gewen. Na afloop van die toernooi is Lika Claassens en Mandie Claassens ingesluit in die o. 13 Suid-Afrikaanse Tennisspan.

Baie geluk aan ons tennisEende!


Baie geluk aan Inke Krüger en haar ponie, Sabrina, wat ingesluit is in die Vrystaat A span wat in September in Johannesburg aan die Suid-Afrikaanse kampioenskap gaan deelneem.


Izay Kritzinger en Jordan de Wit het vanaf 9-11 Augustus aan die GoJuKai Karate SuidAfrikaanse kampioenskap in Bloemfontein deelgeneem en die volgende prestasies behaal:

Izay Kritzinger

• Kata - Goud

• Kumite - Brons

Jordan de Wit

• Kumite - Goud

• Kata - Silwer

Izay en Jordan is gekies vir die Suid-Afrikaanse karatespan wat in 2025 in Japan by die Wêreld Kampioenskap Suid-Afrika gaan verteenwoordig.

Lika Claassens
Munay Uys
Z’ney Piechaczek
Chani Britz Tené Venter
Inke Krüger
Izay Kritzinger
Jordan de Wit





Sentraalraad 2025

SA Hockey


Bianca Rees-Gibbs (17) was selected for three South African Hockey teams.She is a representative of the SA U17A team, the SA U18A team and the SA U21 squad who will be touring to Malaysia.

She received two top awards at the St. Mary’s tournament namely ‘Player of the Tournament’ and ‘Top Goal Scorer of the tournament’ and at the Fairtree Top 12 Festival she won the award as ‘Best Midfielder of the tournament’.

won a gold and a bronze medal! The

In the mix: Gold medal and the Best player award went to Reoné Swanepoel. Strictly classical: Bronze medal

Prestige category: Proudly SA prestige category:

Best player award - Lerato Gopane Lerato also won the best player award in “Battle of the Bands”. The special social media award went to Bonolo Jabari. Both bands received 98% (A++) at the Vrystaat Kunswedstryd.

took 3rd place (Gr. 11)

Joan-Marie Fourie came 2nd (Gr. 11)

Our Eunice Vitae Cantamus choir gave a stellar performance in the final of the ATKV-Applous (Prestige category) choir competition, in Cape Town. They won a gold certificate with 88,78% and took 2nd place nationally in the Prestige (Girls’ choirs) category. These ladies looked and sounded amazing and they had the third highest marks out of the nine high school choirs in all the categories!

Divine Ifeanyi, Jomari Visser and Joan-Marie Fourie.
Bianca Rees-Gibbs
Marimba Band
Vrystaat Kunswedstryd
Vitae Cantamus Choir
The Eunice Marimba band competed against 119 other bands at the International Marimba Festival. They
band competed in the following categories:
Elbé van der Merwe (Hoofdogter)
CJ Hertzog (Hoofseun)
AJ le Roux (Koshuis Hoofseun)
Anne Reynders (Onderhoofdogter)
Lian van der Merwe
Nicola van der Wath (Koshuis Hoofdogter)
Marli van der Merwe (Koshuis Onderhoofdogter)
DJ Bredenkamp (Koshuis Onderhoofseun)
Aidan Göttsch
Aldo Bezuidenhout Ané Pretorius Arno Koen
Chanté du Toit
Christine van Zyl
Christopher van Vuuren
Divan Diedericks
Elizma Vorster Ethan Hoffman
Heinrich Grobbelaar
Ilné Prinsloo Isabel Vorster
Izanne van Aswegen
Jandré Jardim
Kaylin Booysen Keevy-Ann Fourie
Liam Liversage (Onderhoofseun)
Louis-Harm Fourie
Melinke Benadie Mickelene Goosen
Riané Bornman Simon Janse van Rensburg
SJ Coetzee Tshepo Mokhemisa Willem Kotzé


Baie geluk aan Ané Scheepers, ons eie 1ste Graad Swart Belt wat tydens die Secunda Provinsiale Kompetisie die volgende plekke behaal het.

• Ané is ‘n “ 1st degree Black belt’’ en het deelgeneem in die ouderdom 11-12 jaar

• “Teams Combat Weapon” - 1ste plek

• “Teams Sparring” - 1ste plek

• “Traditional Weapon Form”, “Traditional Taekwondo Form”, “Traditional Combat Weapon” en “Traditional Sparring” - 2de plek


Zander Victor is gekies vir die o.12 Vrystaat 7’s Rugbyspan wat binnekort gaan deelneem aan die toernooi in Krugersdorp, Pretoria en Bloemfontein.


