MAY 2014
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P2 P3 Handy hints for Pienk Bome vir Pauline your home P5 Bedwetting
P6 AWSUM Kombuis
In & around the house P4 Discover Robertson P8 - P16 School NEWS
To advertise in this newspaper - Contact: Leandra van Greunen - (079) 275 0419 - Theo Smouse - (072) 947 7325 -
Tenille Swanepoel - 021 872 3880 |
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Rowan Engledoe - 021 872 3880 | AWSUM News is distributed to the following schools: BOLAND: Primary
schools: Worcester Noord, Courtrai, Noord-Eind, Hugenote, Worcester Oos, Paarl Girls’, Worcester Voorbereiding, Paarl Gimnasium, Paarl Boys’, WA Joubert & Hugo Rust. High Schools: Paarl Gimnasium, HTS Drostdy, Paarl Girls’ High, Montana, Worcester Gimnasium, Paarl Boishaai, Boland Landbou, La Rochelle & New Orleans.
PRINTED BY - Paarl Coldset
Vol magies, warm lyfies en ’n gróót plan
Idees vir ’n Warm Winterhart-projek
ie winter is hier! Die koue klop aan die venster, dit is tyd vir lekker pannekoek en sop, en die Kaapse reëns betrap ons gereeld sonder ’n sambreel. Maar … wat van hulle wat nie ’n sambreel het nie – ook nie ’n huis met vensters of ’n ietsie warm om te eet nie? Vir talle minderbevoorregtes hier in ons streek is die winter vreesaanjaend. Ons hart bloei wanneer ons ’n man, vrou of kind op straat sien wat in wind en weer staan en bedel. Die meeste van ons wil graag iets vir hulle doen … maar ons weet dat om geld te gee nié ’n goeie idee is nie. Hier is wel ’n klompie goeie idees; dit is prakties en dit kan maklik saam met jou gesin, jou vriende of jou klasmaats aangepak word. Só kan julle ’n verskil maak: Maak magies vol! Maak blikkieskos bymekaar, en rys, bone, pap, langlewe-melk en ander nie-bederfbare produkte, en begin ’n kosbank. Daar is altyd gesinne wat daardie kos bitter nodig het, én organisasies wat na sulke gesinne probeer omsien. Julle kan hier ’n groot verskil maak – en só ander se magies so vol soos julle s’n kry! Óúgoed is warmgoed Die koue en nat weer kry ons almal onder – maar het jy al daaraan gedink dat daar mense is wat in hierdie nat winter nie skoene het om aan te trek nie? Gaan kyk ’n bietjie in jou kas – en loer sommer in jou broer of suster of ma of pa s’n – en tel ’n bietjie
die pare skoene en tekkies wat nooit meer gebruik word nie. En die jeans wat nooit meer gedra word nie (omdat dit te styf sit!). En wat van die opgevoude kombers wat al twee jaar lank ongebruik daar lê? Dit is tyd dat daai goed ’n nuwe huis kry! En onthou sommer ook daardie serp wat nie meer cool is nie. Daar sál iemand wees wat dit sal LOVE! Onthou die Engelse spreekwoord: “One man’s junk is another man’s treasure!” Maak kleingeld groot! Kies ’n organisasie wat jy wil ondersteun – en doen dit dan! Kyk, ’n mens het mos altyd ’n klomp kleingeld in jou beursie (dalk gooi julle dit in ’n bottel wat iewers in die huis staan). Moedig jou bure, ouers en die res van die familie aan om van daardie swáár sente – én die ewe swaar blink geld – ontslae te raak.
Stuur vir ons fo to’s van júlle Warm Winterha rtprojek!
Stel dan ’n doelwit: Hoeveel geld WIL jy insamel? En: Wanneer wil jy die projek voltooi? Vertel al wat leef en beef daarvan op Facebook en whatsapp. Kry nou sommer jou hele skool hierby betrokke. Gaan teken dan ’n prent of die skoolwapen met bordkryt op ’n parkeerterrein of sommer op die netbalbaan (hoe groter die prent, hoe meer plek vir die geld!). Op ’n spesifieke dag – of by ’n spesiale geleentheid wat jy met die onderwysers gereël het – bring almal dan hulle kleingeld en pak dit binne-in die getekende prent. Jy sal jou verstom oor hoe groot kleingeld word! Daar is ’n KLOMP maniere om in hierdie winter ’n verskil te maak. Hierbo is maar drie idees.
In and around the house
2 MAY 2014
Handy hints for your home These Handy Hints will remind you of the ways you can save around the home – some you may be able to do, and others you may not be able to do, but every single one of them can help you save money and energy. Even if you only choose one or two, it all adds up!
• Check seals and doors. Doors need to close firmly. • Check the temperature. Fridges work best between 3° and 5°, freezers work best between -15° and -18°. • Room to breathe. Fridges and freezers run better with air
circulating around them.
