`n Ou historiese gebou in die Paarl word AWSUM se nuwe hoofkantoor
AWSUM het die laaste paar maande `n ou historiese gebou in die Paarl gerestoureer om te dien as ons hoofkantoor. Die grootste uitdaging was die nuwe laag verf wat die mure, plafonne en dak sou kry en sonder die kundige hulp van JF Paints sou dié taak nie maklik gewees het nie. Elke mens wat al in hulle lewe gebou of gerestoureer het, weet dis nie `n maklike taak nie, en die een uitdaging na die ander staar jou in die gesig. So, as mens een minder kwessie het om jou oor te bekommer, het jy soveel meer tyd om op ander dinge te fokus en dis wat JF Paints vir ons beteken het - van die dag

wat hulle spesialis ons kom help het om die regte verf te kies, tot die dag wat ons besef het ons kort nog verf en hulle benoud gebel het.
Ons visie kon `n realiteit word en ons is opgewonde om vandag die foto’s met ons lesers te kan deel.
Die idee om AWSUM tien jaar gelede te begin, het begin omdat my kinders op laerskool was en ek opgelet het dat die hoofstroom en plaaslike media nie regtig skole op grootskaal en op `n konstante basis ondersteun het om aan leerders die nodige erkenning te vir hulle prestasies te gee nie. Ja, daar was bietjie nuus geplaas, maar dit het vir my gelyk of die bietjie wat geplaas word, net geplaas word om skole “gelukkig” te hou.
Ek het gesien dat daar by elke skool baie gebeur in terme van sport, akademie en kultuur. Ek wou dat skoolnuus sy eie platform moes hê en wou `n koerant begin wat sonder ander nuus kon oorleef - `n koerant wat positiewe nuus deel. Ons almal weet dat negatiewe of slegte nuus en skandes en korrupsie koerante verkoop. Die risiko was groot. Neem in ag dat ons geen kennis oor koerante, uitleg, pryse vir advertensies en vele ander aspekte gehad het nie. Ons het nie eers die verskillende diktes van papier waarop koerante gedruk word verstaan nie.

Ons wou anders wees, so daarom wou ons op die ouers fokus en was dit van kardinale belang dat die koerant deur die skole saam met die leerders huis toe gaan en nie op winkelrakke lê nie.

Hierdie syfers vertel ons storie:

• Ons druk elke jaar 4 koerante vir 22 streke landswyd.

• Ons druk elke jaar in Februarie 8 provinsiale koerante spesiaal net vir matriekuitslae.
• Ons druk 50 spesiale interskole uitgawes per jaar.
• Ons jaarlikse beroepsgids is `n spesiale uitgawe waar ons saam met na-skoolse instansies saamwerk om studierigtings met matrikulante te deel.

• 2.5 miljoen ouers volg elke jaar ons nuus aanlyn op www.awsumnews.co.za.
Tien jaar gaan in `n oogwink verby en daar is baie wat ons in dié 10 jaar geleer het en baie waarop ons trots is. Soos ons aanlyn skolenuusplatform www.awsumnews.co.za wat ons vyf jaar terug begin het om daagliks onbeperkte nuus vanaf skole te deel. Ons deel hier oor die 2 000 skole se nuus en prestasies.
Ons wil graag dankie sê aan al die skole, hulle bemarkers, asook die duisende adverteerders wat ons deurlopend ondersteun. Sonder hulle, asook ons toegewyde personeel, sou dié 10 jaar nie moontlik gewees het nie.
Ons het groot planne vir die toekoms en ons sien uit na die volgende 10 jaar.

Skandeer die kode en lees nog van ons skool se nuus aanlyn!
Skandeer die kode en lees nog van ons skool se nuus aanlyn!

Hoofleiers 2023/2024 VRL 2024

Baie geluk aan ons nuwe hoofleiers vir die nuwe termyn (2023/2024).

• Hoofdogter: Emma Lutsch.
• Hoofseun: Tristan Kitching.
• Onderhoofdogter: Emmie Wannenburg.
• Onderhoofseun: Andrew Stopforth.
Ons is trots op julle en wens vir julle alle sterkte toe vir die jaar wat voorlê. Ons het vertroue in julle en Kwaggaland staan saam met julle.