Ruan Burger het op 31 Augustus 2024 die Suid Vrystaat B-Tennis Span verteenwoordig en aan die Streektoernooi teen Gariep A deelgeneem en baie goed gevaar. Dit is ‘n besonderse prestasie deurdat hy vir die B-Span deelgeneem het in die hoër vlak, Gariep A spanne!


Gimnastiek leerder kry Goud, Silwer en Brons!

Baie geluk aan Elsje Loots wat op 17 Augustus 2024 tydens die Vrystaatse Artistiese Gimnastiek Kompetisie verskeie medaljes verwerf het vir Vlak 5/7-10 jaar: Goud op Spronge, Silwer op Balk, Brons op Brug en Vloer asook Algehele Brons medalje, Sy het dan ook gekwalifiseer om aan die SA Spele in Kaapstad deel te neem op 23-28 September 2024.

Elsje Loots

Tuimel en Trampolien

Baie geluk aan Anzel Nel wat Suid Vrystaat Tuimel en Trampolien kompetisie deelgeneem het op Vlak 1 o.8 jaar en ‘n fantasties gevaar het deur ‘n Goue medalje vir Tuimel en Silwer medalje vir Mini Trampolien te verwerf.

Zander Victor
Ané Scheepers
Voor: Levis du Preez, Eben Sander, Josua Deacon, Jp Ehlers, Bendré Vermaak, Adrian de Necker, Arthur Kayser, Stephan Bester, Daniel Ashkettle, Zeezo Pheiffer, Wihan Coertzen, Jaco Deysel, Jandré van der Walt, Zandré van Niekerk en JD Roux. Middel: Retief Ehlers, Janien van Eeden, Janah Swarts, Janeli Saaiman, Imke Rust, Lily Bastone, Liechen Willemse, Nomsa Jason, Edané Niemand, Leané De Villiers, Simoné Visser, Lisa Botha, Zoë Yzel, Jomari Siebert, Marli Niemand, Nicole van Schalkwyk en Hayley Stoltz. Agter: Suné Deacon, Carli Momberg, Amoné Verwey, Niqlynn Coetzee, Hanro Marais, Derick Lues, Ryan van Eck, Ruben Pretorius.
Voor: Suné Deacon, Elrie Pieters, Niqlynn Coetzee, Lisa Swanepoel, Janeli Saaiman, Lisa Botha en Carli Momberg. Agter: Dian van Wyk, Bendré Vermaak, Adrian de Necker, Zeezo Pheiffer, Hanro Marais, JP Ehlers en Tristan Russell.
Baie geluk aan ons nuwe VRL & Rasieleiers vir 2025.
Ruan Burger
Anzel Nel



Lejweleputswa krieketspanne opgeneem is.


Baie geluk aan Zakkie Venter wat verkies is tot die o.12 Griffons Sewes rugbyspan. Ons Volkies is trots op jou.

Gimnasium won

Leila Erasmus het by die Eskom Expo for Young Scientists ‘n goue medalje verwerf vir haar projek. Sy was ook kategoriewenner. Sy is gekies om gedurende die September vakansie te gaan deelneem by die Nasionale Expo in Johannesburg. Baie geluk ons is sooooo TROTS op jou.





Winners of the Seven Tournament at High School Heidelberg!

• Leeuwenhof 53-0

• Zayo Rhino Academy 28-14

• Hugenote 33-5 • Public School Heidelberg 14-12 • Transvalia 33-17 (semifinal) • Noordheuwel High School 31-7 (final)

This is an excellent achievement Gimmies!