• Check the temperature. Keep the room temperature between 18° and 21° in winter. • Seal those cracks and gaps with blockers like a door ‘snake’ • Throw on a jersey so you can turn
your heater down • Keep the curtains closed to keep the warmth in
Hot water
• Shorten your shower to save water, money and energy! • Fix those dripping taps. They can waste up to 1 litre of water/hour • Hand wash single dishes instead of using the dishwasher • Try a front loader washing machine they use less water and up to 60% less energy
Electric pumps
• Use the right size, and don’t pay for wasted energy • Install a timer, and only use it in off peak times or when you need to • Use a pool cover, this can reduce the need for filtering. For more handy hints and a downloadable booklet that could help you save money and electricity visit files/.../02.../hess_handy_hints_booklet.pd
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Lifestyle MAY 2014 3
Pienk Bome vir Pauline Wanneer kinders met oorgawe iets doen om ander se lewens ingrypend te verander lyk die lewe sommer net blinker. Pienk Bome vir Pauline, ‘n nie-winsgedrewe maatskappy wat daarop gemik is om lewenskwaliteit te bevorder tydens en ná kanker, het juis dit gesien tydens die 2013 projek. Kinders vanaf Tzaneen tot in die Kaap het harte aangeraak met inisiatiewe om by te dra tot kankergemeenskappe se lewenskwaliteit. Wat kan jy doen? Maak pienk strikkies om te verkoop, inkleurboeke vir kinders met kanker, ‘verkoop’ bome by jou skool en draai dit in pienk toe...daar is hope idees en elke rand bring verligting vir kankerpasiënte regoor Suid-Afrika. Pienk Bome vir Pauline nooi ALLE
skole uit om regdeur 2014 projekte te loods. Kom ons kyk hoe groot impak kan ons maak! Indien u enige verdere inligting oor Pienk Bome vir Pauline benodig kontak Besturende Direkteur Adri van Nieuwenhuizen op +27 82 460 6386 of epos Besoek asook vir die nuutste inligting.
just for laughs ... What is Bruce Lee’s favorite drink? Wataaaaah! How does NASA organize their company parties? They planet. What time is it when you have to go to the dentist? Tooth-hurtie. What did Jay-Z call his girlfriend before they got married? Feyoncé. Why can’t a bike stand on its own? It’s two tired. What do you call a dinosaur with a extensive vocabulary? A thesaurus.
I wrote a song about a tortilla. Well actually, it’s more of a wrap. What do you call a Frenchman wearing sandals? Filippe Flop
leg longer than the other? Eileen. What do you call a women setting fire to a phone bill? Bernadette.
What do you call a woman with a screwdriver in one hand, a knife in the other, a pair of scissors between the toes on her left foot, and a corkscrew between the toes on her right foot? A Swiss Army wife. What do you call a person with one
AGENT: AGENTS: Koen I Cell: 072 711 2075 E AGENT: Annelie Minette IMANDATE Cell: 083 662 0784EEE PRICE EBezuidenhout TYPE E PRICE: R5 E 200 -E 000 I EMandatePType: N Sole E E E E ,E PRICE 475 E TYPE EEE AREA: VIE MANDATE E v VAL DE E N E E v E open -E plan,Elight andPveryN well E designed. E EOnce E you entered ,E Beautiful f E N E E E E f E v you’ll feel E the need N toE stay there. Stunning E v mountain this house E yN E E E E N y views f andEa play park on the side of N Eyour -entertaining E E area, Ebraaif v E v yq E y N and swimming Huge all Ewith stunning Nviews and y E y N pool. E E bedrooms, E EE v E ample Ev yHqcupboards G E and GE ING Ideal family balconies, lights. E modern yP E N home at a WEB REF: great price. Don’t miss out! EE E H G E GE P E ING WEB REF 0559799 WEB REF: AGENT: AGENT: Andries Krige I Cell: 083 393 3333 PRICE E 200 000 I Mandate MANDATE TYPE AGENT:R1 PRICE: Type: Sole y E E E E E W EN E AREA: 1B La Bianca PRICE E MANDATE TYPE Ey double f N EE with E Jacuzzi E E E and built-in Lovely storey home E E E vbraai. W ENN E E 3 Bedrooms E Eand E 2 bathrooms f N EE Ev(1 en-suite) f upstairs, v N EN EE E f E open plan living areas and kitchen downstairs. Double garage y EN E E Ef EE Ef f y fE E E E NyNE v Don’t E with remote and direct access. miss this one! yf E N E E!f y y EN REF E v0561581 EE E E yN WEB EE G E E! GE P E ING v yE H N WEE EE EEF E H G E GE P E ING
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AGENT:WELLINGTON AGENTS: Carmen Schoeman I Cell: 082 490 0994 Tertius AGENT:Joubert I Cell: 082 877 7534 PRICE: R870 000 I Mandate Type: Sole AREA: PRICE BAINSVALLEI E MANDATE TYPE 2 Bedroom E E E house E in Bainsvallei E E Security , EEstate, E Wellington E at the foot PRICE TYPE of the Bainskloof Pass.MANDATE 1 Bathroom and 1 garage - Don’t miss out on E E y N E v E E opportunity E E to own E E E picturesque E E, the a property in ,this setting! , E E E E y NEv E , INGEEEG SINGLE EE GE GARAGE EPEE 2EEBEDROOMS, ,E H1 BATHROOM, WEB REF 5589977 WEE EE EEF E H INGEE G E GE EPEE
WEE EEF AGENT: AGENTS: Marisa Visagie I Cell: 079 877 4177 AGENT: Tertius Joubert I Cell: 082 877 7534 PRICE: R2 150 000 I Mandate Type: Sole PRICE MANDATE TYPE AREA: E 40 BERG EN DAL Sunny and spacious E E open E plan E home ETYPE with , E lots of naturalE light,Ebuilt yN in PRICE E MANDATE U-shape pool. every room to W E flaround ,E I the E swimming E E Doors Eleading Efrom E E E E , E E E yN view! covered patio and pool. Beautiful finishes throughout - A must to E4 BEDROOMS, EE y fl E ,vI4 EBATHROOMS, f yNE 3ERECEPTION W E ROOMS, E EE EE yN EP IEN EE PEEE ESWIMMING E y EEPOOL vH f WEE WEB EEF REF 497671 EE E H EE EP IEN EE PEEE WEE EEF
Friends, family and our freshly prepared food, meat and deli! Come and enjoy the important things in life at our new kids-friendly picnic area. Deli-Co Meat & Farm Stall
On the R44 between Stellenbosch and Paarl
Deli-Co @ Potbelly: 021 8755 124 Meat orders: 022 4481 921/2 for collection @ Potbelly within 48 hours Mon - Fri: 08:00 - 17:30 Weekends & Holidays: 08:00 - 16:30
Potbelly Restaurant & Bakery: 021 8755 664 Bali Trading Klapmuts: 021 875 5663 Bali Trading Koelenhof: 021 865 2680
Lifestyle - Rediscover Robertson
Discover Robertson...