VRL 2023/2024 Termyn
geluk aan die nuutverkose VRL vir die 2023/2024 termyn. Ons wens julle alle sterkte toe!

Ons nuutverkose VRL vir 2024.
Voor: Lujah Diedericks, , Francesca Rossouw, Jac du Plessis, Jenna Harper, Hylie Dippenaar, Roselle Duvenhage.
Tweede ry: Reshaan Damans, Mia Neethling, Dené Edwards, Emma Lutsch, Emmie Wannenburg, Toiné van Heerden, Yvonne du Plessis, Ankia Paulsen.

Ellie Meyer, Ludwig Lötter, Quintus Lutsch, Amandus de Jager, Andrew Stopforth, Tristan Kitching, Thomas Smook, Cayden Williams.
Agter: Charl du Plessis, Hannes de Lange, Ruart Curlewis, Ruben Rossouw, Favian Swart, Ivan Koen, Nicolaas Duvenage. Afwesig: Luca Potgieter.
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YHS 1st Boys Hockey Team – Eden Men’s League Winners 2023

The York High 1st Boys Hockey Team are the 2023 Eden Men’s League Champions! After beating an experienced Oaks team from Knysna in the semi-final, the boy’s team came up against the formidable Crusaders Men’s Team who beat the boys in their round robin match earlier in the season. The final was one for the spectators!! York drew first blood and went into halftime with a commanding 3-1 lead. The Crusaders team was packed with experience and soon cut that lead down to 3-3 in the final chukka. This is how the match ended and it was down to the dreaded 8 seconds shootout. There was nothing to separate the teams after all five shootouts were completed and the final moved into sudden death.

York won the final in the sudden death shoot and become the first York 1st boys to win back to back finals. The final was a fast-paced affair and wonderful sportsmanship was the order of the day between the two teams. Thank you to the Crusaders Men’s Team for a great final and to the Eden Hockey Union for all the hard work behind the scenes.

2024 Student Council
We are proud to announce our 2024 Student Council.
YHS 1st Girls Hockey Team - Woman’s League Champions
The 1st team girls put on a show stopping performance against the Crusaders Ladies in the Eden Woman’s League Final. They managed to win the game, 3-2 in the final 7 minutes. This is an incredible achievement for the girls as this league comprises of woman’s teams and not school’s teams. They have had a fantastic season. They came 4th (out of 32 teams) in the Fairmont Hockey Tournament in Cape Town, they won the Eden Spar Challenge, and they came away from the Kingswood Hockey Festival undefeated. We are incredibly proud of them.

Middle: Rogan Thorkildsen, Cara Mostert, Samantha Bellew, Cailey Edwards, Ann-Louise Coertze, Tammy Jacobs, Hannah de Kock.
Back: Joshua Heathcote, Nicolas Vrey, Wido Rudolph, Gabriël van der Westhuizen, Joshua Coote.
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Die Loeries vlieg soos Arende!
Ons is trots op die volgende ses seuns wat in die onderskeie SWD o.12 spanne opgeneem is. Hulle neem op 28 tot 29 September aan ‘n interprovinsiale toernooi te Oakdale deel.
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Ernie Els SA Primary Schools Championship

Hoor-hoor, hierdie ouens weet niks van verloor! Ons gholf manne is die algehele wenners van die Ernie Els SA Primary School Championships! Met ‘n telling van +36 het LGS met 22 houe gewen! Jordan Groenewald slaan ook ‘n tweedeplek los in die individuele kategorie! Dankie aan meneer Ean wat hulle so mooi afgerig het. Ons Loerie- harte bars van trots!


Wes-Kaap Kleure
Minay Botha het haar Wes-Kaap kleure ontvang vir Biathle en Triathle en gaan deelneem aan die Suid-Afrikaanse Kampioenskappe in albei items. Sy het ook ‘n derde plek verwerf by die SuidAfrikaanse Duathlon Kampioenskap te Midmar, Kwazulu-Natal.


