AWSUM Gqeberha September Edition 2024

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How to Boost Your Child’s Academic Success: A Parent’s Guide

Building a solid foundation for your child’s academic success doesn’t happen by accident - it’s the result of consistent, focused parental involvement from the start of their educational journey. While most parents know they should be involved, many are unsure what that involvement should look like to truly support their child’s learning and growth.

To help guide you, education expert Dr. Linda Meyer shares a proven framework that is both practical and easy to implement, ensuring your child has the best chance of academic success throughout their school career and beyond.

The ABCs of Learning: Proven Strategies to Boost Your Child’s Academic Performance

In today’s competitive world, academic success has become more critical than ever. The pressure to excel is growing, both locally and globally, with increasing demands for higher education access and job opportunities. While schools play a crucial role in shaping a child’s education, parental involvement can significantly enhance their academic performance. “As parents, we are pivotal in nurturing an environment that fosters learning and growth,” says Dr. Linda Meyer, MD at IIE Rosebank College. “Especially in the foundational years, we should ensure our children receive the right support to mould and cement their approach to learning and their educational journey.” Dr. Meyer emphasizes that supporting your child’s educational development doesn’t have to be complicated. Here’s her framework to help parents build a strong foundation for their child’s academic success:

Create a Positive Environment

“The home environment is where a child’s learning journey truly begins. Creating a space conducive to studying is essential,” says Dr. Meyer. Beyond a dedicated study space, a positive environment extends to the emotional atmosphere at home. Encourage open communication, celebrate achievements, and approach challenges with a problem-solving mindset. Children who feel supported are more likely to be motivated and engaged in their studies.

Foster a Love of Learning

Academic success is not just about grades; it’s about cultivating a lifelong love of learning. When children find joy in learning, their academic performance naturally improves. “Encourage your child’s curiosity by exploring subjects they find interesting beyond the classroom. Whether through reading, visiting museums, or engaging in science experiments at home, fostering a sense of wonder helps children develop a passion for knowledge,” explains Dr. Meyer.

Keep It Real

While encouraging children to strive for excellence is essential, setting realistic expectations is equally important. “High pressure can lead to stress and burnout, which can hinder academic performance. Work with your child to set achievable goals and break them down into manageable tasks. Celebrate every milestone, no matter how small, to build confidence and teach valuable time management and organizational skills.”

Be Actively Involved

Active parental involvement is key to academic success. Dr. Meyer stresses the importance of attending parent-teacher conferences, monitoring homework, and staying informed about your child’s progress.“Engage in regular discussions about what they’re learning at school and show interest in their assignments. Children are more likely to take their studies seriously when parents are involved and set clear expectations.” Maintaining open communication with your child’s teachers is also crucial. “Regularly check in with educators to understand your child’s strengths and areas for improvement. A strong parent-teacher partnership provides a consistent support system that can enhance your child’s academic performance.”

Encourage Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving

Critical thinking is a valuable skill that extends beyond the classroom. Encourage your child to think critically by asking open-ended questions and discussing various topics from different perspectives.“Teaching children to approach challenges analytically gives them the tools they need to succeed academically and in life,” says Dr. Meyer.

Be a Role Model

Children often mirror their parents’ behaviors and attitudes, so demonstrating a love for learning and intellectual curiosity can inspire them to adopt the same approach. “Whether you’re reading, discussing current events, or pursuing a hobby, showing a commitment to personal growth can motivate your child to embrace learning and education,” says Dr. Meyer.

Encourage Emotional Well-being

Academic success is closely tied to emotional well-being. Dr. Meyer advises parents to encourage their children to develop social skills and emotional intelligence. “Teach your child how to manage stress, build resilience, and maintain a growth mindset. Emotional support helps children thrive academically, as they’re better equipped to handle challenges and setbacks.” Building confidence is equally important. Dr. Meyer concludes, “Celebrate your child’s efforts, not just their results. Recognizing the hard work they put into their studies reinforces the value of persistence and dedication, helping them develop a resilient mindset and an understanding that effort leads to success.”