4 MAY 2014
The Bruwer family combine their experience, personal attention and love for wine to produce a selection of the country’s finest wines.
ituated between the Langeberg Mountains and the Breede River, Robertson (or better known as the small town with the big heart) is the gateway to Route 62. This friendly town may be best known for its wines, as it forms part of the longest wine route in the world. But Robertson is bursting at the seams with attractions, activities, accommodation, and culinary delights to suit any traveller’s budget and taste.
Guests can visit wineries and game reserves, tribal art, cultural tours, museums and for the more adventurous: hiking trails and mountain climbing, 4x4 routes, canoeing, horse riding, even ostrich riding, fishing and caving. For foodies, the local farm stalls overflow with fresh produce, dried fruit and freshly made breads, homemade jams and preserves. This combined with spectacular scenery makes it a fabulous getaway ensuring visitors an unforgettable stay.
ON R317
Welcome to the heart of Route 62!
Tel: 023 626 4178
BonCourage.indd 1
2014/05/20 9:02 AM
DID YOU KNOW? Five facts about wine.
When next you host a dinner party for friends, drop a few facts about your vino and impress your guests! Cork vs. Screw
Move over, cork, and make way for screw caps. Today, screw caps are replacing corks on more than just inexpensive bottles. Currently, screw caps seal 75 percent of Australian wines and 93 percent of New Zealand wines, and they’re gaining popularity in all countries, including here in S.A.
To Age or Not to Age?
It is a common misconception that all wines improve with age. In fact, more than 90 percent of all wines should be consumed within one year.
Use Your “Nose”
• The term bouquet refers to the
total scent of the wine. • Aroma is the scent of the grapes. • When wine tasters want to describe the bouquet and the aroma together, they use the term nose.
What Colour Tells You
As white wines age, they gain color. Red wines, on the other hand, lose colour as they age. To analyze your glass of wine, hold the glass on an angle in front of a white background, such as a napkin or tablecloth. White wines can range from a pale yellowgreen to a brownish hue. Reds begin at purple and scale all the way to brown.
Drink to Your Health!
According to Dietary Guidelines, there are 100 calories in a glass of wine (compared to 150 calories in a beer). Plus wine is a fat-free and cholesterol-free drink. Cheers!
To advertise in this newspaper
Spesialis kwekery van kaktusse en vetplante Adres: Klaasvoogdswes pad (tussen Robertson en Ashton op die R60) Tel: 023 626 4133 Besigheidsure: Ma - Do: 8h00 - 17h00 Vry/Sat en Vakansiedae: 8h00 - 16h00
Leandra van Greunen (079) 275 0419
Theo Smouse
(072) 947 7325
Health MAY 2014 5
Common Ear, Nose & Throat Problems in Children
Dr. A van Lierop ENT specialist
Children often have a significant level of Ear, Nose, Throat and Upper Respiratory problems. Because of their inability to vocalise , often the symptoms are neglected. “My child is having a flu all the time”; may be a common comment made by parents in the play-group and kindergarten age. Hearing difficulty may be undiagnosed leading to learning impairment in this age group. Blocked Nose and Mouth Breathing These are relatively common symptoms. Often, the cause may be obvious such as the common cold or flu. Possible Causes: Allergy, Sinusitis, Swollen Turbinates, Enlarged Adenoids or Tonsils. Runny Nose The most common cause for a runny nose is the common cold or flu. This typically increase in severity over 2 to 3 days often associated with a cough or fever. If the discharge is clear and there are morning symptoms of sneezing and congested nose, the most likely cause is allergy. Chronic Cough Chronic cough may be caused by allergy or sinusitis resulting from a post nasal drip. Chest infection and asthma are the other causes. A persistent cough is not normal and needs to be evaluated by a doctor. Sorethroat Pharyngitis and Tonsillitis are common causes. Usually this starts as a viral infection in which antibiotics is not necessary. If the sore throat worsens, and phlegm develops, a course of antibiotics is helpful. Tonsillitis is often associated with
Physical Address: 74 Berlyn St. Paarl Telephone: +27(0)21 872 7472
high fever in a child. If this is happening regularly, then a visit to the ENT doctor would be helpful. Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy, can now be accomplished as a day procedure with quick recovery. Snoring Regularly loud snoring and noisy breathing should be assessed to exclude blocked nose, allergies, enlarged adenoids and tonsils. The most common cause for this is enlarged tonsils and/or adenoids. If this is the cause their removal will solve the problem. Ear Ache This is caused by either an external or middle ear infection and is also a frequent cause of hearing loss. In infants and toddlers look for ear pulling, scratching at the ear, hearing problems, crying, irritability, fever, vomiting and ear drainage. In the older children and adults, earache, pressure sensation, hearing loss, dizziness, ear drainage and fever may present. Hearing Loss A child that has delayed or inaccurate speech needs to have their hearing assessed. Diminished hearing affects learning ability. The cause is usually in the outer or middle ear. In rare situation, the hearing loss is a result of a nerve condition. The take home message is that if your child is having recurring symptoms in the same areas, do consult your physician for an evaluation. Most of the problems can be solved if there is accurate assessment and treatment. Cure Day Clinic St. Stephen’s Paarl, a state-of-the-art medical facility which offers excellent same-day procedures
You will save time and money! Ask us why - call us today.