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WOW Spelfees


Outies bring 3 bekers huis toe!
Op Vrydag, 1 September 2023, bied die Outies hul jaarlikse prestige o. 13-Hokkietoernooi by York High se astrohokkieveld aan. Ondanks slegte weer wat voorspel is, draai die dag ‘n sonnige lentedag uit. 36 spanne afkomstig uit 12 skole, wat ook die Outies se eie o. 13 A, B en C dogters- en seunsspanne insluit, neem op die dag deel en speel pragtige hokkie.
Die Outies bring onderskeidelik 3 van die bekers huis toe:

• o. 13 B-dogters wen die Dogters B-afdeling
• o. 13 A-dogters wen die Dogters A-afdeling
• o. 13 A-seuns wen die Seuns A -afdeling
Ons is baie trots op elke seun en dogter wat hier deelgeneem het en die Outies se naam hoog gehou het. Ook aan elke besoekende skool, dis vir ons ‘n reuse voorreg om julle te ontvang!

Ons leerderraad vir die tweede semester
Voor: Blake Moore, Ross Taljaard. Middel: Markus Botha, Migael Fick, JP Immelman, Wian Bezuidenhout, Ross Smorfitt. Agter: Biancha de Koker (Afrigter), Pieter Jan Pretorius, Joa Victor, Stefan Venter, Konrad Gouws, Ruan Erasmus, Danika Botha (Skeidsregter).
Voor: Erin Grassow, Janke Wolmarans, Julia Conradie, Elna Nel (Onder-hoofleier), Clara van Zyl, Jovandré Pietersen, Luan Zwiegelaar.
Middel: Lika Schoeman (Hoofleier), Ingrid Hickman, Dané van der Westhuizen, Mila Poultney, Colleen Maart, Burger Theunissen, Arjen Erasmus (Onder-Hoofleier), Rowan Fouche, Juf. Jackie van Tonder.

Agter: Franciska Deck, Michaela van der Westhuizen, Wihan du Preez, Daniël Theunissen, Hannes Mulder, Luhann Stapelberg, Hendré Botes (Hoofleier), Trigaardt Viljoen.
Voor: Hugo Wannenburg, Erich Falch, Lehandro Prins, Jan-Diesel Burger en Stefan Nel. Agter: Mnr Stix Theunissen (SWD afrigter). Rowan Fouche en Hanno Makwati
Voor: Nelbi Slabbert, Minè Pretorius (o.k), Milan de Villiers (k) Danielle Bond, Nadia Meintjies. Agter: Liyah Theron, Jinique Frans, Anoyolo Xhengeshe, Janine Wasserman (afrigter), Ayesha Moolman, Melony Kitching (afrigter), Keila Blom, Lila Bezuidenhout, Liike Bekker.
Voor: Mia Marais, Anina Badenhorst, Janine Wasserman (afrigter), Scarlet Gerber, Lila Opperman, Donne Dempsey, Melony Kitching (afrigter) Melissa Schreiber. Agter: Sydney Michaels, Tylee Olivier, Elani Strydom, Danielle Bond, Mikho Dingiswayo.
Die volgende leerders is opgeneem in die o.12 SWD rugby-span. Rowan Fouche en Hanno Makwati is opgeneem in die SWD o.13 7’s-span. Ulrich van Hirtum en Pieter Marx Ulrich van Hirtum en Pieter Marx het albei hulle Edenkleure ontvang vir Landloop en gaan deelneem aan die Suid-Afrikaanse Landloop Kampioenskap te Port Elizabeth op 16 September. Daniël Barnard Daniël Barnard het ‘n eerste plek ontvang vir Graad 4 in ons streek se WOW Spelfees wat plaasgevind het in George. SWD Rugby o.12 SWD o.13 7’s Span o.13A-Seunspan o.13A-Dogterspan o.13B-Dogterspan Skandeer die kode en lees nog van ons skool se nuus aanlyn! Skandeer die kode en lees nog van ons skool se nuus aanlyn!Die Juniorkoor, Seniorkoor en die graad R-spreekkoor verwerf ‘n A++ tydens die Eisteddfod.


Baie geluk aan die volgende seuns wat in hul onderskeie o. 12-SWD-spanne ingesluit is vir die Interprovinsiale Kusstreek Toernooi vanaf 28-30 September te Riversdal.

A-span: Luan Augustyn, Richardo van Eck, Zayden Swanich.
B-span: Juann Muller.
C-span: CB Strydom, Louw Bouer, Stian Theunissen.