Parental involvement is essential in fostering a child’s academic success. By creating a supportive home environment, encouraging a love for learning, and staying actively engaged in their education, parents can provide their children with the tools they need to thrive academically and in life. With these strategies from Dr. Meyer, you’ll be setting your child up for success both in school and beyond.


Navigating nationwide education budget cuts: How schools can maximise resources

As South Africa faces widespread budget challenges in the education sector, schools across the country are being forced to rethink their financial strategies.

Recently, the Western Cape Education Department (WCED) announced plans to cut 2 400 teaching jobs due to a staggering R3.8 billion budget shortfall, but this is only one example of the broader financial strain affecting all provinces. Schools are now tasked with maintaining quality education with fewer resources, which makes creative solutions and efficient resource management more important than ever.

With the other provinces also grappling with severe budget shortfalls, schools must stretch their funds while reducing staff and operational costs. As head of the WCED, Brent Walters, explained in a recent circular, “the current number of educator posts in the Western Cape cannot be maintained.” This mirrors the difficulties faced by education departments across the country, as schools are being asked to navigate reduced teacher numbers and frozen recruitment efforts.

Schools are now tasked with maintaining quality education with fewer resources, which makes creative solutions and efficient resource management more important than ever.

In this financially challenging environment, Everything School offers a unique opportunity for schools to not only streamline their procurement process, but also generate additional funding by getting real cash back, in the form of School Bucks, with every order fulfilled. 1 School Buck = 1 Rand, making it easy for schools to maximise the value of their spending. Schools can then re-utilise their School Bucks when purchasing goods through Everything School. During these tough financial times, maximizing the value of every Rand is more important than ever. Schools can easily accumulate School Bucks. For example, by simply ordering pre-packed 2025 stationery packs for learners, schools can earn more than R50 000 in School Bucks -a critical financial boost in this time of austerity.

These School Bucks can be used to purchase essential items like 2025 learner and teacher diaries, customised workbooks, or yearbooks - all of which would otherwise place further strain on already tight budgets. Alternatively, schools can save their School Bucks for larger future purchases, such as modular classrooms or branded uniforms, ensuring that their procurement efforts support both immediate and long-term goals.

For example, by simply ordering pre-packed 2025 stationery packs, schools can earn more than R50 000 in School Bucks.

With staff reductions and fewer resources, schools are under enormous pressure to manage operations more efficiently. The challenge of sourcing suppliers, comparing costs, and securing the best deals has become a significant burden for already stretched school administrations.

Everything School simplifies this process by offering a one-stop solution for all procurement needs. From workbooks, school bags, educational toys, and classroom supplies to modular classrooms, sports equipment, and school furniture, Everything School handles everything under one roof, allowing schools to focus on what matters most—education.

According to an expert from Everything School, “Schools are in an increasingly difficult situation. With fewer staff and limited budgets, it’s becoming harder to manage procurement effectively.” That’s where we come in. With our extensive network of suppliers and expertise in school procurement, we ensure that schools receive the best value for every purchase - all while earning valuable cash-back rewards.

Any school enquiries can be sent to Click on the video to Watch Now!


Oos-Kaap Fast Five Kampioene

Die o.15 netbalspan het die vlam hoog geblaas toe hulle as oorwinnaars uit die stryd tree in die Fast5 Kampioenskappe. Hulle het kookwater netbal gespeel en harde werk gedurende die seisoen laat hulle met goue medaljes pronk.

Voorspoed vir die nasionale kampioenskappe wat op 23-24 September, by Laerskool Concordia in Gauteng plaasvind.

Baie geluk aan die o.17-span wat naelskraap verloor het en met brons medaljes spog.


Mia Human, Gr. 12-leerder, het haar Nasionale Presidentverkenner-toekenning ontvang.