For a complete list of procedures see:
Contact us on - Tel: 021 200 2309 Email: Facebook: CureDayClinicsSA
By Dr. Nicola Grobler
Nocturnal Enuresis Bedwetting (enuresis) is not caused by psychological factors. On the contrary, the condition causes psychological problems manifested in reduced self-esteem, shame and guilt. This can be restored through better understanding, managements and treatment . Active treatment should be started as soon as the child is ready to receive it, options being an enuresis alarm, medication, behavioural therapy or alternative therapy. About 15% of all junior school children wet their bed. By high school 2% will still experience enuresis. If kids continue to wet the bed past the age of 5, it is a problem that should be treated. Boys are more affected than girls. Most children stop daytime wetting by age 3. Most children also stop nighttime wetting shortly after age 3. Failure to stop nighttime wetting is called nocturnal enuresis or bedwetting. Primary enuresis most often represents developmental delay. In secondary enuresis the patient regresses after a period of continence. The idea that bedwetting will simply go away if you are patient and wait long enough is false. About 1 out of every 7 or 8 children who wet their bed will stop wetting a year later if nothing is done. It is not a good idea to wait for a child to outgrow the problem. This can cause the child’s selfesteem to suffer. Bedwetting is upsetting to children and parents. Emotional distress is most often the result of bedwetting. It is not the cause. There are various causes and there is a genetic link. Children who wet the bed have not learned how to control the muscles they need to prevent wetting during sleep. They cannot make the physical response during sleep. As a result, they cannot wake up in the night to go to the bathroom. There is no single cure for treating Enuresis. In general, as long as the child takes the medication treatments,
these treatments tend to produce a decrease in bedwetting. When the child stops taking medications, the bedwetting often returns. Medications rarely “cure” bedwetting. Medications might provide a temporary answer to the problem by allowing children to control bedwetting for short periods of time (great for holidays and sleepovers). It is advisable to use medication in conjunction with Bedwetting Alarm Treatment, Behavioural Therapies or other Alternative Therapy. It is not difficult to find alternatives to the traditional approaches to bedwetting, but deciding whether to try them is something else entirely. From acupuncture to homeopathy, there are a lot of options and still more questions. An open mind, independence and the willingness to sift through a lot of information are required of parents looking to treat their child’s bedwetting. Chiropractic Care The most often mentioned alternative approach to bedwetting, or enuresis, is chiropractic care. Although once seen as way out of the mainstream, chiropractic manipulation of the spine is now recognized as a medical treatment. Chiropractic care for nocturnal enuresis treats the bladder through manipulation of the lower spine and pelvis. Since the nerve supply to the muscles, which control urinary emptying, are connected to the brain through the spinal cord, it is believed that aligning the spine will correct any slow messaging or incomplete signals between the brain and the bladder.
AWSUM Kombuis 6 MAY 2014
Some Like It Hot
The weather is really getting chilly and I can feel the cold seeping right down deep into my bones and my belly is talking to me, saying that it got a message form my body, saying it needs to be heated from within. I must say I tend to agree with this body, I think it is time to start pulling out all the heartwarming comfort food recipes.
Let’s Cook! Lamb, Brinjal and Butter Bean Curry Serves 4 to 6 Curry 2 long, large, firm brinjals, cubed 3 Tbs vegetable oil 3 Tbs unsalted butter 3 large onions, thinly sliced 5 cm piece fresh ginger, grated 15 ml coriander seeds, toasted and ground 15 ml cumin seeds, toasted and ground 5 cardamom pods, toasted and ground 5 ml turmeric 10 ml chilli powder 1 fresh green chilli, slit 1.5 kg lean cubed lamb or lamb knuckle 2 large ripe tomatoes, chopped 10 cloves garlic, crushed salt, to taste about 1 ½ cups boiling water ¾ tsp ground cinnamon 2 cups cooked butter beans 10 curry leaves (optional) 3 Tbs chopped fresh coriander Raita 2 cups thick Greek yogurt 1 medium English cucumber, washed 1 tsp roasted ground cumin 1 Tbs chopped fresh mint 1 Tbs chopped fresh coriander 2 tsp fresh lemon juice salt to taste
To make the curry, salt the Brinjal cubes and let them sweat for 20 minutes. Rinse under cold water and pat dry. Heat two tablespoons of oil in a large frying pan and brown the brinjals lightly - don’t cook them completely. Set aside till needed. Heat the butter and one tablespoon of oil in a large saucepan, add the onions and let them cook gently till they reduce down to two-thirds of their original size. Add a few drops of water if need be to stop them from burning. Now stir in the ginger, ground coriander, cumin, cardamom, turmeric and chilli powder, and cook stirring for a few minutes to release the fragrance of the spices, adding a few spoonful’s of warm water at a time to stop them from burning. Stir in the fresh chilli and lamb, and cook with spices for 5 minutes. Don’t let it stick. Add the tomatoes and garlic, season with salt and cover with a lid, simmering for 20 minutes. Lift the lid and add the boiling water, just enough to cover the lamb, and stir in the cinnamon. Simmer till the lamb is tender; about 50 to 60 minutes.