Congratulations to Mischke Allnutt! She participated in the ATKV Goudveld Art Festival and achieved the following results: ATKV

• Acro solo: A++ and category winner

• Acro duet: B+

Contemporary group in: A+

Zakkie Venter
Leila Erasmus
Baie geluk aan ons leerders wat in die onderskeie
Voor: Bismarck van Dyk en Carl van Vuuren. Agter: Kirstein Kruger, Leader Greeff en Luan Botha.
o.13 seuns
Voor: George Ferreira. Agter: Lukas Kilian, Lucian le Roux en Daniel Venter. Afwesig: Nicolas Goosen.
o.11 seuns
Voor: Miché Penton, Melienke Weiss en Carike du Toit. Agter: Mieke Strydom, Charmaine Ferreira en Hayley Docherty
Mischke Allnutt


Matriekraad en VRL 2025

We had 3 Gimmies that participated in the Goudveld Kunstefees for Drama. We are very proud to announce their stunning results:

• Seabelo Thokoa received A+ (Gold) for his open monologue

• Pulane Sehloho received A (Gold) for her poetry performance and A+ (Gold) for her dramatised poetry performance

• Rorisang Rathebe received A++(Gold) for her dramatised poetry performance and A+ for her poetry performance. Drama

Pulane Sehloho
Dian Kleynhans o.19
Schoombee o.19
Mouton o.19
Jedwin Booyens o.16
Karabo Kondile o.19
Keyden Barrows o.16 Mieke Erasmus o.19 Munro Heiberg o.16
Mxolisi Skele o.16
Tshiamo Mosai o.16
Nadia Prinsloo Graad 12
Vihan Geldenhuys Graad 12
Diaan Jonker Graad 12
Nyrette Steenkamp Graad 12
Nigella Siebert Graad 11
Anrich vd Merwe Graad 12
Malan Marx Graad 12
Dironé Hans Graad 12
Imke Gouws Graad 12
Joshua van Heerden Graad 12 Keagan Frankenfeld Graad 12
Necharne Casquilho Graad 12
Annabelle Rheeder Graad 10
Teagan Saayman Graad 12
Dintle Lichakane Graad 12
Mia de Jonge Graad 12
Mianique Lombard Graad 12
Rynard Albertyn Graad 12
Waldo Barreto Graad 12
Alicia Viljoen Graad 12
Edwin Rheeder Graad 10
Ruben Smit Graad 12
Christiaan vd Westhuizen Graad 12
Kara Marx Graad 12
Tshepo Manenye Graad 11
Reghardt vd Westhuizen Graad 12
Edrich Cronje Graad 12
Kaylee Botha Graad 12
Justin Swaine Graad 9 Anri Cox Graad 9
Jay-Ce Prinsloo Graad 12
Izé Nel Graad 12
Zelney Meintjies Graad 12 Weré Joubert Graad 12



Die volgende dogters is in die Thabo Mofutsanyana o.13 Dogters krieketspan opgeneem:

Die Jorries skitter by Vrystaat Streekkompetisie van Eskom Expo vir jong wetenskaplikes. Annabelle en Aninke Bezuidenhout:

• ontvang ‘n goue medalje vir hul projek

• word aangewys as wenners in hul kategorie

• ontvang die trofee vir “Best Female Project”

• ontvang die trofee vir algehele wenners met die beste projek vir die dag vir laer- en hoërskole.

Pom Poms

Ons Pom Poms behaal ‘n GOUD by Show your Talent in Vanderbijlpark en word vir ‘n tweede jaar gekies om SA in die VSA te verteenwoordig.

Voor: Annabelle Nel, Baylee Wilson, Mia du Plessis, Zoe Jacobs, Milan Schoeman,

Anlien Olivier, Danelle Meiring. Tweede ry: Kayra Bernard, Ellie Dawids, Clara-Belle Buitendag,

Lea Schoeman, Alayla Howell. Derde ry: Johané Jacobs, Mart

Stefani Joubert. Agter: Mieke Ackerman, Eljané de Klerk, Milscha Nagy. Anja

Die JORRIEVARIA groep ontvang ‘n A+++ tydens die KUNSWEDSTRYD. Koor

Ciana Saaiman, Zoey Grové, Caitlin Kirstein, Maricelle Nortjé, Iloné du Plooy en Femke Daacke.
Mardine Möller,
Yente Wägter, Lumari de Klerk,
Mari Bruwer, Zalinka Kemp, Lucinda Boshoff,
Cronje, Suhanri de Wet.


Fast Five Netbalspan

Ons o.15 Fast five netbalspan is die Vrystaatkampioene. Hul dring deur na die nasionale toernooi gedurende die Septembervakansie.


Witteberg is trots om aan te kondig dat twee van ons leerders, Tumi en Amy, saam met hul onderwyseres, Juf. Casey, ingesluit is in die Vrystaat Vrouehokkiespan. Hulle sal van 9 tot 15 September aan die IPT in Johannesburg deelneem.