Steve Hofmeyer

Baie geluk met jou 60ste verjaarsdag, mag daar nog vele geseënde jare wees.


Citation for Cema Honours Award for Service to Culture

James has had a significant impact on the tone of culture at College by his gentle, positive presence, his behind-the-scenes effort and his energy to bring about positive change. He has been an outstanding performer on many stages, but has also been a committed and efficient organiser, a kind and generous supporter of others and a deep thinker, promoting constant improvement in multiple aspects of the cultural sphere.

James has set a fine example of humility, encouragement and service to culture.

As a performer, James will be remembered for his numerous voice solos, his role as percussionist in the orchestra, his commitment to both the chapel and the chamber choirs, as well as his multiple lead performances on the dramatics stage. His talent and commitment have been recognised with CEMA Colours awards for music, choir and drama. He was also awarded the Best Artwork in Interhouse Art in 2022.

However, James has not only been on stage, but he has been instrumental behind the scenes in organising concerts and even whole-school events, such as Interhouse Music and re-introducing Interhouse Drama this year. His inclusive approach has encouraged juniors to contribute and created an atmosphere where all are welcome and appreciated.

As Culture & Ceremonies Portfolio Prefect, James has been innovative in his approach and proactive in his management of projects and events. He rejuvenated the Film Club with Mr Stewart-Watson last year and initiated the Illuminate Poetry event. This year, he has led the Cornish Society and the Film Club and has also been a member of the Plato Society, the Speakers’ Society and the Alchemists’ Society.

James is not only involved in high-profile performances but has been committed to service-orientated activities as well. He has CEMA Merit for Community Engagement, having been a regular volunteer at the Vukani Soup Kitchen, as well as assisting with the organisation of 24-4-Smiley last year.

He has been instrumental in running Interact projects independently and alongside peers to make a difference in the local community through initiatives such as Project Rise, Stand for 30, Christmas in November and tree-popping. He was also awarded CEMA Colours for his involvement in the Library, where he has served as a library monitor for 4 years, as well as running a book club for the Andrew Moyake School of Excellence.

James’ care for others is evident in his involvement on the Student Wellness Committee and as a Blood Donation Peer Promoter. His desire to make a difference also showed in his dedication to the Environmental and Sustainability Club, where he was active in raising awareness about environmental challenges, as well as in projects and initiatives. He has involved himself in Round Square activities, leading the club this year and hosting a postcard in July.

James epitomises service to culture at College, having given his time, his talents and his energy with humility, self-deprecation and poise since his Grade 8 year. His performances and meticulous organisation have enriched others’ experience of culture. However, it is not just his list of accolades that we celebrate today, it is his generosity of spirit and celebration of others that we acknowledge. This, along with his own achievements, make James a thoroughly deserving recipient of the prestigious CEMA Honours Award for Service to Culture.

Wheelchair Wednessday

“Bring 67 minute in ‘n rolstoel deur en verander ‘n lewe!”

Rolstoel Woensdag is APD (Association for the Physically DisabledEastern Cape - PE) NMB se grootste jaarlikse fondsinsamelingsveldtog, wat bewustheid van toeganklikheid vir persone met gestremdhede verhoog deur middel van ‘n interaktiewe konsep. Fondse wat ingesamel word, verskaf rolstoele aan begunstigdes binne benadeelde gemeenskappe.

Die SPAR-groep het Theresa Prince as die “celebrity” vir die geleentheid uitgenooi en Evan van der Merwe het uitstekende werk gelewer om Theresa by te staan.

Baie dankie vir hierdie pragtige bewusmakingskonsep waarvan Hoërskool Despatch deel kon wees.