While the curry is simmering away, make the Raita. Place the yogurt in a bowl. Peel half of the cucumber and chop very finely. Dice the other half (with the skin on) and stir all the cucumber into the yoghurt with the cumin, mint, coriander and lemon juice. Season with salt and add a little more cumin if you like. Set aside in the fridge until needed. Just before you are ready to serve, add the beans, brinjals and curry leaves to the lamb, and cook till warmed through. Stir in the fresh coriander and serve with roti. or steamed rice, and the cucumber and mint Raita. Tip: Cook the onions nice and slow till they cook right down. The sugars cook out of them this way, giving you an amazing curry © Jenny Morris extracted from the Book Taste The World with Jenny Morris
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MAY 2014 7
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Specialising in MX Farewell Dresses Bridesmaids Dresses Viewing by appointment only ... 15 Louie Street, Paarl -
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Paarl Boys’ High School 8 MAY 2014
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Baie geluk met ons seuns wat in die volgende spanne gekies is:
O/15a vs Rondebosch. Ons wen 14-1! Baie geluk manne!
Western Province u.18 Craven Week team: 5 Ruben de Villiers, Replacements: 17 Wikus Groenewald, 19 Charl-François du Toit. Western Province u.18 Academy A: Replacements: 18 Derrick Marais, 22 Rayhaan Lombaard. Western Province u.16 Grant Khomo Week team: 15 G Lombaard, 12 M Ras, 8 K Ncusane, 7 C Serdyn, 5 S Moerat. Replacements: 18 R Barnard. Veels geluk ook aan Mnr Elmo Wolfaardt as afrigter van die WP Akademie span.
Baie Geluk!!!
Tian Siebritz, Carel Matthee, Joshua Shone, Daniel Jackson.
Springbok oefengroep
Callie Visagie (Old Boy 2006 & Oud Matie kaptein) is sopas geroep na die Springbok oefengroep wat tans voorberei in Durban en sal inval met old boy Frans Malherbe .Baie geluk Callie!
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Paarl Girls’ High School MAY 2014 9
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Email - or phone - 021 872 3880 Trotse oomlik vir HMS Paarl Hoër Meisieskool Paarl het op Dinsdag, 27 Mei 2014 geskiedenis gemaak deur amptelik hul astro veld te open. Oud en huidige Beheerliggaamslede, oud en huidige onderwysers, oud leerders
en huidige leerders en vriende van die Hoër Meisieskool Paarl was daar om die geleentheid by te woon. Dit was ‘n pragtige, genotvolle en stylvolle aand.
The U.13A hockey played against Courtrai and won 2-0. What a privilege for these young girls to play on this surface at such a young age. The first team (U.18A) also played a most
exciting game against DF Malan. They won 3-2 and made us really proud! After the official opening the old girls entertained the crowd with their skills – to our surprise they were not rusty at all!
Foto geneem deur: Neil van Blerk, SA Schools photography.
‘Miss Girls’ High’
Die jaarlikse ‘Miss Girls’ High’ het plaasgevind op Donderdag aand 15 Mei 2014. Dit was ‘n produksie van hoogstaande gehalte. Beoordeelaars Susra Matthee, A.D. Muller, Shereelee Gildenhuys, Eduan Roos en Zahnell de Abreu het die moeilike taak gehad om die 12 finaliste te beoordeel.
Boland Hockey
Santi Turner is bekroon as ‘Miss Girls’ High’ 2014. Nicola Neethling is aangewys as eerste prinses en Mienke Ehlers as tweede Prinses. Nadia Pretorius is as Mejuffrou Fotogenies aangewys en Rachel Pienaar as Mejuffrou Persoonlikheid.
Congratulations to the following girls who were chosen to represent the various Boland Hockey teams. They
will participate at the provincial festivals during the June/July holidays. Well done girls!
Back row: Danelle du Toit (u/18 Barlinka); Alyssa Rademan (u/18 Barlinka); Lee-Ann Louwrens (u/18 A IPT); Emma Scriba (u/16B IPT); Danelle Rabie (U/18B IPT) Middle Row: Nika Botha (u/14 Barlinka); Carmen Kirsten (u/16 Barlinka); Nicole Smit (u/14 Barlinka); Francia Pretorius (u/14 Barlinka) Front Row: Nika Botha (u/14 Barlinka); Dudu Ntidi (u/14 Barlinka); Li-ohnie Le Roux (u/16 Barlinka); Monique Mostert (u/16 Barlinka).
HMS Debat skitter
V.l.n.r. - Mienke Ehlers 2de Prinses, Santi Turner ‘Miss Girls’ High 2014’, Nicola Neethling 1ste prinses.
Al die “Miss Girls’ High” Finaliste: Agter v.l.n.r. – Rachel Pienaar (Mej Persoonlikheid), Hamlin Basson, Natasha Obermeyer, Anke Geldenhuys, Nadia Pretorius (Mej Fotogenies), Natalie Canipe, Mieke Karsten, Helanie Griessel, Mareli Lombard. Voor v.l.n.r. - Mienke Ehlers 2de Prinses, Santi Turner ‘Miss Girls’ High 2014’, Nicola Neethling 1ste prinses.
Carli van Wyk (Gr.11) (Links) en Jeanette Naudè (Gr. 12) (Regs) het Saterdag 23 Mei deelgeneem aan die ATKV WesKaap finaal. Na ‘n debat is daar beslis dat hulle verkies is om die Wes-Kaap te verteenwoordig by die Nasionale ATKVdebats finaal. Hulle het hul opponente uitoorlê deur te bewys dat Engels wel nie verreikende gevolge op die voortbestaan van Afrikaans sal hê nie. Geluk met hierdie puik prestasie dames.
Baie Geluk!!!