FAK Allegretto Toneelfees

Hoërskool Witteberg se twee tienertoneelgeselskappe, Donkermaan en Tafel vir die Ongewenstes, het die afgelope naweek uitmuntend gevaar by die FAK Allegretto Toneelfees in Ermelo. Beide produksies het hulself onder die Top 3 van die streeksfees bevind, wat beteken dat hulle Saterdag weer moes optree. In ‘n groot prestasie is Donkermaan aangewys as die beste produksie op die streeksfees, en beide produksies het ‘n magdom individuele toekennings ontvang.

Uitslae vir Tafel van die Ongewenstes:

• Spel:

Brons: Lienke Coetzee, Sané Aucamp

Silwer: Charlize Saaiman, Isabelle Koch

Goud: Leonelle van Niekerk

• Silwer (Tegnies):

Beligtingsontwerp: Dirk Willemse

Choreografie: Jené van Heerden

Grimering: Mia-Nanke van Heerden

Ensemble: Lienke Coetzee, Sané

Aucamp, Isabelle Koch, Leonelle van Niekerk, Charlize Saaiman

Regie: Jené en Ronelle van Heerden

Kostuums: Hylet Ungerer, Mia-Nanke van Heerden, Suné Hills

• Goud (Tegnies):

Verhoogbestuur: Illne Myburgh

Dekor: Suné Hills, Mia-Nanke van Heerden, Hylet Ungerer

Tegniese Aspekte: Die hele tegniese span

• Uitslae vir Donkermaan: Spel:

Brons: Erné van Aswegen, Suné Hills, Mignon Thomas, Simuné de Villiers

Silwer: Cara Cilliers

Goud: Jani de Bruin, Milan de Villiers, Henke Minnaar

• Silwer (Tegnies):


Verhooghulp: Gerhard Nel

Verhoogbestuur: Illne Myburgh

• Goud (Tegnies):

Beligtingsontwerp en Samestelling: Dirk Willemse

Klanksamestelling en Hantering: Chabeli Rathulo

Dekor: Suné Hills

Plakkaat: Herman Booyens van VisuallySpoken

Kostuums: Hylet Ungerer Produksie

Ensemble: Jani de Bruin, Milan de Villiers, Henke Minnaar, Mignon Thomas, Cara Cilliers, Simuné de Villiers

Baie geluk aan elke leerder, Jene van Heerden en Mev. Ronelle van Heerden. Ons is werklik trots op julle elkeen.

Thabo Mofutsanyana Krieketspanne

‘n Totaal van 13 Witteberg-Krieketspelers is onlangs gekies om deel uit te maak van die onderskeie Thabo Mofutsanyana Krieketspanne. Die proewe het op 6 Augustus in Bethlehem plaasgevind. Hierdie talentvolle leerders het deurgedring na die volgende rondte van die Vrystaatspanproewe, wat in September sal plaasvind.


Matriekraad 2025

Voor: Kara du Toit, Ané Joubert, Kesia Nel.
Agter: Mia Daacke, Judie Uys , Juf Mioné van Deventer, Anika Meyer, Zoë Ellis en Lize van den Bergh.
Tumi Mosikili, Juf. Casey-Jean Terblanche en Amy Kotzé.
Leozé Lottering, Lize van den Bergh, Leanne Viljoen, Mia Daacke, Zané Wessels en Keisha Nel.
Lesego Mosikidi o.19A seuns
Janco Botha, Xander Fourie, Mila Oerson, Anru Erasmus, Dumesane Johnson en Lwazi Mosea.
o.19A Dogters
o.16A Seuns
VRL 2025
Ané van Zyl Wian Muller DJ Uys
Lisa Rautenbach
Chloë Hechter
Jaco Marx Mieke Hattingh Franscois du Plessis
Nienke van Zy
Akhona Mabe
Ané van Zyl Annika van Rooyen
Anja van Zyl
Carise van Rooyen
Celri Botha Chloë Opperman
Ermari Botha Lana Wessels
Leané van den Berg
Luné Amaro Luné van den Berg
Mieke-Louise Britz
Adriaan Bonthuys
Antonie Grové
Attila Ozturk
Berto van Niekerk
Edré Wille Jan-Harm van Wyk Jurie Knobel
Doman Nolen du Plooy
Crause Theo van Wyk WJ Kruger

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