Mrs Kate Cobbing

Voor: Juane Schuin, Ellané Kok, Asi Sajini, Kayla Kleinhans. Agter: Theresa Prince, Mieke van Tonder, Roshaan Bennett, Barries Barnard, Kayleigh Coufmann, Avani van der Berg, Kayla van Tonder en Seugnet Meyer.
Mnr. Smit, Mia Human en Mev. Smit.
James Barrow



Ons o.11A-rugbyspan is vir die eerste keer in Laerskool Handhaaf se geskiedenis as die kampioene van die Super 12 kompetisie.

Laerskool Handhaaf is baie trots op Mia-Skye Tesnar in Graad 2 wat gaan deelneem aan die Nasionale kompetisie van die WOW Spelfees te Stellenbosch.

Oosthuizen en Lizé Snyman

virtueel deelgeneem aan Oppie

Baie geluk aan die volgende 3 seuns wat die o.12 Uitenhage Sub-unie span behaal het:

Alphabetical order by Surnames: Luciano Adams, Chuma Bloouw, Jason Butler, Kaiden Clarke, Niyaaz Dollie, Neil Else, Siyamthanda Fibi, Oyama Jama, Numaan Jappie, Raihaan Kayat, Matthew Lawson, Michael Lipskey, Zingisa Mdidimba, Luke Ownhouse, Blake William Raw, Caleb Vogel, Onwaba Xundu and Emihle Zulu.
Reghard Beausec Jarred Hecther Schalk Viljoen
Mia-Skye Tesnar
Driaan Oosthuizen en Lizé Snyman
The Prefect Body of 2024/2025:
Tong Af redenaars.

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Prefect Body for 2025

Congratulations to our Prefect Body for 2025! We look forward to watching your growth as a leader in the coming year. We know you will make us proud!

Prefects for 2025 are as follows:


• Keira Attwell

• Tanna Cuff

• Annemi de Villiers

• Terryn Delport

• Aidin Dwyer

• Jordan Frosler

• Megan Hough

• Charlotte Kapp

• Zara Loftus

• Frances Markey

• Motheo Moeng

• Zubenathi Nkayi

• Audrey Yossakamlouk


• Chase Alberts

• Zunaid Bhika

• Ezekiel Booysen

• Zandré Botha

• Kieran Frösler

• Jean-Louis Greeff

• Beldon

• Cameron Knoetze

• Liyabona Malgas

• Keagan Moore

• Joubert Steyn

• Lwando Tancu

• Mlibo Toni

• Ali Vece

• Bryce Victor

• Cayden Wilson

Welcome to our new Deputy Principal Annual Spring Day Outreach Programme

It is with great pride that we welcome Ms. Melissa Sass to Pearson High School as our new Deputy Principal.

Ms. Sass has a wealth of experience after being at Queen’s College in Komani for the past 16 years. As Deputy Principal Ms Sass’s portfolio included being Subject Head for Afrikaans First Additional Language, Head of Academics, Head of Discipline as well as being the Director of Culture during her tenure at this prestigious boys’ school.

As a person who enjoys putting pen to paper and writing books and short stories, Ms Sass is also an avid fundraiser for charitable causes.

We welcome Ms. Sass to the Pearson family.

The Interact Committee visited the staff and patients at the Livingstone Hospital as part of our Annual Spring Day Outreach Programme.

They spent the afternoon chatting to the patients after presenting them with flowers and personalised messages of encouragement.

This is always a moving and meaningful project. Thank you to all who donated flowers towards this initiative.


SASMAT Annual Competition

Finalists’ Concert 2024

Congratulations to Qinan, in Grade 3, for placing first in the Primary Schools C1 Section. Qinan played the piano and represented the Lyn Yates Private Studio.


Hoogtepunt van die Kwartaal

EP Rainbow Kids

Congratulations to Muller in Grade 4! On Sunday, 25 August, Muller played in his very first EP Rainbow Kids under 10 Round Robin Tennis tournament in Gqeberha. Muller displayed incredible talent, winning all 4 of his group matches to top his draw. He advanced to the Semi Final, where he won his match and secured a spot in the final. Though he narrowly missed out on the championship, Muller proudly took home the silver Runners Up Medal.