Hoërskool Paarl Gimnasium 10 MAY 2014 Netbal
Tydens die afgelope Weskaap proewe wat die 23ste en 24ste Mei in Oudtshoorn plaasgevind het is die volgende spelers in Weskaap spanne opgeneem in hul onderskeie ouderdomsgroepe. Wat hierdie prestasie so uitsonderlik maak is die feit dat die spelers teen spelers
van WP, SWD en Weskus moes kompeteer om die finale spanne te haal. 20 Spelers het aan die proewe deelgeneem en 17 is in spanne opgeneem. Ons is die skool met die meeste verteenwoordiging. Nog ‘n ongelooflike prestasie!
Benna Marais is aangewys as die beste leerder van Paarl Gimnasium in die 2014 Universiteit van Kaapstad Wiskundekompetisie en het ‘n prys gewen wat deur Oxford University Press geskenk is. ‘n Totaal van 75 van ons leerders het aan hierdie kompetisie deelgeneem. Baie geluk met hierdie besonderse prestasie.
Eliana Burger is gedurende Maart vir die SA Federasie tuimel- en trampolienspan verkies om gedurende die komende Junie-vakansie aan die Indo-Passifiese kampioenskappe te Sun CIty te gaan deelneem. Sy gaan kompeteer teen spanne van Argentinië, Australië, Brasilië, Kanada, China, Japan, Mexiko, Namibië, NewZeeland, Katar, en V.S.A . Sy neem in die ouderdomsgroep 17 jaar en ouer deel. Hierdie is ‘n uitstekende prestasie vir so ‘n skrander sportvrou wat maar slegs 1 jaar aan trampolien deelneem en 3 jaar aan tuimel. Mariëtte van der Merwe is haar trampolienafrigter en Marise Rabie (Oud-Gimmie) is haar tuimelafrigter.
Die spelers op die foto vlnr is: Voor: Chrisley Hamman, Bianca de Wee, Lisa Job, Milla van Huyssteen, Chrisley Marshall en Zanelle Basson 2de ry: Annelie Lucas, Kyla de Wee, Kirsten-Lee Muller, Mienke van Rooyen, Anri van Zyl, Janke Pentz en Angelique du Toit. Agter: Alexa Haasbroek, Tersha de Wet, Rochelle Rossouw en Nielke Matthee. Afwesig: Nicola van der Merwe en Cara Uys. Afrigter: Annelie Lucas.
Be AWSUM. Read AWSUM. Hoërskool New Orleans Kamp by Weskus Die Rangels Angels het onlangs ‘n Kamp by Weskus gehad. Die doel van die kamp was spanbou, om die leerders se kreatiewe denke uit te beeld en om hulle leierskapvaardighede aan te leer. Hulle het strandspeletjies met uitdagings gedoen. Hulle moes ook‘n oorlogskreet ontwikkel en uitbeeld (WONDERLIK vir DERBY) Die span het 3e gekom uit 20 skole.
Op TV Juf. Dumas het onlangs op die twee KYKNET-Programme Bravo en Fiesta toe sy die toekenning ontvang het vir haar bydrae tot die ontwikkeling van Afrikaansverskyn.
Baskelbalspan Marché Hendricks (16) het aan die 0/20 proewe te Maties deelgeneem Sy het die o/20 Wes-Kaap Basketbalspan behaal en het die 22ste tot die 25 ste Mei aan die SA- Kampioene in Johannesburg deelgeneem. Die sestienjarige dogter was die enigste leerder tussen die meer ervare studente .Die afrigter van die Maties het haar genooi om by die die span aan te sluit.Hierdie veelsydige sportvrou het nou ook begin roei .... Bergrivier Marathon... hier kom Marché.
Baie Geluk!!!
Bernelee Fortuin , Byron Fotuin en Fenito Mehl is gekies vir die O/17 tafeltennis Bolandspan wat tussen 4-11 Julie aan die Naionale Kampioenskappe gaan deel neem.
Sean is gekies as die beste presteerder tydens die jaarlikse UCT Wiskunde olimpiade. Dis sy tweede keer dat hy hierdie prys verower. Hy neem all vanaf gr. 8 deel en is tans in gr 12. Hy het die prysuitdeling in die Baxter teater bygewoon. Sy suster, Lorisha,tans , Matie het ookal die prys gewen.Dit lyk my dit vloei in die bloed.
Hoërskool La Rochelle MAY 2014 11
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Musiek-skouspel ‘n TOUR DE FORCE! Die Hoër Meisieskool La Rochelle het die produksie -THE STORY OF MY LIFE - in die Stadsaal op 21 en 22 Mei 2014 aangebied. Die produksie het ontstaan met die gedagte om die drama-, musiek- en danstalente van die Larries tot ‘n skouspel te kombineer. THE STORY OF MY LIFE is die verhaal van “Alie”, ‘n
karakter wat ontleen is aan die skrywer en Oudlarrie, Alba Bouwer se verhale. Alie (gespeel deur Zini Gordon, Jennifer la Grange, Megan Groenewald en Jette Kirsten) se lewe word nie soseer beskryf nie, maar is ‘n metafoor van menswees. Dit beweeg deur die fases van kleuter, laerskoolkind,
tiener, die vroeë volwassene, waar jy jou lewensmaat ontmoet, beroep moet vind en beoefen, die latere volwasse stadium, en, uiteindelik, jou terugkyk- en nostalgiejare. Die samestelling van die teks is deur Elmeri van Heerden, Luzanne Oosthuizen en Lientjie Olivier gedoen.