Cross Country
Voor: Agter:


COUNTRY VS England v Pakistan v Bangladesh v South Africa v
Sunday, 8 October India v
Monday, 9 October New Zealand v

Tuesday, 10 October England v
Tuesday, 10 October Pakistan v
Wednesday, 11 October India v
Thursday, 12 October Australia v
Friday, 13 October New Zealand v
Saturday, 14 October India v
Sunday, 15 October England v
Monday, 16 October Australia v

Tuesday, 17 October South Africa v

Wednesday, 18 October New Zealand v
Thursday, 19 October India v

Friday, 20 October Australia v
Saturday, 21 October Netherlands v
Saturday, 21 October England v
Sunday, 22 October India v
Monday, 23 October Pakistan v

Tuesday, 24 October South Africa v
Wednesday, 25 October Australia v
Thursday, 26 October England v
Friday, 27 October Pakistan v
Saturday, 28 October Australia v
Saturday, 28 October Netherlands v
Sunday, 29 October India v
Monday, 30 October Afghanistan v

Tuesday, 31 October Pakistan v

Wednesday, 1 November New Zealand v
Thursday, 2 November India v
Friday, 3 November Netherlands v

Saturday, 4 November New Zealand v
Saturday, 4 November England v
Sunday, 5 November India v

Monday, 6 November Bangladesh v

Tuesday, 7 November Australia v

Wednesday, 8 Novemebr England v

Thursday, 9 November New Zealand v

Friday, 10 November South Africa v

Saturday, 11 November Australia v
Saturday, 11 November England v
Sunday, 12 November India v
Wednesday, 15 November SEMI

Thursday, 16 November
Sunday, 19 November
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South Africa squad for ICC World Cup 2023: Full SA team list
Cricket South Africa have announced their 15-man squad for the ODI World Cup 2023 with Temba Bavuma set to lead the Proteas challenge.




Proteas’ Kagiso Rabada
Proteas fast bowler Kagiso Rabada was awarded Test player of the year at the 2023 Cricket South Africa Awards and following his featuring in the top five Test wicket takers in the world this past season, the award was well deserved. Proteas fast bowler Kagiso Rabada told IOL Sport that it is his ‘will to win’ that continues to make him one of the best fast bowlers in the world.
Rabada has been playing for the Proteas for a good nine years and from the time he made his Proteas debut at the Adelaide Oval, it was clear that Rabada was cut from a different cloth; he was always on a league of his own.No one will forget his match winning performance in Perth in 2016 at the tender age of 21.
Post 2018, international cricket handed Rabada an important lesson that results won’t always go your way. Rabada says their 2019 World Cup campaign, which saw them knocked out before they could finish their round robin fixtures, taught him to rid of self-doubt and accept that on the day there’s a possibility you could end up on the losing side. “Personally, the 2019 World Cup taught me not to doubt and accept that there’s either defeat or success, and it’s about keeping success in your mind at all times.” said Rabada.

His eleven-wicket haul against Australia at St. George’s Park Cricket Stadium in 2018 will forever be remembered, but most importantly it was clear from those early years that Rabada was a different kind of beast.
Source: IOL Sport, written by Ongama

The ups and downs of the past couples of seasons have not taken anything away from what makes Rabada special and he told IOL Sport that he attests all his success to his ‘will to win’.
“For myself I think what makes me so different and successful is my will to win,”said Rabada. “I mean, everyone is different but if you ask me what drives me it’s definitely my will to win.” He added.
playing and what I’ve done, taking the senior player role is a no brainer for me,” said Rabada.

“It’s all about welcoming the youngsters into the squad and making them feel a part of the team and making them understand where we want to go so that we are all in the same boat.” He added.
Looking at the squad, Rabada’s nine-year international experience will come in handy. Rabada says it’s a no brainer that he now has to step up and be the senior player in the team. “Because of my experience, how long I’ve been
“Identity is important because it becomes what you go back to when things are going slightly off track,” explained Rabada. “It’s something you enhance when things are really going your way. It works as a reference; it acts as a compass as to what you want to achieve as a team.” He added. There’s no doubt that the Proteas squad has the talent to go all the way in the World Cup this time around, but that journey starts with them coming up with their identity and their style of play and letting the rest take care of itself.