Morgan-Paige Shines at Nelson Mandela Bay Madibaz Gala 2024!

This past weekend, MorganPaige competed in the Nelson Mandela Bay Madibaz Gala 2024, participating in the 50m Freestyle, 100m Freestyle, 50m Backstroke, and 50m Fly.

She was also selected to swim in the 4x50m relays, where she showcased her incredible talent! We’re thrilled to announce that Morgan-Paige won 3 medals: 1 Gold and 2 Silver!

Sekerlik die grootste hoogtepunt van hierdie kwartaal was die Interskole wat in Augustus plaasgevind het. Volkskool het uitmuntend presteer en die titel van Interskole 2024 gewen.

Uitslae van die Interskole:

• Laer Volkskool vs Union Prepriory: Laer Volkskool het ‘n duidelike oorwinning behaal met ‘n eindtelling van 32 teen 22

• Hoër Volkskool vs Union High School: Hoër Volkskool het ook met oortuiging gewen, met ‘n eindtelling van 27 teen 17

• Algehele Telling: Volkskool het die Interskole 2024 gewen met ‘n totaal van 59 teen 39

Die o.13A hokkiedogters het ‘n pragtige oorwinning behaal teen Union met ‘n 1 - 0 telling. Baie geluk aan al die dogters wat deur harde werk, toewyding en deursettingsvermoë hierdie sukses behaal het.

Die o.13A rugbyseuns het ‘n uitdagende jaar beleef, maar het met hart gespeel tydens die Interskole. Dit was inspirerend om te sien hoe die seuns saamgewerk het om ‘n gelykop telling van 5 elk te behaal.

o.13A Rugbyspan

Voor: Stephan Marais.

Middel: Jaydin Pieterse, Izak Naudé, Keean Maduna, Chrislu du Plessis, Melrion Kitchu, Christo Nel. Agter: Samuel Pearson, Jarrod Gerber, Daniel Pieterse, Pedri van der Merwe, Sebastian van Heerden, Wian Lötter, Mnr. Ruben van Zyl, Markus van der Ahee, André Wolfaardt, JP Lombard en Drian Gildenhuys. (Foto geneem deur Gideon van der Mescht)

Voor: Ancois Viljoen. Middel: Nelé Wolfaardt, Stacey Jansen, Kiana Ngemntu. Agter: Dante Dercksen, Lillah Viljoen, Karien Swiegers, Zenicke van Schalkwyk, Uné Groenewald, Janika van Zyl, Angela Vorster en Karlien Serfontein. (Foto geneem deur Jan-Hendrik Swiegers)

NMBA Swimming Awards

Congratulations, Jordan! At the recent NMBA Swimming Awards dinner, Jordan Heath was awarded the prestigious Boys 10 & Under Victor Ludorum trophy! This incredible achievement recognizes Jordan as the overall topperforming 10-year-old swimmer in the Nelson Mandela Bay District at the NMBA Gala. We are so proud of your dedication and hard work, Jordan! Keep making waves in the pool!

WOW Spelfees

Nege van Laer Volkskool se leerlinge het Saterdag, 31 Augustus 2024, aan die WOW-Spelfees se Provinsiale Kompetisie in PE deelgeneem. Vier van ons leerlinge het uitstekend gevaar en is deur na die Nasionale Kompetisie wat, 28 September 2024, in Stellenbosch gaan plaasvind. Baie geluk aan al hierdie deelnemers. Ons is baie trots op julle.