Boland Landbou 12 MAY 2014
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Boland toer na Framesby in Port Elizabeth
Die afgelope tyd was ʼn bedrywige tyd op die rugbyveld vir die seuns van Boland Landbouskool. Ons A-rugby spanne het almal deelgeneem aan die Wildeklawer Rugbytoernooi in Kimberley en het daarna teen Rondebosch, Boishaai en Framesby gespeel. Die afgelope naweek het 14 van ons rugbyspanne vir die eerste keer teen Framesby in Port Elizabeth deelgeneem. Ons het
die Vrydagoggend vertrek, oorgeslaap in gastehuise en hotelle en weer direk na die eerste span se wedstryd terug huis toe vertrek. Die seuns het dit baie geniet om as ʼn skool saam weg te gaan en te speel teen Framesby teen wie ons nie normaalweg speel nie. Ons laaste 2 wedstryde van die kwartaal is teen Wynberg en Paarl Gimnasium. Beide hierdie wedstryde is weg-wedstryde.
Danté Parsons oppad doellyn toe.
Joppie du Pisani.
Eerste span kaptein – Gerhard du Toit.
Roché le Roux voor met die bal en Heinrich de Waal.
Conrad Fourie druk ‘n drie teen Framesby.
Met die gees van Boland Landbou skort daar niks nie.
Ons is baie trots op ons gholfspan wat tans onoorwonne is.
Eerste span se lof word deur die skool besing.
Hierdie week is ons jaarlikse CSV-week. Dit word aangebied deur die jeugwerker Johan Visser en sy span. Die kinders is elke aand bederf met hot chocolate en marschmallows. Tydens die afsluiting het elkeen ‘n lekker groot stuk koek gekry.
Timothy Ministries Team saam met ons voorsitter van die CSV Heinrich Meyer. Vlnr: Gideon-Hendrik Hugo, De Villiers du Plessis, Johan Lubbe, Jacques le Roux, Marco Joubert en Linde Carstens. Afrigter: Manie Smit .
Ons tema vir die week is LEEF. Die bannier is geverf deur Pieter Goliath, Francois Swartz en Brandon Ackerman.
Hugenote Hoërskool MAY 2014 13
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Hokkiespelers in Boland-spanne
Arrie van der Schyf en Carina van As het deelgeneem aan die Wes-Kaap Biathle Kampioenskap. Arrie het ‘n 2de plek gekry in die Youth B Boys-afdeling en Carina ‘n 3de plek in die Youth A-afdeling. Beide neem in Junie deel aan die Suid-Afrikaanse Kampioenskap in Durban.
Arrie van der Schyf.
Na Duitsland
‘n Graad 11-leerder van Hugenote Hoërskool, Annalise Heydenrych, is gekeur om deel te neem aan die FSA Jeug-uitruilprogram in Junie 2014. Sy sal by ‘n gesin tuisgaan in Duitsland en ook daar skool gaan vir 4 weke. Wat die prestasie so besonders maak is dat sy nasionaal 2de uit 70 kandidate en 1ste in Wes-Kaap gekeur is.
Carina van As.
Cyclists do it again!!!
Alexander Parsons won 2 gold medals at the SA national track cycling championships in Durban and were selected for the national team that will represent South Africa in Malaysia. Ashleigh Parsons won 4 gold medals and broke 2 SA records, in the pursuit and Time trial events.
Hanru-Daniel vd Merwe, Reinhard Reitsma, Antonio vd Westhuizen.
Ashleigh and Alexander Parsons.
Kickboxing Boland Netbal
Aventha Kearns is opgeneem in die Boland O/17- Netbalspan.
Op 3 Mei het Stephen Moore die deelgeneem aan die SA Kick Boxing K1 kampioenskappe en ‘n brons medalje in sy gewigsklas verower. Hy is ook opgeneem in die nasionale presidentsspan.
Hanru-Daniel vd Merwe, Reinhard Reitsma, Antonio vd Westhuizen.
Hanru-Daniel vd Merwe, Reinhard Reitsma, Antonio vd Westhuizen.
Worcester Gimnasium 14 MAY 2014
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Die o.14-span wen 14 -13 teen Bloemhof, wen 14 - 9 teen Hermanus en wen 13 - 8 teen Robertson. Hulle dring deur na die finale rondte en eindig met ‘n skitterende tweede plek.
Die o.15-span wen 33 - 1 teen Curro en wen 17 - 4 teen Bonnievale. Hulle verloor teen Bloemhof en Paarl Girls’ High, maar eindig met ‘n pragtige derde plek.
Boland Netbal
Worcester Gimnasium se netbalspelers het uitstekend gevaar by die Bolandproewe en 9 leerders het Boland-kleure verwerf.
Voor: Leandré Ketch (o.13), Micaela Apollis (o.17), Joy Fortuin (o.16), Oyama Fondini (o.16), Phiwo Mothemela (o.18), Zeta Sauls (o.15). Agter mej. J Sherriff (o.16-afrigter), mev. M du Toit (o.18-afrigter), Amber Beukes (o.15), Natalie van der Vyver (o.15), Danalee Cronjé (o.18) en mev. D Rabie (o.14afrigter). Vier van die leerders het uiteindelik ook hulle Wes-Kaap kleure behaal, naamlik Leandré Ketch, Joy Fortuin, Natalie van der Vyver en Danalee Cronjé.
Boland Shiraz Hokkie
27 hokkiespelers is vir die Boland Shiraz spanne gekies. Met die eerste Astro turf in die Noord-Boland wat al hoe nader aan voltooid staan, lyk die toekoms van Bosvarkhokkie blink.
Die o.16-span het puik gevaar en eindig ook derde.
Agter: Suané Smit, Hans Klüsman , Frederich Conradie, Joubert v.d. Westhuizen, Jeanette Hofmeyr, Kauthar Daniels. Tweede van agter: Heino Laubscher, Jarryd Duimelaar, Pieter Mienie, Wehan Gilfillian, Olluwaseun Akinnusi, Marét Vlok, Cassiem Fredericks. Middel: Ané le Roux, Cathy-Ann Hugo, Blake Coetzee, Eleen Burger, Trisha Bhawan, Dirk Hofmeyr, Chrisrie Oosthuizen. Voor: Adri van Wyk, Anja Laubscher, Lauren Bailey, Cerét Goosen, Robyn Ontong, Waafiqah Daniels, Sandré Prins, Helga Visser.