Taking a senior role in the team is a no-brainer, says
Everyone is different but if you ask me what drives me it’s definitely my will to win.Gcwabe


Umpires - Most Matches
Most watched match of the Cricket World Cup: 2019 Group game between India and Pakistan - watched by 300 million

people live


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An overview of the teams’ performances in every World Cup is given below. For each tournament, the number of teams in each finals tournament (in brackets) are shown.

The Cricket World Cup has thrown up some great moments down the years. Here are our top 5.



5 Wasim Akram Destroys England in 1992 Final
Pakistan’s progress through to the 1992 World Cup final was far from smooth. Rain saved them from suffering an almost certain defeat against fellow finalists England in the group stage, while they needed Australia to beat West Indies just to reach the last four. They then stunned New Zealand in the semifinals, with a young Inzamam-ul-Haq leading them home in an unlikely run chase at Eden Park, Auckland. Wasim Akram hit a quick 33 in his side’s innings of 249-6 in the final against England at the MCG, though that is not the reason why he makes the list. England had slipped to 69-4 in their reply, but Allan Lamb and Neil Fairbrother repaired the early damage with a fifth-wicket stand worth 72. However, Akram put paid to any glimmer of hope England had of lifting the trophy. The left-arm seamer dismissed Lamb and new batsman Chris Lewis in successive deliveries, both bowled on the angle. Pakistan went on to win the match by 22 runs, allowing skipper Imran Khan to lift the trophy.
4 Sachin Tendulkar Carried Around Mumbai in 2011

Bowing out as a champion on home turf was the fairytale finish to Sachin Tendulkar’s World Cup career. In his sixth and final tournament, the Little Master was finally able to get his hands on the trophy as India chased down Sri Lanka’s total of 274-6 with 10 balls to spare. Although he had contributed just 18 runs with the bat, Tendulkar was obviously the centre of attention in the celebrations. The veteran batsman was carried around the Wankhede Stadium, his home ground in Mumbai, by his team-mates during the lap of honour. Virat Kohli rather beautifully summed up what the moment meant to both the player and the country as a whole, via Cricket Country: “Tendulkar has carried the burden of the nation for 21 years. It is time we carried him on our shoulders.” No player has managed more than Tendulkar’s tally of 2,278 runs in World Cup action.
3 Herschelle Gibbs Hits 6 Sixes in 2007
A huge 221-run win for South Africa over the Netherlands in 2007 would not be so memorable were it not for the stunning batting feat produced by Herschelle Gibbs. The right-hander became the first player to hit six sixes in an over of international cricket during the group game in Basseterre. Daan van Bunge was the bowler on the receiving end of the record, the leg-spinner having no answer as Gibbs continuously launched him over the rope. A short boundary at Warner Park might have helped, but the ruthless display of hitting brightened up a day when rain had forced a delayed start to proceedings. Despite the match being cut to 40 overs each, South Africa still made 353-4. Jacques Kallis made an unbeaten hundred, though his efforts were overshadowed by those of Gibbs. Gibbs contributed 72 from 40 balls and managed only one other maximum in his innings before being dismissed by Luuk van Troost.
2 Mike Gatting Regrets Playing the Reverse Sweep in 1987

England have become accustomed to falling just short in the World Cup; they have reached three finals and lost them all. The closest they came to getting their hands on the trophy was back in 1987, when they took on Australia in front of a packed house at Eden Gardens.
Having held their Ashes rivals to 253-5, England looked to be on course for victory when skipper Mike Gatting and Bill Athey were together at the crease. The pair put on a 69-run stand for the third wicket to carry the score to 135-2 by the time Australia skipper Allan Border came on to bowl his left-arm off-spin. Facing the first delivery from his opposite number, Gatting opted to go for an adventurous reverse sweep. He made contact with the ball but only managed to deflect it into the air via his own shoulder, allowing Australia wicketkeeper Greg Dyer to take the catch. The wicket proved costly; with Gatting gone for 41, England lost their way and ended up finishing seven runs short of their target.
1South Africa Suffer in the Rain in 2003

Dit is nuut en dis opwindend en die beste van als is, JY is uitgenooi!
Kom ons ondersteun plaaslik, eet plaaslik, koop plaaslik en geniet plaaslik!