Hier volg die leerders wat die vakansie aan die Nasionale Kompetisie gaan deelneem:

• Ohan Coetzee (Gr. 1)

• AJ Prinsloo (Gr. 1)

• Daneill du Plessis (Gr. 3)

• Ross Mac Leod (Gr. 5)

Madibaz Gala 2024
Voor: Ohan Coetzee, AJ Prinsloo. Middel: Milla Mac Leod, Helé Ochse, Marizé Retief. Agter: Gift Pietersen, Daneill du Plessis, Ross Mac Leod en Gustav Vermeulen.
WOW Spelfees groep
Ohan Coetzee, Ross Mac Leod, Daneill du Plessis en AJ Prinsloo.
WOW Spelfees
o.13A Hokkiespan


Aspring Athletes

Our athletes, Linka & Miah participated in the EPA League 1 Meeting @ the Oval & they produced some lovely results. Pragtige uitslae by die eerste byeenkoms van die seisoen. Welgedaan!

• Linka 60m - 2nd, 80m - 6th

• Miah 80m - 3rd, Long Jump - 3rd

Budding Biathlon Athletes

Well done to our Biathlon athletes who participated in the EPA League 2 Meeting. Hulle het pragtig geswem en gehardloop. ‘n Hele paar persoonlike beste tye is aangeteken, welgedaan!

Cricket Trialists

Zone 3 Cricket Trials were held for u.11 cricketers. We trust that they enjoyed it. (Absent: Blake) Sterkte vir die volgende stel proewe.

Cross Country

Well done to our keen Cross Country athlete, Mia who represented EP @ the ASA National Cross Country Championships in Vanderbijlpark. Welgedaan, Mia, jy werk baie hard en pluk die vrugte van jou arbeid!

Zone Trials

We trust that it went well with our u.13A cricket boys who attended zonal cricket trials. Ons o.11-spelers het ook deelgeneem. Baie sterkte aan almal.


We would like to dedicate this page to our retiring Deputy Principal Mrs van Eck.

• We are so honoured to have named our library as the Corrie van Eck Media Centre. What a wonderful mentor, leader and teacher who always encourages our children and even the adults to read.

• Mrs van Eck’s last Despatch Kunsfees group before she retires. She was a spectacular coach throughout her career.

• Kabega Primary’s Enviro Awards team on a stellar performance and 2nd place in the Regional round.

• Kabega Primary received a certificate for “The acknowledgement in the future development of future scientists”. Mrs van Eck was the leading lady that started the Eskom Expo at Kabega Primary. Lyra Harmse also got chosen to participate in the Eskom Expo International Science Fair in Johannesburg.

Deputy Principal Mrs van Eck

Corrie van Eck Media Centre
Kunsfees group Enviro Awards Eskom Expo





Our very own Grade 8 surfer, Callum Loftus, has made waves once again! Competing in the SA

home the u.14



Twee meisies van die Hoërskool Brandwag is vir sportvrou van die jaar by die Eastern Cape Sport & Recreation Achievers Awards benoem. Die twee dames Anika Maree (graad 12) en Chanté Mulder (graad 11) blink albei uit in kragoptel. Slegs drie vrouens is vir die toekenning benoem. Die wenner van die toekenning word op 11 Oktober tydens ’n gala-aand by die Board Walk in Gqeherba aangewys.

Chanté Mulder
Anika Maree
Tafadzwa Mtize and Luthando Mabanga
Grey High School Junior City Council Representing with Pride!
City Council
Callum Loftus
Longboard Champs at Seal Point, Cape St. Francis, he brought
Boys title—an incredible achievement for the third year in a row!
Benji Newman
Benji Newman has officially been ranked 3rd in the country by SA Schools Squash in the u.16 age group.
Bryce Minderon
Bryce Minderon, has been selected to represent South Africa as part of the Presidential Youth Team at the Lifesaving Championships in Rotterdam this December!


Meet our new Interact President and Vice President for 2025!

A huge congratulations toLaaiqah Khan (President) and Nana Obeng (Vice President) for this amazing opportunity!

Liyema Tsotsa represented South Africa at the Cadet & Junior Judo Africa Championships in Cameroon.
Sibabalwe Mpahla took first place at the Inter-School Public Speaking Competition at Framesby.