Drostdy Derby Hierdie drie spanne gaan deelneem aan die Wes-Kaap Top Skole Netbaltoernooi wat op 7 Junie plaasvind.
Three grade 12 learners from Worcester Gymnasium participated in the 20th Provincial Minquiz competition held in Cape Town on Thursday 15 May 2014. Petré van der Merwe (left), Cornelis van Eeden (middle) and Wilmien Esterhuyzen (right) represented Worcester Gymnasium in the Gold category and were selected to compete in the oral quiz where they eventually ended 4th. Cornelis van Eeden took 2nd place overall in the written quiz and will form part of the regional team that will represent the Western Cape at the national final quiz in Johannesburg.
We can stand proud after another very successful FNB Classic Clashes day against HTS Drostdy. The learners showed excellent spirit and commitment throughout the day.
ATKV Redenaars
Danelle eindig tweede in die Wes-Kaapse been van die ATKV Redenaarskompetisie en word gekies om die Wes-Kaap later vanjaar by die nasion/ale eindrondte in Rustenburg te verteenwoordig.
The rugby boys showed great fight, with the first team finally going down 12 – 20 in a well-fought match. On the photo: Jeanrick Scheepers makes a dangerous run on the wing.
The netball girls did brilliantly with only one match being lost. The first team won convincingly. On the photo: The first team poses after their massive 25 – 2 victory.
All the boys’ hockey teams won their matches. The boys’ first team won a tightly-contested affair 2 – 1. On the photo: Frederich Conradie in full flight.
The girls’ hockey proved too strong for Drostdy as they won all their matches. The girls’ first team won 5 – 0. On the photo: Jeanette Hofmeyr congratulates Georgina du Plessis on one of their 5 goals.
Hoërskool Montana MAY 2014 15
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Hoërskool Montana het sy eie kamerkoor, Fantastique, hulle het op 20 Mei 2014 aan HJS Paarl se Koorfees deelgeneem. Die groep word begelei deur Aidan Forbes, ‘n graad 9 leerder van ons skool en ‘n klavierstudent van die Liza Fourie Musiekskool.
Marga Janse van Rensburg is gekies in die Boland netbalspan (0.17).
Die Skoolkoor en en die Kamerkoor, Fantastique, het op 25 Mei by die NG Moederkerk Worcester tydens ‘n erediens opgetree.
Hoërskool Montana se bestuurskomitee het onlangs ‘n sokkie dans gereël vir ons leerders met die tema “ Western”. Leerders het dit onsettend geniet.
Edward Boshoff, Jeanni le Roux, Juli-Ann Jefferies, Stephani Pool, Delani Kruger, Marco Groenewald, Nicomie Bosman.
Hoërskool Montana se Seuns 0.19A Hokkiespan ontvang hul klere van hul borg Hermitage Makelaars. Ons sê baie baie dankie vir die goeie gebaar.
Foto agter: Llewelyn Groenewald, Zian Erasmus, Robin Reed, Manfred Oeh, Alistair Januarie, Cobus Neethling (Kaptein) Jacobus Lombaard. Middel: Dehan Hugo, Edward Boshoff, Stefan Lingenfelder. Voor: Jaco Laubscher, Tertius Niewoudt, Marco Groenewald.
Boland Shiraz hokkie toernooi
Die volgende leerders is gekies om aan die Boland Shiraz Hokkie toernooi deel te neem.
Agter: Stefan Lingenfelder (0.18), Cobus Neethling (0.18), Marco Groenewald (o.18). 2de ry: Alika Nieuwoudt (0.14) Lorma Janse van Rensburg en Dehan Hugo (o.16). 3de ry: Juarnette West en Francois Jacobs (.014) Adriaan Hennig en Christelle Hough (0.16). Voor: Robyn Africa (o.14).
Op Vrydag, 9 Mei het vyf van ons skool se leiers in graad 11 en 12 die voorreg gehad om die jaarlikse Leierskapkonferensie by Hoërskool Meisieskool La Rochelle in die Paarl by te woon. Hulle het die voorreg gehad om na dinamiese spreker soos mnr Riaan Truter en dr Gillian Arendse te luister en ook ander leiers regoor die Wes-Kaap te ontmoet.
Agter: Anrike du Toit, Thalia Burger. Voor: Eileen Whitehead, Lindi v Wyk, Marco Groenewald, Luanne Willemse en Dean Paulse.
Anrike du Toit en Thalia Burger.
Foto Ons leerders saam met van die ander skole se leiers.
Fun & Games 16 MAY 2014
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Pssst.. Ons wil weet... van jou en jou vriende, so stuur vir ons jou foto’s!
Speel papparazzi en stuur vir ons fotos van jouself, jou vriende, jou onnies, jou hond, jou familie... Dit mag dalk net op die AWSUM Scoop-blad in die AWSUM Koerant geplaas word. Neem foto’s in die klas, langs die sportveld, by die huis, net waar jy wil of neem `n selfie en stuur dit!
Hi. My naam is Alana Louw. Ek is in gr. 9A in GHS PAARL. Hier dit en kyk my kat Tinkerbell na Woef en Kie op Kyknet.
Carel kwalifiseer met hierdie rit te Parys om in Julie die Nasionale kampioenskap te ry op Fauresmith.
Ons stel bekend: Die AWSUM Scoop - Blad Stuur jou nuus na
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