SWD Rugby
Laerskool Hartenbos het hierdie kwartaal vier spelers opgelewer in die o.12 SWD rugbyspan. Luan Vorster, Liam Smith, Washe Louw en Wihan Erasmus gaan 28 -30 September 2023 in Riversdal deelneem aan die o.12 Interprovinsiale Kusstreek Rugbytoernooi.


drie tennistoernooie deelgeneem: Reef Hudson toernooi in George, Egalite Laerskole Tennis toernooi in Sun City en die PNB Paribas RSC Rising Stars Tennistoernooi in George. Die o.13 eerste span dogters het al drie hierdie

Volg ons op Facebook: LoveLocal - Mosselbaai

Skandeer die kode en lees nog van ons skool se nuus aanlyn!
o.14 Dogters onder top hokkiespanne in die land
Baie geluk aan ons o.14 dogters hokkiespan wat die 27ste posisie in Suid-Afrika op die SA Schools Sport webtuiste beklee. Trotse Visse!

Dans: Hip Hop
Twee van Laerskool Hartenbos se leerders, Ané Otto en Mieke van Dorp, is gekies om Suid Afrika te verteenwoordig in Obidos, Portugal van 26 tot 28 Oktober 2023 aan die HIP HOP UNITE wêreld kampioenskappe.
Skandeer die kode en lees nog van ons skool se nuus aanlyn!
National Math Art Competition 2023


Leerlingraad 2024
Skandeer die kode en lees nog van ons skool se nuus aanlyn!


Rugby Hoër Landbouskool Oakdale se 560kg A- Toutrek nuwe Wêreldkampioen

Joel Saayman, ontvang SWD-kleure in visvang.

Die 560kg-toutrekspan van die Hoër Landbouskool Oakdale wat as die Proteaspan aangewys is om Suid-Afrika by die Toutrek Wêreldkampioenskappe in Sursee, Switserland vanaf 31 Augustus tot 3 September te verteenwoordig, is as wêreldkampioen gekroon.

Die groep wat uit 12 lede bestaan het, het onder die afrigtingsoog van mnr. Piet Lourens al 7 uitdunwedstryde (trekke) gewen. Die span het in hul uitdunne o.a teen Switserland, Engeland, Nederland, Duitsland, België, Ierland en Wallis meegeding. Die span klop vir Nederland in die semi-finaal met 2-0 ten einde deur te dring na die finale kragmeting. In ‘n naelbyt trek teen Chinese Taipei bied ‘n oorwinning van 2-0 aan die HLS Oakdale die titel van Wêreldkampioen in die 560kg kategorie vir Junior Mans. Oakdale het ook in 2022 die titel verower.

Skandeer die kode en lees nog van ons skool se nuus aanlyn!
Skandeer die kode en lees nog van ons skool se nuus aanlyn!


Kwartaal 3 Prestasies
Voor: D’Niel de Wet, Tony Dürr, Lourens Brand, André Crous en Abrie de Wet (spanbestuurder). Agter: Piet Lourens (Afrigter), NJ Tesner, Thys
Migael van Zyl Joel Saayman Daniel Wehr Voor: Abrie de Wet (spanbestuurder) en regs Piet Lourens (afrigter). Agter: Lourens Brand, Tony Dürr, Reghard Olivier, Markus Janse van Rensburg, Thys Lourens, André Crous, NJ Tesner en D’Niel de Wet. Lourens, Reghard Olivier en Markus Janse van Rensbrug. Migael van Zyl, 1ste in EDEN, ouderdomsgroep 9-10, en 5de in die WesKaap. Daniel Wehr, opgeneem in die o.12 SWD Rugby finale groep. Fietsry Mieka Grassini, Leah Janse van Rensburg en Savannah Grassini Mieka Grassini, Leah Janse van Rensburg, Savannah Grassini, almal het Wes-Kaap kleure in perdry SANESA. Jonathan September, Lila Olivier, Luane Janse van Rensburg, Azelia Volschenk en Cara Krumm. EDEN-kleure: Cara Krumm, Azelia Volschenk en Jonathan September. ASWD-kleure: Lila Olivier, Azelia Volschenk en Luane Janse van Rensburg.