Cross Country


Mrs Christine Bird and Ninke Scholtz represented Eastern Province at the ASA National Cross Country Championships held in Vanderbijlpark.

Another fun event this evening. Thank you for your support. We were truly entertained by our young entrants.

Mr & Miss Sunshine Junior 2024

• Philani Simelane and Alani Botha

First runner up

• Jack le Roux and Monja Geldenhuys

Second runner up

• Louis Fourie and Zaylee Stander

Mr & Miss Sunridge

Another busy but successful evening. Congratulations to all our contestants, especially the winners! A big thank you to the independent judges, to Mrs Leandi Saaiman and her team for a well organized event, to all the staff who were on duty in the classrooms etc. and to Oom Boerie and Oom Lukas for making sure we were all safe. Until next time ……

Our 2024 winners

Mr & Miss Sunridge:

• Kyle Pienaar and Emma Ferreira 1st Runner up:

• Danté Fourie and Jana Marx 2nd Runner up:

• Callum McHugh and Bellamé Mostert

Mr & Miss Sunshine Senior:

• André Strydom and Elle Roth 1st Runner up:

• Declan van der Merwe and Kaytem Jonck

2nd Runner up:

• Christian Slabbert and Lienke Peens


Danika Marais speel vir Jendamark United Cricket Club al van laerskool af en sy het by hul jaarlikse prysuitdeling die volgende pryse ontvang:

• Most promising lady player 2023/2024

• Nominee for the most improved player

Ons top 5 seuns en dogters het die afgelope naweek aan die Marco Wasserman-toernooi deelgeneem. Framesby stap weg as die wenners van die A-liga. Baie geluk! Eben Peens word aangewys as die beste speler in die A-liga.

Baie geluk aan Nathan Hall (Gr. 8) wat nasionaal as een van die Top 10 o.14-muurbalspelers aangewys is.

Baie geluk aan Cleushey Jansen en Stefan Boshoff (beide S/15) wat vir die OP-Landloop Span gekies is. Hul gaan die 7de September in Vanderbijlpark deelneem by die ASA-Nasionale Landloop Kampioenskappe.

Karlie Janse van Rensburg het op, 8 Junie, in OosLonden deelgeneem aan Radikale, Redenaars in die Afrikaanse Prosa en ‘English Poetry’ afdelings.

Sy het beide afdelings gewen en het gekwalifiseer om die Oos Kaap te verteenwoordig in die Nasionale finaal op Saterdag, 10 Oktober, by Laerskool Concordia in Boksburg, Gauteng.

Framesby is trots op jou, Karlie en hou styf duimvas vir die finaal.

Uitslae is as volg:

• Wen Middelburg 48-24

• Wen Burgersdorp 55-17

• Wen Cradock 49-23

• Wen Union 41-31

• Wen Brandwag 47-25

Minette van Zyl in graad 8 het tydens die Sanlam WOW spelfees uitstekend gevaar.

Daar was tot dusver 3 rondtes:

• Kring - Port Elizabeth uitdunne gehou op 26 Julie. Minette was 1ste

• Distrik - Nelson Mandela Baai uitdunne gehou op 17 Augustus. Minette was 3de

• Provinsiaal - Oos-Kaap uitdunne gehou op 31

Augustus. Minette was 2de

Minette is nou uitgenooi na die Sanlam Nasionale Spelfees finaal wat by die Universiteit van Stellenbosch gehou word, die 28ste September 2024.

Die top 4 plekke per graad per provinsie ontvang ‘n uitnodiging na die gala geleentheid. Baie geluk, Minette!

Philani Simelane
Mrs Christine Bird and Ninke Scholtz
Mr & Miss Sunshine Junior 2024
Alani Botha
Nathan Hall
Karlie Janse van Rensburg
Cleushey Jansen en Stefan Boshoff
Danika Marais
Minette van Zyl

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